Alexey Efentiev. Efentiev Alexey Viktorovich (Gyurza)

On October 1, 2013, reserve lieutenant colonel Alexey Viktorovich Efentyev celebrated his fiftieth anniversary - a man about life and battle path whom many people in our country know, but which is also true, many have no idea about this man and his services to the Fatherland. Apparently, the latter include those people who make decisions in our country on awarding the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

The fact is that Alexey Efentyev is a unique officer of his kind, who has behind him such a number of effective combat operations, which, as they say, would be enough to receive a good half-dozen of the above-mentioned ranks. Footage of his participation in military operations in various hot spots appeared in dozens of news releases, interviews with Alexey himself and his colleagues are widely presented on the RuNet, data about his military achievements can be found on the pages of publications read in Russia. But only by a strange coincidence of circumstances, the military exploits of “Gyurza”, and this is exactly the call sign that officer Efentyev had at one time, continue to remain unappreciated by statesmen, despite the fact that Alexei Viktorovich has already tried four times to be nominated for an award by both his immediate superiors and various public organizations. Four times! And all in vain! Amazing thing...

One of those combat operations for which “Gyurza” should have received the well-deserved Gold Star of the Hero is the operation to break the blockade of the Grozny Coordination Center in the summer of 1996. The militants then practically easily entered the city, in which rumors had already begun to spread that the Kremlin was going to surrender both Grozny and all of Chechnya in exchange for the so-called “security in the Caucasus.” In principle, over time these rumors were confirmed...

After the militants entered Grozny, the military situation in the city, according to participants in those same hostilities, began to resemble Olivier salad. The reason for such an apt definition is that groups of federal troops and dispersed groups of extremists were mixed up so that there was no need to talk about compliance with certain dispositional plans. Under such conditions, numerous command representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense found themselves virtually blocked in the central part of Grozny. People with big stars fell into a ring that was shrinking with amazing speed. Along with the officers, journalists from various television companies and news agencies were also present at the special Grozny Coordination Center of Federal Forces.

The situation was complicated by the fact that it was not possible to bring large forces to the Coordination Center for the simple reason that the militants offered fierce resistance, occupying key positions in the area. In such conditions, an assault group led by Alexey Efentyev advanced to help people caught in the ring of fire. By that time, most Chechen militants already knew very well who “Gyurza” was and what threat his unit posed to them (at that time Alexey Efentyev was the commander of a reconnaissance company of one of the most combat-ready brigades of the 1st Chechen - 166th motorized rifle). The militants called the reconnaissance company itself “mad” for the reason that Efentiev’s fighters and he himself were ready to rush into battle even when they were opposed by an enemy many times superior in numbers, and, most importantly, they won such a battle.

In the photo - Alexey Efentyev (second from right) with comrades

We won this time too, by unblocking the Coordination Center and freeing large number hostages (there is still no exact data on the number of those taken out of the ring, but it is known that the Gyurza unit freed several dozen journalists alone). The lightning speed of the operation and its largely positive outcome were the reasons for nominating Alexey Efentyev for the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. As it later turned out, numerous released people also expressed their warm support for this decision of the Gyurza commanders, including through means mass media. But the show was lost in the endless corridors and dark corridors of government buildings. It got so lost that even the next three attempts to nominate Alexei Viktorovich for the title of Hero of Russia (not only for breaking the blockade of the Coordination Center in Grozny, but also for the storming of Bamut, a unique operation for a “hot meeting” of militants in their own lair - covered with “green paint” mountains) were not successful.

