Visualization of how slim I see myself. Method of psychological visualization in the fight against extra pounds

On New Year's Eve, everyone strives to give advice on how to fulfill their desires. While watching a short video on this topic, I heard the statement that visualization for weight loss or for some other purpose without real action cannot bring any benefit. Of course he can't! The fact is that visualization simply DOES NOT HAPPEN without real action.

If a person visualizes his desire, i.e. concretely and in detail represents the state in which he will find himself, when the desire is fulfilled, then, willy-nilly, he begins to take some actions to realize his aspirations.

In other words, his desire turns from a dream into a goal. And this happens even in the case when, apart from visualization, he did not plan to do anything.

What is desire?

It is a dream, sometimes a mirage, an illusion, but never a goal. It can be turned into a goal by imagining it, seeing it, or in another way – by visualizing it.

Ask a man who wants to change his car what brand of car he wants to see as his own. In most cases, you will hear: “Well, something better...” And if you also ask about the color, they will simply laugh in response. And only a few will tell you both the brand and the color specifically. And it is they who will achieve their goal faster than others, because they have a goal, an intention, while the rest have only an ephemeral desire.

What does this have to do with a slim figure?

The most direct!

Let's say you want training too. But do you see your goal - the weight, waist size or clothing size you need? Can you imagine yourself in this image? Or does your consciousness immediately put up an obstacle, telling you that this is impossible?

While your desire is abstract – i.e. you don’t see yourself as slim, it will be almost impossible for you to achieve your goal, because you simply don’t have it.

How to turn a desire into a goal?

In this case, introduce yourself. For example, if you were slim and then gained weight, you need to remember yourself in that previous body. By the way, this is not as easy as it seems at first glance. I would even say that this is real work. But she's worth it.

Right now, close your eyes and imagine that the clothes you are wearing fit very loosely on you, as if one or two sizes too small. If it doesn’t work out the first time, don’t draw premature conclusions, try again.

There are other, easier methods, but they also bring results that are more distant in time. But they still work - and this fact has been verified by many real examples.

Method 1

The method is known and banal, but that doesn’t stop it working. Hang a picture of yourself (or someone else) in a prominent place in the body you want to see yourself in.

Let this image come across your eyes as often as possible. You can even set the desired image as a screensaver on your phone or computer monitor. The result appears in approximately 1-4 months.

Method 2

She is an astrologer herself. What to imagine in your mind new image I’m not feeling so easy, I already said. But it’s much easier to do it in writing! So, take a sheet of paper and write yourself a horoscope for the next month (year). New Year's Eve is the perfect time to do this. For a sample, you can take what newspapers and magazines are now full of.

I warn you against the main mistake of this method, let’s call it “diversity.” This is when you write a horoscope for yourself both about your career and about love, and don’t forget about a slim figure - i.e. you give your subconscious too many tasks. Decide what you need most and write a clear horoscope for ONE image. This way your “astrological forecast” will work better.

And when you decide for yourself what you really need and imagine it in all its colors, it won’t come down to actions. Visualization for weight loss will definitely work if you want it!

Here is an interesting video about visualization and its enormous capabilities:

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

    Our environment influences us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight and couldn’t”, “but we’ll still remain fat”, “ good man there must be a lot." Well, even if there are “a lot” of them, what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy foods should be. And then you too will become graceful - it’s only a matter of time.

Every person has an incredible power hidden within them, which, with the right approach, can make desires come true. Our subconscious is an excellent assistant in achieving goals and overcoming problems, including in the fight against excess weight.

The main tool of the hidden capabilities of the subconscious is visualization, that is, the process of mentally imagining what is desired. Spurred on by regular visualization, the subconscious will do everything to bring you closer to the desired weight loss.

How to visualize correctly?

