Folk nursery rhymes as a means of developing children's figurative speech. Russian folk nursery rhymes at Baba Frosya's

Geese in harps, ducks in pipes, crows in boxes, cockroaches in drums, a goat in a gray sundress, a cow in matting, all of them are more expensive.

  • - two closely related species of birds of the family. raven - gray V. and black V.; sometimes they are considered subspecies of the same species. Dl. on average 47 cm. The gray V. has gray and black plumage, the black one has all black...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • - two closely related species of birds of the family. raven - gray and black V. Dl. up to 56 cm. Lives in Europe, Asia and North-East. Africa. Capable of complex forms of behavior...

    Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - a tribe of North American Indians belonging to the group...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - two closely related species of birds of the raven family - the hooded crow and the black crow. Length up to 56 cm. In Europe, Asia and North-East. Africa. Capable of complex forms of behavior...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - interjection It is distinguished by punctuation marks or formed as a separate sentence-replica. “No,” thought Leshka, “I won’t go to the village.” N. Teffi, I have served you...

    Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - between...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - DUDKI, particle. Expresses refusal, disagreement...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - DUDKI, int. . Exclamation in meaning refusal of something. - Lend me a loan! - No, pipes! I won't get it back from you...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - pipes intl. decomposition An exclamation expressing complete denial or refusal...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - d "fishing rods, unism...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - you flirt, you play pranks, you can’t deceive Wed. It's over! Pipes! You won’t fool me anymore!... V.I. Dahl. Loans. Wed. No, Misha, this, brother, is Atande! Ostrovsky. Their dogs are fighting. 1, 3...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - See GUEST -...
  • - See TEMPTATION -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Ducks flew, geese flew, cows flew, goats flew...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see no...

    Dictionary of synonyms

"Geese in harps, ducks in pipes, crows in boxes..." in books


From the book Meetings author Roshchin Boris Alekseevich

“HUSLI - MY THOUGHTS...” 1There are people about whom it is very difficult to write. They are so original, talented and modest that when you start to sculpt their image with words, you get only a pale shadow on paper interesting person. This is Vladimir Ivanovich Povetkin for me, the same

Marinated geese and ducks

From the book Homemade sausage, boiled pork and other smoked and salty dishes author Levasheva E.

4.1. Where and who invented the harp?

author Bazlov Grigory Nikolaevich

4.1. Where and who invented the harp? By gusli in this chapter we mean Russian gusli - wing-shaped and their modifications - kantele gusli, gusli with a playing window, preserved among the Slavs, primarily among the Russians and Belarusians, as well as among the Balts and Baltic Finno-Ugric peoples. Can

4.2. Gusli or horn?

From the book Russian Gusli. History and mythology author Bazlov Grigory Nikolaevich

4.2. Gusli or horn? The history of the origin of the gusli has a very mysterious plot. The fact is that the Slavic peoples use the word “harp” to describe two very different instruments. Among the southern and western Slavs, “harp” is a name for a type of violin; among the eastern Slavs, it is a stringed instrument (even

"Gusli with answer"

From the book Russian Gusli. History and mythology author Bazlov Grigory Nikolaevich

“Gusli with an answer” Sergei Ivanovich Chernyshov, speaking about the gusli, uses the expression “play the gusli,” by which he means that the gusli, even well-made and correctly tuned, does not always immediately begin to sound good. They “go into a frenzy” only after

From the book Bogdan Khmelnitsky in search of the Pereyaslav Rada author Andreev Alexander Radevich

Part seven. GOD'S PIPE

From the book Book author Derkach Alexander

Part seven. GOD'S PIPE VERSE CCVIIIIF YOU NEED ME* * *1. Lord. If you need me, Extend my days. And I will try to understand What you expect from me. And fulfill it. VERSE CCIX PRAYER No. 23 (Deliver me from insensibility)1. Here: I’m used to miracles, And I walk, looking only at my feet.2. Lord, deliver me


From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Gusli “The gusli has the appearance of a light hand harp with copper strings; Their tuning is free, you can tune it either very high or very low. This instrument has been known since ancient times. In Little Russia they played the gusli for a long time, but now they are being introduced" (M. Zabylin). "Special

What is a gusli?

