Teachers' Council - fair of pedagogical ideas. Methodological event “Fair of Pedagogical Ideas” Exhibition Fair of Pedagogical Ideas in pre-school



Presenters as flight attendants.
Purpose of the event Exhibitions and fairs – support the dissemination of work experience and initiatives in the field of social services.
Objectives of the exhibition:
promote the development of the creative potential of the institution’s employees;
identify and disseminate innovative work experience;
establish and expand creative contacts with colleagues;
- create an information bank teaching materials.
Equipment: decoration of the “Airplane Board” hall, travel items, stickers in the shape of an airplane, pens (pencils, felt-tip pens), screen, video projector, multimedia support.

Progress of the event:

(On the screen there is a video sketch “Airliner”)
1 Stewardess: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!
2 Stewardess: Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you on board our hospitable airliner "Luchezarny".
1 Flight Attendant: This year the third exhibition-fair of methodological ideas “My Profession is to Help” will take place, thanks to which every specialist of our institution has the opportunity to satisfy their needs for professional and personal self-realization, demonstrate their work experience, their findings and achievements.
2 Stewardess: Our jury will evaluate the participants’ developments, let me introduce it to you. The jury members are introduced.
1 Flight Attendant: Today we invite you to take a trip on board our ship to unusual islands.
2 Stewardess: During the flight you will be offered refreshments. Have a good mood everyone!
1 Stewardess: So, friends! Today, throw away all your worries for later and relax for at least one day with us! We present to your attention the following flight program:
Islands of "Fairy Tales";
Islands "Razvivayka";

Poigrayka Islands;
Islands "Relaxation";
Yum Yum Islands;
Health Saving Islands;
Islands "Dream".
2 Stewardess: You can also visit the transformation salon “If I were a methodologist”
1 Flight Attendant: So, friends, go ahead! Let's go!
2 Flight attendant: Before takeoff, let us remind you of the rules of conduct on board! During the flight, it is strictly forbidden to leave the aircraft cabin; turn off your communications and fasten your seat belts.
1 Stewardess: According to the program of our trip, the first on our route is the Island of Fairy Tales. Here we will get acquainted with the innovative development of Alena Grigorievna Kalugina Russian Sensory Book folk tales.
1 Flight Attendant: And we move on. So, we arrived on the island “Razvivayka” and on this island a correctional and developmental lesson with a child with autism spectrum disorder will be presented by psychologist Svetlana Nikolaevna Suvorova.
2 Stewardess: We are going to the next island - Poigrayka Island and invite you to present your developments:
1. Anokhin Olga Ivanovna with Methodological recommendations"Development of sensory abilities of children with disabilities through didactic game»
2. Andreeva Maria Kinayatovna with Competition program"Mom's Helpers"
1 Stewardess: We continue our cruise. (The song by Yu. Antonov “Sea, Sea” is played)
1 Stewardess: You are all probably a little tired and therefore we invite you to relax a little by visiting the “Relax-ka” Island, and psychologist Marina Yuryevna Klassen will help us with this by presenting the Summary of the three-day lesson “Training “Prevention” emotional burnout V professional activities rehabilitation center specialists.”
RELAXING PAUSE (Relaxing music playing)
2 Stewardess: Well, now it’s time for the “Yum-Yumka” Island, where Inga Valerievna Dvoryankina, senior nurse, will present us with the Regulations “On Nutrition”.
1 Stewardess: And you, dear passengers, will be offered refreshments. (The song Mikhail Boyarsky plays - Song about Food)
2 Stewardess: We've been sitting too long, isn't it time for us to get moving? Let's visit the Health Saving Island and get acquainted with the development of a health care instructor. physical culture Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna Information stand “Training, sports, movement.” (Dance-song “Do this.”)
1 Flight Attendant: Will complete our trip around the world Island of dreams and plans for the future “Dreamy”. Yakovleva Ksenia Yurievna will present the Concept for the development of BU " Rehabilitation center"Luchik" for 2015-2020).
2 Stewardess: Ours magical journey is coming to an end, we are returning home on our liner. And while the plane covers the distance, I invite you to visit our transformation salon.

