Quatrains of Nostradamus read the original. Nostradamus about Russia


During the life of Michel Nostradamus in France it was almost impossible to obtain any information about internal affairs in Russia. However, the prophet was able to accurately predict the events of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible, some of them came true during the life of the seer. Primarily related to reforms and changes, which were promoted by Archpriest Sylvester (79th quatrain of the 5th century):

Russian faith will be ordered
With the advent of the great legislator.
The meek priest will exalt himself and disturb the mighty.
However, the monarch will not use his advice for long.

In 1560, Queen Anastasia died, which caused a deep psychological change in the king’s soul. The Livonian War was lost, Ivan IV married again.

Seven wives and a son died or were killed by the cruel monarch,
There is bloodshed all around, there is no limit to great atrocities.
The fifth wife will be thrown into the lake,
But the eighth will give birth to a son and miraculously survive.


Fyodor Ivanovich became the new tsar, who had little interest in state affairs, spending all his time in churches and monasteries, atone for the sins of his father. Standing at the head of the behind-the-scenes struggle, Boris Godunov seized the coveted throne, but he did not have to rule for long. Quatrain 89 of the 8th century reads:

The boy is killed by his treacherous uncle,
Who poisoned his father in order to reign.
He will succeed the pious monarch, but will not rule for long.
After death he will be thrown out of the grave.

As predicted, already in 1601 the relative calm within the country came to an end. A terrible famine began, which was accompanied by a plague epidemic and popular riots that shook the state.


In the middle of the 17th century, Patriarch Nikon carried out a reform of the church. She brought the country to the brink of a religious war. Already in 1658, Alexei Mikhailovich quarreled with Nikon, and in 1667 he achieved a trial against him. All this was predicted in the 96th quatrain of the 1st century:

The one who will be entrusted with remaking
Temples and rituals, changed due to whim,
It will harm both priests and laity.
Then he himself will be in disgrace.


Peter I not only reformed the entire system public administration, Peter’s reforms became a kind of apocalypse for “Russian antiquity,” Michel Nostradamus knew about the consequences of Peter’s reforms and described them in the 59th quatrain of the 1st century:

Exiles driven from the island
With the arrival of a more merciless sovereign
They will be killed and burned in flames.
The rebel city by the sea is destroyed.

The youngest daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, arrested the infant Ivan VI and his mother Anna Leopoldovna. For the royal family, a journey of torment began, which ended in death. Nostradamus foresaw the fall of the power of the infant Ivan Antonovich and dedicated the 52nd quatrain of the 6th century to this event:

Instead of the great one who was doomed,
His daughter will appear, having escaped from prison,
The baby will reign for twelve months.
Then he will end up in the fortress, where he will be stabbed to death.


Nostradamus also described the struggle for power that began in the USSR even before the death of Vladimir Lenin. Centurion 8, quatrain 9:

To support the labors of the great cap
Yes, and clear the place, the Reds will come out
And they will exterminate the family almost to the last.
So the reds will destroy the reds.

I'm afraid of the unknown third ruler
A mysterious, barbaric, terrible country.
His comrades were killed by him,
And only hell will save him in old age.

One cannot but agree with the soothsayer that Stalin was a “terrible unknown third ruler.” Note that, according to recollections, he was very lonely, especially in recent years life. Those around him wanted him dead; truly, “only hell will save him in old age.”


Centuria 5, quatrain 29, says:

Freedom will not be won again,
The “throne” will be occupied by the black, bad, proud, unjust,
When all the bridge material has been processed,
The Venetian Republic will be annoyed by Hister.

Hitler's name is almost exactly mentioned here - Hister. By the way, this was the former name of the Danube, which flows through the territory of the Fuhrer’s homeland. So the soothsayer gives a double indication of him. Quatrain 80, century 4 speaks about the beginning of the Second World War:

There is a big ditch near the big river, the earth has been thrown out,
Divided into fifteen parts by water,
The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, battle,
Most of the population is in conflict.

Only in 1940 did the war started by Hitler become a world war. This year German troops broke through the Maginot line in 15 places - “divided into fifteen parts by water” - and captured not only Paris (“the city was taken”), but the whole country. The first two lines of the quatrain describe the trenches.


"This year is more difficult than the previous one,
For the Message, for the Church going without God,
Devastation and quarrels are usually in vain,
But the darkness will die away and the Dawn will take over..."

The latest transcripts of Nostradamus' predictions indicate that from 2014 Russia will begin its rapid entry into the Golden Age. In Russia there will come: “what will happen has never been so beautiful... the second age of Saturn is the Golden Age. The Creator will see the torment of his people and peace will be concluded between God and people.
The beginning of a New Era is ahead. Before this there will be great troubles, but after that Justice and Goodness will reign on Earth.”

Nostradamus speaks of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, under the sign of which Russia exists, about which in bible books It says “The Kingdom of God on Earth.” Nostradamus gives the key: the prerequisites for the onset of the Golden Age, which will mature for exactly 33 years - the time between the Birth of Christ and the Resurrection. The preconditions for the Golden Age arose in Russia at the turn of 2002 and 2003. They will mature for exactly 33 years, and the final Golden Age in Russia will come in 2035.

Quatrains of Nostradamus

Interpreters of the creative heritage of Michel Nostradamus today are looking for indications of 2012 in his works, because they are sure that a real predictor would not leave such a date unattended. These expectations are not without meaning, since, judging by the numerous coincidences of interpretations of Nostradamus’s quatrains with historical events, the 16th-century doctor managed to grasp certain patterns of the development of civilization.

Michel de Notredame was born on December 14, 1503 in the small town of Saint-Rémy in Provence into the family of the notary Jaume de Notredame, who shortly before was forced to choose Catholicism over the Jewish faith (according to the decree of Louis XII that determined the fate of French Jews). The family of the future master of Nostradamus was very wealthy: according to the “Chronicle of Provence” by Cesar de Notredame (one of the sons of Nostradamus), Michel’s great-grandfathers were doctors at the courts of the rulers of Provence - Count Rene the Good and the Duke of Calabria. Relatives of Nostradamus continued to secretly observe the rituals of Judaism. Thus, Michel’s worldview was based on two faiths: first of all, the Jewish one, which was certainly accompanied by an atmosphere of dangerous secrecy, and, of course, the officially introduced Catholicism.

In 1521, Michel de Notredame received his Master of Arts degree in Avignon. The next eight years of the young master’s life fell out of the attention of biographers - according to Nostradamus himself, they were spent in wanderings and research, the purpose of which was the accumulation of medical and pharmaceutical knowledge. In 1529 he entered the Faculty of Medicine University of Montpellier and, despite several conflict situations with teachers, came out with a doctorate and the right to write his last name in the Latin manner: Nostradamus. During the new stage of his wanderings that followed, Nostradamus became close friends with the famous scientist, poet and humanist figure Jules Cesar Scaliger, and then settled in the town of Agen. However, in 1537, a plague came to this city, from which the wife and children of Nostradamus died. A year later, the doctor was imprisoned by the Holy Inquisition on charges of blasphemy - according to an anonymous denunciation, he spoke unflatteringly about one of the sculptures of the Virgin Mary. However, the accusation was found to be false. Once free, Nostradamus soon left Agen - apparently, this happened after a quarrel with Cesar Scaliger, from whom the doctor subsequently received a number of caustic epigrams - including accusations of hidden Judaism.