So for what reason was the Gold Star not awarded to Alexey Efentyev then? There are several versions on this matter. Let's present one of them here. According to it, the plans of the official command of the federal troops, which (the federal troops) began to develop their military success in Chechnya in 1996, did not include coverage of the events regarding the blockade of high-ranking military personnel in the Coordination Center. It was not included, since then it would have to be explained how militant groups were able to reach this center in a fairly short time and take it into their fist. After all, the explanations in this case would boil down to the fact that the people in the center were actually surrendered, relying on future agreements with the militants, and these agreements, as practice later showed, turned out to be (at least on the part of the Maskhadovites) nothing more than a piece of paper. And so, the famous “Peace of Khasavyurt” was already looming before the Russian leaders, which later entered Russia as one of the darkest and, let’s be honest, shameful pages.

Apparently, the attempts to “wash” their suits and uniforms by the then top leadership of the state turned out to be higher than recognition of the merits of the Russian officer. The “Big Laundry” was undoubtedly more important than “some kind of” Russian officers who risked their lives saving the lives of other people. And then, you know, there was also the inauguration of President Yeltsin, who was entering his second term after the elections, the results of which were far from being as clear as the official statistics of the Central Election Commission indicate. In general, what kind of Golden star“Gyurza”, when those in power first of all needed to save their own “stars”...

Well, yes, okay - it was, as they say, a completely different era. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and the country’s leadership has completely changed. Officer Efentyev became a more than successful agrarian, taking up the revival of a collapsed state farm in the Voronezh region together with his former colleagues (if the word “former” is even appropriate here). By the way, real person, it is real everywhere - even in battle, even when cultivating the land and growing grain: since the arrival of the retired lieutenant colonel at the mentioned state farm, this agricultural enterprise (with the new name Donskoye LLC) has turned into a developed enterprise, supplying agricultural products to the tables of consumers far from only in the Voronezh region. Residents of the village of Bogdanovo, Ramonsky district, where Donskoye LLC is located, call it a “village special purpose”, referring to those fighting guys who practically restored the economy from scratch. They restored it like an officer: with discipline, with a ban on “shkalik at work,” with sports grounds built with their own money, and a restored medical center.

So - a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but the cart with the unassigned title of hero to the real hero Efentiev, without any doubt, is still there... What is stopping the current authorities from raising the personal file of a Russian military officer and studying it in detail, what is stopping them from taking into account the opinion of “Gyurza’s” comrades? and those people whom he and his fighting friends brought out of the heat alive and unharmed? Are there really such obstacles? I would like to know in which exact offices such two-legged “interference” sit today, so that justice can still be restored.

We congratulate Alexey Viktorovich on his 50th birthday, and we hope that he will celebrate his next birthday in a uniform on which a Golden Star will be attached by the hands of government officials as evidence of recognition of the merits of this heroic man.

I would like to remind everyone about the legendary reconnaissance “Mad Company” of the 166th separate motorized rifle brigade under the command of “Gyurza”. The fear of the Chechen fighters was so great that when the “Czechs” learned (usually through radio interception) that the “Mad Company” was moving into their area , then immediately abandoned their positions (no matter how strong they were) and fled (even if they outnumbered the “Mad Company” many times over).

Alexey Viktorovich Efentyev, the son of a hereditary military man, was born in 1963. He served in the ranks of military sailors. After demobilization, he entered the famous Baku Higher Military Combined Arms Command School, immediately after graduating with the rank of lieutenant, he was sent to Afghanistan. During his service in war-torn Afghanistan, Alexey Efentyev went from platoon commander to head of an intelligence group. After that there was Nagorno-Karabakh. From 1992 to 1994, Captain Alexey Efentyev was the chief of staff of a separate reconnaissance battalion in Germany.

Since 1994, Alexey Efentyev has been in Chechnya. The military unit he commanded was one of the best and most combat-ready units Russian troops. A. Efentyev’s call sign “Gyurza” was well known. "Gyurza" was the first legend Chechen war. His combat record included dozens of dangerous raids behind the rear of Dudayev’s army of militants, the assault on Bamut and the lifting of the blockade from the special Coordination Center surrounded in the center of Grozny, when, thanks to the heroism of “Gyurza”, many high ranks of the Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as a large group of Russian correspondents, were saved . For this feat in 1996, A. Efentyev was nominated for the title “Hero of Russia”.

