Methodological development of the educational activity "Take care of the heat." Summary of the conversation in the senior group on energy saving Advice for schoolchildren on how to save heat and light

Olga Dyatchina
GCD for energy saving “Save heat and light”



Middle group.

Target:continue to introduce children to the world around them and electrical appliances; develop imagination, activate thinking; encourage children to make simple conclusions; teach careful use of energy resources (heat, electricity) Continue to familiarize children with the safety rules for handling electrical appliances.

Equipment: posters, a container with warm and cold water, an electrical appliance - a hairdryer.

Preliminary work: Didactic games, conversations, asking riddles, reading a work, looking at illustrations, posters.

Progress of the lesson.


What time of year is it outside? (winter)

What is special about this time of year? (Cold)

It's cold outside, but in our kindergarten? (warm)

Why is it warm in the garden? (heating on)

/ went to the radiators, touched them, made sure that the heat was coming in /

Why are batteries hot? (they have hot water, it gives heat to the radiators, and the radiators transfer heat to the room)

Research activities

Dip your finger first into cold water and then into warm water, and conclude that warm water emits heat.

Where are the batteries placed? (under the window)

/went to the window and touched the glass/

Is the window warm or cold? (cold)

Why is the window cold? (the glass is thin and there are small gaps through which cold air penetrates)

Do you know that heat escapes from our group through small cracks?

What needs to be done to prevent heat from escaping from us? (insulate the window, seal the cracks in the frames)

Therefore, our assistant teacher sealed all the cracks in the frames, except for the windows, which we periodically have to open to ventilate the room and saturate the group with fresh air, but we cannot leave the window open for a long time, it will become cold in the group, and we can freeze and get sick, because through the warmth goes away from her.

Through what other holes can heat escape from us? (through the open door)

What should we do to prevent heat from escaping through the door? (close tightly).

To keep the heat from leaving us, what should we do? (take care of him)

/examination of posters on heat conservation/

How did warm water end up in the radiators? (it is heated in boiler rooms with large electrical appliances)

What is electricity? (current that lives in the wires and flows through them to our homes)

What does electricity give us besides heated warm water? (light when we turn on the chandelier, lamps)

What else runs on electricity in our home? (iron, refrigerator, TV, washing machine, microwave oven, computer, vacuum cleaner, etc.)

All this equipment is called electrical appliances because they work from electricity, which is supplied to them through a wire inserted into an outlet.

/demonstration of turning on a chandelier, hair dryer/

You know a lot of electrical appliances. But you should not turn them on yourself - this is dangerous, because electric current can kill a person; you need skills and abilities in using these devices.

I suggest you play

game “Say the Word”

. I tell you a sentence, and you end it with the name of an electrical appliance.

Dad rolls the meat through... (meat grinder)

Mom irons clothes... (with an iron)

Brother took sausage out of... (refrigerator)

Sister dries her hair….(with a hairdryer)

Grandfather is drilling the wall... (drill)

Laundry is washed in .... (washing machine)

The family sat down to watch….(TV)

How good it is when there is light, and how bad it is when there is none. After all, without electricity, nothing will work, it’s bad to sit in the dark, it’s boring without a TV, food will spoil in the refrigerator, etc.

So that there is always light in our homes, what should we do for this? (Save, protect)

What does it mean to protect and save light? (don’t turn on the lights when it’s light, don’t forget to turn them off when you leave or don’t use them)

viewing posters on energy saving

That's right, we must save heat and electricity, then there will be enough for everyone and our homes will be cozy and warm.

Publications on the topic:

Purpose: to introduce children to the rules rational use energy, heat, water resources in the world and everyday life. - learn to form your own.

Photo report of the holiday: “Mom is a dear word, in that word there is warmth and light” in the older mixed-age group. We are at the holiday now, congratulations.

Notes on GCD in the senior group, development of speech “Take care of nature” Organization of continuous educational activities children in senior group"We take care of nature." Author of the abstract: Elena Sergeevna Sheikina.

Summary of a lesson on energy saving in the preparatory group GOAL: -to introduce children to saving energy; - to form children's attention to the problems of using electricity; -fix.

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Cartoon on energy saving: “Sparkle and her friends” Video Here! Finally! It happened! With joint efforts, efforts, and great desire, we created our own cartoon! I already had the pleasure.

Educational project with children “We take care of health” Relevance “Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life and worldview depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.

