Andreev Alexander the story of an aspiring millionaire. Open your cash flow

Do you want to know the secrets of the rich?
Both the poor and the rich spend money. Only they do it differently.
How to spend money correctly?
The poor spend money in such a way that the money is gone forever.
The rich spend cunningly: thanks to their spending, their money comes back to them (no, not all the money comes back, but most of it, that’s for sure, and in increased quantities).

How is this possible? How can you spend money so that it comes back, and even in more? Very simple!

This is exactly the method that the poor always use. A pure expense is a waste of money where the money is not returned.

What are net expenses? Purchase of food, utilities, apartment rental, renovation, furniture, expenses for children, restaurants, vacations, trips, entertainment, cars, gifts, clothing, household appliances and other equipment, jewelry, costume jewelry, cosmetics, jewelry, payment of debts and loans etc.

I'm sorry if I upset anyone. (though it can often be frustrating)

2) INVESTMENTS Investments are a way of spending money when the money is indirectly returned. Often, even in increased quantities.

What about investments?
Your education, personal growth, Your sports activities (sports subscriptions), various advanced training courses, books, trainings for you, etc.

Attachment example:
I already have a hundred examples of people who came to the “Sea of ​​Money and Happiness” (online), invested 10-30 thousand rubles, and within three months they got back 50+ thousand rubles. from different sources. But thanks to the training, they increased their income, received bonuses, and learned to manage money wisely. Look how this happened with Vitaly Gaganov from Tolyatti.

Another example of investing money: I bought an annual subscription to sports complex. It cost me 18 thousand rubles. But because I went there for a month, my energy level increased significantly. I was right there in the hall coming up with ideas on how I could get more money. And these ideas in total brought me more than 100 thousand rubles.

Another example: A realtor buys advanced training courses and undergoes sales training. Thanks to this, he begins to successfully sell expensive objects that bring him profit.

Or another person starts studying English language. Thanks to his knowledge of English, he becomes more in demand on the market and changes his job to a better paid one.

Personally, I consider my tennis lessons an investment. Because tennis develops my energy and my body. With a new level of energy, I can work with more clients and get more work done.

Investment is a way of spending money where the money is returned directly from the investment source.

What is investment? Purchasing shares, real estate for sale or for rent (if real estate is bought for oneself, it is an investment; real estate goes up in price and, if sold, it will bring more money), in business, venture investments, mutual funds, goods that are bought for resale, etc. .

There are losers and winners in investments. A losing investment is an investment where you earned less than you invested. (bought shares at a higher price, sold at a lower price). Such investments are an expense, but they bring experience. Winning investments return the money you invested, plus bring in more money on top.

How are investments different from investments? Investments make money indirectly. That is, it is not the investments themselves that bring money. Investments provide something that makes a person get more money. Investments directly bring in money. These are the main secrets of the rich.

An apartment for yourself is an investment. But an apartment purchased for the purpose of selling or renting out is an investment. A car to go to work is an expense. But, if you are going to be a taxi driver, then a car is an investment because it will bring you money. A trip to the sea with your family is an expense.
But a trip that is of a business nature and can bring in money is an investment. A computer is an expense for yourself.
The computer on which you are going to work and make money is an investment. (an investment because the computer itself will not bring you money, but thanks to it you will do work that will bring money).

How to spend money correctly?

The rich invest and invest more money than they simply spend. The poor simply spend almost all their money.

Little advice:
Learn to invest wisely first, and then you will learn to invest. Investments very often lead to losses, which will be an expense for you. Investments need to be learned!

Do you want to know other secrets of rich people? Come to the “Sea of ​​Money and Happiness”. I am sure that a 200% return on investment is guaranteed (for the invested 15 thousand rubles, you will receive 30 thousand rubles). Yes, by the way, on “Sea of ​​Money and Happiness” I use methods of subconscious programming for money

And also buy my book “Open Your Cash Flow”

Current page: 1 (book has 14 pages total) [available reading passage: 10 pages]

Alexander Andreev
Open your cash flow. Practical guide

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Alexander Andreev, 2015

© Layout creation – Publishing house"Oxygen", 2015

© Cover design – Galina Boychuk, 2015


Everything I write about I have experienced and am sharing with you only my own wisdom and knowledge.

My story

I did not immediately come to abundance and wealth.

I grew up in ordinary family, where parents always said: “Study well, you will go to university, graduate with excellent marks and find an excellent, well-paid job. You can provide for your family and live a wonderful life.”

