Richard Hoagland: NASA is deliberately hiding information about Mars from us. The Mystery of Mount Sharp

One of the researchers who became interested in objects of a clearly artificial nature located on the surface of Mars is R. Hoagland, the author of two famous books on the topic of the mysteries of Mars. The first of these books, which was published in 1987, was called "Monuments of Mars: The City on the Edge of Eternity." It is dedicated to artifacts discovered in space images of the Martian region of Cydonia.

Another 10 years later, his second book, “Dark Mission. The Secret History of NASA,” co-written with M. Bara, was published. It details the fact that NASA has been deliberately hiding artifacts discovered on the surfaces of the Moon and Mars for decades, which may be related to a highly developed civilization of the past.

This conclusion is also supported by Hoagland’s statement made in 2013 to the Russian television company “Gold Medium”, based on his many years of research into strange objects of regular geometric shape that are visible in photographs of the Red Planet. And this is what he said then:

“I and a group of another hundred journalists studied these structures from photographs. All of them were of the correct geometric shape - you will not find this in nature. And the location of these objects caused even more bewilderment. All these pyramid-shaped objects were located in a circle around some statue, and our Earth during sunrise was exactly above it. It was like a real city of pyramids...

When I first saw these pictures of Mars, there was an assumption that we were talking about architectural structures. My colleagues shared the same opinion. There are simply no figures of such geometric shapes in nature."

The reaction of official American authorities to such a keen interest of the researcher in Martian artifacts is also interesting. So, in 2009, Hoagland began filming documentary film, dedicated to the mysteries of Mars. It is quite natural that, guided by American legislation that provides all citizens with free access to government information, he turned to NASA with a request to provide him with more detailed video footage of some areas of the Martian surface, which were taken by automatic stations. And troubles did not take long to arrive.

Thus, long before the film was scheduled to air in 2010, it found itself at the very center of a scandal, as the authorities banned its screening and strongly “asked” to destroy all copies of the film and working materials. So who is stopping the spread of true information about Mars? Three years later, Richard Hoagland, recalling these events, said:

“All our films were confiscated, and we never saw them again. What happened to me personally clearly speaks of some kind of conspiracy within NASA, of suppressing information. Otherwise, they would not have interfered with our project and confiscated our films. But it is impossible to hide everything It is obvious that they know something that we do not know, and they are doing everything possible to keep everything in place. They are deliberately hiding information about Mars from us. This is not my personal opinion, this is a naked fact. a conspiracy of non-disclosure of such information."

This is just a small episode dedicated to independent research on the Red Planet, but it is quite significant, since it proves the presence on our planet of forces whose interests are served by such a secret Masonic organization as NASA. And she is far from the only one on Earth.

For a number of reasons that are still completely unknown to us, these forces diligently hide the truth about our true history, about ancient artifacts discovered both on our planet and on others celestial bodies, about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and contacts with them, about fuel-free technologies for producing cheap energy and much more. It’s just in vain that these forces hope that their plans will come true. The truth will sooner or later become public knowledge.

In the meantime, I can only repeat once again what I have already said more than once: any official information from NASA and other similar governmental and supra-governmental structures must be treated quite critically. Some people stubbornly continue to consider us idiots, incapable of thinking independently and putting together a common “picture” from many disparate “puzzles.” Those who fear the truth know that they will have a lot to answer for when it becomes public knowledge. But this day will come anyway.

The name of Richard Hoagland is known to those interested in the problem of searching for intelligent life in the Universe. This is the creator and chief specialist of an independent research center for monitoring NASA activities (National Aeronautics and Research Administration outer space), which is called Enterprise Mission. His task is to find out which discoveries made by NASA in the solar system over the past half century are hidden under the heading “Top Secret”.

According to Mr. Hoagland, the Curiosity rover has become the main actor grand performance. No matter how NASA tries to hide the true purpose of the Mars mission from humanity, the truth still comes out.

There may be ruins of ancient buildings on Mars

According to Hoagland, NASA has long been aware that on the Red Planet there are ruins of ancient structures that were once created by the efforts of intelligent beings. However, there are signs of activity of extraterrestrial civilizations throughout the Universe.

