Modern people have become even closer to Neanderthals. Neanderthal Jews

Explains a lot of ugly things in biblical history and why Christ was sent specifically to the Jews.
This also explains why the noses of sculptures of ancient civilizations were knocked off and the noses on frescoes were scraped off.

Explains why Jews accept their wife's children from another man.
The same Anton Dolboeb-Nosik could not have offspring
and therefore stole the child from his biological father.
In the same way, the official father of Fucking Nose could not have children, so Fucking Nose is the product of another biological father.
This also explains the matrilineal inheritance of the Jews!

Roman, Greek, Jewish, snub-nosed, heavenly (divine)
From left to right:
the Roman,
the Greek,
the Jews,
the Snub,
and the Celestial noses.
(From classification of noses by Eden Warwick (Rich. Bentley, 1848))

European Celestial nose - most common in Europe.
Why in English it is called Heavenly or Divine, I don’t know, but I can guess.

Revelation of the Jew: "All famous people- Neanderthals.
They run the media and own all the banks. We are better than you (Russians) and we have not disappeared anywhere.
We have always been here and we always will be." ---
"All famous people have Neandertal lineage. They also run the media and own all the banks.
We"re better than you. And we never left. We"ve always been here and we always will be."

In fact, proto-Semites never created a single civilization or state in the Middle East -
these are historical realities.
But they always came from outside to one or another center of civilization and in one way or another seeped into them,
gaining more and more influence over them and power within them.
This process began with a change in language and traditions, culminating in the temporary rise of a given civilization
- a surge in its development (usually a series of victorious brutal wars,
capture of huge booty, enrichment), but then, in the process of assimilation and degradation of the indigenous population,
was under the rule of strangers, followed by a stage of complete decline, devastation,
collapse and disappearance of this civilization.
Analyzing this typical, characteristic process, we can say
that at some stage over-passionarity, frantic temperament and
absence of restraining moral principles among migrants who have gained power
ensured the rise, even the rapid rise of the states and city-principalities that came under their influence.
But then came a period of exhaustion of the strength of the indigenous population, its extinction and inevitable collapse.

It must be said that the proto-Semitic proto-language itself arose as a result of the mixing of the Rus: Boreals with Neanderthaloids and hybrid Negroids, and originated on the Arabian Peninsula, on the basis of the Rus language. This is precisely what explains the fact that both the proto-Semitic proto-language and modern Semitic languages ​​have an inflectional system, like their parent language - the language of the Rus - and many original word-forming roots taken from the language of the Rus. At the same time, this language (like modern Semitic) is significantly easier than the language Russov and the Russian language. For 11 thousand BC. e. the proto-Semitic proto-language can only be considered as a very primitive and lexically narrowed peripheral dialect of the Rus language. There is something for linguist researchers to work on here (and, in particular, to work thoroughly with Hebrew, which has many roots of the Russian language).

New relations and a new balance of power determine the forms of new existence and new interethnic interests, when hybrid pre-ethnic groups are increasingly “declaring. About their rights and directly wedge themselves into the relationships of various Russian communities (mainly by intermediary merchants). The Middle Eastern core of the superethnos did not disappear, did not disappear, was not destroyed as a result of some one-time processes or invasions. It gradually “dissolved” in a huge foreign ethnic ethnococoon and left inside this ethnococoon, which now occupies almost the entire Suria-Russia-Palestine, interspersed factions of the Rus clans.

Judging by basic anthropometric characteristics and genetic analysis, Cro-Magnon man is almost identical to the modern species Homo sapiens-sapiens and is believed to be the direct ancestor of the Caucasian race. But where did the other human races come from?

It was found that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons lived on earth simultaneously for a long time, and in almost all territories of settlement of homo sapiens-sapiens, and that the more developed Cro-Magnons eventually “suppressed” the Neanderthals. In particular, transitional types were found between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, indicating the mixing of these two types of people in the early stages of raceogenesis. Some anatomical features of transitional types, on the one hand, turn out to be more primitive for Cro-Magnon man, and on the other, more consistent with Neanderthal man. This creates confusion, so that transitional semi-Neanderthal forms are often presented by scientists as either purely Cro-Magnon or purely Neanderthal. But both are wrong.

Thus, we can put forward and try to substantiate the working hypothesis that the formation of races occurred as a result of crossings of the progressive Cro-Magnon man with primitive Neanderthals (and other archanthropes), as well as through the mixing of all the various derived variants of these crossbreedings, which gave many variable combinations that subsequently became stable within relatively closed ethnoareas.