During his service in hot spots he was awarded with orders"For Military Merit", "Red Star", "Courage", medal "For Distinction in military service I degree", two medals "For Military Merit" and other awards and insignia. A. Efentyev was the hero of numerous television programs on central television channels, and also became the prototype of "Gyurza" in Alexander Nevzorov's film "Purgatory".

After the first Chechen war, “Gyurza” brought into his company more than half of the army men with whom he fought in the separate 166th motorized rifle brigade. He pulled some out of deep drinking, some he literally picked up on the street, some he saved from being fired. The “special forces”, led by their commander, themselves erected a monument to their comrades who died in Chechnya. We used our own money to order a granite monument and built the foundation for it ourselves.

The reconnaissance unit commanded by “Gyurza” was nicknamed “mad” by Chechen fighters. So that they would not be confused with ordinary infantry, the special forces tied black bandages on their heads, taken from the killed "Czechs", it was something like an initiation: each new arrival had to remove the black bandage from the "Czech" he killed and cut off his ears (according to Karan, it is considered that Allah draws you into heaven by the ears and by cutting off the ears of the killed special forces, thereby depriving the Muslim militant of the opportunity to get into heaven. This had a huge impact psychological impact on the enemy). They invariably went first and entered into battle, even when the numerical advantage was far from being on their side. In April 1996, near Belgatoy captured by militants, machine gunner Romka, without stopping firing, at point-blank range, at full height, without hiding, went to the firing point, like Alexander Matrosov. The hero died, and his body was pulled out from under Chechen fire by his comrade Konstantin Mosalev, whom A. Nevzorov would later show in the film “Purgatory” under the pseudonym “Pitersky”.

Bamut was taken by the reconnaissance company of the 166th brigade, which bypassed Bamut through the mountains from the rear. On the approach to Bamut, the advanced scout patrol encountered a detachment of militants who were also heading to Bamut. During the battle, 12 militants were killed (the bodies were left abandoned). Private Pavel Naryshkin died and junior sergeant Pribylovsky was wounded. Naryshkin died saving the wounded Pribylovsky. The retreating Chechens took a roundabout route to Bamut and panic began there about the “Russian special forces brigade in the rear” (radio interception). After which the militants decided to break into the mountains along the right slope of the gorge, where they came upon the advancing battalion of the 136th Motorized Rifle Brigade. In the oncoming battle, about 20 militants were killed, the losses of the 136th brigade were 5 people killed and 15 people were wounded. The remnants of the militants were partially scattered, partially broke through and went into the mountains. About 30 more were captured within 24 hours during pursuit by aircraft and artillery. It was the reconnaissance detachment of the 166th brigade that was the first to enter Bamut. It was these contract soldiers who were filmed in Nevzorov’s report.

Mad Company, call sign "Gyurza" I would like to remind everyone about the legendary reconnaissance "Mad Company" of the 166th separate motorized rifle brigade under the command of "Gyurza". The fear of the Chechen fighters was so great that when the “Czechs” learned (usually through radio interception) that the “Mad Company” was moving into their area, they immediately abandoned their positions (no matter how strong they were) and turned to to flee (even if they outnumbered the “Mad Company” many times over). Alexey Viktorovich Efentyev, the son of a hereditary military man, was born in 1963. He served in the ranks of military sailors. After demobilization, he entered the famous Baku Higher Military Combined Arms Command School, and immediately after graduating with the rank of lieutenant he was sent to Afghanistan. During his service in war-torn Afghanistan, Alexey Efentyev went from platoon commander to head of an intelligence group. After that there was Nagorno-Karabakh. From 1992 to 1994, Captain Alexey Efentyev was the chief of staff of a separate reconnaissance battalion in Germany. Since 1994, Alexey Efentyev has been in Chechnya. The military unit he commanded was one of the best and most combat-ready units of the Russian troops. A. Efentyev’s call sign “Gyurza” was well known. "Gyurza" was a legend of the first Chechen war. His combat record included dozens of dangerous raids behind the rear of Dudayev’s army of militants, the assault on Bamut and the lifting of the blockade from the special Coordination Center surrounded in the center of Grozny, when, thanks to the heroism of “Gyurza”, many high ranks of the Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as a large group of Russian correspondents, were saved . For this feat in 1996, A. Efentyev was nominated for the title “Hero of Russia”.

