Reviews of the book "" by Danielle Laporte. Danielle Laporte Light the Fire! Sincere advice for those who are looking for their path Listen to an audiobook, read online or download the book “Light a Fire! Sincere advice for those who are looking for their path” on KnigoPoisk

This book is about how to ignite the fire of true desires in your soul and achieve inner freedom. About how to stay true to yourself and do what you are called to do. About finding yourself and setting goals, about failures and mistakes, about balance in life and the psychology of relationships, about overcoming fear and achieving harmony, about career and success.

After reading this book, you will get rid of many illusions:

Being competent in everything is not nearly as useful as it is believed. You achieve mastery when you focus on developing your strengths and do what brings you joy.
Life balance is a myth, and the struggle for it is even more stressful than the pursuit of it.
You don't have to achieve everything through hard work. It is wiser to choose the path of qualitative lightness, doing what gives strength. Starting with easy tasks fuels your optimism. You have less stress and more energy. You are capable of doing more. Ease is your criterion for success.
Trying not to be afraid is like trying not to be curious. Fear is inevitable and natural. It’s better to look into his eyes and find your “vitamins for the soul” that can comfort you.
Principles can ruin your life. Send them away, at least some of them.
“No” clears the way to your dream. If you feel lousy, don't tolerate it and don't look for excuses. Just stop doing what makes you feel bad. Choose the path that is in tune with your soul.
Give up your ambitions. Being clear about how you want to feel at work and in life is more important than setting goals. Clarity gives you a feeling of satisfaction and liberation.
Each of us is capable of being a creator. To be a creator means to do something with your soul. When you put your heart and soul into cooking a family meal or a party for friends, you are creating poetry.
Giving is not bad at all. Be generous. Generosity - driving force spiritual development. By giving, you make friends, become richer and healthier, love more, shine brighter and live life to the fullest.

Danielle Laporte, a popular US blogger and motivational speaker, will show you through her own story of loss and achievement and inspiring examples of other people, how to light up your life with a new light, take a step towards your dreams and be who you are.

Who is this book for?
For women who want to live life to the fullest, making their dreams come true and realizing their talents.

Book chips
This book is unusual and unique in its own way.

On the one hand, this is a truly women's book, written by a woman (which is very rare in the world of business literature) and exclusively for women (which is also rare).

On the other hand, this book is for strong women, where the energetic style of the author (a kind of Tom Peters in a skirt) is complemented by pragmatic tasks for independent work after each chapter.

From the author
This book is designed to help you take your dreams to the next level, revitalize them, or clarify them. I want improving your dreams to become a permanent activity for you. Floss, stretch, eat green vegetables and dream - over and over again.

Your desires reflect your true essence. If your life right now is not at all what you want, then dreams are the fuel with which you will move forward. If you want to use your strengths and capabilities to the fullest, seriously set yourself the goal of dreaming about your ideal life. Your subconscious and expressed desires are gold mines that lead to what, from your point of view, is prosperity.

There is nothing more exciting than someone being inspired by their dream. Dreaming is necessary, but it's just part of the equation. You must put the strategy into action. Passion is the wind that fills your sails, and practicality is the helm of the ship. To achieve what you want, you need both components.

Be reckless. Be afraid if necessary. But don't stop moving. Feel. Ask questions. Don’t put up with injustice against you and, for God’s sake, don’t settle for less. You are writing a movie script of your life. Wish. Light. Motor! You are a heroine embarking on an adventure. Be surprised, be renewed, be true to yourself. Now.

About the author
A former think tank executive, business strategist and PR professional, Danielle Laporte is one of the most popular and original writers on the internet. personal growth and career. Danielle is just over 40 years old, a talented motivational speaker and the owner of several tattoos, well versed in Buddhism and profit and loss reports. Danielle has been featured in publications such as Elle, Body + Soul, More, Vogue Australia, Better Homes and Gardens, Globe and Mail, National Post, Huffington Post, Entertainment Tonight, USA Today and

It takes courage to be true to yourself.

If your cherished desires There is no place in your diary, and your true characteristics are not reflected in your resume, then you are neglecting the power that integrity gives you

Don't do things you don't have a passion for.

