Plan for a traffic rules club in the preparatory group. Work program of the traffic rules club for children of senior preschool age “Young pedestrian”

MBDOU "DS No. 2" Ryabinka" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Megion.

Program of the Youth Pedestrian Detachment "Young Pedestrian"

The program is intended for children from 5 to 7 years old with the goal of teaching children road literacy and instilling safe behavior skills on the road.

Work program of the YID circle

"Young pedestrian"

Explanatory note

Every year the number of cars, buses, and trolleybuses on the streets of cities and towns increases. Motorcycles and other vehicles. Man is accustomed to fast movement. IN the shortest possible time we strive to get to the place we need, we complain if a car or bus is moving slowly, we demand speed, speed, speed...

When we become passengers or drivers of our own car, we sometimes forget about the pedestrian, although most of the time we ourselves are pedestrians on the streets of cities and towns. The psychology of a pedestrian is the opposite of the psychology of those who rush along the roads. Cars rushing at high speeds deafen people with noise, making them wince from the exhaust fumes.

In our country, the situation with children's road traffic injuries has been and remains very alarming. In Russia, the number of affected children per 100 thousand people is 2 times more than in France and Germany, and 3 times more than in Italy. The number of road traffic accidents involving children under 14 years of age per 10 thousand vehicles is 10 times more than in England, 30 times more than in Italy. (D.V. 2007 No. 7, p. 122.)

Ensuring children's health is the main goal. The main task of a civilized society.

The traffic rules are the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written in “adult” language without any consideration for children. That's why the main task adults - clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, convey to the children the meaning, the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content.

Only through our joint efforts, using the knowledge of educators and parents, their patience and tact, can we teach children the skills of safe communication with the complex world of crossing streets and roads. For us this problem is especially relevant, since every practical work, aimed at developing children’s safe behavior skills on the roads by improving the system of measures, should bring tangible results.

The practice of preschool institutions currently includes programs on the basics of children's life safety (CHB), aimed at developing in children the skills of correct behavior in non-standard and sometimes dangerous situations on the road and in transport.

An increase in the number of cars on the streets of cities and towns in our country, an increase in the speed of their movement, and the density of traffic flows. Increasing traffic congestion is one of the causes of road accidents. No one is left indifferent to disappointing reports about road accidents where, unfortunately, children are also victims. Therefore, ensuring road safety is becoming an increasingly important national task. The organization of work to prevent children's road traffic injuries in preschool institutions plays a major role in solving this problem.

It is necessary to familiarize children with the rules of the road and develop the skills of correct behavior on the road. early age, since knowledge acquired in childhood is the most durable; the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

When introducing children to the rules of the road and the culture of behavior on the street, it should be remembered that this work is closely related to the development of orientation in space and involves the formation of such personality qualities as attention, responsibility for one’s behavior, and confidence in one’s actions.

In conditions of increasing traffic intensity road transport The problem of ensuring the safety of children on the roads is of particular importance. For implementation practical problems To preserve the health and life of children, to prevent road accidents involving them, timely and high-quality preparation of the child for safe road traffic conditions is essential.

Relevance of the problem.

Child road traffic injuries are one of the most painful problems modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and teenagers occur on Russian roads. Knowing and following the traffic rules will help shape the safe behavior of children on the roads.

It is in preschool age that the foundation of life orientations in the environment is laid, and everything that the child learns in kindergarten, will firmly remain with him forever.

Therefore the main target — teach children road literacy and instill the skills of safe behavior on the road.

The club is held once a week with children of the senior and preparatory groups.

The program is implemented in the following directions:

- work with children;

- work with parents.

The following are defined tasks of working with children:

— formation of skills and abilities in traffic rules;

— formation of habit and interest in systematic training in traffic rules;

— instilling organizational skills;

- education of will, courage, discipline;

- adaptation of children to the transport environment;

— formation of a culture of public behavior in the process of communication with the road.

Forms of working with children:

— classes in a circle on traffic rules;

- conversations - dialogues;

- targeted walks;

- reading literature;

— production and repair of attributes and aids;

— game trainings;

- watching videos.

The following are defined tasks of working with parents:

— improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

— study, generalization and dissemination of positive experiences of family education.

Forms of work with parents:

— trainings;

— consultations;

— seminars;

- parent meetings;

— organization of joint activities;

- survey.

Expected result


- mastery basic rules behavior on the road;

— analysis of readiness to solve road transport situations;

— formation in children of independence and responsibility in actions on the road;

- development creativity;

— formation of sustainable cognitive interest.


— formation of a culture of behavior in the process of communication with the road;

— instilling stable skills of safe behavior in any road situation.


- formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions;

— development of a negative attitude towards traffic violations.

Long-term planning of the YID circle "We are a patrol"

Month Topic and goals Working with parents
classes walks (excursions)
September 1. "Who's who on the road."


2. “How did the traffic rules come about?”.


Questionnaire “Studying parents’ attitudes towards the need to teach children traffic rules.”
3. " The road and its main parts."


"Getting to know the street and the road."

Goals: expand children's ideas about the street (houses on the street have different purposes: people live in some, institutions are located in others - shops, schools, post offices, etc.; cars move along the roadway of the street; the movement of cars can be one-way or two-way; roadway Part of the street in two-way traffic can be divided by a line.) Introduce children to some rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street, with the concepts: “pedestrian”, “crossing”.