From the book Who's Who in the Art World author Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

What is a gusli? This instrument was born a long time ago. He, like a harp, was born from the stretched string of a bow. Only it changed differently: the strings began to be pulled not on a frame, but on a wooden board. The guslar performer put his instrument on his knees and,

Hot smoked geese and ducks

From the book Breeding Fish, Crayfish and Domestic Waterfowl author Zadorozhnaya Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Hot smoked geese and ducks Carefully process geese or ducks, rinse, remove small feathers (hemps), rub with salt, place in a deep bowl and place in a cold room for 3-4 days. Boil water with spices at the rate: per 1 kg of processed goose or duck 1 liter


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (G-D) author Brockhaus F.A.

Gusli Gusli – musical instrument, the name of which in Russia refers to several varieties of recumbent harps. G. psalted have similarities with the Greek psalter and the Hebrew kinnor; these include: G. Chuvash, G. Cheremis, G. clavieriformes and G.,


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GU) by the author TSB

Cossack game of pipes 1648–1654

From the book Bogdan Khmelnitsky and his characters in ambushes and battles author Andreev Alexander Radevich

Cossack game of pipes 1648–1654 “Glorious knights, well done, sons of mighty heroes! The enemies have come to conquer us with fire and sword into dust, and turn our houses into ashes, and execute everyone and destroy our glory. Famous brothers! Stand up with heart and weapon, show your saber to the enemy


From the book Georgia - Materials on the attempt to seize it in August 2008 author Author unknown

GEORGIA – TO GEORGIANS?! PIPE! 12.8.2008 They claim that Georgian nationalists have gone so far as to proclaim the slogan “Georgia for Georgians!” Of course, a Russian can answer only one thing: “Georgia for Russians!” Of course, this also applies to Ukraine. Thank God, no thousands killed (in any case

Gusli for “overclocking”

From the book Literary Newspaper 6419 (No. 24 2013) author Literary Newspaper

Gusli for “overclocking” The First All-Russian Music Competition, of which our newspaper is the media partner, is entering the home stretch this year. Over the course of three and a half years, many new interesting names in the performing arts were discovered. What will happen

Answer from Natalia Yavorskaya[guru]
I sympathize, we have been listening to the drummer who lives above us for 14 years now (and sometimes at 8 a.m. and at 11 p.m.!).
The easiest option is to drown out extraneous sounds with your favorite music, audio books, radio, TV, DVD, etc., or use headphones (either listen to something of your own, or simply create silence). There is, however, a possibility that you will not hear, for example, the telephone...
A more difficult option is to come to an amicable agreement with your neighbors, find a compromise (time limits...)

Reply from Qwerty qwerty[active]
I play the guitar myself every day and my neighbors are not happy)
just when he plays, ring the doorbell and say that everyone has a headache, and it’s very noisy and something else, suggest to him, for example, to mute the strings somehow, so that it’s not so ringing sound was, I don’t know how to play the violin, but you can come up with something!

Reply from Yoman Kalashnikov[guru]
Previously, when I was a child (3-5 years old), a music school student lived above us. I especially liked the brilliant work “Dog Waltz”, because, as far as I remember, it was often played at night (for a child of 3 years old and 10 pm is night). Until she finished music school, the situation did not change, and besides, her parents are no better - they still like to move furniture at midnight. Now I’ve taken up music myself (I play the electric guitar, and this is also not pleasant music for everyone). Recently, the neighbors (across the floor) already asked not to play between 2-4 o'clock in the afternoon, because the child was sleeping. They asked quite politely, so now I try not to make too loud noises at this time. So the only way is to talk to the neighbors, preferably with the boy first, so that he can understand the essence of the problem himself. If you don’t want to talk, just drown out extraneous sounds with your music, if possible.
(“Anti-advice” is to play some death metal (or an equally harmful drug - pop music) at full volume through the most powerful speakers, so that the boy with his mind reaches the point that he is disturbing someone))

Reply from Vitaly Sitnik[guru]
Of course, talk, but not with him, of course, with your parents. The problem must be solved, let alone work, it’s impossible to live! Let them do some soundproofing or something...

