Military chronicles of World War II. Chronicles of World War II: pre-war period

The Second World War began on September 1, 1939 with the German attack on Poland. In subsequent years, it turned into a war that engulfed states and peoples on all continents.

This war, which ended on September 2, 1945, brought with it the suffering and death of tens of millions of people: 27 million military personnel died on the battlefields, in captivity and concentration camps. In addition, the war claimed the lives of 25 million civilians.

This war radically changed the international situation throughout the world. A new balance of power has taken place on the world stage. Not only the losers Germany and Japan, but also Great Britain and France, which were part of the coalition of winners, have largely lost their international significance. Released Soviet troops From the fascist yoke, the countries of Eastern Europe became satellite countries of the USSR for a long time. The increased authority and influence of the United States after the war turned this state into a superpower. Former allies in the fight against fascism - the USSR and the USA - soon after the victory over Germany again found themselves in different sides barricades, starting" cold war", which lasted almost 50 years.

The Second World War was a catastrophe for millions of European Jews. As part of the implementation of their theory of racial superiority and racial purity, the Nazis exterminated 6 million Jews.

We bring to your attention a chronicle review major events World War II.

July 7
Aggressively minded ruling circles Japan used the shootout between Japanese and Chinese soldiers in Beijing as a pretext to start a war with China.

July 15 - August 10
Soviet-Japanese armed conflict in the area of ​​Lake Khasan.


Signing of the pact

Foreign ministries of the USSR and Germany Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim Ribbentrop signed a Non-Aggression Treaty between the two countries. The secret additional protocol to this treaty predetermined the division of Poland. The path to an attack on Poland was now clear.

September 28
A Soviet-German friendship and border treaty was signed in Moscow, cementing the division of Poland.

October 12
The first Jews were deported from Germany to Poland. Two weeks later, by order of the Security Police (SS), Jews were ordered to wear distinctive sign in the form of a yellow star.


March 27
The head of the SS, Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, gave the order for the construction of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

May 10
German invasion of Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Northern France.

Bombed Coventry Cathedral

German aircraft began bombing Great Britain.

September 27
The conclusion of a military alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan - the Tripartite Pact.

November 2
US President Franklin Roosevelt offered assistance to all countries in the fight against aggressors.

In November, there were 350 thousand Jews in the ghetto, not only from Poland, but also from other countries occupied by the Nazis.


April 9
British aircraft bombed Berlin. The United States, while maintaining formal neutrality, began supplying weapons and military equipment to the UK as part of the Lend Lease Act policy.

June 16
The US government has demanded the closure of all German consulates on its territory.

June 22
German troops began without declaring war fighting against the USSR. Germany's allies are Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Italy and Finland.

July 12
A Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany was signed.

September 11
The US Navy received orders to open fire on German military vessels if they entered US territorial waters.

December 5
The beginning of the Soviet counteroffensive near Moscow. In a few weeks German troops rolled back 250 kilometers. Great Britain declared war on Finland, Hungary and Romania.

December 7
Without declaring war, the Japanese attacked the US Navy base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Pearl Harbor

A day later, the United States declared war on Japan. On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

December 20
Hitler called for donations of warm clothing for German troops at Eastern Front.


January 1
In Washington, 26 states signed an agreement, pledging not to conclude a separate peace with the participants of the Tripartite Pact and their allies.

January 20
"Wannsee Conference" in Berlin. High-ranking Nazi officials discussed issues of cooperation in the "final solution of the Jewish question."

April 24
The German Air Force was ordered to bomb British historical and cultural centers, even if they were not of military importance.

December 2
The first in the world began operating in Chicago nuclear reactor. One of its creators was the physicist Enrico Fermi, who emigrated from Italy.


January 14
A conference with the participation of Roosevelt and Churchill opened in Casablanca. The USA and Great Britain decided on joint strategic actions and outlined two major operations in North Africa.

In Stalingrad

Encirclement, defeat and capitulation of the Paulus group.

April 19
The beginning of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. During the suppression of the uprising, which lasted four weeks, more than 56 thousand Jews were killed.

May 13
All German-Italian forces in North Africa were completely surrounded and surrendered to the British.

05 July - 23 August
Battle of Kursk. The largest tank battle in history near Prokhorovka. After the Battle of Kursk, a final change in the situation on the Soviet-German front took place.

July 10
The landing of allied troops in Sicily. The King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel, began searching for contacts among Mussolini's opponents.

July 24
British aircraft began bombing Hamburg with phosphorus bombs. As a result of air raids, half of the city was destroyed. More than 30 thousand people died.

July 25
Overthrow and arrest of Benito Mussolini. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy formed a new government. On July 28, the end of the era of fascist dictatorship was announced in Italy.

November 28
The beginning of the Tehran Conference, where Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met for the first time.

December 26
Opening of the second Cairo Conference with the participation of Roosevelt and Churchill. Unsuccessful Allied attempts to force Turkey to declare war on Germany.


July 20
A group of senior Wehrmacht officers committed unsuccessful attempt on Hitler.

August 1
The beginning of the Warsaw Uprising, led by Polish Army General Tadeusz Bor-Krajewski. Hitler gave the order to raze Warsaw to the ground. The rebels' hopes for support from the USSR and Great Britain were not justified.

Warsaw Uprising

During the suppression of the uprising, about 200 thousand Poles were killed. On October 2, the rebels were forced to capitulate.

August 25
Romania declared war on Germany. In Paris, the German commandant of the city, General von Choltitz, signed a decree on the surrender of his troops.

October 21
American troops took Aachen. The first major German city fell into the hands of the Allies.


January 27
The Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp. By the time of liberation, there were about 7 thousand prisoners there. Auschwitz was the largest extermination camp and became a symbol of the atrocities of fascism. The number of prisoners in this camp exceeded one million three hundred thousand people. 900 thousand were shot or sent to gas chambers immediately after arriving at the concentration camp. Another 200 thousand died due to disease, starvation, inhumane treatment, and barbaric medical experiments.

February 4
Beginning of the Yalta Conference with the participation of Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt. Allies by anti-Hitler coalition discussed issues of the post-war structure of Europe and came to an agreement on unity of action in the fight against Japan.

