Rggu directions of preparation and exam. Russian State Humanitarian University

Dear RSUH students and parents!

We would like to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012. The education agreement concluded upon admission to study specifies the full cost of educational services and the procedure for their payment for the entire period of study.

The price of training may change by an amount not exceeding the inflation rate provided for in the federal budget for the next financial year.”

  • Order on establishing the cost of paid educational services for the 1st semester of the 2019/2020 academic year
  • Order on establishing the cost of paid educational services for the 2nd semester of the 2018/2019 academic year
  • Order on establishing the cost of paid educational services for the 2018/2019 academic year
  • Order on establishing the cost of paid educational services for the 2017/2018 academic year for 1st year
  • Order on establishing the cost of paid educational services for continuing education for the 1st semester of the 2017/2018 academic year
  • Order on establishing the cost of paid educational services for continuing education for the 2nd semester of the 2017/2018 academic year
  • Order on the cost of training for educational programs of higher education - a program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school on the provision of paid educational services for those continuing their studies for the 2017/2018 academic year
  • Order on the cost of training for educational programs of secondary vocational education under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services at the Humanitarian College for continuing education and reinstated students for the 2017/2018 academic year
  • Order on the cost of training for educational programs of additional education for first-year students in the 2017/2018 academic year and for continuing education in the 2017/2018 academic year
  • Regulations on the procedure for reducing the cost of paid educational services for students studying at the Russian State University for the Humanities under agreements on the organization of training on a paid basis
  • Sample contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the field of vocational education
  • Order on the cost of training for educational programs of higher education under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services for first-year students in the 2016/2017 academic year and for those continuing their studies in the 2nd semester of the 2016/2017 academic year

Office of Paid Educational Services (UPOU) represents the University on all issues related to the provision of educational services to citizens of the Russian Federation within the framework of higher education.

UPOU carries out work on concluding and amending contracts for the provision of paid educational services, and deals with issues of payment for student education.

Separately, it should be noted that training takes place jointly with students of the budget form of education. The fundamental position of the University is a unified approach to students regarding the implementation of the curriculum and compliance with academic discipline.

Transfer/reinstatement to the Russian State University for the Humanities

Transfer/restoration to the Russian State University for the Humanities to a paid form of education for students of the Russian Federation is carried out from accredited universities with licensed specialties at the beginning of the academic semesters. To do this, you must contact the dean's office of the selected faculty.

Contact numbers:

Issuance of receipts for payment: from 9.15 to 17.30 (Friday until 16.30). Technical break from 12 to 13:00.

Position about the Department of Paid Educational Services

Payment methods

If you have a VISA International or MasterCard Worldwide payment system card, then you can make payments in favor of the Russian State University for the Humanities using the Internet payment system.

To do this, follow the link pay.rggu.ru Select the department you are interested in from the list and make the transfer, indicating your full name. student, contract number and card details!

Payment by bank cards of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard is provided by the processing center. Processing of the received confidential client data (card details, registration data, etc.) is carried out at the processing center. Thus, no one, not even the seller, can obtain the client’s personal and banking data, including information about his purchases made in other stores. To pay by credit card, you must enter information in the following fields:

  • select the type of payment system (Visa, MasterCard and others);
  • indicate the card number (16 digits on the front side of the card);
  • enter CVC/CVV number * , which is printed on the back of the card;
  • the cardholder's first and last name (exactly as they are written on the front of the card);
  • card expiration date, which is written on the front side of your card.

* The CVC/CVV number is the three digits located on the back of the card, on the signature strip.

The system uses TLS protocol versions 1.1 and 1.2 for data transmission, allowing information to be transmitted in encrypted form. Payment details are entered on a secure payment page, which is an integral part of the system. This ensures information protection from intruders and ill-wishers of online businesses. successfully passed the audit and has a certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS standard. The security of processing payments by bank cards is guaranteed by a certification system according to the international standard PCI DSS and compatibility with the Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code (3-D Secure) protocols. All suspicious transactions are manually checked by employees of the processing company. If you encounter any difficulties during the payment process by bank card, please contact the processing center managers by phone 8-800-1000-6-88 or by e-mail [email protected]. The support service is available 24 hours a day. System website

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Bachelor's, postgraduate, specialist, doctoral, master's

Skill level:

full-time, part-time, evening

Form of study:

State diploma

Certificate of completion:



From 50 to 82

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

General information

Levels of education at RSUH

Secondary general education

  • Liberal Arts College
  • Center for Pre-University Education
  • Lyceum classes
  • Profile classes

For applicants and schoolchildren

  • Full-time preparatory courses for applicants to first higher education
  • Distance preparatory courses for applicants to first higher education
  • Preparatory courses for applicants to specialized classes
  • Innovation and development programs

Secondary vocational education

  • Archival school
  • Liberal Arts College

First higher education

  • Institutes, faculties, educational and research centers

Second higher education

  • Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists
  • Archival school

Additional professional education and professional retraining

  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining
  • RSUH MBA Center
  • Archival school
  • Liberal Arts College
  • Higher School of Documentation Science
  • Business school
  • Higher School of Artistic Practices and Museum Technologies

