The main stages of the Second World War. Northern War List of used literature


Thus, the victory of the anti-fascist coalition, which included more than 50 states, ended the Second world war. But their contribution to the victory was not the same. The decisive role in the defeat of the aggressors belongs to the Soviet Union. During the war years, no one disputed this truth. On September 27, 1944, W. Churchill wrote to I.V. To Stalin: “I will take this opportunity to repeat in the House of Commons what I said earlier, that it was the Russian army that gutted the German war machine..." Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the Presidents of the USA and Prime Ministers of Great Britain...1941-1945. T.I. M., 1957, p. 260

During the war, the Soviet-German front was decisive in terms of the number of forces involved, the duration and intensity of the struggle, its spatial scope and final results. The main battles took place here. More than 73% total losses the fascist German army suffered in battles with Soviet Army. On the Soviet-German front, the main part was destroyed military equipment enemy - up to 75% of the total losses of tanks and assault guns, over 75% of all aviation losses, 74% of the total losses of artillery pieces. The USSR made a major contribution to achieving victory over Japan. It was the Soviet troops who defeated the powerful Kwantung Army in August 1945, wrested from Japan the means to further wage the war and forced it to accept the demand for unconditional surrender. The role of the USSR in the liberation of the peoples of Europe and Asia from the fascist yoke is exceptionally great. History of the Second World War. 1939-1945. T. XII. M., 1982, p. 35.36

world war fascist


1. History of the USSR. 1917-1978. M., 1979.

2. History of the Second World War. 1939 -1945. T. IV. M.: Voenizdat, 1975.

3. History of the Second World War 1939-1945. T. V. M.: Military Publishing House, 1978.

4. History of the Second World War. 1939-1945. T. XII. M.: , Voenizdat 1982.

5. History of the USSR. 1917-1978 M., 1979.

6. Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the Presidents of the USA and Prime Ministers of Great Britain...1941-1945. T.I. M., 1957, p. 260

7. Vert N. History of the Soviet State. Per. from French / N. Vert - M.: Progress Academy, 1992. - 480 p.

The Second World War, which lasted 6 years, ended in a crushing defeat for the aggressive states. The plans of their leaders for the destruction and enslavement of many peoples and undivided domination over the world were overturned. The victory over a well-armed and treacherous enemy was the result of the efforts of the countries anti-Hitler coalition, which formed a brotherhood in arms of all those who fought against the fascist-militarist bloc. Played a decisive role in achieving victory Soviet Union-- the main force of the coalition. During the war, the USSR Armed Forces defeated more than 506 German divisions and 100 German satellite divisions. The Allies defeated 176 enemy divisions. Large forces were also defeated and captured ground forces, aviation and navy of Japan.

The war required enormous strain on the material and spiritual forces of the people of our country, who accomplished a great feat. The victory was achieved at the cost of heavy losses and hardships. To a decisive extent it was determined by the fact that the war against Nazi invaders acquired a truly popular character. Mortal danger brought together and united the majority of the population of the USSR, regardless of social status and nationality, and placed millions of its citizens in the ranks of defenders of the fatherland or home front workers. Having demonstrated the ability to self-sacrifice and retained faith in victory, the people withstood the harsh times of trials.

About 7 million Soviet soldiers directly participated in the liberation from Nazi tyranny 11 European countries and over 1.5 million - in the liberation of Northeast China and North Korea. More than 1 million people died in the struggle for the liberation of the peoples of Europe and Asia alone. Soviet soldiers and officers. Total human losses of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War amounted to 27 million people, including losses of military personnel of the Armed Forces - 8.7 million people.

The peoples of many countries paid bloody tribute to the war. Poland lost 6 million people, China - 5 million, Indonesia - 2 million, Yugoslavia - 1.7 million, Philippines - 1 million, France - 600 thousand, England - 375 thousand. , USA - 300 thousand. The total human losses of the German armed forces in the Second World War amounted to 13.5 million people (including irrevocable losses on the Soviet-German front - 6.9 million people), its European allies - more 1.7 million, Japan - 2.5 million.

The scale of Nazi crimes against humanity far exceeded the atrocities of the medieval inquisitors. Of the 18 million European citizens who find themselves in concentration camps, the Nazis exterminated over 11 million people.

The main result of the war was the salvation of world civilization, the creation of conditions for the life and development of mankind along the path of progress. The war left a deep imprint on the public consciousness and affected the psychology and views of millions of people. The victory over the fascist-militarist forces had a huge impact on world development, stimulating the activity of the masses in their desire for radical changes in the economy, democratization of society, and ensuring a decent human life in peace.