4. " How does a traffic light work?


Memo for parents on traffic rules.
October 1. Watching a cartoon based on traffic rules “Auntie Owl”

Goals: h strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules, develop logical thinking, memory, coherent and dialogic speech; develop the ability to draw conclusions from a cartoon watched; the formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions; develop respect for each other and for your own health.

2. Reading the story by I. Seryakov "The street where everyone is in a hurry."

Target: expand children's understanding of safe behavior on city streets; consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules and the purpose of road signs.”

Memo to parents “Know and follow traffic rules.”
3.Learning poetry according to traffic rules. Test for parents

"Competent pedestrian."

4. Didactic games for teaching children traffic rules.

« Colored cars."


to train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, and reinforce traffic rules.

"Traffic light".

Target: consolidate children’s understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.


Target: Learn to recognize road signs; consolidate children's knowledge of warning and prohibition signs; cultivate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in Everyday life.

November 1. Traffic rules holiday in kindergarten “Red, Yellow, Green”. Folder - moving "Recommendations for disobedient parents."
2. "Our new friend."


« Monitoring the work of a traffic police officer."

Target. Clarify children’s knowledge about the work of a traffic police officer, explain the meaning of his gestures; cultivate attention, concentration, and the ability to focus on the traffic controller’s signals.

2. « Road signs".

Goals: - expand children's knowledge about road signs and their purposes; — consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road, crossing the street, behavior on the road; — to develop in children the skills of careful behavior on the street.

Reminders for parents on traffic rules.

"Teaching children to be observant on the street."

3. "Transport of our city"


Continue to familiarize children with the features of movement of all types public transport and rules of conduct in it; consolidate ideas about such road signs as “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”.


"Reading with children."


Goals: - consolidate children’s knowledge about types of transport through artistic expression; - develop children's ingenuity and intelligence; — cultivate attention and patience when solving riddles.

Wall-newspaper competition “Mom, teach me traffic rules!”
December 1."Road signs".

Goal: - formation of children's ideas about road signs.

Objectives: - expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and traffic rules;

2. « General rules passenger behavior."

Goal: - to teach children the rules of behavior on the bus, trolleybus and subway.

Parent meeting“Teach your child to behave correctly on the roads.”
3. "Class - training"


4. Plot-based role-playing games.

"Find the right sign."

Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge of road signs and traffic control devices.

"Learning road signs."

Goal: to continue to consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs and traffic lights.

"Traffic Laws".

Goals: to consolidate the basics of road literacy; introduce the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

"To the passenger transport stop"

— expand children’s knowledge about passenger transport;
— establish rules of behavior in public transport;
- cultivate a culture of behavior.

January 1. Conversation “It’s not time - don’t leave the yard»

Goals: Explain to children that they cannot play near roads; teach to use knowledge of traffic rules when moving without an adult; develop in children orientation in the environment and the ability to observe the movement of cars along the roadway of the city and in the yard.

2. "Safe intersection"

Goals: expand children’s understanding of traffic at intersections; give an idea of ​​a “controlled intersection” and the work of a traffic controller; continue to introduce the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cars using a four-color traffic light.

Fun starts

“Mom, Dad and I are the best walkers.”

3.“Signals from a traffic controller.”


February 1. Game - quiz “What? Where? When?"

Target: repeat and reinforce the rules of the road.

Target walk " Rules of conduct on the road."


— introduce children to the basic rules of behavior on the street;

— consolidate knowledge about traffic rules;

— to cultivate attentiveness in children.

2. Role-playing games.

"Travel by transport."


"Bus depot".

Purpose of the game:

Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the features of its structure, and movement; teach children to find right decisions from the current situation.

4.Quiz "pedestrian on the street"

Goals:— organize entertainment when working individually with children; - establish traffic rules.

Meeting with the traffic police inspector.
March 1.Screening of the presentation “Traffic Regulations Instructions”

Target: expand children's knowledge about passenger transport; that buses and trolleybuses stop at special stops near the sidewalks, and trams stop in the middle of the street; introduce the rules of behavior when waiting for transport.

"Monitoring the movement of cars

And the work of a driver."

— consolidate knowledge about two-way and one-way traffic;
— introduce car alarms and the new “No Entry” road sign;
— to cultivate respect for the work of car drivers.

2. Didactic game “Young Inspector D.D.”

Target: strengthening children's skills to use the rules of D.D. for transitions.

3. Completing the task (orally) “Teach Slavik how to behave on the road.” (1-5)

Target: teach children to anticipate dangers that arise on the street and try to avoid them, remember traffic rules from pictures.

4. Reading a book by A. Ivanov

" How inseparable friends crossed the road."

Target: For example fairy-tale heroes reinforce the rules of behavior on the street: the ability to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations.

Parent meeting "Prevention"

road transport

trauma in the family."

April 1.. Completing the task (orally) “Teach Slavik to behave on the road.” (5-10)

Goals: strengthen children's ability to navigate the road using traffic rules for pedestrians and drivers in various practical situations, using traffic models and a transport platform; repeat with children the rules of behavior prescribed for passengers of various types of transport, using various models of situations; give an idea of ​​the motor city; cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, mutual respect in the game; exercise attention and memory.

Target walk “Road Rules”.

Target: expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.

