Presentation of the flora and fauna of the Arctic deserts. Arctic deserts

The Arctic is the land of the never-setting sun in summer and lingering winter night, illuminated by auroras; a world of frost, blizzards, drifting ice, vast glaciers and arctic deserts. The Arctic is divided into two zones: the ice zone and the arctic desert zone. The ice zone is the seas of the Arctic Ocean along with the islands. And the zone of Arctic deserts occupies insignificant patches of rocky land, on short term freed from under the snow on the islands and on the mainland (it is only a narrow border adjacent to the outskirts of the tundra in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula). There is a very long and severe winter here; for several months in a row the sun does not appear at all - this is the polar night. The moon is shining in the sky, the stars are twinkling. Sometimes amazingly beautiful auroras appear. In the summer in the Arctic there is a polar day. For several months there is light around the clock. But not warm. In the warmest month, the air temperature does not exceed + 5 °C. Organic world The Arctic is very poor. The only plants that live here are mosses and lichens. The fauna is more diverse, but most of the animals live in the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. These are fish - cod, cod, vendace, nelma, smelt. Mammals - seals (sea hare, ringed seal), walrus, beluga dolphin. Birds fly to the coasts and islands in the spring - geese, eiders, waders, guillemots, and guillemots. On the islands of Severnaya Zemlya and the ice of the Kara and Laptev seas it rules polar bear. The Wrangel Island nature reserve has also been created.

Arctic deserts, also known as polar or icy deserts, got their name due to their resemblance to ordinary deserts - hard weather conditions, low temperatures and low population.

They are located on the territory North America, Greenland, as well as on most of the islands in the Arctic Ocean. There are also areas with similar climatic conditions at the south pole of the Earth. Here they are called Antarctic deserts.

Most areas of the Arctic deserts are characterized by complex terrain. Areas located along the seashore are more even and flat. As you move away from the coastline, the terrain becomes more mountainous.

The climatic conditions are very harsh. Snow and ice lie almost all year round. The most high temperature, recorded in this territory, is only 3 degrees above zero. The lowest temperatures in winter reach -60 o C.

It's not just low temperatures that have shaped the Arctic deserts the way they are today. The few rays of the sun are reflected from snow and ice and can warm the earth with great difficulty.

The polar night with severe weather conditions lasts for several months. At this time you can see in the sky northern lights- a most beautiful phenomenon, characteristic only of the northernmost territories.

The vegetation of the Arctic deserts is sparse; only certain types of grasses, sedges, mosses and lichens are occasionally found. It grows only in small areas called polar oases.

During the short summer, the Arctic fauna is completely transformed, flowers bloom, including polar poppy, saxifrage, buttercup and some others. These herbs are a valuable source of food for animals and are also used by humans to make medicine.

Animals live mainly in the Laptev and Kara seas, since it would be very difficult for them to get food on land. Among the terrestrial fauna, lemmings, bears and arctic foxes can be distinguished. IN summer time Numerous bird colonies flock together.

Among the mammals found here are walruses, seals and beluga whales, ringed seals, polar foxes and polar bears, Greenland musk oxen, as well as lemmings. Smelt, cod, nelma, and cod live in the icy waters of the seas and oceans.

Arctic foxes, walruses and seals are of commercial interest. Of the birds - the eider, which has especially valuable down that retains heat well. According to these indicators, eiderdown is considered the best among other similar insulation materials. Down is collected from abandoned nests and used to make outerwear for people working in particularly cold climates.

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ARCTIC DESERT (image of the territory) MKOU Secondary School No. 4 Gutor G. N.

Geographical location Arctic desert zone – natural area Arctic belt, including islands and the northern edges of the Arctic mainland. There are numerous glaciers in the Arctic desert zones; outside the glaciers there are rocky deserts.

Ice desert An ice desert is a type of cold desert with very low air temperatures and low precipitation, with extremely sparse vegetation among the snows and glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctic belts of the Earth. Ice deserts are common across much of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, other islands of the Arctic Ocean, the northern coast of Eurasia and Antarctica.

Novaya Zemlya Island

Franz Josef Land

The Arctic is a land of amazing nature, a land of contrasts, a kingdom of snow and ice

Working with a map The border of the Arctic belt is usually drawn along the 5 deg isotherm. from the warmest month (July or August) the Arctic zone is characterized by negative or small positive values radiation balance, dominance of Arctic air masses, long polar night, low air and surface temperatures ocean waters The seas of the Arctic zone are characterized by stable ice cover

Multi-year ice does not melt even in summer