During his service in hot spots, he was awarded the Order of Military Merit, the Red Star, and the Order of Courage, the medal "For Distinction in Military Service, First Class", two medals "For Military Merit" and other awards and insignia. A. Efentyev was the hero of numerous television programs on central television channels, and also became the prototype of “Gyurza” in Alexander Nevzorov’s film “Purgatory”. After the first Chechen war, “Gyurza” brought into his company more than half of the army men with whom he fought in the separate 166th motorized rifle brigade. He pulled some out of deep drinking, some he literally picked up on the street, some he saved from being fired. The “special forces”, led by their commander, themselves erected a monument to their comrades who died in Chechnya. We used our own money to order a granite monument and built the foundation for it ourselves.

The reconnaissance unit commanded by “Gyurza” was nicknamed “mad” by Chechen fighters. So that they would not be confused with ordinary infantry, the special forces tied black bandages on their heads, taken from the killed "Czechs", it was something like an initiation: each new arrival had to remove the black bandage from the "Czech" he killed and cut off his ears (according to Karan, it is considered that Allah draws into paradise by the ears and the special forces cut off the ears of the killed, thereby depriving the Muslim militant of the opportunity to get into paradise. This obscured the huge psychological impact of the enemy). They invariably went first and entered into battle, even when the numerical advantage was far from being on their side. In April 1996, near Belgatoy captured by militants, machine gunner Romka, without stopping firing, at point-blank range, at full height, without hiding, went to the firing point, like Alexander Matrosov. The hero died, and his body was pulled out from under Chechen fire by his comrade Konstantin Mosalev, whom A. Nevzorov would later show in the film “Purgatory” under the pseudonym “Pitersky”. ..Bamut was taken by the reconnaissance company of the 166th brigade, which bypassed Bamut through the mountains from the rear. On the approach to Bamut, the advanced scout patrol encountered a detachment of militants who were also heading to Bamut. During the battle, 12 militants were killed (the bodies were left abandoned). Private Pavel Naryshkin was killed and junior sergeant Pribylovsky was wounded. Naryshkin died saving the wounded Pribylovsky. The retreating Chechens took a roundabout route to Bamut and panic began there about the “Russian special forces brigade in the rear” (radio interception). After which the militants decided to break into the mountains along the right slope of the gorge, where they came upon the advancing battalion of the 136th Motorized Rifle Brigade. In the oncoming battle, about 20 militants were killed, the losses of the 136th brigade were 5 people killed and 15 people were wounded. The remnants of the militants were partially scattered, partially broke through and went into the mountains. About 30 more were captured within 24 hours during pursuit by aircraft and artillery. It was the reconnaissance detachment of the 166th brigade that was the first to enter Bamut. It was these contract soldiers who were filmed in Nevzorov’s report.

Gyurza is a magnificent hunter. First, she waits for her prey on the ground or on some tree. As soon as a careless animal approaches the reptile, it makes a lightning-fast throw, grabs and never lets go of its prey.

During the first Chechen campaign, Bamut remained the main outpost of the militants for a long time. "Bamut - the Russians will never take it!" - this expression, like a spell, was repeated in Grozny markets, written on the walls of houses, chanted from the crowd. Bamut is a stronghold! Bamut is a symbol! Bamut is faith! Three times Russian troops approached Bamut, and three times there was failure. Leaving, after a multi-day assault, as they say, “head-on”, burning equipment, dozens of dead and wounded...