Additional professional education for students

  • Liberal Arts College
  • College of Foreign Languages
  • Business school

Postgraduate and doctoral studies

  • Office of Graduate and Doctoral Studies

See all photos

Film about the Russian State University for the Humanities

1 of

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

Rules for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation

1. General provisions

In accordance with the Law “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1, Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” dated August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ, Federal Law dated November 16, 2011 No. 318 -FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the establishment of target figures for the admission of citizens for training at the expense of the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation for state accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education”, Federal Law dated 03.12.2011 No. 385-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the improvement of procedures for the recognition of documents on education, academic degrees and academic titles”, “Model regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation”, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2008 No. 71, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2009 No. 1136 “On approval of the list of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, for which other regulatory deadlines for mastering basic educational programs of higher professional education are established education (bachelor's degree programs, specialist training programs or master's programs) and a list of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, confirmed by awarding a person the qualification (degree) “specialist””, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2011 No. 2895 “On approval of the Procedure admission of citizens to educational institutions of higher professional education" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 24, 2012 No. 23011), by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2009 No. 337 "On approval of lists of areas of training for higher professional education", " The list of areas of training (specialties) for which, upon admission to state-accredited educational institutions of higher professional education for study in undergraduate programs and specialist training programs, additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation may be conducted,” approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federation dated January 17, 2011 No. 25, “List of entrance examinations to educational institutions of higher professional education that have state accreditation,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 28. 10.2009 No. 505, as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2011 No. 86, dated October 3, 2011 No. 2433 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2009 No. 505", Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2002 No. 1725 "On approval of the Conditions for mastering basic educational programs of higher professional education in a shortened time frame", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2009 No. 695 “On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2007 No. 285 “On approval of the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren”, “Model regulations on branches of state educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institutions) ", approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) dated December 1, 2005 No. 297 (ed. dated December 21, 2011), and for the purpose of high-quality selection of applicants, taking into account the profile of the Russian State Humanitarian University (hereinafter referred to as RSUH) and the characteristics of each area of ​​training (specialty), the Rules for admission to RSUH for 2013 are established.

1.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to enter places announced for competition and financed from the federal budget.

1.2. Acceptance of documents from applicants is carried out for full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, part-time forms of education using distance learning technologies.
For full-time, part-time (evening), and correspondence forms of study, documents are accepted for places financed from the federal budget, and for places with tuition fees paid, on a contractual basis.
For correspondence courses using distance learning technologies, documents are accepted only for places with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis.

1.3. Admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities for the first year of bachelor's and specialist training programs is carried out:

1.3.1. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) and additional entrance tests in the relevant general education subjects, the list of which is established in section 3 of the Rules for admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), for persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education.

1.3.2. Based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the Russian State University for the Humanities independently, the form of which is determined in accordance with Section 3 of the Rules, for the following categories of citizens:
- having secondary (complete) general education received before January 1, 2009;
- having secondary vocational education - upon admission to undergraduate programs and specialist training programs of the relevant profile in the following educational programs:

Specialty of secondary vocational education Direction of preparation of higher vocational education

Finance Economics

Economics and Accounting Economics

Management Management

State and municipal administration State and municipal administration

Jurisprudence Jurisprudence

Law and organization of social security Jurisprudence

Tourism Tourism

Technique and art of photography Design

Documentation support for management and archival science Documentation and archival science

Applied computer science Applied computer science

Design Design

Organization and technology of information security Information security

Having secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries.
If an applicant who has the right to admission based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the Russian State University for the Humanities has passed the Unified State Exam in the relevant general education subjects, the Admissions Committee takes into account the Unified State Exam results as the results of entrance tests in those general education subjects, the list of which is established in Section 3 of the Rules.

1.3.3. Based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the Russian State University for the Humanities independently, the form and list of which are determined in accordance with Section 3 of the Rules, for the following categories of citizens:
- those with secondary vocational education - upon admission to study under a shortened bachelor's degree program in the relevant profile;
- those with higher professional education - upon admission to undergraduate programs, specialist training programs or master's programs;
- upon admission to master's programs.

1.4. The results of the Unified State Examination, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations in general education subjects by an applicant, must not be lower than the minimum values ​​​​established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science in the current year.
RSUH has the right to establish a minimum number of points based on the results of the Unified State Examination, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations in general education subjects, which exceeds that established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

1.5. Control over the accuracy of the information provided to applicants is carried out by the Admissions Committee by contacting the relevant state information systems, state (municipal) bodies and organizations.
The admissions committee also has the right to check other documents submitted by applicants.
In order to confirm the accuracy of other documents submitted by applicants, the Admissions Committee has the right to contact the relevant state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

1.6. The Russian State University for the Humanities establishes a minimum number of points confirming the successful completion of additional entrance tests of a creative orientation.

1.7. Acceptance of documents for the first year of study in undergraduate programs and specialist training programs (with the exception of applicants for part-time study) begins no later than June 20, 2013 and ends:
- for persons entering for training in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are carried out, namely: “Journalism” (bachelor’s degree), “Design” (bachelor’s degree), “Arts and Humanities" (bachelor's degree), "History of Art" (bachelor's degree) - July 5, 2013;
- for persons entering based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently - July 10, 2013;
- for persons applying only based on the results of the Unified State Examination - July 25, 2013.

1.8. Deadlines for accepting documents for bachelor's degree programs and part-time specialist training programs, and for master's programs are established in accordance with the schedule approved by the Admissions Committee.

2. Acceptance of applications and documents

2.1. Upon admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities, the applicant submits the following documents to the Admissions Committee: application for admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities; original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship; original or photocopy of a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education (or on primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education); 4 photographs (3×4) for persons entering areas of training (specialty), where additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation or entrance tests conducted by the Russian State University for the Humanities are held independently.
An applicant who has passed the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) can submit an original or a photocopy of the certificate of Unified State Exam results. Persons who have completed conscription military service and have been discharged from military service, who have the right, within a year after discharge from military service, to use the results of the unified state exam that they passed during the year before conscription for military service, provide a military ID upon admission to higher educational institutions.
Applicants who do not have Unified State Exam results must register for the Unified State Exam before July 5, 2013 in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009 No. 57 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 26 March 2009, registration No. 13600).

2.2. Additional documents affecting participation in the competition are also accepted from the applicant in accordance with clause 6.5 of the Rules.

2.3. After the expiration of the deadlines specified in clause 1.7 of the Rules, no documents from applicants entering the first year will be accepted.

2.4. An applicant participating in a competition for places financed from the federal budget, included in the list of those recommended for admission, is required to submit to the Admissions Committee an original state-issued document on education from July 30 to August 4, 2013 inclusive.
If there are still vacant places, the original document must be submitted between August 5 and August 9, 2013 inclusive - for persons included in the list of those recommended for enrollment.
In case of failure to submit the original education document within the specified time frame, the applicant is eliminated from the competition.