It is in order to find out whether these ruins are really abandoned or whether life continues under them, and numerous spacecraft are sent to Mars. Richard Hoagland suggests taking a short trip into the past to understand why NASA is trying to keep secret some sensational discoveries indicating the presence of intelligent life in space.

Journey into the past

It turns out that back in the 1950s, the Brookings Institution in Washington, on behalf of NASA, conducted special research and prepared a report called “Forecast of the Consequences for Humanity of Peaceful Activities in Space,” better known as the “Brookings Report.” Among other things, it assessed the possible “consequences of the discovery in the solar system of forms of intelligent extraterrestrial life, or even artifacts confirming its existence in the past.” The report recommended classifying all unusual data that could be obtained as a result of space exploration. At that time, According to Richard Hoagland, NASA already had a lot of such information, which they immediately began to, if not destroy, then reliably hide from prying eyes.

The Mystery of Mount Sharp

And now the Curiosity mission has yielded unexpected results, which, it seems, will not be possible to keep secret. As you know, the rover landed on the Red Planet near the Gale Crater, above which the cone of Mount Sharp rises 5.5 kilometers, which NASA designates as an ancient giant tetrahedral formation.

The perimeter of its base is more than 32 kilometers. Judging by the images transmitted by Curiosity to Earth, the shape of the mountain is very unusual and suggests its artificial origin. By the way, next to the mountain there is a huge pyramidal complex, similar to the one in Giza.

Will the Mars rover “break down” soon?

In August, NASA held a press conference on the Curiosity project. The head of the group of public observers of NASA activities, Keith Cowing, asked one of the project leaders by phone: what does the agency do with photographs from Mars that are instantly posted on the Internet, given that they can be “very controversial”? And do they have a specialist who instantly analyzes images in order to detect anomalous phenomena and artificial structures in them? What will NASA employees do if they suddenly discover anomalies of biological origin? The answer was very vague - they say, if someone sees something in these images, let him take it? it's about your imagination.

Richard Hoagland says he wouldn't be surprised if NASA announced that the rover had broken down or lost contact with it in the near future. After all, thanks to the Curiosity mission, humanity has been exposed to so many facts indicating the presence of life on the Red Planet or in its depths, that a little more, and the catastrophic consequences promised in the Brookings Report will be just around the corner. Why worry people in vain?

"Secrets of the 20th Century" November 2012

Many people remember the recent press conference in Washington by the former head of NASA's lunar laboratory photography service, Ken Johnston. What the scientist said is similar to science fiction: he said that supposedly 40 years ago traces of an ancient and clearly extraterrestrial civilization were found on the Moon. But NASA ordered the destruction of photographic evidence. Johnston disobeyed and hid some.

Briefly, Johnston-Hoagland's accusations against NASA boil down to the following: the astronauts of the Apollo missions discovered architectural and technological traces on the Moon ancient civilization and photographed them. In addition, the astronauts mastered anti-gravity technology. NASA hid all this data from the public.

According to Hoagland, the photo shows ruins of buildings. More photos at the link at the end of the article.

MK.RU was able to interview a NASA consultant after the completion of the Apollo program, founder and chief investigator of the Enterprise Mission, Richard Hoagland.

MK.RU: - Why did you and Ken Johnston decide to publish this secret data right now? Why didn't they do this earlier? Were you afraid of something?

Richard Hoagland: Back in 1996, Ken Johnston, myself and several other former NASA engineers and scientists took part in a previous conference at the National Press Club in Washington, the main topic of which was “NASA's cover-up of Apollo images of ancient lunar ruins.” " Back then, Ken told how his superiors at NASA ordered him to destroy these images during the Apollo program. And even then he showed the press several of the very photographs that, contrary to orders, he had kept. They depict evidence of extraterrestrial civilization. (The footage shows the ruins of cities, huge spherical objects made of glass, stone towers and castles that hang in the air). But no one, apparently, cared about this. But now that suddenly hundreds of those same images have appeared on various “official” NASA sites confirming everything Johnston said in 1996, I decided it was time to vote again. Thanks to the Internet, people around the world (including ordinary citizens, journalists and honest scientists from NASA) can completely freely go to the NASA sites, the names of which we announced at a recent press conference, and download these amazing images...

We were never afraid. But we were unable to get our statements taken seriously.

MK.RU: - Aren't you afraid that NASA or the US government may start persecuting you, because you revealed secret information?