At that time, General Shamanov accepted reverse solution. The “Czechs” are accustomed to the fact that Russian units in this war advance as if according to a memorized pattern - along roads, with equipment in open places, exposing themselves to the fire of Chechen grenade launchers, flying into ambushes and, as a result, suffering losses. Taking this into account, the “Chekhov’s” defense was built facing the valley and the roads. But the military acted differently this time.

The troops deployed directly in front of the defense front, thereby distracting and misleading the militants, demonstrating “habitual stupidity,” but at the same time not exposing themselves to the deadly fire of the Chechens. And through the mountains, bypassing Bamut, special shock-assault units of motorized rifle brigades advanced with reinforced reconnaissance and “special forces” companies. The Dudayevites, who had previously believed that the forests were their patrimony and felt completely safe there, were simply stunned by the appearance of soldiers in their seemingly safest place. They didn’t expect it and didn’t believe it. This couldn't happen. Of course, it was a shock for the militants when, on the forest paths and roads along which caravans with the necessary loads were going, in places of “beds” and “cache”, they suddenly came across Russians who began to mow down those who did not understand anything, who had relaxed, who had lost their vigilance. "warriors of Allah". Hundreds of them died in these forests, never understanding what happened.

As a result, panic began. Those few “spirits” who survived the ambushes, in bags of fire, rushed hunted back to Bamut, reporting about Russian “special forces” flooding the forests, about “hordes of apostates” walking along the forest paths. The front that had held out for so long collapsed. As one would expect, in the current situation, each of the militants thought only about themselves, about their own skin. Both equipment and ammunition were abandoned in panic. The “Warriors of Allah” scattered through the forests, trying to penetrate through barriers and ambushes. For Russian army it was a victory, competent and decisive. For the Chechens, this was the collapse of their last hope, their last outpost.

On the fourth day of fighting, scouts from the 166th Motorized Rifle Brigade hoisted the Victory Banner over Bamut. To the complete shame of the militants, Bamut itself was taken virtually without a fight. Horror and panic paralyzed their desire to resist. On May 25, 1996, it was all over. Dudayevsky Bamut fell.

One of the heroes of the famous assault was a short, well-built major - the head of reconnaissance of the 166th motorized rifle brigade, Alexei Efentyev, whom many knew by his radio call sign - “Gyurza”. It was Efentyev who led the assault detachment that bypassed the militants from the rear...

Efentiev Alexey Viktorovich (Gyurza)

Alexey Viktorovich Efentyev, the son of a hereditary military man, was born in 1963. He served in the ranks of military sailors. After demobilization, he entered the famous Baku Higher Military Combined Arms Command School, and immediately after graduating with the rank of lieutenant he was sent to Afghanistan. During his service in war-torn Afghanistan, Alexey Efentyev went from platoon commander to head of an intelligence group. After that there was Nagorno-Karabakh. From 1992 to 1994, Captain Alexey Efentyev was the chief of staff of a separate reconnaissance battalion in Germany.

Since 1994, Alexey Efentyev has been in Chechnya. The military unit he commanded was one of the best and most combat-ready units of the Russian troops. A. Efentyev’s call sign “Gyurza” was well known. "Gyurza" was a legend of the first Chechen war. His combat record included dozens of dangerous raids behind the rear of Dudayev’s army of militants, the assault on Bamut and the lifting of the blockade from the special Coordination Center surrounded in the center of Grozny, when, thanks to the heroism of “Gyurza”, many high ranks of the Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as a large group of Russian correspondents, were saved . For this feat in 1996, A. Efentyev was nominated for the title “Hero of Russia”.