2. Completing the task (orally) “Teach Slavik to behave on the road.” (10-15)

Target: teach children to correctly assess the situation, explain who they need to turn to for help in a given situation, teach children to anticipate danger that arises on the street and try to avoid it, remember traffic rules from pictures.

Recommendations “Works about traffic rules.”
3.Guessing riddles according to traffic rules.

Target: develop logic, consolidate concepts: traffic lights, transport, crossing, tram, zebra crossing, etc.

4.Collective modeling from plasticine “Road Participants”.

Target: instill a sense of satisfaction from collective work, consolidate children’s knowledge of safe behavior on the street, on the road, develop imagination and fine motor skills.

May 1. Watch the video “It’s not easy to be a passenger.”

Target: generalize children's knowledge of safe behavior in transport.

« Pedestrian crossing (overground and underground).

Goals:— consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; - exercise children in naming such concepts as “transition” (overground and underground), “safety island”; — to cultivate in children such qualities as mutual assistance and helping those in need.

Folder – movement “ABC of the city”.
2. Game "Field of Miracles".

Goals: consolidate the rules of the road; teach you to clearly express your thoughts and speak correctly.

3. Quiz "Did you know?" Portfolio competition “My family knows the traffic rules.”
4. School of Traffic Sciences.

Script for a thematic theatrical performance.

Target: developing basic safe behavior skills in children

on the streets and roads of the city.

Tasks: to reinforce in children the concepts of traffic rules (road signs and traffic lights); cultivate a culture of street behavior and a desire for knowledge.

Class notes

Lesson 1. “Who is who on the road?”

Target: expand children’s knowledge that every person can be a participant in traffic as a pedestrian, driver, passenger and at the same time is obliged to follow certain rules.

Methodological support: pictures: pedestrian, passenger, driver.


The teacher tells the children the situation.

You left the house and went outside. A lot of people are walking past you. Some of them are in a hurry to go to work, others are in a hurry to do various things, others are going to the store, and some are just walking. But all these people - men and women, teenagers and adults, boys and girls - when they go out into the street, they become pedestrians.

The teacher looks at the pictures with the children and talks.

A pedestrian- this is a person who walks along the road and does not ride in any vehicle.

People who enter the cabin of a bus, tram or trolleybus, go down an escalator and enter a subway car, board an electric train or minibus, become passengers.

Passenger- a person riding in any vehicle other than the driver.

People who control any vehicle, making it move, those who are behind the wheel of a car or bus, trolleybus or minibus, bicycle or motorcycle, are drivers.

Driver is the person who drives the vehicle.

All of them - pedestrians, passengers, and drivers - must follow certain traffic rules. Only in this case will they be able to maintain health, and even life.

Lesson 2. “How the rules of the road appeared” .

Target: introduce children to the history of traffic rules, explain why they need to be followed.

Methodological support: pictures, books depicting the first vehicles.


The teacher accompanies the story by showing books and pictures.

There was a time when only riders on horses, chariots and horse-drawn carts rode on the streets and roads. They can be considered the first vehicles. They traveled without observing any rules, and therefore often collided with each other. After all, city streets in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to streamline traffic on streets and roads, that is, to invent rules that would make traffic on them convenient and safe.

The first traffic rules appeared more than 2000 years ago, under Julius Caesar.

They helped regulate traffic on city streets. Some of these rules have survived to this day. For example, already in those ancient times, only one-way traffic was allowed on many streets.

In Russia, road traffic was regulated by royal decrees. Thus, in the decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna of 1730 it was said: “Carriers and other people of all ranks should ride with horses in harness, with all fear and caution, at attention. And those who do not comply with these rules will be beaten with a whip and sent to hard labor.” And the decree of Empress Catherine II says: “On the streets, coachmen should never shout, whistle, ring or jingle.”

IN late XVIII century, the first “self-propelled carriages” appeared - cars. They drove very slowly and caused criticism and ridicule from many. For example, in England they introduced a rule according to which a person with a red flag or lantern had to walk in front of each car and warn oncoming carriages and riders. And the speed of movement should not exceed 3 kilometers per hour; in addition, drivers were prohibited from giving warning signals. These were the rules: don’t whistle, don’t breathe, and crawl like a turtle.

But, despite everything, there were more and more cars. And in 1893, the first rules for motorists appeared in France. First in different countries there were different rules. But it was very inconvenient.

Therefore, in 1909, at the International Conference in Paris, the Convention on Automobile Traffic was adopted, which established uniform rules for all countries. This Convention introduced the first road signs and established the responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians.

Lesson 3. “The road and its main parts.”

Target: introduce children to the concept of a road and its parts.

Methodological support: road layout.


The teacher shows and tells, based on the layout of the road.

Once upon a time, in the old days, there were no roads that were familiar to us. From one settlement to another, people moved along forest and field paths. But gradually there were more and more roads and they took on an increasingly well-groomed appearance. The Romans in Europe and the Incas in America paved roads with stone and rubble and laid hard surfaces.

Roads in cities also began to be improved. In Russian cities, wood was used for their construction; in European cities, cobblestones and crushed stone were used.

Gradually the roads became the way we are used to seeing them. So, a road is an artificial structure specially adapted for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Roads in cities can be called differently: street, avenue, lane, line. All of them consist of three components - the roadway, sidewalk, curb (curb). If the roadway is separated by green spaces, the road is called a boulevard.