Summary of a conversation with children of the senior group with reading author's fairy tale Nikiforova V.I. "About the sun and his friends." Theme "Energy Saving"

Educational field: Cognition.
Target: Fostering environmental literacy, developing a caring attitude towards natural resources, energy saving, cognitive development.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, do you like to watch cartoons, listen to music, play computer games?
Well, of course, you all do it with pleasure.
Tell me, has it always been like this?
Yes, it wasn’t always like this. We use all this and don’t think about what could be different.
Listen to the fairy tale.
A fairy tale about Sunny and his friends.
In ancient times,
When the Sun and Moon illuminated the Earth,
It was difficult for people to live in the world -
They suffered a lot of hardships.

They turned to the Sun with a request:
“Shine for us, Sun, nights and days.”

The sun smiled at them in response:
“I illuminate the whole world with myself.
Your Earth is spinning, spinning!
Only I remain in my place!
You, man, call your friends
Wind, Water, Bowels of the Earth!
The people of the Sun listened to the advice -

Friends gave them warmth and light.

(People's lives have changed since then -
They got a lot of helpers!
Technology has come to the aid of people,
She became necessary.

Everyone has water, gas, heat in their house,
Everywhere is cozy, clean, bright -
In the light bulb of each Sun, greetings
Our dear electric light!

The sun gives us good advice:
“Let it always be like this, for many more years,
But it depends on all of you, friends,
I advise you to save your wealth.
Don't turn the water on too high,
Close the tap tightly.
Turn on the light when it's dark
To make it brighter, wash the window.

Try to keep your houses warm,
Everyone should have windows without slats.
Everyone needs to save their wealth
And certainly. together and amicably.
Then on Earth, which means with you,
There will always be water, electricity and gas!"
Tell me, why does the sun give us such advice?
How can we protect the Earth's riches?
Yes. Guys, only together we can preserve our wealth - water, gas. heat, electricity.
Let's play the game "Sunshine and Rain"

SUN AND RAIN (lyrics by A. Barto)
Children walk around, clap their hands, stamp their feet to the text:
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We clapped our hands
Very happy about the sun!

At the signal “It’s raining, hurry home!” everyone runs and hides under an umbrella held by an adult.
Let's draw a sun from our palms and this will be our gratitude for his good advice.
Children draw the sun, depicting rays using handprints.

Educational event

Topic: “Keep warm”

Form of conduct: Conversation.


To consolidate children’s ideas about saving, talk about the possibilities of saving: heat, consumer goods, explain the ways of obtaining, preserving and transporting water, heat, clarify children’s ideas about these processes, examine drawings and consolidate knowledge in didactic and outdoor games, cultivate a caring attitude towards water resources, respect for the results of people’s work, thanks to which all children feel warm and comfortable not only in the group, but also at home.


Visual material: Book illustrations, children's drawings.


I.Organizational part - 1-2 minutes.

II.Target message - 1 min.

III.Introductory conversation – 5 min.

IV.Main part - 20 min.

V.Final part – 2-3 minutes.

Total (30 min.)

Progress of the lesson:

I.Organizational moment.

Greetings. Psychological mood.

II.Message to the target.

Possibility of saving: heat, consumer goods, explain ways of obtaining, preserving and transporting water, heat, clarify children’s ideas about these processes, examine drawings and consolidate knowledge in didactic and outdoor games, cultivate respect for water resources, respect for the results of people’s labor , thanks to which all children feel warm and comfortable not only in the group, but also at home.

III.Introductory conversation.

Educator: Children, at school we are surrounded by many things, we are so used to them that we almost don’t notice. If you look carefully at things, you can tell why a person needs them and what they are made of. But is it possible to know everything about everything? Probably not. But it’s impossible to live without knowing the word “economics.” What is economics? (Children's answers.) Economics is a person's reasonable use of necessary goods, the desire to arrange his life more comfortably and beautifully.

IV.Main part.

Look at yourself carefully and tell me how many things you are wearing? Let's imagine that you can only wear two things, is it possible to live like that? (Children's answers.) Once upon a time in Greece there lived a philosopher whose name was Socrates. He was not poor, but was very wise and economical, which is why there are still legends about him.

He didn't attach any importance to his clothes of great importance and walked barefoot in an old raincoat. He had a lot of students whom he taught economics. One day Socrates went to the market and exclaimed: “There are so many things that I don’t need!” However, today there are people who want to buy everything and spend a lot. But the thrifty Socrates was not the only such person. Another Greek philosopher Diogenes lived in a barrel, considering such a dwelling quite comfortable, he cared about preserving environment, I thought about having more clean air so that people live longer.