During his service in hot spots, he was awarded the Order of Military Merit, the Red Star, and the Order of Courage, the medal "For Distinction in Military Service, First Class", two medals "For Military Merit" and other awards and insignia. A. Efentyev was the hero of numerous television programs on central television channels, and also became the prototype of “Gyurza” in Alexander Nevzorov’s film “Purgatory”.

Taking part in the bloody war, he did not become bitter or embittered. Friendly and open-hearted, he continued to be in love with his work with boyish enthusiasm. He categorically refuses all official promotions and appointments, considering the reconnaissance company his family, his home.

After the first Chechen war, “Gyurza” brought into his company more than half of the army men with whom he fought in the separate 166th motorized rifle brigade. He pulled some out of deep drinking, some he literally picked up on the street, some he saved from being fired. The “special forces”, led by their commander, themselves erected a monument to their comrades who died in Chechnya. We used our own money to order a granite monument and built the foundation for it ourselves.

The reconnaissance unit commanded by “Gyurza” was nicknamed “mad” by Chechen fighters. To avoid being confused with ordinary infantry, special forces wore black bands on their heads. They invariably went first and entered into battle, even when the numerical advantage was far from being on their side. In April 1996, near Belgatoy captured by militants, machine gunner Romka, without stopping firing, at point-blank range, at full height, without hiding, went to the firing point, like Alexander Matrosov. The hero died, and his body was pulled out from under Chechen fire by his comrade Konstantin Mosalev, whom A. Nevzorov would later show in the film “Purgatory” under the pseudonym “Pitersky”.

This is what “Gyurza” himself said about his comrades in arms: “I remember them all well. By first and last names. Let them remain with me forever. To some extent, this can be considered our common mistake. But they were and remain the best. I loved them and still love them to this day. Even when, by the will of fate, they leave this life, no one takes their holy place..."

Today Alexey Efentyev - “Gyurza” - is engaged in agriculture in his homeland and is the general director of an agricultural enterprise. Having taken the completely bankrupt collective farm under his direct control, within two years Alexey Viktorovich was able to achieve considerable success. The failed Hero of Russia is currently breeding rabbits and dreams of feeding the army with them. All Alexey lives by now is his beloved children, family and work.

All material from the Internet,
collected specifically for the portal

Gyurza - Alexey Efentiev.

“How long did we agree on, on...? At sixteen zero zero, and now it’s already the beginning of five, on... Learn to arrive on time. We’re already at the restaurant and celebrating with all our might,” Gyurza scolded us on the phone when we We drove up to his large house in the suburbs of Voronezh and discovered that neither the owner nor the guests were in this house.

Symbolism military intelligence in the courtyard and under the roof of the house of Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Efentyev.

We had to drive another 10 kilometers to the restaurant, where no less than 150 people gathered.

Among the guests of the hero of the day are childhood friends, relatives and neighbors, and, very importantly, former colleagues. Even former conscript soldiers who served with Gyurza back in Afghanistan back in the 80s. Somehow a group of comrades from North Korea in formal suits and ties fit into the company very organically. It later turned out that they were a high-ranking embassy official and doctors. Gyurza is building a sanatorium in the region, in which the most modern oriental methods of treatment will be used with might and main.

Official guests from the DPRK at Gyurza's birthday.

A special room in which medicinal algae chlorella and spirulina are grown.

The guests congratulate the birthday boy, everyone remembers some incredible act of Gyurza and we understand that a novel in three volumes could be written about the adventures of Alexei Viktorovich. No wonder he was nominated for the title of Hero of Russia at least three times. But in this regard, one can only note with some regret that today Efentiev remains a hero exclusively in the popular consciousness; he still does not deserve a well-deserved reward from the state.

Gyurza himself talks about his service with a laugh - and at the same time takes it extremely seriously: he says that main principle a real intelligence officer can be formulated with the words “Only death justifies failure to complete the assigned task,” which were written in large letters on the walls of all the premises occupied by his units.

Gyurza with his close friends - journalists Vasily Prokhanov and Vladislav Shurygin.

