Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army. Tips for writing a social studies essay

If you don't know how to hold an ax in your hand, you can't cut wood,

and without knowing the language well, you can’t write it beautifully and understandably to everyone.

Maxim Gorky

Today, essay writing is a requirement not only for competitions, but also for many educational programs, therefore, the ability to write essays is necessary for both teachers and their students - students, applicants, students.

The essay genre presupposes freedom of creativity: it allows the author to freely express thoughts, express his point of view, subjectively evaluate, and cover the material in an original way; this is a reflection on what we once heard, read or experienced, often this is talking out loud, expressing emotions and imagery. The uniqueness of this genre is that it can be written on any topic and in any style. In the foreground of the essay is the personality of the author, his thoughts, feelings, attitude towards the world. This is the main setting of the essay.The essay expresses the author's individual impressions and thoughts on a specific issue or subject and does not pretend to be an exhaustive or definitive interpretation. In terms of volume and function, it borders, on the one hand, with a scientific article and a literary essay (with which an essay is often confused), and on the other, with a philosophical treatise. The essayistic style is characterized by imagery, fluidity of associations, aphoristic, often antithetical thinking, an emphasis on intimate frankness and conversational intonation. Some theorists consider it as the fourth, along with epic, lyric and drama, genre. fiction. The most famous (and, according to literary scholars, the first

time of writing) a work of this genre, a three-volume work by a French skeptic philosopher of the 16th century. Michel Montaigne (1533-1592) is known to Russian-speaking readers under the title “Experiences”. The essay genre was not typical for Russian literature. Examples of essayistic style

are found among Russian writers of the 19th century in A.S. Pushkina, A.I. Herzen, F.M. Dostoevsky, at the beginning of the 20th century - V.I. Ivanova, D.S. Merezhkovsky, V.V. Rozanova, later

However, we must remember that, despite the freedom of creativity, writing in the essay genre is not at all easy, since you need to find an original idea (even on traditional material), a non-standard view on any problem. For a competent, interesting essay, it is necessary to follow certain rules and recommendations.

I. Ehrenburg, Y. Olesh, V. Shklovsky, K. Paustovsky.”

Essay writing structure:

1.Introduction - determination of the main question of the essay.

2. Main part - the answer to the question posed. One paragraph contains: thesis, proof, illustrations, sub-conclusion, which is partly an answer to the question posed.3.Conclusion - summarizing the sub-conclusions already made and the final answer to the essay question. Let us note the most acceptable technique for proving the statements given in the essay.4.Proof - this is a set of logical techniques for justifying the truth of a judgment with the help of other true and related judgments.

Structure of argumentation (evidence).

The structure of any evidence includes at least three components: thesis, arguments, conclusion or value judgments.

Thesis - this is a narrowing that must be proven.

Arguments - these are categories that are used to prove the truth of a thesis.

Conclusion is an opinion based on an analysis of facts.

Value judgments are opinions based on our beliefs, beliefs or views. Structure element %.

Essay Grading Criteria

When assessing the answer, the following elements must be highlighted:

presentation of one’s own point of view (position, attitude) when disclosing a problem;

disclosure of the problem at the theoretical and everyday levels, with or without the correct use of definitions and terminology;

arguing your position based on facts or your own experience.

Requirements for the essay:

1. The essay should be perceived as a single whole, the idea should be clear and understandable.

2. The essay should not contain anything superfluous, it should include only the information that is necessary to reveal your position and idea.

3. The essay must be literate compositional structure, be logical, clear in structure.

4. Each essay paragraph should contain only one main idea.

5. The essay must show that its author knows and meaningfully uses theoretical concepts, terms, generalizations, and ideological ideas.

6. The essay must contain convincing arguments for the position stated on the issue.

Reminder when writing an essay

Before you start writing your essay:

1) study theoretical material;

2) understand the features of the stated essay topic;

3) think about what the relevance of the stated topic may be;

4) highlight key point and determine your position in relation to it;

5) determine what theoretical concepts, scientific theories, terms will help you reveal the essence of the thesis and your own position;

6) draw up a thesis plan, formulate the thoughts and ideas that arise in you.

When writing an essay:

1) write an essay in draft, adhering to the optimal structure;

2) analyze the content of what was written;

3) check the style and literacy, compositional structure of the essay, logic and consistency of what is presented;

4) make the necessary changes and write the final version.

Essay writing algorithm.

Carefully read all the topics (statements) proposed for writing an essay. Choose one that meets several requirements:

a) is interesting to you;

b) you generally understood the meaning of this statement;

c) you have something to say on this topic (you know the terms, you can give examples, you have personal experience, etc.).

Define main idea statements (what is it about?), to do this, use the technique of periphrasis (say the same thing, but in your own words).

Outline the arguments for and/or against this statement. If you collect arguments both for and against an aphorism taken as a topic, your essay may be polemical in nature.

For each argument, select examples, facts, situations from life, personal experience etc.

Review the selected illustrations again.

