What is an era? What does our era mean? The meaning of the word er What does the name er mean?

Life on Earth originated over 3.5 billion years ago, immediately after the completion of formation earth's crust. Throughout time, the emergence and development of living organisms influenced the formation of relief and climate. Also, tectonic and climatic changes that have occurred over many years have influenced the development of life on Earth.

A table of the development of life on Earth can be compiled based on the chronology of events. The entire history of the Earth can be divided into certain stages. The largest of them are eras of life. They are divided into eras, eras into -per era, eras - for centuries.

Eras of life on Earth

The entire period of the existence of life on Earth can be divided into 2 periods: the Precambrian, or cryptozoic (primary period, 3.6 to 0.6 billion years), and the Phanerozoic.

The Cryptozoic includes the Archean (ancient life) and Proterozoic (primary life) eras.

The Phanerozoic includes the Paleozoic (ancient life), Mesozoic (middle life) and Cenozoic (new life) eras.

These 2 periods of life development are usually divided into smaller ones - eras. The boundaries between eras are global evolutionary events, extinctions. In turn, eras are divided into periods, and periods into epochs. The history of the development of life on Earth is directly related to changes in the earth’s crust and the planet’s climate.

Eras of development, countdown

The most significant events are usually identified in special time intervals - eras. The time countdown is carried out in reverse order, from ancient life until the new one. There are 5 eras:

  1. Archean.
  2. Proterozoic.
  3. Paleozoic.
  4. Mesozoic.
  5. Cenozoic.

Periods of development of life on Earth

The Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras include periods of development. These are smaller periods of time compared to eras.


  • Cambrian (Cambrian).
  • Ordovician.
  • Silurian (Silurian).
  • Devonian (Devonian).
  • Carboniferous (carbon).
  • Perm (Perm).

Mesozoic era:

  • Triassic (Triassic).
  • Jurassic (Jurassic).
  • Cretaceous (chalk).

Cenozoic era:

  • Lower Tertiary (Paleogene).
  • Upper Tertiary (Neogene).
  • Quaternary, or Anthropocene (human development).

The first 2 periods are included in the Tertiary period lasting 59 million years.

Table of the development of life on Earth
Era, periodDurationWildlifeInanimate nature, climate
Archean era (ancient life)3.5 billion yearsThe appearance of blue-green algae, photosynthesis. HeterotrophsThe predominance of land over the ocean minimum quantity oxygen in the atmosphere.

Proterozoic era (early life)

2.7 billion yearsThe appearance of worms, mollusks, the first chordates, soil formation.The land is a rocky desert. Accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere.
The Paleozoic era includes 6 periods:
1. Cambrian (Cambrian)535-490 MaDevelopment of living organisms.Hot climate. The land is deserted.
2. Ordovician490-443 MaThe appearance of vertebrates.Almost all platforms are flooded with water.
3. Silurian (Silurian)443-418 MaExit of plants to land. Development of corals, trilobites.with the formation of mountains. The seas dominate the land. The climate is varied.
4. Devonian (Devonian)418-360 MaThe appearance of mushrooms and lobe-finned fish.Formation of intermountain depressions. Prevalence of dry climate.
5. Coal (carbon)360-295 MaThe appearance of the first amphibians.Subsidence of continents with flooding of territories and the emergence of swamps. There is a lot of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

6. Perm (Perm)

295-251 MaExtinction of trilobites and most amphibians. The beginning of the development of reptiles and insects.Volcanic activity. Hot climate.
The Mesozoic era includes 3 periods:
1. Triassic (Triassic)251-200 million yearsDevelopment of gymnosperms. The first mammals and bony fish.Volcanic activity. Warm and sharply continental climate.
2. Jurassic (Jurassic)200-145 million yearsThe emergence of angiosperms. Distribution of reptiles, appearance of the first bird.Mild and warm climate.
3. Cretaceous (chalk)145-60 million yearsThe appearance of birds and higher mammals.Warm climate followed by cooling.
The Cenozoic era includes 3 periods:
1. Lower Tertiary (Paleogene)65-23 million yearsThe rise of angiosperms. Development of insects, appearance of lemurs and primates.Mild climate with distinct climatic zones.

2. Upper Tertiary (Neogene)

23-1.8 million yearsThe appearance of ancient people.Dry climate.

3. Quaternary or Anthropocene (human development)

1.8-0 MaThe appearance of man.Cold weather.

