It is impossible to gain life experience without making mistakes. The path to truth is the path of knowing yourself (Unified State Examination Arguments)

What could be the path to truth? In my opinion, this path can be different: short, if fear and laziness overcome the desire to become stronger and learn the truth, and long, if this desire is stronger than any obstacles that the person himself sets for himself. But whatever the path to truth, it always lies through self-knowledge.

I want to prove my opinion based on the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The central character of the work is Pierre Bezukhov, who free time spent with Dolokhov and Anatoly Kuragin. Together they led a wild life. But Pierre could be understood, because he was very young, he did not have enough experience to correctly assess his social circle, he committed absurd acts, married Helen Kuragina, which turned out to be a wrong decision in his life. He even fell into the hands of the freemason Bazdeev.

But by going through these tests, Pierre learned the truth. He starts studying social activities, determines his social circle. And he achieved all this by going through difficult trials.

Updated: 2017-09-06

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There is an opinion that any of your mistake is the path to success that it is impossible to build a business without making a single mistake, that only through overcoming your own mistakes.

Path to success literally laid out from our mistakes and miscalculations. By making mistakes, we can find the strength to move on. True, not every person is capable of this. But those who managed to go a long way, making mistakes and drawing conclusions from them, were able to achieve real success. Anyone who, when making mistakes, tends to blame others for everything, is unlikely to achieve great success in life and business.

You just need to clearly distinguish between the ability to take responsibility for mistakes and always blaming yourself for making them. These are different things that lead to different, diametrically opposed results. There is no point in blaming yourself for failures.

Mistake is the path to success

Anyone will tell you that the path to success lies through mistakes. Moreover, successful people live making mistakes much more often than unsuccessful people. The only difference is that successful people, when they make mistakes, always learn from them and do not lose the desire to move on and try again. Disappointments and failures are much more common than successes, the whole question is how we perceive them, what we take from them - destructive or constructive features.

Realizing that any mistake is another step towards success, first of all, you will stop being afraid to allow them. This gives you confidence in your actions. You begin to use them as a guideline by which you can adjust your course of action. By making mistakes, you understand how not to act and begin to act differently, adjusting your behavior to be successful.

If you are afraid of messing up, you are blocking your own success. Because you begin to put less effort into working towards achieving your goals, and then you stop doing them altogether. It’s better to make a mistake, but know that you did something, than to gnaw at your elbows because you missed some opportunities. Without encountering difficulties and making mistakes, it is impossible to see the result of the work. The path to success lies only through mistakes.

To success through mistakes

It seems that all these are truisms that are already clear to everyone. But why then is there so little successful people? From childhood, parents and teachers punish and scold us for mistakes. Therefore, a person for a long time forms the attitude that making mistakes is bad. Since Soviet times, education has been based on nurturing performers who should make as few mistakes as possible - this is beneficial to the state. No one was interested in personality and its creative potential.

The concept that getting to success through mistakes is not only possible, but also necessary, simply did not exist. But only failures prepare us for success, otherwise we do not know how to seize the necessary chances.

It is important to strengthen the habit of getting up after every fall. Circumstances are only a tool that allows you to become better. To submit to them is to show your weakness. Difficulty is an indication of where and how you need to turn to improve.

Any action is associated with problems. And it is not in our power to prevent them from appearing. It is in our power to learn to manage them. We ourselves add the level of tragedy and complexity to the situation. Therefore, it is important to perceive all difficulties properly, without unnecessary emotions and pathos.

Each successful solution is built on substantially more unsuccessful decisions and failures that led to the only correct understanding. Only those who have learned to learn from their mistakes can be successful. If you perceive your falls not as a failure, but as a movement forward, and concentrate your attention on positive results, you can achieve important successes.

Success can only be achieved through hard daily work. And the more mistakes you make on it, the more valuable your experience will be. Therefore, do not be afraid and do not be afraid to make mistakes. Remember that every mistake is the path to success and only by doing them can you really achieve something in this life.

Life is a long road to perfection. Everyone goes through it on their own. This means that he grows up on his own, gets acquainted with the changes that occur inside a person, gets to know the world with its unpredictable course of history, like the movement of atmospheric masses. But humanity does not want to learn from the mistakes of previous generations, and stubbornly steps on the same rake again and again.

It took a painfully long time to create Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov’s novel “ Quiet Don». Tragic story several generations of one family caught in a whirlpool of terrible destructive events gives an idea of ​​the mistakes that lead to the collapse and death of almost all members of the Melekhov family. Dictionary gives the concept of the word error:

unintentional deviation from correct actions, actions, thoughts.

