College of Foreign Languages ​​“Linguist. Linguistic education after college: to finish studying or to work? Colleges of foreign languages ​​at the university

  • Emphasis on the academic component of the course. In European boarding schools, the extracurricular program is carefully formed (organization of clubs, sections and excursions), but in colleges everything is different - the attention of staff and students is focused on their studies. After all, the main task of international institutions is to give students practical knowledge and skills that can be applied in the professional field or when entering higher school
  • Modern and flexible training programs. In international colleges, courses are formed taking into account the requirements of the admissions committees of different universities abroad, and are also periodically checked for compliance with different areas. Therefore, they are relevant and in demand. Six-form Colleges give students the opportunity to choose more study hours in priority disciplines, and the school must follow the general education curriculum. In addition, here students can study with a teacher individually. That is, at an international college, students combine group study with tutoring lessons
  • Study groups are smaller than in high school. Studying in college is more practical-oriented than school. For maximum effectiveness, students are divided into mini-classes of up to 6 people, and sometimes 2-3 people each. This makes it possible to track the mastery of the material by each student.
  • Low cost of training without loss of quality. At an international college, local and foreign students can obtain bachelor's, specialist and professional qualifications at almost half the price of European universities. At the same time, the quality of a college diploma will be rated at the university level - it all depends on the chosen educational institution
  • You can change the curriculum without passing exams. If while studying at an international college a student wants to change the program (for example, switch from a certificate course to a diploma course), then he will only need to confirm high academic performance and knowledge of the English language. There is no need to take additional exams. You can confirm your level of English proficiency using a transcript of grades in the discipline or a TOEFL/IELTS certificate. According to this scheme, you can change the course of study both within the same college and when transferring between educational institutions. From Tutorial Colleges, a student can also transfer to a university if the college has a partnership agreement with the university. In this case, the student will enter the first or second year of university, depending on his academic performance.

International colleges in Europe - how to choose the right one for Russians and foreigners

There are a huge number of educational institutions abroad that offer students specialties from different fields to study: IT, construction, ecology, business, and so on. The choice is large, and to make a decision we recommend that you rely on some criteria:

  • Decide what major you want to major in at college abroad. But do not forget that with all the variety of areas, international colleges do not cover some of the popular areas - for example, medicine and others
  • Explore the ranking of higher education institutions available in European countries. To do this, it is best to use reputable publications such as The Times, The Daily Telegraph and others. Our specialists can provide you with up-to-date information on this issue - feel free to contact us for a free consultation! The international college that is right for you is not always the most rated or popular. What matters here is the curriculum offered rather than the status of the institution
  • Find out about affiliate programs available at your chosen college or university. As part of such cooperation, students from international colleges can transfer from one educational institution to another. To do this, you do not have to take any additional exams - it is enough to confirm your confident knowledge of the English language and good academic performance throughout your studies. Variants of such translation are very common in business areas.
  • Many colleges in Europe are qualified to teach undergraduate students. If this is relevant for your institution, then studying here is an advantageous offer for two reasons. First, a bachelor's degree from a reputable college is rated at the same level as a regular university degree. Secondly, studying here for a bachelor’s degree will require less costs than at a university
  • Colleges in Europe are either public or private. Institutions of the second type provide more comfortable conditions for students: a number of programs, modern equipment, convenient infrastructure and more. And public colleges are less expensive in terms of tuition costs. At the same time, the educational level of the programs offered here will remain at a high level.

Colleges in Europe: affordable educational programs

  • Intensive academic preparation. Duration from 2 to 6 months. The course provides an opportunity to improve knowledge in priority disciplines (1-3 subjects to choose from) for admission to university
  • A-level program, duration from 1.5 to 2 years. This is a traditional British-style training course, with which you can get into leading universities in Europe and the world without additional entrance tests
  • GCSE program, duration 1 year. The course is suitable for schoolchildren and teenagers who want to complete their secondary education and the corresponding certificate
  • University Foundation, duration from 8-9 months. a comprehensive course of pre-university preparation for students, including the study of academic disciplines + an intensive English program
  • Certificate or diploma, duration of study from 30 to 52 weeks (regular and advanced level). After completing this course, the student has the right to get a job and start working immediately after completing the training
  • Bachelor's degree, duration 3 or 4 years. A bachelor's degree is the first stage of higher education, which provides an opportunity for faster career growth or continued scientific work at a university.