There is every reason to assume that the Neanderthal had a physical body, had a primary mentality,
that is, he had an undeveloped “sleeping” consciousness (like most of today’s earthlings),
but did not have a spiritual body, which includes the concepts of “soul” and “spirit”.
It's not entirely tactful to talk about our ancestor like that,
but Homo Neanderthalensis, apparently, was not yet an “animate” person,
but the “blank” of man, which was to evolve until
until she is ripe to accommodate a spiritual body.
And here we come to one of the most important points.

So, Superevolution, in addition to the definition already given to it, is a totality of chemical,
biological, noological, mental and spiritual evolutions undergoing
with increasing acceleration (acceleration) and periodic explosive mutagenesis.

Spiritual evolution takes place at the level of the Spirit, that is, at the level of immaterial
(energy, field?) connection between the spiritual essence of man and the Spirit,
through a communication channel between the mind and soul of the individual
and the Supreme Mind of the Universe. This means simple and at the same time complex
for understanding a thing, since the evolution of evolution itself is taking place - and for the next explosive,
After an abrupt transition, directed mutagenesis will no longer be a necessary and sufficient condition.

Yes, a prerequisite for super-evolutionary “deployment” in addition to mutagenesis
there will be a discrete or portioned downloading (pumping) of the spiritual essence
The Supreme Mind of the Universe into the spiritual essence of the “awakened”
individuals with active expanded consciousness.

If until now there has been a directed linear-explosive movement towards God,
then as a person matures and as he approaches the final phase Homo sapiens sapiens
the counter movement of God towards man begins - the movement of the Incarnation.
And here much of what was intuitively and empirically guessed becomes quite clear
ancient philosophers and the best minds"Russian cosmism". Supreme Intelligence of the Universe
not only generates and gradually creates its own likeness in our Universe,
their “children”, who over time will be able to “shine in Him”, that is, naturally
and organically merge into Him, but in addition to all this, he creates for himself physical
and spiritual bodies into which he can actually descend, in which he can
be embodied in our material world. In modern terms,
people are “spacesuits” that are used by the extramaterial and extrauniversal
The Supreme Intelligence of the Universe must be put on itself in order to come to our Universe.

Tying together the indisputable facts of the appearance of modern man forty thousand years ago
type and the subsequent disappearance of the subspecies of Neanderthals closest to it,
we have the right to assert that in those very ten thousand years of joint existence
two subspecies actually occurred not only and not so much extermination by Cro-Magnons
their predecessors, as much as the widespread mixture of representatives
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens sapiens.
This process did not take place everywhere and by no means with equal intensity,
as the later findings of anthropologists suggest. But the fact that he passed is an immutable fact.

In some places, the mixing of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons was constant and active,
how the mixing of Russian settlers in Siberia with the local population went in the recent past.
In others, mixed “marriages” occurred less frequently, with one side or the other predominant,
which led to the absorption and assimilation of subspecies characteristics; in others, there was no mixing at all.

It should be pointed out that crossing, say, a human and a great ape does not produce results
(offspring), because their DNA is only 99% similar, only one percent difference
makes the birth of a child from such a “marriage” impossible.
At the same time, various subspecies of Homo gave quite
healthy, resilient offspring. We can also consider this one of the manifestations of superevolution.

At the same time, the behavior of the two subspecies of Homo was significantly different, and their mentality was different.
Both of them tended to take care of the weak and sick members of society
(until a certain time among Neanderthals), bury the dead.
However, at the sites of Neanderthal man, remains of individuals of their subspecies were found in huge quantities,
violently put to death, with crushed skulls and broken “marrow” bones,
which clearly indicates the widespread prevalence of cannibalism among Neanderthals.
This internal feature of the subspecies was extremely persistent over many tens of thousands of years.
Later, researchers have repeatedly encountered and are still encountering cannibalism
among African, Polynesian Negroid tribes and to a lesser extent
with remnants of cannibalism among certain Mongoloid peoples and nationalities
(in particular, the ritual eating of human liver by Japanese samurai, etc.).
It is very difficult not to connect the available facts together.

And we see this characteristic feature among many Western European peoples
(secondary Caucasoids), which clearly indicates the participation of European Neanderthals in their ethnogenesis.
This is one of the confirmations that after the super-evolutionary leap we went
in their own way, ordinary evolutionary processes: microevolution, macroevolution,
intrapopulation mutations... and the associated “struggle for survival”
And " natural selection"as part of the "deployment" of a small subspecies "program" -
the main driver of linear evolution.
The original Caucasians were less fortunate in this regard -
they turned out to be direct and immediate descendants of the species Homo sapiens sapiens,
Cro-Magnons, that is, Cro-Magnons as such.