February 13/14
Allied aircraft bombed Dresden. The exact number of deaths is unknown, according to various sources - from 60 to 245 thousand.

April 12
US President Franklin Roosevelt has died. His successor was Harry Truman.

April 16
The beginning of the Soviet offensive on Berlin. On April 25, the city was completely surrounded. Despite the obvious futility of resistance, the SS forced the city residents to continue the fight.

April 25
Meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe near the city of Torgau.

May 8
Signing of the Act of unconditional surrender armed forces of Nazi Germany. All Wehrmacht units were ordered to cease hostilities at 23.01 Central European Time.

June 5
The victorious powers assumed full power in Germany. The country was divided into four zones. Berlin - into four sectors.

July 16
In the United States, the world's first nuclear test was carried out in the New Mexico desert.

July 17
Beginning of the Potsdam Conference with the participation of Stalin, Truman and Churchill. Consultations on the future structure of Germany.

August 6
USA dropped atomic bomb to Hiroshima. Over 100 thousand people died.

August 9
The US dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Over 36 thousand people died.

September 2
In Tokyo Bay, on board the American battleship Missouri, Japanese representatives signed the Act of Unconditional Surrender.

Part 2

Chronicle of major events during the Second World War(1939-1945)

Chronicle of the war

§ May-June 1941 d. There are numerous reports of an imminent German attack.

§ June 22, 1941 g. - At four o’clock in the morning the fascist Germany treacherously attacked the USSR. "Operation has begun" Barbarossa".

Started The Great Patriotic War (WWII) - 1941-1945 - the war of the USSR against Nazi Germany and its allies.

As you know, August 23
1939 in the Kremlin Germany and USSR concluded Non-aggression pact.
Soviet Union got the opportunity to strengthen its defense capability for almost two years. However, by the beginning of the war, the western border districts did not have time to complete preparations on the new borders and fully bring the troops into combat readiness. Miscalculations in assessing the possible time of the attack also played a role...
Muscovites listen to the message about the beginning of the war

June 22 A decree was issued on the mobilization of those liable for military service born in 1905-1918.
Prime Minister of Great Britain W. Churchill makes a statement promising to assist the USSR in the fight against German aggression.

§ June 24 President of the United States F.D. Roosevelt makes a statement about providing assistance to the USSR and a loan to the USSR in the amount of 40 million dollars.

§ June 1941 g. - they enter the war against the USSR Romania, Italy, Finland, Hungary.

§ July 10 - September 10, 1941 - Battle of Smolensk. Operations of the Soviet troops of the Western, Central and Bryansk fronts, which stopped the advance of the German Army Group Center.

Towards the end first ten days of July German troops capture Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, parts of Ukraine, Moldova and Estonia. Soviet forces Western Front defeated in the Battle of Bialystok-Minsk.

§ July 10, 1941 - Beginning defense of Leningrad.

The Soviet Northwestern Front was defeated in a border battle and driven back. However, the Soviet counterattack near Soltsy on July 14-18 led to the suspension of the German offensive on Leningrad for almost 3 weeks.
§ July-September - Heroic defense of Kyiv.

§ August 5 - October 16 - Heroic defense of Odessa.
On September 4, the Chief of the General Staff of the German Armed Forces, General Jodl, receives from Marshal Mannerheim refusal advance further towards Leningrad.
September 8, with the capture of Shlisselburg, German troops take Leningrad in the ring.

Beginning of the siege of Leningrad(lasted until January 1944).

September 1941 near Smolensk

§ September 30 - The beginning of the battle for Moscow. Since October 2, the German offensive has been developing (Operation " Typhoon"), which then slows down.

§ October 7, 1941 - Encirclement of four Soviet armies Western and Reserve Fronts near Vyazma and two armies of the Bryansk Front south of Bryansk.

§ November 15, 1941 - The second German offensive on Moscow begins.

§ November 22, 1941 - Opening of the ice routes across Lake Ladoga to Leningrad ("road of life").

§ November 29, 1941 - As a result of the Rostov operation, the city was liberated Rostov-on-Don

§ December 5-6, 1941 The defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow.

December 7, 1941 d Without declaring war, the Japanese attacked the naval base USA in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. A day later, the United States declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

§ December 1941 - The number of Soviet prisoners of war reaches 2 million people.


January 1, 1942 representatives of the year in Washington USSR, USA, UK and China signed Declaration of the United Nations, marking the beginning of the Anti-Hitler Coalition. Later, 22 more countries joined it.

§ May 30, 1942 - Creation of the Central Headquarters partisan movement at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command.

§ June 11, 1942 - Signing in Washington of an agreement between the USSR and the USA on mutual assistance during the war and on cooperation after the war.

§ July 17-November 18, 1942 - Defensive period Battle of Stalingrad.

§ August 26 - Appointment of G.K. Zhukova Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

§ November 1942 - General von Paulus's 6th Army takes over mostly Stalingrad, however, she never managed to cross the Volga. In Stalingrad there was a battle for every house

§ November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943 - Counteroffensive Soviet troops of the Southwestern, Stalingrad and Don fronts.

§ November 23, 1942 In the area of ​​the city of Kalach, units of the Southwestern Front (commander General N.F. Vatutin) met with units of Stalingrad (commander General A.I. Eremenko). Completion surrounded by a 330,000-strong German group near Stalingrad.
§ December 1942 - Failure of the counteroffensive German units Field Marshal Manstein to liberate the encircled Paulus group at Stalingrad.

Paulus testifies

In captivity, the field marshal began to criticize the Nazi regime. He subsequently acted as a prosecution witness at the Nuremberg trials.

December 2- To Chicago started to act world's first nuclear reactor. One of its creators was a physicist who emigrated from Italy. Enrico Fermi.
Photo collage: Clockwise starting from the top left corner
- Soviet Il-2 attack aircraft in the sky over Berlin, the German Tiger tank in the Battle of Kursk, German Ju 87 bombers (winter 1943-1944), the shooting of Soviet Jews by Einsatzgruppe soldiers, Wilhelm Keitel signing the act of surrender of Germany, Soviet troops in the battle for Stalingrad .