2.5. When accepting documents, the Admissions Committee introduces the applicant, against signature, to a license to conduct educational activities and a certificate of state accreditation.
The applicant’s signature also records the following:
- obtaining higher professional education at this level for the first time;
- confirmation of application to no more than five universities;
- familiarization (including through public information systems) with the date of submission of the original state document on education;
- familiarization (including through public information systems) with the rules for filing an appeal upon admission to the first year based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the educational institution independently, additional entrance tests and certification tests.
If an applicant submits an application that does not contain all the information provided for in subparagraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 of these Rules, and (or) information that does not correspond to reality, the Admissions Committee returns the documents to the applicant.

2.6. An applicant can participate in the competition for no more than three areas of training (specialty), while separate applications are submitted for each area of ​​training (specialty), including options for the form of education (full-time, part-time, part-time), in which the main educational programs, as well as conditions (within the framework of the educational training center and (or) for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees). Each application must be accompanied by a separate set of documents specified in clause 2.1. Admission rules for 2013

2.7. Persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to admission without entrance examinations, without competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, or a preferential right to admission to higher educational institutions with state accreditation for study at the expense of the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, can take advantage of the right granted to them by submitting an application for admission to one university, respectively, in one area of ​​training (specialty) of the applicant’s choice. These persons have the right to enroll in other state-accredited higher educational institutions on a competitive basis in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

2.8. The competition and enrollment are based on the results obtained by the applicant, in accordance with the number of points scored in the areas of training (specialties) chosen by the applicant, specified when writing the application, in accordance with the enrollment rating.

2.9. RSUH provides for the possibility of accepting applications and necessary documents in electronic form.

3. Entrance tests

3.1. Entrance exams, conducted by the Russian State University for the Humanities independently, for places financed from the federal budget, are held in July 2013.

3.2. Additional entrance examinations of creative orientation end no later than July 25, 2013 and are held in accordance with the schedule approved by the Admissions Committee.

3.3. All entrance examinations are conducted in writing in the form of a test, unless otherwise provided by the Admission Rules, in programs corresponding to the curricula of secondary general education.

3.4. For applicants for all forms of education for places financed from the relevant budget (for general competition, for targeted admission, for admission without entrance examinations, eligible for admission without competition), as well as for places with payment of tuition fees under contracts, for a specific area of ​​training (specialty), the same entrance tests are established in accordance with the list below.

No. Name of direction (specialty) Entrance tests

1 Philosophy (bachelor's degree) Social science
Russian language

2 Political Science (Bachelor's degree) History
Russian language
Foreign language

3 Psychology (bachelor's degree) Biology
Russian language

4 Psychological and pedagogical education (bachelor's degree) Biology
Russian language

5 History (bachelor's degree) History
Russian language
Foreign language

6 Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree) Social studies
Russian language

7 Journalism (bachelor's degree) Literature
Russian language
Foreign language

8 International relations
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language

9 Oriental studies
and African Studies (Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language

10 Philology (bachelor's degree) Literature
Russian language
Foreign language

11 Linguistics
Russian language

12 Fundamental and applied linguistics
(bachelor's degree) Foreign language
Russian language

13 Cultural studies
(bachelor's degree) Social studies
Russian language
Foreign language

14 Arts and Humanities
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language
Creative exam (testing)

15 Art History
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language
Creative exam (testing)

16 Religious studies
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language

17 Documentation and archival science
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Social science

18 Foreign regional studies
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language

19 Sociology
(bachelor's degree) Social studies
Russian language

20 Design
(bachelor's degree) Literature
Russian language
Creative exam (interview and drawing)

(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language
Social science

22 Management
(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language
Social science

23 Human Resources Management
(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language
Foreign language

24 State and municipal administration
(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language
Foreign language

25 Applied computer science
(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language

26 Tourism
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Social science

27 Hospitality
(bachelor's degree) Social studies
Russian language

29 Intelligent systems in the humanitarian field
(bachelor's degree) Foreign language
Russian language

30 Museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language

31 Information security
(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language
Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies

32 Applied Mathematics
(bachelor's degree) Mathematics
Russian language
Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies

33 Anthropology and ethnology
(Bachelor's) History
Russian language
Foreign language

34 Clinical Psychology
(specialty) Biology
Russian language

35 Translation and translation studies
(specialty) Foreign language
Russian language

36 Psychology of professional activity
(specialty) Biology
Russian language

37 Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior
(specialty) Social studies
Russian language

3.5. Additional entrance tests of a creative orientation (creative exam) for admission to the first year in the areas of training “Journalism”, “Design”, “Arts and Humanities”, “Art History” are carried out in subjects for which the Unified State Exam is not conducted.

3.6. Applicants who do not appear for the exam at the scheduled time without good reason, who refuse to write a written paper, or who receive scores equivalent to an unsatisfactory grade, are not allowed to take further exams and are not subject to enrollment in the university. Retaking the exam is not permitted. Applicants are prohibited from using any materials or technical means other than those issued by the examiners, otherwise they will be removed from the exam.
Persons who did not appear for the entrance test, additional entrance test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) are admitted to them in parallel groups at the next stage of passing the entrance tests, additional entrance tests or individually until their complete completion in accordance with with a schedule approved by the decision of the Admissions Committee.

3.7. The results of all entrance tests, including additional entrance tests, are assessed on a 100-point scale.

3.8. The results of centralized testing are not counted as the results of additional entrance tests.

3.9. The list and forms of certification tests for persons entering the second and subsequent years are offered in accordance with the “Procedure for transferring students from the Russian State University for the Humanities to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and from other higher educational institutions to the Russian State Humanitarian University.”

4. Features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities

4.1. Citizens with disabilities, if they do not have a certificate of USE results, take entrance tests in accordance with Section 3 of these Rules, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics) of such applicants.