Imagine for a moment that you work as a methodologist at the Center, what would you change, implement, what would you pay attention to in methodological work. There may be suggestions for the organizational and methodological department.
Finish the phrase: “If I were a methodologist, then ……….”
1 Flight Attendant: And our plane landed. Our journey has come to an end.
The presentations of the participants in the exhibition-fair of methodological ideas “My profession is helping” have ended.
2 Stewardess: Today you got acquainted with the experience of the specialists of our institution. While the jury is summing up the results, let’s play the game “Frankly speaking...”
Exercise “Frankly speaking...” you are invited to leave your feedback, suggestions, comments about our journey on note bubbles and drop them into our magic basket. Thank you.
2 Stewardess: Thank you very much everyone. Our jury has deliberated and is ready to announce the results. Let's move on to the awards ceremony.
(Awarding ceremony for exhibition participants)

(Sound saver song by Yu. Antonov “Sea, Sea”)

Elena Milieva
Scenario of a methodological event for teachers “Fair of individual pedagogical ideas»

Scenario of a methodological event for teachers

« Fair of individual pedagogical ideas»

Target: Identification and popularization of innovative pedagogical experience of preschool employees.


1. Identifying new ones pedagogical ideas, talented, creative workers teachers, their support and encouragement.

2. Professional development pedagogical skills of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions

3. Distribution better ideas teaching experience , replenishment of information methodological a database of best practices at the institution level.

Registration: inscription on the central wall « fair of pedagogical ideas» , quotes, scarves in Russian style; on the side wall "cloud of success" (reflection).

Material: markers, sheets "cloud", music « Fair» , silhouettes of scarves with draw numbers, scarf.

Equipment: tables, chairs, podium.

TSO: projector, screen, laptop, slide presentation – "Performance preschool teachers» .

Leading: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Good afternoon, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our hall. This year a wonderful idea is being born - holding Pedagogical Festival« Fair of pedagogical ideas» , thanks to which everyone teacher has the opportunity to satisfy their needs for professional and personal self-realization, demonstrate their pedagogical discoveries and achievements.

Evaluate the performance there will be a jury of teachers:

Head of preschool educational institution

Educational psychologist

Member of the Governing Council

Leading: Now I propose to play with all the participants and members of the jury the game “I expect (Want) from today’s meeting...” Of course, each of us expects something from this meeting, dreams about something. And for them to come true, sometimes it is enough to correctly formulate your thoughts and statements out loud. The game is played in a circle. Each participant takes turns formulating their desire, dream or goal by passing a handkerchief. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the wording as goal setting is being taught. The rest of the participants repeat the speaker’s phrase in an affirmative form.

Leading: Fair, fair, please go to fair. In kindergarten there are many different teachers, those who please the eye and bring benefits! U teacher ours has all sorts of goods - come, come, just "No!" don't say! Today we have arrived for the holiday, masters of various manuals. Hey, people, hurry to see, in cramped conditions, but don’t be offended. The girls who came to us were craftsmen, the girls were beautiful, they were famous for their professionalism!

They open their souls to children

Everyone in town knows everything about them.


Jacks of all trades!


IN "Star" in the evening

teachers - Girls

We gathered under the window.

And they share their thoughts...

One girl says:

Here is my soul striving, like a miracle flower to open,

I also have something to boast about - pedagogical"undertakings",

Well, why aren’t we creators? We are so great!

Even though I'm still young, it's a secret I opened up ideas!


Every one of them is happy now

It's a serious time

Give everyone warmth!

Leading: The time has come to present your pedagogical ideas of our teachers. But first, the participants will find out in what order they will present their material to us.

"Scarf draw". Teacher selects the silhouette of the scarf you like, on the reverse side of which the performance number is indicated). Slide presentation teachers:

Educator: (full name) Pedagogical credo: “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.” She will present a multifunctional manual «» .

Educator: (full name) Pedagogical credo: «___» . Represents the benefit «» .

Educator: (full name) Pedagogical credo: «___» . Present to our attention a system of games and exercises «___» .

Educator (full name)Pedagogical credo: «___» . Present the game «___» .

Educator: (full name)Pedagogical credo: «___» . Will present games with «___» .

Musical director (full name) Pedagogical credo: «___» . Will present to our attention musical and didactic games: «___» , «___» .


Leading: The performances of the Festival participants have now ended. Today you got acquainted with work experience teachers our kindergarten. While the jury sums up the results, let's play the game "Frankly..."(reflection is carried out "Cloud of Achievement").

Exercise "Frankly..." participants are asked to finish (write down) phrases for "cloud of achievements", thereby expressing his attitude towards what's happening:

I learned...

The most important thing for me was...

I was surprised that...

Clouds are placed on the panel "Cloud of Achievement".



You are the sorcerer and ruler of human destinies,

You are a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, light,

You are simply a magician!

You're just... a healer,

But it’s so difficult to give simple advice.

And you take high stakes

You can't make a mistake anymore!

You give your soul without a trace

Without asking for anything for yourself in return!

