Lesson on a space theme in the middle group. Summary of GCD on the topic “Travel into Space” in the middle group using ICT

Summary of GCD for Cosmonautics Day in middle group kindergarten with presentation

Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 in Gavrilov-Posad.
Description: I offer you a summary of the GCD for the implementation of the educational field “ Cognitive development"on the theme "Journey into Space." This material is suitable for children preschool age 4-5 years. Children during this educational activities get acquainted and consolidate knowledge about space and planets.
Target: formation of children's ideas about space and planets.
- broaden the horizons of children;
- develop cognitive interest and children's curiosity;
- introduce children to the first Soviet cosmonaut;
- to cultivate an aesthetic perception of nature and its images using non-traditional artistic techniques.
Developing subject-spatial environment: enrichment of group premises with space paraphernalia.
The purpose of using ICT in GCD: allows for higher quality, interesting, and modern level to form children's ideas about space.
Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical, game.
Planned results: Children have a basic understanding of space and planets; actively express their thoughts through speech. Express interest in creative activities.
UUD prerequisites: development of attention, creative imagination, perception, visual memory, listening, storytelling.
Materials and equipment: illustrations of the planets of the solar system; audio recording: “Space Music”, song “On a Round Planet”; candles, watercolor paints of dark colors: purple, blue, black; jars of water, brushes, napkins.
Preliminary work: examination of illustrations, a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin; reading encyclopedias about space, poems, stories: V. Borozdin “First in Space”, V. Medvedev “Starship “Brunka”, O. Akhmetova “It’s so cool in space!”, conversations; exhibition of books on the topic “Space”.
Educational and methodological kit:
1. A series of cards for activities in kindergarten and at home. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009-2010: “Tell children about space”; 2. Encyclopedia “Universe” // Moscow World of Books 2006;
3. Internet resources.
GCD move:
Educator: Children, who knows what day it is today? (Children's answers)
1 slide.
On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. People have long dreamed of flying to the stars and seeing the Earth from space. First, two dogs flew into space: Belka and Strelka. Only after they returned, safe and sound, did a man fly into space.

2 slide.
The first person who was able to go on a space journey and fly around our entire Earth was cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he circled the Earth on a Vostok rocket and stayed in space for just over an hour.

3 slide.
Nowadays, astronauts spend many days in space. They live on space stations, work, conduct various experiments, monitor instruments, carry out equipment repairs.
4 slide.
The work of astronauts is complex and difficult. Cosmonauts in spacesuits perform their work. The suit protects against extreme cold in the shade and hot sun rays, maintains oxygen and is equipped with many pockets, each of which has its own purpose.
Educator: Guys, do you want to go to space? (children's answers)
- What can you use to go into space? (children's answers)
- I suggest you warm up before the flight.

Game "Cosmodrome".
Everything is ready for the flight (children raise their hands up)
Rockets are waiting for all the guys. (join hands above head)
Not enough time to take off, (marching in place)
The astronauts stood in a row. (legs apart - hands on the belt)
Bowed to the right, to the left (bend to the sides)
Let's bow to the ground. (lean forward)
Now the rocket has flown (jumping in place)
Our cosmodrome is empty. (squat down)
5 slide.
Now we are ready to travel. And you and I will fly on this rocket. We board the rocket and batten down the hatches. Educator: Attention! Everyone get ready to launch!
Children: Get ready to launch!
Educator: Fasten your seat belts!
Children: Fasten your seat belts!
Educator: Start the engine!
Children: Got to start the engine!
Educator: Enable contacts!
Children: There are enable contacts!
Teacher and children: 5,4,3,2,1 - start!
Children: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! (Cosmic music sounds)
6 slide.
So, we're in space! This is what space looks like, you see how many planets there are in it.