Richard Hoagland: - No. Other NASA whistleblowers, who lack the courage of Ken Johnston to go to the press, have published many of those same truth-revealing lunar images on various Space Agency websites over the past year. These are excellent resolution photographs. They confirm everything Ken Johnston said in 1996. If anyone now tries to shut me or Johnston up, it will only be political confirmation of what we have been saying for 11 years... That NASA has been hiding the REAL Moon all this time...

MK.RU: - Your opinion about the discovered civilization. Are we dealing with a new Atlantis?

Richard Hoagland: - I believe that the Apollo project confirmed the existence of an amazing, ancient, but still human civilization on the Moon. It was laid down by our ancestors in what kind of tribe it’s scary to think. But we have been able to release only a small part of the information obtained by NASA about an ancient, long-lost human civilization, which indicates that humans once inhabited the entire solar system. This is evidenced by data received from Mars; they are also classified by NASA.

Are you asking if the ruins of a “new Atlantis” have been found on the Moon? Well, for starters, it seems to me that it would be more correct to say “old Atlantis.” The developed science of that civilization made it possible to travel from Earth to the Moon thousands (or even millions) of years ago and erect structures there from a material resembling glass. This can be judged from the published materials.

After all, there is an ancient Egyptian myth about the god of wisdom Thoth, who allegedly descended from the Moon and taught man language, writing, architecture, and so on. The veracity of the theory of the existence of civilization on the Moon can be confirmed or refuted only TOGETHER. It is necessary to go to the Moon as a joint expedition, and not to quarrel. It is necessary to implement the plan that was not implemented by Khrushchev and Kennedy.

MK.RU: - Is it true that Nikita Khrushchev learned about the secrets of the Moon from Kennedy, who invited him to organize a joint expedition to the Moon? What is this information based on?

Richard Hoagland: - We don't know for sure whether the President shared with Khrushchev his assumptions about what awaits man on the Moon in the early 60s, after the so-called Brookings Report essentially predicted the discovery of evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon. But we do know that shortly after the official launch of the Apollo program (May 25, 1961), one of the goals of which was called “an attempt to get to the Moon before the Soviet Union,” the president secretly made the following proposal to Khrushchev during the first Vienna summit: “ Let our nations fly to the moon together!” That the president repeated his proposal several times over the following years is confirmed by documents from the White House, as well as the memoirs that we quote in “Dark Mission.” At first, these proposals were made in secret behind-the-scenes negotiations, and on September 20, 1963, Kennedy spoke about “cooperation between the USA and the USSR in the first expedition to the Moon” completely openly. According to Nikita Khrushchev's son Sergei, his father finally accepted the proposal for a joint mission to the Moon around November 12, 1963. Kennedy was assassinated 10 days later.

In my opinion, only the prospect of sharing the scientific and technological achievements of an extraterrestrial civilization that was on the Moon could reconcile the rivals. Make it the property of all humanity. That dream died when the president was assassinated. This happened just a few days after the agreement was concluded...

MK.RU: - There is information that it was found on the Moon new way control over gravity. Has it already been tested? Works?

Richard Hoagland: - In the second chapter of “Dark Mission” we write about 50 years of gravity research, including by the brilliant Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev. It was Soviet scientists who proved that gravity can be created, and therefore controlled. It seems to me that part of NASA went to the Moon to find confirmation of this particular discovery of Soviet scientists. The first attempts to send a spacecraft to the Moon show how Americans lacked knowledge of the peculiarities of gravity. But Soviet specialists had this information.

MK.RU: - “The latest technologies found on the Moon will spur the arms race on Earth.” What technologies exactly? we're talking about? Can the spread of these technologies be prevented?

Richard Hoagland: - We didn’t talk about any of the latest technologies found by NASA on the Moon. This was not discussed either in “Dark Mission” or at the last press conference. We do point out that some of the technologies found on the Moon indicate high level development of technical thought. NASA had 40 years to recreate everything found on the Moon. But whether it was actually recreated and used for military purposes is an empty rant. It is not possible to prove this. There is only one way to prevent the use of technologies found on the Moon for military purposes - to make everything public!

MK.RU: - In connection with the intensified “hunt for the Moon,” the suspicion naturally arises that your “sensational discovery” is just a game according to a scenario invented by the US government. Please comment on this opinion.