4.2. When conducting entrance examinations, the following conditions are ensured:
- entrance tests are held in a separate classroom, the number of applicants in one room should not exceed: when passing the entrance test in written form - 12 people; when passing the entrance test orally - 6 people. It is allowed for a larger number of applicants with disabilities to be present in the audience during the entrance test, as well as for admission tests for people with disabilities to be held in the same audience together with applicants who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing entrance test;
- the duration of entrance examinations can be increased in relation to the time of the Unified State Examination in the relevant general education subject, but not more than by 1.5 hours;
- an assistant is present at the entrance test to provide applicants with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics;
- applicants, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need during the entrance test.

5. Procedure for filing and consideration of appeals

5.1 The appeal is submitted personally by the applicant. Appeals from other persons, including relatives of applicants, are not accepted or considered. An applicant applying for a review of the grade received in the exam must have with him a document proving his identity.

5.2. An appeal is not a re-examination.

5.3. The appeal is submitted by applicants in person the next day after the announcement of the exam grade during the opening hours of the Admissions Committee.
If disagreements arise in the appeal commission regarding the assessment, a vote is held and the assessment is approved by a majority vote. The voting results of the appeal commission are final and are not subject to revision.

5.4. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision on the assessment of the examination work (in the case of both an increase and a decrease). The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the applicant (against signature).

5.5. In case of revision of the assessment, a protocol of the decision of the appeal commission is drawn up, in accordance with which changes are made to the applicant’s examination work and to the statement.

5.6. The Appeals Commission of the Russian State University for the Humanities does not have the right to accept appeals regarding the procedure and results of entrance examinations in the form and based on the Unified State Examination materials.

6. Competition and enrollment

6.1. Admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities is carried out on a competitive basis based on the number of points scored by applicants in the entrance examinations.

6.2. The competition is held in areas of training (specialties) in accordance with Section 3 of the Rules. When organizing the admission of applicants in several streams, repeated participation of the applicant in the competition for the same field of study or specialty is not allowed.

6.3. The competition for applicants to places financed from the federal budget and to places where tuition fees are paid on a contractual basis is separate.

6.4. Enrollment is carried out in accordance with the “Procedure for the admission of citizens to educational institutions of higher professional education”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2011 No. 2895, according to the schedule approved by the decision of the Admissions Committee.

6.5. The admission procedure is preceded by the announcement on July 27, 2013 on the official website of the Russian State University for the Humanities and on the information stand of the Admissions Committee of complete surname lists of persons whose admission may be considered by the Admissions Committee for each field of study (specialty) under various conditions of admission (for budget places, places under contracts with payment of tuition fees, places allocated for targeted admission), indicating the amount of points scored for all entrance examinations.
Persons entitled to admission without entrance examinations:
- members of national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and were formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
- winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (have the right to be enrolled at the University in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad - decision of the Academic Council of the RRSU, protocol No. 5 of May 28, 2013);
- winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (have the right to be enrolled at the University in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad - decision of the Academic Council of the RRSU, protocol No. 5 of May 28, 2013);
- winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads held in accordance with the Procedure for holding schoolchildren’s Olympiads (winners (1st place) of schoolchildren’s Olympiads in Russian language (1st level) and history (2nd level) have the right to be enrolled in the University in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to profile of the Olympiad - decision of the Academic Council of the RRSU, protocol No. 5 of May 28, 2013);
- winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads held in accordance with the Procedure for holding schoolchildren’s Olympiads (prizewinners (2nd place) of the Russian language Olympiad for schoolchildren (level 1) have the right to be enrolled at the University in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad - decision of the Academic Council RRGU, protocol No. 5 of 05/28/2013).
Persons entitled to admission without competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication).
Persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination for places allocated for targeted admission, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication).
Persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication).

6.5.1. When participating in a competition for areas of training (specialties) that do not correspond to the profile of the Olympiad, the winners and runners-up (1st, 2nd, 3rd places) of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren have the right to be equated to the persons who scored the maximum number of points ( 100 points) on the unified state exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.
Winners and prize-winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd places) of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in world artistic culture have the right to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points (100 points) in the creative exam for the field of study “History of Art” "(bachelor's degree).
Prize-winners (3rd place) of the Olympiads for schoolchildren in the Russian language (1st level) and prize-winners (2nd and 3rd places) of the Olympiads for schoolchildren in history (2nd level) have the right to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points (100 points ) on the unified state exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad (decision of the Academic Council of the RRGU, protocol No. 5 of May 28, 2013)

6.6. Enrollment of applicants for first-year studies in bachelor's degree programs and specialist training programs is carried out in stages.

6.6.1. July 30 - announcement and placement on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the Admissions Committee:
- an order for the enrollment from September 1 of persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to admission without entrance examinations, out of competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, as well as persons entering places allocated for targeted admission;
- approved by the chairman of the admissions committee, lists of names of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting in them lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty), taking into account the remaining amount of budget funds places (KCP);
August 4 - completion of the submission of the original state document on education by persons who have successfully passed the entrance examinations, included in the lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty), taking into account the remaining number of admission certificates;
August 5 - publication, announcement and posting on the official website of the Russian State University for the Humanities and the information stand of the admissions committee of the order for the admission from September 1st of persons from the list recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each field of study (specialty), who have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to places within the framework of the CCP .
Persons included in the list of those recommended for enrollment and who have not submitted (taken away) the original state document on education within the time limits established by this paragraph are eliminated from the competition and are considered as having refused enrollment.

6.6.2. If there are vacancies, further enrollment is carried out from among the persons included in the complete list of persons by name, until the vacancies are completely filled according to the following schedule:
August 5 - announcement on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee approved by the chairman of the admissions committee:
- last name lists of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting in them lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty), taking into account the remaining number of budget places within CCP and (or) places within the CCP that became vacant as a result of the return of documents to applicants who refused enrollment;
- last name lists of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting in them lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty) for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees (if available);
August 9 - completion of the submission of the original state document on education by persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to places within the framework of the CCP;
August 10 - publication, announcement and posting on the official website of the Russian State University for the Humanities and the information stand of the admissions committee of the order for the enrollment from September 1 of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination for admission to places within the framework of the CCP and who have presented the original state document on education.