Unfortunately, this model turned out to be a lie. And I became convinced of this at the age of 18.

I went about my business, but was a complete failure. Lost 3 years.

Given my interest in the topic personal growth, I decided to do what I like and make money from it. My first and second models of running this business also completely failed. To understand this, I lost another 1 year.

And only the 5th year in business brought me my first million rubles!

Then a failed partnership that set me back.

We were already earning very serious money, but I lost control of the company, and therefore the money was dispersed. We even managed to get into debt! When my partner and I separated, all the debt remained with me, since I was the founder of the company and a large share of the company was mine.

IN personal life Not everything went smoothly for me either.

Unsuccessful first love and first sex also happened in my life and left wounds in my heart.

There was even a time when I wanted to die...

After my defeats and failures, I drew the appropriate conclusions.

I have changed a lot about myself, my thinking, my approach to business and my attitude towards money and life.

Now I have excellent health, very strong and powerful energy.

Beautiful girl and great relationship. I'm very happy.

A very profitable business. And most importantly, I do what I love every day.

I have a great team with me. I have wonderful, happy clients.

I live in a beautiful city by the sea :)

Now I’m writing this text, and 30 meters away from me the sea is splashing, the sun is shining and a few clouds are floating across the sky :)

Every day in the morning I swim in the pool and run. I work in the gym a couple of times a week.

Now I'm building my own business.

As a coach, I help businessmen, entrepreneurs, people from show business and creative people who work for themselves, develop their business. This gives me great pleasure.

I am invited to speak. I conduct corporate trainings.

In Moscow I conduct my own training “Sea of ​​Money and Happiness”.

Over all this time, my site has been visited by more than 2 million people!

Overall, I am happy, rich and living in abundance.

Now I feel it's time to pass on my experience to other people.

Some will say: “Why do I need this thinking, you better give me money.” People with a poor mindset will always be poor, no matter how much they get. They had no money when they received 30 thousand rubles a month, and they had no money when they received 300 thousand rubles a month. My partner was like that.

Therefore, without thinking there is nowhere.

And this is what will be discussed in this book.

Part 1
Why do people have problems with money?

Few of us were born into a family where complete monetary abundance reigned.

We spend the first 15–20 years of our lives with our parents or grandparents.

Parents have certain ideas about money, and often these ideas are far from the truth. And that's why our parents are poor.

They try to give us the best, but no matter how hard they try, their behavior patterns, their beliefs are transmitted to us. How often have we seen quarrels in families due to lack of money; how often we wanted something, but were told: “There is no money.” And this “no money” and other manifestations of lack of money are firmly and firmly lodged in our subconscious.

Let me tell you a story.

I work with one woman who is very happy, cheerful and cheerful. She wants to go into the hotel business, but something inside her is stopping her. Something doesn't work.

One of the topics that we discussed with her in coaching was the topic of money. And this is what we found.

Once in her childhood, when she was 4 years old, she wanted to buy herself a doll and beautiful dresses for her. She collected money for a whole year, putting it into the piggy bank little by little.

And when a year later she had the required amount of money, her parents went with her to the store. When her parents found out what she wanted to buy for herself, they decided that it would be better if the gift was more practical, and she could play with her brother. Her parents talked her out of the doll and these “rags” and convinced her to buy a small children's bowling alley. She played this bowling game with her brother only 2 times. And she didn't play anymore. Neither she nor her brother needed this gift. They didn't want him. The money was wasted. She cried for a very long time, the disappointment was very strong. She did not tell her parents about this, and she never received her doll. And from then on, this little girl came to a conclusion: never save money again in her life. Because in her subconscious there remained a very strong pain from wasted money that she had been saving for a whole year!

32 years have passed since then, and she never had no cash reserve. Money came and went, but it never stayed with her.

She had long forgotten about this story as a child, but, nevertheless, the pattern of behavior has persisted to this day.

This is how it turns out that something happens to us in life, we forget about it, but it settles in the subconscious, and then we suffer all our lives and don’t understand why.

Now imagine how many similar situations could have happened in 10–20 years while you lived with your parents, went to kindergarten, school, university?

A child’s brain is like a sponge, absorbing everything: both good and bad.

The human brain has so-called “mirror neurons”. They are called "mirror" because their main task is to reflect. In children, these “mirror neurons” are especially developed. This is precisely why children copy. They do what parents do! Parents can say anything, children will copy their actions. Therefore, if you are now a mother or father, just set an example for your children with your actions. This is the most best training. Whether children want it or not, their “mirror neurons” will be copied.