Richard Hoagland: - This is nonsense. We have been fighting our own government for the right to release data for 20 years. If it weren't for other whistleblowers at NASA who heard our call and started publishing pictures, we wouldn't be talking about this now.

By the way, I would like to remind you that during the Cold War, after the removal of Khrushchev, Soviet Union sent a rover to the moon, which also took pictures of the ancient civilization. When we tried to get these photographs for a thorough analysis, my representative in Moscow was literally dragged by the chest into one of the rooms of the building of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and persistently asked “not to look anymore.”

Thus, information about the existence of ruins of buildings built by an extraterrestrial civilization, as well as technologies (and all this can be found not only on the Moon, but also on other worlds within solar system), was hidden not only by NASA, but also by the Soviet government.

It seems to me that this is why Khrushchev suffered, perhaps not as dramatic, but just as sad a fate as Kennedy. He was removed just months after the president was assassinated. They were both opposed by forces that opposed the release of information.

It seems to me that now George Bush and Vladimir Putin have a chance to make the dreams of Kennedy and Khrushchev come true. Make those finds the property of humanity.

Let the whole world be introduced to REAL story, which awaits us all on the Moon.

MK.RU: - What is your attitude to the widespread opinion that the Americans have never been to the Moon, and the episode with the landing of the American astronaut was simply filmed at a film studio?

Richard Hoagland: - That's a lie. Based on NASA evidence that I have been collecting and analyzing for 20 years, I can say that this rumor is in fact an elaborate “military disinformation.” It is designed to hide what NASA actually found on the Moon and brought back to Earth.

In our new book “Dark Mission: unknown story NASA" (Dark Mission: the Secret History of NASA) describes how I acted as a science consultant for CBS News at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory during the Apollo 11 mission. It was July 1969, when the first astronauts were returning from the Moon. Based on what I saw there with my own eyes, I am now confident that the beginning of that “we have never been to the Moon” lie was started by NASA itself. It was a kind of insurance so that no one would ever ask the terrible question: “What did NASA really find on the Moon?!”

I believe that the creation of the “moon myth” provided NASA with the confidence that it would continue to be able to cover up everything related to the “failed” lunar exploration program. To hide the fact that the astronauts were given secret assignments to report on all the priceless ancient extraterrestrial technologies samples of which were discovered there.

Tube-shaped objects on the surface of Mars. Photo by NASA.

Nikkro - Fedor Dergachev(01 Nov 2010, 13:44:40)

"Hello, Fedor.

You asked for your thoughts on the article “On mysterious tube-shaped objects on the surface of Mars” by the author K.K. Khazanovich-Wulfa . My opinion about this article is the following:

1. The author described in some detail the extended “corrugated” pipe-like objects (in the author’s terminology) in photographs of the Acidalia plain taken from the airborne spacecraft"Mars Globe Severor" ("MGS") from 1999 to 2002. As the author's study of these photographs shows, in all cracks present on the river Acidalia Avnina, there are pipe-shaped objects with “stiffening ribs” perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe-shaped objects.

2. Repeated photographs of Acidalia, taken 3 years later, showed that over the intervening time no changes had occurred in the photographed area, and the tube-shaped objects continued to rest in the same places where they were photographed 3 years ago. This indicates that those observed in this image anomalous elements are not currently developing , and their formation took place in some distant past. (This contradicts the author’s assumption that the “tunnels” are made of ice, the surface of which is also capable of reflecting the sun’s rays, since no seasonal changes are observed here).

3. The author notes - main feature of this system: pipe-shaped objects are almost always confined to depressions in the Martian relief - wide cracks (troughs?), bases of ledges (cliffs) or depressions. However, it must be emphasized that in large cracks, pipe-shaped objects, as a rule, are confined not to their bottom part, but to the walls or upper edge, attaching to them with the help of their ribs.

4. A careful examination of pipe-shaped objects allowed the author, in his opinion, to identify one extremely important pattern, which, as if, none of the foreign researchers had yet paid attention to: each rib in its cross section is not symmetrical; one of its slopes is inclined, smoothly turning into a “pipe”, and the second is steep, almost vertical. Another pattern is that within one pipe-shaped object or its visible part, all ribs have the same structure and are oriented with inclined sides only in one direction, and steep sides only in the other, opposite direction.