January 14 A conference opened in Casablanca with the participation of Roosevelt and Churchill. They decided on joint actions and planned major operations in North Africa.

§ January 1943 - Retreat of the German armies in the Caucasus.

§ January 1943 - Troops of the Don Front under the command of General Rokosovsky They launched Operation Ring with the goal of completely defeating the encircled 6th German Army of Paulus.

§ January 12-18, 1943 G. - Partial breakthrough of the siege of Leningrad after the capture of Shlisselburg by Soviet troops.

§ January 31-February 2, 1943 G. - Surrender of Field Marshal Paulus near Stalingrad. 91 thousand soldiers, 24 generals and 2,500 officers were captured.

§ February 1943 - Soviet troops take Kursk, Rostov and Kharkov.

April 19 - Beginning uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. More than 56 thousand Jews were killed during the suppression of the uprising.

§ May 6, 1943 - Beginning of formation 1st Polish Division them. Kosciuszko on the territory of the USSR.

§ July 12, 1943 - The largest tank battle World War II in the village area Prokhorovka.

§ July 12-August 23, 1943 - Soviet counteroffensive Bryansk, Western, Central, Voronezh and Steppe fronts in the Battle of Kursk. After the Battle of Kursk there was final change of situation on the Soviet-German front.

§ August 3 -November 1, 1943 - " Rail War": a powerful blow by Soviet partisans against enemy railway communications.

§ 5 August 1943 - First fireworks in Moscow in honor of the victories of the Red Army - liberation Orel and Belgorod.

§ October 19 - Moscow conference Foreign Ministers of the USSR, Great Britain, USA

§ November 28-December 1, 1943 - Tehran Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA (Stalin-Churchill-Roosevelt).

A number of issues of war and peace have been resolved:
The exact date has been set for the Allies to open the Second Front in France
After much debate the problem of the “Overlord” (Second Front) was at a dead end. Then Stalin rose from his chair and, turning to Voroshilov and Molotov, said: “We have too much to do at home to waste time here. Nothing worthwhile, as I see it, is working out.” The critical moment has arrived. Churchill understood this and, fearing that the conference might be disrupted, made a compromise.
About borders.
It was accepted
W. Churchill's proposal that Poland's claims to the lands of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine will be satisfied at the expense of Germany, and as a border in the east there should be Curzon line.
De facto was assigned to the Soviet Union the right to as indemnity add part after victory East Prussia.


§ January 14 - March 1, 1944 - Defeat of Nazi troops near Leningrad and Novgorod.

§ January 24-February 17 - Korsun-Shevchenko operation of Soviet troops: encirclement and defeat of the divisions of Army Group South.

§ January 27, 1944 G. - The final liquidation of the siege of Leningrad.
Salute from the cruiser Kirov in honor of the lifting of the blockade

Baltic sailors with the girl Lyusya, whose parents died during the siege

§ February - March 1944 Spring offensive of Soviet troops. The Red Army liberated right bank Ukraine, crossed the Dnieper and Prut.

§ March 26, 1944 G. - The exit of Soviet troops to the state border of the USSR along the river Rod.

June 6, 1944- Allied landings in Normandy. Opening of the Second Front.

§ June 23-August 29 - Soviet offensive in Belarus (Operation Bagration)).

Start Warsaw Uprising, led by General of the Polish Army Tadeusz Bor-Krajewski. The rebels' hopes for support from the USSR and Great Britain were not justified.

§ September 8 - Entry of Soviet troops to Bulgaria.
Rally in Bulgaria

§ September-October 1944 Liberation Transcarpathian Ukraine

§ September 28-October 20, 1944 - Liberation of Belgrade units of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia under the leadership of Tito and Soviet units.

§ October 9-18 1944- Meeting of Stalin and Churchill in Moscow. Distribution of zones of influence in the Danube countries of Europe and the Balkans. The zone of interests of the Soviet Union was to include: 90% of Romania, 75% of Bulgaria, 50% of Yugoslavia and Hungary, 10% of Greece.

§ October 29, 1944 - February 13, 1945 - Soviet offensive in Hungary. Budapest operation to eliminate the enemy group.

§ November 14, 1944 - “Prague Manifesto”: General A. Vlasov, who was captured in 1942, calls for a fight against “Stalin’s tyranny” and forms units of the Russian Liberation Army.

§ January 12-February 3, 1945 - Vistula-Oder operation(in Prussia, Poland and Silesia).

January 27, 1945
Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp(Auschwitz).
By the time of liberation, there were about 7 thousand prisoners there. Auschwitz became a symbol of the atrocities of fascism. The number of prisoners in this camp exceeded 1 300 000 Human. 900 thousand were shot or sent to gas chambers. Another 200 thousand died due to disease, hunger, and inhumane treatment.
Liberation Soviet soldiers surviving prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Above the gate you can see the famous sign “ Arbeit macht fry- “Work liberates.”

§ January 30-April 9, 1945 - Defeat of the German group in Koenigsberg troops 3rd Belorussian Front.

§ 4-11 February 1945 G. - Yalta (Crimean) conference,Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill participate. Discussed questions: occupation of Germany, moving the borders of Poland, organizing elections in Eastern Europe, UN conference, entry of the USSR into the war with Japan.
The decisions made at the Yalta Conference determined the course of post-war history for a long time.

§ February 10 - April 4, 1945 - East Pomeranian operation of the 2nd and 1st Belorussian fronts.

February 13-14 - Allied aviation bombed attacks on Dresden. The death toll, according to various sources, ranges from 60 to 245 thousand.

April 12 US President Franklin Roosevelt dies. His successor was Harry Truman.

§ April 16 - May 8, 1945 G. - Berlin operation 1st, 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.

The liberated child prisoners of Buchenwald emerge from the main gate of the camp, accompanied by American soldiers. 04/17/1945 Buchenwald.

§ April 25 1945 - Meeting of Soviet and American troops in Torgau (on the Elbe River). Encirclement of Berlin by Soviet troops.