Development of living organisms

The table of the development of life on Earth involves division not only into time periods, but also into certain stages of the formation of living organisms, possible climatic changes ( ice age, global warming).

  • Archean era. The most significant changes in the evolution of living organisms are the appearance of blue-green algae - prokaryotes capable of reproduction and photosynthesis, and the emergence of multicellular organisms. The appearance of living protein substances (heterotrophs) capable of absorbing dissolved in water organic matter. Subsequently, the appearance of these living organisms made it possible to divide the world into plant and animal.

  • Mesozoic era.
  • Triassic. Distribution of plants (gymnosperms). Increase in the number of reptiles. The first mammals, bony fish.
  • Jurassic period. The predominance of gymnosperms, the emergence of angiosperms. The appearance of the first bird, the flourishing of cephalopods.
  • Cretaceous period. Distribution of angiosperms, decline of other plant species. Development bony fish, mammals and birds.

  • Cenozoic era.
    • Lower Tertiary period (Paleogene). The rise of angiosperms. Development of insects and mammals, appearance of lemurs, later primates.
    • Upper Tertiary period (Neogene). The formation of modern plants. The appearance of human ancestors.
    • Quaternary period (Anthropocene). Formation of modern plants and animals. The appearance of man.

Development of inanimate conditions, climate change

The table of the development of life on Earth cannot be presented without data on changes in inanimate nature. The emergence and development of life on Earth, new species of plants and animals, all this is accompanied by changes in inanimate nature and climate.

Climate Change: Archean Era

The history of the development of life on Earth began through the stage of the predominance of land over water resources. The relief was poorly outlined. The atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide, the amount of oxygen is minimal. Shallow waters have low salinity.

For Archean era Characterized by volcanic eruptions, lightning, and black clouds. The rocks are rich in graphite.

Climatic changes in the Proterozoic era

The land is a rocky desert; all living organisms live in water. Oxygen accumulates in the atmosphere.

Climate Change: Paleozoic Era

During various periods of the Paleozoic era the following occurred:

  • Cambrian period. The land is still deserted. The climate is hot.
  • Ordovician period. The most significant changes are the flooding of almost all northern platforms.
  • Silurian. Tectonic changes and conditions of inanimate nature are varied. Mountain formation occurs and the seas dominate the land. Areas of different climates, including areas of cooling, have been identified.
  • Devonian. The climate is dry and continental. Formation of intermountain depressions.
  • Carboniferous period. Subsidence of continents, wetlands. The climate is warm and humid, with a lot of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Permian period. Hot climate, volcanic activity, mountain building, drying out of swamps.

During the Paleozoic era, mountains were formed. Such changes in relief affected the world's oceans - sea basins were reduced, and a significant land area was formed.

The Paleozoic era marked the beginning of almost all major oil and coal deposits.

Climatic changes in the Mesozoic

The climate of different periods of the Mesozoic is characterized by the following features:

  • Triassic. Volcanic activity, climate is sharply continental, warm.
  • Jurassic period. Mild and warm climate. The seas dominate the land.
  • Cretaceous period. Retreat of the seas from the land. The climate is warm, but at the end of the period global warming gives way to cooling.

In the Mesozoic era, previously formed mountain systems are destroyed, the plains go under water (Western Siberia). In the second half of the era, the Cordilleras, mountains Eastern Siberia, Indochina, partly Tibet, mountains of Mesozoic folding were formed. The prevailing climate is hot and humid, promoting the formation of swamps and peat bogs.

Climate Change - Cenozoic Era

During the Cenozoic era, a general rise of the Earth's surface occurred. The climate has changed. Numerous glaciations of the earth's surfaces advancing from the north changed the appearance of the continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Thanks to such changes, the hilly plains were formed.

  • Lower Tertiary period. Mild climate. Division into 3 climatic zones. Formation of continents.
  • Upper Tertiary period. Dry climate. The emergence of steppes and savannas.
  • Quaternary period. Multiple glaciations northern hemisphere. Cooling climate.

All changes during the development of life on Earth can be written down in the form of a table that will reflect the most significant stages in the formation and development modern world. Despite the already known research methods, even now scientists continue to study history, making new discoveries that allow modern society find out how life developed on Earth before the advent of man.

Of course, the train remains one of the main ways to travel around Russia. The duration of the trip is compensated by the relatively low ticket price. The plane wins both in speed and in price over long distances, although it is not always available and only to residents major cities. But railway stations are much more common and for most people they are the only salvation when they need to get from one point to another.