These patterns allowed the author to draw an important conclusion: each rib is formed at the final stage of the formation of each individual segment of a pipe-shaped object. And the growth of pipe-shaped objects occurred according to the scheme: the edge of the previous segment - the growth of a pipe-shaped object - the formation of a rib - the growth of a pipe-shaped object - the formation of a rib, etc. . Having discovered this pattern, the author found an analogy for it on Earth: This is exactly how the skeleton is formed in many tubular terrestrial organisms. However, as more detailed studies have shown, the identified pattern is not universal. There are pipe-shaped objects, the ribs of which are oriented subvertically and have the same structure on both sides. And only with a very careful study in individual areas can one discern a slight asymmetry in cross section ribs and determine the direction of growth of the “pipe”.

6. The author considers four possible options for the origin of pipe-shaped objects, based on the hypotheses already expressed by other researchers of anomalous objects on Mars. At the same time , from the point of view of some researchers (for example, J. Skipper), which attracted the attention of the author, the most plausible mechanism is one that combines the second and third options. He assumes that the inhabitants of Mars used biotechnology unknown on Earth to build the hydraulic structures they needed .

Considering all of the above, I believe that this article was carried out at a good scientific level, is provided with a sufficient evidence base and is a significant contribution to the study of anomalous objects on Mars. Maybe it’s worth putting it on one of your, Fedor, resources?

In addition, one cannot but welcome the involvement of professional geographers, paleontologists and other specialists in these studies, which will undoubtedly only benefit the state of affairs in planetary science, and with this I completely agree with the author. It is also gratifying that not only foreign scientists are engaged in such research, but more and more domestic scientists and researchers are joining them, despite negative attitude to these problems the so-called "official" science.

Best regards, Nikkro."

Commentary by Fedor Dergachev

Nikkro's analysis of K. Khazanovich's article is, as always, impeccable. I can talk about the details, but I won’t do that - its logical design is too beautiful. In our research team, he is the most careful - I don’t remember a single rash judgment.

I’d rather formulate a few speculative theses.

So, Martian artifacts. Do they need to be described and systematized? Of course, “yes”, and there is no need to be afraid of getting into a “ridiculous position” - the topic deserves it.But when trying to explain, you have to be, if not “strict,” then at least logical.

The researcher considers the discussed anomaly on the surface of the planet to be an artifact created by the will of intelligent beings? This is certainly interesting.

But then a mandatory logical chain must follow. The researcher is simply obliged to “link” the described artifact to the system of others found on the same planet. Let’s say, if someone “spots” an artificial, in his opinion, object on Venus, he will think three times before talking about the system of artifacts on “Sister Earth”

But Mars is “not a problem” for ufologists - they will simply be “overwhelmed by a mass” of examples. But, moving away from the topic of the reliability of this “mass,” I would like to know the place of the artifact under discussion in the proposed systematization.

For example, the simplest choice is whether the researcher considers the artifact created by some Martian civilization? In this case, he will have to search for a very long time not just for intelligence, but also for traces of life on the planet, to describe its birth and, possibly, death.

It’s another matter if a priori a “stray” intelligence is assumed, which can either scatter a system of artifacts covering the entire Mars, or “sow” an anomaly, one of a kind. This, by the way, is the option that allows us to explain a single anomaly even on Venus. True, in this case you will have to look for artifacts throughout the solar system in order to at least systematize them, but this is already a problem for the researcher’s horizons.

For example, Oleg Bykovsky, "having found"civilization of “intelligent stones” on Mars , then was forced to “extend” it to the Earth, the Moon, and even the Itokawa asteroid. Maybe he didn’t want this, but he was irresistibly led by his own logic. I don’t want to quarrel with him (I have long appreciated Oleg as a tireless collector of facts), but I do not belong to the supporters of his hypothesis.

So I would like to hear from K. Khazanovich not only detailed analysis anomaly, but also its place in the systematization he built.

Surveying the Russian elite of independent researchers, I can identify several groups that, despite all their diversity, do not attract me at all.