6.7. Outside the competition, subject to successful passing of the entrance examinations, the following are enrolled: orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons under the age of 23 from among orphans and children without parental care; disabled children; disabled people of groups I and II, for whom, according to the conclusion of the institution of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise, training is not contraindicated; citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation; citizens of other categories provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.8. Persons who have a higher number of points scored in entrance examinations, including additional entrance examinations, and if the number of points scored are equal - persons who have preferential rights to enrollment are enrolled in the area of ​​training (specialty); in case of an equal number of points scored in the entrance examinations, in the absence or presence of equal preferential rights to enrollment - persons who have a higher score in a specialized general education subject.

7. The procedure for organizing a targeted reception

7.1. RSUH carries out targeted admission of students within budget places in accordance with agreements concluded with state authorities and local governments in order to assist them in training specialists of the relevant profile, and organizes a separate competition for these places.

7.2. In the event that competition for target places is not ensured, the Admissions Committee is obliged to reduce the number of allocated target places and notify the relevant state or municipal authorities and applicants for target places about this.

7.3. Persons who did not pass the competition for targeted places may participate in the general competition for any form of education, if they indicated this when submitting an application for admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities within the time limits established by paragraph 1.7 of these Rules.

7.4. Target places left vacant after passing entrance examinations and enrollment are provided to persons participating in the general competition.

8. Conditions and procedure for admitting applicants to places with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis

8.1. At RSUH, in addition to the target numbers of the competitive enrollment, citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education are admitted for training with full reimbursement of costs under contracts with legal entities and (or) individuals.

8.2. In addition to the target numbers of competitive enrollment for places financed from the federal budget, RSUH determines the number of places in areas of training (specialties) for training at RSUH (regional divisions) full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, part-time using distance learning technologies forms of training with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis.

8.3. In the event of a competition for additional places, it is held in accordance with Section 6 of the Rules.

8.4. Acceptance of documents for places with payment of tuition fees, entrance examinations, and execution of contracts are carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by the decision of the Admissions Committee.
Admission to training with reimbursement of costs under contracts is carried out upon the personal application of the applicant. Applicants must attach the documents specified in Section 2 of the Rules to their application for admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities.

8.5. Based on the results of the entrance examinations, the Admissions Committee of the Russian State University for the Humanities makes a decision on recommending the applicant for enrollment in studies with full reimbursement of costs under contracts.

8.6. Applicants recommended by the Admissions Committee for enrollment draw up an agreement for the preparation of a bachelor's (specialist) at the Russian State University for the Humanities, containing the legal obligations of the parties, within the time frame approved by the Admissions Committee. Contractual relations with individuals and legal entities providing for the education of citizens at the Russian State University for the Humanities are formalized in the Department of Paid Educational Services.

8.7. Enrollment of persons for training in undergraduate programs and specialist training programs under contracts with payment of tuition fees is carried out no later than 10 days before the start of training sessions.

8.8. The order for admission to places with payment of tuition fees includes applicants who have signed relevant agreements with the Russian State University for the Humanities for training in areas (specialties) with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities.

9. Conditions and procedure for admission to the branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities

9.1. Admission to study at branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities is carried out both at the expense of the corresponding budget (hereinafter - budget places), and under agreements with payment of the cost of training with legal entities and (or) individuals (hereinafter - agreement with payment of the cost of training).

9.2. The organization of admission to study at the branch of the Russian State University for the Humanities is carried out by the Admissions Committee of the university in the manner determined by the Admission Rules. For this purpose, selection committees of branches are formed as part of the Admissions Committee of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The chairmen of the selection committees of the branches are approved by order of the rector of the university.
The activities of the branch selection committee are regulated by the Regulations on the Admissions Committee, approved by the Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities. General coordination of the admission of first-year applicants to the regional divisions of the Russian State University for the Humanities is carried out by the Regional Development Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities (hereinafter referred to as the RSU).

9.3. In the branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities, selection committees recruit students in licensed areas of training (specialties) in accordance with the Rules for admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities in agreement with the educational authorities of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

9.4. Admission of applicants is carried out for full-time, part-time, part-time and part-time courses using distance learning technologies. Admission to the branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities for the first year of study in undergraduate programs and specialist training programs is carried out on the basis of the Admission Procedure approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the annually approved Rules for Admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Admission to the regional divisions of the Russian State University for the Humanities is carried out separately for undergraduate programs, specialist training programs for study at the expense of the corresponding budget on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Admission conditions must guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment of persons who are most capable and prepared to master an educational program of the appropriate level and focus.

9.5. The organization of admission of citizens based on the results of the Unified State Examination, including the organization of additional entrance tests (if they are held), as well as the organization of admission based on the results of entrance or certification tests, is carried out by the selection committee of the branch.
The chairman of the selection committee of the branch is the director of the branch.

9.5.1. The work of the selection committee and office work, as well as the personal reception of applicants and their parents (legal representatives) are organized by the secretary of the selection committee, who is appointed by the director of the branch.

9.5.2. To organize and conduct entrance tests, the form of which is determined by the university independently, additional entrance tests (if they are held), the chairman of the branch selection committee forms the composition of subject examination and appeal commissions.
The powers and procedure for the activities of subject examination and appeal commissions are determined by the regulations on them, formed by the director of the branch and approved by order of the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

9.5.3. To organize and conduct certification tests for admission to the second and subsequent courses, including in the order of transfer, certification and appeal commissions are created in the branch. The procedure for the formation, composition, powers and procedure for the activities of certification and appeal commissions, as well as the procedure for conducting certification tests, are determined by the relevant provisions, formed by the director of the branch and approved by order of the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

9.6. When admitting applicants to a branch of the Russian State University for the Humanities, the chairman of the selection committee ensures compliance with the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, transparency and openness of the work of the selection committee, objectivity in assessing the abilities and inclinations of applicants, and the availability of the leadership of the selection committee at all stages of the admission process.

