Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “How I spent the Victory Day holiday. Essay with presentation: How I spent the Victory Day Letter on how I spent May 9

Until today, I only watched the Victory Day parade on TV. I know what happened on this day great victory red army and Soviet people over the fascists of Germany. This year, our whole family decided to go to the city center for the grand opening of the parade.

Coming out of the house onto the street, there were many people with us who were also planning to go to the holiday. Having reached the center, all the people headed towards the main square, each with a St. George's ribbon hanging on his chest. People smiled, carried carnations and flags in their hands, and there was a feeling that everyone had known each other for many years.

Military music was playing in the square itself, and everything was ready for the start of the parade. Having taken an empty seat, I began to peer into the distance, impatiently waiting for the appearance of military equipment. Suddenly the music stopped playing, there was silence, the air was somehow thick. My heart began to beat rapidly, I looked at those around me, there were small children and very elderly people. But everyone, as one, was silently waiting for something, suddenly a loud and clear familiar voice from the TV announced the opening of the parade and at the same moment the bells began to ring.

Accompanied by a brass band, the commander-in-chief brought the frozen troops into action; the guards marched first, carrying a banner and a flag. Russian Federation. Behind them the rest of the troops began to move, a voice familiar to me introduced everyone to the leaving regiment. And then, finally, the sound of a running engine was heard. military equipment. I stood up on my tiptoes and craned my neck, eagerly awaiting their appearance.

The ground shook under my feet, the famous T-34 tank was approaching, I had never seen it so close. Huge armored personnel carriers, missile launchers and the latest tanks that take fighting. With pride and, in my opinion, with my mouth open, I looked and admired. The roar of approaching military helicopters and fighter jets rose overhead.

I noticed that the grandmother standing next to me had sparkling eyes, but she was smiling and it was clear that she wanted to cry. Everything in my chest tightened, I remember when I was very little, my great-grandfather told how the Germans held them captive as children. How they pierced my great-grandmother’s gutta-percha doll with a bayonet. They survived all this and were participants in the war, but could not live to this day. In the distance, opposite, I noticed many elderly people with awards on their chests. Only today I realized that every year we celebrate not only the victory, but also the memory of those people who participated in the war.

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Of course, an important attribute of any holiday is a feast. When preparing the holiday menu, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and tastes of veterans, since they are the main heroes of the occasion on this day. It is likely that your grandmother or grandfather will ask you to prepare ordinary soldier’s pea or millet porridge. And it is this dish that will become the most pleasant memory for them on this memorable day about everyday life at the front.

To create a favorable and warm atmosphere with your family, you can invite veterans you know to visit on this day and, in a festive atmosphere, have a conversation-memory of difficult years war. Moreover, it is desirable that all family members be present, so that the veterans feel that their descendants are not indifferent to the common cause of the war years, the result of which was the Victory.

If the family has schoolchildren, then the parents’ task is to ask them to memorize 1-2 poems about war. It is desirable that these be favorite poems veteran - grandparents, or poems that are very popular. For example, “Wait for me.” Reading poetry during or after a festive feast will certainly be a good surprise for the older generation. Children, preparing for the holiday, participate in the process of preparing the room, using appliqué, origami and drawing.

It is very important that the child understands that through his work, through his participation, he helps common cause- creating a warm holiday atmosphere with the family. It is interesting for children to watch how, through their efforts, an ordinary room turns into a beautifully decorated room: in the center there is a table with delicacies prepared with their help, on the wall there is a beautiful “newspaper” with pictures on the theme of war, painted with their own hands, on the window there are flowers in a beautiful vase , an album with photographs of the war years was taken out of the closet, today everyone can see them. Preparations for the Victory Day holiday may take approximately this scenario.

Of course, veterans must always be treated with respect, but on Victory Day they should be given special attention and care, because they deserve it at a price own health, happiness and prosperity, sacrificed all this for the bright and calm days of real life.

On the pages of our website you will find many stories for children of any age: for schoolchildren and preschoolers stories about the Great Patriotic War, stories about war heroes.

Interesting and useful information for schoolchildren about the Victory Day holiday.