Reply from Valera -[guru]
Rejoice! A violinist lives next to you, or maybe a Death rock guitarist and his drummer friend live next to you.
If you offend a guy, he will suffer psychological trauma, will not be able to play and will become a salesman in a stall.
For him, this is the same job as translations for you.
1) Agree on a time, for example, to play in the morning if you work in the evening, or whatever is more convenient for you.
2) At the age of 16, he must be at the music school from 8 am to 10 pm. Try asking him to study in designated areas.
3) Transfer yours workplace to a quieter place.
4) Learn not to pay attention.
5) “They knock out a wedge with a wedge.” As soon as it starts playing, turn on something heavier and louder, close your ears and wait for an intense and persistent knock on the door. Just don't go deaf

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Nursery rhymes are short poems intended for babies, accompanied by simple movements hands and facial expressions. With the help of nursery rhymes, a child learns about the world through play, from the first days of his life. Repeated sound combinations contribute to the establishment of speech development.

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
A cat married a cat,
For the little cat,
For Ivan Petrovich.
He has a mustache, stripes,
Well, not a cat -
It's just a treasure!

Baba sowed peas
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
The ceiling collapsed
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Baba walked, walked, walked,
I found the pie.
She sat down, ate, and went again.
Baba stood on her toes,
And then on the heel,
I began to dance Russian,
And then squat down.

Where are our pens?
Here are our pens!
Where are our legs?
Here are our legs!
And this is Nastya’s nose
It's all overgrown with goats.
And these are the eyes, ears,
Cheeks are thick pillows,
But what is this? Tummy!
But this is Nastya’s mouth!
Show me your tongue
Let's tickle your side
Let's tickle your side.

My mouth can eat,
Breathe your nose and listen to your ears,
Little eyes blink, blink,
Handles - grab and grab everything.

(Running the child’s finger over the named parts of the body):
Nose, nose, forehead,
Cheeks, chin.
Ears, eyes,
Nikitushka's fairy tales (tickle at this moment).

Cucumber, cucumber!
Don't go to that end -
There's a mouse living there
He'll bite your tail off!

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel,
I sat down and drove off - oh, good!
Looked back -
Some knitting needles are lying.

Baba Yaga
bone leg,
I lit the stove,
I cooked porridge.
Fell from the stove
She broke her leg.
I went to the market
She crushed the samovar.
I went outside
Crushed the chicken
I went to the garden
Made all the people laugh.

Spider, spider,
Grab Lena by the side.
Frog, frog,
Grab Lena by the ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Lena by the knees.
Doggie, doggie,
Grab Lena by the nose.
Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,
Grab Lena by the stomach.
Wasp, wasp,
Grab Lena by the hair.

Our hostess
She was smart
Everyone has a job in the hut
For the holiday I gave:
The dog washes the cup with its tongue,
The mouse collects crumbs under the window,
The cat scratches the table with its paw,
The chicken sweeps the doormats with a broom.

I have a pig
Cheer up your horse.
I'll sit down and go -
I'll come by lunchtime.

I'll go out onto the street
I'll harness the chicken.
There is a cockerel on the fastener,
But-o-o, let's go, buddy!

Here they are in the crib
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running,
They'll pinch your heels.
Hide quickly, don’t yawn,
Cover with a blanket!

Oh, don't worry about grieving -
There is nowhere to put the cat.
Brought it to the yard
Planted on the fence -
The cat has already run
Scared all the guys
All the lambs and calves,
And little guys!

Wind, breeze,
Pull up the sail!
Drive the ship
To the Volga River!

Rain, rain,
Wet paths.
We can't go for a walk -
We'll get our feet wet.