Michel de Notredame, who gained fame as the greatest seer of all times

For the next few years, Michel de Notredame practiced medicine in Italy and Germany. In 1546, he again found himself in France, where he took an active part in the fight against the plague in the city of Aix in Provence - so active that the city’s parliament awarded the doctor a lifelong pension. A year later, Nostradamus remarried (his second marriage subsequently brought him 6 children).

Soon Nostradamus managed to break through the veil of church censorship and begin publishing an annual astrological almanac. The first issue was published in 1555 in Lyon. At the same time, the first edition of “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus” was published, which consisted of 353 predictions, made in the form of quatrains and an epistolary preface in the spirit of the times - “Letters to his son Cesar.” But, despite the fact that catholic church had previously given the go-ahead for the publication of the fortuneteller’s works, Nostradamus still had to justify his quatrains again and again in the face of “representatives of God on Earth.” Then I joined the church secular power, which made the astrologer’s life unbearable - he moved from place to place, until in 1558, in the preface to the last part of the “Centuries” (collections of 100 quatrains), he addressed King Henry II. The soothsayer called the monarch the ruler of the world and in an allegorical form revealed to him the future of humanity for many centuries to come. A year later, Henry II died at a tournament, perhaps without having time to familiarize himself with Nostradamus’ extensive message. It is assumed that the predictor wrote about the future death of the king back in the first “Century” (its 35th quatrain), and it is possible that it was thanks to this prediction that turned out to be correct that Nostradamus received an audience with Catherine de Medici.

In 1561, the astrologer was taken into custody in his own house in Provence, in the city of Salon, - the authorities demanded from him a detailed description of the life and future achievements of the young king Charles IX. It is known that Nostradamus composed his response letter in such a way that, on the one hand, he gave in to the persistent wishes of those in power, but on the other hand, he did not say anything specific. The text of the letter, unfortunately, has not been preserved.

In 1564, Michel Nostradamus received the post of court physician and so, being at the peak of his career, died from complications of gout on July 2, 1566. Over his grave in the Salon there was a slab with the inscription: “Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world.”


The first complete edition of “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus” appeared in 1568 - 2 years after the death of the predictor. It contained all ten "Centuries", which included 942 quatrains - it is known that the seventh "Centuria" remained incomplete. The publication also included the entire prose address to Henry II, consisting of prophecies, and a “Letter to his son Cesar,” explaining the occult views of Nostradamus. It was the quatrains that brought Michel de Notredame the posthumous fame of the greatest, apart from biblical characters, seer in the world.

Nostradamus owes his lifetime popularity to his annual astrological almanacs, which were regularly published from 1555 to 1567. Most of this almanac was occupied by predictions in prose. In addition, one quatrain was dedicated to the next year as a whole and each of its months separately.

Page of the first edition of “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus”

The prophetic verses of Nostradamus set out the history of the future in an allegorical form, so they can have a lot of different interpretations. This is both their disadvantage and advantage, since it is unknown what the proportion of coincidences would be if the predictor spoke about specific dates and events. It often turns out that one or another quatrain is indeed suitable for describing events that have already happened, but these quatrains can hardly be used for confident forecasts for the future.

This does not prevent followers of Nostradamus from attributing to their idol descriptions of all significant events human history for thousands of years to come. For example, according to interpreters, the 32nd quatrain of the fifth “Century” warns about the American disaster of September 11, 2001:

Where everything is good and beautiful - the Sun and the Moon, abundance -

Ruin is coming,

It will come from the sky to cast your fate

To the state of the seventh stone...

Despite the fact that this prediction is one of those that do not have a chronological reference, thousands of people around the world are confident that Nostradamus still managed to foresee the destruction of the World Trade Center skyscrapers that occurred as a result of the terrorist attack. In alchemy, the Sun and Moon symbolize gold and silver, and the “seventh stone” (“seventh metal”) is mercury, which in this context signifies destruction. Thus, the quatrain really speaks of a catastrophe coming from heaven to the center of wealth - according to interpreters, this is enough to give specific meaning to the general prophecy.

However, the legacy of Nostradamus includes many predictions that came true with the dates embedded in them. Below are just a few examples of such prophecies.

Thousands of people around the world are confident that Nostradamus managed to foresee the destruction of the World Trade Center skyscrapers that occurred as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001

Galileo Galilei demonstrates the telescope and sketches of the observations made with its help to the “scientific” cardinals. As you know, church leaders were not impressed by the scientist’s achievements. Or they were imbued with it, but misunderstood them...


An adapted translation of the 71st quatrain of the eighth “Centuria” into Russian looks like this:

The number of astronomers will increase so much

Persecuted, banished and banned books

In the year 1607 thanks to the holy cups,

That no one can be saved from the holy gifts.

In 1607, Johannes Kepler's work “New Astronomy” was published, laying the foundation for modern astronomy. A year later, the telescope (spotting scope) was invented. The operating principle of this simple device at that time became generally known, which led to a wave of enthusiasm for officially prohibited astronomy. Discoveries date back to the same time Galileo Galilei and many astronomers who disappeared into obscurity in the basements of the Holy Inquisition and the “Towers of Jesters” (a prison and a madhouse at the same time). Indeed, few people were saved from the “sacred gifts”.

49th quatrain of the first "Centuria":

Eastern people, led by lunar power,

In 1700 they will make great campaigns,

Almost conquering the corner of Aquilon.

The traditional poetic meaning of Aquilon is “the land of the north wind.” In 1700, the Northern War of Russia and its allies against Sweden began, as a result of which the “corner of Aquilon” - the Baltic states - went to Russia. Speaking about “people led by lunar power,” the soothsayer, according to interpreters, means that the Northern War (1700-1721) coincides in time with the peak of the astrological epoch of the Moon - therefore, the cause of wars lies in its destructive influence.

25th quatrain of the same “Centuria”:

The lost is found, hidden for a long century,

This pastor will be revered as a demigod

Thus the Moon, having completed its cycle,

Will be defiled by other desires.

According to the concept of planetary ages, formulated by the Jewish philosopher Abraham ibn Ezra in the 12th century, the age of the Moon begins in 1535 and ends in 1889. This year the future “pastor” Adolf Hitler was born. “Demi-god” (superman) is the main figure of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, whose works inspired Hitler to create his own ideology.

In his message to Henry II - the same one that never reached its immediate addressee, but became the property of mankind - Nostradamus mentions French Revolution 1792.

