Unified State Examination results are valid for a period of time. Rosobrnadzor spoke about the Unified State Exam

The Unified Exam has replaced entrance exams to educational institutions of various profiles. Now enrollment is based on the scores obtained in passing exams at school.

To enroll in secondary and higher institutions, you must provide a document indicating that you have passed school exams in a specialized subject and the number of points. In this regard, many people have a question about how long the Unified State Exam is valid, and what will happen if this deadline is exceeded.

Validity period of the Unified State Examination

Current legislation does not oblige schoolchildren to enter educational institutions in the year of passing school exams. There are many reasons for delaying further education, for example:

  • military service;
  • family circumstances;
  • disease;
  • job responsibilities;
  • detention.

On present moment The period during which documents can be presented for admission to educational institutions is 4 years. An exception may be when serving as a military personnel.

What to do if the Unified State Exam deadline is missed?

In practice, there are situations when a person did not take exams at school at all, or in his graduation years, admission to educational institutions was carried out according to different rules. However, a document with school exam results is required for admission. The following categories are exceptions:

  • disabled people who, due to their physical condition, did not pass the Unified State Exam;
  • foreign citizens;
  • persons receiving a second education.

Everyone else should provide Unified State Exam results . In this case, when answering the question about how long the Unified State Exam lasts, you should keep in mind that after a 4-year period the unified exam will have to be taken again.

Citizens who did not take the Unified State Exam for one reason or another, including those for whom such an obligation was not provided, should contact the local education department. You will need to write an application for admission to take the Unified State Exam.

The exam will take place at the location indicated educational organization. You must first obtain a document confirming admission to the exam.

A citizen can apply for examinations to the school where he received his general education.

After passing the exams and receiving the result, you can submit documents to the chosen educational institution. In this case, the question of how long the Unified State Exam is valid can be answered, as in previous situations, the period should not exceed 4 years.

Editorial "site"

How long the Unified State Exam lasts is of interest to many schoolchildren and their parents. After all, it is on the basis of the certificate that you can enter a university, and there is a certain period when re-examination is not necessary. Schoolchildren have been receiving these certificates for more than 10 years, although still not everyone understands the specifics of using the document they have acquired.

The start of the Unified State Exam was in 2000, when it was carried out experimentally in several regions of the country. In 2006, almost 1 million students took part in testing. At the moment, a final test of knowledge in basic subjects is mandatory for every graduate.

Important! All students of schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums, regardless of accreditation, must take the Unified State Exam.

Among the compulsory subjects that will have to be taken:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Mathematics.

The student chooses the rest independently, based on his preferences and amount of knowledge. Among those available: physics, foreign language, chemistry, computer science, history, geography, literature and others. When the entire theory has been passed, the results are calculated and the data is indicated in the certificate. A future applicant can use it to enroll in a university. It is worth noting that such a document can only be issued if the test results are positive.


Not all schoolchildren and their parents know what results will be indicated in that very certificate. The results are presented in the form of points, and the Unified State Examination result is also presented in the certificate. This means that the results for the final grade in the certificate unified exam also influence. If they turn out to be worse than the overall performance, then the final grade is assigned based on the exam results.

Validity periods

Since the introduction of mandatory passing the Unified State Exam Standard validity periods for certificates have changed. So in 2009, it had a “shelf life” of only 1.5 years, that is, a former schoolchild could apply for it only next year. At the moment, all test results passed before 2012 are no longer valid. Since 2013, changes have been introduced, and now a student who has passed the necessary exams can use the certificate for as long as 4 years.

That is, graduates of 2017 can use their document until 2021 inclusive. Next year, 2018, those who have not yet done so, but have a certificate no later than 2014, can apply.

The question of how long the USE results of 2012-2013 are valid is quite problematic. It was during this period that the reform occurred, when the validity periods were changed. In order to equalize the rights of graduates, the legal 4 years were also in effect.


If a student is drafted into the army after passing the Unified State Examination, he can enroll in the army next year based on the document he has received. The period of military service is only 1 year, that is, there will be another 3 years in reserve for admission to one certificate. In the case of the allotted period, he has the right to extend the validity of the certificate by 1 year, which he was actually deprived of the opportunity to use it.

