A cherished dream. What is a cherished dream? Where is the cherished dream

Psychologists believe that dreaming is not only pleasant, but even beneficial for the general condition. After all, dreaming of something big, a person develops himself spiritually and externally, strives for his desire. However, as it turned out, there is a difference between just a dream and a cherished one. The latter represents the goal of a particular person, towards which she is already heading or is about to begin. So if cherished dream- this is a kind of guideline, how does it affect a person, and, most importantly, how to achieve the dream of a lifetime?

What is a cherished dream?

If we consider the dream from the point of view ordinary person, then you can get a definition of what a cherished dream is. So, under the cherished dream, many of us understand a certain base or foundation around which all thoughts and actions revolve.

This is something without which a person simply loses the meaning of his existence and does not understand why he should continue to live on this planet. By the way, it is the lack of a real dream that leads to a large number of suicides among both teenagers and adults. Therefore, according to psychologists, it is so important to have the very thing for which it is worth living and moving forward.

Sorting dreams by importance

There is an opinion that there are special criteria by which one can determine the degree of importance of a person's dream. Like when a little boy dreams of a new truck. Is this a cherished dream? Many will say that this is a small dream. But about the dream of his girlfriend, a neighbor girl who dreams of becoming a doctor and saving people from terrible diseases, many will say that this is a cherished dream. But therein lies the error.

It turns out that the degree of importance of a person's dream is not measured by price or morality at all. And with what zeal he wants to get it. And it does not matter at all whether it is a toy truck or a beloved grandmother's cure, if thoughts around one and the other occupy most of the day. It turns out that the cherished dream is what overshadows all other desires and goals. It is to her that a person aspires and wants to achieve at all costs.

How to fulfill a dream?

Many people are concerned about the same question: "What to do to make the dream come true?" The answer to this question is quite simple and complex at the same time.

The first thing you need to do is to clearly outline your cherished dream. And it is desirable to write it down on paper. For example, a person from childhood wants to help people. But how exactly he would like to do this, he did not decide for many years. Sit down and really focus on your feelings. Imagine different situations where you help people. In which of them do you feel harmonious and more confident? Record these feelings on paper. Thus, by analyzing and imagining, you will finally get to the point of what exactly your dream is.

The second step in achieving a cherished dream is a plan or step-by-step instruction. Again, it's best to write down each step on paper. Think about where you need to start making your dream come true. Maybe a trip to a certain place or communication with a specific person? Then formulate the next step and describe it.

The third thing to do is, in fact, begin to act according to your plan. If the cherished dream is to move to Brazil, then it would be logical to start by collecting information and making an appointment with the teacher Portuguese.

How not to give up on the way to your dream?

It often happens that due to some life circumstances a person loses strength and cannot continue moving towards the once meaning of his life. And here it is extremely important to understand whether this happened due to the fact that, having seen some other aspects of the cherished dream, a person ceased to experience that very awe and delight, or his hands dropped due to laziness and failures encountered on the way. In the first case, it is recommended to conduct self-analysis or seek help from a professional psychologist. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the once most cherished dreams of people become something familiar and mediocre and are no longer of such interest. After all, a person grows morally and often simply “grows” out of his desires.

In the second case, psychologists recommend remembering and once again clearly and colorfully imagining in your head what part of the path has already been done for. If the end result still warms your heart, and a pleasant chill runs through your body, then do not give up and make another attempt to move forward. Let dreams come true!


I. Six genre (or "additional") awards - 100 thousand rubles. for a major genre or collection, 50 thousand rubles. - for a small genre.

II. Small premium - 50 thousand rubles.

III. Main Prize:

  • Gold - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Silver - 300 thousand rubles
  • Bronze - 200 thousand rubles

Winners in 2006

I. Six genre (or "additional") awards

  • "Literary nomination" - Natalia and Kristina Uspensky, for the story "Toys for adults"
  • Nomination " Best Artwork about animals" - Stanislav Olefir, "We live in the North"
  • Nomination "Fantasy" - Yulia Bolshakova, "Esmeralda on Pangaleya"
  • Nomination "Detective" - ​​Artur Agatov, "The Mystery of the Jade Lagoon"
  • Nomination "The funniest work" - Andrey Zhvalevsky and Igor Mytko (authors of the parody novel "Porry Gutter"), "No harm will be done to you here"
  • Nomination "Best work about modern life children and adolescents, about their relationship with the world of adults "- Tamara Sharkova, "From century to century"