In addition, the same message contains a prediction of the rise and fall of the USSR: “And in the month of October it will happen that some great movement will occur - such that they will think that the colossus of the Earth has lost its natural direction and plunged into eternal darkness. Before this, in the springtime, and after this, there will be exceptional changes and shifts of power, great earthquakes, with the growth of New Babylonia, a despicable daughter, increased by the abomination of the first Holocaust, and it will last only 73 years and 7 months.” Surprisingly, the lifespan Soviet Union indicated here almost without error.

Probably, in the quatrains of Nostradamus one can really find a warning about cataclysms that could befall humanity in 2012 or in the foreseeable future. But even today, when there is not much left until this, apparently, turning point date, it is almost impossible to guess which of the probabilities will prevail first - too many threats to the existence of humanity have converged at one point in time. Therefore, now it is difficult to say what exactly you need to look for in quatrains. Perhaps the quatrain about the disaster will be found after the fact - if, of course, there are those willing to look for it in the ruins of human civilization.

For five centuries now, the image of the seer Nostradamus has been an integral part of the cultural space of human civilization. In the picture: fragment from computer game"The Mysteries of Nostradamus. In search of the ring of fate"

Global catastrophe in artistic form

In Brian Aldiss's book "The Long Twilight of the Earth" (1962), a global cataclysm leads to the capture of the planet by the biosphere, and man returns to a state close to the animal of complete obedience to instincts. Today, such an outcome of any catastrophe may seem unlikely to many - and completely in vain. Since when favorable conditions It will not be difficult for the “green kingdom” to absorb and digest all human cities, erasing all traces of our civilization. Wildlife The Earth still has enormous power - the destructive influence of humanity on the ecology of the planet has not yet shaken these positions.

“Heat, light, humidity remained unchanged throughout... But no one remembered when this great constancy began. No one was looking for an answer to questions that began with the words “How long?..” or “Why?..”. Nobody asked such questions. Reason no longer existed, only consciousness remained, serving only the simplest instincts. And there were also plants, a huge variety of species and forms, growing as if in a greenhouse.”

(Brian Aldiss, Earth's Long Twilight).

The biosphere of the planet still remains a powerful element, capable of absorbing human cities in a relatively short time and leaving not many traces of the existence of our civilization on Earth. Those who believe that this is just an artistic exaggeration, let them remember how a thin blade of grass breaks through a layer of asphalt - simply because its time to germinate has come.

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Chapter 1 And the drunkards in the park, And the lords and the cooks, The Jeffersonian chauffeur And the Chinese tooth grinder, Children, women, men - Cogs of the same machine. We all live on Earth, Cooking in the same pot. Okay, okay, This is very good! Bokonon * * *I was in the family youngest child and like

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Chapter 5 In which the head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, Viktor Medvedchuk, remained the last Ukrainian whom Putin believes. At the beginning of the 2000s, Medvedchuk, against the background of Ukrainian politicians, looked like a man from outer space. Absolutely European, completely different from

10 years have passed since the publication of this article. But the topic raised in it is still relevant and interesting to our readers.

Retrospective. The year is 1999 and seven months...

When the dead rise from their graves.

Michelle Nostradamus.
Centuria 10, quatrain 74.

Michel Nostradamus knew the future. He not only imagined various options for events, but also saw these events in detail. Even the time when the internal logic of his prophecies would be revealed was well known to him 440 years before it happened.

It is no coincidence that M. Nostradamus singled out Russia in his prophecies. Numerous facts convincingly show that today global changes will begin in Russia. A “new branch” will appear here, carrying the update.

In the center huge world- rose,
Because of new facts, human blood has been shed;
Those who speak the truth will have their mouths closed,
Then, if necessary, he will come later.

Centuria 5, quatrain 96.

Rosa – Russia. It was about the future mission of our country that Nostradamus wrote.

The sky from Plenkus city gives us an omen,
With clear directions and fixed stars,
That the era is approaching its sudden change,
Neither for good nor for evil.
Centuria 3, quatrain 46.

“Neither for good nor for evil...” It’s just time to start realizing and thinking about what’s happening in the world.

In his “Message to Henry” Nostradamus wrote about events in Russia:

“And the changed cities, towns, kingdoms and provinces, which abandoned the original paths for liberation, enslaved even deeper, will secretly be burdened by their freedom, and having completely lost religion, will begin to beat the left party in order to return to the right. Temples will be restored, as in the first times, and the clergy will be restored to their legal status, but will be mired in fraud and sensuality, and will commit a thousand atrocities. And from this new devastation will come closer...”

Here we see a clear reference to Russia from 1980 to 2000. There was a “movement to the right” and a multi-party system. Temples are being restored, and priests are replacing political officers in the army; Confessional booths are installed in police departments. And the symptoms of “wallowing in luxury” are obvious.

Today the church has everything - “absolution of sins” and retail outlets selling all kinds of ritual services: “godly” candles, calendars, icons... The only thing that is missing there is God himself.

Let's think about what specific fruits have churches, mosques, and synagogues brought today? Maybe the people for the most part have warmed up in their souls? Or maybe there are fewer wars on Earth? Or did religion give the world outstanding scientists, writers, philosophers? After all, once upon a time this was the case: the church was the Temple of Science and brought people basic literacy.

In Russia, where the prophecies have been deciphered and where freedom is understood as revelry and lawlessness, despite warnings, a riot may occur. A certain Antibes will take over the army.

Warnings have been given to the ungrateful people.
Then Antibes will take possession of the army...”
Centuria 10, quatrain 23.

By “Antibes, Antibor” a certain opponent of Boris Nikolaevich is assumed.

Blamed, Antibor, cities near Victory,
They will be greatly entertained across the sea and over the land:
This locust of land and sea is a timely plague,
Dead containers were taken, robbed without
war (without military law).
Centuria 3, quatrain 82.

There is a clear analogy here with the modern economic and political state of Russia, when financial support comes to us from overseas and over land, more like bribes, and at the same time the country is being stolen literally before our eyes. Well, tell me, not locusts?

The fact is that in the "Epistle to Henry" there is a fairly clear warning that if, “forcing the people to go to the right, he will not want to come down to them, at the end of the counteraction hand of military unrest on earth”.

Moreover, this will happen precisely when “the restored Christian Church will be at its peak, and all this will wallow in luxury and commit a thousand crimes”.

Here again is an indication of our time period. The salvation of the government does not lie in self-government, but in condescension to the people and an end to the plunder of the country. But, as we see, the processes of political and economic life in the country are not developing for the better.

Because of the spirit of the state, money has become worthless,
And the people will rebel against their king...
Centuria 6, quatrain 23.

The beginning of the 21st century, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, should be marked by the arrival and deeds of the Great Monarch. The Prophet also calls him the Great Henry. His arrival is expected by 1999. This monarch is destined to unite Europe and free it from all hostile forces. He will become the Ruler of the world and the United Nations of Europe.