Since November 2015, within the framework of the School of Healthy Self-Realization, open meetings have been held with interesting people who have already realized themselves and continue their movement, revealing their potential and helping others. The first meeting in this series occurred spontaneously. Dmitry turned on the live broadcast while visiting Maxim Mamin, head of Siemens Healthcare in Malaysia. Then there was a meeting with Gennady Brevde, then with Bronislav Vinogrodsky. This article contains the most interesting moments of the meeting with Vitaly Nedelsky. Full version you can freely look atvideo recordings webinar “Man of Change” with Vitaly Nedelsky

Vitaly Nedelsky about change, Neanderthals and artificial intelligence.

20 years ago it was impossible to imagine a conversation between two people, one of whom was sitting in Moscow and the other in Thailand. And we cannot imagine what will happen in 20 years. I have been interested in the topic of change for a long time, since writing my PhD dissertation at Moscow State University. Then I became interested in the topic of transitional eras, and then variable processes in general.

If you think about it, our whole life consists of changes: there are practically no points of calm and stability. The question is the length of this wave: if it is long, several thousand years, we do not notice it. If it’s very short, there’s an explosion and everything changes.

The biggest things we can experience or become aware of are political changes. People of our age, although we are still quite young, lived in the Soviet Union, saw the collapse of the empire and the collapse of another important formation - a bipolar world, which was stable in its own way. As they say, I don’t touch anyone at the other end of the village, and my dad at the other end of the village doesn’t touch anyone. In the last 25 years, we have seen that the world is becoming more and more unpredictable and chaotic: everyone is touching each other and no one knows the consequences of these touches.

And, of course, the most tangible changes are technological changes, changes in basic technology packages over limited historical periods.

The highlight of all these changes is that, as Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa discovered, each next cycle is shorter than the previous one. For example, each subsequent historical period (agrarian, feudal, capitalist, etc.) is shorter than the previous one by the number E - 2.7 times. Capitalism is 250 years old, the previous phase was about a thousand years old. The phase that has begun now is short, it is already less than 70 years old, that is, changes have entered into a person’s life span. Tectonic shifts are taking place within our lives, this new story for humanity.

Technological changes are, in fact, colossal. For the last five years, I have been operating under the hypothesis that technological change has become dominant. They determine the rules of life, the way of life of people, then it all comes to politicians, and they either change everything in accordance with the new rules and look “on horseback” at the same time, or they are demolished by it all. How many revolutions have occurred in the last 5-7 years, where political changes took place due to technology.

The underlying technology in all of this is the Internet. This is a communications technology that originated as a military development, but today it is already the basic infrastructure of civilization, along with energy, transport, the banking system, and so on. Today everything is tied to the Internet, and if it goes down, then everything stops - housing and communal services, transport, etc. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to shut down the Internet; it is also organized on different principles. There is no man who can be shot, or a tap that can be turned off. The diagram of the Internet is very similar to the map of the human brain: server neurons are connected by connections. It is a very stable and dynamic structure, the human brain manifested on a transhuman level. No one came up with it in this form; they just thought of making a distributed network.

The Internet already dominates the economy. The list of the most expensive companies in the world by capitalization looks like this: number one is Apple, for 2015 - $145 or 150 billion, number two is Microsoft, number three is Google. Three companies determine everything else. Locally, this is Silicon Valley. That is, there is a center formed by a combination of a number of factors that generates these technologies. Internet companies are transmitting a different culture to business - the guys from the Internet business no longer wear suits, they are very fast, they are not dominated by corporate ritual dances, and the speed of change within these companies is very high.

We have entered a period of resonance and mutual dependence. Computer viruses can stop the city's energy supply. If the power goes out in Moscow, the water supply will stop because the pumps are electric. People don’t know how to live with this, we have unlearned it. Throw us out into the street now, we will begin to die en masse.

The technological shift provides many very cool opportunities, for example, you can call a taxi from your phone very quickly, but at the same time it carries enormous risks, because we have forgotten how to live the old way. If food is no longer delivered to the cities, we will die out. In Asian countries it is probably easier on this topic - bananas grow there.

But that doesn't scare me. There are people who, on the contrary, are excited by a situation of increased risk and change: they have something to do. My parents didn’t give me any inheritance, except for my brains, the ability to navigate in space, and I immediately understand that I have to rely on myself, and everyone else in the same way. It is important to understand that when navigating the turbulent flows of change, you need to choose your place.

There is a second topic. These processes go very quickly, but the person hardly changes. At least at the speeds we are talking about, we are the same guys who ran 100 thousand years ago and 200 thousand. We are used to running in hot climates, but now we are sitting and, apparently, collapsing. I don’t want to go back to the savannah, but something needs to be done about it.