Think about what literary devices you will use to make the language of your essay more interesting and lively (comparisons, analogies, epithets, etc.).

Arrange the selected arguments and/or counterarguments in sequence. This will be your conditional plan.

Come up with an introduction to the argument (you can write in it why you chose this statement, immediately define your position, ask your question to the author of the quote, etc.).

State your point of view in the sequence that you have outlined.

Formulate the general conclusion of the work and, if necessary, edit it.

An example of a completed essay based on the above criteria

Education best guard freedom than a deployed army"

E. Everett

In his statement, the author contrasts the methods of social control of such institutions as education and the army. Everett says that education, as one of the most important mechanisms of internal social control, will always be more effective than external control mechanisms - a “deployed army.”

I partially agree with the author’s position since, although the army is inferior to education due to its radical methods of ensuring security and control, it is still an equally important lever of influence on society.

“Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army” (E. Everett)

The statement I have chosen touches on the problem of the role of education as social institution in a democratic society. The relevance of this issue lies in the fact that the transfer of knowledge to subsequent generations has always been important for humanity, and in modern society its role has only increased, education is undergoing a number of changes, and therefore every person should understand its importance for society.

American politician Edward Everett believed that education is “a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army.” In other words, the author believed that quality education, forming a personality, lays in it the traits necessary for the realization human freedom, while forceful methods are unable to ensure people's freedom with the same effectiveness. I fully share Everett’s position: freedom is inextricably linked with human education, and no society can defend and realize its rights with the help of weapons like a society for which education is a priority value.

Education in the social sciences is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal of education can be considered to be the introduction of the individual to the achievements of humanity, the transfer and preservation of the cultural heritage of society. Obtaining education occurs through training in relevant institutions (schools, universities, etc.) and self-education, that is, independent acquisition of knowledge without the help of others.

The importance of education for society is due to the wide range of social needs satisfied by this institution. First of all, education ensures the transfer of cultural achievements, experience, and values ​​to new generations. At the same time, the socialization of the individual occurs, his assimilation social roles, norms, and also develops her intellect and creative potential. Along with this, education is associated with the formation of the socio-professional structure of society. Education plays an important role in the formation of a person’s worldview, in particular the scientific one: by assimilating knowledge, a person forms his own view of certain phenomena, the world as a whole, and himself.

Personal freedom is inseparable from education, through which the comprehensive development of the individual occurs. Thus, its level influences the political culture of society: if the functioning of a democratic state requires citizens to understand the course of the political process, the current tasks of the state, and a meaningful choice of candidates for public office. All this constitutes the so-called “culture of participation”. In a subject culture, the population is not interested in politics and does not directly influence political decisions. Similarly, education is a necessary condition human freedom in the economic, social and cultural spheres of society. On the contrary, forceful methods do not ensure that people assimilate such values ​​as freedom and human rights. A militarized society is characterized by leveling the value of the individual, instilling standard models of behavior, prohibiting deviation from ideology, orders, etc.

In addition to theoretical arguments, actual examples can also be given. The Russian classic writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a man with a brilliant education, which he received both in Russia and abroad. Education allowed Turgenev to fully realize himself as a writer and achieve recognition both in his native country and throughout the world. The writer became one of the key figures of Russian literature of the 19th century century. Thus, education allows one to reveal a person’s abilities and allows him to succeed in creativity.

The Third Reich can serve as an illustration of the negative consequences of leveling the value of education for the freedom of people. Under this regime, there were repeated cases of mass book burnings. In addition, one model of thinking was imposed on the entire population, in which the cult of the Fuhrer’s personality, inhumane values, and racism prevailed. By prohibiting free thought, deviation from the dominant ideology, and free education for citizens, the state has spoiled the moral character of large number people. This speaks to the need to provide a full-fledged education, and not a distorted, limited parody of it.

Thus, education is truly a kind of foundation on which freedom of the individual and society is built. Without the comprehensive development of the individual, the formation in him of values ​​and skills that ensure the realization and protection of his rights, there can be no talk of his freedom. Therefore, Everett was right in asserting that it is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army.


Select a category English language grade 10 English language grade 11 English language grade 5 English language grade 6 English language grade 7 English language grade 8 English language grade 9 Uncategorized Great Britain VPR - English language VPR - biology VPR - geography VPR - history VPR - literary reading VPR - mathematics VPR - social studies VPR - the world around us VPR - Russian language VPR - physics VPR - chemistry Unified State Exam - English Unified State Exam - biology Unified State Exam - geography Unified State Exam - computer science Unified State Exam - history Unified State Exam - literature Unified State Exam - mathematics Unified State Exam - social studies Unified State Exam - Russian language Unified State Exam - Unified State Exam physics - chemistry Historical portraits Literary reading Medicine Young people OGE - English OGE - biology OGE - geography OGE - computer science OGE - history OGE - literature OGE - mathematics OGE - social studies OGE - Russian language OGE - physics OGE - chemistry The world around us Descriptions of paintings by Russian and foreign artists Preparing for the Unified State Exam in history Preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies Examples historical works. Unified State Exam Russian language Essay on Social Studies Unified State Exam Essays Textbooks Textbooks English language 1st - 4th grade Biology textbooks 5th - 11th grades Textbooks fine arts Grades 1-9 Textbooks on computer science Grades 1 - 4 Textbooks on computer science Grades 5 - 11 Textbooks on computer science for universities Textbooks on mathematics Textbooks on life safety Textbooks on the Russian language Grades 5 - 11 Textbooks on the Russian language for primary school Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, statuses Essays