The leader of the world will be the great Hiren,
He will be desired more than all others,
but further they will fear and fear him,
His honor will rise to heaven,
And he will be awarded the title of conqueror.
Centuria 6, quatrain 70.

This Great Monarch will be born at 48-50 degrees latitude. It is likely that Michel Nostradamus had in mind the city of Rostov-on-Don! And the author already has some evidence for this...

The state will be given to two, but they are few
will hold out. (The reign of the kingdom is short-lived
will hold),
In three years and seven months they will start a war,
Two vestals will rise up against (them),
Lesser Victor /Winner/ (will be born) in
Armenian (Armonica?) land.
Centuria 4, quatrain 95.

Addressing the Great Monarch, Nostradamus says: “Only you have the highest priority in resolving religious issues.” There is a connection between this Ruler and the renewal of spirituality and ideology.

Further, the Prophet clearly indicates that this “renewer of the true Church” will appear not from already existing religions, but “from that branch that was in vain considered withered,” and this will happen in the country where “in the month of October a great revolution will break out ", whose conquests "will not last longer than 73 years and 7 months."
In other words, we're talking about specifically about Russia.

The great King has been abandoned by physicists,
By fate, and not by the ability to stay alive from Drunk,
He and his family are raised high in the state,
Pardon is given to people who envy Christ.
Centuria 6, quatrain 18.

There is a connection between science and spirituality here. The time of the arrival of the Great Monarch is discussed in the following quatrain:

Year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine and seven months,
The great King of Terror will appear from heaven;
Restore the great king from Angumua,
Before and after Mars (War) reign happily.
Centuria 10, quatrain 72.

So, the time of the event is predetermined - June 1999 or July 2000. As we know, August 11, 1999 happened solar eclipse. In 2000, as many as three such eclipses are expected! "It will come from heaven Great King intimidation..."

Perhaps it is in this year 2000 that something unprecedented and unheard of will happen - an emergency contact situation with Extraterrestrial Intelligence!!! So that people finally think that we are not alone in the Universe.

During Christmas week alone, more than 400 UFO sightings were reported around the world. On January 1, at 1 a.m. local time, a “plate” posed over the Great Wall of China for media representatives and allowed itself to be filmed on video cameras! And at the end of February, a massive invasion of UFOs led to the fact that official circles in China recognized the reality of the activity Extraterrestrial Intelligence on our planet.

It's time for other governments to follow this example! Indeed, at present, only narrow-minded people can assume that man descended from a monkey, and life on Earth arose by chance in a puddle.

Moreover, those who still claim that UFOs are some kind of fluctuations in atmospheric air look stupid!

Apparently, in July 2000, we will all witness one of the most ambitious “fluctuations” - real contact with representatives of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Therefore, the time has come to turn to awareness and repentance. Otherwise, we are on the verge of a third world war, which the ruling clans of the planet will try to unleash. After all, otherwise, the people will finally understand: who is the real master on Earth!

It was in July 2000 in the natal chart of V.V. Putin, who came to power at the time of the July lunar eclipse-99, shows the most intense aspect! (See article by G. Maslov, “PK” No. 2, 2000.)

When the year turns to the great seventh,
Then the deadly games of the hecatomb will appear,
Shortly before the new thousandth century,
When the dead rise from their graves.
Centuria 10, quatrain 74.

(Hecate is the lunar goddess. Gakatomba is the expiatory and bloodiest sacrifice of the ancient Greeks, when a hundred bulls were slaughtered in honor of the formidable goddess.)

During this period, a new ideological movement will appear on the world stage and will be greatly persecuted.

“The persecution of the people of Preaching will begin with the Kings of Aquilon,” and then, when the ruler of Aquilon weakens, then a certain “holy man of his law, an observer of God, the whole order of religion will be very much upset, so much so that the blood of the true Preachers will float everywhere. »
"Message to Henry".

It clearly says that the new ideology will be persecuted first by the Russian authorities, and then, when the entire “religious order is limited,” then blood will be shed like a river.

Simply put, the church fathers will not want to agree to a voluntary reformation and will go against the “true preachers” and the “law of God” itself.

"One new sect philosophers,
Despising death, gold, honors and riches,
They will not be limited to their native cities,
In them, followers will have support and
Centuria 3, quatrain 67.

Nostradamus describes the development of further events as follows:

“The people rise up in defense, drive out these clingy legislators, and it will seem that the states are weakened because of the Eastern ones, that God the Creator has decided to release Satan from the prison of the underworld in order to give birth to the Great Dog and Dokhan, who will make such a disgusting faction in the Churches, whatever these red and white without eyes and without hands will no longer judge, and their power will be taken away from them.”
"Message to Henry".

Here we are talking about a violent change of power somewhere in the East, only as a result of this both the “reds” and the “whites” will become blind, helpless and lose their power! “The Great Dog and Dokhan are a disgusting faction in the churches” will lead to big church “showdowns”, and “such a mess will brew” that it will seem as if Satan has broken free.

A body without a soul will not be sacrificed,
The day of death will become the day of birth:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Contemplating the (Divine) Verb in its infinity.
Centuria 2, quatrain 13.

Yes, there is a force in our country that can lead the whole world to a new life. But everything depends on people’s awareness and repentance. If people don't start to think about what is happening, we could all be drawn into a third world war. It was the date - mid-2002 - that Nostradamus encrypted as the possible beginning of this terrible event.

The terrible war that is being prepared in the West,
A year later the plague will come
So terrible that neither young nor
Neither old nor beast.
Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
Centuria 9, quatrain 55.

And the collapse in the country will continue for another 27 years.
From this heavenly fire to the Royal building,
When the light of War fades,
Seven months great war, dead people
from damage.
Centuria 4, quatrain 100.

In other words, we have to learn to fight evil bloodlessly, and if this does not happen, then the promised Golden Age will never come.

You will only have to console yourself with the fact that distant descendants who survived this deadly war of 2002 will tell legends about our failed civilization.

But Nostradamus did not write about the fatality of the third world war. He simply warned future generations about these events, about how all this could be avoided.

Everything depends on ourselves, on the mind and awareness of everyone. It is possible that in the same mid-2002, a simply peaceful normalization of life will begin in all spheres of society.

Mars and the scepter (Jupiter) will open in conjunction (July 2000),
Under Cancer there is a disastrous war:
A little later a new King will be anointed,
Which will pacify the earth for a long time.
Centuria 6, quatrain 24.

“Then he will come from that branch that was considered barren for such a long time, and will come from that 50th degree who will renew the entire Christian Church. And it will be arranged greatest world, union and concord between several children warring, erring and divided due to different governments, such a peace will be concluded that the instigators and instigators of hostilities, using religious differences, will remain bound in the underworld, and the kingdom of these Slaves will be united; which will remake wisdom."
"Message to Henry".

In a word, the victory of the new teaching is predetermined. And it already exists!

