Open event on traffic rules, traffic lights in the traffic police station. Scenario for the traffic rules event “Traffic light is our faithful friend”

Scenario for the traffic rules event “Traffic light is our faithful friend”

Target: to consolidate students’ ideas about the rules of behavior on the street, the purpose and appearance urban transport.

Equipment: a hat for the presenter playing the role of a traffic light, toys or pictures corresponding to the answers to riddles about transport, fake medals for the winners of the game with the image of a traffic light.

Progress of the event

(The teacher invites the children to guess who will come to visit them today.)


Standing on the edge of the street

In a long boot

Three-eyed stuffed animal

On one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converge

Helps the street

People move on. (Traffic light.)

L. Sandler

Our guest is the owner of the street - a traffic light.

Buses, cars

Standing at the crossing:

The eye of the traffic light ordered

Pedestrians only.

Another eye will blink:

Now stop, buddy

The way is now open for cars,

Let the pedestrian stand.

(A traffic light man is drawn on the board.)

The traffic light decided to check how well you guys know the street, the rules for crossing the roadway, various types transport.

(For correct answers, children receive traffic lights with a bright green eye.)

Competition 1. “The meaning of traffic lights”

Continue the lines of S. Mikhalkov’s poem.

If the light turns red,

So, moving... (dangerous).

Green light says:

“Come on, the way... (open)!”

Yellow light - warning –

Wait for the signal to... (move).

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Seryozha asked his father:

“What is a traffic light?

Why, why?

I still don't know

Why is it different colors

Sending us greetings?

The father replied to his son:

“You need to know these signals.

If the red light shines -

The transition prohibits us

Traffic light.

Yellow light - attention!

And the green peephole is shining -

Possible for adults, possible for children

Walk across the street.

Should you signals these

Firmly remember, firmly know,

Never forget!

Competition 2. “Very important issues»

1. What are people who walk called? (Pedestrians.)

2. Which part of the street do pedestrians walk along? (On the sidewalk.)

3. Which part of the street is intended for crossing? (“Zebra” is a pedestrian crossing.)

4. If there is no pedestrian crossing across the road, where is it allowed to cross it? (Crossing is only permitted via the underground passage.)

Competition 3. “Very important riddles”

If I stood up

I could reach the sky. (Road.)

Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with people here

They are running along the street. (Metro.)

What a miracle - the house is moving,

The windows are bright all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus.)

Competition 4. “Very Important Rules”

In conclusion, the teacher organizes an outdoor game, which is aimed at teaching children how to cross the street following traffic lights. To do this, create two teams that face each other at opposite walls of the room where the game is being played. A pedestrian crossing with a traffic island is schematically depicted in chalk on the floor. The “traffic light” stands between the commands and the voice or gives its signals using circles. Having heard the word “red” or seen a red circle, the players remain on the sidewalk. At a yellow signal, they raise their feet or take a step forward without entering the roadway. When the signal turns green, children cross the street on the right side of the crossing. If the actions of the players do not comply with the rules established for the game, the “traffic light” fines the violators - gives them a “receipt”, and in return takes a forfeit from the violators. Forfeits are played at the end of the meeting - those fined answer questions about the rules of behavior on the street.

Summing up

Awarding the winners and presenting gifts.

Literature: Author - L.I. Gaidina, A.V. Kochergina. Extended day group: lesson notes, event scenarios. 1-2 grades. Moscow "VAKO" 2010

Board game"I am the driver"

Stukalova Lidiya Ivanovna

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 56"

Municipal entity Lyubertsy municipal district

Moscow region

(MOU "Gymnasium No. 56")

Open event topic:

« Travel to the country of Pddeshek »

GPD teacher:

Gaboyan S.G. ,no category.

Event date:10/23/2015.

"Journey to the country of Pddeshek."

Scenario of an event in the GPA for 1st grades on the topic “Rules traffic».


expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in public transport;

repeat traffic rules, safety rules on streets and roads;

consolidate children's understanding of traffic lights.

Equipment : zebra mockup, selection of posters, green and red circles.

Progress of the event:

Guys, in life there are many rules that you and I must follow and follow. And today we’ll talk about some rules that we must follow, and they are called traffic rules or, as they say in abbreviated form, traffic rules. And we’ll talk about them for a reason. When I went to work today, they handed me a letter. Let's see who it is addressed to? Address: "Gymnasium No. 56", for 1st grade.

So who is this envelope for, guys?

That's right, this letter is for you and me.

And the residents of the country of children write to us, and such a problem happened to them, they forgot all the rules of the road, and they can’t live without these rules, because they live in the country of traffic rules. That's why they ask you to help them remember the traffic rules.

Let's help them (yes)

They can't handle it on their own, they have to go.

And what we will go on, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

What a miracle this house is,

The windows are glowing all around.