The pace of change in people is measured in tens of thousands of years. I was very interested - why did the remaining species become extinct? In Europe, Cro-Magnons lived together with Neanderthals for 50 thousand years in parallel on the same territory. As a result, they ate all the food and the Neanderthals died out, although they ate, among other things, Cro-Magnons - the bones of Cro-Magnons were found in Neanderthal camps. One important fact distinguished Cro-Magnons from other homo sapiens: they began to act in a special way, in an organized manner, their brain allowed them to develop group interaction. They developed a division of labor: some sharpened the tips, others sharpened something else. Hunting has become more meaningful, in groups. There has been a leap, now inexplicable, in the evolution of people themselves. In a very short period of time, this species became an absolute predator on the planet, suppressing everyone - those who did not survive disappeared from the face of the Earth, like the Neanderthals. Then states appeared, political systems, economies, and technologies appeared. Now we stand on the threshold of what we are beginning new mind from oneself - in the image and likeness of oneself: computer-based artificial intelligence.

At first I was worried that robots would take over the world, enslave people, or I thought: well, okay, we’ll just die out too, like the Neanderthals, just the next species, on other principles, organosilicon will appear, transitional. Then I calmed down, because I don’t see the difference between the first cudgel that a person picked up to solve his problems, and artificial intelligence. This is a tool. Artificial intelligence, even if it develops further, does not yet show the ability to solve creative problems, intuitive problems, or artistic problems. This is a huge amount of computation. You can absolutely safely outsource all routine operations to them. Robots in this sense, be it software, be it some kind of hardware, take away from us routine operations in production, in computing, in medicine, and so on.

People whose profession was taken away are upset: the accountant was replaced with software or the dispatcher who was sitting in a taxi was replaced with the Get Taxi application. It turns out that, in general, people have freed up time and resources to engage creative types activities. This process also began once upon a time, when there was a little more food, when there was no need to run from morning to evening to get food - art appeared, the opportunity arose to improve these tools. This is an absolutely normal evolutionary process of development in which we have been living for hundreds of thousands of years, it was just slow before, but now it is going faster. We need to determine our place in relation to robots: treat them as tools, although at some point they will be intelligent tools. We will have to treat them with respect and find new niches where people can only do what is available to people.

At the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the human ancestry looked simple: Australopithecus gave birth to Pithecanthropus, Pithecanthropus gave birth to Neanderthal, Neanderthal - Homo sapiens. It is now clear that everything was much more complicated. The time intervals of existence of many species overlap greatly. The situation when the hominid family is represented by a single species, as it is now, is atypical. For example, even in the relatively recent past - just 50 thousand years ago - there were at least 4 species of hominids on Earth: Homo sapiens, H.neandertalensis, H.erectus and H.floresiensis.

Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) are the indigenous inhabitants of Eurasia, it was here that they formed as a species after their ancestor - “Heidelberg man” - migrated here from Africa half a million years ago (our species comes directly from Africa, and people came to Europe came only about 40,000 years ago).

In their heyday, these squat, athletic hunters dominated all of Europe, from Britain and Iberia in the west to Israel in the south and Uzbekistan in the east. This was the era of glaciers, and Neanderthals were a species better suited than any other primate to live in harsh climates. The average height of men was 160 cm (women were 10 centimeters shorter), and they weighed about 90 kg, a mass of muscle. A high ratio of body mass to its surface area reduced the relative heat transfer surface. However, while surpassing humans in strength development, massive Neanderthals could be inferior to them in endurance. Their arms and legs were constructed somewhat differently: their forearms and shins were shorter. The most unusual detail of their appearance was their nose: wide and at the same time with a hump, and at the same time turned up. With such a nose, the Neanderthal could safely inhale the coldest air without fear of catching a cold. Neanderthals had a very peculiar face - with sloping cheekbones, a strongly protruding nose and a cut off chin.

They knew fire, spoke, sewed clothes, built houses, made stone tools. Moreover, their stone processing technique was not similar to that used by our ancestors. For four hundred thousand years, Neanderthals did not know what jewelry was, but immediately after the arrival of the Cro-Magnons they began to use necklaces made of animal teeth, pendants, and engraved objects. Exactly the same as those used by the Cro-Magnons. In the same way, they borrowed from people the custom of burying the dead. However, they never learned to create paintings and sculptures, which may indicate their low ability for abstract thinking. Or maybe not speak - their head contained a much larger brain than the brain modern man, they just might have thought differently.

In material terms, our culture received practically nothing from the Neanderthals that would leave traces. But who knows what the Neanderthals, captives or guests, told their brothers and rivals around the fires to humans? And what remains of this in the beliefs or myths of the current peoples of the Earth?

They supported each other. Among the remains of Neanderthals, the skeleton of a man aged 50 was found, by the standards of that time he was a very old man. He didn't have a single tooth. He could eat only if someone close to him chewed food for him and thus fed a member of the tribe who was respected and cared for.

