Subject week of the English language. Methodological development of the thematic week “Forest in Autumn” for a group of children with disabilities Distance Olympiads of the Snail Center


Teacher Kuznetsova A.V.

In accordance with the school’s work plan for the 2017/2018 academic year, in the period from 12/11/17 to 12/15/17, the school held an English language subject week. The work plan was approved by the school administration.

Monday 12/11/17.

In the morning, before the start of classes, a festive atmosphere reigned in the school lobby: songs were played in English, teacher Kuznetsova A.V. and the students greeted with the words: Good morning! (Good morning!). We are glad to see you! (Glad to see you!). Welcome to the English language week! (Welcome to English language week!).

An information stand for events for teachers and students has been set up in the school lobby.


General school line. Assembly hall. Opening of the English subject week.

Demonstration of the presentation “Holidays and Traditions of Great Britain”. Prepared and conducted by 9th grade students.

Monday 12/11/17

Lesson - presentation “Traditional tea drinking in England (at 5 o’clock)”, (assembly hall).

Monday 12/11/17

Quiz “Translate the English proverb” a) literal translation; b) Russian analogue.

Tuesday 12.12.17

Opening of the exhibition of drawings by students "New Year's Britain".

Tuesday 12.12.17

Role-playing game "English Fair".

Wednesday 12/13/17

Open English lesson on the topic “The history of the creation of the American flag” (9th grade).

Wednesday 12/13/17

Protection of “Environmental Protection” projects (in English). Jury: teachers of additional education, methodologists of the State Educational Institution of Educational Institution "OEBTSU" "Zolotaikina L.V., Nikulina E.A., Svirina O.I. (7A class)

Thursday 12/14/17

Friday 12/15/17

Lesson - game "Field of Miracles".

Friday 12/15/17

Demonstration of cartoons in English. Assembly hall, big change.

Friday 12/15/17

Game "Guess the word."

Friday 12/15/17

Closing the subject week of the English language. Summing up. Awarding certificates. General school assembly (assembly hall).

The administration of the State Educational Institution "Tula School for Students with Disabilities No. 4" awarded diplomas to teachers of additional education, methodologists of the State Educational Institution Preliminary Educational Institution "OEBTSU" Zolotaykina L.L., Nikulina E.A., Svirina O.I. For active participation in the subject-specific English Language Week: conducting a master class, participating in the jury of “Environmental Protection” projects.

Self-analysis of the subject week of the English language in grades 5 - 9 2017-2018 academic year

In accordance with the school’s work plan for the 2017/2018 academic year, from 12/11/17 to 12/15/17, the school held an English language subject week for students in grades 5-9. The work plan was approved by the school administration. The activity plan is based on the age interests of students. The opening of the English subject week was carried out at a school-wide meeting in the assembly hall and in each class additional explanations were given according to the plan. In the school lobby there is an information stand about ongoing events for students and teachers.

Target conducting a subject week of the English language: expanding the general horizons of students, as well as the opportunity to apply knowledge acquired in lessons and in extracurricular activities in the subject English.


Educational: formation of communicative competencies, development of skills and abilities in all types of speech activities: listening, reading, speaking, writing.

Educational: improve independent work skills; develop teamwork skills; to intensify the creative and project activities of students.

Educational: stimulate a high level of motivation when learning English; to form a tolerant attitude towards the culture and history of Russia and foreign countries, different peoples, patriotic education of schoolchildren; maintain a high level of interest in the country and culture of the language being studied.

Scheduled events provided for such forms of work with students as games, competitions, quizzes, performing creative tasks, defending projects, presentations, a fair, an auction, watching films on regional studies in English, an open lesson on the topic “The history of the creation of the American flag” (9 grades), a photo shoot “English in my life.” Conducting master classes and participation in the jury of additional education teachers, methodologists of the State Educational Institution of Preparatory Education and Technical Education "OEBTSU" L.L. Zolotaykina, E.A. Nikulina, O.I. Svirina.

