The moon became closer to the earth. Earthlings are waiting for the most unique supermoon

The closest full moon since 1948 is expected to appear on November 14. When can she be seen? What exactly do you need to keep an eye on? Is the supermoon just a hoax? Below you will find answers to all questions.

On November 14, 2016, the Moon will come much closer to the Earth than it did on January 26, 1948. This event will combine both a full moon and a supermoon. Then this tandem can only be observed on November 25, 2034. This coincidence makes the upcoming full moon the closest and largest supermoon in 86 years! Here are 5 things you should know.

The moon will be equally amazing on November 13th and 14th

This is the first and most important thing you need to know. Many of the articles we looked at advised to look out for the supermoon on November 14th. But for most of us, especially those in America, the moon will remain the same size and brightness (if not brighter) on November 13th.

The fact is that the moon will reach the peak of its phase (and its closest point of the month - perigee) in the early morning of November 14, according to the time in the Americas.

So for all Americans, the Moon will be closest to Earth on the morning of November 14th, rather than in the evening. This means that for all time zones, including Alaska and Hawaii, the supermoon occurs closer to the night of November 13th. This is even better if you are a morning person and plan to watch the supermoon before dawn.

But don't worry about it. The moon will be large and bright on both nights. And everyone will be able to see and photograph this amazing spectacle.

Is the supermoon just a hoax? No

The term “supermoon” is a relatively new term. Before the name was popularized, astronomers often called this phenomenon a "perigee full moon." Catchy? Well, not really. Most people ignored it until a new term came along.

What's special about a supermoon? Finely tuned instruments (composite images) show that the supermoon is indeed closer to Earth. Thus, it is larger than the normal full moon.

But many of us, observing without the use of technology, cannot detect this difference. Meanwhile, experienced observers sometimes say they see this difference.

So, if most people can't tell the difference in size, then why are we all so excited about this event? There are two things you need to know.

First, for all of us, the brightness of the moon will increase noticeably during the formation of a supermoon. All full moons are bright, but the supermoon is noticeably different. So... pay attention to the brightness, not the hugeness, of the moon on November 13th and 14th!

Secondly, lunar gravity affects Earth's tides, and a supermoon (the full Moon closest to Earth) has a greater effect on the oceans. Therefore, the tides will be much higher at this time.

A supermoon can create super tides

So is the supermoon all the hype? Just ask the oceans! All full moons lead to high tides, called spring floods or, in some places, king tides.

The supermoon results in the highest and lowest tides.

If you live near the coastline, keep an eye out for high tides on November 14th. Continue monitoring for several days after the event. They may last a day or two.

Will high tides lead to floods? Most likely not. That is, of course, unless a strong weather system moves across the coastline to where you are. This happened with the tides after the supermoon in 2015. Then the supermoon, combined with the 18.6-year lunar cycle and a tropical storm, caused high tides and some flooding on both sides of the Atlantic.

So keep an eye on the weather on November 14 if you live near the coast. Storms do have a high potential to enhance high spring tides, especially if they are caused by a supermoon.

The nearest moon is almost always full

We're this the closest moon (as a whole) since 1948, or the closest full moon? It turns out that these two events are usually one and the same.

Because of gravity and the intriguing interaction of the Sun, Earth, and Moon (and to a lesser extent, the planets), the closest perigee of any given year is often the one closest to the full moon.

For the moon to be full, the Sun, Earth and Moon must align so that the Earth is exactly in the middle. During this process, the tidal pull of the Sun and Moon combine to create far-reaching syzygies. And a full moon at perigee creates even wider perigee tides.

Ready for the technical details? Let's go!

In the diagram above, the line connecting the lunar perigee to the lunar apogee defines the principal axis of the Moon (the longest axis of the ellipse).

When main axis(apogee-perigee line) of the Moon points towards the Sun (A and C in the diagram), the eccentricity (flatness) of the lunar orbit increases to a maximum. Greater eccentricity shortens the perigee distance, increasing the apogee distance.

The “A” in the diagram is the new perigee moon (supermoon) and the apogee of the full moon (micromoon).

After 3.5 lunar months (approximately 103 days), at point "B" on the diagram, the main axis is at right angles to the Sun-Earth line. So the eccentricity is minimal. At such a moment, the lunar orbit most closely resembles a circle. This is the more distant perigee and the near apogee.