Leading: The fair is closed! All the best! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

“Auction of pedagogical ideas” (territorial practice-oriented seminar in the format of an auction of pedagogical ideas “Possibilities of application.

Auction of pedagogical ideas “Ecological boom. Innovative approaches to environmental education for preschool children" Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution kindergarten No. 29 of the urban district of the city of Raichikhinsk Pedagogical auction.

Scenario of the event for teachers and educators “Positive thinking as the basis for effective activity” The procedure for conducting the zonal methodological platform “Positive thinking as the basis for effective activity” Goal: development among the participants.

Festival of pedagogical ideas “The best experiment (experience) in a preschool educational institution” Performed by Otradnova Larisa Mikhailovna Experimental activity “Making paper in a kindergarten” Goal: Obtain paper.

Scenario of a methodological event for teachers "Exhibition - Fair of Pedagogical Ideas"News titleNews title
Brief description(max. 75 characters)

Target: generalization of the work experience of teaching staff of MBOU Secondary School No. 9

Municipal district Starominsky district

Game props:"Order Log"

Materials: selection of practical material

Progress of the event

Leading: Dear colleagues, we are pleased to welcome you to our methodological event. Today we are holding an Exhibition – a fair of pedagogical ideas.

An exhibition-fair is a public sale of goods. The product is sold in the presence of many willing buyers. The price of a product is determined as buyers bargain among themselves for the right to buy the product. We present to your attention:

The host of the exhibition-fair is the school director S. G. Ovdienko;

The buyers are school employees, that is, you, dear colleagues.

Buyers have the right to familiarize themselves with and purchase one or another product that interests them. So, pay attention!

Leading: Exhibition - fair is open(music sounds). Pedagogical materials are announced - pedagogical ideas that will be sold today:

  1. “Formation of positive motivation in the classroom German language"-Krikunova L.S.

Practical part

Leading: The development of a child’s motivational sphere plays a vital role in his success in educational activities. The student has a motive to fulfill all the requirements set by the school well, to show himself at his best. the best side forces him to be active in selecting and memorizing the necessary information. The problem arises - how to structure a lesson so that the student’s knowledge is interesting and meaningful to him.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 1“Formation of positive motivation in German lessons” - Krikunova L.S.

Leading: Personal development is a priority task of education, therefore it is of particular importance systematic approach in teaching. A systematic approach to teaching allows students to develop systems thinking, logical cognition skills, stimulate student activity. In addition, a systematic approach ensures continuity and logical sequence of educational material.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 2“System approach and new technologies” - Rozhdestvenskikh Z.V.

Leading: Art is, first of all, the education of the soul, feelings, respect for spiritual

values. It not only reflects life, but also shapes it, creates ideas about beauty, and makes the human soul richer.

Teacher's task fine arts- identify and develop creative potential in activities accessible and interesting to children.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 3“Applique in art lessons” - Grudyeva N. A.

Leading: Children's creativity is a wonderful and mysterious country; helping a child enter it and learn to feel at home there means making life little man more interesting and richer. The ability to compare, analyze, combine, find and dependencies - all of this together constitutes creative abilities.

Children have a variety of potential abilities. Nature has endowed them with the ability to think brightly and emotionally, empathize with new things, and perceive the world holistically.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 4"Development creativity children of KRO" - Semenyak S. V.

Leading: Nowadays, very often a person’s success depends on his ability to think clearly, reason logically and clearly express his thoughts. That is why the development of thinking is the main task of the school curriculum. The teacher is faced with the task of not just imparting the knowledge provided for by the program, but facilitating the formation high level students' logical culture. At the same time, mathematics has enormous potential for realizing this goal.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 5"Development logical thinking in mathematics lessons" - Tsesarskaya V. A.

Leading : A technology lesson can be defined as a specially organized process of developing students’ ability to independent decision problems of special and personal significance in various fields of activity. Technology lessons create the prerequisites for solving many current problems socialization of the child in life.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 6“Types of artistic techniques and their use in technology lessons” - Pyatakova O. V.

Leading: Educational functions in educational institution recognized to do everything teaching staff. However, the main role in ensuring the educational process belongs to the class teacher.

  1. We present to your attention shop No. 7"Development children's group" - Kulakova N. G.

The Fair has come to an end - an exhibition of pedagogical ideas. You have been offered a product “in person” and now you have the opportunity to purchase it by filling out the “Order Log”, where you indicate your price for this product. The product with the highest price will be presented at the district level. Congratulations to sellers on the successful sale of their goods, and to buyers on a successful purchase!

(Reflection is carried out.)

Did you like our event?