I think the key word in this definition is “unintentional.” No one wants to make mistakes on purpose, to spite everyone and everything. Most often, when a person makes a mistake, he is confident that he is right. This is what Grigory Melekhov does. Throughout the entire novel, he does everything somehow “out of his mind.” Against a reasonable, logical refusal of love for the married Aksinya, he achieves a reciprocal feeling:

He persistently, with brutal persistence, courted her.

When the father decides to marry his son to a girl from a wealthy family, without having any feelings for Natalya, only obeying the will of Pantelei Prokofich, Grigory makes another mistake. Returning to Aksinya, then abandoning her, returning to Natalya, Grigory rushes between two differently beloved women. The mistake ends in tragedy for both: one dies from an abortion, the other dies from a bullet. So it is in determining his path in the revolution: he seeks harmony, the highest truth, truth, but does not find them anywhere. And the transition from the Reds to the Cossacks, and then to the Whites, a new transition to the Reds also does not bring him freedom, justice, or harmony. “Blessed is he who visited our world in fatal moments,” F.I. Tyutchev once said. Gregory - a saint in a soldier's overcoat - a great warrior who so passionately desired peace, but did not find it, because such was his lot...

But the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin, acquired a wealth of experience in communicating with girls and women. “How early he could be a hypocrite, harbor hope, be jealous...” - and always achieve his goal. But experience played a cruel joke on him. Having met true love, he did not give in to the “sweet habit”; he did not want to lose “his hateful freedom.” And Tatyana married someone else. Onegin, not finding a modest village girl in a society lady, saw the light! The attempt to return Tatyana ends in failure for him. And he was so confident in himself, in the correctness of his actions, his choice.

No one is immune from mistakes. As we live our lives, we will make mistakes again and again. And when we gain experience, perhaps we will lose all interest in life. Everyone makes their own choice: deliberately makes another mistake or sits quietly in their refuge and calmly enjoys the experience...

Checked final essay.

Introduction (intro):

Throughout life a person goes through a lot path. This path (repeating a word in an adjacent sentence is an error) is not always “smooth” and “even”. Some people make mistakes, while others try to avoid them. This problem has interested many thinkers, one of whom is Theodore Roosevelt: “He who does nothing never makes mistakes.” I agree with the opinion Roosevelt, because currently the topic “The path to experience-mistakes” is very relevant. Human (missing word) helps us think about our actions and actions. It is then that we will be successful. To achieve our goals, we go through many obstacles, overcoming them, He (Who?) achieves the desired result. We must think about and analyze every action we take; this is the only way we can be on the right path. Is it possible to live life without making mistakes or is it impossible?

Comment: When checking your essay, get rid of repetitions, replace them with synonyms or pronouns. There are a couple more errors, but it seems to me that carelessness is to blame))

An introduction of more than a hundred words is too much. Maintain proportions!

The topic of the essay has not been revealed. You asked a question - where is the answer?

So far you have failed the first criterion, “Relevance to the topic.”

How to fix it? Think about the topic of the essay. Your task is to REVEAL the topic and explain its meaning. How do you understand this phrase? And if it is true, then why is this happening? Write down your answers and build an introduction based on them. Don't forget to highlight the thesis using introductory words))

Argument 1:

To understand this, let's look at the work fiction, in particular to the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. In the novel "Eugene Onegin" main character Onegin rejected Tatyana, who was in love with him. He regrets it, but it's too late. Life with Onegin played a cruel joke. Tatyana married another man. That’s when he realizes that he is no longer able to return Tatyana. Onegin was too self-confident (this combination of words is unacceptable. Either “self-confident” or “self-confident”), so I was left alone. You can take a lot from this work, both for the mind and for the soul. First of all, we understand that a person should not be arrogant with those who love them and value them.

Comment: I made a good conclusion, but it does not correspond to the topic. “First of all, we understand that a person should not be arrogant with those who love and value them” - this has nothing to do with the fact that a person cannot live life without mistakes. But the direction is right, you just moved out.

Another mistake is that you use both past and present tenses, which ruins the entire logic of the story. To avoid confusion, correct all verbs to the past tense)

Thematic direction


Universal introduction

According to D. Ushakov’s dictionary, an error is an incorrectness in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts, an error. And in the same dictionary we read: “Experience is the totality of practically acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.” As we see, there is a very close connection between these concepts. Indeed, our life is a series of different actions, decisions, it is an everyday choice, as a result of which we are not immune from mistakes. But by doing them, analyzing the reasons for failures, we gain valuable life experience.