The carriageway is the part of the road intended for traffic. And it is called that because cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams and others travel along it. vehicles. The roadway is intended for vehicles only. Pedestrians are not allowed to walk on it.

The sidewalks are slightly raised above the roadway. This is done so that any pedestrian can clearly determine the boundary between the roadway and the sidewalk. This border is marked with special stones that form a curb. On those streets where there are especially many pedestrians and cars, sidewalks are separated from the roadway not by a curb, but by metal fences.

Remember the rule!

Pedestrians should only walk on sidewalks.

Lesson 4. “How a traffic light works”

Target: introduce children to the history of the appearance of traffic lights, explain why certain colors were chosen, tell what types of traffic lights there are.

Methodological support: traffic light layout, circles made of colored paper - red, yellow, green.


Do you know when the familiar traffic light appeared?

It turns out that traffic control using a mechanical device began 140 years ago, in London. The first traffic light stood in the city center on a pole 6 meters high. It was controlled by a specially assigned person. Using a belt system, he raised and lowered the instrument needle. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern powered by lamp gas. The lantern had green and red glasses, but yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the USA, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. It also had only two signals - red and green - and was controlled manually. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But just 4 years later, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights the green signal was at the top, but then they decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now in all countries of the world, traffic lights are located according to the same rule: red at the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom.

In our country, the first traffic light appeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the adjuster manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Then in Moscow and Leningrad (as St. Petersburg was then called) electric traffic lights with three sections of the modern type appeared. And in 1937 in Leningrad, on Zhelyabova Street (now Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street), near the DLT department store, the first pedestrian traffic light appeared.

How does a traffic light work?

There was a time when crossing the street of a big city was not at all easy. People stood on the sidewalk for a long time and waited for the endless stream of horse-drawn carriages to end. The most impatient ones ran across the street, risking getting under the hooves of horses or the wheels of carts.

What can we say about these days, when a stream of cars rushes in several rows! How can pedestrians cross the street? But there are also cars that move in the transverse direction, and they also need to clear the road. A traffic light comes to the aid of road users - both pedestrians and drivers. Translated from Greek, traffic light means “light bearer.” It regulates movement using light signals. Most traffic lights use three colors: red, yellow and green.

Why were these particular colors chosen?

Red is the color of danger. It is clearly visible both during the day and at night, and in rain and fog. It is no coincidence that fire trucks in all countries are painted red. They warn other road users about the danger and demand that they give way to them. So the red traffic light prohibits movement. It’s as if he’s saying: “Stop! The path is closed!

Green is a very different color from red; they cannot be confused. Therefore, a green traffic light, unlike a red one, does not prohibit, but allows movement. It’s as if he’s saying: “The way is open! Boldly forward!

Between the red and green “eyes” of the traffic light, another one was placed - yellow. He calls on drivers and pedestrians to be attentive, as if telling them: “Attention! Soon traffic will either be allowed or prohibited.”

So traffic lights with three sections are installed in cities, in which the red, then yellow, then green signal lights up. That's what they're called - three-section. Sometimes traffic lights, in addition to the three main color sections, have additional green arrows. They indicate the direction in which movement is allowed.

Along with three-section traffic lights, there are also special traffic lights for pedestrians. They use only two light signals - red and green. They depict little pedestrians. The red man is standing, and the green man is walking. Any pedestrian immediately understands: if the red pedestrian light is on, you cannot walk across the road, you must stand. But if the pedestrian light is green, you can cross the street.

Most often, such pedestrian traffic lights are installed in places where traffic big flow It is difficult for cars and pedestrians to cross the road.

Let's learn this verse, guys.

Lesson 5. “Our new friend.”

Goals: expand children’s understanding of the street, its parts (sidewalk, roadway, one-way traffic, two-way traffic); introduce the concepts of “transition”, “intersection”; activate the words: passing, transition, intersection; instill in children a desire to come to the aid of others.

Methodological support: ball, road and traffic light layout.


(Children are busy with their own affairs. A soccer ball is rolled into the group, eyes, a nose, a mouth, a sad face are drawn on it. The children pay attention to it.)

Educator. Guys, look who came to visit us?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, guys, a ball came to us, he wants to greet you and say that his name is Tema. (The children greet him.)

Educator. What kind of ball is this? You and I know that there are different types of balls, which ones?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, it's a soccer ball. And there is a volleyball and basketball. Guys, for some reason our ball is very sad, all dirty. What happened to him? Maybe we can ask Tema?

Children. Let's ask!

Educator. Guys, Tema says that he lives in a large, beautiful building with a lot of windows. There are a lot of people. Everyone is doing something there. Someone swims, someone runs, and they play football with him. He has other friends there - balls. And what kind of friends, you know.

Children. These are volleyballs and basketballs.

Educator. That's right, guys! But it so happened that when they took him outside to play, they played and forgot about him. So the ball got lost. And Tema decided to turn to you for help, so that you could help Tema get home. Shall we help the ball?

Children. Let's help!

Educator. What kind of building is this where Tema lives?

(children's answers)

Educator. Yes, guys, Tema said that this is a very large, beautiful building, many windows.

Children's guesses.

They find out that this is the building of a physical education and sports complex.

Educator. That's right, guys, this is a physical education and sports complex. But how do we get there?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, guys, now we will look at the plan of our village and determine how to get there.