What new did you learn today? What was the most memorable?

What do you use in your practice when working with children?

Order log ____________________________

Seller's full name

Product name

Product cost

Grudyeva N. A.

“Applique in art lessons”

Krikunova L.S.

“Formation of positive motivation in German lessons”

Rozhdestvenskikh Z.V.

"System approach and new technologies"

Tsesarskaya V. A.

“Development of logical thinking in mathematics lessons”

Semenyak S. V.

“Development of creative abilities of KRO children”

Pyatakova O. V.

“Types of artistic techniques and their use in technology lessons”

Kulakova N. G.

"Development of children's team"

* Maximum score 7 points.

Exhibition - Fair of Methodological Ideas« »

11.12.2017 - 15.01.2018


Professionalism and pedagogical skill modern teacher

(hereinafter referred to as the Exhibition - Fair) is held by the ANO DPO "Innovative educational center advanced training and retraining "My University", the educational portal "My University", the Center for Training Teachers for Certification.

The founding organization of the Exhibition - Fair provides an Internet platform for holding the Competition - the website of the Center for Training Teachers for Certification of the educational portal My University, located at: .

Exhibition - The fair is held for general education and professional educational organizations, implementing educational programs preschool education, primary, basic and secondary general education, additional education, secondary and higher vocational education.

Participation in the Competitionfree.

Strategic goal of the Competition

Providing support and development of pedagogical initiatives to implement priority areas educational policy at all levels, improving the content and technology of education, developing a system for ensuring the quality of educational services.

Tactical goals of the Competition

  • Increasing the prestige of the teaching profession, promoting advanced teaching experience;
  • Formation of a positive image of a teacher in the public consciousness, and maximum use of the potential of teachers in order to improve the quality of education.

Objectives of the Competition

  1. Involving teachers in activities to develop new teaching methods and develop the content of education.
  2. Creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of dissemination of innovative pedagogical experience.
  3. Promoting the development of the creative potential of teachers and establishing and expanding business and creative contacts with colleagues.
  4. Creation of an information bank of methodological ideas and increasing public awareness about current state education systems.

Subject of the Competition

The subject of the Exhibition - Fair is materials that are the product of independent pedagogical creativity.

Materials must be prepared by the participants of the Competition independently.

Materials are provided in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation format.

Limitation on the volume of submitted material -30 MB.

Participants of the Competition

1. Participation in the Exhibition - Fair on a voluntary and equal basis can be taken by individual participants; the age of participants is not limited, teaching experience is not taken into account.

2. Exhibition-Fair participants can be from any region of Russia or CIS countries.

3. Participants of the Exhibition - Fair provide materials in accordance with the form specified in Appendix No. 1 of these regulations.

4. Participants of the Exhibition - Fair present their works on directions:

  • My pedagogical initiative (description of teaching experience).
  • Methodological project (social, informational, creative, practice-oriented).
  • Methodological development(for a lesson, lesson, event).

5. Each participant can submit no more than one material in each direction. The text part of the work is prepared in Russian.

Competition Schedule


Announcement Exhibitions - Fairs

11.12. - 10.01.2018

Placement of materials provided for in paragraphs. 1.2, 3.3 Requirements for materials of the Exhibition - Fair, on the competition website -

15.12. - 25.01.2018

Submitting applications for a certificate of participation in the Exhibition - Fair


summing up the results of Exhibitions - Fairs


Announcement of the results of the Exhibition - Fair by the Organizing Committee

Obtaining a certificate of participation in Exhibitions - Fairs

Certificate of participation in the Exhibition - Fair and publication of educational material on the website of the Center for Training Teachers for Certification Exhibition - Fair of Methodological Ideas " Professionalism and pedagogical skills of a modern teacher" can be obtained by all participants whose works are allowed to participate in the Exhibition - Fair. Participants will learn about the admission of works to participation in the Exhibition-Fair from the comments of technical experts on their works on the website of the Center for Training Teachers for Certification in the “File Catalog” section.

The participant can order a Certificate of Participation in the Exhibition - Fair immediately after the technical expert’s comment on the admission of the work to participation in the Exhibition - Fair. Certificates for participants whose materials are rejected from participation in the Exhibition - Fair will not be sent.

Exhibition-Fair participants independently monitor data updates in the “Table for sending documents for CPPA events”

For Applications for Certificate of Participation and Certificate of Publication installed special online form on educational portal My university on the Exhibitions - Fairs page:

  • Application for certificate
  • Application for a certificate

Information and technical support for participants

If technical questions arise regarding the placement of competition materials, participants can ask questions at