Neanderthals ate mainly meat, and the percentage of food of animal origin in their diet exceeded that of Cro-Magnons. At Neanderthal sites, mostly carefully crushed and gnawed bones of various game are found. And also - the same “processed” bones of the ancestors of modern people. And at Cro-Magnon sites, gnawed bones of Neanderthals were found in the same way.

Neanderthals and humans began to hunt each other and devour the bodies of defeated enemies as soon as the first representatives of our race appeared in Europe, the patrimony of the Neanderthals. This was not targeted destruction. The coexistence of two types of intelligent beings on the same territory lasted for 10 thousand years. It is not difficult to imagine what fierce competition arose between them, if even today representatives of different races (and what races and nationalities there are) of the same type of person often cannot tolerate each other. But then the situation was more difficult - people and Neanderthals belonged to different types and could not give rise to common offspring, which means they had no hope of ever becoming one people. There was always “us” and “them”.

About 30 thousand years ago, the last representatives of Neanderthals huddled in the very south of Spain, in the Gibraltar region, in the Pyrenees, and the Dalmatian mountains. Then the Neanderthals disappeared without a trace.

UPD: According to recent research, it is possible that Neanderthals occasionally and poorly, but still interbred with humans. In any case, they left a very small trace in our gene pool.

Homo sapiens (our species) and Neanderthals (homo neanderthalensis, also known as paleoanthropes) descended from a common ancestor, Homo erectus, approximately 700,000 years ago. Then, about 300,000 years ago, our species split completely from each other.

Neanderthals were shorter than Homo sapiens (hereinafter simply referred to as humans), and their bodies were stockier. They also have angular cheekbones, massive brow ridges and wide noses. Like humans, homo neanderthalensis used man-made tools, knew how to make fire, and buried their dead. Contrary to initial theories that Neanderthals were savages who could not speak, researchers have increasingly come to believe that our extinct relatives also had relatively advanced intelligence.

Neanderthals inhabited Eurasia from the territory of modern Spain to Western Siberia. There is still debate in the scientific community about exactly when this species became extinct, but so far it is officially accepted that they disappeared from the face of the Earth about 30,000 - 42,000 years ago. The reason for their extinction is still one of the biggest mysteries in the science of evolution. In this collection you will find the 10 most likely versions in this regard.

We were more skilled hunters
Neanderthals became extinct shortly after homo sapiens migrated from Africa to Eurasia. It turns out that paleoanthropes lived in Europe for quite a long time, and then disappeared almost immediately after their ancestors appeared on the continent modern look people. This has led researchers to believe that we are partly responsible for the extinction of ancient upright walking primates.

One theory about how humans drove the Neanderthals to extinction suggests that Homo sapiens was simply a more skilled and more successful hunter. At some point it began to represent serious problem, since both types of people had to deal with a limited amount of food. In such conditions, competition and struggle for resources have become inevitable. And since we survived and the Neanderthals did not, it is logical to assume that our species was more skilled at hunting, and we were always able to get more food and other resources. This probably led to the growth of the Homo sapiens population and the extinction of paleoanthropes.

Humans were more aggressive than Neanderthals
As our entire history shows, it is human nature to kill, enslave, conquer and disperse other weaker peoples. Our ancestors were like this when they first encountered Neanderthals. When Homo sapiens migrated from Africa to Eurasia, he was likely more determined, aggressive, and powerful than Homo neanderthalensis. This was necessary for tribes that lived by hunting, and while Homo sapiens slaughtered mammoths and obtained much-needed protein from meat, Neanderthals preferred to eat insects, and their menu was very meager. They were probably more peaceful and avoided violence whenever possible.

If the paleoanthropes had been more cruel, they might have been able to prevent humans from invading their territory and preventing their resources from being depleted. But as we know, the population of homo sapiens increased, and the Neanderthals gradually disappeared.

Eruption of a large volcano
A supervolcano eruption is an event that has a significant impact on the Earth. During the eruption of such a volcano, millions of tons of ash are released into the atmosphere, and this inevitably changes the climate of the planet. First of all, the weather gets very bad - due to the fact that ash clouds prevent the penetration of sunlight and heat, it becomes much colder.

As is known, 39,000 years ago, a powerful volcanic eruption occurred in the area of ​​the Phlegrean Fields (Campi Flegrei) west of modern Naples. This event coincided with the period when the extinction of the Neanderthals supposedly began. It was the largest volcanic eruption in the last 200,000 years, and experts estimate that about 110 million tons of ash were released into the atmosphere. For Neanderthals and many other living creatures on Earth, this meant a real disaster. The sun disappeared for several months, maybe even years. In Europe they started to go acid rain, and the average air temperature dropped significantly. Survival in such conditions became extremely difficult, and greatly thinned the ranks of Neanderthals. When our ancestors moved to Europe, they met almost no resistance, since Neanderthals were theoretically already on the verge of extinction.