The most valuable currency is what comes most naturally to you.

To create is to win the hearts of people by following the truth within yourself.

When do you feel wonderful? what makes you call? What activities make you feel useful, full of life, better than before?

When do you feel like, “Am I capable of more?”

What do you generously share that feels good and easy to do?

What do you do best and still feel high?

What lights the fire in you?

If you could attend 5 conferences or other events this year, which ones would you go to and what would their topics be?

What could you talk about until the night with like-minded people, and you wouldn’t run out of topics to discuss?

What activities make you feel very useful, full of life and strong?

When do you feel like a rock star, a talented participant in the business, a very cool and purposeful person? What activities most often make you feel like you belong?

What do you want to be known for?

Your goal is to be yourself!

What would your life be like if you only did easy things?

Less friction = higher speed

First figure out how you want to feel, and then do what makes you feel that way.

Knowing exactly how you want to feel is the healthiest form of confidence for you. Intentionally creating these feelings is the most creative thing you can do with your life.

What if we figured out what feelings we want to experience inside ourselves, and only then made lists of tasks?

When you are clear about how you want to feel, you focus your decisions on what is truly important to you.

FOR YOUR nervous system It's more helpful if you truly believe your description of the current state of your career or life. pronouncing it.

Forget about impression and focus on truthfulness.

Let people see the scope of your work. You can be modest and still show your abilities, present the facts in an interesting way. Facts + feelings = really exciting.

Fear will tell you to shrink - open up. Fear will tell you to go ahead - retreat and wait. Fear will tell you not to rock the boat - dive.

Look back at last year and make it clear what went wrong with it. What turned out to be ineffective, caused irritation and indignation, was a burden to you, bent down to the ground with a heavy burden? What will you stop doing right now?

I am mine best work: A collection of road maps, reports, recipes, pictures and prayers from the battlefield.

Those who are called “creative individuals” in fact simply know how to come up with more combinations of ideas, find interesting ideas faster and are ready to try them in practice. The problem is that most schools and organizations fail to break these habits.

What do people experience because of me?

By smoothing out your outstanding characteristics, you will merge with the gray mass. Lady Gaga: I have never met someone who lives a courageous and successful life—by “successful” I mean thriving, kindness, and a sense of purpose—who apologizes for their perfectionism, activism, tenacity, or other traits that are sometimes perceived as negative. There will always be something about you that will seem too much to someone: too big, too loud, too soft, very avant-garde.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else.

Take a video of yourself - you will understand your mistakes. This is an inexpensive method to teach yourself.

List role models. Then their characteristics and what unites them.

I need to find out what nourishes me and what exhausts me!

When you have a clear understanding of what brings you joy, time management becomes a means of self-expression rather than self-suppression.

Your employment is the result of your choices.

The true joy of life is to dedicate yourself to a goal of which you recognize the greatness: to expend all your strength before you are thrown into the trash heap, to be a real force of nature and not an anxious, selfish and pathetic bunch of ailments and grievances complaining that the world doesn't try to make you happy.

Danielle Laporte

Light the fire!

Sincere advice for those who are looking for their way

Reviews of the book “Light the Fire!”

A modern masterpiece that will influence millions of people from current and future generations. He is incredibly inspiring, full of wisdom and practical advice. I will recommend this work again and again. You will be amazed and love this book!

Marie Forleo,

Wise, fascinating, and moreover, unusual.

Danielle's work is full of insightful observations and imbued with an energy that makes you want to work for your own good. The contents of the book bring practical benefits and strike sparks in the mind that can illuminate new paths in your career and life.

What's immediately noticeable is how passionately Danielle loves her job. After reading a few chapters of the book, you will be eager to take action.

This book is as useful as J. Cameron's The Artist's Way, but more motivating.

Danielle is telling the truth, as it is. Money, failure, power, value. "Light the fire!" touches on all of these timely topics while actively encouraging readers and getting them thinking about the possibilities.

Danielle is a true fire starter, and you will too by reading this book. To finally be convinced of this, go with her to the North Pole. When you finish reading, you will find yourself tanned.