Interdisciplinary connections: history, Russian language, literature, technology, fine arts, geography, biology, music, physical education.

The planned events were carried out daily. Almost 100% of students took part in the events of the English language subject week.

All events gave the English teacher the opportunity to communicate more with students in an informal setting, not limited by the time frame of the lesson, and contributed to the formation of friendly relations between participants in the educational process. Conducting competitions, quizzes, games and other events increase students' interest in the language and generate healthy competition among them, which is designed to improve students' communicative abilities. The entire foreign language week helped the student to apply language knowledge in different situations. Senior students helped in organizing and conducting events with junior students. The English language week was held at the proper methodological level. Not only the best, but also inert schoolchildren were involved in creative activities. All children were given the opportunity to share the joy of success, participate in events themselves or, as spectators, empathize with their classmates. The English subject week ended with summing up and awarding students at a school-wide assembly in the assembly hall.

Results of the English language subject week (12/11/17-12/15/17.)





Opening of the subject English Language Week.

Presentation “Holidays and Traditions of Great Britain”

9th grade students - a certificate for active participation in the English Language Week.

Kuznetsova A.V.

Quiz “Translate the English proverb”

a) literal translation;

b) Russian analogue.

student 7A class. - winner. Certificate.

5B class student - winner. Certificate.

6B class student - winner. Certificate.

Kuznetsova A.V.

Opening of the exhibition of drawings by students “New Year’s Britain”

6b grade student,

9th grade student,

6b grade student,

5a grade student,

6th grade student,

student 7b - certificates for active participation

Kuznetsova A.V.

Intellectual game "Field of Miracles"

5a grade student - Winner. Certificate Prizes.

7b grade student - sweet prize

7b grade student - sweet prize.

7b grade student - sweet prize

7b grade student - sweet prize

7b grade student - sweet prize.

5a grade student - sweet prize.

Kuznetsova A.V.

Role-playing game "English Fair"

Participants of the game (grades 5-9). Sweet prizes

Kuznetsova A.V.

Lesson - auction “Edible, inedible”

5a grade student - 1st place. Certificate.

5a grade student - 2nd place. Certificate.

5a grade student - 2nd place. Certificate.

Student of grade 5a - 2nd place. Certificate.

Student of grade 5a - 3rd place. Certificate.

Kuznetsova A.V.

Protection of environmental protection projects

7a grade student - 1st place. Certificate

7a grade student - 2nd place. Certificate.

7a grade student - 3rd place. Certificate.

6b grade student Winner. Diploma of State Educational Institution DO TO "OEBTSU",

6b grade student - Winner. Diploma of State Educational Institution DO TO "OEBTSU",

6b grade student Winner. Diploma of GOU DO TO "EBTSU"

Kuznetsova A.V.,

Jury: teachers of additional education, methodologists of the State Educational Institution DO TO "OEBTSU" Zolotaykina L.L., Nikulina E.A., Svirina O.I.

Protection of “Pet” projects

Lesson - "Birthday" holiday.

5b grade student - Certificate for active participation;

5b grade student - Certificate for active participation.

Kuznetsova A.V.

Conducting master classes, demonstrating presentations, participating in the jury in defending “Environmental Protection” projects.

Awarding diplomas from the State Educational Institution "Tula School for Students with Disabilities No. 4" to teachers of additional education, methodologists of the State Educational Establishment of Educational Institution "OEBTSU" to L.L. Zolotaykin, E.A. Nikulin, O.I. Svirin. For active participation in the subject English Language Week: conducting master classes, demonstrating presentations, participating in the jury of “Environmental Protection” projects.

The set goal and objectives have been achieved. In order to activate the potential of schoolchildren, it was very important for the teacher to organize and conduct events on the principles of student-centered education to solve all the assigned tasks; this was facilitated by various events during the subject week of the English language. The planned activities corresponded to the age interests of the students.

