The method of treating diseases by Dr. Hilda Clark. There are no incurable diseases Hilda Clarke incurable diseases

In 1988, American naturopathic doctor Hilda Clark made a discovery that gave a new direction in diagnosis and treatment. She made a synchrometer - a device that measures the frequency electromagnetic resonance of any natural objects emitting a strictly specific spectrum electromagnetic radiation: toxins, microbes, drugs, tumor cells and so on. This is how frequency resonance diagnostics and therapy appeared.

Center for the Study of the Works of Hilda Clark

Books (1)

There are no incurable diseases

The book “There are No Incurable Diseases” can truly change your whole life.

It is certainly the most outstanding and revolutionary among books of this kind.

More than 20 years scientific work Dr. Clarke culminated in a discovery in 1990 that became a real sensation in the treatment of cancer, peptic ulcers, diseases of the female organs, hypertension and other diseases.

Dr. Clark is a practicing physician-scientist who specializes in difficult-to-treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Dr. Clark's method is not only highly effective, but also easy to implement and accessible to everyone.

Dr. Clark's discovery created a real sensation in the world. Tens of thousands of people have experienced its effectiveness.

Reader comments

Irina/ 06.16.2019 klavdia1950, good afternoon! Where can I write to you? Thank you!
To all opponents of alternative treatments: dear friends, there are very, very good doctors. So they don’t recommend surgery to those they know well! Good luck and health! Appreciate those who help, not those who kill, although we also need the latter.

ELEEA/ 11/12/2018 There are no indivisible diseases, but there are incurable characters! Therefore, diseases and problems! By the way, if a doctor brought a patient to death, but worked according to the scheme... no one will present a bill to such a doctor! But if he cured him... and this happens, but not according to the scheme (given to him), then they can go to prison easily. So that it would be disgraceful to others! By the way, a respected doctor with a degree, Yovanna Budving, was “demoted” because in the 60s of the last century she clearly explained to everyone that cancer is a treatable disease. There is no need to invent vaccines for this (which means that you need to borrow money for these projects). An honest and thoughtful doctor. A HUGE DANGER FOR MODERN MEDICINE! Medicine needs sick people, not healthy ones!!!

Irina/ 10/12/2018 Do you know what is the most amazing of all the comments, that no one calls doctors of traditional medicine swindlers, although they do not cure anyone, but they are ready to bite the alternative and naturopathy with their teeth, amazingly...... call Simancini a swindler, who cures cancer at any stage, and then there will be no comments!!!

Lyudmila/ 01/3/2018 why you should trust Wikipedia, and not people who have cured stubborn stupidity

Makar/ 02/07/2017 Sergey / 08/10/2007
In short:
Dr. Clark received a doctorate in zoology and botany, a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in medical science, and a degree from Clayton College, which is not accredited.

The Titanic was built by professionals, but the ark was built by amateurs. :))

Stella/ 03/06/2016 I read this book in English. Here's a shortened version. Important data is missing.
I only tried black walnut on myself.
I don’t know what I had, but the severe pain in my left side (which I had experienced for 6 months) went away in 1 day. True, after 3 years I had to repeat it.
I also excluded toxins - shampoos, deodorants, cleaning chemicals, etc.
I wish everyone good health

larisa/ 02/6/2015 Dumau chto etot metod diagnostiki i lechenija imeet boljshoe budushee v zsizni ludei...a to,chem zanimautsja mnogie vrachi,tak toljko pishut recepti,reklamiruut,kak Malisheva svou himiu,ot kotoroi pobochnie simptomi i dazse vred..nik to ne sobiraetsja vijasnjatj prichinu zabolevanija,a toljko ubiraut simptomi,etim samim bolezni stanobjatsja hronicheskimi..zdorovie,vidimo,ne nuzsni,ne vigodni..takim vracham!

Yuri/ 05/26/2014 In 1995, a fibroma in my wife’s groin was removed from a chicken egg, and with the fibroma and many things that are responsible for reproductive functions, it’s just terrible, they made a mannequin out of the woman. But, as it turned out later, the operation did not solve the problem. 4 years of struggle for my wife’s life.. I actually used Hilda Clark’s method, what it cost me and my wife, a doctor, only I know, but I had to serve as an example myself.. I tried the method on myself, because I already knew cancer transmitted through sexual and household contact. I know from my own experience that the method works and it has become an example for my wife. Now she is healthy and enjoying life, I am healthy and active at 60 years old.. Do not believe those who, without doing anything on themselves, are trying to disgrace the name of a person who gave people a chance to overcome the disease without a scalpel, chemistry and radiation therapy. And read on Wikipedia at what age Hilda Clork died... in Russia this is a feat.