Slide 7
This is what our planet looks like from space.
- What shape is it? (children's answers)
Educator: Our planet on which we live is called Earth. People, plants and animals live on Earth because there is water, food and air.
8 slide.
During the day, our planet is warmed and illuminated by the Sun.
Slide 9
In the evening we can see the Moon and stars in the sky. People have always wanted to go to the moon.
10 slide.
The Sun is the star closest to us, it is the center of the planetary system and the powerful source of life on Earth. Nothing without sunlight living creature could not live.
11 slide.
The sun is not alone, it has a family - these are the planets. The family of the sun is called the Solar System. There are 9 planets in it. Planets are celestial bodies, which are much smaller than stars. They do not emit light, but use the heat and light of the Sun. IN solar system order reigns: no one pushes or interferes with each other. Each planet has its own path along which it moves around the Sun. Who knows the names of these planets? (Children's answers)

Educator: To better remember the names of the planets, there is an astronomical counting rhyme:
The sun, and all around,
There are planets, nine of them.
The planets are in order for you,
I'll list it now...
- Once! Mercury,
- Two! Venus,
- Three! Earth,
- The fourth is Mars.
- Five! Jupiter,
- Six! Saturn,
- Seven! Uranus,
- Eighth - Neptune.
Number nine is called Pluto,
The one who is superfluous - get out!

Didactic game: "The best planet."
The teacher talks about the planets, and the children must choose which planet is the best. (Showing illustrations)
Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. It's rocky.
Venus is covered with a thick layer of clouds. The heat here is sizzling. This is the brightest planet.
Earth contains water, oxygen, plants and animals.
Mars has 4 seasons and is covered in red sand.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. All the planets could fit on it.
Saturn is composed of liquid and gas. Known for her rings.
Uranus is a “lying planet” and revolves around the Sun, as if lying on its side.
Neptune is cold and blue. The strongest winds on the planet.
Pluto is the farthest planet.
Educator: Well, now it's time for us to return. (We return to the song “On a Round Planet”)
- Five, four, three, two, one, landed! Hooray!
- Here we are in kindergarten.
Educator: Guys, now I suggest you draw a starry sky. But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five - Bend the fingers on both hands one at a time.
A squad flew into space. Place your palms together and raise your arms up.
The commander looks through binoculars, The fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming “binoculars”.
What does he see ahead?
The sun, planets, satellites, comets, Bend the fingers of both hands
Big yellow moon. Educator: Today, guys, I will teach you how to draw the starry sky with a candle and watercolors. You watch me carefully and remember.
I show you how to draw big and small stars with a candle, then I paint the background with watercolors. Let me remind you that you can use different shades of dark colors: purple, blue, black.
The children get to work. I help them when necessary.
(Calm cosmic music sounds)
Lesson summary: Well done! You did it beautiful pictures starry sky. Everyone has their own unique piece of space. (When viewing pictures, an image of the sky is selected, in which more stars, the brightest sky, the darkest, the most colorful.) Guys, let's put together an exhibition of our works.

- What new did we learn today?
- What is the name of our planet?
- What other planets do you remember?
- What was the name of the first cosmonaut?
- Which of you wants to become an astronaut?
And I would like to end our lesson with a wonderful poem
Star House.
Ships launch into space -
Following a daring dream!
It's great that we were able to
Escape into the vastness of the Universe!
It's still nice to know
Ourselves as residents in the Star House,
Into the Worlds is like walking into rooms -
Through the threshold at the cosmodrome.
V. Asterov

Thank you for your attention!

Summary of OOD in the middle group on the topic "Space"

Tasks :

Expand children's understanding of space, its exploration, introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday. Introduce the profession astronaut. Give initial information about the Sun, Earth, planets of the solar system, Moon, stars. Activate the vocabulary: space, planet, astronaut, spacesuit, satellite.

Equipment :

Pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, hoops and rings.

Musical arrangement: "Space Music"- Space "Magic fly"

OOD progress:

Guys, today we will talk about Space. Do you know what Space is? (children's answers)

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. Word "space" means . The universe is everything that exists.

Children, look at these pictures (image of stars, planets). What do you see (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

Do you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth? (she's blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? Because most of our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes. (blue color represents oceans, rivers and seas) Let's consider a globe - a small model of the Earth.



Summary of OOD in the middle group on the topic"Space"


Expand children's understanding of space, its exploration, introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday. Introduce the profession astronaut. Give initial information about the Sun, Earth, planets of the solar system, Moon, stars. Activate the vocabulary: space, planet, astronaut, spacesuit, satellite.

Equipment :

Pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, hoops and rings.

Musical arrangement: "Space Music"- Space “Magic fly”

OOD progress:

Guys, today we will talk about Space. Do you know what Space is? (children's answers)

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. Word"space" means “world, universe”, “everything in the world”. The universe is everything that exists.