Wears rubber shoes.

And it runs on gasoline.

He's walking down the street

It takes everyone to work. (bus)

Well, let's go!

While we're driving, let's remember the rules of conduct in public transport. (do not lean out of windows, do not run while driving, do not litter, do not shout, give way to elders, do not distract the driver)

What do you call people who break these rules (violators)

I hope that there are no violators among our guys and that everyone follows the rules!

So we arrived in the country of children. So imagine that we find ourselves in a city where there are many roads, streets, and houses.

Guys, what do you think when going out into the city, what is the main danger for a pedestrian on the road (car)

That’s why they make sidewalks in cities; cars are prohibited from driving on sidewalks.

Oh look!

Two friends are walking along the boulevard,

Lots of fun playing.

Pass here, pass here,

A very nice game.

But then the ball started rolling,

I found myself on the road.

The children rushed there

The brakes squealed.

What happened (children's answer)

What advice do we give to boys?

You cannot play on the sidewalk, you can only play on a special site, in a park, in the yard.

But the sidewalk ends and we need to cross the road. Where will we cross the road, wherever we want? (No)

How can you find out where you can cross the street (zebra crossing)

Yes, this is a zebra, black and white stripes that can be seen from afar by both pedestrians and drivers.

What other transitions are there? (aboveground and underground)

Now we have approached a zebra crossing, can we cross the street right away? Who will tell me how to cross the street at a zebra crossing? (approaching the zebra, look to the left - there are no cars; when we reach the middle, look to the right - if there are no cars, feel free to cross the road)

But there are places on the road where there are a lot of cars, what will help us then (traffic light)

Guys, do you know the history of the appearance of traffic lights? Many, many years ago, the traffic on the roads became too much. There were no longer enough inspectors to regulate it. Pedestrians and cars did not want to give way to each other and caused accidents every now and then! And then they invented a traffic light device that helps cars and pedestrians live together!

What types of traffic lights are there (large three-eyed traffic lights for drivers and small two-eyed ones for pedestrians)

Who will tell us the rule of the traffic light (the red light came on and the cars stopped, but we can go, because our traffic light is green, the yellow cars are ready, and at our traffic light the green is blinking and it’s better not to go but to wait for the green, for the cars the green light is on - the cars are moving, but we are standing still because our traffic light is red)

Guys, what else can help pedestrians and drivers when driving along city streets ( road signs)

Which one of you can tell me what road signs you know (children’s answer)

Yes, guys, there are many, many signs on the roads for drivers and a few for pedestrians.

Let's look at these signs together (look at the signs together with the children, discuss)

The strictest signs are round with a red stripe and a picture inside. These signs are prohibitive.

The following warning signs are triangular with a red stripe.

Hint signs are blue and rectangular.

And the last signs are round and blue. These signs allow the movement of pedestrians, cars, and bicycles.

Well, now, to consolidate our knowledge, let's conduct a small quiz.

Guys, do you think we helped our kids remember the rules of the road (yes). You and I were able to become different road users: pedestrians, passengers, drivers.

Tell me, did you like our trip today?

Guys, you have circles the same color as a traffic light.

Now let's raise our circles, if you liked our activity - green, if you didn't like it - red.

Which circles are there more?

I’m very glad that you all liked our trip to the land of children today. You are still little, you don’t walk the streets alone. But when going out with an adult, check yourself: do you know the rules well, don’t break them, and then we won’t have accidents on the roads and you will grow up strong and healthy.

GOU secondary school No. 145
Kalininsky district
St. Petersburg
GPD teacher
Kolesova T.M.

Topic: “Story game “We are pedestrians.”
ABC of safety (everyone participates).
Students in police uniforms begin
1 student
It just needs to be explained,
Whether you are young or old:
Pavement - for transport,
For you - the sidewalk.
2 student
Where should you cross the street?
Remember this simple rule:
Look to the left first,
Look to the right later!
1 student
This should be clear to everyone
Catching up with a tram is dangerous!
2 student
You will jump on the go -
You can get into trouble in no time!