§ May 2, 1945 G. - Completion of the defeat of the encircled Berlin group Nazi troops by the troops of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.

§ May 2, 1945 - Surrender of Berlin

§ May 8-9, 1945 - Signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst. All units of the Wehrmacht were ordered to cease hostilities in 23.01 Central European time.

Having won military victory over Germany The Soviet Union made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazism in Europe.
Victory Salute


June 5- The victorious powers assumed full power in Germany. The country was divided into four zones. Berlin - into four sectors.

§ June 6, 1945 G. - Quadrilateral Berlin Declaration on the administration of Germany (signed by the USA, Great Britain, France and the USSR).
Meeting of the winners

§ June 24, 1945 - Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow.

§ June 29, 1945 - Treaty between the USSR and Czechoslovakia on reunification Transcarpathian Ukraine with the Ukrainian SSR.

§ July 17-August 2, 1945 - Berlin (Potsdam) Conference, in which they participate Stalin, Truman and Churchill (then Attlee).

Among the issues discussed: reparations, structure and new borders of Germany.
The goals of the occupation of Germany by the Allies were proclaimed to be its demilitarization, democratization and decentralization.

By decision Potsdam Conference Germany's eastern borders were moved to the west to the line Oder-Neisse, which reduced its territory by 25% compared to 1937. Territories east of new border consisted of East Prussia, Silesia, West Prussia, and part of Pomerania.

Most of the territories separated from Germany became part of Poland. Included USSR along with Koenigsberg(was renamed Kaliningrad) included one third East Prussia, where the Königsberg (from March 1946 - Kaliningrad) region was created RSFSR.

In the east of pre-war Poland, Poles were a national minority among Ukrainians and Belarusians. Until 1939, the eastern border of Poland was practically near Kiev and Minsk, and the Poles also owned the Vilna region, which now became part of Lithuania. USSR received western border with Poland By "Curzon lines", installed back in 1920.


The world's first was produced in the New Mexico desert in the United States. nuclear test.

On August 9, the United States dropped atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Over 36 thousand people died.

§ August 9-September 2, 1945 - Manchurian operation to defeat the Kwantung (Japanese) army.

§ 11-25 August - Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya offensive operation of the 2nd Far Eastern Front and the Pacific Fleet.

§ August 18 - September 1 - Kurilskaya landing operation of the 2nd Far Eastern Front and the Pacific Fleet.
Port Arthur

In Tokyo Bay aboard the American battleship Missouri "Japanese representatives signed the Act of Unconditional Surrender.
USSR actually returned to its composition territories, annexed by Japan from Russian Empire upon completion Russo-Japanese War 1904—1905 following the results of the Portsmouth Peace ( southern Sakhalin and, temporarily, Kwantung with Port Arthur and Dalniy), as well as the main group of the Kuril Islands previously ceded to Japan in 1875.

The end of World War II!!!


Nuremberg trial- international trial over the former leaders of Nazi Germany. Took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946 in Nuremberg.

Charges: Germany unleashing war, genocide, mass extermination of people in “death factories”, murder and cruel treatment of civilians in occupied territories, inhumane treatment of prisoners of war.
The process was called process about the main war criminals, and the court was given the status military tribunal.

The International Military Tribunal sentenced:

To death by hanging: Hermann Goering, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, ... Martin Bormann (in absentia) and Alfred Jodl.

To life imprisonment: Rudolf Hess, Walter Funk and Erich Raeder.

The death sentences were carried out on the night of October 16, 1946. Their ashes were scattered from the plane into the wind. Goering poisoned himself in prison shortly before his execution. It is believed that he received a capsule of poison from his wife during a kiss during their last date.

Results of the war

World War II had a huge impact on the destinies of humanity. 72 states took part in it. Military operations took place on the territory of 40 states. 110 million people were mobilized. Human losses reached 60-65 million people, of which killed 27 million on the fronts people, many of them are citizens of the USSR. Suffered heavy losses China, Germany, Japan and Poland.

It should be noted that 70-90% of losses for the entire Second world war Germanic armed forces suffered on the Soviet front. On the Eastern Front, in the fight against the USSR, during the war, German troops lost 507 divisions, and 100 divisions of Germany's allies were completely defeated.

The war showed the inability of Western European countries to maintain colonial empires . Some countries have achieved independence: Ethiopia, Iceland, Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam, Indonesia.
Political map of the world has undergone significant territorial changes.

In Eastern European countries, occupied by Soviet troops were socialist regimes established. Was created United Nations.

Fascist and Nazi ideologies were considered criminal in Nuremberg trials. In many countries, support for communist parties has grown due to their active participation in anti-fascist struggle during the war.

But Europe was divided into two camps: west capitalist and Oriental socialist. Relations between the two blocs deteriorated and cold war...

Happy Victory Day!!!
And peace to all of us!!

Photos of World War II and Great Patriotic War(1939-1945) by topic
Cycle "Chronicles of World War II"" 20 parts
World War II in 108 photos:

available to pilots and tankers from April 11 to May 10

✔ 1 day

Monday | 04/11/2016

Battle of Britain. Late convoy - AB (aviation)
Battle of Britain. The most difficult day - RB (aviation)
Battle of Britain - SB (aviation)

The series of events “Chronicle of World War II” will cover battles in all theaters of war and will allow pilots and tank crews to take part in the reconstruction of real battles using specially selected equipment.
This year we begin the series with one of the largest air battles of the war - the Battle of Britain!
Having died down in 1940, it left a huge mark on the history of the confrontation between Nazi Germany and Great Britain and changed the plans of the German command to land on England after the defeat of the Luftwaffe.

Around noon on August 18th on the strength of the 2nd air fleet The Luftwaffe launched a series of attacks, during which approximately 850 sorties were flown. The Germans' target was the area around the air bases at Biggin Hill and Kenley, located in the all-important 11th Defense Group in southeast England. The base at Biggin Hill was attacked by 60 He.111s from KG1, and Kenley was hit by 48 Ju.88s and Do.17s from KG76. This was preceded by a Bf.109 raid, and the bombers themselves were covered by another group, consisting of Bf.109 and Bf.110. A total of 108 bombers and 150 fighters took part in the operation.