Children, look at these pictures(image of stars, planets). What do you see (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars?(At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

Do you recognize this planet?(show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth?(she's blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? Because most of our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes. (blue color is oceans, rivers and seas) Consider a globe - a small model of the Earth.

So, we live on Earth, which means we are earthlings.

Our planet Earth is part of the Universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People invented telescopes, these are special instruments that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships.(showing a spaceship)This one is unique aircraft People need it to explore space, other planets, and search for planets suitable for human habitation.

Spaceships have been tested for a long time to ensure that flights on them are safe for humans. Therefore, not people, but various animals were the first to fly into space. Dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes were “cosmonaut” scouts. The first successful flight into space was made by the dogs Belka and Strelka.(show children photographs of animals). And after their flight was successful, the first man flew into space. Now let's imagine that a man got into a rocket and went up into space. Can he get out of a rocket in space? What does he need for this? (children's answers)

That's right, a person needs a spacesuit - a suit for an astronaut (the teacher attaches a picture of an astronaut in a spacesuit), which supplies the person with air and maintains body temperature, because there is no air in space, there is nothing to breathe there.

The teacher attaches a photograph of Yu. A. Gagarin to the board.

Do you know who this person is? (children's answers) This is the first astronaut. This is the first person to go into space.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew around our planet in just 2 hours (1 hour 48 minutes) and returned to Earth safe and sound. After this great event, people realized that a person could be in space.

The first flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then Cosmonautics Day has been celebrated on this day.

Cosmonauts train a lot before flying into space, so now we’ll warm up.Physical exercise “We are astronauts.”

We are brave pilots

These are our spaceships

Two wings

One cabin

At the rear is a powerful turbine.

They ran and took off.

Let's fly, fly.

There's a house down there,

We'll wave our wings at him.

Above the clouds and clouds,

Higher - higher, steeper - steeper!

Through air pockets

Fasten your straps!

point at themselves

make a circle with your hand

hands depict wings

holding a makeshift steering wheel

hip movement

running in place, hands - wings

flight simulation

palm - visor, looking down

movements on the text

stand on tiptoes, hands up


imitation according to the text.

Guys, if you and I go outside during the day, what will we see in the sky?

The sun is a huge, hot, ball-like star. The sun is very far from us. Imagine how hot it is, if even looking at it from Earth hurts your eyes. Therefore, you won’t be able to fly close to it. Everything burns out instantly.

The planets revolve around the Sun: Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune. All these planets form the Solar System. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Did you know that our planet Earth, like a carousel, constantly rotates around itself (its axis). And as soon as the Earth turns around itself, a day passes (Day and night - a day away.)Experiment with a flashlight and a globe: show how the change of day and night occurs.

And the Earth is constantly moving and revolving around the Sun. Winter, spring, summer, autumn - we've made one circle around the Sun.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets (except Earth) that move around the Sun, because some planets are too cold, others are too hot.

What can we see in the sky at night besides stars and planets? (children's answers)

Moon (the teacher attaches a picture of the starry sky to the board).

At night there is only one in the sky

Large silver hanging orange(moon)

The moon is the only satellite our planet Earth. Scientists even believe that the Moon and Earth appeared a long time ago at the same time. It turns out that the Earth and the Moon, they are like 2 brothers, are always inseparable. The Moon moves around the Earth, and together with the Earth around the Sun. That's why the Moon is called the Earth's satellite.

The distance to the Moon is approximately 400 thousand kilometers. This is the closest to Earth cosmic body. If it were possible, a person could reach the Moon in 40 years. The car would have arrived in six months. The rocket will reach the Moon in about three days of flight.

The Moon has one wonderful feature: it changes its appearance every day. Either it appears as a narrow crescent (then it is called the “month”), then it looks like a pancake (they say: “full moon”), then it again turns into a crescent that looks like the letter “C”, and then it is again called the “month”. This happens due to the fact that our planet Earth rotates all the time, and because of its rotation, we see either the entire Moon (when the Sun illuminates it) or part of it (when the Earth obscures the light of the Sun on the Moon). Scientists have proven that there is no air or water on the Moon, therefore, there are no animals and plants, etc.