Adults also have “mirror neurons,” but there are far fewer of them, so adults are less susceptible to copying.

Don't think that it's all about poor parents. The parents are not to blame at all. It's just the way things turned out.

I can’t say that it’s easier for children in rich families. They grow up rich, but that doesn't mean they grow up with a rich person's mindset. In rich families, children have another problem: they are given everything, they buy everything they want, because such children do not understand that they have to pay for everything. They were not used to achieving their desires, because they got everything easily. And this leads to a number of other problems. But let's not talk about that. This is not the topic of our conversation.

Please understand that everything turned out the way it turned out. You cannot change the past.

What you can do is change your perception of the past and gradually begin to change your limiting beliefs and attitudes.

In fact, it doesn’t matter where you started and what was put into you.

What matters is what you do with it!

How does it happen that in a family in which twin brothers are raised, and they are identical, they are treated the same, they have the same environment, one brother becomes a beggar, and the other becomes a very famous and influential person?

It's a matter of conscious choice!

Yes, for the first 10–15 years we go through life unconsciously.

But then, who is earlier and who is later, we still make a conscious choice. Some people prefer to complain and blame their parents, life, environment, themselves, while others take responsibility and decide to change all this, decide to achieve what they want.

What else has influenced your money thinking?

Please remember your relatives, as well as all the adults who were with you in childhood.

Yes, poor thinking patterns were instilled into you as a child.

But that doesn't mean you have to stay poor all your life.

To change a behavior pattern, it is enough to make a decision and follow this decision.

And then everything will change.

It’s just that most people go through life with the behavior patterns that they developed in childhood.

In childhood, another model is laid down in us, which makes change very difficult.

And this model is the fear of making mistakes.

At school, teachers, and at home, parents scolded us for bad grades.

A bad rating they gave us credit because we were wrong. It is subconsciously ingrained in us that mistakes are evil. And so it happened that every time we made a mistake, we felt bad. We were given a bad rating and we were upset.

But life tells a different story:

the most successful people These are the people who make the most mistakes.

Here's a quote from the most successful basketball player, Michael Jordan:

“We were told that we need to study well. If you study well, you will have a great job, enough money, and you will be able to provide for your family and live well.”

But the fact is that this model turned out to be wrong.

Excellent students turn out to be the people who have the most problems in life in all areas.

How did your favorite movies make you poor?

I will give an example of one very beloved film by all of us, “Titanic”. This film is perhaps the most dangerous ever released.

Yes, because it shows the rich at their most the worst side and, conversely, elevates the poor, thereby unconsciously forming in people the belief that the rich are idiots and the poor are such wonderful people. “Titanic” at different levels implants into your subconscious attitudes like: “Being poor is noble,” “Rich people are immoral,” “Money is evil.” And the more you liked this film, the more successfully this subconscious programming was realized.

Let's see how it goes.

At first we see the carefree adventurer Jack. Why is he so carefree? Because he is poor. He gets on the ship because he won a ticket at cards, right?

So, the first lesson we learn from what we see is that poor people are carefree and happy. Just think of all the problems that ruin the lives of rich people! What happens if the butler gets sick? What if someone steals a Rolls-Royce? Do you know how much it costs to maintain a helicopter these days?

Then we see Rose. She's clearly unhappy. Why? Because she has to marry a boring rich man. If you remember, her mother convinces her to do this for the well-being of the family. This is the second conclusion that we draw (of course, subconsciously): for money we have to sell our soul and sacrifice our own happiness.

As the story progresses, we see another telling scene - Rose dining in a first class restaurant. She is surrounded by all these boring rich prudes who sip brandy, smoke cigars and have meaningless conversations about playing polo and other unthinkable nonsense. There's a shot of a mother slapping the hand of her little daughter, who doesn't know how to use the oyster fork third from the left.

And then Jack appears and says to Rose: “Let’s go down to the third class cabins and I’ll show you how to have fun!” In the following frames we see poor people who, of course, sing songs, dance and have fun, thereby showing how much simpler and more fun they are than these boring, nasty and prim rich people.

What is subconscious programming here? Rich people are boring; Poor people are very fun and interesting. Therefore, if you want to merge with the “people” and become “one of our own” (and this is what most people want all their lives from childhood), it is better to be poor.

Then the ship collides with an iceberg...