✔ Day 2

Tuesday | 04/12/2016

The USSR repels the invasion of German troops - AB (aircraft)
The USSR repels the invasion of German troops - Belarus (aircraft)
The USSR repels the invasion of German troops - SB (aircraft)
Tank breakthrough - AB (tanks)
Tank breakthrough - RB (tanks/aircraft)
Tank breakthrough - SB (tanks/aircraft)

The second day of “Chronicles of World War II” will take us to the Eastern European theater of military operations. On June 22, 1941, German troops crossed the border of the USSR without declaring war, thereby marking the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In the very first days after the start of the Barbarossa plan, fierce battles unfolded on all fronts of the Eastern European theater of operations, in which German troops, actively using aviation, predominantly gained the upper hand.

In the first hours of the war, German aviation carried out many sorties with the aim of destroying the front-line communications of the Soviet side, destroying combat units and airfields, industrial and significant civilian objects. According to official data, on the very first day of the war, the Luftwaffe forces managed to destroy about 1,200 Soviet aircraft, most of them on the ground.

On June 22-23, 1941, one of the first tank battles of the Great Patriotic War took place near the city of Alytus. The 7th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht, advancing in Lithuania along the Suwalki - Kalwaria - Alytus - Vilnius road, clashed in battle with the Soviet 5th tank division.

✔ Day 3

Wednesday | 04/13/2016

Beginning of the Battle of Smolensk - AB (aircraft)
Beginning of the Battle of Smolensk - RB (aircraft)
Beginning of the Battle of Smolensk - SB (aircraft)
Rapid advance of German troops - AB (tanks)
Rapid advance of German troops - RB (tanks/planes)
Rapid advance of German troops - SB (tanks/planes)

The third day of “Chronicles of World War II” will also be devoted to events on the Eastern Front. The Smolensk battle became one of the largest in the first months of the war. It lasted about two months and included a whole series of defensive and offensive operations on both sides. The goal of the Battle of Smolensk was to stop the advance of Army Group Center deep into Soviet territory. The battle began on July 10, 1941 with the offensive of mobile formations of the 4th Army on Vitebsk and Mogilev. During further hostilities, the 29th Motorized Division from Guderian's group entered Smolensk, encountering desperate resistance from the city's defenders.

✔ day 4

Thursday | 04/14/2016

Battle of Volokolamsk - AB (aircraft)
Battle of Volokolamsk - Belarus (aircraft)
Battle of Volokolamsk - SB (aircraft)
Volokolamsk - AB (tanks)
Volokolamsk - RB (tanks/airplanes)
Volokolamsk - SB (tanks/planes

The Vyazma operation of October 1941 is one of the most controversial episodes of the first year of the war. During the ongoing German offensive, four armies were surrounded: 37 divisions, 9 tank brigades, 31st artillery regiment RGK. Thus, the Vyazemsky cauldron was formed on the main, Moscow, direction of the Nazis’ advance.

At the same time, on the approaches to Moscow, the Soviet command sought to delay the advancing German units in the Volokolamsk direction for as long as possible: it took time to prepare the defense of the capital. Although there were almost no defensive structures in the direction, Soviet troops managed to hold out here for almost 12 days.

Moscow was protected from air raids not only by anti-aircraft artillery batteries, but also by air defense aircraft. The Moscow air defense in 1941 included the 6th air defense fighter aviation corps, which included 23 fighter aviation regiments. During the defense of Moscow, air defense fighter regiments made a huge contribution to the defense of the capital from attacks by German bomber aircraft.

In the southern direction these days, battles raged on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. The defense of Sevastopol became one of the most famous episodes of the Great Patriotic War. In the mid-autumn of 1941, in the southern direction, German troops came close to the city of Sevastopol: from October 30, fighting was already taking place on the distant approaches to the city. Despite the fact that in November the USSR had practically no ground forces in the region, the defense of Sevastopol continued: with the support of the fleet, sailors and scattered units of ground forces who retreated to the city heroically participated in the battles on the ground.

Attention! At 17:00 in the Joint mode of the Republic of Belarus ([Superiority] Volokolamsk - tanks/airplanes), an experimental event with a limitation of vehicles per team was included. In the specified setup there will be the following restrictions on the team:

  • Kv-1 L11 - 1 pc.
  • T-34 1941 - 3 pcs.
  • T-34 1941 (from the set) - 1 pc.
  • Su-100Y - 1 pc.


  • Dicker Max - 2 pcs.

✔ Day 5

Friday | 04/15/2016

Pacific War. Battle of Guam - AB (aircraft)
Pacific War. Battle of Wake - RB (aircraft)
Pacific War. Attack on Pearl Harbor - SB (aircraft)

The fifth day of “Chronicles of World War II” will take players to the Pacific theater of war. On December 7, 1941, Japanese aircraft carried out a surprise raid on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and disabled or completely destroyed eight battleships and over 300 aircraft.

The Battle of Wake Island began simultaneously with the attack on Pearl Harbor and ended on December 23, 1941, with the surrender of American forces to the Japanese. Battles were fought both on the atoll itself and around it - on the islands of Peel and Wilkes - involving air, ground and naval forces Japan and the USA, but the fleet was used primarily.

On December 8, 1941, the Battle of Guam began, during which Japanese troops managed to capture the island, which was extremely important from a strategic point of view, in a few days, suppressing the resistance of the defending American side.

✔ day 6

Saturday | 04/16/2016

Approaches to Moscow - AB (aircraft)
Battle for Moscow. Beginning of the Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation - RB (aircraft)
Battle for Moscow. Beginning of the Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation - SB (aircraft)
Battle for Moscow. Soviet offensive - AB (tanks)
Battle for Moscow. Soviet offensive - RB (tanks/airplanes)
Battle for Moscow. Soviet offensive - SB (tanks/planes

The sixth day takes us to the fierce battles on the territory of the USSR in 1942.

The counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow brought the first large-scale victory of the Red Army. There were still many years of war ahead, but the success of the Soviet troops on the approaches to Moscow meant a change in the combat situation as a whole, and also became the reason for an incredible rise in morale Soviet people. Fierce fighting continued.