Alexey Viktorovich did not waste his qualities as a combat commander and a real intelligence officer - smart, sharp, very collected and cheerful. All this was useful to him here in civilian life - the large agricultural enterprise that he manages gives real profit. There are other business projects that allow Gyurza to feel confident not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Alexey Efentyev with military doctor Gennady Proskurnikov and a diplomat from the DPRK.

He says that the commercial vein appeared during the war, when in 1996, in Bamut, he demanded “magarych” from the soldiers of the internal troops for the opportunity to be housed in the only more or less decent building that survived the assault on the village. In case of refusal, he promised to mine the house. At the same time, he told reporters that he would allow an exclusive interview only if media workers could get Coca-Cola for the intelligence officers somewhere. As a result, both requests were fulfilled, despite the harsh military conditions.

Special forces can do everything. Few people know that in Kosovo, Major Efentyev succeeded as a military diplomat: he forced the Englishman who headed the military police of the garrison into a serious dialogue and achieved preferences for the Russian contingent. Then the commandant of the Gyurza-Efentiev airfield undertook a night patrol of the surrounding area, during which he was pleased to photograph the night runs of homosexual military police officers of Great Britain - a picturesque naked group galloped without any embarrassment in the light of the headlights of the commandant's office UAZ. After filming, their boss arrived at the Russian officer’s office in a very short time.

“He spoke Russian right away! And before he pretended that he didn’t understand... Yes, practically without an accent!” says Gyurza. “Give me back the film!” and most often for no reason at all."

The British burned the film right in the office of the Russian commandant. After this incident, the British military police in Kosovo had no complaints against the Russians.

Stories about this valiant warrior can be told all day long. Then his group, during special exercises, interrogates too harshly captured military personnel guarding a secret missile facility strategic purpose, but stubbornly pretending to be a construction battalion, then Efentyev catches red-handed a rear officer who sold gasoline without a twinge of conscience in Afghanistan... All the stories about this Russian officer amaze with some dashing and cheerful audacity, some special, almost forgotten justice, which That's what's missing in our lives right now.

Friends give Gyurza a rare photograph. Bamut 1996.

“Understand that he never tried for himself, but always thought about his subordinates, so that they were dressed, shod and warm. So that no one went hungry or experienced excessive need. And in war this is worth a lot,” say Efentiev’s friends who are proud to have served under such a commander.

Lieutenant Colonel Efentyev with friends from the 800th special forces company.

We listened with keen interest to dozens of congratulatory speeches and toasts, songs and poems dedicated to the birthday person. There was not an ounce of flattery or any unnecessary pathos in this...

His wife and children congratulated him as a caring father and loving husband. Alexey Viktorovich is raising four: Victor, Ivan, Peter and Nadyushka. His wife Tatyana was always a reliable support for him.

Alexey Efentyev with his wife Tatyana.

Soldiers and officers as a brave and attentive commander, friends and acquaintances - for helping everyone, helping financially, helping with wise advice... One of his military friends, military doctor Gennady Proskurnikov, thanked for the fact that Gyurza’s company always had the smallest number killed and wounded. And Gyurza thanked everyone for their faithful friendship and treated them to a huge, delicious cake.

Guests of the celebration were presented with gift T-shirts from Yuri Shevchuk from DDT.

Having communicated live with the legendary man, we realized how these days we are missing those about whom such things as “The Tale of a Real Man” were previously written. We would compare Alexey Viktorovich with such a daring hussar Denis Davydov, and from the understanding that we still have those with whom it is not scary to go on reconnaissance, our souls became light and joyful.

Sanatorium Gyurza on Lake Ivanovo.

Spacious rooms for future patients.

One of the rooms at the sanatorium on Lake Ivanovo.

Alexey Viktorovich shows his farm.

There are beautiful German Shepherds in the yard of the house.

Gyurza in his office.

Gyurza shows a photo album from the First Chechen War.