Walls (we touch one of the baby’s cheeks with our finger)
Walls (we touch the baby’s second cheek with our finger)
Ceiling (touched forehead)
Windows (pointed to the eyes)
Doors (point to mouth)
And the Pee-eep Call! (press on the spout)
The owner of the house?
Is the accordion ready?
Can I play?

And tickle the little one!!!

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.

Ay-tata, tata, tata,
Please sieve -
Sow flour,
Start some pies.
And for our sweetheart
Let's start pancakes,
Let's bake a blink
Feed my son!

Only the mice will scratch,
Gray Vaska is right there.
Hush, mice, go away,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up the whole round dance.
Vaska the cat woke up -
The whole round dance broke up!

Our ducks in the morning:
- Quack-quack-quack!
- Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond:
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Ha-ha-ha
And the turkey in the middle of the yard:
- Ball-ball-ball!
- Ball-ball-ball!
Our buns above:
- Grru-grru-u-grru-u!
Our chickens through the window:
- Ko-ko-ko!
- Ko-ko-ko!
What about Petya the Cockerel?
Early in the morning
He will sing to us "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm our paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump!

The wolf scared the bunny!
The bunny immediately ran away!

Fingers will rise,
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

Nenila Pig
She praised her son:
- He's so cute
So pretty
Walks sideways
Ears upright
Crochet ponytail,
Pig nose!

This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest!
This finger is for showing it off!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This ring finger is the most spoiled!
And although the little finger is small, it is dexterous and daring!

Our Zhenya by gender
The first time I stomped.
Got down on my knees
I crawled to the wall,
Raised both hands
She swayed and went.
Stomp, stomp your feet,
New boots!
Top-top to the corner,
She stood and went.
Far away in another corner
Ball and teddy bear on the floor.
Zhenya wants to take them,
He stomps his feet.
She ran, swayed,
Slap - and immediately stretched out.
Zhenechka did not cry,
Little by little she stood up
And all the way to the corner
It went all over the room.
She grabbed the bear by the leg,
She rolled the ball with her foot,
And then I went again
Walking around the room -
To the sofa, to the window,
I walked under the table a little
It's a little dark under the table -
The tablecloth is long all around.
And on the chair is Murka,
Gray skin.
Raising my palm,
Zhenya strokes the cat.
He tells her: - Goodbye.
He tells her: - Bye-bye.
Murka squints his eyes slightly -
He knows whose hand it is.
Standing by the chair
Zhenya rest???b
And then I went again
Walk around the room.
She made it to the closet
And groaning, she sat down on the floor.
We need to rest again -
There's a long way ahead...

Vanya, Vanya-simplicity
I bought a horse without a tail.
Sat backwards
And I went to the garden.

Vanya rides on a stick,
And Dunya is in the cart
He cracks nuts.

The bear rides on a stick.
Squirrel in a cart
He cracks nuts.

Only the mice will scratch,
Gray Vaska is right there.
Hush, mice, go away,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up the whole round dance.
Vaska the cat woke up -
The whole round dance broke up!

Oh, you oblique hare - like that!
Don't follow me - like that!
You'll end up in the garden - just like that!
You'll gnaw off all the cabbage - like this,
How can I catch you - like this,
I'll grab you by the ears - like this,
And I’ll unscrew the tail - just like that!

A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank the little head is carried.
He waves his white wing,
He shakes water onto the flowers.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy!

Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.

(We bend our fingers one by one)
This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom,
This finger has taken its place
This finger will fit tightly,
This finger has eaten a lot
That's why I got fat.

Bunny, come into the garden,
Little gray one, enter the garden.
Bunny, bunny, come into the garden,
Gray, gray, enter the garden!

Bunny, pick the color,
Gray, pick the color.
Bunny, bunny, pick the color,
Gray, gray, rip off the color!

Bunny, make your wreath,
Gray, make your wreath.
Bunny, bunny, your wreath,
Gray, gray, make your wreath.

Bunny, dance,
Gray, dance.
Bunny, bunny, dance,
Gray, gray, dance.