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    Oleg Albertovich Donskikh wrote a report analyzing the actual educational results Unified State Exam. Because Unified State Exam preparation- this is a special educational training to which all graduates are exposed to greater or lesser intensity Russian schools, then it’s worth understanding - what does half-preparation for the Unified State Exam actually teach? This is shown here.
    I am publishing here with the permission of the author, reposting is welcome.

    Donskikh O.A. About competencies and the Unified State Exam
    Our education is experiencing the era of the Unified State Exam and the transition to a competency-based approach. Apparently, in the plan of the reformers, the Unified State Exam and competencies are somehow connected with each other, being key (although not adjacent) elements of a single process. This article is an attempt to clarify some aspects of the connection between them based on the results of the Unified State Exam in social studies.
    Obviously, the Unified State Exam must demonstrate the competencies that have been developed among graduates of our secondary schools. educational institutions. Quite complete and objective. Based on this premise, we will consider some features of the answers to the exam tasks.

    To briefly answer the question, what do they show? Unified State Exam results in social studies, we can draw the following conclusion: they demonstrate the lack of a significant number of graduates high school skills necessary to obtain higher education vocational education, such as: the ability to understand the text, highlight the main idea, summarize what was heard. And, most importantly, the ability to work independently, i.e. ask questions on your own and look for answers. In other words, high school graduates completely lack what can be defined as the competence to study at a university. What has been said can be easily demonstrated with examples that give an idea of ​​individual aspects of the said competence (more precisely, “undercompetence”).
    Let's take the essay, the genre where the graduate's capabilities are most fully revealed.
    So, the topic was chosen: “ Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army "(E. Everett). And we read a completely typical argument (preserving the original spelling. It is worth noting that sometimes essays are so illiterately written from the point of view of the Russian language that it is impossible not to pay attention to it):
    « Education is the best guardian of freedom.
    Educated, smart man can stand up for himself and solve the problem peacefully.
    The problem is that “Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army?
    I think that in the fight for your freedom you need to use your knowledge, and not resort to military action.
    I once found myself in an unpleasant situation in which education played a big role. Thanks to education, this conflict was prevented.
    This is why education is the best guardian of freedom
    And one more thing:
    « Education is truly this freedom. Every person needs education, because in our time it is impossible without education. Many people say that the army is very harsh and deployed. For example, I don’t think so. When I finished ninth grade at night school, I was drafted into the army. During the year of service I learned a lot of interesting things. I read a lot of books and wrote dictations. I believe that in our time a person needs education and service in the armed forces».
    It is clear that the selected essays are not the best. The chosen ones are quite typical. And they are typical in those features that coincide in these two essays. And these signs are as follows:
    1) Complete misunderstanding of the thoughts of the author of the statement. What Everett says about society as such and about the role of education in improving the level of relations in society is translated into personal terms by graduates.
    2) The topic of freedom in the political sense has completely disappeared, the graduate speaks only about “the fight for one’s freedom,” but from whom and why is not clear, except perhaps from personal enemies. The second one completely forgot about freedom, although this is the key theme of the statement he chose.
    3) Writers do not care about the semantic unity of both specific statements and the general meaning of the text they create. What does “the army is very harsh and deployed” mean? Or nonsense, like “you need to apply your knowledge, and not resort to military action. The author, of course, does not think about how one can “run” to military action alone. Just like “war” turns out to be an unpleasant conflict in which he once found himself. The deployed army turns out to be one man.