The lessons of the Second World War still remind us now, many decades after its end. The war clearly showed priority universal human values, their significance for the present and future of peoples. Any attempt to sacrifice them to the selfish interests of economic, and social groups, political parties, individual states or state coalitions is fraught with global catastrophes.

Indeed, the main burden of the war fell precisely on Soviet people. The factor of the moral and political unity of the country was no less significant than economic and technical resources. The victory was ensured not so much by ideology and cruelty, which did not allow the soldiers to turn back, but by the amazing unity of the Russian people, their deep sense of patriotism and self-preservation. This applies not only to the Russians, but also to numerous other peoples who inhabited the entire territory of the Union. All these people understood well what threatened their country after enslavement. The goal of his whole life, for which millions died, was the impossibility of allowing a deadly occupation.


Indeed, the victory came at a great cost to the world. There is no need to talk about its unambiguity. The contribution of both human and material resources to this prolonged bloodshed is colossal. It is difficult to describe the mixed feelings of people who, on Victory Day, lost their homes, their families, everything that was dear to them.

Of course, the victory brought triumph to the world. The fascist dictatorship came to an end and people could finally breathe a sigh of relief. However, more and more often we forget about back side medals. About what price was paid for this triumph.

Today, the horrors and enormous losses of that time are remembered less and less. In my opinion, this is a big mistake. It is precisely because the tragedy of the war has begun to fade into the background that neo-Nazi movements are growing today, and the younger generation is disdainful of the elderly. To those who experienced the whole tragedy of this terrible war.

No goals can justify so many victims, which resulted from the cruelty and cold-bloodedness of the war. The Second World War will never be forgotten. As a result of incredible efforts from the whole world, fascism was defeated. Our goal today is to do everything possible to ensure that the evil that took place in those terrible years never happens again.

We need to remember the serious consequences of World War II so that nothing like this happens in the future. War, in any of its manifestations, is a great evil, the prevention of which is the main task of our life and the education of future generations.

The Second World War began due to the aggressive policies of Germany, Italy and Japan, united in the Anti-Comintern Pact and claimed the lives of 67 million people. At first, the aggressors managed to achieve serious successes, but the regime of terror and oppression they established in the occupied territories gradually forced countries with different political systems to unite in the fight against fascism. The anti-Hitler coalition took legal form in 1942 after representatives of 26 states signed the “Declaration of the United Nations” on the struggle against the aggressor; during the war, more than 20 more countries joined it. And although the question of opening a second front against fascist Germany was a stumbling block for the Allies for a long time (their activity was limited only to military operations in North Africa in 1941-1943 and landings in Sicily and Southern Italy in 1943), it was opened only in the summer of 1944. The main burden of military losses in the fight against fascism fell on the USSR. Allied assistance for a long time consisted of supplying our country with weapons and food in exchange for strategic raw materials or under Lend-Lease. Allied deliveries as a whole during the war years did not exceed 4% of Soviet industrial production, while for tanks and aircraft they amounted to 10 and 12%, and Lend-Lease vehicles received five times more than were produced by domestic factories. The anti-fascist forces of European countries made a great contribution to the victory over fascism during the liberation offensive of the Soviet troops. But the main burden of the war still fell on the Soviet state and its people. The Great Patriotic War was one of the most tragic stages of the Second World War, the losses of the USSR amounted to about 27 million people, material losses amounted to a third of the national wealth. Only through the efforts of a super-centralized directive economy, multiplied by enormous natural and human resources and the utmost effort of the entire people, young and old, was it possible to achieve a record short terms transfer of the economy to effective work for the front. Despite the continued superiority of German industrial potential, the USSR produced between June 1941 and May 1945. almost twice the amount of military equipment. No less important than the economic factor of victory was the factor of moral and political unity of Soviet society. The unity of the front and rear of a multinational fighting country was based not only on strict state and ideological regulation, but also on a deep sense of patriotism and state self-preservation of the Russian and other peoples, clearly aware of the mortal danger of enslavement.

Having defeated the main forces of the fascist bloc, the Soviet people not only defended their freedom and state sovereignty, but also brought liberation to hundreds of millions of people in Europe and Asia. Victory in the war not only contributed to the growth of sympathy among the peoples of the liberated countries and objectively contributed to the strengthening of the Stalinist political regime. Declared a “victory of Stalin’s genius,” it real life had a completely different basis - unparalleled courage and heroism Soviet people. Patriotism manifested itself in the creation people's militia, volunteer battalions, regiments and divisions, in the powerful partisan movement, in mass heroism at the front and selfless labor in the rear.