A.V. Rusanov Lately he has been regularly sending me emails. email files A.N. Dmitrieva, which, perhaps, are valuable from the point of view of esotericism, but are infinitely far from science, be it “official” or “not”. I could very painfully pinch the “noospherites” and stubborn Roerichists, but out of politeness I don’t do this - if I “pinched” my correspondents, I would have been left completely alone long ago...

It seems like a good group has formed around website "Eye of the Planet", seemingly distancing himself from esotericism,I publish there myself . Nice design, interesting articles. I personally respect “Alex Zes” very much for out-of-the-box thinking and excellent analytics, But from a purely human perspective, I could not understand why “editor Damkin,” despite a personal request, could not call me in his publications by a pseudonym and not by my real name. Studying the publications of “Eye of the Planet”, I realized that the points of view of the site’s editors are not identical, and therefore, with a dense working together I would have to “work together” with each team member separately, which, frankly speaking, does not suit me very much. Yes, the authors of the site would not allow the hegemony of one point of view, as independent researcher Richard Hoagland established in his Enterprise Mission team...

The Irkutsk astronomer tried to remain in the position of official science when analyzing the anomalies of the Solar System Sergey Yazev, professional work which I really liked.

Director of the ISU Astronomical Observatory Sergei Yazev


Hoagland and his assistants made a certain evolution - from the first, rather crude and scandalous articles to the truly scientific sensations of 2010. It is characteristic that in recent months he “disappeared” from the Russian media - this once again strengthened my respect for the researcher.

I was thinking about the possibility of creating a “collective Russian Hoagland” based on our “virtual” research group ( Nikkro, Lyudmila Vald, Olga, Maria). The technical problem is that the American researcher does not work on the sites himself - he has assistants to whom he gives passwords to the sites and instructs them to complete tasks. For example, I am annoyed by the need to change links after the next deletion of posts and transfer of addresses of sites and blogs. And giving away passwords, with all mutual respect, is somehow not accepted in our group...

Unlike Hoagland, I do not set myself the task of promoting my theories. Make posts more or less accessible to a few (20-30 people) interested in the topic and track reactions search engines- This is quite enough for me. At the same time, I believe that the article"Cursed and Forgotten" , little known (even in Russia), allowed us to look much deeper into the secrets of the solar system than the publications of Richard Hoagland, widely known throughout the world...

Attached file (attachment) to this post : K.K. Khazanovich-Wulf “On mysterious tube-shaped objects on the surface of Mars” (full version of the article).

Widespread criticism of the Apollo materials on man's stay on the Moon forced NASA to use several methods of unofficial protection: 1) for literate people, NASA throws up new technical materials of the “flight” to the Moon, 2) for the general public, materials are offered to the astronauts of extraterrestrial civilizations, the discovery of archaeological artifacts and their concealment, finally, 3) inconsistent arguments are declared illiterate or nonsense, so that it is discouraging to criticize.

All that remains is to create a plausible legend With historical characters. Richard Hoagland says:

In relation to popular opinion, that the episode with the landing of the American astronaut was simply filmed at a film studio, Richard Hoagland states:

- This is a lie. Based on NASA evidence, which I have been collecting and analyzing for 20 years, I can say that this rumor is actually well-thought-out military disinformation. It is designed to hide what NASA actually found on the Moon and brought back to Earth.
I served as a science consultant for CBS News at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory during the Apollo 11 mission. It was July 1969, when the first astronauts were returning from the Moon. Based on what I saw there with my own eyes, I believe that NASA itself started the "we've never been to the moon" lie. It was a kind of insurance policy so that no one would ever ask the dreaded question: “What did NASA really find on the Moon?”
I believe that the creation of the "moon myth" provided NASA with the confidence that it would continue to cover up everything related to the "failed" lunar exploration program. To hide the fact that the astronauts were given secret assignments to report on all the priceless ancient extraterrestrial technologies samples of which were discovered there.