    « Man is not a fractional part of the world, he contains a whole riddle and solution to the world"(N.A. Berdyaev).
    « The world consists of several billion people, and each person has his own individuality and separate world. This is stated in the statement of N.A. Berdyaev. I agree with this opinion of the author. After all, to understand the world, you need to understand a person.
    After all, the world does not consist of fractional parts, the world itself consists of small worlds. Each person is his own person small world, which needs to be studied long and hard. In every person we can find answers to eternal questions, find solutions to our problems. After all, every person has his own world, in which seemingly incompatible things are combined. We need a lot of time to understand this, to take some of the good things from this world for ourselves.
    A person needs communication, first of all, in order to improve himself, to take the best from communication. And use it to solve the mystery of another person's world
    Here, it seems that the author at first really demonstrates the understanding of N.A. Berdyaev when he says that to understand the world you need to understand a person. With some stretch, one can still agree with this. But the subsequent presentation denies this initial misconception. Then phrases begin that neither in themselves nor as a whole have any clear meaning. If you need to study yourself long and hard, then what does communication have to do with it, which will be discussed later we're talking about? And in the end there is complete nonsense: you need to communicate in order to improve yourself and take this best in order to “unravel the riddle of another person’s world”... In addition to what was discovered in the previous essays, here we find the sacramental phrase - “ I agree/disagree with the author's opinion" According to the graduate, this phrase demonstrates his own opinion. Yes, it looks like a reflection on what you read. But in a situation where the text is completely misunderstood, this does not look like reflection, but like a random addition. After all, you can agree or disagree with what you understand.
    And finally, one more example.
    « Totalitarianism is a form of government in which morality falls within the purview of power"(A.N. Kruglov). " I chose this essay topic because I had come across it several times during my long history course at school. There are three forms of government in society: authoritarian, totalitarian and democratic. Our Motherland has a democratic form of government.
    Totalitarianism existed under Stalin, where there were uniform laws, their forced implementation, regardless of the agreement of citizens. Power, with the help of morality, that is, teaching, earned itself a certain status in society. The authorities did not take into account the requests, whims and conveniences of society. From my point of view, this form of government is very cruel and wrong towards the residents. Power must exist together with society, helping it in life
    Here again there is a complete misunderstanding of the meaning of the statement. Failure to understand that morality and law in a democratic society are two different forms of social consciousness. Morality is generally understood as “teaching” from the phrase “read morality.” And along the way, several gross mistakes: this concerns uniform laws as a sign of totalitarianism, power “earns status,” etc.
    In connection with these examples (and it is not difficult to multiply them, since most essays are, to one degree or another, exactly like this), it is worth talking about one feature of the thinking represented by these examples - the complete absence of a sense of misunderstanding. Aristotle also said that philosophy (in this case, rational thinking) begins with wonder. A person must discover some kind of inconsistency, the impossibility of something existing. The feeling of misunderstanding grows from the same root - this cannot be, but it is! The combination of some thoughts and images that are presented in the text do not add up to a coherent picture. But they must add up. And the search begins, the person tries to put together a mosaic. He begins to ask himself questions, answering which he hopes to reproduce this picture. He must come to a feeling of understanding, feel that all parts of the statement are complementary.
    In the above examples, we are faced with something completely different: instead of understanding, there is a set of associations. Instead of pondering the thought of a famous thinker, we see a random trickle of consciousness (because the expression “stream of consciousness” for this mental activity is too loud) without any attempt to answer at least some questions. The resulting deficit of understanding is defined by a complete lack of feeling of misunderstanding.
    It seems that a simple associative mechanism is activated regarding some recognized words. Here we are no longer talking about choosing a subject, although the compilers assume a choice of six disciplines.
    This is fully demonstrated during the appeal procedure. It is almost impossible to convince a graduate that he is contradicting himself or that he completely misunderstood what he read. He begins to explain that he “meant” exactly what the teacher says. And the indication of an obvious contradiction is countered by the same empty associative series that fill the essay itself.
    As a result, it becomes quite obvious that the Unified State Exam with its test structure works to enhance associative thinking instead of forcing students to see complete pictures certain spiritual areas. Some answers are so wild that after them there can be no question of any knowledge of the subject. But the system of choosing from several options always leaves the possibility of guessing at least a certain number of correct answers, even if you have absolutely no idea about the subject.

    Another task that requires the ability to define and generalize is task C8, which requires drawing up a complex plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic in a social science course. Obviously, to draw up a plan, you need to imagine the topic as a whole, be able to break it down into components and rank these components. Instead, we are again very often faced with a random set of words.
    Without taking up too much space, we will present only three plans on the topic “Biological and social in man.”
    (In one case, a student drew up a universal plan for this topic that fits everything, but it can still be viewed more as a curiosity:
    « Plan:
    - identifying the problem.
    -my position
    -my opinion
    But here are typical, quite typical answers that seem to be to the point:
    1. "1 .Concept of man
    2. Signs of biology in humans
    2.1. there are organs
    2.2. a person reacts to unfavorable conditions, because
    He has a nervous system
    3. Social in man the process of human development, new technologies appear
    3.2.learned to realize my needs
    4. Social and biological are inextricably linked

    2. " I Social in man.
    1) Man and society
    2) Family
    3) Education
    4) Work
    II Biological in man
    1) Human biological needs
    2) Man and nature
    III Conclusion"

    3. "I" Communication 1 Friends II Recreation: 1 Rehabilitation
    2 Relatives 2 Peace

    III Family: 1 Parents
    2 Brothers."