English teacher: Kuznetsova A.V.

English Week

Teacher Maslennikova A.I.

As part of English language week, a Linguistic and cultural lesson , where the children got acquainted with the traditions of English-speaking countries. The children happily completed the proposed tasks and asked questions.

In 6th grades it was held open lesson "Christmas Traditions of Great Britain" . The children learned about the Christmas traditions of Great Britain and plunged into the festive atmosphere. The event aroused great interest.

In 8th grade it was held quest “If you can read this thank your teacher” . The guys were already familiar with this form of work and quickly got involved in the work. It was necessary to solve the code by completing tasks in English.

Thus, the English language week contributed to the development of students’ creative abilities, the formation of their sociocultural competence, collaborative learning and increased motivation to learn English.

  • Contest
  • Olympics
  • Competition-game
  • Subject week
  • Family competition
  • Children with disabilities
  • Control test
  • Summer camp
  • Tests online
Distance Olympics of the Snail Center

Goals and objectives of distance competitions of the Snail Center:

  • checking students' knowledge level
  • developing the skill of self-appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills for independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills in using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject week

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Family competition

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. competitions

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject week of primary classes.

Motto of the week: "Astonishment! Diversity! Creation! Friendship!"

The week has opened line, which was carried out by the head of the primary school education department N.I. Filatova. On this day, a photo exhibition “Our health is in our hands” was held, which presented 8 photographs, including 8 health-saving components: doing morning exercises, hardening, rest, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, good mood, visiting a doctor . Medical

The employees issued the newspaper “Eat Right – Gain Health.” The children looked at photographs with proverbs with pleasure and great interest and read a poem about health and information about proper nutrition.

Day two...

The next day was no less interesting than the previous one. It was Russian Language Day. Among grades 2-4, I conducted a simulator “Vocabulary - remember!” 4th grade teacher Storozhenko N.E. using an interactive whiteboard in an interesting way.

We determined the best notebooks in the Russian language in each class: 1st “A” class - Sergey Verigin; 1 “B” - Lebedev Dmitry; 2nd grade – Klykov Anatoly, Ragimov Sabir; 3rd grade – Alennikova Alexandra; 4th grade – Chernikov Ivan, Bocharov Alexander.

Day three...

This day was dedicated intellectual abilities. The children took part in an integrative and developmental lesson on stations together with their counselors, who guided them and helped them in a quiz on the world around them.

On this day, an exhibition of works on labor training with proverbs about labor was organized, which is aimed at satisfying aesthetic needs and developing the constructive and creative abilities of children.

Best works: 1st “A” class – Vera Kamynina, Denis Zaitsev, Sergey Verigin; 1 “B” - Dmitry Lebedev, Maxim Perelevchenko, Vadim Perelevchenko; 2nd grade – Artyom Tsedov, Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov, Oleg Kornaukhov, Veronika Fedorishcheva; 3rd grade – Alennikova Alexandra, Fedina Angelina; 4th grade – Chernikov Ivan, Bulykina Ulyana, Andreev Maxim.

Day four...

Mathematics. Teachers held an educational and exciting event “Entrepreneur!” Try! Win! On this day, contests and competitions were held, crossword puzzles, puzzles, and logic problems were solved.

The best notebooks in mathematics: 1st “A” class – Denis Zaitsev, Sergey Verigin; 1 “B” - Maxim Perelevchenko; 2nd grade – Klykov Anatoly, Ragimov Sabir; 3rd grade – Alennikova Alexandra; 4th grade – Chernikov Ivan, Bocharov Alexander.

Day five...

Literary reading. The children made drawings for their favorite fairy tales. The school librarian T.V. Klevtsova conducted a game - a fairy tale quiz. The presentation event was educational and entertaining. We learned a lot of interesting and surprising things.

