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What gives grounds to attribute the poem to A.A. Blok “On the Kulikovo Field” to philosophical lyrics?

The artistic direction in which the poem “On the Kulikovo Field” was written is symbolism.

What philosophical meaning creations of A.A. Blok?

The poet does not describe the main event, which could become the leading theme of the poem, but its image subordinates its entire content.

This event is seen both in the sound of the theme and in the author’s desire to show its greatness and emphasize its unique meaning. The image of the upcoming battle is also present in the mood of anticipation, menacing, alarming and comprehensive.

The description of the pre-storm “haze” and “clouds” foreshadowing a natural disaster (“a wonderful battle”) opens and ends the poem. (The principle of ring construction.)

What is the idea of ​​the poem? The Battle of Kulikovo represents a new powerful stage in the history of Russia, the one from which its revival, its path to the future, can begin. :) T0 - “the beginning of high and rebellious days.”

And subsequent generations, with their patriotic spirit, with their unfading historical memory, pay tribute to the heroes, their glorious predecessors, who defended the interests of Russia in those glorious, albeit tragic days.

Verse stanza: a stanza consists of 4 lines, a quatrain (quatrain).

Cross rhyme.

Size - iambic.

Male and female rhymes alternate.

Paths. Metaphors: “enduring silence”, “harsh cloud”; epithets: “wonderful battle”, “high and rebellious days”. Rhetorical exclamation:

But I recognize you, the beginning of high and rebellious days!

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During the short forty years of his life, Alexander Blok flew across the literary horizon like a bright comet and left an impressive mark behind him. The peak of his creativity came at a turbulent time: Russia, suffering from revolutionary fever, which he loved and dedicated most of his works to it.

Blok's creativity

A. Blok lived at the turn of two centuries and became one of the last poets of pre-revolutionary Rus'. Many of Blok’s works are dedicated to the Motherland, poems about which can be found in almost every poet. But the patriotic lyrics are unique in the work “On the Kulikovo Field”. Analysis of the poem shows that for the author both the past and the future of Rus' are equivalent. The poet was especially worried about the future of his homeland, since he understood that a large historical period was becoming a thing of the past.

Russia was divided into two hostile camps, and Blok is looking for analogies in the history of the state and compares the current situation with the times of Dmitry Donskoy, when the Russian people came to the Kulikovo field to defend their independence. And he devotes the poem “On the Kulikovo Field” to this topic. Here the reader will find a description of Russian nature, memories of Russia's past and a premonition of change.

Theme of the poem

Starting the analysis of A. Blok’s poem “On the Kulikovo Field,” it is worth noting that in the poem the poet touches on a pressing issue that has especially tormented him lately: the relationship between the people and the intelligentsia. The poet connects the anticipation of events that will change the fate of Russia with memories of the Battle of Kulikovo. Blok was sure that the Mamaev Massacre was a symbolic event in the history of Russia, and they were destined to return. The significance of the Battle of Kulikovo is too great for Russia - it brought liberation to the Russian people from the foreign yoke.

In his thoughts about the future of Russia, Blok uses the symbolism of the Battle of Kulikovo. He compares the approaching revolution and liberation from tsarism with the liberation of Rus' from the Tatar yoke. Continuing the analysis of the poem “On the Kulikovo Field” by A. A. Blok, we see that in the background in the poem the author raises the problem of relations between the intelligentsia and the people. He likens the camp of Dmitry Donskoy to the people - “tens of millions”, and compares the “several hundred thousand” of the Russian intelligentsia, who do not know how to find an approach to the people, with the horde of Mamai.

"On the Kulikovo Field"

The work “On the Kulikovo Field” was written during the years of the first revolution, in 1908. According to A. Blok, in poetry the theme of Russia should always remain the main one. The poet addressed her at the very beginning creative path and remained faithful to this theme until the end of his life. The cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” is divided into five chapters and is entirely dedicated to Russia; there are two heroes here - a Russian warrior and a poet.