After 7 lunar months (206 days), the main axis again points in the direction of the Sun. Again, the eccentricity of the lunar orbit increases to a maximum, the perigee distance decreases, and the apogee distance increases. This is now the full perigee moon and the apogee of the new moon - "C" on the diagram.

Dates of the nearest/remote new/full moons in 2016:

  • April 7: nearest new moon.
  • April 22: distant full moon.
  • Seven lunar months later:
  • October 30: distant new moon.
  • November 14: nearest full moon.

Supermoons have cycles

Great, now you know that everything in the sky has a cycle and the supermoon is no exception.

The closest full moons tend to repeat in cycles of 14 lunar (synodic) months. After all, 14 lunar months are practically equal to 15 returns at perigee (the closest point of the Moon to the Earth).

A lunar month refers to the period of time between successive full moons - an average of 29.53059 days. The anomalistic month refers to successive returns to perigee - 27.55455 days. Hence:

14 lunar months x 29.53059 days = 413.428 days

15 anomalistic months x 27.55455 days = 413.318 days

The full moon and perigee will realign again on January 2, 2018, because the 14th full moon after November 14, 2016 will fall on that date.

The Moon is closest to the Earth (table)

Year Date Distance
2011 March 19 356.575 km
2012 May 6 356.955 km
2013 June 23 356.991 km
2014 August 10 356.896 km
2015 September 28 356.877 km
2016 November 14 356.509 km
2018 January 2 356.565 km

Looking into the future, we see that the perigee of the full moon will come closer than 356.500 km for the first time in the 21st century (2001-2100) on November 25, 2034 (356.446 km). The closest full moon of the 21st century will fall on December 6, 2052 (356,425 km).

11/13/2016 01/20/2018 by Astronaut

Several supermoons occur each year, usually occurring once every six months. On the night of November 14-15, the inhabitants of the Earth will see a Supermoon. The moon we'll see on November 14, 2016 will be 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual. Usually there is a lot of hype around this astronomical phenomenon, with one forecast contradicting another, and experts in different fields giving mutually exclusive points of view.

On November 14, the Moon will make its closest approach to Earth since 1948, according to NASA. The Moon will be only 356,511 kilometers from Earth. This will happen at 14:24 Moscow time. At the same time the full moon will come at 16:54.

As NASA spokesman Noah Petro notes, it will be possible to see the Supermoon already November 13th. "The difference in distance (between the moon and the Earth) on Sunday and Monday night will be negligible, so if it's cloudy on Sunday, go out and watch it on Monday," the specialist said.

So: for residents of Moscow, the Supermoon will rise on November 14 at 16:56, and for residents of the Northern capital - at 17:10.

The best time to view a supermoon is after moonrise, when the Moon is low on the horizon. In this position, the Moon appears larger and brighter due to the buildings and trees in front of it. This phenomenon is called the “moon illusion.”

It is important that the sky is clear, then the supermoon will be visible to the naked eye. You can contemplate this for two hours.

What is a Supermoon? When the full moon or new moon coincides with the moment of the closest approach of the Moon and the Earth (perigee), we can see a larger lunar disk in the sky than usual - this is a supermoon. When the Moon is at its greatest distance from our planet, it is said to be at its apogee (405,696 km), at its minimum (356,400 km - 370,400 km) - at perigee.

IN last time Astronomers observed a similar “astronomical show” on January 26, 1948. The next time people will see such a phenomenon is only 18 years later - November 25, 2034.

If, in addition, complete lunar eclipse, then we are observing a “blood moon”: although the Earth blocks with its shadow the sun’s rays falling on the satellite, some of them still seep through the earth’s atmosphere and reach the Moon with a truncated spectrum, the rest of which changes the color of the night star to a bloody one. red. Another "super blood moon" last time We will see what happened on the night of September 27-28, 2015 only in 2033.

At a time when it was not science that dominated the minds of people, the “superblood moon” was interpreted as a frightening prediction.

Often, referring to the Bible (Joel 2:30-32, John 6:12), they saw him as a harbinger of the end of the world. However, this was not only the case in ancient times: even in last year’s “super blood moon,” Mormons saw the approach God's judgment. Well, they will have to wait a little longer...