Filatova N.I. held a reading competition on the theme “Autumn”. The poems were read expressively and clearly by Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov, Veronika Fedorishcheva, Alexandra Alennikova, Sergey Verigin, Ivan Chernikov.

Closing of the week of primary classes. Ruler. Rewarding the participants of the week.

After the subject week, a round table was organized. Primary school teachers made presentations on these topics.

1. “The use of art therapy in lessons with students with disabilities.”(Storozhenko N.E.).

2. “Development of non-verbal thinking through constructive praxis.”(Tselykovskaya S.A.)

3. “Development and correction of sensorimotor skills in students with mental retardation.”(Shilova A.P.)

4. “Federal State Educational Standard – 1st stage of the Development Program for students with disabilities.”(Filatova N.I.)

5. “The role of finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills with disabled students.”(Presnyakova O.V.)

“Techniques for working with autistic children.”(Presnyakova O.V. - information from the courses


The subject week program reflected various forms and methods of educational and extracurricular activities. Collective and individual forms of work were successfully combined. To enhance the mental activity of students, original visual aids were used, games were held - quizzes with presentations, competitions, integrative - developmental lessons at the stations "Mathematical", "Fairytale", "Zagadkino", "Game", "Crossword" on ecology, presentations, videos .

Such subject weeks are needed by both children and teachers. They bring a fresh spirit into the academic and extracurricular life of the school community.

Head of the Ministry of Education of Primary School Teachers Filatova N.I.

On April 13, 2016, at the Moscow State Regional University (Perlovsky building), the Association held the final in-person stage of the Subject Week “Innovative technologies for working with children with disabilities” to identify the best specialists in the Moscow region in working with children with disabilities. The competition was organized with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State University. About 50 applications (preliminary stage) from 31 correctional educational institutions in the Moscow region were submitted to participate in the competition.

8 teachers reached the finals of the competition, who presented creative self-presentations, revealed the content of their original projects dedicated to various aspects of increasing the effectiveness of teaching and raising children with various psychophysical disorders, optimizing early assistance and creating a correctional and developmental environment. After the presentation, the participants answered questions from the jury and also completed creative tasks. The finalists were supported by their students and colleagues, as well as students from the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State University.

Subject Week Finalists

The jury included:

  1. Georgy Valerievich Kryukov – President of the Association of Specialists in Working with Children with Disabilities of the Moscow Region.
  2. Cherkasova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna – senior teacher of the Department of Defectology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow ASOU.
  3. Alkhimova Vera Nikolaevna – deputy chairman of the Moscow regional organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science.
  4. Ermolaeva Olga Vitalievna - Deputy Director of the PPMSS - center of the Moscow region.
  5. Kovylova Ekaterina Vladimirovna – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, deputy dean of the faculty of special pedagogy and psychology of Moscow State University.

Competition jury

Competition results

1st place – Fatina Elena Vladimirovna— primary school teacher at “Boarding School No. 1” Elektrostal.

2nd place – Ryabyshkin Alexander Sergeevich- teacher at the Absolut boarding school.

3rd place was shared by 2 teachers:

Baranova Elena Vladimirovna— primary school teacher at the Noginsk Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Students with Disabilities

Anokhina Galina Alekseevna— teacher of sewing at the “Boarding School for Students with Disabilities” in Podolsk.

Volunteers (53 people) and spectators (107 people)—students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State University—participated in the organization and conduct of the event.

The results of the competition showed that active work is underway in the Moscow region to use innovative technologies in the education and upbringing of children with disabilities.

Speech by E.V. Fatina, primary school teacher at “Boarding School No. 1” Elektrostal (1st place)

Speech by Ryabyshkin A.S., teacher of the Absolut boarding school (2nd place)

Speech by E.V. Baranova, primary school teacher at the Noginsk Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Students with Disabilities (3rd place)

Speech by Anokhina G.A., sewing teacher at the “Boarding School for Students with Disabilities” in Podolsk (3rd place)

Students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology

Subject Week Finalists and Jury