Through the efforts of all anti-fascist forces, the threat of enslavement of the world by fascist powers was eliminated. The defeat of the German military machine ended with complete disarmament, the liquidation of monopolies and the military industry, and the prohibition of Nazi parties and organizations. Germany and Berlin were temporarily divided into occupation zones, East Prussia with the city of Königsberg (Kaliningrad) were transferred to the USSR, new western and eastern borders of Poland were determined. The Western Allies were forced to agree to the inclusion of the countries of Central and Southern Europe(except Austria) released Soviet troops into the orbit of influence of the USSR. The USSR's sphere of influence extended to China and North Korea. The leadership of the USSR perceived the results of the war as a “victory of socialism”, its economic and political system and sought to export this model to European and Asian countries. As a result of these transformations, the situation on most of the borders of the USSR improved significantly. From that time on, the country was surrounded mainly by friendly states.

One of the main results of the war was a new geopolitical situation. As a result, the international importance of European countries fell sharply, and the USSR and the USA became the leading world powers. This new situation was characterized by a growing confrontation between the leading powers of the capitalist world (among which the United States established primacy) and the Soviet Union, which extended its influence to a number of countries in Europe and Asia. A war in which the most modern views weapons, including nuclear weapons, caused a rise in pacifist sentiments and the struggle for peace. Victory in the war thwarted the danger of the spread of fascism, but caused a new confrontation between recent allies, which soon put the world on the brink new war, now nuclear. The main lesson of World War II was not learned by the heads of the world's leading powers.

The Second World War left its mark on the entire history of not only Russia, but also the world. As a result, fascism was defeated, the fascist aggressors capitulated, fascist parties were banned, and fascist ideology was condemned.

For the second time in the 20th century, Russia found itself in a state of large-scale war with Germany. Once again, this turn of events brought suffering to the peoples. The price paid by the peoples of the USSR for victory was extremely high.

Western democracies, as if recognizing the communist totalitarian regime internal matter countries that entered into an alliance with him, on the one hand, to use the enormous resources of the USSR to fight Hitler, on the other hand, to neutralize Stalin in the future political arena. One of the main results of the war was the new geopolitical situation. It was characterized by growing confrontation between the powers of the capitalist world (among which the United States took the lead) and the USSR, which extended its influence to a number of countries in Europe and Asia where Moscow-oriented governments came to power. The world became “bipolar” for many years, concentrating around two superpowers - the USA and the USSR

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The Second World War, which lasted 6 years, ended in a crushing defeat for the aggressive states. The plans of their leaders for the destruction and enslavement of many peoples and undivided domination over the world were overturned. The victory over a well-armed and treacherous enemy was the result of the efforts of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, which formed a brotherhood in arms among all those who fought against the fascist-militarist bloc. The Soviet Union, the main force of the coalition, played a decisive role in achieving victory. During the war, the USSR Armed Forces defeated more than 506 German divisions and 100 German satellite divisions. The Allies defeated 176 enemy divisions. Large forces of Japanese ground forces, aviation and navy were also defeated and captured.

The war required enormous strain on the material and spiritual forces of the people of our country, who accomplished a great feat. The victory was achieved at the cost of heavy losses and hardships. To a decisive extent, it was determined by the fact that the war against the Nazi invaders acquired a truly popular character. Mortal danger brought together and united the majority of the population of the USSR, regardless of social status and nationality, and placed millions of its citizens in the ranks of defenders of the fatherland or home front workers. Having demonstrated the ability to self-sacrifice and retained faith in victory, the people withstood the harsh times of trials.

About 7 million Soviet soldiers directly participated in the liberation of 11 European countries from Nazi tyranny and over 1.5 million in the liberation of Northeast China and North Korea. More than 1 million Soviet soldiers and officers died in the struggle for the liberation of the peoples of Europe and Asia alone. The total human losses of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War amounted to 27 million people, including the losses of military personnel of the Armed Forces - 8.7 million people.

The peoples of many countries paid bloody tribute to the war. Poland lost 6 million people, China - 5 million, Indonesia - 2 million, Yugoslavia - 1.7 million, Philippines - 1 million, France - 600 thousand, England - 375 thousand, USA - 300 thousand. The total human losses of the German armed forces in the Second World War amounted to 13.5 million people (including irrevocable losses on the Soviet-German front - 6.9 million people), its European allies - more than 1.7 million, Japan - 2.5 million

The scale of Nazi crimes against humanity far exceeded the atrocities of the medieval inquisitors. Of the 18 million European citizens who ended up in concentration camps, the Nazis exterminated over 11 million people.

The main result of the war was the salvation of world civilization, the creation of conditions for the life and development of humanity along the path of progress. The war left a deep imprint on the public consciousness and affected the psychology and views of millions of people. The victory over fascist-militarist forces had a huge impact on world development, stimulating the activity of the masses in their desire for radical changes in the economy, democratization of society, and ensuring a decent life for people in peace.

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