A comma is not placed between definitions that characterize an object from different angles. Subject index to the section “Punctuation”

When is a comma not used between adjectives?

    If adjectives have different meanings, then a comma is not placed between them. For example: cold large drops; small gray eyes.

    But when there is a listing of adjectives that are identical in their characteristics, a comma is placed. For example: white, red, blue flags. Delicate, subtle aroma.

    You can also put a conjunction between them and, which cannot be done with adjectives of different qualitative meanings.

    A comma is not always placed between homogeneous adjectives. As a rule, a comma is not used if the adjectives denote different characteristics that are in no way related to each other: white round clouds, a warm July night, a gloomy old forester. The category of adjectives is also important, for example, qualitative and possessive (relative) adjectives will not be separated by commas: beautiful Petka’s garden, white foggy evening.

    A comma is not placed between adjectives characterizing a noun if the adjectives are completely different in qualitative characteristics. For example, white fluffy snow, warm beige blanket, etc. A comma is placed when there is a list of adjectives of equal quality: blue, red, blue - choose any one.

    There is no need to put a comma if the sentence contains two or more heterogeneous adjectives. What is meant by the definition of heterogeneous adjectives? Everything is simple here. If adjectives denote different, non-synonymous characteristics and it is impossible to put a conjunction between them and, then they can be classified as heterogeneous.

    As an example, let's consider the following sentences: This prolonged evening promises to be a long frosty one. Or: Her beautiful Asian face attracted some kind of extraordinary charm, unique to her alone.

    In short, if definitions denote different qualities of an object or living creature, there is no need to use a comma.

    A comma is not placed between adjectives if they talk about different qualitative characteristics of an object. For example, a round white tablet. In this case, commas are not needed between the adjectives round and white, since one indicates shape and the other color. If we say blue, red, yellow flowers, then in this case all adjectives indicate color, that is, one characteristic, a comma is needed between them.

    In a sentence, adjectives can act as homogeneous and heterogeneous adjectives. Homogeneous characterizes an object from one side, for example: the trees had yellow, green, red, golden leaves. Similar adjectives are separated by commas.

    Heterogeneous definitions (adjectives) characterize an object from different qualitative aspects and are not separated by commas, for example: there was white fluffy snow on the road.

    If we use adjectives that contain dissimilar (different) semantic loads, then the comma between them is excluded in this case, since dissimilar characteristics are being listed.

    In Russian, such adjectives are called heterogeneous.

    In a sentence adjectives there may be homogeneous And heterogeneous definitions. If adjectives characterize an object from different sides, indicating its various characteristics, they are not homogeneous. Then commas are unnecessary, for example:

    This quiet July At night it’s nice to sit on the porch of the house.

    The adjective quiet is qualitative, and July is relative. This means they are not homogeneous.

    The same situation is in this example:

    Descended over the city frosty _ long _ Petersburg night.

    The adjectives frosty, long, St. Petersburg characterize the subject night from different angles.

    Heterogeneous definitions are pronounced without enumerative intonation, as if in one breath. It is impossible to insert a coordinating conjunction between them And.

    Let's start with an easier way to understand whether you need to put a comma between adjectives.

    So, if you can’t put the conjunction “AND” between them, a comma not placed.

    For example: long red dress. Do you agree that a long and red dress doesn’t sound too right, doesn’t sound too euphonious?

    But the thing is that in this case the adjectives denote different qualitative characteristics of the object: for example, long tells us about the style of the dress, red - about its color.

    And if there was a simple listing using homogeneous adjectives, say: tomatoes are red, yellow, green (note that there is a conjunction here and would fit in very nicely), we would definitely put a comma.

    Only in those cases when the adjectives are absolutely not connected by any subtleties with each other and they cannot be listed as a type of something the same, for example, the words red and blood cannot be separated by a comma in a sentence such as sunset red blood. Not a very successful example, but it should be clear.