9.7. The selection committee is obliged to monitor the reliability of information about the participation of applicants in the Unified State Exam (with the exception of categories of citizens entering through entrance examinations approved by the university) and about the results of the Unified State Exam.
Control over the reliability of information about the participation of applicants in the Unified State Examination is carried out by sending to the federal database on Unified State Examination participants and on the Unified State Exam results a corresponding request about the applicant’s participation in the Unified State Examination, confirming the correctness of information about the Unified State Examination results.
The selection committee also has the right to check other educational documents submitted by applicants.

9.8. During the period of acceptance of documents, the selection committee of the branch organizes the operation of special telephone lines to answer all questions of applicants, and also provides weekly information on the progress of the admissions campaign to the URR.

9.9. Information on the number of applications submitted, including a complete list of names of persons who submitted the application, is presented for each area of ​​training (specialty), highlighting the forms of education, separately for places within the CTC and for places under contracts with payment of the cost of training and is posted on the official the branch website and at the information stand of the selection committee.

9.10. In order to familiarize the applicant and (or) his parents (legal representatives), the following information is posted on the information stand and the official website of the branch:
- charter of the educational institution;
- a copy of the license to carry out educational activities (with an attachment);
- a copy of the certificate of state accreditation (with attachment);
- main educational programs of higher professional education implemented by the branch.
As well as other documents regulating the organization of the educational process and the work of the selection committee.

9.11. Acceptance of documents from applicants, entrance examinations, execution of contracts for places with payment of tuition fees are carried out within the time limits approved by the Admission Procedure of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the order of the Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, in accordance with the work schedule of the branch selection committee.

9.12. Based on the results of the entrance examinations, the selection committee of the branch generates a complete list of persons, whose enrollment in the first year can be considered by the Admissions Committee for each area of ​​training (specialty) for on-site training under contracts with payment of the cost of training, including those allocated under the abbreviated undergraduate training program of the relevant profile, indicating the amount of points scored for all entrance examinations in accordance with clause 6 of the Rules.

9.13. Based on the protocol of the selection committee, the rector issues, within the established time frame, an order for enrollment in the student body, which is brought to the attention of applicants.

10. Conditions and procedure for admission to the master's program

10.1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have successfully completed the basic educational program at various levels of higher professional education and who have appropriate state diplomas of the Russian Federation or equivalent diplomas from other states are accepted to study in the master's program. Recognition of the equivalence of diplomas is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The right to study in a master's program is granted to persons who have a bachelor's degree, a specialist's diploma with higher professional education, a specialist's diploma or a master's degree.

10.2. Acceptance of documents for all master's programs is carried out through full-time and part-time forms of training, both for places financed from the federal budget and for places where tuition fees are paid on a contractual basis. The standard period of study is 2 years for full-time study and 2 years 5 months for part-time study.

10.3. The number of budget places in each area of ​​master's training is determined within the framework of a competition based on admission targets. The total number of places for admission to the master's program in each direction, the cost of training, as well as the deadlines for accepting documents, conducting entrance examinations, and drawing up contracts are determined by order of the rector.

10.4. Documents from applicants for master's programs are being accepted
from June 20 to July 20, 2013 - for places financed from the federal budget,
from June 20 to August 12, 2013 - for places with payment of tuition fees.

10.5. Upon admission to the master's program at RSUH, the applicant provides the Admissions Committee with the following documents: application for admission to the master's program at RSUH, indicating the direction of study and the name of the master's program; original state diploma of higher professional education with an appendix or a copy thereof; presents a passport or other document proving identity or citizenship. In the application, the applicant also notes his agreement or disagreement (in the event that he successfully passes the entrance tests for the master's program, but the total number of those who successfully passed the entrance tests for the program will be below the threshold established by the Admissions Committee for the direction of preparation) to begin training in another master's program (programs) within the same area of ​​training.

10.6. All entrance exams, with the exception of the foreign language exam, are conducted in Russian orally (unless otherwise provided by international agreements signed by the Russian State University for the Humanities) in programs that meet the scope of the requirements set by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for bachelor's education in a field corresponding to the master's degree. Entrance tests in a foreign language are conducted in writing in the form of a test.

10.7. For persons with a bachelor's or specialist's diploma, the following list of entrance tests is established:

Direction of master's training Master's program Form of study Entrance tests


"Audiovisual communications and media technologies" (IAI)

communications in
modern world
Foreign language

"East European Studies" (IAE)

Face-to-face and

Foreign language

“History and new technologies (Russia - France)” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

History of France and
Foreign language

“History of the state apparatus of Russia in the XX - early XXI centuries.” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language

“History of Russian communications in the Soviet and post-Soviet space” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language

“Historical comparative studies and transitology (Russia - Poland)” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language

“Russian Studies (Russia - Hungary)” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language

“Source and historiographical research” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language

“Post-Soviet Studies” (Department of Post-Soviet Countries)

Domestic history
Foreign language

“History of Europe: comparative studies” (IAI)

Face-to-face and

General history
Foreign language

“French studies: political history and historical anthropology” (IFI - Marc Blok UC)

History of France
Foreign language

“History of Ideas and Intellectual Culture” (IFI)

General history
Foreign language

“Historical examination of innovative social design” (FIPP)

Foreign language


“Management of documentation and documentary heritage in the conditions of Russian modernization” (IAI - FAD)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language

Theory and practice of working with electronic documents in management and archives (IAI)

Face-to-face and

Domestic history
Foreign language


“Cultural Studies of the 20th Century” (FII)

Face-to-face and

Theory and history of culture
Foreign language

"Historical Cultural Studies" (RAS)

Theory and history of culture
Foreign language

"Russian Culture" (VSHEK)

Theory and history of culture
Foreign language

“Culture of Mass Communications” (FII)