Her intelligence is admirable, and her kindness and practicality help ignite a beneficial inner fire in you, rather than a dangerous flame. Danielle Laporte has the knowledge you need to succeed. Sit back and try not to miss anything. Her words are what our souls need.

This is the revolution you've been waiting for! This book will make you shake up and reconsider all aspects of your life. Danielle Laporte offers wise and emotional advice that is suitable for tycoons, supporters of spiritual development, and those who simply love life. Take off your clothes and dive headfirst into the fascinating depths of this book! Don't be afraid!

Not shocks and revolutions
The path is cleared for a new life,
And revelations, storms and generosity
Someone's inflamed soul.

Boris Pasternak

Warnings + confessions

1. I can't give you what you don't have. Some of you will welcome this statement with delight: "Hooray!" And someone may be immediately disappointed: “What? Isn't this book for self-development?"Don't worry. We'll shine a light on the good things you already have, and you have a lot of them.

2. In the end, you forge new paths by staying true to yourself. This is a simple but profound truth.

3. I confess: I want to become your favorite giver of fire, which will illuminate your life, allowing you to see it clearly, fulfill your desires with love and achieve results.

4. I may not know you, but I already love you. Well, I admitted it.

With love,

Come here, sit by the fire...

If you decide to do what you are passionate about, positive changes will occur in different areas of your life. Your career will fulfill your passions, your living room will begin to match your ideas of an ideal interior, your friends will share your beliefs, and wealth (which can be defined in many ways) will allow you to maintain freedom. It takes courage to be true to yourself. Sometimes it is expressed as a loud statement, sometimes as a rebellion or a loving vow. It can also take the form of a silent conviction that can be read in your eyes. Being true to yourself - whether publicly declared or unnoticed - will allow you to thoroughly shake up your beliefs, methods of action and limitations. Its power will allow you to do what some consider impossible. Being true to yourself is the foundation of integrity and honesty. Achieving it is often difficult and not always painless, but only it will allow you to truly live full life.

This book is about how to ignite the fire of true desires in your soul and achieve inner freedom. About how to stay true to yourself and do what you are called to do. About finding yourself and setting goals, about failures and mistakes, about balance in life and the psychology of relationships, about overcoming fear and achieving harmony, about career and success.

After reading this book, you will get rid of many illusions:

  • Being competent in everything is not nearly as useful as it is believed. You achieve mastery when you focus on developing your strengths and doing things that bring you joy.
  • Life balance is a myth, and the struggle for it is even more stressful than the pursuit of it.
  • You don't have to achieve everything through hard work. It is wiser to choose the path of qualitative lightness, doing what gives strength. Starting with easy tasks fuels your optimism. You have less stress and more energy. You are capable of doing more. Ease is your criterion for success.
  • Trying not to be afraid is like trying not to be curious. Fear is inevitable and natural. It’s better to look into his eyes and find your “vitamins for the soul” that can comfort you.
  • Principles can ruin your life. Send them away, at least some of them.
  • “No” clears the way to your dream. If you feel lousy, don't tolerate it and don't look for excuses. Just stop doing what makes you feel bad. Choose the path that is in tune with your soul.
  • Give up your ambitions. Being clear about how you want to feel at work and in life is more important than setting goals. Clarity gives you a feeling of satisfaction and liberation.
  • Each of us is capable of being a creator. To be a creator means to do something with your soul. When you put your heart and soul into cooking a family meal or a party for friends, you are creating poetry.
  • Giving is not bad at all. Be generous. Generosity is the driving force of spiritual development. By giving, you make friends, become richer and healthier, love more, shine brighter, and live life to the fullest.

Danielle Laporte, a popular US blogger and motivational speaker, will show you through her own story of loss and achievement and inspiring examples of other people, how to light up your life with a new light, take a step towards your dreams and be who you are.

Who is this book for?

For women who want to live life to the fullest, making their dreams come true and realizing their talents.

Book chips

This book is unusual and unique in its own way.

On the one hand, this is a truly women's book, written by a woman (which is very rare in the world of business literature) and exclusively for women (which is also rare).