The Battle of Moscow changed the balance of power in the central direction: the German army, hitherto considered invincible, was unable to capture Moscow, and its advance deep into the territory of the USSR was broken by a decisive counter-offensive of Soviet troops. The Rzhev-Vyazma operation was supposed to develop the successes of the counteroffensive.

✔ Day 7

Sunday | 04/17/2016

Pacific War. Assault on the atoll - AB (airplanes)
Pacific War. Battle of Midway - RB (aircraft)
Pacific War. Battle of Midway - SB (aircraft)

On the seventh day of “Chronicles of the Second World War,” players will find the Pacific theater of action and the Battle of Midway Atoll.

From June 4 to June 6, a naval battle took place at Midway Atoll. It was this that became the turning point in the history of the confrontation between the United States and Japan in the Pacific theater, since the US fleet managed to win a decisive victory over the forces of the Japanese Empire. Naval aviation played a special role in the battle: now the command of both sides could not underestimate its importance. In total, about 500 aircraft were involved in the naval battle.

Never before has naval aviation played such a significant role as it did in the Pacific Theater of Operations. Carrier-based and land-based aircraft, armed with bombs and torpedoes, now posed the same threat to the enemy fleet as the guns of battleships.

✔8 day

Monday| 04/18/2016

Until 16:00 Moscow time on April 19, the following Events are available:

The beginning of the battles for Stalingrad - SB (aircraft)
Stalingrad. Tank plant - RB (aircraft)
Fighting in the Volga Bend - AB (aircraft)

The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the most famous episodes not only of the Great Patriotic War, but also of the Second World War as a whole. It began with the German offensive on the city in the summer of 1942 and with its heroic defense by Soviet troops. In many ways, the further course of hostilities depended on the victory at Stalingrad: the capture of the city would open the way for German troops to oil reserves in the south of the USSR. Holding out and counterattacking as long as possible, as well as not allowing the Nazis to cross the Volga, was extremely important for the Soviet command. Heroic Defense the borders of the city continued.

✔ day 9

Tuesday| 04/19/2016

Until 18:00 Moscow time on April 20, the following Events are available:

Defense of Malta - AB (aircraft)

Defense of Malta - SB (aircraft)

Malta. Operation Pedestal - RB (aircraft)

The island of Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and the African continent. Because of his geographical location Malta turned out to be extremely important to both sides of the conflict: for the Axis countries - in order to establish a springboard for conducting operations in northern Africa, for the Allies - in order to prepare for the landing operation in Italy. Thus, at the first stage of the war, in 1940-1942, fierce battles unfolded for the possession of territory.

During the war, Malta was one of the most intensively bombed areas - during the two years of the siege, about 3,000 enemy raids were carried out on the island.

Operation Pedestal was a convoy of 14 merchant ships accompanied by 44 warships, including battleships and aircraft carriers. In parallel, the British Mediterranean Fleet carried out sabotage against German troops at the other end of the sea. In early August the convoy came under constant attack. On 13 August 1942, the Maltese feast day of St. Mary, the surviving ships of the convoy arrived in Malta. The most important factor was also the arrival of the American tanker SS Ohio with them.

✔10 day

Wednesday| 04/20/2016

Until 16:00 Moscow time on April 21, the following Events are available:

​ Battle for the Caucasus. Kuban. Capture of Novorossiysk - SB (aircraft)

Battle for the Caucasus. Road to Grozny - RB (airplanes)
Battle for the Caucasus. Road to Grozny - AB (airplanes)
Battle for the Caucasus. Mozdok - AB (tanks)

Battle for the Caucasus. Mozdok - RB (tanks/aircraft)

Battle for the Caucasus. Mozdok - SB (tanks/planes)

On September 11, units of the 17th Army, having captured most of Novorossiysk, were stopped on the southeastern outskirts of the city. In the new offensive, launched from August 19 to 26, the 3rd Romanian Mountain Division was almost completely destroyed. Due to heavy losses on September 26, German troops went on the defensive near Novorossiysk, which lasted more than a year.

On September 24, German troops, having reinforced the Mozdok group with the SS Viking tank division, removed from the Tuapse direction, went on the offensive through the Elkhotov Gate (along the valley along the Terek) in the direction of Ordzhonikidze and along railway Prokhladny - Grozny along the Sunzha River valley to Grozny. By September 29th after four days After stubborn battles, German troops captured Terek, Planovskoye, Elkhotovo, Illarionovka, but were unable to advance further than Malgobek and were forced to go on the defensive.

✔11 day

Thursday| 04/21/2016

Until 16:00 Moscow time on April 22, the following Events are available:

Africa. British Army Landing - AB (aircraft)
Africa. British Army landing - RB (aircraft)
Africa. British Army Landing - SB (aircraft)
Africa. Advance of the British 8th Army - AB (tanks)
Africa. Advance of the 8th British Army - RB (tanks/planes)
Africa. Advance of the British 8th Army - SB (tanks/planes)

Pilots and tank crews, based on your feedback, changes have been made to today’s battle formats in Chronicles of the Second World War.

  • Aviation Arcade mode: planes with machine guns have been added to the sets. Unbalanced cannon planes have been removed.
  • Aviation Realistic and Simulation modes: presented in the format of duel battles.
  • In the aviation AB, the limitation on the number of Revivals is disabled.
  • Today, in joint battles of the Belarusian regime, restrictions on attack aircraft will be included.
  • Limits on attack aircraft have been added to Joint Battles of the Republic of Belarus. Junkers and Blenheim are limited to 5 aircraft per battle on each side and 400 O V for the Renaissance. All other equipment is available immediately. Number of Revivals increased from 2 to 3.
  • Additional missions have been added to Tank Events. Capture and superiority modes are available for AB. Supremacy and Combat are available for RB and SB.

The changes made were made based on your feedback. Thank you for your activity!