    Again we are faced with the same level of work with concepts: instead of generalization and logical disclosure of the topic, a completely random associative series is demonstrated. Thus, “family” and “education”, “new technologies” and “needs”, “Communication”, “leisure” and “family” are in the same row. Those. in principle, neither the difference in the level of generalization nor the heterogeneity of concepts is realized.
    What can be said about preparedness for higher professional education? Obviously, in order to learn your future profession, you need such skills and abilities as the ability to work independently, understand what is said, generalize, i.e. those without which to receive lore impossible. The Unified State Exam does not demonstrate any of these competencies. Moreover, the very method of its basic organization (choosing from several options) leads in the opposite direction.
    Children who cannot clearly understand and summarize what is said and read are, in principle, unable to write notes. After all, to do this you need to listen carefully, summarize and briefly write down what you hear. Instead of highlighting the main thing, they simply snatch completely random pieces from the context. Unfortunately, given this inability (incompetence), many teachers no longer read, but dictate their lectures. In those cases when the teacher talks about certain material without directly indicating what needs to be written down, the notes in most cases look very poor. These are completely random snippets of thoughts. And the guys get out of the situation either by taking advantage teaching aids, or simply photographing the best notes. Not better situation with the ability to generalize: instead of generalizations there are random associations, completely similar to the above.
    The situation with opportunity is even worse independent work both in searching for knowledge and in composing relevant texts. The search for knowledge is limited to the simplest actions with a computer. At seminars, reports are made on some completely random passages that popped up on the Internet.
    Authorship is completely lost written texts. Instead of writing on their own, the guys put together pieces of found texts and at the same time are confident that they are doing serious independent work.
    Thus, the Unified State Exam, on the one hand, clearly demonstrates the lack of competencies that are extremely necessary for studying at a university, and, on the other hand, forces teachers to choose tactics for working with students that obviously undermine the possibility of developing these competencies.

    Questions 21-24 - tasks based on the text.

    For the Unified State Examination, scientific, popular science author's texts are used; they are not adapted for schoolchildren, i.e. There may be unfamiliar words, scientific terms, and complex figures of speech. On the one hand, you can always guess the meaning, on the other, the more unfamiliar words a student learns in social studies lessons, or by reading a social studies dictionary, or in another way, the more prepared he is to work with complex text.

    When reading a text, it is worth breaking it into parts, determining for yourself what each is about, and making a plan in your mind. This will make it easier to find answers.

    Two questions out of 4 will always be in the form “what does the author think, what does he call it, what does the author think…”, etc. - you MUST find similar phrases in the text, exactly as formulated in the question. Or even one word, and next to this marker there will be an answer to this question. Either before the marker or after. You must answer strictly in accordance with the author’s text; you can issue an insignificant addition, introductory word, you can change cases in words in accordance with the grammar of the phrase.

    You need to formulate your own thoughts if the question contains the phrase “based on the text, a social studies course and personal social experience...”

    There are so many sentences in each question, so many answers there should be! The same or more, sometimes two are hidden in one question, for example, “when and why...”

    In a question formulated through the words “justify the author’s point of view...”, it is necessary to provide one argument = proof as a logical reasoning using theoretical material, i.e. in general, the second - as an example of a specific manifestation of this phenomenon in the life of society, the third argument can be both theoretical and concrete.

    When formulating “reveal the connection” or “show the negative/positive consequences...” it is necessary to give a full, detailed answer, revealing what exactly the connection is (cause - effect, goal - result, whole - part, sum of parts leading to unity); When characterizing the consequences, it is necessary to indicate exactly how the negative or positive nature of the phenomenon manifests itself.

    Based on the text (you need a few words from the text!) and knowledge of the social science course (you need theoretical, generalized judgments using a conceptual apparatus!), give three arguments confirming the connection between the crime level and the state of society, living conditions.

    The answer might be:

    1. IN dysfunctional families, where the parents suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction, the child’s socialization is unsuccessful, the person learns as the norm deviant behavior parents or yard company.

    2. Dysfunctional families are often the result of the inability of spouses to realize themselves in public life, including in conditions of mass unemployment, economic crisis motivation for active creative activity decreases.

    3. A high level of crime manifests itself during a period of intensifying interethnic conflicts; a minor domestic quarrel can result in a criminal act due to the xenophobia of the participants.

    Question 25 reveals knowledge of theoretical material. You must write THREE sentences. 1 - a detailed definition of the named social phenomenon. 2 and 3 - according to the requirement formulated in the task using those speech patterns that are given in the question.

    What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “sensory cognition”? Drawing on knowledge from the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the forms sensory knowledge, and another sentence containing information about one of these forms. (Sentences must be general and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.)

    Sensory cognition is the initial stage of cognition, giving direct knowledge about objects and their forms. (A different definition, similar in meaning, may be given) The forms of sensory cognition include sensation, perception, and representation. Sensation as a form of sensory cognition is a reflection in the human mind of individual properties, qualities of a cognizable object/phenomenon that directly affects the senses. Or “Among the sensations there are sound, auditory, taste and other sensations.”

    Question 26. Illustration with examples of any social science concept or statement. Examples must correspond to the manifestation of a given phenomenon in the life of a person or society and are formulated not in the form of a “label” (two or three words), but as a detailed judgment. Each example starts on a new line.

    Give three examples of the advantages of organizing a business in the form of a joint stock company (JSC). (Each example should be formulated in detail.)

