Spelling of checked consonants is at the root of the presentation. Presentation on the Russian language on the topic "Spelling of checked letters of consonants in the root of a word" (3rd grade)

Overcome difficulties Gaining

wisdom Become a connoisseur of all letters Lots of new words

to know.





miracle sn th

stars D ny

I sn th

oops sn th


At the end of the lesson we

we will know:

- features of test and verified words

when writing unpronounceable consonants at the root of words;

- an activity diagram for writing unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.

we will be able to:

Use an activity diagram to determine the need to write an unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word.

Level 1.

Select the test words and insert the required letters.

Level 2.

Find and correct errors.

Level 3.


An activity diagram for writing unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.


No sound is made

Related words

The required consonant is in the word

Choose a word where the sound is pronounced clearly

Required consonant



Circle the combinations




Level 1

Lovely flowers -

Healthy vegetables -

Outskirts of the city_

Level 1

  • Fill in the missing letters in green. Write a test word for the unpronounceable consonant.

Lovely flowers - lovely T b

Field of vegetables - field h A

Outskirts of the city - surroundings T

You can select the letter following a clearly understood consonant. Likewise the rest. Students' notebooks also show the connection.

Level 1

Fortress wall-

Clear sky-

Level 1

1.Fill in the missing letters in green. Write a test word for the unpronounceable consonant.

Crepos T fortress wall T b

I sn oh heaven-me Sep

Level 1

Independent work

1.Fill in the missing letters in green. Write a test word for the unpronounceable consonant.

Interesting movie

Relay participant -

Cabbage pie-

Level 1

Independent work

1.Fill in the missing letters in green. Write a test word for the unpronounceable consonant.

Inter sn oh cinema - interest With

Uchas T nickname of the relay - lesson T no

Kapus T y pie - cabbage T A

Level 1

Test work

1.Fill in the missing letters in green. Write a test word for the unpronounceable consonant.

Furious wind-

Wonderful weather -

Famous writer -

Level 1

Test work

1.Fill in the missing letters in green. Write a test word for the unpronounceable consonant.

Yaros T the wind is furious T b

Miracle CH the weather is amazing With A

Izves T famous writer T no

Level 2

2.Find and correct errors.

At the age of sixteen, Volodya took part in regional sailing competitions.

Level 2

2.Find and correct errors.

In shes T Volodya has been teaching for eleven years st competed in regional pair competitions sn oh sport.

Level 2

Find and correct errors.

For the holiday, my mother baked a giant, delicious pie according to a recipe known only to her.

Level 2

Find and correct errors.

On time D nick mom baked a giant delicious sn pie according to a recipe known only to her.

Level 2

Find and correct errors.

On a rainy late autumn evening, we looked out the window with a sad feeling.

Level 2

Find and correct errors.

Nenas T on a late autumn evening with a sad chu IN we looked out the window.

Level 2

Find and correct errors.

For the lesson, I prepared a wonderful oral story about vowels and consonants.

Level 2

Find and correct errors.

I prepared a beautiful mustache for the lesson T short story about vowels and consonants snх letters.

Level 3

3. Take dictation.

Level 3

3. Take dictation.

Rays with L they illuminated the surroundings T ness.

Level 3

Take dictation.

Level 3

Take dictation.

Pos has come d Nya not us T naya autumn. Throughout the month T fury is blowing T new wind.

Level 3

Take dictation.

Level 3

Take dictation.

I sn oh and sad T there is a forest.

Level 3

Take dictation.

Level 3

Take dictation.

Score O a miracle will come sn th

V e sely praz d Nick.

Rados T new people O there are songs.

Lesson topic:

Lesson topic:

Spelling of paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of a word

Algorithm 1. I read the word 2. I find a paired consonant sound 3. I highlight the root (if the spelling of the root needs to be checked) 4. I change the word: 5. I check 6. I write the letter 7. I underline the spelling

Algorithm 1 . I read the word 2. I find a paired consonant sound 3. Select the root (if the spelling in the root needs to be checked) 4. I change the word:

  • call me kindly
  • one - many
  • many - one
  • put the word "no" 5. Checking 6. I write a letter 7. I emphasize the spelling

Donut loves lemonade

Chocolate and marmalate

And Avoska is buns

And sweet cheesecakes.