I wrote about a more convenient way to purchase tickets through the Russian Railways app.

The cheapest train tickets on the Russian Railways website

Registration and train selection

First of all, we register on the website rzd.ru. Registration is standard, without it you will not be able to buy an electronic train ticket. It gives you access to your personal account, which will contain information about all your previous orders. We can come up with any username and password. From this account you can buy tickets not only for yourself, but also for anyone.

After this, go to the train selection panel. From the main page of the site you can get to it by clicking here:

The train selection page looks like this (for example, I’ll take the route St. Petersburg – Moscow):

  1. Selecting the place of departure and arrival;
  2. Date selection. To the right of the date you can select the train departure time interval. This is convenient on popular routes with many flights per day. Now it is possible to immediately buy return tickets. This will save some time, although it will not yet reduce the cost on most routes;
  3. Click “Buy ticket”;
  4. Current information related to discounts, special rates, promotions, etc. Read in detail at the link. From there we learn, for example, that “travel in luxury class carriages when purchasing a round-trip ticket at the same time” is 15% cheaper or that the upper seats in a compartment will cost less if purchased more than 10 days before departure (or even better - more than 30 days);
  5. We turn to the list of trains that appears;
  6. Each train has a variety of icons, the essence of which can be found out if you hover over the cursor: ER - the possibility of electronic registration (now on most trains, which is good), DC - dynamic pricing for a given train (we read about it in detail; over time, a list of trains will increase in this program); WiFi – yes, some branded trains already have free wireless Internet, which is good news;
  7. Points that will be awarded for a trip when participating in the Russian Railways Bonus bonus program. I'll tell you more about it later;
  8. Who hasn't traveled on double-decker trains yet? It's funny, although not very comfortable :)
  9. Click on the circle to select the desired train, then click “CONTINUE”.

Selecting a carriage and entering personal data.

Everything is simple on this page. We see possible options for wagons and prices. If a price range is indicated, this means that different seats in this car have different prices. Look at the carriage diagram and find out which seats are free.

After selecting the car, click CONTINUE again.

We get to the page for entering personal data.

  1. It is possible to specify the boundaries of the range of places from which a ticket will be selected for you. For example, I indicated from 5 to 32 so as not to end up in the first or last compartment. Everyone knows about the last compartment in the reserved seat; I also stopped liking the first one lately;
  2. I recommend checking the “Pay for bed linen” checkbox (if you need it, of course), because otherwise you will still pay for it in the carriage when boarding;
  3. If you are traveling in a group, you can indicate the required location of seats;
  4. Entering your personal data. Enter everything exactly according to the document you will be traveling with (in addition to your passport, you can use a foreign passport, military ID, etc.). If there are errors, you may not be allowed to board the train;
  5. Enter your member number in the Russian Railways Bonus loyalty program, if you have one;
  6. And here is the checkbox “Design” insurance policy“I recommend removing it. In my opinion, this is a waste of money that makes little sense. But whoever likes it better with insurance, then leave it, of course.

Checking the order and payment

Continue and get to the order verification page:

  1. We check information about the train, date;
  2. We check our data and find that we were assigned place number 12;
  3. We put a tick to confirm that we are familiar with the rules.

Next we move on to payment. If you've ever paid for purchases online, you know how it's done. You will need a personalized Visa or MasterCard. Unfortunately, Russian Railways does not yet provide other ways to pay for an electronic ticket.

Payment confirmation and electronic registration

After successful payment, you will receive a confirmation and a ticket form, which can always be found in Personal account in the “My orders” section. The e-ticket looks like this:

  1. You will need the electronic ticket number if you decide to print the orange ticket at the terminal (I wrote about this in the section about Self-Service Terminals in);
  2. Be sure to pay attention to confirmation that electronic registration has been completed. This means that no additional ticket is required. If electronic registration is possible, it is now completed automatically. But if not, then you will have to print a ticket at the terminal or at the ticket office to board the train;
  3. Russian Railways requires the presentation of this electronic ticket (printed or on mobile device) along with your passport when boarding the train. In my experience, they almost never actually ask for one, but only a passport. But in fact, they have the right not to put you on the train without this printout, so I recommend not to risk it.