    An example of what not to do.

    More capital can be attracted

    Liability within the framework of purchased shares

    Medium and large business

    An example of how it should be.

    1.Participants of a joint-stock company bear property liability within the limits of their contributions to the authorized capital of this company. This means that the company's debts cannot be extended to the personal property of its members. (for example, Alla owns 5% of the shares of the enterprise, and is liable only to the extent of this, and not to the extent of all the property owned by her)
    2. Relative simplicity in matters of attracting financing. To attract additional resources, it is necessary to issue additional shares and sell these securities to investors. (for example, in search of funds to expand the business, at a meeting of shareholders it was decided to issue additional shares and sell them on the market) 3. A small amount of contributions to the authorized capital required for registering a joint-stock company. (for example, to purchase shares at N rubles each, citizens K, B, T did not need to take out a loan, but this amount of 15,000 rubles was enough to register a non-public joint-stock company)

    Question 27. Question-task. It is necessary to read ALL the conditions listed in the question, each of them is important in formulating the answer. You must answer every question in the assignment. Each answer to each question requires explanation, i.e. a detailed judgment using a conceptual apparatus. Or a question has been asked and you need to name characteristic features, features of this phenomenon. The task itself is factual in nature; in the listed facts you need to find out (guess) what phenomenon/process is meant, give it a name using a social science term/concept. And reveal the signs, features, properties of this phenomenon/process; accordingly, the answer should be theoretical in nature. If the task is of a legal nature, then the questions are always specific and reveal knowledge of the text of the law. And the answer (legally/illegally) must be justified through formulations close to the text of the legislative act.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation Yaroslav and Vasilisa, who have been married for four years, decided to enter into a marriage contract. By mutual agreement, they included in it clauses about their rights and obligations for mutual maintenance, ways of participating in each other’s income, and also determined the property that would be transferred to each of the spouses in the event of divorce. Will this marriage contract with such clauses be certified by a notary? Justify your answer. Name any two personal non-property rights of spouses established by the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

    Answer. The marriage contract will be certified by a notary, because All clauses regulate the property relations of the spouses.
    Personal non-property rights of spouses:
    - the right to free choice of occupation and profession by each spouse
    - the right to free choice of place of residence
    - the right to jointly resolve issues family life
    - the right to choose a surname upon marriage and divorce

    Question 28. Detailed plan. You need to read and understand WHAT is being asked. The task is to reveal the topic, so the minimum points are usually 5-6, of which 2-3 are covered in subparagraphs. The first is the definition of the main concept. Then history, stages of formation (if any), types, types, forms, principles, functions of the phenomenon. Negative/positive consequences if possible to determine. The last point is the relevance of the issue, using the words “in modern world", "V modern Russia”, “among modern youth”, “in the information society”, etc. You cannot get away with general words here; such an answer is not taken into account by experts in recent years and reduces the number of points. In the last paragraph it is necessary to name any social problem(= a social phenomenon about which there are different points of view!) that exists in modern society or among modern people.

    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Modern science and the responsibility of scientists.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

    1. Modern science is the direct productive force of society.
    2. Features modern science:
    a) complex technology, computer technology;
    b) huge consequences (not always favorable) of the impact on nature, society, people;
    c) the main research is carried out in the direction of the macro- and microworld.
    3. Leading directions of scientific and technological progress:
    a) space exploration,
    b) research in the field of alternative fuel sources,
    c) work on creating artificial intelligence,
    d) biotechnology, genetic engineering.
    4. What is the social responsibility of scientists?
    a) honesty,
    b) serving the truth, not governments,
    c) awareness and acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of discoveries and inventions.
    5. Factors leading to an increase in the social responsibility of scientists:
    a) the possibility of using inventions for military purposes,
    b) moral aspects of human experiments, as well as issues of cloning of biomaterials,
    V) negative impact experiments on wildlife, the danger of harmful consequences when conducting experiments with nuclear energy.
    6. Problems of modern science in the Russian Federation - research funding, “brain drain”, social status of a scientist.

    Question 29. Mini-essay on one of the proposed statements on 5 blocks of topics.

    The structure of a mini-essay. What topic (social science problem) does the author address? The topic raised by the author is always broader than the statement itself; it must be formulated differently than the quote sounds. A social scientific problem is a social phenomenon of the past or present, about which there are different points of view. In the statement you need to find the extremely broad concept that the author is talking about; it can be contained in the quote, or it can only be implied by the phrase.

    Example. Sociology block, social psychology. “Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army” (E. Everett). The quote contrasts the army and education, which are mentioned in connection with freedom. Freedom is the main word. The problem can be formulated as “what is necessary to preserve freedom in society,” and more deeply, what is true freedom, a truly free society. There really are conflicting opinions on this issue, the issue is being discussed very actively in modern Russia, and a graduate can formulate his ideas, his understanding of the issue, what freedom is, what is necessary for its establishment in society, for its preservation.