Photo source:

Before you start visualization, you need to create a comfortable psycho-emotional background. This will help enhance its effectiveness. Turn on pleasant music, surround yourself with incense and take a comfortable body position. Take a few minutes to imagine the new you. Think through everything down to the smallest detail: what your hips, buttocks, legs, stomach, arms and shoulders should look like. Focus not only on contemplating beauty, but also on how you feel when you are thin. Think as if you are already thin.

Visualization will not take much time. The main thing is to practice for a few minutes every day. Make sure that no one distracts you during visualization (turn off your phone, warn your family). A pleasant bonus of visualization is a wonderful mood after it.

It is important to listen to your intuition and unexpected desires. Under the influence of the subconscious, your eating habits may change and instead of a cake you will want to nibble on carrots. You may also feel the urge to go to the gym.



Photo source:

In addition to classical visualization, you can use visualization-meditation. To do this, you will need your own photo where you are in good shape, or an image of a girl with a beautiful figure. Look at the photo carefully, take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Try to relax as much as possible. Then imagine the excess weight under which your dream figure is “buried.” The main task is to imagine in paint how all the imperfections gradually disappear and dissolve, and your body takes on ideal shapes.

Advice! Hang on the wall or place on the table a picture of your dream figure so that the desired image is always before your eyes.


Photo source:

Affirmations (positive statements) aimed at losing weight will help complement and strengthen the result of visualization. Choose the ones you like best and repeat them daily.

Pay attention! You can come up with positive affirmations for yourself, but it is important that they be in the present tense. Also, the “not” particle should be absent in affirmations.

List of sample affirmations for weight loss:

– Losing weight comes naturally and easily for me;
– I am losing weight every day;
– I love the taste of healthy food;
– I am happy with a weight of 45 (?) kilograms;
– I have a flat stomach.

It has long been proven that thoughts have a huge impact on the body and life in general. So focus on what you want rather than focusing on problems. Lose weight easily and with pleasure!

Motivation for losing weight is not just a picture of a super-slim model on the refrigerator. A good attitude towards losing weight is everyone’s business, and this is not an easy task. Books often offer something that is not very suitable for a particular person, which is why most of us cannot “stick to” a diet or accustom ourselves to constant physical activity. However, psychologists have long studied the general patterns of motivation, and today we will try to apply this knowledge to losing weight.

Motivation is emotional and stressful

This motivation is described in the works of Dr. Kovalkov and his supporters, who are the majority among Russian nutritionists. It is suitable for girls who are fixated on their appearance, fashion and everyone who has given up on themselves and lives.

According to her, you need to convince yourself to lose weight for own health. This motivational technique is quite effective for losing weight. It helps to highlight the main thing why you are struggling with excess weight, and shift your attention from unhealthy ways of losing weight to normal ones, which are recommended by doctors. Step by step instructions motivation:

  1. Get tested, ask your doctor to tell you in detail about the health hazards that cause overweight.
  2. Think about what you can and cannot do if your weight increases and your health deteriorates. Believe me: following short-term diets without switching to a healthy and balanced diet will guarantee weight gain.
  3. Understand: you need to lose weight for your health, to be active and strong for as long as possible.
  4. Choose one weight loss plan recommended by registered dietitians and follow it.
  5. Don't “flaunt” your first results. Monitor your improvement and continue to lose weight according to your own plan until the result is achieved.

Rational motivation for effective weight loss

This technique belongs to cognitive therapist D. Beck; it is suitable for those who like to control everything, plan, write lists, and set goals.