In connection with the intensified "race for the Moon" today Naturally, the suspicion arises that the sensational statement is just a game according to a scenario invented by the US government. To this Richard Hoagland says:

- This is nonsense. We have been fighting our own government for the right to release data for 20 years. If it weren't for other whistleblowers at NASA who heard our call and started publishing pictures, we wouldn't be talking about this now.
By the way, I would like to remind you that during the Cold War, after the removal of Khrushchev, the Soviet Union sent an all-terrain vehicle to the Moon, which also took pictures of the ancient civilization. When we tried to get these photographs for a thorough analysis, my representative in Moscow was literally dragged by the chest into one of the rooms of the Academy of Sciences building and persistently asked “not to look anymore.” Thus, information about the existence of ruins of buildings built extraterrestrial civilization, as well as technology (and all of this can be found not only on the Moon, but also on other worlds within the Solar System), was hidden not only by NASA, but also by the Soviet government.
In my opinion, now is the chance for George Bush and Vladimir Putin to make the dreams of Kennedy and Khrushchev come true. Make those finds the property of all humanity. Let the whole world be introduced to the REAL story that awaits us all on the Moon!

The main idea which runs through all of Richard Hoagland's statements is that The Apollo mission is not a simulation.
And if we discard the idea of ​​the truth of the American presence on the Moon, then the statement of a former NASA employee is empty.

Let's look at Richard Hoagland's photographic documentation of his time on the Moon.

Rice. 1. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. The first frame is compared with the second second photograph taken by NASA (AS14-66-9279), which depicts “anomalous structures on the Moon, built from a material similar to glass". The golden structure in the photo on the left is one of the supports of the Apollo lunar module.

Rice. 2. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. Ken Johnston's version in the upper right corner.

Rice. 3. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. NASA image presented at the Press Club in Washington on October 30 (300 DPI resolution).

Rice. 4. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. Image taken by the Soviet Zond 3 satellite in 1965. One of them shows a structure that strongly resembles the “tower” filmed in the Sea of ​​Crisis.

Rice. 5. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. The picture was taken by the Surveyor 6 rover. And again, we see something geometric in the lunar sky. This structure is illuminated, but the Sun has long gone below the horizon.

Rice. 6. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland.. “My favorite photo is a photo of what may be a robot. The photo was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission, and perhaps this robot was taken to Earth for analysis.” , - Richard explained to us.

Rice. 7. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland.. “My favorite photo is a photo of what may be a robot. The photo was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission, and perhaps this robot was taken to Earth for analysis.” , - Richard explained to us.

Rice. 8. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. NASA image presented at the Press Club in Washington on October 30 (300 DPI resolution).

Rice. 9. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. A 20 mile high tower rising from the Sea of ​​Crisis. The photo was taken as part of the Apollo 16 program.

Rice. 10. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. . Panoramic photo taken by Apollo 14. The photo below clearly shows what remains of the once-existing “temple” made of a material resembling glass.

Rice. 11. Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. NASA image presented at the Press Club in Washington on October 30 (300 DPI resolution).

Rice. 12. There is a long trail at the top of the photo.

Rice. 13. Lunar ruins.

Rice. 14. Lunar ruins.

Rice. 15. Below right is a photograph of “earthly” ruins for comparison, all the rest are “lunar”.

CRITICISM. The following can be noted

1. The photos posted are not impressive, something blurry and incomprehensible. Richard Hoagland good quality Didn’t save the photos, or didn’t they exist?
2. Kennedy was killed long before the flights to the moon!!! He could not know ANY SECRETS of the Moon until his death (after all, all the “secrets” were discovered by the Apollo astronauts when visiting the Moon, and BEFORE that NOBODY in the world could see or know this. And even more so he could not tell Khrushchev about them, By the way, he was never the “Secretary General”.
3. Where did Richard Hoagland get the information that the Soviet Lunokhod also photographed something secret?! From the memoirs of S. Khrushchev, or is there another source of sensational information?
4. This thought also shocks Richard: “It seems to me that this is why Khrushchev suffered, perhaps not as dramatic, but also a sad fate, like Kennedy. He was removed just a few months after the assassination of the President. They were both opposed by forces that opposed the publication information."
One was killed in November 62, the other was removed in October 64, 5 years before the FIRST “lunar landing” of Apollo 11 (in the summer of 69), when, presumably, the FIRST photographs and information about the “ancient civilization” appeared.
5. If the matter with Kennedy is murky, then the transcript of the October Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee of 1964 was published long ago. “The Corn Man” was accused of many sins, but not a word was said about hiding information on the Moon.
6. Richard Hoagland shows a photo of the so-called “Martian face,” which was long ago identified as a simple uneven terrain.
7. All pictures are more than dubious and do not pass the criteria