Toropyzhka loves tord

And a compote made from peaches.

We all have a sweet tooth

We crack nuts.

Find and correct errors, explain.

Donut loves lemon T d

Chocolate T d and marmela T d

And Avoska – I spit and w ki

And sla T d cue vatru and w ki.

Toropyzhka loves Thor d T

And from peaches compo d T .

We are all weak T d beds,

Let's click the ore and w ki.

boom...ka boom...ka

yu...ka fla...ki

shu.. wow...wow

bese...ka ska...ka

kra...ka sha...ka


button..ka to…ka

boom and I'm working b ka

yu b ka fla and ki

shu b ka ridge

conversation and tale

kra With porridge n ka

pu w where are we w ka

button p ka do s ka

Fill out the table, choosing the words that suit their meaning.

Fill in the missing letters. Words for reference: stool..., blood...ka, cha...ka, cha...ka, alma..., kru...ka, Roma...ka, lyuti..., candy...ka, morko...ka, lopa...ka, izumru..., chillies..., gingerbread....


conference T ka, gingerbread To


Roma w ka, luti To


cup, cool and ka


Alma h, emerald d



stool T, shelter T ka

chillies To


Morco V ka


cha n ka, lopa T ka

Lo...ka, game...ka, roll...ka, stick...ka.

Doro...ka, kry...ka, boil...ka, but...ka.

Horse...ka, lyu...koy, lopa...ka, zaga...ka.

Minu...ka, mone...ka, dirt...ka, candy...ka.

Oshi...ka, gr...ki, tr...ka, la...ka.

Read the strings of words. Find the odd one out in each. Fill in the missing letters.

Boat, toy, reel, stick.

The road, the lid, the boil, the butt.

Horse dka, shovel tka, zaga d ka.

Mina T ka, Monet T ka, fuck d ka, confe T ka.

Oshi b ka, mushrooms, work b ka, la n ka.


I'm in class

1. Interesting

Bottom line

1. Worked

1. Understood the material

2. Resting

3.It doesn't matter

2. Learned more than I knew

3. Helped others

3. Didn’t understand the material

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Slide captions:

Spelling of checked consonants in the root of a word Russian language lesson in 3rd grade Teacher: N.M. Sverchkova

A minute of penmanship We write all these letter combinations on one line. We remember about the slope, height and smooth connection of elements.

Write down on a line the words with a paired consonant at the end of the word Country, village, city, collective farm, land, vegetable garden, hammer, nail, factory, player, worker, hammer, oats, bread, club, pillow. Underline the spelling “Paired consonant at the end of a word”

Self-test City, collective farm, vegetable garden, hammer, factory, hammer, oats, bread, club. Well done!

Write the words by inserting the correct letter. h a ... ka, cru ... kalo ... ka k ry ... ka no ... s kovoro ... ka blu ... tse

Self-test Cup, mug, spoon, knife, lid, frying pan, saucer. We check Cup - cup, Mug - cup, Spoon - spoon, Knife - knife, Lid - lid, Frying pan - frying pan and Saucer - Blue Dechko

Write down one sentence, underline the spelling “Paired consonant” Here is the king of beasts - a mighty le..., And here is fat... with a long neck. Eared e..., what's not good...? A handsome raccoon looks down... - There a sweet lynx stretched out. A mighty hippopotamus swims..., a bear roars over the seal. And the white golu... flies there and collects bread crumbs.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation: Spelling words with double consonants in the root of the word.

Goals: to improve spelling skills of words with double consonants at the root. Game description: Start of work is carried out by clicking the mouse button on the arrow on slide 1. At the same time it appears...