Blok wrote that such symbolic events as the Battle of Kulikovo are destined to return. In one of his poems, Blok said that the past looks passionately into the future. The first part of “On the Kulikovo Field” plays the role of a prologue, where the author addresses Rus' as his wife. This caused heated discussions, but Blok, calling his homeland his wife, puts a special meaning into this - this is how the poet shows his irresistible love for Russia.

The second poem “On the Kulikovo Field” by A. Blok reports on the upcoming battle and the warrior, about to lie down “for a holy cause,” says that he is not the first and not the last who will give his life for his homeland, since it will be sick for a long time. What helps Rus' in the fight for a just cause is described in the third poem. When the horde moves, the bright “face not made by hands” helps it survive.

In the third part a symbolic image appears. Maybe it’s Russia itself, maybe the Mother of God? One thing is important: this bright ideal helps the hero and Rus' to withstand severe trials. IN last poem the poet believes in the future great Russia. It, with its traditions, history, and the enormous potential of the people, gives the poet hope for the transformation of his homeland. She helped the poet confront the “terrible world” with her majestic beauty.

Russia's path

Continuing the analysis of Blok’s poems “On the Kulikovo Field,” we see that the first lines of the cycle reveal the path of Russia. The author presents two plans: temporal and spatial. The time plan reveals to the reader the historical path of Russia, revealing the past and revealing the future. In the past, he is looking for a life-giving force that allows Russia not to be afraid of the “darkness of the night” that hides its long journey. And the strength of Rus' is in perpetual motion.

Time flows slowly, like a river. But the army sets off, and soon the “scanty clay” of the cliff and “in the steppe” sad haystacks are replaced by a road through the darkness. Time speeds up, and the darkness is replaced by the lights of fires, the shine of banners and sabers. The battle began, and there was no trace left of the former calm. The steppe mare flies so fast that the sunset is already in the blood. Deadly battles on earth are reflected in the sky. And there is no number of deaths - this happens as often as sunset in the sky.

In the image of a rushing “steppe mare” the author represents his homeland. This image embodies eternal movement and Scythian origins. The price for moving forward is suffering. Therefore, the author’s search for the future is tragic - the path of Rus' lies through pain: “with a Tatar arrow” our path “pierced our chest.” The spatial plan in combination with the temporal gives the work a special dynamism. Rus' will not freeze in immobility; changes will always be expected on its path: “And there is no end!”

It is worth noting the poet’s special portrayal of Russia. As the analysis of Blok’s poems “On the Kulikovo Field” showed, the main role here is played not by external impressions, but by comparisons with the poet’s internal experiences. “Sunset in Blood,” flowing from the poet’s heart, illustrates the author’s deep personal perception of his native land. Blok moves away from the traditional image of the Motherland in literature and compares it with the woman he loves.

Russia's past

To understand Russia's present and foresee its future, the author turns to the country's long past. “On the Kulikovo Field” is an example of Blok’s patriotic lyrics; here the poet merges with the lyrical hero. And it is impossible to distinguish where the author expresses his feelings and where he speaks on behalf of the hero. The poet presents the image of Russia in the form of a wife and a beloved woman - “My wife!” Such an attitude towards the fatherland is found only in Blok’s works. The author strives to unravel and understand the source of the homeland’s strength. But this is impossible, she is incomprehensible, and this makes her even more beautiful.

Present and future

The history of Russia gives incentive and strength to live, a great country that survived, bleeding, and got back on its feet, but received serious wounds, so it did not get stronger - “the homeland will be sick” for a long time. But the author is confident that she will survive this time too, because she has lived through more terrible times. Blok is confident that Russia is protected by an invisible force - “a face not made by hands.” The country, like a Phoenix bird, will rise from the ashes, thanks to this intercession, “it will shine forever.” Such a country can only have a great future.