Several agreed upon definitions that are not interconnected by unions can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions; a comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Homogeneous definitions are directly related to the defined (main) word, while between themselves they are in an enumerative relationship (they are pronounced with enumerative intonation and a conjunction and can be placed between them).

Example: Blue and green balls. - Blue balls. Green balls. Blue and green balls.

Heterogeneous definitions are not pronounced with enumerative intonation; it is usually impossible to put the conjunction and between them. Heterogeneous definitions are differently connected with the defined (main) word. One of the definitions (the closest) is directly related to the word being defined, while the second is already connected to a phrase consisting of the main word and the first definition:

Long freight train. With the main word train The closest definition to it is directly related - commodity. Definition long associated with the whole phrase - freight train. (The freight train is long).

To distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, it is necessary to take into account a whole complex of characteristics. When parsing and arranging punctuation marks, pay attention to the meaning, method of expression and order of definitions in the sentence.

Definitions are HOMOGENEOUS if:

    indicate the distinctive features of different objects;

    Red, green balls - red and green balls; the balls were red; the balls were green.

    denote various signs of one object, characterizing it on one side;

    A ruined and burned city is a ruined and burned city; the city was ruined; the city was burned.

    characterize an object from different angles, but in a given context are united by some common feature;

    Moonlight, clear evening- “lunar, and therefore clear”; hard, dark times- “heavy, and therefore gloomy.”

    under contextual conditions, synonymous relationships are created between definitions;

    Dull, pressing pain in the chest- in this context, forms stupid And pressing act as synonyms, that is, as words that are close in meaning.

    represent artistic definitions - epithets;

    Round, fish eyes.

    form a gradation, that is, each subsequent definition strengthens the characteristic it expresses;

    Joyful, festive, radiant mood.

    a single definition is followed by a definition expressed by a participial phrase, that is, a participle with a dependent word;

    Black, smoothly combed hair.

    Pay attention!

    A) this should not be a single participle, but a participle with a dependent word (cf.: black combed hair);

    b) the participial phrase should be in second place (cf.: slick black hair); V) a comma is placed only between homogeneous members; after the participial phrase, if there are no special conditions for isolation, a comma is not placed (!);

    stand after the word being defined;

    Black hair, combed.

    the second definition explains the first - between the definitions you can put the conjunction that is or namely.

Homogeneous definitions, expressed by adjectives and participles and standing before the word being defined, are separated from each other comma, heterogeneous - are not separated (for an exception, see § 41).

Note 1. The difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is as follows: a) each of the homogeneous definitions relates directly to the word being defined; b) the first definition from a pair of heterogeneous ones refers to the subsequent phrase. Wed: Red, green the lights replaced each other(T. Tolstoy) – red lights and green lights; Soon the chimneys of the factories here will begin to smoke,strong iron paths on the site of the old road(Bun.) – strong → iron tracks. It is possible to insert a conjunction between homogeneous definitions And , between heterogeneous ones is impossible. Wed: The glass is coldly playing with multi-colored lights, as ifsmall precious stones(Boon.). – The hallway is cold, like a senets, and it smellsdamp, frozen bark of firewood...(Boon.). In the first case, a conjunction cannot be inserted ( small precious stones), in the second – perhaps ( damp and frozen bark).

Note 2. Definitions expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives are often heterogeneous: Her[siren] muffled the soundsbeautiful string orchestra(Boon.). Definitions expressed by qualitative adjectives of different semantic groups can also be perceived as heterogeneous: They began to fall to the groundcold large drops(M.G.).

1. The definitions denoting are homogeneoussigns of different objects : A talented student who spoke five languages ​​and felt at homeFrench, Spanish, German literature at home, he boldly used his knowledge(Kav.).