(The teacher and the children look at the plan. They find the buildings of the kindergarten, the FSK, which path they need to take.)

Educator. Well done guys, you chose the right path. Can we just go there?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, guys! Before going out on the street, you need to know the rules of the road well. From the kindergarten we must walk to the stop. Which road should we take?

Children. On the sidewalk.

Educator. Well done! You see, Tema, we have to walk on the sidewalk. (Look further at the diagram.)

Guys, look, what is this sign? (crossroads sign)

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right guys, this is a crossroads. Here the roads diverge in different directions. You need to be careful when crossing the road. Where do you think you should cross the road?

Children. Along the walking path.

Educator. You're right, guys! There is a special crossing to cross the road. And all people must cross the road there. You too, Tema, don’t forget this. Now let's see where we need to go next. (Look at the plan.)

Guys, what does the wide band mean?

Children. The road along which cars drive.

Educator. Yes, guys, this is a road and it can be one-way, when cars drive in one direction, and two-way, when cars drive in two directions. What kind of road is there in our village?

Children. Two-way traffic.

Educator. That's right, guys! But can we walk on the road where cars drive?

Children. No, because it's dangerous, you could get hit by a car.

Educator. That's right, the roadway is intended for cars. How can we get to FSK?

The teacher and children look at the diagram.

Educator. Guys, look, there are large buildings to the left of the road. What kind of buildings are these, are they familiar to you? The topic is also very interesting to know about this.

(children's answers)

Educator. Yes, guys, you are right, this is a hospital, a school, a church. Your parents work at the hospital, and you have been there yourself. Your brothers and sisters are studying at school.

(Then, according to the diagram, they determine where they should go. And they should get to the stop.)

Educator. Guys, on which side of the road is the stop?

Children. The stop is on the left side of the road.

Educator. Right! Which side is FSK located on?

Children. On the right side of the road.

Educator. Well done, so to get into the FSK, what should you and I do?

Children. We need to cross the road.

Educator. But how will we make the transition?

(children's answers)

Educator. That's right, we'll cross the pedestrian path. But as?

Children. First we look left, then right, and if there are no cars, then you can cross.

Educator. Well done boys! The subject says that he did not know how to cross the road, but now he will know.

So we decided how we would see our friend home.

Do you, Tema, agree for our children to accompany you home?

But why is the theme sad? What do you want? (the teacher quietly pushes the ball towards the washroom. The children realize that it needs to be washed.)

Can we carry it out wet?

Children. No! It needs to dry.

Educator. Yes, guys, we will wash it first, and when it dries, then we will take our new friend home. Do you agree, Tema? Guys, he agrees.

(they go to the washroom to wash the ball).

Lesson 6. “Road signs.”

Goals: - expand children's knowledge about road signs and their purposes; consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, crossing the street, behavior on the road; to develop in children the skills of careful behavior on the street.

Methodological support: road signs, book with illustrations.


The teacher shows 3-4 road signs.

“You've probably seen triangular, round and square signs on many streets and roads. Using these signs, drivers learn where they can and cannot drive, where they can stop the car and fill up with gas. Signs warn of danger on the roads and indicate the direction of travel. Pedestrians should also know these signs.”

Display of the “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

Question: “What is this sign, what does it mean?”

Display of the sign “Underground passage”, “Bus stop”.

Questions: “What are they for? What do they mean? Where did you see them? What signs

do you still know?

Game situation: signs that the children were familiar with and with which they have already become acquainted are hung on chairs and placed in different places in the room. Children are invited to take turns going to the “city”, to grandma’s, to home, they must perform the appropriate actions, which are shown by the signs.

Lesson 7. “Road signs.”

Target:— formation of children’s ideas about road signs.

Tasks: - expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and traffic rules;

- introduce children to road signs:

– indicative (“Pedestrian crossing”; “Underground pedestrian crossing”),

– prohibiting (“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”; “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”),

– service signs (“Hospital”; “Food station”; “Gas station”); — consolidate the acquired knowledge about road signs through the didactic game “Collect a sign” and drawing road signs; — cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, developing the need to comply with traffic rules.

Methodological support: road signs, traffic light layout, templates, forms, wax crayons, educational game “Assemble a sign”.



Guys, guess the riddle:

My three magic eyes

They manage everyone at once.

I'll blink and the cars will come,

Women and men will stand up.

Answer together in chorus

What is my name?.. (Traffic light).


(shows a traffic light layout)

What is a traffic light for?

A traffic light is needed to regulate traffic so that there is order on the streets and roads.


What does each traffic light signal mean?

Red is a dangerous color

This means there is no move.

Yellow - don't rush

And wait for the signal.

Color green says:

Now the way is open for you!


A traffic police inspector came to visit us. He wants to test your knowledge of traffic rules.

Traffic police inspector:

Hello our little pedestrians. Now you go to kindergarten with your parents, and next year you will go to school, and you will have to walk the streets and cross the road on your own. As you know, there are a lot of cars moving on the streets and roads, and if you don’t know the rules of the road, you can get into trouble. Do you all know these rules?

(Children's answers).

Let's get a look:

– What do you call people walking down the street? (Pedestrians).

– Where can I cross the street? (By transitions).

– What transitions do you know? (Ground, underground).

– Which crossing is the safest? (Underground).