Rich people try to get into lifeboats by deception or bribes. Rose's rich fiancé even takes a baby from his mother's arms in order to get on the boat as quickly as possible. Thoughts that evoke emotions and are associated with children have special power. Just imagine the strength of your subconscious reaction to how a selfish rich man takes away a child from a mother in order to save his own skin!

We see rich people sailing in boats away from the sinking ship, while the poor rabble behind bars on the lower deck is flooded with water. We see a brave poor woman who calms her children by telling them how they are about to go to the bottom and sing church hymns until they drown.

Let's rewind the tape and watch the end of the film: Rose is now approximately 90 years old; her poor granddaughter works tirelessly and takes care of her. Rose has a $40 million necklace that she could give to her granddaughter to make her life easier. What is she doing?

She feeds the treasure to the sharks!

Level after level, this film subconsciously convinces you that money is bad, rich people are evil, and poverty is good, it elevates. But nothing could be further from the truth than these statements.

Here's another movie I watched recently. It's called "Time", released in 2011.

In this film, people reckoned with time. There was no money. There was only time.

A mug of coffee cost 4 minutes, travel cost 2 minutes, a hotel room cost 1 month, etc.

If you've seen this movie, you might remember the episode when main character got a lot of time and asked his friend: “How long have we been friends?” “10 years,” his friend said. And he gave him 10 years. During the course of the film, it turned out that the guy who received 10 years as a gift got so drunk that he was robbed (they took all his time) and he died. And subconsciously you associate that a lot of time (that is, money in our world!) can be harmful! In the movie, the man died! Imagine the reaction of your subconscious!

So you have formed a monetary limit :-)

When our hero won 11 centuries, the guards of time came and took all his time. Again the analogy is that after you get a lot of money, someone will come and take all your money.

The girl who ran away with our main character was very bored among the rich. She wanted adventure. And we see the same thing as in “Titanic”: the rich are boring, and the poor are cheerful. Their life is in full swing and in full swing. This movie shows how noble our protagonist is: he took time from the rich and gave it to the poor. He spent a million years in a poor area. People got a hundred years each! And that's where the film ends.

Then no one shows that giving the poor so much time will only harm them. People will have time, but they won't be able to buy anything. If they quit their jobs, the entire economy will grind to a halt and there will be a complete collapse.

And these are just a couple of films!

There are countless films where the rich are shown as “idiots”, deceivers, and swindlers.

This is how subconscious programming and rejection of wealth occur.

No, I don't want to tell you to give up films. I watch films myself and love them very much. I just now look consciously and understand what is happening.

I'm not even talking about newspapers, television, radio and other sources of media.

If you are still watching TV, your chances of success, happiness and wealth in life are approximately zero, and every day you are getting closer and closer to that zero.

Now, I think you understand what a heavy burden you carry on yourself and why you still don’t get as much money as you want?

It's time to get out!

Let's drop all the load!

3 states: I want, I am worthy, I am ready

Let's start by understanding our top money habits.

Imagine a person who is now 30 years old. He has been working since he was 20 years old.

On average, he always received 50 thousand rubles. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always about 50 thousand plus or minus 10 thousand.

That is, his brain is accustomed to this money.

AND this is our main money habit: earn a certain amount of money.

But this is no longer just a habit.

This is a thinking model. And a person lives by this model for more than 15 years. 50 thousand rubles a month is his comfort zone.

Our brain always strives to be in the comfort zone.

Even if this person is fired from his job, he will look for another job with a salary of 50 thousand, plus or minus 10 thousand rubles, because he is used to this salary.

If suddenly this person starts receiving 100 thousand rubles, it will be a lot of stress for the brain.

It doesn’t matter which way you go out of your comfort zone, towards “plus” or “minus”, it’s stress for the brain.

And the brain will try to remove this stress, returning the situation to its previous level.

Why do people who win tens of millions of rubles in the lottery very quickly lose all their money? Because they are not ready for them. This money is a security threat for the brain. Thoughts immediately arise: “I will be robbed,” “What if I lose this money?” And the person spends this money or puts it in the bank in order to quickly get rid of it. He's not ready for them.

In most cases, such big wins leave a person in a worse situation than he was before the win.

Why do successful businessmen, who due to certain circumstances are left with “nothing,” quickly return their capital and earn their money?

Their financial comfort level is very high high level. And when a person does not reach this bar, it is stressful for him. And the brain strives to avoid stress.