An important stage in the confrontation between the Allies and the Axis countries in the African theater of operations was the Battle of El Alamein. Having died down in the summer and autumn of 1942, it was precisely this that allowed the Allies to launch a decisive offensive against Rommel’s group in Tunisia. However, the results of both the first and second stages were contradictory. Speaking about the success of the British army after the completion of the second stage of the battle, Churchill emphasized that “This is not the end. This isn't even the beginning of the end. But this is probably the end of the beginning.” The heaviest battles were still ahead, but the front line was shifting to the west, which indicated a change in the situation.

✔12 day

Friday| 04/22/2016

Until 16:00 Moscow time on April 23, the following Events are available:

Pacific War. Guadalcanal - RB (aircraft)

Pacific War. Guadalcanal - SB (aircraft)
Pacific War. In the skies over Guadalcanal - AB (airplanes)

The island of Guadalcanal was an important strategic base for both sides: the Japanese occupied the island - part of the British colony of the Solomon Islands - early in the war and could use it to attack Allied convoys moving between the United States, Australia and New Zealand. The Allies needed to protect the convoys and use the island’s air base to intercept Japanese aircraft and plan future combat operations.

On August 7, US forces landed on the island for the first time, taking the Japanese by surprise. The operation was a success for the Americans. This provoked the Japanese command to make a number of attempts to recapture the island, which marked the beginning of a number of major sea and land battles. However, the initiative remained in the hands of the Allies.

✔13 day

Saturday| 04/23/2016

Until 16:00 Moscow time on April 24, the following Events are available:

Stalingrad. Operation Uranus - RB (aircraft)

Stalingrad. Operation Uranus - SB (aircraft)
Beginning of the Voronezh-Kastornensky operation - AB (aircraft)
Battles for Stalingrad - AB (tanks)

Battles for Stalingrad - RB (tanks/planes)

Battles for Stalingrad - SB (tanks/planes)

Operation Uranus became one of the most successful for the Soviet Army during the entire war: the counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad made it possible not only to recapture the city itself, but also to capture a group of thousands of Germans, demoralize the enemy and radically change the entire situation in the southern direction in benefit of the USSR.

The operation began on November 19, 1942 with a powerful artillery barrage and attack by the 5th Tank Army of the USSR on the position of the 3rd Romanian Army. The surprise of the attack and the onslaught made it possible to break through the defense and develop an offensive in this and other directions.

By the end of November, there was a preponderance of forces in favor of the USSR. Hitler rejected Paulus' offer of surrender and ordered the city to be defended at all costs. This was the beginning of long and difficult street battles and numerous skirmishes, which ended only after the end of Operation “Ring”: the encirclement of the group by Soviet troops German forces Field Marshal Paulus.

At the end of World War II, vast areas of Europe and Asia lay in ruins, people returned home, buried the dead and began to rebuild the destroyed cities. When World War II began in the late 1930s, the world's population was approximately 2 billion. In less than ten years of war between the Allied forces and the countries of the fascist bloc, a total of 80 million people or 4% of the total population of the planet died. Over time, the Allied forces turned into invaders who occupied Germany, Japan and most of the territories under their control. War crimes trials were held in Europe and Asia, followed by numerous executions and imprisonments. Millions of Germans and Japanese were forcibly removed from the regions they considered home.

The occupation by the Allied forces and some decisions of the UN led to certain consequences in the future, including the division of Germany into East and West, as well as the formation of North and South Korea and the beginning Korean War in 1950. Thanks to the UN plan to partition Palestine in 1948, Israel declared itself an independent state, but the Arab-Israeli conflict broke out. The growing tension between the West and the countries of the Soviet bloc resulted in the Cold War. In connection with the development and proliferation of nuclear weapons, there is an impending real threat World War III if the parties cannot find common language. World War II was the most significant event 20th century, and its consequences continue to influence modern world even after 65 years. (45 photos) (This is the final part of the series. See all parts:)

Between the end of 1940 and the summer of 1941, the conflict between states escalated into a real world war. In Africa, the East African Campaign began, as well as the Western Desert Campaign. Predominantly Italian and British troops fought in the deserts of Egypt and Libya, stretching from Ethiopia to Kenya. Germany, Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact in Berlin - an agreement on cooperation between the three states. The Japanese army occupied Vietnam, established bases in French Indochina, and continued its offensive against China. Mussolini ordered his troops to launch an offensive against Greece, marking the beginning of Italo-Greek War and the Balkan campaign. At the same time, the Battle of Britain was ongoing. German and British forces carried out air strikes on each other and participated in naval battles. The United States accepted the Lend-Lease program and transferred it to the forces of the anti-Hitler coalition military equipment and ammunition with a total value of about $50 billion. A new tragic stage began in the history of World War II: the Nazis founded ghettos in Warsaw and other Polish cities, and forced all the Jews in the area to move there.

In the CIS countries, the war on the Eastern European Front, which became the site of the largest military confrontation in Russia, is called the Great Patriotic War. More than 400 military units of the German and Red Army fought for 4 years on a front that stretched over more than 1,600 km. Over the years, about 8 million Soviet and 4 million German soldiers. The military operations were particularly fierce: the largest tank battle in history (the Battle of Kursk), the longest siege of the city (almost 900-day blockade of Leningrad), a scorched earth policy, the complete destruction of thousands of villages, mass deportations, executions... The situation was complicated by the fact that inside the Soviet There was a split in the armed forces. At the beginning of the war, some groups even recognized Nazi invaders liberators from Stalin's regime and fought against the Red Army. After a series of defeats for the Red Army, Stalin issued Order No. 227, “Not a Step Back!”, prohibiting Soviet soldiers from retreating without orders. In case of disobedience, the military leaders faced a tribunal, and the soldiers could immediately receive punishment from their colleagues, who had to shoot at anyone who ran from the battlefield. This collection contains photographs from 1942-1943, covering the period of the Great Patriotic War from the siege of Leningrad to the decisive Soviet victories at Stalingrad and Kursk. The scale of military operations of that time is almost impossible to imagine, much less to cover in one photo report, but we bring to your attention photographs that have preserved scenes of military operations on the Eastern European Front for posterity.