But the final victory of the age of Saturn is attributed by Nostradamus to 2035, and until then we all have a lot of work ahead of us!

“Satan will be captured and in chains for about a thousand years, and peace will be made between God and people.” .

E. KADATOVA. Research Center "ENIO"
(When working on the article, materials from the book by D. and N. Zim “Nostradamus Deciphered” were used)

Based on materials from the newspaper of the Scientific Research Center "ENIO" "Centaur's Crossroads" (subscription index in the Rospechat catalog 53745)

Align: justify;">Nostradamus presented his prophecies in the form of a quatrain, that is, a verse in four lines, grouping them by centuries - 100 quatrains in each. Nine centuries are written in full, but in the seventh there are only 42 quatrains. Of the 942 prophecies, they are constantly remembered very few. Most gather dust in oblivion. What do the quatrains of Nostradamus talk about?

The predictions of a sixteenth-century doctor come true exactly many, many years after his death. Well, isn't that amazing? Nostradamus (1503-1566) lived in French Provence and made money by publishing fortune predictions for the next year in annual almanacs. During his lifetime he was much less popular than he is now. Nostradamus presented his prophecies in the form of a quatrain, that is, a verse of four lines, grouping them by centuries - 100 quatrains in each. Nine centuries are written in full, but the seventh has only 42 quatrains. Of the 942 prophecies, very few are constantly remembered. Most of it gathers dust in oblivion. What are they talking about? quatrains of Nostradamus?

Interpretation of quatrains

Most often they refer to two quatrains, which allegedly predict the Great Fire of London and the Second world war. Below I will try to interpret these quatrains differently, but I ask the reader to think about how many meanings a diligent and erudite interpreter can extract from them? And are they even worthy of being called predictions? And wasn’t Nostradamus expressing himself so vaguely on purpose?

Written in Old French - an outdated language even in the time of Nostradamus. Was it not for this reason that he resorted to archaic linguistic forms in order to strengthen his reputation as a prophet with the mysteriousness of his statements?

Translations of quatrains differ slightly from each other due to difficulties in understanding the Old French dialect, and also because Nostradamus printed these quatrains in different versions.

Great Fire of London?

Le sang du iuste a Londres fera faulte, Brusles par fouldres de vint trois les six; La dame antique cherra de place haute, De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

They will demand the blood of the righteous in London, Twenty-three will beat six with thunder. The ancient lady will fall from the high bridge. Many members of this sect will be killed. (Quatrain 51, century II)

This well-known quatrain is seen as a direct connection with the Great Fire that broke out in London on September 2, 1666. Many translators replace the word fouldres with feu, and as a result, “claps of thunder” turn into “fire.” What is the deciphering Nostradamus? According to his admirers, the key word here is “six,” which points to 1666. How twenty-three and six make 1666 is still a mystery, but no one doubts the result.

Dame antique is translated as "ancient lady" and it is stated that this name refers to St. Paul's Cathedral in London. However, we do not have any documentary evidence that this cathedral was popularly called the “old woman”. In addition, the cathedral could not collapse entirely, not to mention the fact that antique is more accurately translated as “eccentric” or “stupid.” Some people claim that we are talking about the statue of the Virgin Mary that stood on top of the cathedral, but this also contradicts the facts.

In The Occult and the Supernatural: An Encyclopedia of Scams and Hoaxes, James Randi explains how this quatrain can be interpreted (almost directly) based on events that occurred during the time of Nostradamus, when Queen Mary I of England began burning Protestant heretics at the stake in groups of six. . An “act of mercy” in the form of bags of gunpowder, which were tied between the legs of heretics, usually provided a quicker and more explosive (“thunderous”) end to their suffering. When the number of Protestants being burned in groups of six reached 300, Queen Mary went mad.

As he tells us, he was one of the first to know about these events, before they became known to the French public, and the publication of quatrain 51 could glorify him as a true prophet. Since he not only made a living from predictions, but also found patrons, don’t you think Randy’s explanation seems more reasonable?

Given the vagueness of the expressions, this quatrain can be interpreted as a prediction of many other events. Let's see if I can use it to predict the death of Princess Diana?

The blood of the righteous will be demanded in London

Diana took care of children and disabled people, fought against infantry mines and always seemed kind and beautiful. London (more precisely, Buckingham Palace) was thirsty for her blood, as we all heard about.

Twenty-three will thunder against six

Car accidents rarely occur without noise, explosions and fire. As for numbers, I do not intend to ignore twenty-three and deal only with sixes, as they did before me.

This line points to the role of the media in Diana's fate. At twenty-three, Diana gave birth to her second child, Harry, and at the same time difficulties began in her relationship with the press. Her death at thirty-six years old (36 is a derivative of 6, as you probably immediately noticed) was the result of the thunder that the press hurled at her and the evil tongue of journalists. After all, if you think about it, this is obvious, isn’t it?

An ancient lady will fall from a high bridge

Diana suffered from bulimia, never excelled in intellect, and missed out on the chance to become Queen of England - all of which can be interpreted as “stupidity.” She has lost the right to ascend to the throne - a higher place than one can imagine. She fell from it, which we all witnessed.

Many members of this sect will be killed

That's it. Dodi Al-Fayed and Henry Paul died with her.

World War II?

What about pilots wearing oxygen masks and World War II? He saw this coming, right? Since no one demands chronological order from Nostradamus, this quatrain is taken from Century I.

De nuict soleil penseront avoir veu, Quand le pourceau demi-homme on verra: Bruict, chant, bataille, au ciel batter aperceau: Es bestes brutes parler Ion orra.

They will think that the sun is visible at night,

When they see a half-human pig.

And you will hear the talk of wild animals.

(Quatrain 64, century I)

This quatrain is often called a prediction of World War II, when pilots put on oxygen masks, which Nostradamus mistook for pig snouts in his visions. Battles were fought in the air, and wild animals that had acquired human language were interpreted as radios. Let's see if I can offer another interpretation.

It seems quite clear to me that what is meant by half-human pigs is people with transplants taken from pigs. Xenotransplantation is a new technology that uses animal organs to save human lives. Mostly pork hearts. I think this is a much more accurate interpretation, what do you think?

They will think that the sun is visible at night

Organ transplant operations take a long time and often end in the dead of night, and this line refers to the bright lighting of the operating room, which for Nostradamus, not accustomed to electric light, is comparable to the sun turning night into day.

When they see a half-human pig

These words clearly refer to people with pig organ transplants. No doubt about it.

Noise, singing, battle, battles will be seen in the sky

Organ transplantation raises a lot of controversy. There were loud protests; There were heated battles over this issue on radio, television and the Internet. I admit, there was a temptation to connect “noise, singing and battle” with what happens in pigsties during the slaughter of pigs. It is a pity that this version does not fit into the French original at all.

And you can hear the talk of wild animals

The interpretation of this line is based on ideas about anatomy that existed in the era of Nostradamus. People feel with their hearts. They speak from the heart. It turns out that the speech of half-human pigs comes from an organ they received from a pig.