  1. Make a list of things you could do after you lose weight but can't do yet. Write anything here, both important things, for example, the birth of a child, and small whims, for example, buying a miniskirt with lace.
  2. Write down the most important points from this list on a card that you always carry with you and read from time to time.
  3. Before every meal, be sure to re-read your motivation card.
  4. Set a specific goal for yourself, but don’t link it to weight. For example, something like this: “I will stop adding sugar to drinks, eating cake for lunch, taking healthy snacks with me to the office, and I will do all this by the end of October.” The goal may also be to follow a diet.
  5. List individual activities for your goal to achieve it, these will be tasks. So, for example, if your goal is to drink unsweetened coffee instead of sweet coffee, the task for Monday will be to put 1 spoon less, on Tuesday - by 2, on Wednesday - replace the rest of the sugar with stevia extract in tablets, and the like.
  6. Try not to overwork yourself and your body, do not set many goals at once. For weight loss, it is optimal to have 2 or 3 goals for 1 month, so you can return or acquire healthy habits.
  7. Write down goals, objectives, specific events in a special notebook. Divide the sheet in half, fill in the columns, calling them “plan” and “fact”.

Visualization is a visual representation of something. Visualization of desires is mental image desired. Visualizing your body the way you want it to be forces your subconscious mind to match your body to the mental image you created as much as possible.

This technique is taken from systems positive psychology A. Sviyasha and L. Hay. Suitable for visual people, creative people who are able to be inspired by beauty rather than health.

How to lose weight with this motivation:

  1. Think in vivid detail about how happy and interesting you will live after losing weight.
  2. Sit down at the table and write a motivational story in the 1st person about what you will do after losing weight.
  3. You can make a whole collage of magazine photos, shoot a photo story about this future life of yours.
  4. Look in the mirror, convince yourself that you deserve a wonderful, vibrant life.
  5. Start doing everything as if you had already lost weight. If you dream of going on a trip, go on it right now; if you want to update your wardrobe, buy a couple of stylish things.
  6. Re-read your story about a healthy life morning and evening, supporting it with dreams.
  7. Visualize by imagining yourself thinner or using a collage of yourself as thin for this purpose.
  8. “Scroll” the visualization as soon as you start to be lazy to do exercises in the morning or feel a craving for junk food.
  9. Choose the weight loss method that is most natural for you.

So we have looked at the most popular motivations for losing weight, these are:

  • emotional-stressful;
  • rational;
  • visualizing.

The choice, as always, is yours.

Many bodybuilding stars, cinema and sports use visualization techniques to facilitate achievement cherished goal. Today we will tell you about the method of programming the subconscious through visual images (from lat. visualis, "visual").

The method really works and helps to fine-tune your psycho-emotional sphere in such a way that thinking processes, bodily reactions and outbursts of emotions begin to work for you and become your allies, not enemies. Visualization can and should be used not only when creating a “dream body,” but also in all other aspects of life.

Step 1: Role Model as a Success Script

It is important that you have a clear, vivid and as specific as possible idea in your head of how you want to look. A good helper in this matter will be the image famous person, whose body you would like to “try on”. For guys it might be Ronnie Coleman or Alexey Lesukov, for girls - Ekaterina Usmanova or Oksana Grishina. Look at the photo of your “hero” more often, analyze his merits, keep in mind what you like.

In his book "Education of a Bodybuilder", great Schwartz writes about the first time he saw his idol Reg Park and comparisons with a magnificent wild animal came to his mind. Of course, being an Austrian boy, Arnie could only see Park in photographs, but it was this image that inspired him for further victories.

Step 2: Focus on the image

Any mental practice requires concentration. Focus is defined as “concentrating attention in a certain way: on a goal, focusing on present moment and without bias” (Professor of Medicine, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic). Slowly dive into yourself, assess your general condition, become aware of your emotions and bodily sensations. Mentally concentrate on the image of yourself that you want to achieve and concentration will help you establish contact with your body and “program” your muscles for a certain scenario.

Frank Zane, a renowned bodybuilder and visualization practitioner, had this to say about the process:

“The technique I use is simple: sit in a quiet, dark place, close your eyes and focus your attention extremely on the forehead. I imagine a big screen and then I see an image of what I look like. And I am gradually becoming what I saw.”

In sports psychology, concentration is used to enter the so-called “state of flow” - a feeling of complete immersion in any activity.