Soviet soldiers going into battle through the ruins of Stalingrad, autumn 1942. (Georgy Zelma/

The detachment commander observes the advance of his troops in the Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR, June 21, 1942. (AP Photo)

A German anti-tank gun prepares for battle on the Soviet front, late 1942. (AP Photo)

Residents of Leningrad collect water during the nearly 900-day siege of the Soviet city by German occupiers, winter 1942. The Germans were unable to capture Leningrad, but surrounded it with a blockade ring, damaged communications and shelled the city for more than two years. (AP Photo)

Funeral in Leningrad, spring 1942. As a result of the siege, famine began in Leningrad, and due to the lack of medicine and equipment, people quickly died from illness and injury. During the siege of Leningrad, 1.5 million soldiers and civilians died, the same number of Leningraders were evacuated, but many of them died along the way due to hunger, disease and bombing. (Vsevolod Tarasevich/

The scene after a fierce battle on the streets of Rostov during the occupation of the Soviet city by German invaders in August 1942. (AP Photo)

German motorized artillery crossing the Don River on a pontoon bridge, July 31, 1942. (AP Photo)

A Soviet woman looks at a burning house, 1942. (NARA)

German soldiers shoot Jews near Ivangorod, Ukrainian SSR, 1942. This photograph was mailed to Germany and intercepted at a Warsaw post office by a Polish resistance member who was collecting evidence of Nazi war crimes. The original photograph belonged to Tadeusz Mazur and Jerzy Tomaszewski, and is now kept in the historical archives in Warsaw. The signature left by the Germans on the back of the photo card: “Ukrainian SSR, 1942, extermination of the Jews, Ivangorod.”

A German soldier participates in Battle of Stalingrad, spring 1942. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

In 1942, Red Army soldiers entered a village near Leningrad and discovered 38 bodies of Soviet prisoners of war, tortured to death by the German occupiers. (AP Photo)

Soviet war orphans stand near the ruins of their home, late 1942. The German occupiers destroyed their home and took their parents prisoner. (AP Photo)

A German armored car drives among the ruins of a Soviet fortress in Sevastopol, Ukrainian SSR, August 4, 1942. (AP Photo)

Stalingrad in October 1942. Soviet soldiers fight in the ruins of the Red October factory. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

Red Army soldiers prepare to fire anti-tank guns at approaching German tanks, October 13, 1942. (AP Photo)

The German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bomber takes part in the Battle of Stalingrad. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

A German tank approaches a broken Soviet tank on the outskirts of a forest, USSR, October 20, 1942. (AP Photo)

German soldiers go on the offensive near Stalingrad, late 1942. (NARA)

A German soldier hangs a Nazi flag on a building in the center of Stalingrad. (NARA)

The Germans continued to fight for Stalingrad, despite the threat of encirclement Soviet army. Photo: Stuka dive bombers bomb the factory district of Stalingrad, November 24, 1942. (AP Photo)

A horse looks for food in the ruins of Stalingrad, December 1942. (AP Photo)

Tank cemetery organized by the Germans in Rzhev, December 21, 1942. There were about 2 thousand tanks in various conditions in the cemetery. (AP Photo

German soldiers walk through the ruins of a gas generating station in the factory district of Stalingrad, December 28, 1942. (AP Photo)

Red Army soldiers fire at the enemy from the backyard of an abandoned house on the outskirts of Stalingrad, December 16, 1942. (AP Photo)

Soviet soldiers in winter uniform took a position on the roof of a building in Stalingrad, January 1943. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

Soviet T-34 tank rushes across the square Fallen fighters in Stalingrad, January 1943. (Georgy Zelma/

Soviet soldiers take cover behind barricades of ruins during the battle with the German occupiers on the outskirts of Stalingrad in early 1943. (AP Photo)

German soldiers advance through the destroyed streets of Stalingrad, early 1943. (AP Photo)

Red Army soldiers in camouflage attack German positions across a snowy field on the German-Soviet front, March 3, 1943. (AP Photo)

Soviet infantrymen march through the snow-covered hills around Stalingrad to liberate the city from the Nazi invaders, early 1943. The Red Army surrounded the German 6th Army, consisting of about 300 thousand German and Romanian soldiers. (AP Photo)

A Soviet soldier guards a captured German soldier, February 1943. After spending several months surrounded by Soviet forces in Stalingrad, the German 6th Army capitulated, losing 200 thousand soldiers in fierce battles and as a result of starvation. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus is interrogated at Red Army headquarters near Stalingrad, USSR, March 1, 1943. Paulus was the first German field marshal to be captured by the Soviets. Contrary to Hitler's expectations that Paulus would fight until his death (or commit suicide after defeat), in Soviet captivity the field marshal began to criticize the Nazi regime. He subsequently acted as a prosecution witness at the Nuremberg trials. (AP Photo)

Red Army soldiers sit in a trench with a Soviet T-34 tank passing over them during Battle of Kursk in 1943. (Mark Markov-Grinberg/

The bodies of German soldiers lie along the road southwest of Stalingrad, April 14, 1943. (AP Photo)

Soviet soldiers shoot at an enemy plane, June 1943. (

German Tiger tanks take part in heavy fighting south of Orel during the Battle of Kursk, mid-July 1943. From July to August 1943, the greatest tank battle in history took place in the Kursk region, in which about 3 thousand German and more than 5 thousand Soviet tanks. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

German tanks prepare for a new attack during the Battle of Kursk, July 28, 1943. German army prepared for the offensive for many months, but the Soviets were aware of Germany's plans and developed a powerful defense system. After defeat German troops in the Battle of Kursk, the Red Army maintained superiority until the very end of the war. (AP Photo)

German soldiers walk in front of a Tiger tank during the Battle of Kursk in June or July 1943. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv/German Federal Archive)

Soviet soldiers advance on German positions in a smoke screen, USSR, July 23, 1943. (AP Photo)

Captured German tanks stand in a field southwest of Stalingrad, April 14, 1943. (AP Photo)

A Soviet lieutenant distributes cigarettes to German prisoners of war near Kursk, July 1943. (Michael Savin/

View of Stalingrad, almost completely destroyed after six months of fierce fighting, at the end of hostilities at the end of 1943. (Michael Savin/