So, it is very easy to interpret quatrains - after the fact. Any vague verse can be interpreted in any way, but this does not make the quatrains either predictions of the future or convincing proof of the prophetic gift of Nostradamus.

Myths about Nostradamus

Many have heard that during the French Revolution, the body of Nostradamus was exhumed: there was a medallion on his chest, and in the medallion there was a note predicting the exhumation. This procedure was graphically reproduced in the television program “The Man Who Foresaw Tomorrow,” created by Orson Welles. And we would have opened our mouths in amazement, if not for the fact that Nostradamus was buried upright according to the custom of that era, and in addition there is no written evidence of exhumation.

There are many such myths circulating, they help sell books on this topic and increase the ratings of television shows. It happens that for political purposes, quatrains are added for Nostradamus, so always check the authenticity of the poems by the numbers of quatrains and centuries.

Intentional distortions in translation also help to fabricate a more reliable prediction. Pasteur was given as the name of the philosopher and scientist Pasteur, although the word means “shepherd.” Franco was seen as a Spanish dictator, neglecting another translation - “messenger”. What do you think is more likely - that Nostradamus knew the name of a person from the future, or that he used a common word in his native language?

Desperate search for a suitable quatrain

After the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the works of Nostradamus took first place on the bestseller lists, and I must admit, this did not make me happy. Descriptions of such events are always interpreted after the fact. Enthusiastic admirers of the ancient seer sent the corresponding quatrain around the world; it was sent to me at least ten times:

There will be thunder in God's city,

and two brothers will be torn apart by chaos,

While the fortress will endure,

the great leader will surrender,

The third big war will begin,

when the big city lights up.

(Nostradamus, 1654)

The Australian magazine New Thought expressed solidarity with America in this way: the back cover of the September 22, 2001 issue was entirely occupied by a photograph of New York City on fire with the inscription “God Bless America” and the above verse. When I called the editor, they told me that I was not the first to point out a mistake to them. It is sad that no one from the editorial board recognized the fake, although this was easy to guess by the date under the verse. In 1654, Nostradamus had been dead for more than a hundred years. He did not write this quatrain. It was written by a student ten years before the 2001 disaster to show how easy it is to write poetry in the spirit of Nostradamus. And he turned out to be one hundred percent right.

So did Nostradamus foresee the future?

To answer this question you must read quatrains of Nostradamus predictions in the original, make sure that the translations do not lie, and then decide whether you trust the interpretations. Or are there so many possible interpretations that the quatrains essentially lose their meaning?

What are we left with in the end? We have a man who wrote 942 vague passages of four lines each. A man whose works are read and discussed hundreds of years after his death. A man who brings a hefty profit to those who invested in a project to strengthen faith in the ancient prophet from Provence. Isn't this a success? One can only envy Nostradamus.

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© Book Club “Family Leisure Club”, edition in Russian, 2015

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© LLC " Book club“Family leisure club”, Belgorod, 2015

* * *

-You don’t know much...
– So little that the meaning of the speeches is
and that one is dark to me.

Lope de Vega

About Nostradamus, the misunderstood prophet

He knew exactly the time and hour of his death and where and how he would die. “Near the bench and bed they will find me dead.” No one was particularly surprised by this prediction. During his lifetime, the great prophet and clairvoyant predicted something else. He was able, amazing his contemporaries, to look into the abyss of the future and predict the events of several centuries of future history.

The night before, Nostradamus announced to his loved ones that he would not survive this night. Relatives, wife and children, began to object, but he stopped them with a movement of his hand and demanded a priest. Father Vidal confessed the dying man and administered holy communion.

In the morning, when we entered the office, we saw Nostradamus dead on the floor between the bench and the bed. This happened on July 2, 1566.

A few days earlier, clearly sensing the imminent end, he gave orders for how to bury his body. It had to be walled up in the wall of the crypt, built and paid for during his lifetime. Moreover, according to the will, the coffin should have been placed in an upright position. This quirk was explained by the fact that the prophet did not die, but was walled up alive in a crypt, where there were candles, books, paper and ink, so that, sitting at the table, he could continue to describe the future events of the entire Earth according to the influence of the stars.

However, there was another explanation for such a strange desire of the deceased. He himself wrote about this in his will. I didn’t want fools and cowards of all stripes, vulgarities and villains to dance on his grave after his death. Then, apparently, a legend was born that secret papers were walled up with the clairvoyant, which contained the key to all his prophecies.

These legends lived until 1791, when rampaging atheist revolutionaries destroyed the church and desecrated the grave, breaking the marble tombstone. But nothing but a skeleton was found in the grave. Then the blasphemers began to distribute the bones of the great oracle to everyone as souvenirs.

Having heard about the sacrilege, the mayor rushed over. He found the following picture: heavily drunk soldiers of the National Guard and local residents danced around the coffin, in which, to their chagrin, there was nothing valuable. And one guardsman drank wine from the skull of Nostradamus. He was assured that if you drink blood from the skull, you will gain the gift of prophecy. Red wine was apparently considered a suitable substitute for blood.

In horror, the mayor began to admonish the hooligans, reminding them that Nostradamus is the man who foresaw the revolution and therefore deserves all respect.

And the mayor also recalled that Nostradamus foreshadowed a quick violent death for anyone who dared to desecrate his remains. Ashamed and frightened, the soldiers collected the bones and placed them back in the coffin. Later, the remains of the prophet were reburied in the chapel of the Church of St. Lawrence in the city of Salona, ​​where they remain to this day.

As for the seer’s words about retribution for those who dare to disturb his ashes, it soon came true. The soldiers who took part in the atrocities at the grave of Nostradamus, the next day, on the way to Marseille, ran into a royalist ambush and all died under their bullets. But if Nostradamus was the author of only this one or a couple of other similar predictions, it is unlikely that he would be remembered today.

Nostradamus owes his posthumous fame primarily to his book “Centuries” (lat. centuria- a hundred, a detachment of one hundred people): prophetic cycles, united by one hundred quatrains in each. The ten-volume work, containing more than a thousand prophecies, is one of those few books that have been in print for more than four hundred years. In essence, this is a unique calendar, as if brought to the present from the distant future with the help of a time machine. To test it, we, living at the turn of the third millennium, are given a historical testing ground of more than four centuries. The predictions cover a huge period - from 1555 to 3797. In them the prophet considered many future events. The prophetic gaze of Nostradamus, his “magic mirror,” seemed to penetrate centuries. Unfortunately, we will note this right away, the language in which his quatrains-predictions are written is very difficult to decipher. Latin words and French phrases, Old Provençal phrases and abbreviations of words, anagrams, etc. make it difficult to read. Many people have been deciphering Nostradamus’s predictions over the past four hundred years. It was possible to decipher mysterious and often incomprehensible verses. They were systematized and given a readable form. And today Nostradamus is read all over the world. Interest in the forecasts of this soothsayer is growing everywhere.