– What should you do before crossing the street? (Look - left, go to the middle of the road - look to the right, then walk the rest of the distance).

– Why is it dangerous to cross the street? (Because in addition to pedestrians, there are also cars on the streets).

Traffic police inspector:

Well done boys! You know the rules of the road well.


There are a lot of road rules in the world,

It wouldn’t hurt you to learn them all,

But the main rules of the movement

Know how to do multiplication tables

Don't play on the pavement, don't ride,

If you want to stay healthy!!!

Physical exercise “Traffic light”.

We'll play traffic light (Children clap their hands).

One two three four five.

I invite you all to stand. (Children stand up, walking in place and marching).

Red light for us “Stop!” shouts, (Children stand still).

He says to wait for green.

So the yellow one caught fire, (Jerks with hands under the chest).

It's time to get ready

Hands, feet, warm up

Let's start kids!!! (Squats).

The green light turns on (raise your hands up).

Can we go forward, (Walking in place while marching).

Be a brave pedestrian.

Traffic police inspector:

Guys, I came to visit you not alone, but with my assistants as road signs. Road signs are needed so that the street can “talk” to drivers and pedestrians in a language they understand. Wherever you go, there are road signs on the streets. They are different colors and different shapes. This is no coincidence. Today you will try to learn to understand the language of the street - the language of signs.


Children, all road signs are divided into warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, and indicative. There are also service signs. Now we will get acquainted with these signs.


This sign is called "Pedestrian Crossing". This is a sign that indicates the place where you need to cross the road.

Pedestrian only

Sign at the crossing point

In the blue square -

Transition indicator.


Every pedestrian knows

About the underground passage.

It doesn't decorate the city

But it doesn't interfere with cars.

(The teacher shows the sign “Underground pedestrian crossing”).


Among all the road signs, the strictest ones are prohibitory ones. They are round in shape with a red border or red background. You need to remember the following signs:

"No Pedestrians".

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

“You are not allowed to go.”

(The teacher shows the sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”).


Bicycle on a red circle

So it's dangerous to travel here!

(The teacher shows the children the sign “Bicycles are prohibited”).


Children, among the road signs there are service signs that show drivers where the hospital is, the canteen, where you can fill up with gasoline! These signs are rectangular in shape with a blue stripe.

(The teacher shows the children service signs.)

Didactic game “Collect a sign.”

The outlines of road signs are made from cardboard, and the elements of the road sign are made separately. According to the teacher's instructions, children must find the elements of the sign and put them in the appropriate outline.

At the end of the game, children answer the questions:

What is the name of the sign?

What does it matter?

What road signs do you see on the way to kindergarten?

Show us the directional signs?

Show prohibition signs.

Traffic police inspector:

Well done boys! You did a good job and answered the questions correctly.


Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember beforehand:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!


Today in class we studied road signs: directional, prohibitory and service signs. And so that you remember them better, I suggest drawing them.

(The teacher gives the children templates of round, triangular, rectangular road signs and wax crayons).

At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of children's works, the traffic police inspector praises the children and gives them the board game “Traffic Light”.

Lesson 8. “Lesson – traffic rules training.”

Target: to develop in the child the ability to regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition, the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activity and vice versa; develop voluntary attention, learning the ability to solve problems independently; to develop in the child the ability to predict the development of events and consequences in conditions of traffic violations.

Methodological support: street layout, flags, music cassette for auto-training.


The training begins with a warm-up:

- Exercise “Snowball” - helps to remember all group members, the first participant says his name. The next one repeats his name, then says his own. And so on in a circle.

- Exercise “Greeting” - at the beginning of the exercise we talk about different ways of greeting, real and comic. Children are encouraged to greet with their shoulders, backs, etc.

  1. Exercise “Flag” - the psychologist gives a task: raise the flag all those who...

— knows the rules of the road;

— likes to run races;

— crosses the street holding hands with mom;

- knows traffic lights;

- crosses the street when the color is red;

- knows how to ride a bicycle;

- knows road signs.

  1. Exercise “Street layout” - in front of the children there is a layout of the street on it there are road signs and a traffic light. The driver leaves the room. During this time, children make several changes and place road signs incorrectly. The driver’s task is to correctly note the changes occurring on the layout.

3. Exercise “Road” - children stand one after another and walk in a circle cheerfully, cheerfully, to the music. Hearing the psychologist’s clap in the background music, they quickly turn around and go in the opposite direction.

The psychologist makes 5-6 claps with different time intervals between them. Purpose of the exercise: to develop attentiveness in children.

  1. Exercise “Bad Deed” - children take turns remembering which traffic rules they themselves or their friends violated, why does this happen? How to make sure there are no traffic accidents.
  2. Role-playing situations:
  • You went out into the yard and saw two boys playing football on the roadway...
  • The girl's toys spilled out of her basket onto the road. A boy stood nearby and he approached the girl...
  • You saw an adult breaking traffic rules...
  • Mom bought you a bike. You went outside and...
  • You are sitting on the bus, an old grandmother is standing next to you. What will you do in this situation?
  1. Game "Find the odd one out."

Goal: learn to find patterns, find the odd one out in a chain and explain why. Search arguments may be different.

Material: cards with images of objects (transport, furniture, radio devices, clothing, shoes)

Progress of the game: Children are offered cards with images of objects. Children group objects, explaining patterns and differences.