They clapped their hands
Clap your hands (clap your hands)
Let's rest a little (hands on knees).

The cat is walking along the bench
Leads the cat by the paws
Tops on the bench
Hands on hand.

Forty, forty!
Where were you?
- Far!
I lit the stove,
Cooked porridge
Jumped onto the threshold -
Called guests.

Evil mosquitoes!
They twisted and turned
Yes, they grabbed your ear!

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm our paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump!

The wolf scared the bunny!
The bunny immediately ran away!

Forty, forty,
I jumped on the threshold,
Waiting for guests:
Won't the guests arrive?
Won't they eat the porridge?
Agashka has arrived,
I ate all the porridge.
I gave it to this one on a plate,
This is on a spoon,
This one is on the whorl,
This is the whole pot,
To the little boy
Didn't get it.
Finger boy
Pushes, grinds.
Walks on water
Creates a kvashnyu:
Water in the swamp
The flour is not ground.
Sauerkraut on linden,
Whorl on a pine tree.
I took the box
I walked through the water.
I stepped here - softly,
It's hot here
There's a stump and a block here,
There is a white birch here,
And here the springs are boiling and boiling.

(We depict a “goat” with our fingers)
The horned goat is coming
There's a butted goat coming,
Legs top top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Doesn't drink milk -
Gored, gored, gored.
(we show how a goat butts)

I'll give you a beater,
Twenty-five beaters
Vanya will sleep soundly.

The mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
Vaska the cat will wake up,
It will break up the whole round dance.

The cat went to market,
The cat bought a pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.
Do you have it yourself?
Or demolish Borenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I’ll demolish Borenka too.

The cat went to the stove
I found a pot of porridge.
There are rolls on the stove,
Like fire, hot.
Gingerbread cookies are baking
The cat's paws don't fit.

Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun:
Geese - on the harp,
Ducks - to the pipes,
Sheep - to the Donets,
Cockroaches - drums.

On the street
Two chickens
They are fighting with a rooster.
Two beautiful girls
They look and laugh:
- Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!
How we feel sorry for the rooster!

Oh you little owl,
You're a big head!
You were sitting on a tree
You turned your head -
She fell into the grass,
She rolled into a hole!

Here's an owl
You're a big head!
You were sitting on a tree
You turned your head -
She fell into the grass,
She rolled into a hole!

Here's an owl -
Big head
Sitting on a tree
He turns his head.
Looks in all directions
And he says to everyone:
- No one hits the owl
And he doesn’t pull your ears.

Like our goat
What a smart guy he was:
I walked on water myself,
I cooked the porridge myself,
He fed grandfather and grandmother.

Saddled a rooster.

Jokes and jokes. They not only allow a child and an adult to communicate on some subconscious level, but also carry a lot of useful, instructive information. But this genre of folklore, like nursery rhymes for children, more familiar to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Nowadays it is very rare to meet a young mother who, for example, when waking up her baby, would melodiously tell him these funny rhymes. But in vain, because nursery rhymes are those works that, if recited often, are “absorbed with mother’s milk” and, after many years, are passed on to their children and grandchildren.

Nursery rhymes for young children

Perhaps these are the most famous poems that are usually told to little children in a playful way. Not only are they very funny in content, but they also carry a certain amount of knowledge, teaching a six-month-old toddler, for example, to bend his fingers one at a time or clap his hands.


Magpie Crow,(running finger over palm)

Cooked porridge

She fed the children.(curls fingers)

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this:

- Why didn’t you cut wood?

- Why didn’t you carry water?


(clap hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? At grandma's!

What did you eat? Porridge!

What did you drink? Mash!

Butter porridge!

Sweet mash!

We drank, ate, wow...

Shuuu!!! Let's fly home!

They sat on their heads!

Russian folk nursery rhymes for children

Not only our grandparents, but also distant ancestors grew up with the help of these funny poems, so you can use them too when playing with your child. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that ancient Russian nursery rhymes for modern children are increasingly more incomprehensible than instructive. And this is not surprising, because they contained the meaning of everyday affairs that people living in that distant time faced, and also used words that are now rarely found in colloquial speech.

Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun:

Geese - on the harp,

Ducks - to the pipes,

Sheep - to the Donets,

Cockroaches - drums.


Ate a bear

Fell into a hole

He shouted to his mother:


Like we have a goat,

What a smart guy he was:

I walked on water myself,

I cooked the porridge myself,

He fed grandpa and grandma.

Nursery rhymes for preschool children in everyday life

In pedagogy, this genre of folklore can be used quite often, because nursery rhymes in a playful way help teach a child. These poems introduce little ones to how to wash, bathe, comb their hair, dress, eat, etc. There are so many of these poetic works that if you wish, you can find nursery rhymes for almost any life event that a child experiences. In addition, psychologists recommend that adults who are growing up with a little “unwilling child” must memorize several nursery rhymes. After all, you must admit that it is always better to distract a child from his reluctance to do something with a game than to insistently demand that he do, for example,

Who will be there koop-kup,

Is the water squelch-squish?

To the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bathtub with your foot - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam

And the dirt will go somewhere.

We sculpt, we sculpt pies,

Kneaded from flour

We sat down on a bench,

Treated grandma

Let's run to the garden

All the people gathered there

Here's a pie for the kitten,

Here's a pie for the duckling,

And for Seryozha’s teeth.

This is a spoon

This is a cup.

There is buckwheat porridge in the cup.

The spoon has been in the cup -

The buckwheat porridge is gone!

Okay, okay,

Wash your little paws with soap.

Clean palms

Here's some bread and spoons for you.

Gymnastics and massage with nursery rhymes

To ensure that physical education classes take place in a playful way, modern authors have come up with poems that can easily be classified as nursery rhymes. With them, the baby will be happy to wake up and stretch, do gymnastics and allow himself to be massaged. They are so simple and funny that over time you will notice how your three-year-old child himself will teach someone, for example, massage using these verses.

Tattoo ears, baked cheesecakes(move your hands up and down, like a musician playing cymbals),

They put it on the window(hands with a certain effort are lowered onto the tummy)

Left to cool(we wave our hands)

And the wheat pie is mixed with maggots(gently pinch and knead from tummy to shoulders)

So high-oh-window-high!(Handles rise to the top of the head)

Stretchers, stretchers(stroke from head to toes)

Across the fat girl

And there are walkers in the legs,(move our legs)

And in the hands there are little grabbers,(clench and unclench fists)

And in my ears I hear little sounds,(press the ears gently)

And there are peepers in the eyes,(press the eyes gently)

And my nose has sniffles,(press the spout gently)

And in the mouth there is a talk,(press gently on mouth)

And in the head - reason!(press gently on forehead)

Learning new subjects with the help of nursery rhymes

Russian folklore, such as nursery rhymes, is great for teaching children because it contains educational information that is very easy for children to remember. Such poems can be about different parts of the body, vegetables and fruits, natural phenomena, etc.

We hung in the rain;

It rained at night and during the day,

So that we blush and sing,

So that the kids can eat us up quickly!

The rain has washed us all now -

We are cherries - eat us!

My mouth can eat,

Breathe your nose and listen to your ears,

Little eyes blink, blink,

Handles - grab and grab everything.

Bucket sunshine!

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up -

Calves and lambs

More little kids.

Playing with nursery rhymes

Perhaps these are the children's favorite works, because with their help children can laugh a lot. Some moms and dads don’t even realize that the famous rhyme “The horned goat is coming,” with which they play with even the smallest toddlers, also belongs to this group of small folklore. This nursery rhyme is one of the most striking representatives of the described genre: it is easy to remember, allows an adult to easily get in touch with a child in a short period of time, and carries a lot of positive emotions. However, in addition to such poems, there are more complex nursery rhymes in which both the child and the adult are actively involved.

Pillow games

(roll the baby on the pillow, say)

Three-ta-tush-ki! Three-ta-tush-ki!