A primitive man had no home, no TV, no computer, and because of the cold he hid in a cave. And only later did man learn to make fire, with the help of which he warmed his home. The simplest dwellings were built from animal skins. And some people still live in such houses.

For example, some Kazakhs live in yurts, while northerners live in tents. (The teacher shows pictures depicting this housing.) Such a house is heated with the help of fires. In the huts, which are built from logs, a Russian stove is installed for heating. Can anyone tell me about a wooden house, how and who heats it? (Children's stories.) How does heat get into a multi-story building, where there are no stoves?

The sun is shining in summer

And it's warm all around,

To a man in summer

The house is good.

But frost will come,

Blizzards, cold

And without the warm sun

How should we live then?

What did people come up with to big houses, schools, hospitals, kindergartens were warm? (Children's answers.)

Showing and viewing illustrations about the sequence of heat entering houses. The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “People have built huge boiler houses in which they heat water using fuel oil and run it through pipes and radiators so that apartments, kindergartens and hospitals are warm. Heat must be protected, since obtaining it consumes expensive fuel and releases harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Do people always conserve heat and close windows and doors? Have you noticed in life around you when people did not take care of heat? Do you always close doors behind you? Unfortunately, there are children and adults who do not close the doors when entering the entrance, and also do not seal the windows for the winter. People say about such people: an uneconomical, undisciplined, unthrifty person. But if people open windows and doors, then warm water will not save them from the cold.

You need to glue the frames

Close the doors

So that winter would be white

We can't freeze.

Look carefully at how cold the house is, and in it lives a family in which a strange beast has appeared.

Showing illustrations, reading I. Tokmakova’s poem “Strange Beast”.

Educator : What kind of animal do you think this is? Of course, guys, it's a draft. When the doors are open, it always appears and begins to expel warm air from the apartments.

Looking at illustrations. See where the draft can get to? (Through an open window, through a balcony, a door in the entrance, broken glass.) How can you save a house from a draft? (Close the doors to the entrance, seal the frames on the windows, close the vents.)

V. The final part.

This is probably where we can sum it up.Heat must be protected, since obtaining it consumes expensive fuel and releases harmful substances into the atmosphere. All people conserve warmth.

Program content: continue to develop an understanding of the unity of man and nature, responsibility for the conservation of its resources;

give a figurative and simplified explanation of such a concept as energy saving: economical use of water, electricity, heat conservation; continue to develop in children the need to save water, heat, and electricity; continue to introduce children to electricity and the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances; enrich children's vocabulary with the following lexical units: energy saving, power plant, economy, natural resources, energy saving device.


Didactic toys of Beregosh and Tranzhir; demo material“Electrical appliances”, bell, material for experiment, energy saving sticks, envelope.

Preliminary work:

Reading works of art: “The Tale of Three Brothers”, “Beregoshi’s Advice”, “Home Savings”, asking riddles, looking at illustrations and talking about the book “Technology in your home”, creating an exhibition for children creative works“Learning to save energy”; didactic games “Light, water, sound”, “Basics of safety”, “My apartment”.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The bell is ringing.

Educator (V.). Who's calling there? Now let's see.


My name is Beregosh

I'm a thrifty gnome.

And to all my advice

Listen up, friends!

I came to you today

With this sentence:

Let's learn together

Energy saving!

Beregosh. Who's there?

Spender. It's me, Spender. I wandered the streets, I wanted to warm up a little, but it was cold in my apartment, I was completely frozen.

Beregosh. Come in, let's have some tea, maybe you'll warm up.

Spender. Thank you, Beregosh.

(Spender appears.)

Beregosh. Hello, Spender..

Spender. Hello, Beregosh.

IN. And the house is warm, good, cozy. Beregosh set the samovar, poured the tea, and watched every drop.

Spender. Why are you saving water so much?

Beregosh. In my household, every drop is precious.

Spender. But I don’t mind the water. We have running water in our house. And as much hot and cold water as you want.

Beregosh. But we must save water always and everywhere, no matter a well or a water supply system. It’s not for nothing that one song says: “And without water you can’t go there and you can’t go here.” Don’t you read newspapers or watch TV? Don’t you know that you need to save water?