Who is he, this lonely genius, whose all-seeing eyes are scorched by the fire of future wars and disasters?

Centuria I

Sitting alone at night in a secret office,
I lean on a copper stand.
A faint flame escapes from the void,
Making something successful that may have seemed futile.

The magic wand (vine) is placed in the center,
I wet the feet and the edge of the stand.
Fear, thunderous voice, trembling sleeves,
Divine greatness. Divine grace descends.

Apparently, Nostradamus describes in the first verses of Centuria I his way of seeing the future (probably we are talking about the so-called lecanomancy - fortune telling on water in a vessel). Before the prophet’s gaze, pictures of the future destinies of mankind appear, which, being supported by astrological calculations, “make successful what might have seemed in vain” to a mere mortal, uninitiated in the secrets of clairvoyance.

Nostradamus can be called a visionary, perceiving “video sequences” of information, seeing pictures of the development of events that affect more than one century. The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga accurately noted that “people have eyes and do not see, they have ears and do not hear, and that is why they will not soon read the Truth.” The main work of Nostradamus is five thousand lines of poetry, in which the destinies of states and peoples are encoded.

If you ask yourself what has come true, you can get different answers. Perhaps what “did not come true” was deciphered incorrectly? In the centuries there are texts that seem to be written without any encryption, but mostly the lines of foresight are encoded in a special way.

The death of Henry II, the crown and the imminent death of his three sons were predicted exactly; crown for Henry IV, the tragic death of Queen Mary Stuart of Scots is predicted. He saw the execution of Louis XVI, the bloody terror of the revolution. He predicted Marx and the new society - "The Commune is coming." In an incomprehensible way, Napoleon and Hitler were “brought out of darkness”, in Nostradamus - Napoloron And Hister.

In the 16th century, Nostradamus predicted two world wars, military operations in the air and under water, Hitler's aggressions, and the assassination of the Kennedy brothers. He foresaw the creation atomic bomb, space flights, religious fanatics coming to power in Iran. He predicted a war in the Middle East, in which the world's major powers would participate, as well as the coming of the Antichrist. He spoke about uniting the forces of Russia and the United States, although for a short time, he warns about religious war, during which the Vatican will be forced to move St. Peter's tomb to a safe location.

Quite recently, a most curious manuscript, not previously published, was found. Probably, shortly before his death, Michel wrote a series of predictions, so sensational that he introduced them only to European monarchs. The manuscript was considered lost, but was discovered in a hiding place in the house where the master rested. These predictions are called "Black". How did the author of divine predictions appear in the world? Many of his predictions concern the second coming of the Messiah and the appearance of the Antichrist. Most experts consider him a messenger of God, others - a messenger of the future or an alien. Indeed, on the night before the birth of the prophet, astronomers observed extraordinary cosmic activity. Evidence confirming the appearance of round sparkling objects in the sky over Saint-Rémy (France) is documented and stored in the archives of the city of Salon in the south of France.

The prophecies of Nostradamus are unique even if you don’t wonder what came true. This is a phenomenon that has no equal. Many theories have been put forward and are being put forward about him, even this one - “life in reverse.”

At that time, Europe was at the mercy of astrologers, magicians, and secret organizations; occultism flourished in full bloom. Poisoners were becoming fashionable. Charles IX, who once visited Nostradamus, was slipped a book soaked in poison, and John of Austria fell lifeless, wearing poisoned shoes. Women's lipsticks also contained poison. It is believed that Henry of Navarre was poisoned with a kiss by Madame de Sauve. Hunters for the lives of kings and peers made wax dolls by inserting needles into them. At such a time Michel was born.

He was born on December 14, 1503 in the small French town of Saint-Rémy. His father is Jacques le Notredame, his mother is Rene de Saint-Rémy. He came, contrary to popular belief, not from a family of doctors, but from a family of grain traders. Only his paternal great-grandfather, Abram Solomon, was a court physician. He served under the general of Calabria. Since the boy came from the middle class, he was characterized by such character traits as frugality, practicality, and the ability to save money. Despite this, his family did not skimp on the education of their eldest son. There were many talented people in their family; Michel's father was also a remarkably gifted man, and his son received his first lessons from him. Afterwards he was sent to Avignon, where he studied philosophy and received the title of Master of Arts. He then went to Montpellier to study medicine. In this establishment, the Duke of Anjou allowed the dissection of corpses.

In 1534, Michel received his doctorate in medicine and began formal medical practice. The inheritance that Michel receives from his father was equal to... five florins. He spent the rest of the money on his studies. Medicine at that time was at an extremely low level. People still knew nothing about bacteria, microorganisms; The microscope was invented only in the 17th century. None of the doctors could have imagined that many diseases are spread by airborne droplets. Ignorance of microbiology made even dissection of corpses a pointless exercise. The most popular action was bloodletting. Then among doctors there was a distinction between doctors and healers; It was the healers who performed the operations: they opened abscesses and set dislocations. Surgical operations were carried out without anesthesia, without observing the rules of sanitation and hygiene. Doctors did not operate - it was considered a dirty business; they prescribed powders and mixtures. In addition, they read the “smart” books of Aristotle. The doctors, however, were not to blame for the fact that medicine was at such a level.

The children of King Francis I died of unknown diseases and could not be saved. The king himself died of tuberculosis; When he was opened, many other diseases were discovered. And this is in the family of kings! What can we say about ordinary people. However, already in those days there were many talented progressive minds, including Paracelsus, Girolamo Fracastoro, Miguel Servet and others.

In 1536, Michel settled in Agen, or rather in its outskirts. There he married for the first time Henrietta d'Encausse, with whom, according to legend, he had two children. There he meets the scientist Scaliger, who becomes his friend and teacher. Jules Cesar Scaliger - scientist, doctor, humanist, philologist, literary critic, critic - studied ancient ancient texts. He was called the French Erasmus. Communication with this man had a huge impact on the formation of Michel's worldview. In 1552 he wrote about him: "A learned and learned man, a personage whom I know not with whom can be compared except Plutarch or Marcus Varro."

Michel's family idyll did not last long - two years after the wedding, Henrietta and the children die from an unknown illness. Michel leaves Agen and wanders for nine years. Little is known about these years. He was seen in different cities - Venice, Bordeaux, Turin, Alsace, Lyon.

There is a legend that Nostradamus was a brilliant doctor and allegedly cured entire cities from the plague, but this is not so: he was a doctor of his time, fought the plague using tablets independently prepared from rose petals, green cypress sawdust, and aromatic reed. During an epidemic, balls of these ingredients were supposed to be kept in the mouth. Volatile flavorings warded off infection, and many who used them did not become infected with the plague, which Michel took part in the fight against in 1544. It was in Marseille.