That is, I want to say that first you need to raise your financial comfort zone level, and only then you can get more money. Because without it, you will be fighting with your own brain.

Thinking patterns are very powerful!

In order to change thinking patterns, you need strong strong factors, such as a particularly firm decision, strong desire and willpower.

How to change the income level in your head?

To raise this bar you need to go through 3 stages:

2. I am worthy.

3. I'm ready.

So let's introduce our hero.

He set a goal for himself to receive 100 thousand instead of 50 thousand.

Growth by 2 times is quite serious growth and stress for the brain.

Let's imagine that you are driving a car along a snowy forest road.

A rut formed on it from the wheels of cars. All the cars drove almost the same and dug a fairly deep rut. And you drive your car along this track. Of course, it is very easy to follow the beaten track. But if you want to leave it and make a new track, it will cost you a lot of effort.

So in life we ​​move along beaten paths.

You have a financial rut, a rut in relationships, a rut in health, recreation and travel. These are all thought patterns.

To change some well-trodden path, you need to work on your thinking.

Stage 1: “I want”

Desire is the foundation. Desire is a command to the Universe “Make it happen.” Human desire is a law for the Universe. Man was created to be free and can choose whatever he wants. His choice is always carried out. The simple fact is that a person often doesn’t know what he wants, and sometimes he wants something that he really doesn’t want.

The state of “I want” creates a certain stress in the human brain. After all, when a person wants something, his desire is already materialized at the subconscious level. He imagines his desire, sees it and himself as having what he wants, but in reality this does not exist. This “conflict” with reality leads to one of two things: either the desire will materialize in reality, or it will disappear altogether. The second option occurs more often. People give up their desires and forget them.

“I want” starts the process of materialization.

And when this “I want” is intensified with the help of feelings and emotions, and even experienced repeatedly in the imagination, then the process can no longer be stopped.

Without desire nothing happens.

The problem is that most children grow up and don't want anything anymore. They had such a hard time in childhood that they gave up their desires.

Please remember how you dreamed, told your mom, dad, friends and other people about your dream, and they, each in their own way, said: “This is impossible.”

Here are some of my examples.

Me: “I want to surf”

Mom: “You be careful, because there are sharks there...”

And I don’t want to surf anymore.

Me: “In winter I want to go learn skiing”

Friend: “You be careful, my brother went and broke his leg...”

Me: “I want to buy myself a BMW M5”

Uncle: “It’s better to buy the simplest car for your first car, so that when you break it, you won’t feel sorry for it...”

Surely you understand me.

I absolutely agree, they are all right. Yes, they care about me, but I don't need that kind of care. They limit me!

Arnold Schwarzenegger said: “If I had known what problems I would have to face in bodybuilding, in filming films, I would not have started this venture. I'm glad I didn't know!”

And after numerous desires and restrictions, children stop dreaming.

It’s impossible, it won’t work, it’s dangerous...

And people stop dreaming.

More courageous children still begin to try and do things, but they don’t succeed, they make mistakes. Who got something right the first time? Instead of supporting your initiatives, close people and friends, on the contrary, say nasty things like “Well, I told you so,” “You see...”.

This requires a certain level of maturity and independence in order to not care about all these restrictions and ridicule and continue to pursue your dream.

Understand that desire is power!

The stronger your wish- the more power you have.

The parents themselves kill the child’s strength in childhood. They want to protect the child from pain, but do not understand that they are “killing” the child himself.

It is much more important to learn to cope with pain than to hide from it, because there will be pain in life, and there is no escape from it. Life is different and unpredictable. Sometimes it will be painful, sometimes it will be joyful. People think that by closing themselves off from pain they will solve their problems. In fact, if you close yourself off from pain, you will close yourself off from joy. One facet cannot exist without the other, just like day without night.

Stage 2: “I am worthy”

A person needs to ask himself:

“Am I worthy of earning 100 thousand rubles a month?”

If the answer is “No”, or the person does not have absolute confidence in “Yes”, then he is not worthy.

If there is no clear and unambiguous “Yes,” then “No.” Here “maybe”, “more likely yes than no”, “probably” and similar answers are equated to the answer “No”.

So, if the answer is “No,” then the person has problems with self-belief, self-esteem and self-confidence. It’s not even about 100 thousand rubles a month and not about finances in general, but about the person himself. Even if you want to achieve other goals in other areas, you will feel unworthy. Something in the past has made you doubt yourself and your own abilities.