Face-to-face and

Theory and history of culture
Foreign language

"East European Studies" (EFI)

Face-to-face and

Theory and history of culture
Foreign language


“Visual media arts” (FII - UC “Cinema and Contemporary Art”)

Face-to-face and

Art history
Foreign language

“The Art of Cinema” (FII - UC “Cinema and Contemporary Art”)

Face-to-face and

Art history
Foreign language

“The Art of Civilizations of the Nile Valley” (FII - MUSC Egyptology)

Face-to-face and

Art history
Foreign language


"Social Philosophy" (FF)

Face-to-face and

Social philosophy
Foreign language

“History of Foreign Philosophy” (FF)

Face-to-face and

History of foreign philosophy
Foreign language

"Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Culture" (RASH)

Philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture
Foreign language


“Literature of the peoples of foreign countries: Russian-German cultural transfer” (IFI)

Face-to-face and

Philology (German literature)
Foreign language

“Foreign languages ​​(theory and practice of translation)” (IFI)

Philology (translation practice)
Foreign language

“Folkloristics and Mythology” (CTiSF)

Face-to-face and

History and theory of philology (folklore and mythology)
Foreign language

“Comparative studies and comparative historical study of literature” (IFI)

Foreign language

"Modern Russian Literature" (IFI)

Foreign language

“Intercultural communication: language, history and literature of Russia and Italy” (IFI)

Philology (Italian literature)
Foreign language

“Russian language and intercultural communication” (IL)

(Russian language)
Foreign language


"Foreign languages" (IL)

Linguistics (theoretical foundations of the English language)
Foreign language


"Theory of Language" (IL)

Fundamental and applied linguistics (theory of language)
Foreign language

"Computational Linguistics" (IL)

Formal models and methods of modern linguistics
Foreign language


"Personality Psychology" (IP)

Foreign language

"Psychology of Cognition" (IP)

Psychology of cognition
Foreign language

“Cultural-historical psychology” (IP)

Foreign language

"Military Psychology" (IP)

Foreign language

"Social Psychology" (IP)

Foreign language

"Legal Psychology" (IP)

Foreign language

"Psychology of Educational Management" (IP)

Foreign language


“Human Rights in Social Design” (FIPP)

Political science
Foreign language


"Logistics systems management" (IES)

Face-to-face and

Foreign language

"Marketing" (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

Foreign language


“Modern technologies in state and municipal administration” (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

State and municipal administration
Foreign language


“Modern technologies in human resource management” (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

Personnel management
Foreign language


"Modern Banking" (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

Economic theory
Foreign language

“Economics of the Firm and Industry Markets” (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

Economic theory
Foreign language

“Foreign Economic Activity” (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

Economic theory
Foreign language

"Corporate Finance" (IEUP)

Face-to-face and

Economic theory
Foreign language

"International Economic Cooperation" (IEC)

Face-to-face and

Economic theory
Foreign language


"International Defense of Human Rights" (FIH)

Constitutional law
Foreign language

"Corporate Law" (FIPP)

Civil law
Foreign language

"Business Law" (IEUP, legal department)

Civil law
Foreign language

“Tax law and tax process (IEUP, legal faculty)”


Civil law
Foreign language


“Languages ​​and literatures of Asia and Africa (languages ​​and literatures of the Middle East in antiquity and the Middle Ages: Syria)” (IVKA)

History of Syrian culture
Foreign language (English)


"History of Religions" (TSR)

History of religions
Foreign language


"East European Studies" (OMOiZR IAI)

Face-to-face and

International relations
Foreign language (English/German)

“Analysis and expert commentary on international processes” (OMOiZR IAI)

Face-to-face and

International relations
Foreign language (English)


“Interregional integration in the SCO space” (Department of Post-Soviet Countries, OMOiZR IAI)

Foreign regional studies
Foreign language


“Historical and cultural journalism in modern media” (Institute of Mass Media,
Faculty of Journalism)

Foreign language

“Media rhetoric” (Institute of Mass Media,
Faculty of Journalism)

History of Russian literature and journalism
Foreign language

"Editing media texts"
(Institute of Mass Media,
Faculty of Journalism)

Foreign language

"International Journalism"
(Institute of Mass Media,
Faculty of Journalism)

Foreign language


"Sociology of Marketing"
(sociological ph.)

Foreign language

“Political Consulting” (sociological faculty)

Foreign language

“Management consulting and social technologies” (sociological faculty)

Foreign language


“Sociocultural design in museum practice” (FII)

Museum affairs in Russia
Foreign language

“Cultural heritage in the museum space: storage and study” (FII)

Museum affairs in Russia
Foreign language


“Technology and organization of services in international tourism” (IEUP)

Foreign language


"Anthropology: subdisciplines"
(Center for Social Anthropology)

Fundamentals of anthropology and ethnology
Foreign language


“Data and knowledge management in computer networks” (IINiTB)

Computer technologies for information systems
Foreign language (English)

10.8. Enrollment for a contractual form of study for each master's program is carried out either for full-time or part-time study according to the decision of the program management.

10.9. In case of disagreement with the results obtained in the entrance examinations, the applicant has the right to file an appeal, which will be considered in accordance with Section 5 of the Rules.

10.10. For persons who do not have a bachelor's or specialist's degree in the relevant field, a mandatory exam is established in the scope of the requirements set by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for bachelor's education in the field corresponding to the master's degree.

10.11. Admission to the university is carried out on a competitive basis. An applicant who has successfully passed the entrance examination and scored a number of points sufficient to enroll him in the master's program of his choice, if the number of students enrolled in this master's program as a whole turns out to be insufficient (as determined by the Admissions Committee), may be enrolled with his consent to another master's program within the same field of study. Enrollment is carried out according to the schedule approved by the decision of the Admissions Committee.

Graduate School Contacts

Doctoral contacts


Acceptance of documents in 2013

Mon.-Thu. from 13.00 to 17.00; Fri. from 13.00 to 16.00.

Preparatory courses in philosophy and English for applicants to graduate school are held from June 17 to 29.