All the guys tell the “ABC of Safety”:
A - The streets are shiny with asphalt, cars are rushing fast.
B - The pavement is seething with movement - cars are running, trams are rushing.
B - Everyone, be true to the rule - stay to the right.
D – Carry the load that is bulky and large at the edge of the pavement.
D - The pedestrian must remember: intersection - transition.
E - There are traffic lights, obey them without arguing.
F - Yellow light - warning! Wait for the signal to move.
Z - The green light has opened the road, the guys can cross.
And - Go ahead! You know the order - you won’t get hurt on the pavement.
K – The red light tells us: “Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!
L – Lesha and Lyuba walk in pairs. Where are they going? Along the sidewalk.
M - The formation is marching to the camp, we are walking along the pavement.
N - Don’t you dare ride on the buffer, it’s easy to fall off the buffer!
A – The danger of the mouth-eater awaits near any gate.
P – Along the asphalt stitch points there is a pedestrian path.
R – It’s an unnecessary risk, just know, jump on the tram while moving.
S - Advice: don’t trust dexterity, get on the tram at the stop.
T – You are not a monkey, or a cat, or a trapezoid.
U - Student, when getting on a tram, give up your seat to the elders.
F – Football – good game at the stadium, kids.
X – Hockey is a game on ice in winter, but don’t play on the pavement.
C – Hooking the side of a car with a hook is a dangerous and unnecessary sport.
C - To avoid being run over, don’t hang on the car.
Sh - Schoolboy, young student - not used to making mistakes.
Sh - Spare your health, spare your life - watch the movement.
E - Take the important exam according to the traffic rules.
Yu - Young citizens, Tanya and Petya, remember these rules firmly.
I - Clearly, in order to be healthy, in order to be ready for work, this alphabet, friends, you need to know from A to Z.
1 student
Around the next turn
Traffic light with green eye
Winks at people again:
“The way is open! Go people!
Feel free to walk!
And let's be with you
We help each other!”
2 student
Looks formidable and serious
Lanky traffic light
From the crossroads, from the crossroads
He looks at me point blank.
1 student
I'm not hiding
I don't blush -
Everything he wants to say
I can, I can
Read his eyes!

Team activities:
Looks down into three eyes:
Follow all orders:
If the red light is on,
So, stop! The path is closed!
Yellow - be careful
And green means you can go.
(Traffic light)

These drawings will tell you
How to choose the right path:
Where to cross the pavement?
Where to go, where to turn.
After all, the rules of the road
Violations are not tolerated!
(Road signs)
Any time of the day, year
There are no cars here! There are pedestrians!
(Pedestrian path)

What kind of cars drive through the underground passage?

Here it is standing on the pavement
Tall, stately guard,
Twists, turns his head,
He says to all passers-by:
“The path is now open for you.”

She's a miracle wand
Everyone knows it, everyone can see it.
Visible during the day
And in the evening
Lighted from inside.
(Traffic Controller's Rod)
Finish the line:
“Guys,” Alena shouted, “Let’s quickly go to the light (Green)

A pedestrian and (Chauffeur) are looking at the traffic light

Are you waiting for boarding
On the designated area,
You don't need skill
This place is (Stop)

People go underground - there is underground (Transition)

What should pedestrians do when the light is red?
Run out onto the pavement;
Jump, sing songs;
Click each other on the nose;
Stand calmly on the sidewalk.

Competition "Guess the crossword puzzle."


The place where we live. (City)
The purpose of studying traffic rules. (Safety)
What includes one or more roadways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks and curbs? (Road)

Role-playing game (situation on the road).
Your class is going on a field trip. You will use the tram. Your actions.
Your class goes to classes at the Union. You will cross Tikhoretsky Avenue. Your actions.
The winner is determined. Rewarding.

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This lesson can be carried out in an extended day group.

Scenario for the traffic rules event “Traffic light is our faithful friend”

Target: consolidate students’ ideas about the rules of behavior on the street, the purpose and appearance of urban transport.

Equipment: a hat for the presenter playing the role of a traffic light, toys or pictures corresponding to the answers to riddles about transport, fake medals for the winners of the game with the image of a traffic light.

Progress of the event

(The teacher invites the children to guess who will come to visit them today.)


Standing on the edge of the street

In a long boot

Three-eyed stuffed animal

On one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converge

Helps the street

People move on. (Traffic light.)

L. Sandler

Our guest is the owner of the street - a traffic light.

Buses, cars

Standing at the crossing:

The eye of the traffic light ordered

Pedestrians only.

Another eye will blink:

Now stop, buddy

The way is now open for cars,

Let the pedestrian stand.

(A traffic light man is drawn on the board.)

The traffic light decided to check how well you guys know the street, the rules for crossing the roadway, and various types of transport.

(For correct answers, children receive traffic lights with a bright green eye.)

Competition 1. “The meaning of traffic lights”

Continue the lines of S. Mikhalkov’s poem.

If the light turns red,

So, moving... (dangerous).

Green light says:

“Come on, the way... (open)!”

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal to... (move).

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Seryozha asked his father:

“What is a traffic light?

Why, why?

I still don't know

Why is it different colors

Sending us greetings?

The father replied to his son:

“You need to know these signals.

If the red light shines -

The transition prohibits us

Traffic light.

Yellow light - attention!

And the green peephole is shining -

Possible for adults, possible for children

Walk across the street.

Should you signals these

Firmly remember, firmly know,

Never forget!