If you don't feel worthy, the chance of achieving a new goal is zero.

“I am not worthy” means that you do not believe in yourself, you do not believe in your Divine nature, and you have serious limiting beliefs about yourself.

For example, the belief “I am always unlucky”, “I will never succeed” and others associated with you.

If a person is not worthy, he does not allow the slightest chance of getting what he wants.

And, of course, the wish will not be fulfilled. Most likely, a person will simply forget about his desire and continue moving along his beaten track.

Stage 3: "I'm ready"

You should ask yourself about readiness only after passing the “I am worthy” stage.

If a person is not worthy, he is naturally not ready.

“Am I ready to earn 100 thousand rubles a month?”

Willingness means being ready to get what you want with all the consequences of what you want.

This is a state of internal readiness.

Usually it is at this stage that people stop.

They accept the possibility of getting what they want (i.e., “I am worthy”), but they don’t feel ready. They don't even think about it. And they don’t ask themselves whether they are ready or not.

Being prepared means having a clear plan for a new life if you get what you want.

It seems funny, but it is a real danger for the brain!

Life with an income of 100 thousand rubles per month is different from life with an income of 50 thousand rubles.

And you need to see yours clearly new life with an income of 100 thousand rubles, so that your brain is calm.

When you root in your subconscious a new lifestyle with 100 thousand rubles a month, the readiness stage begins.

When you are ready, your desire begins to rapidly approach you.

Events develop in the most suitable way, everything leads you to your dream.

You can be sure that your wish will come true.

It's just a matter of time.

Alexander Andreev

Open your cash flow. Practical guide

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Alexander Andreev, 2015

© Creation of a layout – Publishing house “Oxygen”, 2015

© Cover design – Galina Boychuk, 2015


Everything I write about I have experienced and am sharing with you only my own wisdom and knowledge.

My story

I did not immediately come to abundance and wealth.

I grew up in an ordinary family, where my parents always said: “Study well, you will go to university, graduate with excellent marks and find an excellent, well-paid job. You can provide for your family and live a wonderful life.”

Unfortunately, this model turned out to be a lie. And I became convinced of this at the age of 18.

I went about my business, but was a complete failure. Lost 3 years.

Given my interest in the topic of personal growth, I decided to do what I like and get money from it. My first and second models of running this business also completely failed. To understand this, I lost another 1 year.

And only the 5th year in business brought me my first million rubles!

Then a failed partnership that set me back.

We were already earning very serious money, but I lost control of the company, and therefore the money was dispersed. We even managed to get into debt! When my partner and I separated, all the debt remained with me, since I was the founder of the company and a large share of the company was mine.

In my personal life, things weren’t going smoothly either.

Unsuccessful first love and first sex also happened in my life and left wounds in my heart.

There was even a time when I wanted to die...

After my defeats and failures, I drew the appropriate conclusions.

I have changed a lot about myself, my thinking, my approach to business and my attitude towards money and life.

Now I have excellent health, very strong and powerful energy.

Beautiful girl and great relationship. I'm very happy.

A very profitable business. And most importantly, I do what I love every day.

I have a great team with me. I have wonderful, happy clients.

I live in a beautiful city by the sea :)

Now I’m writing this text, and 30 meters away from me the sea is splashing, the sun is shining and a few clouds are floating across the sky :)

Every day in the morning I swim in the pool and run. I work in the gym a couple of times a week.

Now I'm building my own business.

As a coach, I help businessmen, entrepreneurs, people from show business and creative people who work for themselves to develop their business. This gives me great pleasure.

I am invited to speak. I conduct corporate trainings.

In Moscow I conduct my own training “Sea of ​​Money and Happiness”.

Over all this time, my site has been visited by more than 2 million people!

Overall, I am happy, rich and living in abundance.

Now I feel it's time to pass on my experience to other people.

Some will say: “Why do I need this thinking, you better give me money.” People with a poor mindset will always be poor, no matter how much they get. They had no money when they received 30 thousand rubles a month, and they had no money when they received 300 thousand rubles a month. My partner was like that.

Therefore, without thinking there is nowhere.

And this is what will be discussed in this book.

Why do people have problems with money?

Few of us were born into a family where complete monetary abundance reigned.

We spend the first 15–20 years of our lives with our parents or grandparents.

Parents have certain ideas about money, and often these ideas are far from the truth. And that's why our parents are poor.