Definitions that express similar characteristics of one subject are homogeneous, i.e. they characterize the subject On the one side : It wasboring, tedious day(Kav.); The train moved slowly and unevenly, supportingold, creaky carriage(Spread); Heavy, damp the wall of the pine forest does not move, is silent(Lip.); Lena got her a jobspacious, empty room(Kav.); At first winter swung reluctantly, as last year, then it burst in unexpectedly, withharsh, cold by the wind(Kav.). The similarity of features can appear on the basis of some convergence of values, for example, along the line of assessment: And at this momentreserved, soft, polite Zoshchenko suddenly said to me with irritation: “You can’t get into literature by pushing elbows.”(Kav.); based on the unity of sensations conveyed by definitions (touch, taste, etc.): INclear, warm morning, at the end of May, in Obruchanovo they brought two horses to the local blacksmith Rodion Petrov(Ch.); Bliss wascool, fresh, tasty water gently rolling off your shoulders(Kav.).

Similarity of features may arise among adjectives used in a figurative meaning: I shook the one handed to mebig, callous hand(Shol.); Cruel, cold spring kills engorged buds(Ahm.); In the heartdark, stuffy hop(Ahm.). The homogeneity of definitions is emphasized by the addition of one of them by a coordinating conjunction And : In them[songs] dominatedheavy, sad and hopeless sheet music(M.G.); Suchmiserable, drab and deceitful siskin(M.G.); Tired, tanned and dusty their faces were exactly the color of the brown rags of the moon's wing(M.G.).

2. Adjective definitions that characterize an object or phenomenon with various sides: Large glass the doors were wide open(Kav.) – designation of size and material; Former Eliseevskaya the dining room was decorated with frescoes(Kav.) – designation of a temporary sign and sign of belonging; Thick rough the notebook in which I wrote down plans and rough sketches was placed at the bottom of the suitcase(Kav.) – designation of size and purpose; Found in my archiveyellow school girl notebook written in fluent handwriting(Kav.) – designation of color and purpose; The forests, lit obliquely by the sun, seemed to him like piles oflight copper ore(Paust.) – designation of weight and material; Our famous and brave traveler Karelin gave me very detailed information about Kara-Bugaz.unflattering written certification(Paust.) – designation of assessment and form; The foreman served teaviscous cherry jam(Paust.) – designation of property and material; Enoughhigh antique earthenware the lamp burned softly under a pink lampshade(Bun.) – designation of quantity, temporary characteristic and material.

Homogeneous these are called members of the proposal, which are interconnected by a coordinating connection, are subordinate to the same member of the sentence (or are subordinate to the same member of the sentence) and perform the same function in the sentence.

The problem of homogeneity/heterogeneity of sentence members is one of the most difficult. From homogeneous definitions, which are separated by commas in writing must be distinguished heterogeneous definitions, between which there is no comma.

One of the main criteria for distinguishing homogeneity / heterogeneity of definitions is the meaning of definitions. Homogeneous definitions characterize one object or different ones on the same basis, while heterogeneous definitions characterize from different aspects.

Homogeneity of definitions may increase morphological indicators. Should be taken into account way of expressing definitions(a number of homogeneous members are represented, as a rule, either only by qualitative or only by relative adjectives), position in relation to the defined noun, as well as the general nature of the context.

Definitions are homogeneous if:

1 . indicate the distinctive features of different objects;

Her clothes combined white, red, lemon, and yellow tones (the tones were white, the tones were red, etc.).

2. denote various characteristics of one object, characterize the object from one side (when describing appearance, furnishings, when evaluating);

The devastated, burned city was empty.

3. under contextual conditions, synonymous relations are created between definitions (contextual synonyms are formed);

Luck rarely looks upon a strong, prosperous person (in this context, the forms strong and prosperous, which are not synonyms in the language, act as synonyms, that is, as words close in meaning).

4. with each definition, the characteristic it expresses intensifies (a gradation is formed);

The mountain was fraught with some unknown, alarming, terrible danger.