That's all about how to buy an electronic ticket on the Russian Railways website. As you can see, the process is simple and straightforward. I will be glad to answer questions on this topic or on other pages in the comments


(Eure), department in northern France, in the lower reaches of the river. Seine. Area 6 thousand square meters. Population 425 thousand people (1975). The administrative center is the city of Evreux. Industry employs 35% of the economically active population, in agriculture≈ 19% (1968). Wool and pulp industry (Evreux, Louviers), mechanical engineering (Evreux, Breteuil), cotton and paper (Fleury) and food industry, plastics production (Ezy). Crops of wheat, potatoes and fodder crops. Dairy farming.


Er (department)

Er- a department in northern France, part of the administrative region of Normandy. After the administrative reform of 1956, the region was divided into two: Upper Normandy and Lower Normandy, the latter including Eure along with the Seine-Maritime department. As a result of the territorial reform of 2015, the Normandy region was restored into five departments. The department is named after the river Eure, which flows through its territory before its confluence with the Seine. Serial number - 27. Administrative center - Evreux. Population - 595,043 people (43rd place among departments, 2013 data).

Eure (tributary of the Seine)

Er- a river in northern France, a left tributary of the Seine. Length 226 km.

The Eure originates in Lower Normandy near the village of Marchenville (Orne department), then flows through the Eure-et-Loire department, after which it flows into the Seine near the village of Marteaux (Eure department) above Rouen.

Tributaries: One, Drouet, Vegr, as well as Donet, Blaise, Avre and Eton.

Ayr (city)

Er- a city in the southwest part of Scotland, administrative center area of ​​South Ayrshire. Located on the shores of the Firth of Clyde.

Ehr (village in Germany)

Er- a commune in Germany, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Part of the Rhine-Lahn district. Subject to the management of Nastetten. The population is 84 people (as of December 31, 2010). Covers an area of ​​1.22 km². Official code - 07 1 41 035 .

Ayr (Cape)

Cape Air- the northernmost cape of the Isle of Man, located in the northern part of Ramsey Bay, 10 kilometers north of the city Ramsey. The headland is accessible from the A16 via Bride County.

It is the closest headland of the Isle of Man to the British mainland, being 26 kilometers from the Burrow Head peninsula in Scotland.

The name Ayr comes from the Norwegian word Eyrr, which translates as "gravel jar". Strong water flows close to the shore cause an uneven build-up of pebbles, which literally changes the relief and shape of the shore. Such changes occur twice a day.

The significant difference between high and low waters allows for excellent fishing directly from the shore. But what attracts most visitors is the carpet of gorse and heather surrounding the lighthouse, which gradually blends into the sand dunes that extend to the southwest, providing protection for rare wildflowers belonging to the Isle of Man National Nature Reserve.

Er (Bishop of Carcassonne)

Er(, ; died no earlier than 860) - Bishop of Carcassonne (mentioned in 860).

Eure (Hautes-Pyrenees)

Er- a commune in France, located in the Midi-Pyrenees region. Department - Hautes-Pyrenees. It is part of the canton of Castelnau-Rivier-Basse. The district of the commune is Tarbes.

The INSEE code of the commune is 65219.

Ayr (river, UK)

Er - largest river in Yorkshire, England. Its length is 114 kilometers. It originates near the village of Malham, in the Craven region of North Yorkshire. The mouth at the confluence with the River Ouse near the village of Ermin three kilometers north-west of Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire. The river is part of the Air Calder water system. One of the longest rivers in Great Britain.

On the north bank of the River Aire are the ruins of Kirkstall Abbey.

Ayr (Ardennes)

Er- a commune in France, located in the Champagne-Ardennes region. Department of the Commune - Ardennes. It is part of the canton of Asfeld. The district of the commune is Rethel.

The INSEE code of the commune is 08004.

The commune is located approximately 150 km northeast of Paris, 65 km north of Chalons-en-Champagne, 55 km southwest of Charleville-Mezières.

Examples of the use of the word er in literature.

According to the ideas of the ancient Indians human history consists of four er: Kritayug, Tretayug, Dvaparayug and Kaliyug.

There lay defeated dragons, destroyed towers, slain monsters of dark, ancient er: pterodactyls buried themselves in the ground like downed planes, terrible crayfish were thrown ashore by the ebb of life.

And the one who rapes his nature for the sake of the five taste sensations, even if he is smart like Yu Er, I won’t call it great either.

In the midst of this life, both alien and forgotten, I wander like a man of the past er.

Spain lost to Louis Franche-Comte, Er, Kassel, Ypres, Cambrai, Bouchen and some other cities in Belgium.