    When revealing your judgments on the topic designated by the author (at least two sentences in the first paragraph), you need to take into account the block within which the topic is specified. It is necessary to adhere to the conceptual apparatus of the selected block, and if a student writes an essay on a sociological topic, it would be wrong to go into the topic of politics or law. Although all social phenomena are interrelated, the theoretical part must be revealed within the framework of the selected block.

    The mini-essay vocabulary should contain at least 10-15 terms and concepts related to the topic. A smaller number, as practice shows, leads to incomplete disclosure of the topic and to its one-sided interpretation. New in 2019 criterion 3 (max. 1 point) was introduced to take into account the correct and complete use of terminological material.

    The condition for a successful, complete, correct answer to question 29 is the disclosure of at least two aspects of the topic, different positions are given. The highlight of the work is always the presence in the mini-essay of a point of view different from the author of the quote, and a brief interpretation of it.

    The mini-essay must also provide at least two detailed examples from various sources (history of Russia, foreign history, geography, literature, philosophy, social and political life = media), which illustrate the theoretical points expressed by the students. Examples not related to the theoretical block are not taken into account.

    At the end of the essay, the graduate formulates a conclusion that is related to the social science problem identified at the beginning of the text. There should be no new ideas or acts in the conclusion! Just a generalization of what was previously written.

    Sometimes there is a serious error that results in the loss of all points for the mini-essay. This happens if a student is actively carried away by his thoughts and comes to directly opposite conclusions than the position that was indicated at the beginning, and without checking his essay for logic, he submits it for testing. If there is no internal logic, the first criterion is given 0 points, and all other work is not evaluated.

    Chapter 3. Armor from all troubles

    Knowledge is armor against all troubles.
    Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki

    Education is the ability to face life situations.
    John Gibben

    Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army.
    Edward Everett

    Praemonitus praemutus - He who is forewarned is forearmed (lat.).

    Do not undertake without learning what should be done after learning.
    Sayings of Sextus

    The history of civilization can be expressed in six words: the more you know, the more you can do.
    Edmond Abu

    Knowledge is better than wealth, because wealth must be protected, and knowledge protects you.
    Imam Ali

    Knowledge! With you, a person is free even in chains. I am happy with you even under the blows of bad fate. Having you, a person has everything and does not need the rest. This same person, deprived of you, is a weak reed, subject to the play of passions, a victim of boredom, a creeping plant that has no support on itself.
    Claude Adrian Helvetius

    Enlightened reason ennobles moral feelings; The head must educate the heart.
    Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller

    All good comes from an enlightened mind.

    Enlightenment aims to develop character.
    Herbert Spencer

    Virtue is knowledge.

    The happiness of the future of humanity lies only in knowledge.

    Ignorance is a bad way to get rid of trouble.
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Proving to a person the need for knowledge is the same as convincing him of the usefulness of vision.
    Maxim Gorky

    From a Buddhist point of view, the main cause of our problems is ignorance.
    Dalai Lama XIV. – 2005

    Education is the greatest benefit for a person. Without education, people are rude, poor, and unhappy.
    N.G. Chernyshevsky

    Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea of ​​what happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events bring us closer to happiness.

    To become a person, I think, you first need education.
    Valentin Pikul

    You will never know enough unless you know more than enough.
    William Blake

    A one-sided specialist is either a crude empiricist or a scientific charlatan.

    They say correctly that decent person- a versatile person.
    Michel de Montaigne

    It is necessary to grasp any knowledge that comes along the way.

    Guys, don't yawn, acquire skills! Any.
    I.A. Narovlyansky. – 2001.

    Knowledge is made up of small grains of daily experience.

    He who collects good instructions is like a merchant who saves every copper and eventually becomes a rich man.
    Chen Jiru

    If you trace the biography of any educated person- worker, peasant, specialist, scientist, writer - then a remarkable property of knowledge will be revealed. By accumulating them and implementing them in action, a person endlessly rediscovers himself, comprehends his own capabilities, and turns out to be capable of decisions and actions that he had never even thought of before.
    I. Petryanov-Sokolov

    Every day in which you have not supplemented your education with at least a small but new piece of knowledge, consider it fruitlessly and irrevocably lost for you.

    Knowledge that is not replenished daily decreases every day.
    Chinese proverb

    If the brain is not sown with grains, it produces weeds.
    George Herbert

    Many people at the end of the week remember how much they owe on bills. But few people remembered at least once what they brought to the field of beauty and knowledge in seven days.

    Whatever your situation, behave in such a way that not even an hour passes without acquiring wisdom, because wisdom must be learned from the ignorant.

    Who is wise? - Someone who is ready to learn from everyone, as it is said: “I gained wisdom from everyone who taught me.”
    Talmud. Treatise "Avot". Ch. 4:1.

    Those who love to learn are never idle.
    Charles Louis Montesquieu

    Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercise for the body.
    Joseph Addison

    Reading is the best teaching.
    A.S. Pushkin. 21 July 1822

    Re-reading books already read is the most reliable touchstone of education.
    Friedrich Goebbel

    People stop thinking when they stop reading.
    Denis Diderot

    Bread nourishes the body, and a book nourishes the mind.