People hunted with wolves

At the time when Neanderthals began to disappear from the face of the Earth, there were three main predators in Europe competing with each other for food: the Neanderthals themselves, humans and wolves. According to anthropologist Pat Shipman of Pennsylvania State University, the extinction of the Neanderthals was caused by an alliance between wolves and Homo sapiens. The professor's theory is that our ancestors began to domesticate wild wolves, breed them as pets, and all this significantly influenced the fate of homo neanderthalensis.

Wolfhounds helped ancient people drive large animals into traps and dead ends, where our ancestors worked together to kill their prey. This was the most dangerous part of the hunt. Tamed wolves also helped drive away scavengers who flocked to the smell of butchered mammoth corpses. In return, the hunters fed the wolves, sharing common prey with them. The union between Homo sapiens and the wolf was definitely a mutually beneficial enterprise.

Archaeologists absolutely know about the collective hunting of people with ancient canids, while the cooperation of Neanderthals with these predatory animals has never been confirmed. Without the help of wolves, they were likely to be much more tired and at higher risk. To survive in such harsh conditions, paleoanthropes needed to eat very well, but due to competition with people who teamed up with wolves, they simply could not afford it.

We had more high level culture

Researchers from Stanford University have discovered mathematical model, according to which the reason for the survival of Homo sapiens and the extinction of Neanderthals lies in the level of culture.

People had a more developed society, they had more convenient tools for work and more practical weapons for hunting, which made it possible to extract resources over larger territories. For example, homo sapiens had axes that could be used in everyday life, in the field, and while hunting, which made their life much easier.

According to the Stanford researchers' model, culture gave a small population of people a significant advantage over the larger tribes of Neanderthals, whose cultural level was noticeably lower.

Division of labor
Neanderthals did not have a well-thought-out division of labor system. They gathered for booty with the whole tribe, including women and children. People, in turn, preferred to assemble a hunting group based on gender and age. This division of labor allowed our ancestors to be more efficient, and their diet was much more varied, since each member of society did something within his power (hunting, collecting edible plants, cooking). Skills in collecting, storing and preparing food meant access to more nutritional resources, which means prosperity and development.

A more harmonious and varied diet, as well as appropriate processing of certain foods, provided humans with an evolutionary advantage over Neanderthals, who obtained food rather haphazardly and were content with meager food. Our ancestors were more well-fed and grew wiser quickly, unlike paleoanthropes.

Neanderthals had a frontal lobe smaller than ours

There is a common misconception about the brain size of Homo neanderthalensis - it is believed that our ancestors were smarter than their competitors due to the size of the brain. But researchers believe that it was not the size, but the design features of this most important organ.

Neanderthal brains were designed so that this ancient primate could successfully control its massive body. Humans, on the other hand, had larger frontal lobes, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making processes, social behavior, creativity and abstract thinking. As a result, it was precisely thanks to these qualities that we turned out to be more successful than the Neanderthals.

For example, thanks to abstract thinking, Homo sapiens guessed that if the meat was pre-processed and chopped, he would not have to spend extra time and energy for chewing food. This finding was especially useful for raising children.

Also, the frontal lobes served our ancestors well in the more rapid dissemination of new technologies. With large frontal lobes, it was easier for us to teach other homo sapiens and to adopt new skills and knowledge ourselves. Owners of enlarged frontal areas of the brain realized that for survival and safety it is much more profitable to gather in more numerous social groups, which also ultimately greatly simplified the task of disseminating and applying technology.

We learned to save energy and began to use new, more technologically advanced tools, which gave people an undeniable evolutionary advantage over the Neanderthals, who presumably began to die out just after meeting Homo sapiens.

Weather changes forced Neanderthals to leave their usual habitat
There is an opinion that our ancestors had nothing to do with the extinction of the Neanderthals. After all, Homo sapiens left Africa just 100,000 years ago, headed to the Middle East, and then arrived in Australia about 60,000 years ago. People moved to Europe (the homeland of homo neanderthalensis) only 45,000 years ago, and this may seem counterintuitive, since Europe is much closer to the Middle East than Australia. Some anthropologists believe that Homo sapiens made such a detour precisely because of the paleoanthropes, and returned to Europe only because it had practically gotten rid of the Neanderthals.

So why did Neanderthals begin to disappear? The cause could be significant climate change. In terms of timing, the inhabitants of ancient Eurasia began to die out just at the end of the Ice Age, when the continent went through severe natural disasters that significantly changed the landscape. For example, in Italy, during the supposed period of Neanderthal extinction, wooded areas turned into bare plains for as much as 100 years, and local residents most likely they were not able to adapt so quickly to the new conditions surrounding him.