They try to give us the best, but no matter how hard they try, their behavior patterns, their beliefs are transmitted to us. How often have we seen quarrels in families due to lack of money; how often we wanted something, but were told: “There is no money.” And this “no money” and other manifestations of lack of money are firmly and firmly lodged in our subconscious.

Jim Paul is a trader. During his 15-year career, he became a millionaire and a member of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Commodity Exchange. But in 75 days, he lost his entire fortune on transactions - $1.6 million. Analyzing the situation, Jim came to a paradoxical conclusion: his own successes led to his collapse. Here is the story of his life from the book, as well as many entertaining thoughts about money, luck and professionalism.

First acquaintance with money

I got my first job at nine years old. One of my classmates worked part-time at a local country club near Ellesmere, Kentucky. One day he asked if I would like to make some money collecting balls on the golf course, and of course I agreed. My parents liked my idea, because they believed that this way I would quickly learn the value of money.

Some of my high school friends dreamed of being on the baseball team; Of course, I decided to try it too. In the first game, I managed to hit back several times in a row so that we won 4:2. When I came home dirty that day, I was told to quit baseball. “Baseball is impractical, but working on a golf course is great. You can make money by rebounding balls instead of playing ball.” Thus ended my short but colorful baseball career.

And I became even more convinced that money is very important.

I carried balls and served clubs until I was fifteen and at the same time worked in a sports store and gave golf lessons to beginners. Then I managed a golf driving range. Then he worked as a waiter, and then at a gas station. During my senior year of high school, I spent 55 hours a week at the gas station, leaving school at two in the afternoon and working until eleven at night, five days a week. And on weekends - eight to ten hours. For my sixteenth birthday, I bought myself a 1953 Mercury, paying a whopping $700 for it. That was cool! A year later I sold it and bought a 1956 Chevy, which was even cooler.

Almost all the students had more money than me

After high school, I sold my car to pay for college. My parents didn't go to college, but I was able to afford it - and it was a big deal for our family. Since I started working, my parents had forced me to put 10% of every salary I earned into a savings account, which they strictly controlled, and now these savings and the money from the sale of the car had to be distributed so that they would have enough for school and college life .

Source - still from the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street".

In college, I had an unpleasant surprise: as it turned out, almost all the students had more money than me. And everyone also had something called the Bass Weejun - and I didn’t even know that these were such particularly stylish boots that everyone wore here. I had neither money, nor good clothes, nor such shoes.

I started playing cards for a living, stopped going to college, and barely graduated. Then he entered the army, and then worked as a trader at a brokerage firm.

The ability to turn everything into gold

Luck was with me everywhere. For a long time I believed that I stood out from the general background and was in many ways superior to others and that I had the ability to turn everything into gold. But that wasn’t quite the case: I didn’t yet understand that I was just lucky. Let's say, when I was sent to Korea and I was able to get a staff position there, being in the rank of junior lieutenant. Was it because I was that good, or was I just lucky? Of course, I was just lucky. Most of the conscripts were sent to Vietnam, so there weren't enough people in Korea. When I walked into the brokerage office on the exact day the assistant manager quit, was it because I was better at something than others, or was it luck again? Undoubtedly. I managed to become a member of the Exchange Council and even join the Management Board because I am somehow special? Of course, this was just pure luck. I was successful and my confidence in my uniqueness grew.

But for the most part, my success was due to luck, and not to any super knowledge or super skills. I didn’t understand this yet, but I was soon to find out.

I will never forget the day I made a $5,000 trade. I felt the same way I did when I was ten years old and made my first five dollars collecting balls and carrying clubs on the golf course. I worked all day for those five dollars. I had to carry a bag of balls for ten hours straight - and for my troubles I received five dollars; fifty cents an hour. But I was happy! I felt the same way when I made $10,000 in a day for the first time. And when it’s 15,000. And so on.

At some point, I began to earn about 200-300 thousand dollars a year and spend a lot. Now I can’t even remember what this money was spent on. My self-esteem inflated more and more: now I am a member of the Exchange Council, and have joined the Board, and have made the coolest friends. I'm not like everyone else. I am unique. I remember one morning, getting ready for work, I stopped in front of the hallway mirror to straighten my tie. He looked at himself and said: “Damn it, what speed am I living at now!”