Jimeira, the present abode of the best part of the animals of the ancient geological er, already disappears: they move to higher layers.

Reinhardt's Panzer Corps also reached the canal in the area Er, Saint-Omer, Gravelines.

But even the temporal controller himself did not suspect the possibility of a collision between operatives of the second and third er.

ER: Yes, this is a very likely outcome in the medium to long term.

The purposes of chronology or historiography. Comparable concepts are epoch, age, period, sakulum, aeon (Greek aion) and Sanskrit yuga.

What is an era?

The word era has been in use since 1615 and is translated from the Latin "aera" to mean epochs by which time is measured. The use of the term in chronology began around the fifth century, during the time of the Visigoths in Spain, where it appears in the story of Isidore of Seville. Then in later texts. The Spanish era is calculated from the year 38. Like the era, this concept originally meant starting point century.

Use in chronology

What is an era in chronology? She is considered the most high level to organize time measurement. A calendar epoch indicates the length of a period of time, starting from a certain date, which often marks the beginning of a certain political state, dynasty, or reign. This could be the birth of a leader or another significant historical or mythological event.

Geological era

In large scale natural sciences there is a need for a different time perspective, independent of human activity, and indeed covering a much longer period (mostly prehistoric), where the geological era refers to clearly defined time intervals. A further division of geological time is the eon. The Phanerozoic eon is divided into eras. There are currently three eras defined in the Phanerozoic. These are the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic eras. The older Proterozoic and Archean eons are also divided into their own epochs.

Cosmological and calendar era

For periods in the history of the universe, the term "epoch" is usually preferred to "era", although the terms are used interchangeably. The calendar era is calculated in years within certain dates. Often with religious significance. As for our era, the dominant calendar is considered to be from the birth of Jesus Christ. The Islamic calendar, which also has variations, counts the years from the Hegira, or migration of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, which occurred in 622 BC.

During the period from 1872 to World War II, the Japanese used the imperial year system, counting from the period when the legendary Emperor Jimmu founded Japan. This was in 660 BC. Many Buddhist calendars are counted from the death of the Buddha, which, according to the most commonly used calculations, took place in 545-543. BC e. Other calendar epochs of the past have been calculated from political events. These are, for example, the Seleucid era and the Ancient Roman abbot, which originate from the founding date of the city.

Century and era

The word "era" also denotes the units used in another, more arbitrary system, where time is not represented as an endless continuum with one reference year, but each new block begins with a new reference, as if time were beginning again. Usage different years- a rather impractical system, and for historians - difficult task. When there is no single historical chronology, it often reflects the dominance of an absolute ruler in public life in many ancient cultures. Such traditions sometimes survive political power throne and may even be based on mythological events or rulers who may not even have existed.

What is a century and an era? Can these concepts also be used interchangeably? A century is not necessarily 100 years; in another sense, it can be several centuries, or even a couple of decades. For example, the reign of a ruler is considered a “golden age” in history, but this does not mean that he ruled for exactly 100 years. Therefore, the frame of the eyelid can vary in one direction or the other. IN East Asia the kingdom of each emperor can be divided into several periods of reign, each of which is considered a new era.

Era in historiography

Era can be used to refer to clearly defined periods of historiography, such as Roman, Victorian, and so on. Later periods of current history include Soviet era. The history of modern popular music also has its own periods, for example, the disco era.

Different points of view

What is an era from different points of view? Here are the most common ones:

  1. A system of counting time by numbering years from some important event or a given point in time (the Christian era).
  2. An event or date that marks the beginning of a new or important period in history (the Renaissance).
  3. considered from the point of view of remarkable and characteristic events, persons (the era of progress).
  4. From a geological point of view, an era describes the time frame from the creation of the Earth to our time. This is the largest chronological division (Paleozoic era).

What is the new era?

U different nations there is its own calendar. The traditional beginning of our era is considered to be the birth of Jesus Christ; this period was once determined by the Pope. Thus, our era is also considered Christian, in honor of the founder of a new religious teaching - Christianity. Before this, chronology was carried out according to the calendar of Julius Caesar.

December 25th in many countries around the world is considered important holiday. This is the day when the “son of God” was born. Since then, it has been customary to say: “Such and such a year before (AD) or after the birth of Christ” (AD). The new starting date was accepted by Tsar Peter I, and after December 31, 7208 from the biblical creation of the world, January 1, 1700 after the birth of Christ came. People still adhere to this calendar and call it the new, or our era.