Possible entry

  • A person tries to achieve certain goals throughout his life, although he often makes mistakes and blunders. People cope with difficulties in different ways: some become depressed, others try to start over, and many set new goals for themselves, given the sad experience in achieving previous ones. In my opinion, this is the meaning of human life.
  • Life is an eternal search for oneself, a constant struggle for one’s purpose. And if “wounds” and “abrasions” appear in the struggle to achieve a goal, then this is not a reason for despondency, because these are our own mistakes, to which we have the right and, overcoming which, we gain invaluable life experience.

Proverbs that can be used in the introduction

"You learn from mistakes"

“Everything that is done is for the better”

“Only those who do nothing make no mistakes”

“If you knew where to fall, there would definitely be straws

I would lay it down"

Possible theses

  • Bitter experience. Irreparable mistakes. The price of mistakes.

(Sometimes a person commits actions that lead to tragic consequences. And, although he eventually understands that he made a mistake, nothing can be corrected. Often the cost of a mistake is someone’s life)


Let's go back to the story A. Mass "Trap". It describes the action of a girl named Valentina...

Let's remember the story "Holidays" Ray Bradbury , whose heroes wished to be left alone in the world. What came of this?...

And in the story K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram” it talks about a girl Nastya, who is too busy with business and hardly remembers her mother, who is living out her life in the village.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Teleshov “White Heron” (fairy tale)

Possible theses

2. Mistakes without which it is impossible to move along life path. By making mistakes, a person gains experience.

(Is it possible to live life without making mistakes? I think not. A person walking along the path of life is not immune from a wrong step. And sometimes, precisely thanks to mistakes, he gains valuable life experience and learns a lot)


  • Let's go back to the story V. A. Oseeva “Why?” . It talks about a little boy who...
  • Sometimes it takes a long time to realize your mistake, and it's good if it happens before it's too late to correct it. To the heroine of the story B. Ekimova “Speak, Mom, Speak” It took years to realize how important her daughter's attention was to her mother.

Possible arguments

3. Experience that prevents errors.

( Life is the best teacher. Sometimes difficult situations arise when a person must make the right decision. By making the right choice, we gain invaluable experience, which helps us avoid mistakes in the future)


In the story B. Ekimova “Night of Healing” the author tells the story of a teenager Grisha, who comes to visit his grandmother on vacation...

The author seems to want to tell us: it is necessary to listen to the voice of the heart, to act in accordance with good feelings. This is precisely the life experience that guides us along the right path and helps us avoid many mistakes.


In the story A. Mass "Difficult exam" it talks about a girl named Anya Gorchakova, who managed to withstand a difficult test...

It was this incident that taught the heroine to control herself and her feelings. The first experience of overcoming difficulties helped the girl achieve her goal - she later became a famous actress.


By making this or that choice, we learn a lot. However, not only our own experience is valuable to us; other people play an important role in our lives, whose actions influence our worldview. Yes, in the story V. Rasputin “French Lessons” talking about the teacher...

It seems that such life experience will help the boy grow up as a sensitive person and protect him from indifference.

Possible theses

4. Human experience. Historical experience. War.

(People who know their history also know about the great tragedy of the war. The bitter experience of the harsh war years teaches us not to forget how much grief and suffering war can bring. We must remember this so that the tragedy does not repeat itself again and again)


The tragedy of the war is also shown in the story M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”...

Andrei Sokolov, recalling the recent past, says: “I had a family, my own home, all this was put together over the years, and everything collapsed in one moment, I was left alone.” This is how war interferes in a person’s life, destroys his home, his destiny.


  • The basis of the story B. Vasilyeva “And the dawns here are quiet” an episode, insignificant in the enormous scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told about him in such a way that all its horrors appear before your eyes in their ugly, terrible discrepancy with the essence of man. It is emphasized both by the fact that the work is titled “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” and by the fact that its heroes are girls forced to participate in the war.


  • L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” (episode of the death of Petya Rostov)
  • B. Vasiliev “Not on the lists”

Possible theses

5. Human experience. Attitude to nature.

(What does the experience of mankind, our entire history, teach us? One of the most important lessons is the lesson of caring for the Earth, for nature.)


N. N. Nosov “Doll”;

V.P. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”;

V.G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”;

Ray Bradbury "GREEN MORNING"

Homework(by Monday) – optional

  • How do you understand Heinrich Heine’s statement: “Morality is the mind of the heart”?
  • What helps you make a choice between honor and dishonor in difficult times?
  • What effect do the victories and defeats of his country have on a person?
  • Is it possible to live without mistakes?
  • Parents and children: friendship or enmity.

Prepared by the teacher of the MBOU "Roshchinskaya Secondary School" of the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region

Fedorova Tamara Ivanovna

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