II. Small premium

  • Ekaterina Murashova, "Correction class"
  • Vladimir Polyakov
  • Viktor Serov, “From the life of Fr. Michael"
  • Akhat Mushinsky, Anas-pineapple and others
  • Natalia Menzhunova, "Lozhkarevka-international and its inhabitants"
  • Nikolai Nazarkin, "Emerald Fish"

III. Main Prize

  • Gold - Fred Adra, for the fantasy novel "Ulysses the Fox"
  • Silver - Boris Minaev (author of the book "The Genius of Judo"), "Leva's Childhood"
  • Bronze - Andrey Kofman, for the historical fiction novel "Thiere Adelante"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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  • Zavetinskiy district

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    cherished dream- noun, number of synonyms: 1 blue dream (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Cherished dream (premium)- The cherished dream of the Russian national award in the field of children's literature. Awarded from 2006 to 2009. Established by the charitable foundation of the same name, created by the MIAN group of companies. For publishers of awarded works, allocated ... ... Wikipedia

    dream- n., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? dreams for what? dream, (see) what? dream of what? dream about what? about a dream pl. what? dreams for what? dream, (see) what? dreams what? dreams about what? about dreams 1. A dream is a desire that what you imagine ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    dream- s/; pl. genus. no, w. 1) A mental image of something, an idea of ​​something, strongly desired. Cherished dream /. An old dream /. Dream / happiness. Cherish, cherish the dream. Dream / spend a vacation at the sea ... Dictionary of many expressions

    dream- s/, f. 1) What l. imaginary or mentally represented; creation of the imagination. A cherished dream. He clearly saw... that there was a lot of blindness, vain self-confidence, initial self-satisfaction and uninterrupted fantasy, uninterrupted... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    dream- boundless (Ice); sinless (Sologub); carefree (Zhadovskaya); selfless (Maikov); careless (Ratgauz); insane (Fet); blessed (Pushkin); pale (Ratgauz); violent (Polonsky); inspirational (Ice); cheerful (Pushkin); sublime... ... Dictionary of epithets

    dream- s; pl. genus. No; and. 1. A mental image of something, an idea of ​​something, strongly desired. Cherished m. Old m. M. about happiness. Cherish, cherish the dream. M. spend a vacation at sea. Living the dream. 2. The object of desires, aspirations; desired event. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    dream- ▲ desire for a future dream a wish for the future; an image of a desired future, the achievability of which is not certain; global distant target general(beautiful #. pink #. treasured #. blue #. crystal #.… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

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(408 words) Every person has a dream, because without it, life loses its value, its true meaning. It is faith in the innermost desire that becomes a kind of engine, a generator of energy and unthinkable ideas in the mind of the individual. If your eyes burn even at the mere thought of what you want, the Universe will “catch fire with this fire” along with you. It is the cherished dream that becomes the very guideline that does not allow you to make a mistake at the twists and turns of fate. In order to fully reveal the meaning of the concept, I will give examples from the literature.

The path to a cherished dream is far from always easy; in most cases, in order to achieve it, a person has to overcome many difficulties, obstacles and face a misunderstanding of society. We have been convinced of this more than once by the works of the Russian classical literature. Let us recall, for example, A. Green's extravaganza story "Scarlet Sails". main character Assol is a vivid example of how much faith in a dream can be stronger than external circumstances. From early childhood, she sincerely believed that someday a prince would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The surrounding ridiculed the girl for her seemingly impossible dream. But pure in heart and soul, Assol hoped for a miracle, despite the endless ridicule and insults. She stubbornly followed her path, for which fate rewarded her with the very miracle and cherished meeting with the same romantic dreamer. The girl's desire for pure and fabulous love, as well as for going beyond the limits of Caperna, can be called a "cherished dream", because it became an unmistakable guide in the life of the heroine, which did not let her give up and settle for less.

The cherished dream also guided the hero of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man." He really wanted to return home from the front and bring victory to the family over the enemy. The man honestly and stubbornly walked towards this: he did not cowardly on the battlefield, did not surrender in captivity, over and over again he tried to escape from the Nazis and join his army. Despite the terrible conditions of detention, Andrei found the strength and ingenuity to escape, and even took a prisoner with him. This feat was appreciated at home, but the hero's dream was not destined to come true: his wife and daughters were killed. The son also died right on Victory Day. Sokolov lost his incentive to live, but found an orphan and decided to help by becoming a father to Vanya. So, a cherished dream guides a person through trials and difficulties, like a guiding star. This is the most reliable guide that restores our faith in the best even in bleak times of war.