In the poem “On the Kulikovo Field,” Blok’s talent as a poet-visionary was revealed more than ever. He feels that Russia will have to endure many difficulties. Again, “the darkness rose and wasted,” but he is proud of its strength and inflexibility - “your hour has come.” Only a huge, powerful country can endure great trials. Blok’s lines were written as if out of time, and they can be attributed not only to the 14th century, the decisive century for Rus', but also to the present. This is the prediction of the great citizen of Russia - the poet A. A. Blok.

Fine Line

With this patriotism, Blok teaches from his “far” to love, be tolerant of the homeland and be content with what you have. Continuing the analysis of Blok’s poems “On the Kulikovo Field”, one cannot help but note the connection of the cycle with the article “Russia and the Intelligentsia”, in which the author writes that there are two realities that do not understand each other - the people and the intelligentsia.

A constant change of moods and battle standards occurs among hundreds of thousands. There is a roar over the city that even an experienced ear cannot understand; such a roar was also over the Tatar camp on the night before the battle. The carts behind Nepryadva are creaking, people are screaming, and geese are splashing and calling on the foggy river.

And among tens of millions - silence and sleep. There was silence over the camp of Dmitry Donskoy, but the governor began to cry and heard how the widow was crying inconsolably, how the mother was beating against the stirrups of her son. There is a line between the two camps, the people and the intelligentsia, where both converge.

How strange it is to converge on it - here a tramp, a worker, a peasant, and a sectarian converge - with an official and public figure, with the writer and revolutionary. And although the line is thin, the two camps still do not want to know each other and treat those who want peace as defectors and traitors. Isn’t this line as thin as the Nepryadva River? It wound between two camps, flowed for seven nights, red with blood, on the night after the battle.

Rapid movement

The poem contains exclamation sentences. In combination with artistic means, they make the work more expressive, reveal inner world poet. In Blok’s work one can hear pride in the homeland, which managed to rise up and defend its independence. He feels like a poet of his native country and is happy that he is involved in the great era of upheaval.

Rapid movement is an approach to death; the eternal battle in the poem is not joyful, but dramatic. Both the pace of poetic speech and the intonation structure correspond to the theme of the work. It starts slowly and calmly, then the pace increases rapidly, the sentences become short - “Let’s get home!”, “Stop it!”, “There is no peace!”

The exclamatory intonations increase - there are seven exclamation marks in seven stanzas. The author’s speech is extremely excited and this feeling is also achieved through the verse structure. Concluding the analysis of Blok’s poem “On the Kulikovo Field”, it should be noted that it is written in iambic meter, this is what gives the text a special dynamism, conveying an uncontrollable impulse and a tragic approach to death.

The cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”, which includes 5 poems, is one of the central works of the third volume “Motherland”. Related by its content to the famous historical event- The Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, when Russian soldiers under the leadership of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy defeated the hordes of the Golden Horde Khan Mamai, Blok’s cycle is not only and not so much a work on historical topic, as much as a work about modernity, or rather, about the inextricable connection of the past, present and future.

Since the cycle is based on a specific historical fact, it also has a kind of “plot”. The first poem shows the movement of warriors across the battlefield (“Let it be night. Let’s get home. Let’s illuminate with fires // The steppe distance”). But its content is immeasurably richer. It acts as a prologue and introduces the cycle broad topic Russia. Its rhythmic organization is unusual: the combination of long (pentameter, and in the first verse also hexameter) and short (tri- and bimeter) iambic verses helps the poet convey the contradiction between the external calm of “motionless” Rus' (“The river spreads out, flows, lazily sad // And washes the shores”) and tense, anxious anticipation of the future (“The steppe mare flies, flies // And crushes the feather grass...”). Gradually the pace of the race and the mood of anxiety increase. A cascade occurs short sentences and exclamatory intonations:

And there is no end! Miles and steep slopes flash by...

Stop it!
The frightened clouds are coming,
Sunset in the blood!
Sunset in the blood! Blood flows from the heart!
Cry, heart, cry...
There is no peace! Steppe mare
He's galloping!