2 certificates

It happens that a graduate fails the exam the first time, his data is included in the certificate, but it is not sufficient for admission to the desired university. In this case, you can prepare and retake the next year. If the results have improved, you can submit the second certificate to the institute. However, both are considered valid and can be used at the discretion of their owner.

Important! The validity period of the certificate takes into account, including the month of delivery. This means that if you take the exam in June 2017, you will no longer be able to enroll in it in July 2021, since it will be invalid.


Increasing the validity period of Unified State Examination certificates has somewhat simplified life for former schoolchildren, since now they can not immediately enter a university after graduating from school, but think and weigh in which direction they want to move. This is also useful for those who are especially stubborn, because if you don’t manage to enter the university the first time target university, you can try next year and for another 3 years.

Unified State Exam results are valid for 4 years, starting from the year following the final certification. This standard, established for the first time in 2012, has been in effect from 2013 to the present and is reflected in the latest edition (dated June 27, 2018) of the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation».

This means that the results of the final certification obtained in 2017 can be presented admissions committees until the end of 2021, and the points received for the Unified State Exam in 2018 will be taken into account for admission from 2019 to 2022. Graduates of 2019 can use the certificate of Unified State Exam results, which since 2018 is not issued in paper form, and is entered into a unified information database until the end of 2023.

Who cares?

  1. Graduates called after finishing secondary school secondary school for urgent service, no need to worry. Having served the required period, young people use certificates with the results of the final certification to enter a higher educational institution. It is important to use this right within the period specified in the law - 4 years after receiving the final certification certificate.
  2. All graduates who, for some reason (family circumstances, illness, etc.) postponed admission to higher education institutions, will not have to apply to retake the Unified State Exam over the next 4 years. If the decision to continue studying is made after this period, you will have to take the exams again to enter the university.
  3. Graduates who continued their studies at technical schools, colleges and other vocational schools after graduation educational institutions, often decide to get higher education. Because to get the average vocational training It takes at least 2 years, after receiving a diploma, you can have time to enter a university.

What to do if the certificate of Unified State Examination results is expired?

If the decision to enroll in a university is ripe, when the deadline for Unified State Exam is already are not valid, you will have to take the final certification again. To do this, you need to find out where the nearest point is where the application will be accepted. Information about such points, application form, required documents, deadlines, etc. available on the official Unified State Exam portal ege.edu.ru.

At the recommended point for taking the Unified State Exam, they will accept your application and advise you on all issues. After successful completion exam results will also be valid for 4 years, starting from the year following re-certification.

Unified State Exam results are valid for 4 years, starting from the year following the final certification. This standard, established for the first time in 2012, has been in effect from 2013 to the present and is reflected in the latest edition (dated June 27, 2018) of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

This means that the results of the final certification received in 2017 can be presented to the admissions committees until the end of 2021, and the points received for the Unified State Exam in 2018 will be taken into account for admission from 2019 to 2022. Graduates of 2019 can use the certificate of Unified State Examination results, which since 2018 is not issued in paper form, but is entered into a unified information database, until the end of 2023.

Who cares?

  1. Graduates called up for military service after graduating from secondary school do not need to worry. Having served the required period, young people use certificates with the results of the final certification to enter a higher educational institution. It is important to use this right within the period specified in the law - 4 years after receiving the final certification certificate.
  2. All graduates who, for some reason (family circumstances, illness, etc.) postponed admission to higher education institutions, will not have to apply to retake the Unified State Exam over the next 4 years. If the decision to continue studying is made after this period, you will have to take the exams again to enter the university.
  3. Graduates who continue their studies at technical schools, colleges and other vocational educational institutions after leaving school often decide to get a higher education. Since obtaining secondary vocational training requires at least 2 years, having received a diploma, you can have time to enter a university.

What to do if the certificate of Unified State Examination results is expired?

If the decision to enroll in a university has matured, when the deadlines for the Unified State Exam that you once passed are no longer valid, you will have to take the final certification again. To do this, you need to find out where the nearest point is where your application will be accepted. Information about such points, application form, required documents, deadlines, etc. available on the official Unified State Exam portal ege.edu.ru.

At the recommended point for taking the Unified State Exam, they will accept your application and advise you on all issues. After successfully passing the exams, the results will also be valid for 4 years, starting from the year following re-certification.