Spelling of checked consonants in the roots of words

Presentation for grade 3 according to the "School 2100" system on the topic "Spelling of tested consonant letters in the roots of words" lesson 15...

presentation on the Russian language, grade 3 "Spelling of checked consonants in the root of a word"

Subject: RUSSIAN LANGUAGEGrade: 3 Topic: SPELLING OF CHECKED CONSONANT LETTERS IN THE ROOT OF A WORD. Lesson type: consolidation of material. Technologies and techniques: problem technologies, game (lesson-...

Russian language "School 2100" 3rd grade 30 lesson

Ι. Updating knowledge

- Open your notebook.

– What should I write down? (Date.)

Commented number entry.

– Write the words “Cool work.”

1. Vocabulary work.

1. Guess the riddle:

There is a good guy in the apartment,

Mathematician and sage.

Constantly, all year round

He keeps an exact count of the days.


- Write down the word. What spellings are there in this word? Write down two words with an untestable letter a and the letter e; with the letter ь , which denotes the softness of the consonant sound. (For example:appetite, orange, lilac, perch.)

2. Dictation the following sentences:

We open the calendar - January begins.

Without planks, without axes, the bridge across the river is ready. (Ice.)

– Underline the vocabulary words. What letters should you remember to spell? What's happened through ? (Preposition.) Remember the spelling of this preposition.

II . Formulating the problem, planning activities

– Read the keywords of the topic on p. 85.

– Formulate the purpose of the lesson based on these key words. (Find words with spellings-letters of a consonant at the root, with unpronounceable consonant sounds, designate them in writing, apply general rule spelling.)

- Let's make a lesson plan.

Plan (approximate).

The teacher makes a plan together with the children.

- What were we doing now? (We were planning our activities.)

II . Skill development – ​​application of knowledge

Free dictation.

Ex. 98.

1. Working with text.

a) Reading the text.

b) Conversation after reading:

– What is the text about? What is its theme?

– How can you title the text? (Wonderful winter time.)

– Let’s write down the title, highlight familiar spellings.

c) Work in paragraphs.

Reading the 1st paragraph.

- How many sentences does it have? What is this paragraph about? How can you title it? (Winter has come.)

Reading the 2nd paragraph.

- How many sentences does it have?

(The sun is shining brightly; the snow shines, with colored sparkles, good, joyful.)

2. Spelling preparation.

a) Find words with unpronounceable consonants. Underline the letters in the textbook that represent unpronounceable consonant sounds in writing. Name the test words.

b) What other familiar spelling patterns did you see in words and between words? Underline them and explain them. (Autumn, over, wonderful, time, cold, on a frosty day, snow, colored, on the heart, good.)

3. Recording text.

Children close their textbooks. The teacher reads the 1st paragraph. Children write down what they remember. The teacher reads the 2nd paragraph. Children write down from memory.

4. Self-test (without the help of a textbook). Children find and underline all familiar spellings in words and between words; check the presence of two paragraphs in your text.

Questions for the student who did the work (the beginning of the formation of a self-assessment algorithm):

-What did you need to do? (Perform sound-letter analysis.)

– Did you manage to complete the task?

– Did you do everything right or were there any mistakes?

– Did you compose everything yourself or with someone’s help?

– What was the level of the task?

– What skills were developed during this task?

Now together with ... (student's name) we were learning to evaluate our work.

- What were we doing now?

– What skills did you develop? (Ability to work with information.)

ΙV. Lesson summary

– What two large groups can all spellings be divided into?letters of consonants at the root of a word? (Verifiable and unverifiable.)

– What types of spelling-letters of consonants are included in each of these groups?

– What did you do best today?

– What difficulties did you have?

– Who received a mark in the diary today?

- For what?

V . Homework

To choose from.

1. Ex. 7, p. 88.

2. Complete the final text on the topic “Spelling the letters of consonants in the root” yourself.

Slide 2

a spelling chart on the spelling of the checked consonant at the root of the word. Students must know. Students must be able to - Accurately write words with the checked consonant at the root of the word. Choose test words. Find words using the studied spelling in the text.