Thus, the cherished dream is what we live for, what we strive for. Faith in it leads us along the only right path to the future that we want to receive. This is the guiding star that shows the way.

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Russian national award in the field of children's literature. Awarded since 2006. The jury, chaired by Eduard Uspensky, includes: Alexander Gavrilov, Boris Grachevsky, Vladislav Krapivin, Marina Moskvina, Victoria Myzgina, Dmitry ... ... Wikipedia

The cherished dream is the Russian national award in the field of children's literature. Awarded from 2006 to 2009. Established by the charitable foundation of the same name, created by the MIAN group of companies. For publishers of awarded works, allocated ... ... Wikipedia

Exist., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? dreams for what? dream, (see) what? dream of what? dream about what? about a dream pl. what? dreams for what? dream, (see) what? dreams what? dreams about what? about dreams 1. A dream is a desire that what you imagine ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

dream- s/; pl. genus. no, w. 1) A mental image of something, an idea of ​​something, strongly desired. Cherished dream /. An old dream /. Dream / happiness. Cherish, cherish the dream. Dream / spend a vacation at the sea ... Dictionary of many expressions

dream- s/, f. 1) What l. imaginary or mentally represented; creation of the imagination. A cherished dream. He clearly saw... that there was a lot of blindness, vain self-confidence, initial self-satisfaction and uninterrupted fantasy, uninterrupted... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

dream- boundless (Ice); sinless (Sologub); carefree (Zhadovskaya); selfless (Maikov); careless (Ratgauz); insane (Fet); blessed (Pushkin); pale (Ratgauz); violent (Polonsky); inspirational (Ice); cheerful (Pushkin); sublime... ... Dictionary of epithets

s; pl. genus. No; and. 1. A mental image of something, an idea of ​​something, strongly desired. Cherished m. Old m. M. about happiness. Cherish, cherish the dream. M. spend a vacation at sea. Living the dream. 2. The object of desires, aspirations; desired event. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

dream- ▲ desire for a future dream a wish for the future; an image of a desired future, the achievability of which is not certain; global distant target of a general nature (beautiful #. pink #. cherished #. blue #. crystal #.… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

From the novel (ch. 2 "The Thirty Sons of Lieutenant Schmidt") "The Twelve Chairs" (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897 1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903 1942). The words of Ostap Bender in a conversation with Balaganov: “But what about Rio de Janeiro? I also want to... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 cherished dream (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary


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Final essay. Direction "Dream and Reality"

What is a "cherished dream"?

On the example of N. Gogol's story "The Overcoat".

The ability to dream is one of distinguishing features person. Animals do not know how to dream, they live by needs. And a person has a gift - the ability to dream. A dream is a desire for something unattainable, but beautiful and very desirable.

A dream gives a person wings, takes him away from reality to another world filled with joy and light, makes him move forward. People striving for a dream are capable of doing incredible things, overcoming their own fears and indecision, not noticing deprivation and fatigue. And the most beautiful moment of life is the moment of the realization of a dream. A person, having gone through many difficulties and trials, finally achieves his passionate desire.

“We must dream as much as possible, dream as strongly as possible in order to turn the future into the present,” said Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. I absolutely agree with the opinion of the Russian writer and I think that a person simply needs to dream. And not just to dream, but to have that very, very important, most unattainable dream, which is called "cherished". The cherished dream is the main one, the one that a person thinks about every day and throws all his strength into its realization.

Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, the protagonist of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's story "The Overcoat", had such a dream. A modest, inconspicuous titular adviser drags out a miserable existence in a rented apartment in one of the houses in St. Petersburg. Severe frost and an old overcoat that has fallen into disrepair put him before the need to buy new clothes. A new overcoat costs 80 rubles. This is a lot of money for the unfortunate Bashmachkin. But at the same time, this situation becomes an incentive to be able to overcome circumstances, and, denying himself even the smallest joys, the poor official does everything to earn the required amount. He refuses tea, does his own laundry, saves on candles and heating. It is difficult for Bashmachkin, but his cherished dream inspires him. The day when the dream finally comes true becomes the happiest day in the hero's life. Unfortunately, his further fate is tragic. But it is impossible without admiration to follow what efforts a person makes to achieve what he considers the most important in life. Reach your cherished dream.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to add that every person needs the most important, the most global cherished dream, the pursuit of which will help not to lose the taste for life, not get bogged down in routine, overcome circumstances and difficulties, and give an incentive to always move forward.