Rules for admission to doctoral studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities

In accordance with the “Regulations on the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the system of postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation” dated March 27, 1998 No. 814, the following rules for admission to doctoral studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities are established.
Persons with a PhD degree are admitted to doctoral studies.
Doctoral students are trained on a full-time basis.
The duration of doctoral training should not exceed three years.
Admission of doctoral students is carried out for both budgetary and paid training.

List of documents

1. Application for admission to doctoral studies.

2. Extract from the minutes of the department meeting with a recommendation for doctoral studies.

3. Copies of diplomas (master’s/specialist, award of the academic degree of candidate of sciences).

4. Personal sheet for personnel records.

5. Detailed plan for preparing a doctoral dissertation.

7. 2 photos 3x4

Persons enrolled in doctoral studies are released from their positions in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. For those enrolled at the expense of the budget, the scholarship is paid from the date of enrollment, but not earlier than the day of dismissal from the previous place of work.

Citizens of foreign countries, including republics of the former USSR, are enrolled in training with full reimbursement of costs under agreements with legal entities or individuals.

Deadline for enrollment in doctoral studies:

in the budget - from September to December;

paid - throughout the year.

Detailed information in the section " For those entering graduate school"

Student at this university: RSUH. Institute of Linguistics (IL).

I have only been studying at this university for 1 semester, but I already have a certain idea about it. Overall - great. I don’t regret that I entered here (I had a choice: a budget at the Russian State University for the Humanities or a 75% discount at the Higher School of Economics).
Now, in order, about all the pros and cons.

The admissions office is staffed by students, in different rooms for different majors. There is a sign with the numbers of the required offices both on the website and in the lobby of any building. They fill out quickly, without problems, without unnecessary questions. On the day of submission, I indicated the availability of additional certificates to receive additional points, but did not bring copies of the documents; they called me in the evening and reminded me of this, asking me to bring them.

All information necessary for first-year students is posted on the website at the end of August. A meeting takes place at which the essence of the training is explained. Each direction has its own curator of teachers and a team leader of students (but this does not mean that you can only contact them with questions, absolutely everyone is open: both students and teachers).

I would like to pay special attention to the buildings on the street. Chayanova, 15 and st. Miusskaya, 6. Almost all the buildings are located in one place, which is very convenient. But they definitely require repairs (and not even cosmetic ones). I wouldn’t say that the plaster is falling on my head, but in most classrooms chairs are broken or missing, desks sometimes shake, the toilets often have no paper, soap and paper towels, and they themselves are not in the best condition. But here the complaint is not against IL specifically, but against the Russian State University for the Humanities as a whole. There is a beautiful building on the street. Nikolskaya, 15, there is a faculty of historians and archivists. There is also a printing yard there, the first printing house, founded in 1553 under Ivan the Terrible, and RSUH students can visit such a historical place for free and without queues. There is also a building for computer scientists somewhere in the middle of nowhere (no one knows where it is except themselves).

It is almost impossible to get a hostel in the 1st year - you need to enroll on a budget at a minimum. They give places in the future if a person still needs and/or lives in other hostels (their prices are higher). I haven’t been in the building itself, I can only say that it is located near the Academician Yangel Street metro station.

IL is considered the faculty with the best organization, but even there there are problems. This:
1. Schedule. The schedule is unstable, something changes every two or three weeks, something is removed, something is added, so you need to check it every week. Sometimes the schedule does not correspond to reality, for example, there are two pairs of subject N, of which only one will be taught due to the division into groups (but on the other hand, something is analyzed in more depth, since there are fewer students).
2. The working hours of teachers, departments or the dean’s office may not seem convenient to everyone; sometimes you have to run after them.
However, as I noted above, IL is the most organized place, so I’m even afraid to imagine what’s going on in other faculties.

In the 1st year we were given most of the general education subjects (economics, philosophy, history of Russia and history of the world, etc.), which, on the one hand, is very good, since many specialized subjects will follow. On the other hand, many people cannot stand this boredom and leave without waiting for something interesting. But specialized ones are also present, and are taught at a very high level (this also works in the opposite direction - there are many requirements for a good grade in the exam).

There is no session. That's exactly it. The subject is over - you pass it. Ended in mid-October? It’s not a question - here’s a test, decide, give me a record book. This system has its pros and cons: you can immediately be free from some tests, or you can arrive for classes at 10 a.m. in mid-January, and after that you can also manage to pass the exam.

No and it cannot be.

Separate item for language. They are taught to a very high level. Everyone comes out with knowledge, but for the sake of this knowledge you have to work hard, because they ask and demand a lot. The advantage is that the student himself chooses the language he wants to study (from those offered this year), priority goes to high-scoring students. Oriental languages ​​and rare European languages ​​are taught - in a word, for every taste.

Lectures and seminars are open, i.e. When studying at IL, you can come and listen to what they teach at another department, if it’s interesting. No one will kick you out, the main thing is to warn the teacher. Most seminars are held in groups, but teachers allow you to go with the one you are comfortable with.

The competition and passing scores can be viewed on the university website. But I want to explain why it is so big: there are a lot of applications and very few budget places. That's quite a bit. There is practically no competition for the scarf.
Points are a different story altogether. They change in very large leaps (compare: 2014 - 244; 2015 - 262; 2017 - 274 in the second waves). A couple more years, and the IL will also only be accepted for Olympiads.

There are many sections and clubs for every taste - sports, intellectual games, KVN, choir (in my opinion, there are even two of them), theater club. There are student councils. Many events are organized, all sorts of festivals, competitions, and various public lectures and performances are often held. Anyone will find something to keep themselves occupied.

I would also really like to note the warm relationship with the teachers. Almost immediately, upon entering IL, you understand that no one is your enemy here, everyone will help, answer questions, tell you what to do. And I think this is very important and very valuable.

Let me remind you once again that the review is specifically about IL, and I am delighted with it.

Result: IL - 10/10, RSUH (overall) - 7/10.