35 Best Universities and Colleges in Canada

21 best residential colleges in England 2019 according to Smapse Education


UK Colleges Ranking 2018

A/A* % Name Day/Board Boy/Girl Day GBP Board GBP
1 88.68 Both Co-ed 16,600 42,750
2 83.54 Both Co-ed 21,000 42,000
3 81.43 Both Co-ed 14,280 39,900
4 64% Both Co-ed 29,000 45,000
5 58.33 Both Co-ed 28,950 43,428
6 54.17 Both Co-ed 27,060 38,940
7 53.71 Both Co-ed 29,000
8 53.37

Linguistic colleges in Moscow after grades 9-11 on a budget basis

Rating of linguistic colleges in Moscow after 9th grade on a budget basis. List of the best linguistic colleges, vocational schools, schools and technical schools in Moscow after 9th grade at state institutes

Search results:
(establishments found: 8 )


10 20 30

    The state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Moscow Industrial and Economic College" was created at the FOSGEN plant by the Training Center of the Research Institute of the People's Commissariat of the Chemical Industry of the USSR.

    Specialties: 4 Cost:

    Specialties: 7 Cost:

    State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education in Moscow Technical Fire and Rescue College No. 57 named after Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk carries out training of specialists for the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

Linguistic colleges train language specialists. In the international world of communications, it is very important to understand each other correctly; for this you need to understand different languages ​​and know the features of your own. In any business matter, you need the help of professional translators and linguists-lawyers. It is necessary to accurately translate the texts of contracts with foreigners and be confident in the accuracy of the wording in your native language. All this can be mastered while studying at a linguistic college.

Need for translators

The world has a huge need for translators from various languages. The main need is to translate English into local language. In Russia there is an urgent need for specialists who know German and translators from Chinese. Russia closely cooperates with Germany in the energy sector, so a huge number of translators are required for business negotiations.

Commercial relations with the growing Chinese economy are also developing. And with business interests, tourism demand is also growing. Resorts in China are not very popular, but they are not inferior to European ones. With the development of business relations, tourism will develop, followed by cultural demand. The products of Korean cinema are known all over the world. We will soon learn about films from China. So it is quite promising to study a foreign language at a linguistic college.

There will always be a demand for translators from Italian and Spanish, due to the tourist demand for these countries. With the growing prosperity of Russians, the demand for foreign real estate is increasing. Due to the crisis in these countries, prices are falling, which is what wealthy people around the world are taking advantage of. The college will provide the necessary translation skills to assist in the acquisition of real estate in southern countries.

Philological and linguistic education

Linguistic colleges, in addition to translators, train philologists - specialists in culture, including language. These people thoroughly know the different meanings of words, and know in what situation it would be better to use this or that expression. Such professionals are in demand in the book business, television and radio media centers. They are engaged in composing speeches and dialogues, correcting texts and delivering competent speeches to presenters.

Such specialists are often in demand during business negotiations and for editing texts. To avoid the possibility of an alternative interpretation of the terms of the contract. And in such documents, every word must be in its place and have a strictly defined meaning. An error in such a document can cost millions of dollars.

In college, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn all the intricacies of the Russian language, but you can gain the necessary skills for employment as an assistant philologist or linguist. It is much easier to master all the intricacies of this work while working than at the university bench. This makes college much more practical. You can enroll immediately after ninth grade, and not waste extra time on studying. The sooner you start pursuing your career, the faster you will be able to build it. Linguistic colleges are a great start for ambitious young people.

Address: Moscow, Brateevskaya street, 16K6

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Unfortunately, the company phone number College of Foreign Languages ​​"Linguist" was not specified.

Unfortunately, opening hours College of Foreign Languages ​​"Linguist" not known.

Website: website not specified.

Description of the organization:

The main activity of the company “College of Foreign Languages ​​“Linguist”” is Moscow Colleges. The organization is located at Moscow, Brateevskaya street, 16K6. For all questions and wishes, you can contact us by phone or leave a review on our website. Official website – .

How to get to "College of Foreign Languages ​​"Linguist"" (location on the map showing the street)

Category description:

College is a higher or secondary educational institution in England, the USA and other countries. In the 19th century, the word was translated from English as College or Collegium and in this broad sense can mean a group of people who live according to their own internal rules.
College is (not to be confused with a technical school) a higher educational institution of the second level of accreditation or a structural unit of a higher educational institution of the third or fourth level of accreditation, which conducts educational activities related to obtaining a certain higher education and qualifications in related areas of training (if it is a structural unit of higher education an institution of the third or fourth level of accreditation or is part of an educational or educational-research-production complex) or in several related specialties and has an appropriate level of personnel and material and technical support.

A significant part of the capital's secondary vocational educational sector is represented by. Graduates of institutions devote their lives to work in preschool institutions, schools, sports clubs, sections and other institutions whose activities intersect with the content of education at pedagogical secondary educational institutions.