Spender. Here's the news! I'm watching Jumble funny stories I'm reading.

Beregosh. We should watch other programs and read newspapers. Spender. How warm it is here, you don’t want to leave!

Beregosh. A good owner's house is warm in any frost. You just need to prepare the house properly, then the cold will not be terrible. How did you insulate your house?

Spender. No way! I thought that winter would come, they would turn on the heating, it would be warm. But it turned out the other way around: winter came, the heating was turned on, the radiators were like fire, and it was cold in the apartment.

Beregosh. It’s clear that it’s heating in your house, and warming up by the fire in the yard. A lot of firewood will be lost, but there will be no heat. Let's go to you to drive away your trouble.

Spender. And will I be warm?

Beregosh. It will be, it will be! (They leave.)

IN. Guys, what do you think they need to do to make the house warm? (Insulate the windows, close the doors and vents tightly, do not curtain the radiator.)

How do you and I save water? (We close the taps, brush our teeth - pour water into a cup, and close the tap.)

Look, Beregosh left an envelope, probably this letter is for us.

Tips from Beregoshi.

Now we will open it. How interesting, the letter is in pictures. Let's try to read them.

A didactic game “Take care of heat and water” is being held

What important advice does Beregosh give us?

(2 pieces of advice are shown in pictures: Save water. Don’t let out the heat.)

Guys, you probably wanted to visit Beregoshi? What do you think his house is like? (Clean, cozy, beautiful, neat, warm.)

What does a cozy home mean? (When there is furniture, it is clean, warm, neat.)

It’s good to have the whole family gather in a cozy home.

The game “Say the Word” is played.

Mom can wash clothes in... (washing machine).

Dad can vacuum the carpet... (with a vacuum cleaner).

The daughter can iron the clothes... (with an iron).

Grandma takes food out of... (refrigerator).

Can cook on... (stove).

When all the work is done, you can relax.

Watch... (TV),

Listen... (radio, tape recorder).

How can you describe your answers in one word? ( Electrical appliances.)

What powers electrical appliances? (Electricity, electric current, electrical energy.)

Where does electricity come from to the house? (From the power plant.)

Where does electricity live in every home? (in sockets.)

How does electric current get into our apartments? (By wire.)

Physical education lesson “Wires”.

I will be the socket, and you will be the wire.

(Children hold hands, line up in a line, squat down. At one end of the wire there is a socket (teacher), at the other an electrical appliance (child). The teacher takes the hand of the last child (electricity flows through the wire) Children stand up one by one, creating a wave movement, When last child gets up, turns on the electrical appliance. Children guess which electrical appliance turned on. The teacher releases his hand, the children sit down, and the electrical appliance turns off.

Let's help electric current walk from the power plant to the outlet in the house.

The game "Labyrinth" is being played Problematic situation.

Guys, what will happen if you turn on all the electrical appliances in the house? (Everything will burn; there will be headaches from the noise; we will pay a lot; electricity will not have time to be generated; the environment will be polluted.)

What to do if the electricity goes out. How to live without electrical appliances?

(Light a candle; write a letter; natural resources are preserved.)

Let's play “riddles and explanations”.

(The guys guess a riddle based on the picture, others guess and tell how to properly handle electrical appliances in order to save electricity. They receive a spark for the correct answer.)

Game "Say with the word "electric"(based on pictures.)

At correct handling With electrical appliances, we can save every spark of electricity. Scientists also think about saving energy. They found that a small amount of electricity can be stored in a battery. If the wires are connected to the battery, electricity will flow through the wires and the light bulb will be able to light.

Battery experience.

Why did the light come on? ( The battery has a reserve of electricity.)

What devices run on batteries? ( Watch, player, flashlight, camera.)

Guys, let's write a letter to Beregosh in pictures. Beregosh will be glad when he finds out that he has made so many friends.

(Children do the work according to the application. You need to cross out the devices that need to be turned off in order to save energy. We seal the envelope and put it in the box.

(The bell rings.)

Who is this? (Toys from the theater of Beregosh and Tranzhir appear.)

Beregosh. Hello guys!

Spender. Guys, I learned so many interesting and useful things, how Beregosh helped me!

Beregosh. Spender, we are very glad that you are back. We have read your letter. Our guys also learned a lot and learned a lot, right guys? We sent you a letter.

Beregosh. I am very glad that I have made so many Beregosh friends. I will definitely read your letters. And I brought you gifts. Energy saving boxes.