One day we began to create a double spread on the soybean market (option trading strategy with limited risk and potential). If there was a shortage of beans, then in the next month the price would rise more than in the next, and we could make money. This has happened before: if I believed in something, I believed completely. I called everyone I knew and advised them to focus on this market, since there was a great chance to make money here. Everyone who had even heard of me began to open spreads for soybean oil. I called literally everyone: my brother, traders, friends, clients. My secretary heard me tell a story about the soybean market on the phone so many times that she opened an account and bought five soybean oil spreads.

Source - still from the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street"

The spreads went up in price and everyone was happy until one day they started to get cheaper due to the weekend rains in the soybean growing area. I thought it wasn't too scary since the market had been rising so much in recent weeks. “This is just a correction, but the market will remain bullish,” I convinced myself. “And then, the rain won’t help, the crop will burn anyway.”

But the decline continued. It continued until the management of my company decided to stop the agony and close all accounts, as well as seize my assets.

Not only did I lose all my money due to my own stupidity when working with soybean oil contracts, but at that moment I also realized that I had never been a trader in in every sense words. Yes, I made good money in the market, but it turned out that I had almost no idea how I managed it. I couldn't repeat my success and make money again when I desperately needed money. I made money by “trading” not because I was a good trader, but because I was, knew how to find myself in in the right place V right time, knew the right people. I did not have any special abilities or knowledge.

Source - still from the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street"

I wanted to find out what was on the stock exchange, but it turned out that the most experienced and wealthy investors and traders went to it in different ways. I myself knew something about where money comes from: after all, I earned my million. But I didn’t understand anything about how not to lose them. Professionals made money in different ways and often chose a non-obvious strategy, and they all knew very well how to control losses.

It turned out that main task All professionals considered it was the preservation of what they had earned.

There is no common master secret to success: every professional acts in his own way, and often these approaches are diametrically opposed. The ability not to lose money is much more important than the ability to earn it. Unfortunately, none of the most successful players explained how to do this. Then I began to understand what losses are in general and my losses in particular, in order to find the fundamental reason for losses in the market. I may not be called wise, but I have become very smart. And I was able to learn a lesson from my mistakes.

Based on materials from the book “What I Learned from Losing a Million Dollars.”
Post cover: still from the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”

Financial success depends on many factors, the main one being your mindset. Sometimes we, without knowing it, push luck and money away from ourselves. This is due to negative attitudes that block our path to success.

Alexander Andreev, a financial success coach and author of the book “The Story of a Beginner Millionaire,” is sure that we create most of the obstacles on the path to wealth and success ourselves. By the way, you can download this book completely free of charge on his website.

The psychology of poverty is so firmly rooted in our consciousness that even with opportunities to change our lives for the better, we remain in one place, preferring to be content with stability, which does not promise us any prospects. The main reason lies in negative attitudes that can turn even a person with high potential into a failure. It is these thoughts, internalized by many in childhood, that prevent them from taking advantage of the opportunities that fate provides, developing their talents and achieving what they want. However, it is quite possible to get rid of them. Alexander Andreev, who independently walked the difficult path to wealth and became a successful and prosperous person, knows how to do this. You can find out too: today you have a chance to download his book “The Story of a Beginner Millionaire” for free.

In the book, Alexander Andreev examines in detail the thoughts and attitudes that prevent you from achieving financial success and becoming happier. One of the most common attitudes, which over time turns into a whole negative program, is associated with a negative attitude towards money and prosperous people. For example, there is a belief that big money can only be earned dishonestly, and in general money does not bring happiness.

The danger of such an attitude is that it is deposited in the subconscious, but it is this that determines our actions. The unfounded belief that wealth and success are necessarily associated with deception literally builds a shield around a person, from which luck and favorable opportunities are repelled. Thus, even a person with high potential and remarkable abilities stops striving for the best and remains in an unloved job with a small but stable salary. Meanwhile, many examples prove that it is quite possible to earn good money honestly, doing what you love. The main difference between prosperous people is that they did not allow misconceptions, negative attitudes and doubts to stand in their way to success. You can do this too: the book “The Story of a Beginner Millionaire” will help you give up destructive thinking and start moving towards your goal.

No less destructive is the belief that it is impossible to make money doing what you love. For this reason, many continue to spend nine hours at a job they don’t like, burying their talent in the ground. Alexander Andreev is sure: the key to wealth is within you, and these are your unique abilities. First of all, those who put their soul into their work achieve prosperity: is it possible to put your soul into work that brings neither joy nor satisfaction? In the book “The Story of a Beginner Millionaire,” which you can download for free, Alexander Andreev describes in detail the possibilities of turning a hobby into a profitable and profitable business.