Galina/ 04/15/2013 Hilda Clark Evgeny Lebedev and many other ascetics deserve great respect for us to rejoice and be healed. bow to them.

Dima/ 11/4/2012 I personally made a device according to the book, it helped me and cured my daughter of Staphylococcus aureus. That’s it, that’s why those idiots who write that it doesn’t work are real idiots.!! "Buy pills and spend a lot of money on treatment."))

Guest/ 12/24/2011 I wanted to order a zapper today, but after reading THIS I was confused..

QUESTION. What can you say about the so-called “bioresonance diagnostics” and other new “computer diagnostics at the cellular level”?
“I don’t know what “bioresonance diagnostics” and “computer diagnostics at the cellular level” are.”
Yuri Vasilievich Gulyaev - academician, director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor and head of the department of semiconductor electronics at MIPT.

Yusuf/ 11/26/2011 In all this orgy of nonsense on the Internet, regarding Clarke, or other methods of recovery, ALL, without exception, “skeptics” and “subverters” are pure theorists. Loafers who simply express their opinions, not based on anything other than their mossy “beliefs”. None of them have done anything, tried anything, or even read anything (the maximum is reviews and disputes on forums), but nevertheless they spray poison and subvert, proving how Clark or someone else is organizing a “scam” to lure money. All these “experts” and their smug cretinism make me want to puke.

Igor/ 02/16/2011 I recommend to everyone who is overly enthusiastic to go to the English-language Wikipedia and type Hulda Clark there (it is not clear why the translator called her Hilda, then she had Hulda). You will read a lot of interesting things. In particular, the fact that Mrs. Clark died in 2009 from... MYELOMA and BONE CANCER. One of her sons also died of cancer. And how does this fit in with “instant” healing?

  • Some 30-40 years ago, allergic diseases seemed irrelevant and low-risk. Now allergization of the population has reached such alarming proportions that it has become one of the main problems of medicine. Traditional medicine contains many experience-tested recipes used for allergies. It is enough to know your disease, and you can easily prescribe treatment for yourself by finding the right recipe in this book. And you won’t have to go far to get medicine. They probably grow in your garden plot, on the windowsill. The book covers the most common allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, hay fever, urticaria and Quincke's edema; allergic skin diseases, drug allergies; serum sickness; food allergies; allergy to insect bites; main signs of the disease. Information has been collected on a wide variety of systems and methods of treatment for them.
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    • In the book offered to your attention, you can learn about the work of a healthy eye, about preventing visual fatigue, about the causes of visual impairment and methods for eliminating them. You will become familiar with a number of simple exercises developed for these purposes by both American and Russian ophthalmologists, as well as a number of Eastern techniques. The book also contains information about eye diseases and their treatment folk remedies, in particular herbal and naturopathic methods. For each disease there is a separate list of recipes and herbs. You can choose the most suitable ones from them.
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    • Unfortunately, no woman is immune from gynecological diseases, but everyone can recognize their first symptoms and do everything possible to prevent illnesses from progressing. But for this you need to have knowledge. Alexey Svetlov's book will tell you what the features of these diseases are, what methods they are used to study and how they are treated. Remember - there are no incurable diseases, you can always find a way to help restore health.
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    • Ischemic disease heart disease is one of the most common and serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. The book contains extensive information on the prevention and treatment of this terrible disease. Much attention is paid to the peculiarities of physical activity and training, diet therapy and, most importantly, to herbal assistants and traditional medicine. Separate chapter is dedicated to the treatment of golden mustache, a plant that is so popular these days. Listen to yourself, help yourself - and you will live long and fully!
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    • Without exaggeration, we can say that cancer is an inevitable companion of life on earth. A depressing impression on everyone is made by the sudden news that one of his loved ones, relatives or acquaintances - people who until very recently seemed to be completely healthy - was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. How to defeat it, how to avoid it appearance? An experienced practitioner, Alexey Svetlov, will answer all these questions.

    Unscrupulous doctors have been holding patients hostage for money since time immemorial. Doctors, healers and primitive healers surround themselves with mystery, using herbs, medicines, mumbling and witchcraft to help the sick. Today, the medical industry (doctors, pharmacists and insurance companies) occupy a significant place in the labor market. Wouldn't it be great if they all suddenly took up gardening or some other useful work, and the sick could join them?