Now it's time to return home, but before we return, let's go out to open space. To do this, we will put on spacesuits. What is a spacesuit? (special clothing for astronauts). When you leave the ship, you will be in a state of weightlessness, as if you were flying.

Sounds "space music", children “fly” in zero gravity.

The teacher's command sounds: we return to the ship and fly home!

While we're flying, let's remember...

What new did we learn today?

Lesson for middle aged children


Teacher additional education:

Ananyeva A.A.



Generalize children's ideas about space, introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate children's vocabulary with words: space, planet, astronaut.

Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes. Development of fine motor skills of hands


Paper model of a rocket, pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu.A. Gagarin, V.N. Tereshkova, dogs Belka and Strelka

Musical arrangement : “Space Music”

Progress of the lesson :

1. Conversation about space


Children, look at these pictures (image of outer space, stars, planets). What do you see? (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. The word "cosmos" means "everything in the world." The universe is everything that exists.

Do you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth? (she's blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? (blue color is oceans and seas)

Our planet Earth is part of the Universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People invented telescopes, these are special instruments that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships. Spaceships have been tested for a long time to ensure that flights on them are safe for humans. It was not people who were the first to fly into space, but the dogs Belka and Strelka made the first successful flight into space. (show the children photographs of animals). And after the flight of the dogs was successful, the first man flew into space.

Tell me, children, who knows the name of the first cosmonaut? (Yuri Gagarin) - show a photograph of the astronaut.

This flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then Cosmonautics Day has been celebrated on this day.

Would you like to take a space trip?

Let's make a spaceship (children place chairs one after another in pairs) and go on a journey to the planets of the solar system. The Sun has its own family - these are 9 planets. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Show children an image of all the planets in the solar system, describe what they look like, and list them.

Flying to other planets and solving riddles

But our ship is not simple; to fly to each next planet, you need to solve a riddle.

The first planet to which we will fly is Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun; on this planet there are very strong temperature changes from +350 to -170 degrees.

riddle: In space through the thickness of years

Ice flying object

His tail is a strip of light

And his name is………(comet)

Well done, you guessed the riddle, now we can fly on. The next planet is Venus.

And the riddle is this: Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds (Sun)

Okay, you guessed this riddle, which means our ship can fly further.

Now we are flying to Mars. Mars is sometimes called the red planet. Do you know why?

Rocks on Mars contain large amounts of iron, and iron turns red-brown when it rusts.

Let's solve the riddle to make our ship fly:

At Grandma's over the hut

Hanging edge of bread

Dogs bark and can’t reach you (for a month)

And now the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, awaits us. And the following riddle:

The entire blue path is strewn with peas (stars)

Ahead of us is a planet with rings - Saturn.

riddle: At night there is only one in the sky

Large silver hanging orange (moon)

Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly and we will fly to the other planets without stopping.

The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are ahead of us.

Now it’s time to return home, but before returning, let’s go into outer space. To do this, we’ll put on spacesuits - special clothing that will protect us. When you leave the ship, you will be in a state of weightlessness, as if you were flying.

“Cosmic music” sounds, children “fly” in zero gravity.

The teacher's command sounds: we return to the ship and fly home.

While we are flying, let's remember which planets we visited. (Children list the planets with the help of the teacher).

Outdoor Game “Cosmonauts”

Children, we traveled for a long time, we had to move a little, let’s play the game “Cosmonauts”

We arrange chairs in a quantity less than the number of children.

The teacher reads a poem:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one

But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers

Children run around, and when the teacher says the last phrase, the children must take their places on the chairs. Latecomers are eliminated.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that move around the sun, because some planets are too cold, others are too hot. But maybe there are living beings somewhere far away? We'll call them aliens. This means from others, from other planets. Let's help the aliens return home and show the path to the ship.

The teacher shows the children an image of three types of spaceships (triangular, rectangular and oval), with triangular, rectangular and oval aliens drawn next to them. The figures are drawn with a dotted line, children must strictly circle the ships and aliens along the dotted line, color them and draw a path to the ship for each alien.

But before we get into that important matter, let's stretch our fingers:

Fine motor skills of fingers

Luno, luno, lunokhod (we make movements with our hands as if we were driving)

Let's take flight

To the start, attention, ignition (palms folded at an angle to each other)

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (children bend their fingers)

Takeoff! (palms folded at an angle to each other are raised up)

Children draw

Children draw ships and aliens, color and draw paths to the ships.