On the other hand, this is a book for strong women, where the author's energetic style (a kind of Tom Peters in a skirt) is complemented by pragmatic tasks for independent work after each chapter.

From the author

This book is designed to help you take your dreams to the next level, revitalize them, or clarify them. I want improving your dreams to become a permanent activity for you. Floss, stretch, eat green vegetables, and dream—over and over again.

Your desires reflect your true essence. If your life right now is not at all what you want, then dreams are the fuel with which you will move forward. If you want to use your strengths and capabilities to the fullest, set a serious goal - to dream about your ideal life . Your subconscious and expressed desires are gold mines that lead to what, from your point of view, is prosperity.

There is nothing more exciting than someone being inspired by their dream. Dreaming is necessary, but it's just part of the equation. You must put the strategy into action. Passion is the wind that fills your sails, and practicality is the helm of the ship. To achieve what you want, you need both components.

Be reckless. Be afraid if necessary. But don't stop moving. Feel. Ask questions. Don’t put up with injustice against you and, for God’s sake, don’t settle for less. You are writing a movie script of your life. Wish. Light. Motor! You are a heroine embarking on an adventure. Be surprised, be renewed, be true to yourself. Now.

Expand description Collapse description

Can't find your calling? Can't start a fire own desires? Does the feeling of your own freedom and possibilities seem so distant and unattainable? You've come to the right place. Probably, the above questions concern the consciousness of most modern Homo Sapiens. The topic of goals, its requirements and your potential has long been extremely popular. You would like to achieve some vague and grandiose goal, you would like to climb to that peak that no one has been to before. But you can’t even imagine in what way and through what capabilities you will do this.

What is missing?
Danielle Laporte, a former executive director of a think tank, a well-known business strategist, and the author of numerous monographs and trainings on career growth and development, answers this question confidently and specifically. personal qualities. This woman is over forty years old and during this period she has managed to become a talented motivational speaker and get several tattoos. Danielle is a specialist in Buddhism and financial accounting. She became the face of such publications as Vogue, Elle, USA Today. The book that Mrs. LaPorte wrote is called “Light the Fire! Sincere advice for those who are looking for their path." She tells the reader about many useful things.

Listen to an audiobook, read online or download the book “Light a Fire! Sincere advice for those who are looking for their path” on KnigoPoisk

Which ones? First of all, about kindling the fire of your own desires, achieving inner harmony and freedom. The book on its pages opens up a world of many skills that will help the reader remain himself, do what he is passionate about, find himself and life goals, correctly cope with failures and mistakes, balance in life and the psychology of relationships. You will learn to overcome your fear of important matters, you will find your place in your career and just success. After reading the book “Light a Fire! Sincere advice for those who are looking for their path,” you will forget about many misconceptions and learn many truths, including:

  • Competence in all areas is not as useful as is commonly believed. Everyone should focus on honing certain skills and qualities, making them instrumental in achieving goals that bring immeasurable joy.
  • Life balance is a delusion, the struggle for which provokes stress greater than the desire for this balance.
  • Hard work is not worth doing a lot of things. Your calling is the job that comes with the least difficulty. Your business is a highly paid hobby and nothing more. By choosing this path, you will spend a minimum of vital energy and experience less stress. Lightness and ease are the color of success.
  • Principles will not make you a better person. They will only ruin your life. Forget about principles - if not all, then at least some.
  • Fear is good. Fear is synonymous with curiosity, and curiosity is the key to knowledge. The latter will open new horizons before your eyes.
  • If you are not satisfied with the food on the table, overturn the table. Don’t do something you don’t like, no matter what money or interests are behind it. Choose a path and calling that your soul does not object to.
  • Ambition is bad, forget about it. You must have a clear sense of your purpose, mission, talents and possible success. Ambitions are illusions, nothing more. They cloud your mind, causing you to think about what is harmful and unnecessary.
  • Create. To be a creator means to apply all your potential and soul to your work. Write your poetry even if no one can read it.
  • Be generous, believe in karma. He who gives receives double. Generosity is an indicator of spiritual development and strong-willed qualities. By giving, you become a better person.

Who is the book for?