Nastya is riding on a pillow!

Riding on a pillow!

Thump off the pillow head over heels!



They sat down on the pillows.

Girlfriends came

Pushed off the pillow.

Tyushki, tyutushki!

Are you happy, darlings?

I'll take my daughter up a steep hill,

Bang! Let's roll -

They fell down the hill.

Nursery rhyme songs for children

Basically, nursery rhymes are usually told cheerfully and cheerfully, rather than sung. However, this rule does not apply to lullabies. Psychologists have proven that children who are lulled to sleep by their mother's voice fall asleep faster and sleep better at night. Therefore, every mother should know a beautiful, light and melodious lullaby.

Night is coming

You're tired, daughter.

My legs were running in the morning,

It's time for your eyes to sleep.

A crib is waiting for you.

Sleep sweetly, daughter.

Here are our eyes:

Blue, blue.

Our nose is like a button,

Eyebrows with a thread around the eyes.

Ears are small

The lips are scarlet.

Neck, cheeks, forehead, mouth

and our plump tummy.

In conclusion, I would like to note that nursery rhymes are great fun for playing with your baby. They allow you not only to amuse the little one, but also to teach him, and also become good helpers in various situations. life situations: the baby doesn’t want to eat - the nursery rhyme comes to the rescue, the baby hits himself - she regrets, etc.


Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people Dahl. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what OUR NEIGHBOR HAS A FUN CONVERSATION: GEESE IN THE GUSLI, DUCKS IN THE PIPE, SHEEP IN THE DONTS, COCKROACHS IN THE DRUMS. in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    If you dreamed of ducks in the clear waters of a river, they foretell happy travels, sea trips. If white ducks wander around a peasant’s yard - ...
  • GEESE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    The annoying cackling of geese promises misfortune. If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to you. Especially...
  • FUN
    399513, Lipetsk, ...
  • FUN in the Directory Settlements and postal codes of Russia:
    352063, Krasnodar, ...
  • CONVERSATION in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    188447, Leningradskaya, ...
  • COCKROACHES in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a detachment of one of the most ancient insects. Includes St. 3600 species, most live in the tropics and subtropics. They have a flat oval…
  • GUSLI in the Ethnographic Dictionary:
    (slav.), a stringed musical instrument among the peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe. have two varieties: wing-shaped, common in North Russian ...
  • GUSLI in the Dictionary of Ethnographic Terms:
    (slav.), a stringed musical instrument among the peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe. They have two varieties: wing-shaped, common in the northern Russian regions, in ...
  • GUSLI in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    The national stringed instrument of the Jews is undoubtedly one of the first musical instruments with which man became acquainted. The invention of the harp in Genesis 4:21 is attributed to...
  • GEESE in the Character Reference Book and places of worship Greek mythology:
  • GEESE in the Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology:
    For the Celts, geese symbolized war and patronage, so geese were often lowered into the grave along with the bodies of fallen warriors. Deities of War...
  • CONVERSATION in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    I. - a magazine published in 1871-1872 in Moscow, ed. S. Yuryev, moderate Slavophile direction. Index to the magazine in Art. Bessonova...
  • CONVERSATION in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , in pedagogy, question-and-answer method of teaching; used to activate the mental activity of students in the process of acquiring new knowledge or repeating...
    several genera of birds of the duck family. Widely distributed. Ducks include true ducks, diving ducks (pochards), and mergansers. In Russia there are 35...
  • GUSLI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Russian stringed musical instrument. Wing-shaped psaltery ("ringed") have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66...
  • GEESE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    several genera of waterfowl in the Anatidae family. Length up to 1 m, weigh up to 8 kg. In Eurasia, North. America and Africa; ...
  • CONVERSATION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    one of the first associations of zemstvo leaders (Moscow, 1899-1905). Discussed zemstvo and political issues. Through the newspaper "Pravo" and other liberal publications...
    a heterogeneous group of birds of the duck family of the order Anseriformes. They weigh 300-1700 g. They are distributed all over the world. According to the structural features, biology and commercial significance of U. ...
  • GUSLI in Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    Russian plucked instrument. Known in two varieties. The first has a wing-shaped (in later samples triangular) shape, from 5 to 14 ...
  • GEESE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    birds of the duck family of the order Anseriformes. The sizes are quite large, weighing from 2 to 6 kg. Relatively high legs are more suitable for...
    True ducks (Anas) are a genus of birds from the family. ducks, distinguished from other genera by being longer than the head, barely tapering towards...
  • COCKROACHES V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Blattidae s. Blattodea) is a family of insects from the order Orthoptera, Orthoptera (see), belonging to the suborder Orthoptera proper (Orthoptera genuina) and making up ...
  • SHEEP in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    sheep (Ovis) - a genus of ruminants from the family. bull or bovine (Bovidae s. Cavicornia). Together with the related genus goat, goat (Carra) O. make up ...
  • GUSLI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Gusli is a musical instrument, the name of which in Russia refers to several varieties of recumbent harps. G. psalted are similar to the Greek psalter and ...
  • FUN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    settlement of Voronezh province, Biryuchinsky district, in the 15th century. to the S.W. from the district town, on the Sosenka River, the banks of which are chalk...
  • GUSLI in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • GEESE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    several genera of waterfowl. Weight ranges from 300 to 1700 g; many males are larger and brighter in color. 116 species, in…
  • GUSLI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Russian stringed musical instrument. Wing-shaped (ringed) gusli have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66...
  • GEESE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    several genera of waterfowl (family Anatidae). Length up to 1 m, weight up to 6 kg. The neck is long, the legs are relatively high. 9-10...
  • PIPE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , particle (colloquial). Expresses refusal, disagreement. No, you won't get it...
  • CONVERSATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -vs., w. 1. Conversation, exchange of opinions. Friendly b. 2. A type of popular report, usually with an exchange of opinions, an interview. Carry out...
  • GUSLI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -to her. An ancient plucked string musical instrument. II adj. guselny, -aya, -oe and guslar, -aya, ...
    DUCKS, a group of genera of birds of the family. duck Widely distributed. U. include river U., diving U. (divers) and mergansers. In Russia...
  • GUSLI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    GUSLI, Russian. string plucked zither muses. instr. Wing-shaped ("ringed") usually have 5-7 (in later examples 6-11) strings, helmet-shaped (psalter-shaped) ...
  • GEESE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    GUSI, a genus of waterfowl of the family. duck Dl. up to 1 m, weight up to 6 kg. They live in Eurasia, North. America and...
  • CONVERSATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "CONVERSATION OF LOVERS OF THE RUSSIAN WORD", lit. society in St. Petersburg in 1811-16, headed by G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Shishkov. Most members...
  • CONVERSATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "BESEDA", one of the first associations of zemstvo leaders (Moscow, 1899-1905). Founders: princes br. Pavel D. and Peter D. Dolgorukov, Yu.A. Novosiltsev, ...
    (Blattidae s. Blattodea) ? a family of insects from the order Orthoptera, Orthoptera (see), belonging to the suborder Orthoptera proper (Orthoptera genuina) and making up ...
  • FUN in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? settlement of Voronezh province, Biryuchinsky district, in the 15th century. to the S.W. from the district town, on the Sosenka River, the banks of which represent...
  • DUCKS in Collier's Dictionary:
    a group of genera of webbed-footed waterfowl belonging to the Anatidae family, which also includes geese and swans. Ducks are different...
  • GEESE in Collier's Dictionary:
    a group of genera of webbed-footed waterfowl belonging to the Anatidae family, which also includes swans and ducks. From the swans...
  • PIPE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak.
    gu"sli, gu"slay, gu"slam, gu"sli, gu"slyam, ...
  • CONVERSATION in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    bese"yes, bese"dy, bese"dy, bese"d, bese"de, bese"dam, bese"du,bese"dy,bese"doy,bese"doyu,bese"dami,bese"de, ...