On May 9, Russia celebrates Victory Day. Victory Day Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The war began on June 22, 1941. Our entire people rose up to fight German fascist invaders: there were queues at the military registration and enlistment offices, sometimes people went to the front straight from school. Only women, children and old people remained in the rear. They worked in factories, dug trenches, built defensive structures, and extinguished incendiary bombs on roofs. They also raised children and saved the future of the country. The main motto of the entire people was: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

But despite the heroic resistance, the enemy was uncontrollably approaching Moscow. To deceive the German pilots who bombed Moscow, houses and trees were painted on the Kremlin wall. The domes of the Kremlin cathedrals did not shine with gold: they were painted black, and the walls were covered with green and black stripes. Our fighters also blocked the path of enemy aircraft. A division under the command of General Panfilov fought on the approaches to Moscow. At the Dubosekovo railway crossing, twenty-eight of our soldiers with political instructor Vasily Klochkov stopped a fascist tank column. Before the start of the fierce battle, Klochkov uttered a phrase that became historical: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind.” Almost all of Panfilov’s heroes died, but did not allow enemy tanks to approach Moscow.

As Hitler's army advanced eastward, partisan detachments began to appear in the territories occupied by the Germans. Partisans blew up fascist trains, organized ambushes and surprise raids.

Berlin has fallen. The war of the Soviet and other peoples against German fascism ended in complete victory. But the price of this victory was great and bitter. Our country lost about 27 million people in this terrible war.

On May 9, 1945, Moscow was illuminated with fireworks to the long-awaited victory. Our entire country celebrated the first day of peace with jubilation. Muscovites left their homes and hurried to Red Square. On the streets, the military was hugged, kissed, grabbed and swung, thrown over the heads of the seething sea of ​​​​people. At midnight, an unprecedented fireworks display burst out. Thirty salvoes were fired from a thousand guns.

The holiday of May 9 has become sacred for each of us. We should all remember the past and thank the older generation for the Great Victory.

How to spend May 9th with your family

You should definitely congratulate all veterans you know on this holiday. The fascist fanatics prepared a terrible fate for many peoples. They wanted to wipe out entire nations from the face of the earth, leaving them without a future - without children. There was not a single family in our country to whom this war did not bring grief. And we all, born after this terrible war, should be grateful for our lives to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War! On this day, buy some carnations with your mom or dad and go to the city park. You will probably see people there with orders and medals on their chests. There are fewer and fewer heroes of that war every year. Come and congratulate such a person on the holiday, give him a flower or just a card. He will be very pleased that even the smallest Russians remember his feat.

And in the evening, when the whole family gets together, ask your parents to show you family album. Surely there will be photographs of your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers during the war years. These photographs are black and white, sometimes rusty with age. Let adults remember the names and surnames of those who look at you from the album pages, remember where your great-grandfathers worked and served during and after the war. If the photos are not signed, sign them together with mom and dad. Then you can look through and sign dad's army photos or mom and dad's student photos. And now your childhood photographs are smiling from the album. They are bright, elegant, colorful. This is exactly what those who will forever remain “black and white” dreamed of and fought for. All photographs must be signed. Because memory is short-lived. And “what is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.” Someday you yourself will leaf through this album with your son or daughter and tell them the story of your family. In Rus', people who do not remember family traditions have long been spoken of disparagingly: “Ivan, who does not remember kinship.” Let's protect, preserve and enhance the history and traditions of our family!

You can end this slightly sad holiday with songs from the war years. They are known and loved in every Russian family. And, of course, the main song of this holiday is “Victory Day”. Before everyone sings it together, you need to stand up and take a minute of silence to honor the memory of all the fallen soldiers from the front and rear.

Song "Victory Day"

Music: David Tukhmanov

Words: Vladimir Kharitonov

Victory Day,

how far he was from us,

Like in an extinguished fire

the coal was melting.

There were miles

burnt, in dust, -

We are approaching this day

as best they could.


This Victory Day

smelled like gunpowder

It's a holiday

with gray hair at the temples.

This is joy

with tears in my eyes.

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Days and nights

at open hearth furnaces

Our Motherland did not close

Days and nights

fought a difficult battle -

We are approaching this day

as best they could.


Hello mom,

Not all of us returned...

Would like to go for a run barefoot

We walked half of Europe,

half the Earth, -

We are approaching this day

as best they could.