    A man is what he eats and what he reads.

    Tell me what books you read and I will tell you who you are.

    The tragedy of unread books is a terrible tragedy
    Daniil Granin

    Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned.

    All life is knowledge.
    Andrey Kuternitsky

    In addition, many (of people who have experienced clinical death - I.K.) emphasize the importance of acquiring knowledge. During their near-death tests, they were taught that knowledge can be acquired even after life. For example, one woman said that after “death” she takes advantage of every opportunity to learn something new. And my other interlocutor advised: “Don’t stop learning at any age. This process, as I now understand, continues forever.”
    Raymond Moody

    Learn until you die, improve until you die.
    Russian proverb

    Acquire in your youth something that over the years will compensate you for the damage caused by old age. And having understood that the food of old age is wisdom, act so that old age is not left without food.
    Leonardo da Vinci

    The blessings of youth are strength and beauty, the blessings of old age are the dawn of reason.

    For a fool, old age is a burden, for an ignoramus it is winter, and for a man of science it is a golden harvest.
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe

    Science demands from a person his entire life. And if you had two lives, then they would not be enough for you.
    I.P. Pavlov

    A scientist must live long.
    N.V. Lazarev. - 1969

    There is no old age for learning.
    Russian proverb

    Don't think that you are too old to learn.

    Happy is he who can study at 70 years old.
    Nadya Kryloff - 1999

    In essence, old age occurs at the moment when a person has lost the ability to learn
    Arturo Graf

    When I was young I was amazed that Cato began to study Greek at 80 years old. Now it doesn't surprise me anymore. Old people willingly take on tasks that young people shy away from, fearing that it will take them too much time.
    Somerset Maugham

    Study as if you were to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
    Otto von Bismarck

    Through direct teaching, an enlightened person is never satisfied with his knowledge, but he never ceases to learn, even if he has lived through the Methuselah age.
    Feofan Prokopovich

    All people have an equal right to education and should benefit from the fruits of science.
    Friedrich Engels

    I decided to devote my life to the fight against the most vile kind of inequality - educational inequality.
    N.A. Rubakin

    Knowledge exists to be disseminated.
    Ralph Wald Emerson

    There are no hard sciences. There are only difficult presentations.
    A.I. Herzen

    To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite.
    Anatole France

    During his lyceum years, Pushkin, completely indifferent to mathematics, became fascinated by cards, and began to become intensely interested in mathematical disciplines that explain the philosophy of chance. He was particularly interested in the mathematical theory of probability.
    Nikolay Sergeev

    My publishing experience and my entire life spent among books have confirmed me in the idea that there are only two conditions that ensure the success of a book:
    - very interesting,
    - very accessible.

    The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once.
    John Locke

    Do not strive to know everything, lest you become ignorant of everything.

    Being multilaterally educated, Nikolai Vasilyevich Lazarev, on the other hand, objected to wasting energy and time on acquiring useless information. For example, talking about medical education, he asked who benefited from detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the temporal bone. It turned out that none of the six graduates present medical institutes these details were not needed at all. And then he made a comic poll about who remembered what. And five named various details. And only one honestly admitted that he had completely forgotten everything. To our surprise, Nikolai Vasilyevich praised him, saying that in order for a real scientist to rise high, he needs to free himself from ballast.

    It is more useful to know a few wise rules that could always serve you than to learn many things that are useless to you.
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Wise is the one who knows not much, but what is necessary.

    The wisdom of men is not proportional to their experience, but to their capacity for it.
    George Bernard Shaw

    If a person's knowledge is not ordered, then the more he knows, the greater the confusion in his thoughts.
    Herbert Spencer

    Only a system, of course, a reasonable one, coming from the very essence of objects, gives us complete power over our knowledge. A head filled with fragmentary, incoherent knowledge is like a storeroom in which everything is in disarray and where the owner will not find anything.

    A person can recognize his abilities only by trying to apply them in practice.
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Experience charges more for his studies, but he teaches better than all the teachers.
    Thomas Carlyle

    It is absurd to study light as a mere spectator. One who only wants to observe observes nothing. You need to practice what you want to learn yourself.

    Acquiring knowledge is not enough for a person; one must be able to give it away.
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe

    He who has studied science and does not apply it is like one who plowed but did not sow.
    Muslihaddin Saadi

    The benefits of existing knowledge in its application.

    If you don’t act, the ward will be of no use.
    Shota Rustaveli

    Knowledge is a tool, not a goal.
    L.N. Tolstoy

    If a person's good deeds exceed his wisdom, then it is stable; if his wisdom exceeds his deeds, then it is unstable.
    Talmud. Treatise Avot. Ch. 3:8.

    Knowing is not enough; we must apply knowledge. Desire is not enough; we must act.
    Bruce Lee

    The Kingdom of Heaven is not given to those lying on their sides, but only to those who work and endure sorrow.
    Reverend Joseph