More importantly, the phenomenon of the “superblood moon” often accompanied wars, as well as persecution of Christians and Jews. For example, it occurred during the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1493-1494.

With the ordinary supermoon, which awaits us on November 14, the story is somewhat different. Despite the fact that scientists try not to associate it with earthquakes, the fact remains that many of the tectonic disasters coincide in time with the supermoon. For example, the Japanese earthquake on March 11, 2011, which resulted in the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, occurred precisely during the supermoon period. As of November 14, 2016, seismologists do not give gloomy forecasts.

Supermoon Impact

There will be a full moon on November 14, 2016. This is also good - the negative energy of the eclipse will not appear. However, despite the pure moonlight, the supermoon still poses a certain danger. The point is not in the energy of the Moon - this time everything is fine with it, the point is in its excess, which is why the supermoon affects the inhabitants of the Earth, especially the emotional ones. Most often, the influence of the supermoon manifests itself on sleepwalkers.

It has been noted that 2-3 days near the supermoon can become a time of increased psychological stress, exacerbation of health and well-being problems. These days, you should control your behavior and be restrained in expressing emotions, while treating with understanding those who cannot control themselves. The moon acts on the emotional sphere, so during this period one should expect strong reactions to irritants, worsening mood, increased aggressiveness, intolerance, a tendency to conflict, irritability, and hot temper. It is during this period that people show their true colors.

In relationships during this period, it is possible to transform and eliminate everything that created obstacles to understanding, remained unsaid, unclear.

The supermoon affects the axes of the Taurus-Scorpio signs - this is the axis of energy exchange and material relations, associated with property, money, earnings, stability, bodily pleasures, sexuality, as well as property, risk, extreme situations and crises. This means that the most relevant and painful issues will be the relationship between one’s own values ​​and the values ​​of other people, issues of resources (material and intangible), topics of resource exchange (both with the world in general and with by individuals), the relationship between the needs for stability and sustainability on the one hand and the desire for change and transformation on the other.

The Moon during the supermoon is in opposition to Lilith - the most distant focus of its orbit. Lilith is the unconscious, what we don’t see, don’t understand, it’s a black hole, Achilles’ heel, blindfolded, etc. comparisons. During this period, it is possible that the most distant, rejected and misunderstood contents inner reality gain the power to influence your behavior, actions, decisions, states. It feels like “I don’t know what came over me”, “it wasn’t me”, etc.

This can also manifest itself in the form of problems with health and well-being. Diseases are nothing more than a reflection in the physical body and at the physiological level of strong emotions, imbalance and conflict of various parts of the psyche, the influence of suppressed emotions and feelings. Any exacerbations these days will indicate the presence of significant internal problems that need to be addressed. There is no doubt that at this time everything internal conflicts, hidden in every possible way, rejected and difficult to accept and understand, internal contents become maximally manifested, and therefore available for comprehension and elaboration.

Emotional states, premonitions, dreams, unusual sensations at this time, as well as some people who irritate you, circumstances are also a manifestation of those internal contents that require your attention and elaboration.

The increased lunar energy can be used for your own benefit. The supermoon day is ideal for laying the “foundation”: on November 14, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which symbolizes material stability. The supermoon will serve as an amplifier of the energy of the sign, so financial transactions and transactions should be planned precisely for this time. This is the time to think rationally, to think about our real needs here and now.

During this period it is favorable to do physical exercise, move more and don’t allow yourself to be lazy, because... The moon will be in the sign of Taurus, and these days we become too lazy to move.

It will also be useful to engage in meditation, which will calm your nerves and harmonize your state of mind.

On November 14, it is good to perform a fire ritual: burn things that evoke painful memories.

The current supermoon will also provide an opportunity to “charge” ordinary objects with power - for example, turn your favorite jewelry into talismans for good luck! To do this, you need to leave them on the windowsill for the whole day, having previously whispered to them what kind of help you are waiting for. By the way, Paracelsus, a Renaissance alchemist, taught that objects bearing the “seal of the Moon” protect their owners from a variety of diseases, and also protect them from thieves. Take advantage of the supermoon energy - it's not that difficult.

On October 16th, we will experience an event that will definitely affect the energy sector - the Supermoon. Astrologers have already made their predictions on this matter.