Slide 3

Guys, today we have a difficult but exciting journey ahead of us to the Land of Spelling. We have already traveled repeatedly into the world of spelling systems and each time we learned something new. The result of today's journey will depend on how well you know the spelling about the spelling of the consonant being tested at the root of the word. Our assistants will be the Owl - the keeper of spellings. Cheerful assistants squirrels

Slide 4

Chest with spelling charts Guys, tell me the spelling chart about the spelling of the consonants being checked at the root of the word. In order not to make a mistake in the spelling of the consonant at the root of the word, you need to change the word or choose a word of the same root in which there is a vowel after the consonant being checked.

Slide 5

Insert the missing consonants in the root of the word, write test words next to it, and make up phrases. Ro...ky Gla...ky Fragile...ky Re...ky U...ky Bese...ka Vare...ka Move...Pro...ba If you hurry, you'll make people laugh Timid - timid Smooth - smooth Fragile - fragile Rare - rare Narrow - narrow Arbor - conversation Mitten - mitten Feat - feats Request - ask

Slide 6

Write correctly Write down the proverbs by inserting the required letter in the blank, mark the spelling True... feeds, but laziness spoils. Those who don’t value the world... are our thief... . To eat a fish, you have to fly into the water. d g g b z

Slide 7

Before choosing, write down from the poem the words with the consonant being tested at the root of the word Frost creaks. The frost is angry. And the snow, dry and stinging. And the elm was cold, and the oak was frozen. The trees were frozen through. T. Volzhina Frost, snow, elm, oak, frozen, through and through

Slide 8

Guess it - write it down Guys, guess the riddles! Attention! Clue! Guesses are words with verifiable consonants at the root of the word Itself is scarlet, sugar, green caftan, velvet Doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t sink in water Watermelon Ice Without arms, without legs, but can draw Frost Everyone needs it, but not everyone can make Bread

Slide 9

Guess - write down The peas have scattered on 77 roads, no one will pick them up A white blanket lay on the ground, summer has come - it’s all gone Hail Snow Long Antoshka is standing at the window Rain On the forest, on the Jura there is an old man with a red cap Mushroom

Slide 10

Time for business, time for fun Take test 1. In which word is the letter B written? 1) fat... 3) gra... 2) cooperation... 4) paragra... 2. In which word is the letter G written? 1) flag... 3) welding... 2) bridge... 4) title...

Slide 11

Take test 3. Which word contains the letter T? 1) re...ky 3) flo... 2) chocolate... 4) wedding 4. In which word is the letter Ш written? 1) roof...ka 3) devil... 2) road...ka 4) gray...ka 5. In which word is the letter Z written? 1) about...ba 3) about...ba 2) order... 4) about...ba

Slide 12

Complete test 6. Indicate the word with a spelling error 1) khrubky 3) nicks 2) book lover 4) rhombus 7. Indicate the word with a spelling error 1) lunch 3) wedding 2) youth 4) herring 8. Indicate the word with a spelling error 1) gateway 3) down 2) fairy tale 4) request

Slide 13

Self-test 1 – 2 2 – 1 3 – 3 4 – 1 5 – 2 6 – 1 7 – 2 8 – 4

Slide 14

What is GIA? GIA is the state final certification of students in the Russian language (exam), which is held in the 9th grade. The topic “Spelling of tested consonants in the root of a word” is also included in the exam paper. You and I have time to prepare well for the exam. We will try now to complete a task built according to the GIA type.

Slide 15

From the sentence, write down the word with the consonant being tested at the root. Slender birches whisper something to the linden trees. birch trees Hurray! It worked!

Slide 17

Literature used 1. Mysteries of the Russian people. A collection of riddles, questions, parables and tasks. Compiled by D. Sadovnikov. M., Terra., 1996. 2.T.Yu.Ugrovatova. Russian language. Materials for preparation for final certification. M., Enlightenment. 2009.

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