It was in this poem that the poet “dared,” instead of the usual epithet “Mother Rus',” to offer his own, extremely personal one: “Oh, my Rus'! My wife! Some of his contemporaries were shocked by such freedom (for example, M. Gorky). Annoying misunderstanding! The poet’s opponents do not take into account that in Blok’s context (and this is the context of the entire lyrical trilogy), the word “wife” is used not in the ordinary everyday sense, but in a symbolic sense, recalling the high poetic ideal of the young Blok, of Solovyov’s “eternal femininity.”

But everyone unconditionally accepted the lines, which with utmost force expressed the essence of time, and, perhaps, human life in general: “And eternal battle! We only dream of peace // Through blood and dust...”

If the first poem is written in trochee pentameter, then in the third the rhythm changes: trochee pentameter alternates here with trimeter. Arises new topic. On the bank of Nepryadva, a symbolic image appears in front of the hero - “You”. At first, the hero only anticipates her appearance (“You and I were in a dark field...”, “I heard Your voice with my prophetic heart // In the cries of swans”), but “You” is here:

And with the fog over Sleeping Nepryadva,
Right at me

You came down, in clothes flowing light,
Without spooking the horse.
The silver waves flashed to a friend
On a steel sword
Illuminated the dusty chain mail
On my shoulder.

But who is this mysterious “You”? Perhaps just a beloved woman? Or the Mother of God? Or Russia itself? Symbolic image allows for different interpretations. But one thing is indisputable - this is the embodiment of a bright ideal that helps the hero withstand the most severe trials of time.

The final poem of the cycle finally clarifies its general intention. Turning to the past, Blok did not set himself the goal of educating his contemporaries in the spirit of military valor and patriotism, like, say, Lermontov in Borodino (“Yes, there were people in our time!”). In the past he looked for correspondence to the present, and in the present - for the past. “The Battle of Kulikovo,” he wrote in a note to the cycle, “belongs<...>to symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return. The solution to them is yet to come.” And, in his opinion, the time for a “return” is coming. Decisive changes are coming, in their severity, scope and significance not only not inferior to the battle on the Kulikovo field, but perhaps even surpassing it. Having abandoned the too mobile, “ditty” trochee tetrameter (first draft), Blok turns to the more “strict” classical iambic tetrameter:

But I recognize you, the beginning
High and rebellious days!

The heart cannot live in peace,
No wonder the clouds have gathered.
The armor is heavy, as before a battle.
Now your time has come. - Pray!

With these courageous poems, aimed at the future, the poet completes his wonderful cycle.

“The best thing that happened in Russian literature after Tyutchev,” - this is how the famous literary critic K. Mochulsky, on whose work he relies, described the cycle roughly. this analysis. The block “On the Kulikovo Field” wrote on the eve of catastrophic events that determined the fate of Russia once and for all. And the artist of the word felt their closeness, which makes him truly a Russian national poet, who cannot be fit into the narrow framework of any movement or literary school.

Literary context

“On the Kulikovo Field,” the analysis of which is presented in this article, was created in 1908 and was part of the “Motherland” cycle. The poet’s work on the poem is evidenced by his drama “Song of Fate”, in which historical themes are presented in a lyrical key. Also in connection with the Kulikovo cycle, it is necessary to mention the poet’s article “Intellectuals and Revolution”. In it, Blok creates the image of the “enduring silence” that hangs over the country. This is the calm before the storm, preceding the battle. It is in its depths, the poet believes, that the fate of the Russian people matures.

In the article, the poet, referring to the poem “On the Kulikovo Field,” analyzes the relationship between the people and the intelligentsia in contemporary Russia. Blok defines these two classes as secret enemies, but there is a line between them that connects them - something that did not exist and could not exist between the Russians and the Tatars.