The infection began in port cities, spread by ship rats. From Marseilles the plague migrates to the city of Aix in Provence, where it lasts for nine months. Nostradamus is going there. His success in preventing the plague was so great that in 1546 he received an award from the Parliament of Aix in the form of a “lifelong pension” for his success in the medical field.

The plague was raging. Since 1347, it has devastated areas from China to Europe, claiming millions of lives. For 300 years, plague was the scourge of Europe. But even after that she returned periodically; no one knew how to deal with it. In the 17th century, 35 thousand people died from the plague in London, later - about 20 thousand.

Michel roams the Provençal soil. Where it appears, the plague recedes. Success is due to the observance of hygiene rules and the use of his extraordinary pills. His wanderings end in 1547 in Lyon. In the same year he settled in the city of Salone, where he lived until his death. He marries the widow Anne Ponsard Gemelier. Six children are born from this marriage.

Michel's career began to take off in 1551. Then he begins publishing his almanacs, signing them with the pseudonym Nostradamus (the phrase “Nostra Damus” can be translated from Latin as “we give”, “we give ours”). These almanacs were extremely popular, because they were written in a lively, original and interesting way. Readers found in them many forecasts - everyday, agricultural, political. And most of them came true. Year by year, the books became more voluminous, and Michel's fame grew more and more. And finally, his book falls into the hands of the august couple - King Henry II and his wife Catherine de Medici.

In the summer of 1555, he was invited to an audience at the palace. Catherine de Medici was keenly interested in astrology and various kinds of predictions. She was attracted to everything mystical, she surrounded herself with talented people, and she herself was a well-educated person who knew several languages. The visit went smoothly and successfully. For his visit, however, the visionary astrologer received only 120 ecus, which was not even enough to pay for travel.

At the same time, his famous book “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus” was published - the work of his whole life. It was a collection of 942 quatrains, which later became known as quatrains, combined into chapters of one hundred quatrains - centuries. The book included two prophecies in the form of letters to his son Cesar and King Henry II. The Prophecies were published three times, each time with additions and corrections. Almanacs were more popular at that time; they were published in all major cities Europe of that time, with the exception of Spain, where the power of the Inquisition was strong.

Michel and Catherine de' Medici continued to communicate in letters, and in 1564 the queen and her son Charles and their retinue visited the town of Salon in person. The result was Michel’s appointment as the king’s personal physician, which was a great success. With a minimum of work, this position brought a good income. However, by this time Nostradamus was already seriously ill - arthritis and gout tormented him more and more. It is believed that he passed away from gout.

He died on the day predicted in advance - July 2, 1566. Dr. Chavigny de Benoit was present and described everything. When they said goodbye for the night, Michel said that they would not see each other again. Shortly before this, he wrote on the star calendar of Jean Stadium in Latin: “Death approaches here.” Above his grave there is an epitaph: “Here lie the bones of Michel Nostradamus, whose almost divine pen, by all accounts, was worthy to inform and inscribe to people the influence of the stars on the future. He died at Salona, ​​in the year of grace 1566, on July 2, being 62 years, 6 months and 17 days old. O descendant, do not touch this dust and do not envy the peace of the one lying here.”

“I compiled prophetic books containing one hundred quatrains of astronomical prophecies, the meaning of which I deliberately riveted and which were brought up to 3797. For, according to the heavenly signs, the world is approaching the anaragonistic revolution, and according to the manifest Judgment of Heaven, when we are yet in the seventh number of the thousand, which will complete all, approaching the eighth, when the Great and Eternal God will complete the revolution.”

Currently, hundreds of books and articles have been published on the predictions of Nostradamus. Commentators on the centuries of the soothsayer interpret them in completely different ways and interpret quatrains predicting the future as they please. Numerous attempts have been made to decipher the quatrains using various ways decryption, but they were not particularly successful. Nostradamus scattered the quatrains randomly across different centuries in order to make it difficult to understand their subtext. It is believed that until the true sequence of alternation of quatrains is established, we will not be able to establish the true meaning of a particular prediction. However, it would be reasonable to assume that the Nostradamus cipher for determining the order of quatrain numbers should be quite simple. Next, we will outline an attempt to decipher the “Nostradamus code” undertaken by V. Simonov, the author of many books, to one degree or another related to predictions of the future.

When carefully studying the text of the centuries, attention is immediately drawn to the first two quatrains of Centuria I (they were given above), which are connected by a single meaning - 1–1 and 1–2, which describe the methods used by the prophet to predict the future. The next quatrain, undoubtedly dedicated to the same topic, is 3–2. Please note that this century serial number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers (1 + 2 = 3). If you follow this method and use the sum of the values ​​of the previous numbers, then the next quatrain will be numbered 3–5 (3 + 2 = 5). Moreover, the resulting value will already be the number of the quatrain. The next quatrain, dedicated to the same event, is 3–4. In these two paired quatrains, Nostradamus indicates the beginning of the dating of his centuries with the help of a rather rare phenomenon - an eclipse of the Sun and Moon, which will occur with a short interval in time: “close and far from the eclipses of the two great luminaries, which will occur between April and March.” With the help of modern electronic astronomical encyclopedias, it is quite simple to establish when these events occurred: April 9, 1400, and the off-central solar year is March 26, 1400.

It was no coincidence that Nostradamus included in his centuries a description of the events of the past in order to complicate the decipherment of quatrains relating to the future. However, he did not hide this: “I have calculated almost as many events of the future as the events of past years, including the present,” he writes in “Letter to Henry II.” According to the discovered pattern, the next quatrains in the sequence chain will be numbers 4–7 and 4–11. But already in quatrain 4-15, Nostradamus uses another encryption method, widely used in his era - writing text and numbers from right to left. This is exactly the technique that Leonardo da Vinci used to record his works on mechanics and anatomy. If we read the quatrain number 4-15 from right to left, we get a completely different number - 4-51. Next, the prophet further complicates the encoding of the sequence of quatrains, using all four arithmetic operations, as well as n + 1 and n – 1, where n is the number of the previous quatrain or century. A favorite technique of Nostradamus, used to encode the sequence of quatrain numbers and dates, was his habit of inverting 6 and 9. For example, the number 6-66 can be written in several versions - 9-66, 6-96, 6-99, etc. These the reversals made it very difficult to decipher the numbering sequence of the quatrains. Make sense of such gobbledygook to an ordinary person, without the use of modern computer technology, is completely impossible, since there are too many options for reading the numbers.

Based on the above deciphering technique and using as reference points the numbers of quatrains, the dates of which are most likely established, as well as astronomical data given by the seer (years of conjunction of the planets), it is possible to determine the true order of alternation of quatrains. For modern computing technology, which performs millions of operations per second, decrypting even a very complex password is a fairly simple task. It's a matter of time. In our case, the task is simplified even more, since only numbers are used.

As a result of deciphering the centuries, a curious sequence of quatrains was obtained, which begins with the number 1–1 and ends with the number 10–99. But this chain of quatrains included only half of the 942 quatrains.