Paleoanthropes hunted in forests and used trees as cover and observation posts. Their bodies were not adapted to high-speed pursuits of large and dangerous animals across the vast expanses of young plains.

On the other hand, people from among our ancestors were accustomed to fields and open space, because these were typical landforms of Africa, where Homo sapiens came from. Therefore, while the Neanderthals were simply dying from inability to adapt to their new habitat, our ancestors moved to where the living conditions seemed quite acceptable to them.

Paleoanthropes were killed by an ancient disease

One of the most controversial and controversial topics for discussion among anthropologists is the question of why Neanderthals, who lived well in Eurasia for tens of thousands of years, suddenly became extinct in just 1000-5000 years. By historical standards, this happened almost immediately after the first meeting with Homo sapiens. The obvious conclusion is that it was our ancestors who somehow caused the extinction of their Eurasian relatives. However, none of the researchers is still sure what exactly happened.

According to one of the many theories, when Neanderthals moved from Africa to Eurasia, they immune system adapted to local conditions, and 45,000 years ago was not ready to meet an extraneous macrocosm. When, after some time, our ancestors migrated to Eurasia, they brought African pathogens to new lands that cause diseases such as tuberculosis, herpes, stomach ulcers and many others. The Neanderthal immune system was unable to cope with unfamiliar threats, and these ancient hominids went extinct.

An example from modern history that supports this theory is what happened to the Native Americans when Europeans landed on their shores in 1492. The Spaniards brought smallpox and malaria to the distant continent, which proved fatal to the inhabitants of America. The immunity of the indigenous people was not ready to meet foreign viruses and infections, and was not developed enough to fight them. For this reason, experts estimate that about 20 million Native Americans died in the first years after the arrival of the Spaniards, which amounted to approximately 95% of the region's population.

Paleoanthropes assimilated with our ancestors
Among other assumptions about the reasons for the disappearance of the Neanderthal species, there is also a version that they did not go anywhere and did not become extinct. The Eurasians simply assimilated with the newly arrived people from Africa. This was a real crossbreeding that gave birth to the modern population of homo sapiens.

It is quite possible that the circumstances listed above led to a serious decline in the number of Neanderthals. However, this does not necessarily mean that they all became completely extinct, and not a trace remained of the paleoanthropes. Perhaps their species was absorbed by a stronger and larger population that arrived on the continent just in time.

Proof of this theory is the fact that if you were not born in Africa, your DNA will be 1.5 - 2% Neanderthal. Although scientists still don't understand why we don't all have the same genes. For example, if your DNA is 2% Neanderthal, and your neighbor is also 2% Neanderthal, this does not mean that these genes will be the same. Researchers believe that in analyzes of modern humans, about 20% of the paleoanthropic genome can actually be detected if all the variations of that same 1.5-2% are collected together. This means that Neanderthals did not actually go extinct, but simply became part of the Homo sapiens family.

The Neanderthal is an extinct representative of the human race, an unnecessary link on our evolutionary path. This species existed 350-600 thousand years ago on the territory of modern Europe.

Neanderthals were stooped, stocky people with large heads. And the cranium even surpassed ours in volume. These people already had intelligence and were able to create their own culture. They buried the dead and helped the sick.

Neanderthals lived side by side with our ancestors for thousands of years until they became extinct. And Homo sapiens began to spread throughout the continent. We often underestimate Neanderthals, considering them half-ape, half-human. In fact, this species had many interesting features, myths hidden from us.

Neanderthals couldn't speak, they just grunted. This myth has been around for quite some time. It was believed that Neanderthals had only a basic capacity for producing sounds in the throat, so they could not speak. However, in 1883, scientists discovered the hyoid bone of a Neanderthal in an Israeli cave. But it is part of a vocal instrument identical to that of modern man. This directly suggests that the ability of Neanderthals to speak was the same as ours. Today there is no doubt that they had at least a basic vocal communication system. Scientists think that the language of the Neanderthals could consist of consonants, with a small number of vowels. The same thing occurs today in some human languages.

Neanderthals were our ancestors. In fact, man did not originate from them. At that time, the ancestors of modern humans and Neanderthals existed side by side as two separate groups. About half a million years ago, genetic divergence between them began. DNA studies have shown that Neanderthals are a separate evolutionary line, ultimately a dead end. The differences in genes between the two types of people are painfully significant. The last Neanderthals died out about 30 thousand years ago. There are several theories why this happened. Most likely, in an unstable climate, the birth rate decreased and the mortality rate increased. This became critical for the species. They were probably supplanted by modern people, the Cro-Magnons. They came to Europe 40-50 thousand years ago, managing to survive their relatives in conditions of intense competition.