We all look at our work together, the children tell us what color they painted the ships and aliens and why.

Lesson results:

Children, what new have we learned today?

What is the name of our planet?

What planets have we visited today?

What were the names of the dogs that were in space?

What was the name of the first cosmonaut?

What is the name of the space suit?

How many of you want to be an astronaut?

Well done guys, you listened very carefully to my story, you remembered everything, you will make real astronauts.

Maria Churkina
Lesson notes for the middle group "Space"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

general developmental type No. 14 "Moscow region"


№2 "Sun"


Prepared and carried out


Churkina Maria Dmitrievna

Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic« Space»


Generalization of children's ideas about space, introduce children to the history of the holiday Day astronautics, give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate children's vocabulary words: space, planet, astronaut.

Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes. Development of fine motor skills of hands


Pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, hoops and rings.

Musical arrangement: « Space music» - Space "Magic fly"

Progress of the lesson:


Children, look at these pictures (image of stars, planets). What do you see (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. Word « space» means "everything in the world". The universe is everything that exists.

Do you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth? (she's blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? (blue color represents oceans, rivers and seas)

Our planet Earth is part of the Universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People invented telescopes, these are special instruments that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships. (show spaceship)

Space The ships were tested for a long time to ensure that flights on them were safe for humans. IN space the first to fly were not people, but the first successful flight in space performed by the dogs Belka and Strelka. (show children photographs of animals). And after the flight of the dogs was successful, in space the first person flew.

Tell me, children, who knows the name of the first one? astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)- show photo astronaut.

This flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then the Day has been celebrated on this day Cosmonautics.

Do you know what the clothes are called? astronauts? (spacesuit)

Let's put on spacesuits. Let's imagine that spacesuits are small hoops (children stand in the hoops and each one, from bottom to top, threads the hoop through themselves). And now you are ready and we are going on a journey to solar planets. The Sun has its own family - these are 9 planets. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Show children an image of all the planets in the solar system, describe what they look like, and list them.

But our ship is not simple; to fly to each next planet, you need to solve a riddle.

The first planet we will fly to is Mercury. The closest planet to the Sun, this planet has very strong temperature changes from +350 to -170 degrees.

mystery: IN space through the thickness of years

Ice flying object

His tail is a strip of light

And his name is (comet)

Well done, you guessed the riddle, now we can fly on. The next planet is Venus.

And such a mystery: Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (Sun)

Okay, you guessed this riddle too, which means our ship can fly further.

Now we are flying to Mars. Mars is sometimes called the red planet. Do you know why?

Rocks on Mars contain large amounts of iron, and iron turns red-brown when it rusts.

Let's solve the riddle so that our ship flew:

At Grandma's over the hut

Hanging edge of bread

The dogs bark and they can't reach you (month)

And now the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, awaits us. And the next one mystery:

The entire blue path is strewn with peas (stars)

Ahead of us is a planet with rings - Saturn.

mystery: At night there is only one in the sky

Large silver hanging orange (moon)

Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly and we will fly to the other planets without stopping.

The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are ahead of us.

Now it's time to return home, but before we return, let's go out into the open space. To do this, we will put on spacesuits - special clothing that will protect us. When you leave the ship, you will be in a state of weightlessness, as if you were flying.

Sounds « space music» , children “fly” in zero gravity.

The teacher's command sounds: we return to the ship and fly home.

While we're flying, let's remember which planets we've visited. (children list the planets with the help of the teacher).

Outdoor Game « Astronauts»

Children, we traveled for a long time, we had to move a little, let's play a game « Astronauts»

We lay out the rings in quantities less than the number of children.

The teacher reads a poem:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one

But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers.

(The children run, and when the teacher says the last phrase, the children should take a seat on the chairs. Latecomers are eliminated.)

Cosmonauts and scientists have found out that there is no life on the planets that move around the sun, because some planets are too cold, others are too hot. But maybe there are living beings somewhere far away? We'll call them aliens. This means from others, from other planets. Let's help the aliens return home and show the path to the ship.