According to scientists, October 16 will not be the most common date in 2017. An unusual and infrequent astronomical phenomenon will occur, namely a Supermoon. Naturally, from the point of view of human energy and astrology, it will have a very special impact on the day as a whole and on each individual person. How will this be expressed and how does this happen?

First, let's understand some astronomical terms. What is a Supermoon, and when can we observe it? The first condition for this is the New Moon or Full Moon. Just on October 16, the Moon will be fully visible in the sky. The second condition is the maximum close distance relative to the Earth (astronomers call it perigee). Due to this, the lunar disk looks even larger than usual. This means that everyone will be able to use the positive energy of the Moon and attract good luck.

How does the full moon affect the human condition?

It has long been noted that depending on the lunar phase, changes also occur in nature. The tides are directly controlled by our satellite. Since man is part of the living world and the kingdom of nature, he is also subject to lunar influence. Scientists and doctors often notice a direct connection between the lunar phases and human activity.

Most often, closer to the full moon, both children and adults experience noticeable sleep disturbances, which scientists have already proven. It is during this period that chronic diseases worsen and blood clotting decreases. There may be a lack of vitamins, so it is very advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables, preferably in unprocessed thermal form.

The Full Moon also greatly affects the human psyche. There is a concentration of energy and even an excess of it, therefore, if it is not spent enough, quarrels and conflicts arise. Overt impulsiveness can also lead to poor decision-making or indiscretion, which can lead to unfortunate mistakes.

Supermoon October 16: what to expect?

The Full Moon as such is almost always a companion to mystical and sometimes frightening legends and beliefs. If we're talking about also about the small distance relative to the earth, especially during the Supermoon, it is credited with literally destructive properties to the psyche. And the matter is not always connected with the fear of the Full Moon and beliefs.

Scientists and doctors have proven that weather-dependent people, people with weak nervous system and mental deviations really noticeably react to the lunar phases. The healthier a person is, the easier it is for him to bear it. Most often, the influence of the Supermoon can be seen on sleepwalkers: they begin to wander at night, and before that they may become nervous.

Astrological forecast for October 16, 2016

During the Supermoon, the Earth's satellite will pass through the constellation Aries, which will only emphasize the impulsiveness of people. As a recommendation, try to be more restrained and not react to unpleasant little things. To avoid reinforcing the possibility of conflict, avoid alcohol.

The day can pass very harmoniously and evenly, but for this you need to find an application for your accumulated energy. Take part in physical exercises, move more on this day and do not allow yourself to be lazy. It will also be useful to practice meditation: it will calm your nerves and harmonize your state of mind.

You can find out more about how this day will go and how to achieve prosperity in love and money in our. Watch the Moon with us and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.10.2016 05:06

The full moon is a special time. When the Full Moon lights up the skies, the most powerful rituals are performed. This...

MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. The third and final supermoon of 2016 will be visible on the night of December 13-14, with celestial body will be so bright that it will “eclipse” the one coming to Earth during this period meteor shower Geminids. This is stated on the website of the National Aeronautics and Research Administration outer space(NASA).

"The December 14th supermoon is notable for a number of reasons: it will obscure views of the Geminids meteor shower. The bright Moon will dim the visibility of meteors by a factor of 5 to 10, relegating the usually fantastic appearance of the Geminids to a minor astronomical event. Observers will be lucky to see a dozen Geminids per hour during the peak of the meteor shower," NASA said in a statement.


The phenomenon of a supermoon is due to the fact that the full Moon, moving along an elliptical orbit, comes as close as possible to the Earth. To an observer on Earth, a supermoon can appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than when it is at its farthest point in its orbit.

In 2016, the inhabitants of the Earth could observe three supermoon phenomena: October 16, November 14 and December 14. However, in 2017, the phase of the full Moon at the maximum approach of the satellite to Earth will happen only once - December 3rd.

Hidden Geminids

The Geminids are a very powerful meteor shower. The Geminids are not very fast, bright, and virtually trackless meteors that are white in color. Their distinctive feature- a large number of shiny fireballs. Astronomers begin to record this meteor shower every year from late November to early December. In some years, the Geminids even surpass the August Perseids in the number of meteors. The radiant of the shower, that is, the point where meteors appear in the sky, is located in the constellation Gemini.