Building a cycle is the first thing you need to start your analysis with. The block “On the Kulikovo Field” was divided into five parts. The poem “The River Spreads Out,” the first in the cycle, embraces the reader with a gust of steppe wind. In the center is the image of Russia, which, like a whirlwind, rushes through the darkness of the night. And with each new line this movement becomes faster and faster.

With such a dynamic introduction comes into contrast the gentle lyric poem“We, my friend...”, which continues the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field.” Blok (the analysis clearly shows this) for the next chapter of his poetic diary - “On the night when Mamai...” - defined the role of the compositional center. It is here that the image of the Mother of God appears, in which the features can be discerned Beautiful Lady. The last two poems of the cycle (“Again with age-old melancholy” and “And in the darkness of troubles”) continue the motifs of anticipation of a future storm, an all-encompassing silence that precedes an imminent battle.

Historiosophical concept

In 1912, as a note to one of the poems in the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”, Blok - the analysis should take this into account - called the battle with the Tatars symbolic. In other words, the poet gives the image of the Kulikovo battle universal features, which means that it turns out to be applicable in relation to other turning events Russian history, including upcoming ones. The battle with the Tatars can be seen as a metaphor for the struggle between the forces of darkness and light, and initially the battle is fought for the soul of a specific person ( lyrical hero), and the victory of one of these sides will finally decide what Russia's fate will be.

The analysis (Blok, “On the Kulikovo Field” - the field of the great battle) can be carried out in a different way. The first poem of the cycle indicates the motive of moving forward, causing suffering. On this basis it would be interesting to compare Bryusov. The latter, in one of his poems, greeted the Huns who had come to destroy, which raised natural questions and complaints from the reading public. In fact, Valery Bryusov (as well as Blok) understood the inevitability of future changes, albeit very painful ones.


Let's continue the analysis. The block “On the Kulikovo Field” was filled with symbolically polysemantic, universal images. Thus, Russia, its path is depicted in an emphatically dynamic way - so much so that one involuntarily recalls Gogol’s successful comparison of his country with a swift troika that is constantly rushing somewhere. Interestingly, in one of Blok’s poems there is an image of Russia “with the dull gaze of a sorcerer” - it is likely that the poet used a reference from the story “Terrible Vengeance”. The image of the Beautiful Lady - the Virgin Mary is also interesting. He points out the specifics of Blok's patriotism: the poet's love for the Motherland is permeated with an erotic feeling, which is comparable to a craving for the woman he loves.

Means of expression

Analysis (Blok, “On the Kulikovo Field”) would be incomplete without research. The poet abundantly uses emotionally charged exclamatory sentences that help reveal the inner state of the lyrical hero of the cycle. Some of the tropes were borrowed from folklore - epithets and metaphors that create folk poetic images (sad river, bloody sunset). The latter will inevitably cause the reader to associate with ancient Russian literature- in particular, “The Word...” and “Zadonshchina”. The poetic meter of the cycle is iambic.

Thus, as the analysis demonstrated (Blok, “On the Kulikovo Field”), the field provides literary scholars with a lot of material for research. At the same time, the poet’s cycle is considered one of the peaks of his work, along with “The Twelve” and “Scythians”.

Written by A.A. Blok in 1908, the poem “On the Kulikovo Field” is part of the cycle of the same name. In it, the poet reflected his thoughts about the past and future of Russia. You are invited brief analysis“On the Kulikovo Field” according to plan. This analysis will be useful when studying the work in a literature lesson in 9th grade.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the poem was written by A. A. Blok in 1908 after the First Russian Revolution, when the poet, committed to its ideas, realized what disasters it brought with it.

Subject- Russia, starting with its ancient history, is in a constant struggle for its independence, and at the beginning of the twentieth century it again found itself at a crossroads.

Composition– the poem consists of five parts, each of which has its own plot, but all parts are united by a common line - a parallel is drawn between the past, present and future of the country.

Genre- lyric-epic, the work combines some features of a poem and an epic, it has a storyline.