5. the first definition is expressed by an adjective, and the second by a participial phrase - a participle with a dependent word;

An elderly man with a bushy beard, beginning to turn grey, greeted us.

Please note that the participle should not be single, but with a dependent word (participial phrase), and the participial phrase should be in second place (the single definition precedes the common one). In this case, a comma is placed between the adjective and the participial phrase, and not after the participial phrase.

6. stand after the word being defined (usually in a position of isolation);

A trio of greyhounds are running along a boring winter road.

7. definitions act as epithets - artistic definitions.

She really looked like a young, white, slender birch tree.

As homogeneousperform definitions, contrasted with a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Not long ago there were low, wooden houses in this area, but now there are tall, stone ones.

Let us pay attention to the definitions that are interconnected by explanatory relationships: the second definition specifies the first (usually conjunctions can be inserted between them, namely, that is). In this case, a comma is placed between the definitions:

Give me another, interesting book.

I need a different, better freedom...

Definitions are heterogeneous if:

1. characterize an object from different sides (express characteristics that relate to different generic (general) concepts);

Large _ white clouds floated across the sky (large - “size”, white - “color”).

2. they are represented by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives;

A fur coat made of thick _ fox fur.

3. one of them is directly related to the word being defined, forming a phrase with it, and the other relates to the entire phrase;

We looked at punctuation with agreed upon definitions. Inconsistent definitions As a rule, they are homogeneous: A gentleman wearing glasses, with amazed eyes, wearing a blue velvet beret and a long coat drove up to the porch.

Usually are homogeneous combinations of agreed and inconsistent definitions: A young man of about twenty-five entered, well dressed, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes.

The main task of all communicative qualities of speech is to ensure the effectiveness of speech.

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Hello! The placement of a comma is determined not by part-sentence, but by a syntactic role - by the fact that adjectives and participles can act as homogeneous/heterogeneous definitions.
Here is the rule: Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions The same word in a sentence can include several definitions, which can be homogeneous and heterogeneous. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between these two types of definitions, since homogeneous definitions in writing are separated by commas, and a comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.
1. Homogeneous definitions are pronounced with enumerative intonation and characterize an object on one side: by color, shape, size, and so on.
In the mornings, the sun hits the gazebo through purple, lilac, green and lemon foliage (Paustovsky).
This sentence contains four definitions for the word FOLIAGE, they are homogeneous, since they all name the color and are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration.
Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object from different angles and are pronounced without enumerative intonation, for example:
It was an unbearably hot July day (Turgenev).
The definition of HOT tells us about the weather, and the definition of JULY tells us what month this day was in.
Please note that homogeneous definitions can be connected by coordinating conjunctions, and if there are no conjunctions, they can be easily inserted. Compare the three sentences below.
He spoke German, French, and English.
He spoke German, French and English.
He spoke German, French, and English.
2. Homogeneous definitions cannot be expressed by adjectives belonging to different lexical categories.
If definitions are expressed by adjectives, then you can determine whether they need to be separated by commas in the following way. It is known that adjectives are divided into three categories: qualitative, relative and possessive. If one word has definitions expressed by adjectives of different categories, then these definitions will be heterogeneous.
His old woman stands on the porch in an expensive sable jacket (Pushkin).
The word DUSHEGREYKA has two definitions: DEAR (qualitative adjective) and SOBOLEY (relative adjective).
3. Definitions are considered heterogeneous if one definition is expressed by a pronoun or numeral, and the other by an adjective.
Why don't you wear your new dress?
Finally we waited for the first warm days.
4. Sometimes in works of art there may be sentences in which there are commas between definitions that characterize the subject from different angles.
Read sentences from the works of I. A. Bunin and A. P. Chekhov. In them, the authors strive to create a single, holistic idea of ​​an object or phenomenon, and such definitions can be considered homogeneous.
Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has arrived (Chekhov).
Clear days gave way to cold, bluish-gray, soundless ones (Bunin).