Step 3: Five Types of Images

It is really possible to improve your athletic performance with the power of thought and this has been proven by many studies. For this kind of research, sports psychologists have developed a special questionnaire - “SIQ” (Sport Imagery Questionnaire), which identifies 5 types of images:
  • Cognitive special (images of a well-performed exercise);
  • Cognitive general (images associated with competitive strategies);
  • Motivational general-regulatory (images associated with concentration and the ability to solve problems);
  • Motivational general-activating (images associated with subjective feelings that may accompany actions);
  • Motivational special (images representing specific goals and results).
Use These Five Kinds of Imagery to Mentally “Picture” maximum quantity vivid images. It is especially recommended to do this immediately before training.

Step 4: Down with laziness!

Visualization- this is a skill that will also require some effort from you to learn; it needs to be developed and improved constantly. At first, practice no more than 2-3 minutes a day, then be sure to increase the time. By practicing visualization techniques every day, you will soon achieve greater control over your own mind. But when we say that the time for visualization should increase every day, we do not mean at all that you should sit like a motionless bag and do nothing else, just fantasize about your future successes.

Visualization is just another tool in your arsenal on the path to a sculpted body. And you still have to work hard in the gym. But the whole point is that with the help of visualization you will sweat while experiencing pleasure!

Research has shown that visualization can help solve a wide range of health and weight problems. If you always reach for a bottle of pills in search of weight loss magic, you are likely to be disappointed. Unfortunately, you don't believe that your mind is a powerful weapon that can help you become slimmer. When combined with other methods, visualization significantly increases the chances of successful weight loss.

Although it may sound a little crazy, visualization is actually a great tool for achieving your goals, including weight loss. One of the most important steps to losing weight is believing that you can actually achieve it. Visualization will help you mentally prepare for a leaner body.

When you use visualization techniques to see yourself as thin, this image is transferred to your subconscious mind. And once something is embedded in your subconscious, it becomes powerful.

Convincing yourself of something subconsciously is not as easy as convincing yourself of something consciously. It takes time and effort to change your thoughts and images that may have been ingrained in you since childhood. If you constantly think of yourself as a fat person, your mind believes it. And creates even more extra pounds.

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you lose weight. It's literally very simple, you just need to see yourself in a more subtle way. This helps rewire your subconscious. And then your conscious mind begins to believe that your mental image is really possible.

However, remember that visualization is not a magic pill. And in addition to your daily mental practice, it is also important to use proper nutrition And physical exercise. The only way to truly lose weight and keep it at your desired level is to make sure your lifestyle is healthy.

The ability to relax is essential for visualization to be effective. You should be relaxed. Your flow of thoughts should be slow. Therefore, choose a time so that you will not be interrupted, so that no one will disturb you. Also, make sure your mental image is as real as possible.

Ways to lose weight with visualization

1. Use of photography

Take a photo of yourself where you had a slim body. If you don't have such a photo, find a realistic idea of ​​what you want to look like in a magazine and glue your face to the body you want. Look at this picture every day; focus your attention on the image, and then close your eyes and try to see the image in your mind. Be persistent.

2. Using the power of imagination

Intentionally use the power of visualization to lose weight every day. Feel like a slim person; see yourself at some important event that you have only dreamed of. You are in a beautiful outfit. You are the right weight. Hear how they tell you that you are so (oh) slender (slim)... notice how men or women look at you with loving eyes...

Do this at least a couple of times a day. Let your imagination work for you!

3. Combine Meditation and Visualization

Do a mini-meditation first, for example. And only then do you begin to visualize. This will help you concentrate better and tune in to the right wave. Meditation will also calm your thoughts.

4. Use visual reminders

A good idea is to make photocopies of your ideal weight photos and use them as a visual reminder on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, office, or computer. This will remind you of your goal.

With these visualization techniques, you can achieve your ideal weight. The main thing is to sincerely believe that you can make your goal a reality!!! If you believe you can, you really can.