On the prospects of teacher education in Russia

The development of preschool and additional education systems is named as a priority area of ​​activity for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as defined in the state program designed for the period from 2013 to 2020. The main goal of the program is to restore the prestige of the teaching profession. The government has outlined specific steps designed to ensure a high standard of living and respect for teachers of schools, universities, secondary educational institutions, and kindergarten teachers.

At the initial stage, it is planned to increase teachers' salaries, after which government officials intend to consider increasing the income of employees of preschool institutions, secondary vocational educational institutions and employees of the field of additional education. The implementation of these prospects will certainly cause an increase in the number of people wishing to enroll in one of the state pedagogical colleges of Moscow.

The Russian education system is in great need of qualified teaching staff. Today it covers about 700 educational institutions, including:

  • approximately 350 teacher training colleges and schools;
  • 55 industrial-pedagogical and vocational-pedagogical secondary educational institutions;
  • 160 public universities;
  • about 100 professional retraining institutions and advanced training institutions.

(Secondary Vocational Education): section “Education”

After graduating from one of the capital's colleges, graduates have a real chance to continue their studies at one of the pedagogical universities in Moscow. As part of secondary vocational education, Makarenko’s followers receive the following specialties and professions:

Specialty in secondary education Number Teaching profession
Adaptive physical education 050721 Physical education teacher
Geography 050103 Geography teacher at school
Preschool education 050704 Teacher of psychology, preschool pedagogy
Fine arts, drawing 050603 Fine arts (drawing) teacher
Foreign languages 050303 Foreign language teacher
Story 050401 History teacher
Corrective pedagogy in primary education 050719 Organizer and methodologist in preschool education
Mathematics 050201 Mathematics teacher (work in a basic education school)
Music education 050601 Music teacher
Organization of educational activities 050702

Profession of teacher-organizer plus additional qualifications in the following areas:

  • folk art;
  • youth policy;
  • psychology; choreography;
  • home education;
  • theatrical performance;
  • management in education;
  • decoration.
Pedagogy of additional education 050710 Teachers in the field of additional education
Primary school teaching 050709 Primary school teachers
Vocational training 050501 Technician, designer, technologist, fashion designer, etc.
Native language, literature 050302 Teacher of native language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Russian language, literature 050301 Teacher of Russian language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Social pedagogy 050711 Social teacher plus additional qualifications, for example, counselor, teacher, etc.
Special pedagogy in special or correctional educational institutions 050718 Teacher of school-age children with preserved development or developmental disabilities
Special preschool education 050705 Teacher of children with developmental disabilities or developmental disabilities
Technology 050503 Technology teacher
Physical culture 050720
  • Physical education teacher;
  • educator;
  • organizer of a tourist club at school;
  • physical education instructor at a preschool institution.

Separately, it should be noted the special status of some pedagogical secondary educational institutions, for example, socio-pedagogical colleges of Moscow. Along with the general admission rules and specialties indicated above, in these educational institutions you can get something more than a teaching profession. Take, for example, the socio-pedagogical college of MSPU (Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University). The institution organized admission of students among children with certain medical pathologies. Within the walls of the college, students can obtain a profession in the following specialties:

  • publishing;
  • programming.

Attention: students of Moscow pedagogical colleges who entered after 9th grade are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Moscow pedagogical colleges: general admission rules

Anyone can become a student at the pedagogical college, provided:

  • availability of basic general education and relevant document;
  • availability of secondary education and the relevant document;
  • having primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher education.

Citizens of foreign countries, as well as Russian citizens living abroad, have the right to enter the Moscow Pedagogical College. The educational process involves full-time, evening, part-time or part-time training, including distance learning. The basis for citizens to enter the best pedagogical colleges in Moscow is the application of the applicant.

Documents for admission to Moscow Pedagogical College

The list of documents to be submitted to the admissions committee of the secondary school includes:

  • Passport (when sending documents by mail, you must provide a copy).
  • State-issued education document (copy or original).
  • Photos, 4 pcs., black and white, size 3 x 4.
  • Medical certificate.

When applying for part-time or part-time study, some secondary educational institutions, for example, University College No. 5, require additional documents, including a copy of the registration certificate, work book (copy), certificate of employment, etc. It is better to find out about the documents required for admission at your college's admissions office.

All documents must be sent by mail to the address of the institution or brought to the admissions office in person.

Exams for admission to pedagogical colleges

The main disciplines, the level of knowledge in which is of particular interest, are:

  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • foreign language.

Not all pedagogical colleges in Moscow accept the results of the State Examination or the Unified State Exam as a basis. It is necessary to find out in advance about exams in pedagogical colleges based on grades 9 or 11.

Average score according to the results of the Unified State Examination (GIA) upon admission to a pedagogical college