Competition 2. “Very important questions”

1. What are people who walk called? (Pedestrians.)

2. Which part of the street do pedestrians walk along? (On the sidewalk.)

3. Which part of the street is intended for crossing? (“Zebra” is a pedestrian crossing.)

4. If there is no pedestrian crossing across the road, where is it allowed to cross it? (Crossing is only permitted via the underground passage.)

Competition 3. “Very important riddles”

If I stood up

I could reach the sky. (Road.)

Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with people here

They are running along the street. (Metro.)

What a miracle - the house is moving,

The windows are bright all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus.)

Competition 4. “Very Important Rules”

In conclusion, the teacher organizes an outdoor game, which is aimed at teaching children how to cross the street following traffic lights. To do this, create two teams that face each other at opposite walls of the room where the game is being played. A pedestrian crossing with a traffic island is schematically depicted in chalk on the floor. The “traffic light” stands between the commands and the voice or gives its signals using circles. Having heard the word “red” or seen a red circle, the players remain on the sidewalk. At a yellow signal, they raise their feet or take a step forward without entering the roadway. When the signal turns green, children cross the street on the right side of the crossing. If the actions of the players do not comply with the rules established for the game, the “traffic light” fines the violators - gives them a “receipt”, and in return takes a forfeit from the violators. Forfeits are played at the end of the meeting - those fined answer questions about the rules of behavior on the street.

Summing up

Awarding the winners and presenting gifts.

MBOU "Arskaya secondary secondary school No. 1 named after. V.F. Ezhkova with in-depth study individual items"

Extended day group event on traffic rules“The traffic light is our faithful friend”

Educator: Abdullina R.R.

Events on traffic rules “Traffic light is our faithful friend”

Target : consolidate students’ ideas about the rules of behavior on the street, the purpose and appearance of urban transport.

Equipment : toys or pictures corresponding to answers to riddles about transport, fake medals for the winners of the game with the image of a traffic light.

Progress of the event

(The teacher invites the children to guess who will come to visit them today.)


Standing on the edge of the street

In a long boot

Three-eyed stuffed animal

On one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converge

Helps the street

People move on. (Traffic light.)

L. Sandler

Our guest is the owner of the street - a traffic light.

Buses, cars

Standing at the crossing:

The eye of the traffic light ordered

Pedestrians only.

Another eye will blink:

Now stop, buddy

The way is now open for cars,

Let the pedestrian stand.

(A traffic light man is drawn on the board.)

The traffic light decided to check how well you guys know the street, the rules for crossing the roadway, and various types of transport.

(For correct answers, children receive traffic lights with a bright green eye.)

Competition 1. “The meaning of traffic lights”

Continue the lines of S. Mikhalkov’s poem.

If the light turns red,

So, moving... (dangerous).

Green light says:

“Come on, the way... (open)!”

Yellow light - warning –

Wait for the signal to... (move).

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Seryozha asked his father:

“What is a traffic light?

Why, why?

I still don't know

Why is it different colors

Sending us greetings?

The father replied to his son:

“You need to know these signals.

If the red light shines -

The transition prohibits us

Traffic light.

Yellow light - attention!

And the green peephole is shining -

Possible for adults, possible for children

Walk across the street.

Should you signals these

Firmly remember, firmly know,

Never forget!

Competition 2. “Very important questions”

1. What are people who walk called? (Pedestrians.)

2. Which part of the street do pedestrians walk along? (On the sidewalk.)

3. Which part of the street is intended for crossing? (“Zebra” is a pedestrian crossing.)

4. If there is no pedestrian crossing across the road, where is it allowed to cross it? (Crossing is only permitted via the underground passage.)

Competition 3. “Very important riddles”

If I stood up

I could reach the sky. (Road.)

Crowded, noisy, young,

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with people here

They are running along the street. (Metro.)

What a miracle - the house is moving,

The windows are bright all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus.)

Competition 4. “Very Important Rules”

In conclusion, the teacher organizes an outdoor game, which is aimed at teaching children how to cross the street following traffic lights. To do this, create two teams that face each other at opposite walls of the room where the game is being played. A pedestrian crossing with a traffic island is schematically depicted in chalk on the floor. The “traffic light” stands between the commands and the voice or gives its signals using circles. Having heard the word “red” or seen a red circle, the players remain on the sidewalk. At a yellow signal, they raise their feet or take a step forward without entering the roadway. When the signal turns green, children cross the street on the right side of the crossing. If the actions of the players do not comply with the rules established for the game, the “traffic light” fines the violators - gives them a “receipt”, and in return takes a forfeit from the violators. Forfeits are played at the end of the meeting - those fined answer questions about the rules of behavior on the street.

Drawing competition “Traffic light is our faithful friend”

Summing up

Awarding the winners and presenting gifts.

Lotto board game “Road Signs”