For example: A chain is being built - bus, truck, plane, mittens, felt boots. Children immediately name the transport and note that mittens and felt boots are superfluous. But the question can be put this way: a driver drives a car in cold weather in winter, can he do without mittens? etc.

  1. Exercise “Facial expressions” - the psychologist invites children to show the facial expressions of a person who has violated traffic rules; a person who plays on the roadway; a person who does not know the rules of the road; a person who does not give up his seat to adults on public transport.
  2. Auto-training “Bike ride”.

Children are invited to lie down or sit comfortably and relax. Then the instructor tries to introduce the children into a situation, and into a situation where he describes it in every detail, as if all this was really happening.

Morning. Beautiful sunny weather. I'm riding a bicycle on a wide, flat road. There are beautiful blooming lilac bushes around. They are fragrant. Birds are chirping. The sun is warming up. I feel its warmth on my legs, arms and neck. Warmth spreads throughout my body. I am absolutely calm and confident. All troubles go away. The mood is wonderful. I smile, and I give the joy of a smile to others. I drive smoothly and beautifully. I hold the steering wheel calmly and confidently, slowly turning the pedals. Everything is fine.

When performing this type of training, it is important for children to be able to imagine the situation being described, which in turn gives them the opportunity to calm down, relieve excess stress and improve their mood.

Lesson 9. “Plot-based role-playing games.”

"Find the right sign"

Target: continue to consolidate knowledge of road signs and traffic control devices.

Material: 20 cardboard cards (puzzles). Some halves of the cards depict road signs, and the other halves show traffic situations corresponding to them.

Progress of the game

The presenter selects cards with signs of one type (or several types, if they are few in number). The presenter distributes halves of cards depicting the traffic situation to the children, and places the elements with signs on the table face up. Then he names the type of road signs and talks about them general meaning. After this, the presenter invites the children to find common external features of this type of sign (color, shape, etc.). Children must find the appropriate half of the card among the elements they have.

"Learning road signs"

Target: continue to consolidate children's knowledge about road signs and traffic lights.

Material: cards large and small with signs.

Progress of the game

Large cards are divided equally between the players. The presenter takes turns showing cards with road signs, the one to whom it suits takes the sign, puts it in the upper right corner and tells what the sign is called and in what situations it is used. The winner is the one who correctly selects the signs for the situations and can explain it.

"Traffic Laws"

Goals: consolidate the basics of road literacy; introduce the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Progress of the game

The teacher takes on the role of a traffic police inspector. Participants move around the playing field using a cube. If the color is green, movement is allowed, yellow means attention, red means stop and the player misses a move. If the chip lands on a field with a picture of a road sign, the participant in the game needs to find a sign from this group in the “common bank”. The one who scores the most points wins. 1 card – one point.

Lesson 10. " Conversation - it’s not time - don’t leave the yard.”

Target: Explain to children that they cannot play near roads.

Methodological support: An adult dressed as Pinocchio.


Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! Do you like to play hide and seek? And who doesn't love it? Do you like driving?

Like it or not, everyone has to drive. What do you say before you open your eyes and go searching?

You probably say this: it’s not time - I’m leaving the yard. This is such a saying. He said, turned around, looked around and went to look.

But I was recently at a pedestrian school there, the kids had a different saying: it’s not time – don’t leave the yard! If you play hide and seek, hide only in the yard!

If you ride a scooter, don't go outside!

If you get on a bicycle... There’s nothing to talk about here: until you grow up, the rules strictly prohibit riding a bicycle on the street.

Why such strictness? Because there are a lot of cars on the street, and they all drive fast.

But cars appear in the yard infrequently and drive slowly. This is what the rules for drivers say: in passages between houses, in courtyards where children play, you need to drive slowly and very carefully.

Do you remember the saying?

That's right: it's not time - don't leave the yard! And why?

Well, well done, you remembered everything! So it's time for me to go. See you soon!

Lesson 10. “Safe intersection.”

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about the peculiarities of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians at a controlled intersection; introduce the “Controlled intersection” sign; improve children's knowledge about the meaning of traffic controller signals; continue to introduce the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cars using a four-way traffic light; develop thinking, visual attention; cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Material support: floor model of an intersection, road signs, cars (according to the number of children), strollers, dolls, pictures depicting traffic controller gestures, attributes of a traffic police inspector, colored pencils, sheets of paper.


Psycho-gymnastics. “Path” children walk along an imaginary path, one after another. You need to move quietly and slowly.

Guys, today we will go to the most dangerous section of the road - the intersection.

— tell me what you know about the intersection? (Children's answers)

- let's remember what you can't do without at a crossroads? (Children's answers: there is a traffic light at the intersection, called four-way, it regulates the movement of cars and pedestrians)

— guys, tell us how a four-way traffic light works. (Children's answers)

- yes, guys, the four-way traffic light works clearly. One signal gives way to another. Everyone obeys him, so there is order at the crossroads.

Didactic game “Red Green”: the teacher has 2 circles - red and green, the children have small cars. When it's green, the car drives along the table; when it's red, it stops.