>Essays by topic

How we celebrate Victory Day in our family

Victory Day is the main holiday for the residents of our country. Despite the fact that since the end of the Great Patriotic War More than seventy years have passed, the Russian people still continue to honor the memory of the soldiers who bravely fought for our Motherland.

My family is very sensitive to observing this tradition, since our great-grandfather was a war hero, and he gave his life for his loved ones and his native country. He was even posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Battle. Therefore, on May 9, we will definitely take part in the procession of the “Immortal Regiment” as a family.

On Victory Day, my brother and I, of course, cannot miss the famous military parade in our city - St. Petersburg, which takes place on Palace Square. Therefore, on this May morning, we usually get up very early in order to get to the site of demonstrations of military equipment and army aviation and take the best seats.

On the evening of May 9, the city authorities usually organize a festive concert in honor of veterans on Palace Square. If time permits, we enjoy visiting it with the whole family. Sometimes we go to performances by local artists in the park near our house. A lot of people also gather there and there is a cheerful and festive atmosphere.

Traditionally, at ten in the evening on the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress in our city you can watch a grandiose festive fireworks display. This is a very beautiful sight that always makes a great impression on me. If we succeed, then we watch this enchanting show directly from Palace Square, after the concert.

May 9th is a family holiday for us, which we celebrate not only with my parents and older brother, but also with my grandparents. In the afternoon, we usually all gather together at the dinner table to honor the memory of the fallen war heroes and wish health and longevity to all those living today.

Essay “How I spent the Victory Day”

Head: Larisa Yuryevna Kutsenko, teacher of the KhMAO-Yugra "Uray Specialized Children's Home"
Description: An essay with a presentation has been prepared for participation in class hour primary school.
Target: formation of patriotic feelings.
1. Promote moral and patriotic education.
2. Instill a sense of respect and pride for the Victory Day.

How I spent Victory Day.

So May 9th arrived. The weather that day was sunny, but there was a strong wind. We dressed smartly and attached St. George ribbons. We bought beautiful carnations and together with my mother and sisters, according to tradition, went to the parade in the morning.

We walked in the column of the “Immortal Regiment” and carried a portrait of my great-great-grandfather. My great-great-grandfather, junior lieutenant Grigory Aleksandrovich Zhernovnikov, was called up to the front in 1941 from the village of Tugulym, Sverdlovsk region. Four children and his wife were left waiting for him at home. Grigory Aleksandrovich fought in the 162nd Infantry Division and was a platoon commander in the 627th Infantry Regiment. He took part in the Battle of Vitebsk, in the “Vyazemsky Cauldron” the troops were surrounded, and the division was defeated, then after the second formation of the division, Grigory Aleksandrovich was transferred to the Kharkov region, where he participated as part of the 28th Army in May 1942 in the unsuccessful Kharkov operation, and disappeared missing The family received the last letter from him from the Kharkov direction. We are very proud of our great-great-grandfather! And we believe that it was not in vain that he gave his life for freedom and a peaceful sky above our heads!

We laid flowers at the Eternal Flame. At the parade, we looked at the wartime vehicles with interest. How the soldiers of the honor guard walked. The cadets stood in neat and orderly rows. An orchestra in smart clothes played military marches. The drummers beat the drums. The athletes walked in beautiful rows, and the guard of honor stood at attention next to Eternal Flame. Our respected veterans sat on benches and watched the parade and accepted congratulations. I just wanted to hug them all and wish them good health. After all, there are very few of them left. Everything on the square was solemn and beautiful. Stella had a lot of flowers. Flags were flying everywhere. Mom took pictures of us near the tanks. They were so huge that we wanted to climb on them. And during the day at the concert I sang the song “Children of the Earth.” Big sister Alicia launched into the sky balloons and doves of peace. It was very beautiful. The balls rose merrily into the sky, some got entangled in trees, and they looked like a New Year tree. Younger sister Caroline read the poem “Victory” to veterans near the military tents. On her shoulder was a flower from St. George Ribbon which she made herself. In the evening, when it became completely dark, we watched the fireworks. He was very handsome. On the way home we sang war songs. And only late in the evening we returned home and had a festive dinner.

Presentation on the topic: How I spent the victory holiday