Goals and objectives: promoting students’ careful attitude towards natural and energy resources, developing a sense of responsibility, respect for nature and human work.

Dear guys!

Welcome to the propaganda team "ABC of the Thrifty"

Listen, guys, to our story.
It will be useful to each of you,
To be worthy in this live in the world,
You have to be very thrifty.

You and I live in cozy apartments,
Sometimes we forget and don’t take care of it
Neither the water in the tap, nor the light, nor the heat,
Without thinking about where everything came from.

Seeing such wastefulness,
A droplet and a light bulb and a stove are asking us,
In the hope of human responsibility,
Put in a good word for them too.

I am a drop of water running from the ocean,
From morning to evening I drip from the tap.
My masters do not take care of me,
And I flow in a trickle all day long.

Host: Guys, if you look at a map or globe, you can see a huge expanse of water. It seems that there is a lot of water on the globe. But that's not true!

Look at the diagram: salt water takes up 97%, and fresh water takes up 3%.

But without water there is no life.

A person can live without food for several weeks, and without water for 3-4 days. A dog without water dies within 3-4 days. All plants and animals need water. Plants and factories cannot operate without water, and therefore people must save water.

Guys, guess the riddle:
To distant villages, cities
Who's walking the wire?
Serene Majesty
(This is: electricity)

I, a light bulb, came to your friendly class,
To ask you all very much
Save my energy
And don’t burn me in vain.


Guys, I'm Energosha. I want to tell you about energy.

Energy is the force that sets things in motion. For example, special pumps lift water to the upper floors of your house or our school, and they run on electricity.

To keep your apartment and office warm, thermal power plants operate, which also require energy.

How much electricity does it take to light our houses?!

Do you each have electrical appliances at home? Which?

But they also consume energy. The more electricity is consumed, the more money from the family budget will be spent. That’s why, to become a real owner, you need to use electricity sparingly.

And I am an electric stove,
I've known you for a long time.
With me every day
You meet at home.
To become an economical housewife,
You need to know the secrets of the Housekeeper.


I am a Housekeeper - a thrifty housewife
All my advice, my friend, remember it.

Secrets of the Housekeeper

Every housewife should know about this:
The pots in the kitchen are only dark in color.
Dark colors take less energy,
This is how I save my family budget.

I want you to know about one more thing,
Dishes should only have a flat bottom.
And at the same time it will be more useful,
If the bottom covers the entire burner.

And then the water will boil faster,
If your vessel is closed with a tight lid.
And so as not to throw money away,
I advise you to turn off the stove in advance.

The boiling process continues for another 8 minutes,
Saves you four hundred rubles a year!
And so that the water in the kettle does not cool down in vain,
You need to pour it into a thermos, friends.

There will be no energy costs then -
This is where the benefit lies.


Ah, Housekeeper,
And for me it is a great sorrow
See you in the school corridor
Like light bulbs burning in broad daylight.
Guys, have pity on me!
You take care of my energy
And quickly turn off the light bulbs.
Turn off the lights in the school corridor,
In the entrance, in the kitchen, in your room,
After all, one light bulb will save you money
During the year 800 rubles!

Host: Guys, we really hope that you will listen to the advice of the Housekeeper and Elektrosha, and will save electricity, water, heat and your family budget. It’s not for nothing that they say, “To live with dignity, you must be thrifty!”


We'll sing ditties for you,
Listen carefully.
Save light and water
It will be great.

Our Galya hurried
And I forgot to turn off the light.
The light bulb is crying bitterly:
-Take care of the light, Galochka!

Olya washed herself in the bathroom,
Splashes fly to the sides.
-Take care of the water, Olya!
Everyone at home tells her.

There is a lot of trouble with Lena,
Lena does not save the light.
Because of this Lenochka
Pennies are being spent!

Like from our tap
The water flows like a fountain in the morning.
This is Vasenka and Ilya
They pour water on everyone.

Vova is often in the corridor
Forgets to turn off the tap.
Now, to have a drink,
He will go with the "nanny".

We are ditties, we are ditties,
We sang ditties for you.
It's good to be among you
There are no such guys now.

Always on duty at the tap
Second grade squad.
The most thrifty class
We have 2 "b" now!

Take care, kids,
Water, light, heat and gas.
And much more interesting
Then you will have life!

Literature: Volina V.V. We learn by playing. - M.: New School, 1994