    My most amazing discovery is the ability of electricity to kill harmful germs. But don't cancel your visit to the doctor. Killing all the "invaders" does not immediately make you feel good. But during your next visit, the doctor will stop the medications, rather than increase the dose!

    It is important not just to be cured, but to find out real reasons occurrence of infections and diseases. We must and can bring the good news of a new era of disease-free living. Let's say no to diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, migraines, lupus, etc.!

    No disease will remain unconquered by this new worldview.


    If you are chronically ill, you must have asked yourself more than once: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Is it really impossible to cope with this?”

    You may know the causes of your illness or your child's illness. The Coxsackie virus enters the brain, causing inflammation (encephalitis). Do you pray that immune system child coped with the disease. You know how it happens, but you are powerless against the microscopic invader.

    What if you could flip a switch and kill the Coxsackie virus in a child's body within three minutes, without causing side effects and providing lifelong protection against the disease?

    My book will teach you how to do this.

    Learn gradually, step by step. First, familiarize yourself with the nature of radio waves inherent in all living things. Second, find the frequency the virus emits. Third, learn how to silence it completely. It will take a few minutes!

    And finally, learn how to correctly diagnose and choose treatment options.

    I never considered it a disadvantage physical exercise, vitamins, hormone levels are the primary factor of the disease. Therefore, the path to good health is obvious to me:

    The purpose of the search is health

    Killing germs is only the first step, but it is vital. After all, feeling good means more than just living. The next task is more difficult - to find sources of danger. Where did the microbes come from? Why are they attacking you so persistently? Why you?

    In addition to microbes, your body also has to fight poor diet and bad habits.

    Unscrupulous doctors have been holding patients hostage for money since time immemorial. Doctors, healers and primitive healers surround themselves with mystery, using herbs, medicines, mumbling and witchcraft to help the sick. Today, the medical industry (doctors, pharmacists and insurance companies) occupy a significant place in the labor market. Wouldn't it be great if they all suddenly took up gardening or other useful work, and the sick could join them?

    My most amazing discovery is the ability of electricity to kill harmful germs. But don't cancel your visit to the doctor. Killing all the “invaders” does not immediately make you feel good. But during your next visit, the doctor will stop the medications, rather than increase the dose!

    It is important not just to be cured, but to find out the true causes of infections and diseases. We must and can bring good news abouta new era of disease-free living. Let's say no to diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, migraines, lupus, etc.!

    No disease will remain unconquered by this new worldview.


    If you are chronically ill, you must have asked yourself more than once: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Is it really impossible to cope with this?”

    You may know the causes of your illness or your child's illness. VirusCoxsackie penetrates the brain, causing inflammation (encephalitis).

    You pray that the child's immune system will cope with the disease. You know how it happens, but you are powerless against the microscopic invader.

    What if you could flip a switch and kill a virus in three minutes? Coxsackie in the child’s body, without causing side effects and providing lifelong protection against this disease?

    My book will teach you how to do this.

    Learn gradually, step by step. First, familiarize yourself with the nature of radio waves inherent in all living things. Second, find the frequency the virus emits. Third, learn how to silence it completely. It will take a few minutes!

    And finally, learn how to correctly diagnose and choose treatment options.

    I never considered a lack of exercise, vitamins, or hormone levels to be the primary factor of the disease. Therefore, the path to good health is obvious to me:

    ProblemThe simplest solution

    Pollution Prevention

    Number of materials: 2

  • Pain

    Fortunately for us, painkillers are always at hand, which helps us buy time to take action.

    But the pills are addictive. If we turn to electronic painkillers for help, the addiction to conventional medications will be significantly weakened. There are other very effective pain relievers: acupuncture, massage, music, meditation, hypnosis and prayer.

    But we'll focus on causes of pain and on healing a painful organ, so for now we do not need these methods.

    Let's talk about long-term pain that wears us down for years. These are arthritis, migraines, pain in the feet, elbows, hips and chest. All these diseases have their own names: fibromyalgia, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., but the cause of their occurrence is the same.

    The goal is not to extinguish the outbreak with drugs, and not to reduce the swelling or temperature. Our task is to kill bacteria. But that's not all. We are obliged to destroy the source of bacteria, to make our body impenetrable And invulnerable to their penetration.

    So, first step- detection of bacteria that have settled in affected areas and their identification. Second step- extermination by electronic means. Within a few minutes we will expel them from our cells.

    But remember that another source of pain is pollutants. Third step- is to find and identify pollutants. Fourth step- remove them from the body. The work is done - the pain is gone.

    When you run tests, you notice that your body is excellent at killing bacteria and viruses. But he needs help.