The teacher shows the children an image of three types spaceships(triangular, rectangular and oval in shape, with triangular, rectangular and oval-shaped aliens drawn next to them. The figures are drawn with a dotted line, children must circle the ships and aliens strictly along the dotted line, draw a path to the ship for each alien.

But before we get down to this important matter, let's warm up our fingers:

Fine motor skills of fingers

Luno, luno, lunokhod (we make movements with our hands as if we were driving)

Let's take flight

Ready, attention, ignition (palms folded at an angle to each other)

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (children bend their fingers)

Takeoff! (palms folded at an angle to each other are raised up)

Children draw paths to ships.

We all look at our work together.


Children, what new did we learn today?

What is the name of our planet?

What planets have we visited today?

What were the names of the dogs that were in space?

What was the name of the first one? astronaut?

What is it called space suit?

Well done guys, you listened very carefully to my story, you remembered everything, you will turn out to be real astronauts.

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “The road to space.”

Program content:

Introduce children to the globe, to the concepts of earth-planet, spaceship, rocket, astronaut.

Introduce the location of cities on the globe, green spaces and water spaces. Introduce the concept of space - the space between planets.

Introduce the profession of astronaut.

To consolidate knowledge about aircraft: rocket, lunar rover.

Develop constructive creative activity. To form in preschoolers a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Develop observation, visual and auditory memory, fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations about space, reading books about space “Dunno on the Moon.”

Activation of the dictionary: globe, planet, spaceship, rocket, lunar rover, astronaut.

Material: globe, rocket parts.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, Luntik came to visit us today. He recently returned from a trip to the moon. He really liked it there. But unfortunately he did not have time to meet all his friends there. He wants to go back to the moon. Let's remember where the moon is?

Children: In the sky.

Educator: What else can we see in the sky?

Children: Sun, stars, clouds.

Educator: How do you get to your home from kindergarten? Why?

Children: My mother and I return on foot because we live nearby. We return by minibus because we live far from the kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, if we want to go to another city, how can we get there? By what transport?

Children: By car, by bus, by train, by plane.

Educator: all cities are located on a planet called Earth. She looks like this (puts out a globe and invites you to look at it). What do you think this green part of the globe looks like?

Children: On the grass, on the leaves of the trees.

Educator: you are right, these are the green spaces of our planet. What do you think this blue part of the globe looks like?

Children: To the water, river.

Educator: We have already said that you can get to another city by plane. But planes only fly over our land. And Luntik needs to get to the moon. The moon is located very far from the Earth, look at how our Earth is located in relation to the sun and moon.

(The teacher shows the picture.)

Educator: What do you think the space between the planets is called?

Children: it's called space.

Educator: So what can Luntik use to get to the moon?

Children: On a rocket, on a spaceship.

Educator: Who controls the rocket? (Astronaut).

Educator: Look, this is an astronaut near his rocket. What kind of clothes do you think he is wearing?

Children: Space suit.

Educator: What do you think spacesuits are for?

Well done guys. And now I suggest you relax a little and play the game we are astronauts. Let's imagine that we are astronauts. What should we wear to go into space? (spacesuit) We put on the spacesuit. Cosmonauts train a lot before flying to the moon, so we’ll do some exercises now.

One-two, there's a rocket

Three-four, takeoff soon

To reach the sun

Astronauts need a year

But dear we are not afraid

Each of us is flying away

Flying over the earth

Let's say hello to her

children raise their hands up

spread their arms to the sides

circle with hands

puts his hands on his cheeks, shakes his head

arms to the sides, body tilts left and right

bend your elbows

spread their arms to the sides

raise their hands up and wave

Educator: So we rested. Let's remember:

Who came to our lesson today?

What does he want?

How can we help him?

And now, guys, I suggest you design and glue a rocket to fly into space. Imagine yourself as designers.

Educator: These are the beautiful rockets we made. Now Luntik can safely fly to the moon.

Educator: But before, people did not know how to fly into space, and only on April 12, 52 years ago, the first cosmonaut flew into space. His name was Yuri Gagarin. Then other cosmonauts flew. The astronauts visited the moon and found out that there was nothing alive there. And then people sent an aircraft without people to the moon - the lunar rover. He explored the moon.

Children, did you like our activity?

Where did we send Luntik today?

Who was the first to fly into space? What else did you like about the lesson? Let's say goodbye to Luntik.