Poetic size- all five parts of the work are written in iambic, the verse is divided into stanzas, each of which consists of four lines, are used different types rhymes: exact and inaccurate, masculine and feminine, as well as a cross method of rhyming, that is, the first and third, second and fourth lines rhyme.

Metaphors - "Our path... pierced our chest", "arrow of the ancient Tatar will", "sunset in the blood", "...with a prophetic heart", "Under the Yoke of the Flawed Moon", "Free Clouds".

Personifications- “The river spreads out... lazily sad and washing the banks”, “...the haystacks are sad”, “frightened clouds are coming”.

Epithets“...The dark and sinister Don”, "quiet lightning", "age-old melancholy", "... like a harsh cloud", "High and Rebellious Days".

Comparison“And Nepryadva cleaned up with fog, like the princess with a veil”.

History of creation

1908-1917 in the life of A. A. Blok is a period of rethinking the historical past of Russia, its present and future impending changes. The poet creates a short cycle consisting of five poems called “On the Kulikovo Field.” It was based on real stories from the history of the country: the Mongol-Tatar yoke, which enslaved Rus' for several centuries, and the heroic resistance to the steppe conquerors.


The theme running through the entire work is Russia's eternal struggle for its freedom. The Battle of Kulikovo becomes a symbol of liberation from Mongol yoke. A. A. Blok transfers the problem of the historical confrontation between Rus' and the Horde to the entire course of the country’s development, including the present, predicting a new “Battle of Kulikovo” for Russia, which will free it from the monarchy. The poet's revolutionary ideas were caused by the events that took place: the revolution of 1905-1907, the maturation of a new social explosion by 1917.


The cycle consists of five interconnected poems, so it is necessary to characterize its compositional content in parts. In the first part, the reader is presented with a picture from the history of Russia: the Tatar-Mongols are advancing on the country (“In the steppe smoke the holy banner and the steel of the Khan’s saber will flash…”).

Blok associates the image of the Motherland with a “steppe mare” who rushes forward: “The steppe mare flies, flies and crushes the feather grass...”, “The steppe mare rushes at a gallop!” as a symbol of strength and femininity. Here the poet uses a phrase that will later become popular; it accurately conveys the author’s idea that Russia is destined to constantly defend its independence: “And eternal battle! We only dream of peace...”

The second and third parts are devoted to a description of the preparation for the Battle of Kulikovo and victory over the enemy. The image of the Mother of God appears as the defender of the Russian land and its warriors: “Your face, not made by hands, was forever bright in the shield.”

The last two parts of the series are devoted to the description modern Russia through the prism of its ancient history. The poet feels the rise of revolutionary forces, the already obvious changes in life, saying: “Again, darkness has risen and spread over the Kulikovo field.” The thunder of battle and the ringing of weapons have not yet been heard, but the lyrical hero clearly foresees them, addressing: “But I recognize you, the beginning of high and rebellious days!” .


Genre - lyric-epic. The work combines the experiences of the lyrical hero, the features of a poem, and at the same time is characterized by the presence of a plot. It consists of five parts, which, in turn, are divided into stanzas (quatrains) written in iambic. The rhyme used is exact (pain - will), inaccurate (lazy - cliff), masculine (Rus - I'm afraid), feminine (bonfires - banner).

The rhyming method is cross ABAB.

Means of expression

Blok used various artistic media. We will include among them personifications: “The river spreads out... it’s lazily sad and washes the banks”, “... the haystacks are sad”, “frightened clouds are coming”, metaphors: “Our path... pierced our chest”, “with an arrow of the ancient Tatar will”, “sunset in the blood”, “... with a prophetic heart”, “Under the yoke of the flawed moon”, “Free clouds”. In addition, the poet used epithets: “...a dark and ominous Don”, “quiet lightning”, “age-old melancholy”, “...a harsh cloud”, “High and rebellious days”, and comparison: “And Nepryadva cleaned up with fog, like the princess with a veil.”

Poem test

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