Neanderthals were hairy. Despite classic depictions of Neanderthals as hairy people, there is no reason to believe that they were any different from modern humans in this regard. Computer models showed that excess hair on the bodies of such people would lead to an overproduction of sweat. It would freeze, potentially leading to Neanderthal death.

The main weapon of the Neanderthal was the club. This myth represents Neanderthals as very primitive creatures. They actually had quite a few advanced tools and weapons. To kill a mammoth, these people used spears, and processed stones were also used as weapons. It is believed that they used tools from the Mousterian era. Processing of materials was carried out using soft tools made from wood, antler and bone, rather than using stone hammers. And the Neanderthals managed to make many of their tools sharp. There is strong evidence that they made frequent use of wood. But these items simply did not survive to this day.

Neanderthals had bent knees and walked like chimpanzees. In this case, the discovery did not lead to new knowledge, but to confusion. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Neanderthal skeleton with bent knees was found. Scientists began to believe that all Neanderthals were like this. Only much later did it become clear that he was a man suffering from arthritis. And Neanderthals walked in an upright position, just like modern humans.

Neanderthals were dwarfs. This species had an average height of about 165 centimeters. This is only 12-14 centimeters shorter than a modern person.

Neanderthals were wild creatures. In fact, there is much evidence that these people lived in communities, caring for the old and sick. Fossil evidence has been found that some of the creatures suffered potentially life-threatening injuries but healed completely. This suggests that the wounded man was fed by his relatives while he recovered. The corpse of a very old man at that time was found, he was about 50 years old, and he did not have a single tooth. This suggests that someone chewed his food and fed it to a respected member of the tribe. Fossils found musical instruments, which prove that Neanderthals even used them and consciously made sounds.

All Neanderthals looked alike. Since one term is used to describe all Neanderthals, we believe that this group of people all had similar facial features and features. In fact, they had their own ethnic groups, just like modern people. Recent research has determined that there were probably three races in the Neanderthal family. This is consistent with the findings of paleoanthropologists. One race of Neanderthals lived in Western Europe, another is in the South, and the third is in Western Asia. Such conclusions were made based on the study of genetic material.

Neanderthals lived in caves. This statement is only partly true; many Neanderthals actually lived in caves. This is how the name “ cavemen" But many of them lived in huts. IN ice age people had typical huts. They were built from body parts and bones of mammoths covered with animal skins. Such houses have been used for many years, so they were built carefully. Holes for them were dug deep in the ground. Then poles were inserted there, and at the top point they were tied with a rope made from animal intestines. Warm furs were laid around the perimeter of this structure, and then they were tightly sewn together. Large stones were placed around the bottom of the hut to help it remain strong.

Neanderthals had faces like monkeys. Such misconceptions arose on the basis of simple reconstructions of skeletons, only those people suffered from arthritis. In 1983, forensic artist Jay Matterns, working on the outlines of the faces of those killed during the investigations, produced a reconstruction on a much better basis than before. As a result, a drawing of a Neanderthal appeared, in which his appearance differs little from modern people. If we met such a person on the street in a suit, we would not think anything bad about him. The same applies to other reconstructed Neanderthal faces.

Some physical features of Neanderthals will never be known. As of 2009, scientists had at their disposal a complete transcript of the Neanderthal genome. The most important consequence of this is that it is now technically possible to clone it, to bring it back from the dead. The current cost of such a project is $30 million, but no one is in a hurry to invest in this matter. There are ethical questions that always arise with cloning. But there is no doubt that we know enough about Neanderthals to eventually resurrect them.

Neanderthals had no religion. Flowers and food were found in the burials of this type of people. This directly suggests that the Neanderthals believed in an afterlife, they had religious and magical practices. Such people had a cult of animal skulls, which suggests rituals of hunting magic.

Neanderthals were primitive creatures. It is known that the brain of these creatures was even larger than ours. It’s just that its largest parts were responsible for simple functions, such as vision. Over time, scientists discovered cave paintings in Neanderthal caves. They suggested that these people had developed abstract thinking. This is also proven by the existence of complex jewelry and tools. Some scientists suggest that in some ways Neanderthals were even smarter than us, they just thought differently.

Neanderthals were cannibals, unlike Cro-Magnons. Scientists have no doubt that Neanderthals were indeed cannibals. At their site, gnawed human bones were found. Moreover, both dead tribesmen and captured Cro-Magnons became food. But such gastronomic preferences were mutual - Cro-Magnons also ate Neanderthals, as evidenced by the remains at the sites. But in early history of humanity, cannibalism was common.