- guys, imagine that the traffic light is broken, what could happen? (Children’s answers)

— who will help us in this situation? (Children's answers)

That's right, if a traffic light breaks down, a policeman will come to the rescue. What is it called? (Children's answers: traffic police inspector or traffic controller)

— listen to the poem about the traffic controller Ya. Ppishumov “Guard”

Look, the guard stood on our pavement, quickly extended his hand, deftly waved his wand. Have you seen, have you seen? All the cars stopped at once! They stood together in three rows and didn’t go anywhere! The people are not worried, they walk across the street, but stand on the pavement, like a wizard, a guard. All machines obey one!

- What does a traffic controller use to regulate traffic? (Children's answers)

— the traffic police inspector’s baton glows in the evening so that the traffic controller’s instructions are clearly visible to drivers and pedestrians. Each movement of the traffic controller corresponds to a specific traffic light signal. (Children use pictures to learn the meaning of traffic controller signals)

Physical exercise game “Crossroads”

A leader is selected - a traffic controller according to the rhyme: Stop, car, stop, motor! Brake quickly, driver! The red eye looks straight ahead - This is a strict traffic light. M. Plyatskovsky

Rules of the game: the leader stands in the center of the intersection. The remaining children are divided into two groups: pedestrians and transport. The traffic controller fires both of them for violating traffic rules. You can blow a whistle and call the name of the offender. Violators are eliminated from the game. The one who doesn't break the rules wins.

Guys, tell me, what did we talk about today? (Children's answers) Well done, today we talked about the intersection and the rules of conduct at it. Who can tell me what a crossroads is?

Guys, if at an intersection the movement of cars and pedestrians is regulated by a traffic light or a traffic police inspector, then such an intersection is called a controlled intersection. In the road alphabet there is a special sign “Controlled intersection”, which indicates that the intersection is regulated either by a traffic light or by a traffic controller. This sign is a warning (the red triangle shows a traffic light). At the end of our lesson, let's draw this sign.

Lesson 11. “Signals of a traffic controller.”

Target: introduce children to traffic controller signals.

Material support: Dunno doll, working traffic light (with mechanical switch), themed posters, baton, attributes of a policeman-traffic uniform; mugs of three colors (red, yellow, green) for each child, a bus made from a construction set.


Educator. Guys, let's go to the School of Traffic Light Sciences today with Dunno, who came to visit us.

Children take seats on the “bus” and sing a song about transport The teacher reinforces the concept of “passenger,” and the children talk about the rules of conduct on the bus. They study the rules of behavior at the bus stop: how to get around the bus.

So, guys, we arrived at school. Let's go to the traffic light.

Children remember the meaning of traffic lights. Children, what poems do you know about traffic lights?

Children read poetry.

If the traffic light is working and a traffic policeman is standing, then pedestrians obey the traffic controller’s instructions.

The teacher and children look at posters with the meaning of traffic controller signals.

If the traffic controller has his chest or back turned to vehicles and pedestrians, they are prohibited from crossing the street. If it is sideways to vehicles and pedestrians, it is allowed. The traffic controller raised right hand up - pedestrians and all types of transport are prohibited from moving. (Shows the postures of the traffic controller and the corresponding posters.)

Game "Best Pedestrian"

First option. Children are divided into two teams. The teacher plays the role of a regulator. Children hold circles of three colors (red, yellow, green) in their hands and raise a circle of the corresponding color at the traffic controller’s signal. For each mistake, the team receives a penalty point. The team with fewer of them wins.

Second option. The teacher plays the role of a traffic controller, the children walk in place at the “crossing is allowed” signal, and clap their hands at the “crossing is prohibited” signal. Dunno sums up the results. He offers to draw him a street with a traffic light. The teacher analyzes the drawings, and the children give them to Dunno.

Lesson 12. “Plot-role-playing games.”

"Travelling by Transport"

Target: strengthen children's skills of correct behavior in transport.

Equipment for the game: layout of the intersection, road signs for the layout, masks on the head or chest, signs with modes of transport, attributes of a traffic controller, traffic police inspector.

Progress of the game

Children independently distribute roles among themselves, each decides what type of transport he will drive. Other children choose which transport passengers they would like to be. The teacher, in the role of presenter, turns on the yellow or red traffic light and calls the stops. In addition to passengers, there is a conductor in the transport who sells tickets to passengers. The plot of the game can be developed in different directions, starting with the one who interferes with the driver, ending with the fact that the passenger was inattentive and passed his stop. After the children have the skill to play this game, the teacher can only take the position of an observer.

"Bus depot"

Purpose of the game: consolidate children's knowledge about the bus, about the features of driving a bus, about what a bus driver should be like.

Equipment for the game: mechanics set, construction set, steering wheel, children's chairs, traffic light.

Progress of the game

Children distribute among themselves the roles of bus drivers, mechanics, bus fleet director, and passengers. The plot may unfold in the direction that an accident occurred or the bus broke down, it is necessary to return the bus to the bus depot and repair it. Drivers and passengers tell the mechanics what happened along the way (children's creativity), and the mechanics respond by suggesting how to correct the situation.

Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the features of its structure, and movement; teach children to find the right solutions from the current situation.

Equipment for the game: large cars, mechanic's set, floor layout, road signs.

Progress of the game

Children distribute the roles of mechanics and transport drivers among themselves. Drivers come to the auto repair shop and talk about breakdowns in their car. Mechanics offer drivers to fix breakdowns and talk about the rules of driving a car.

Lesson 13. Quiz "pedestrian on the street."

Goals: organize entertainment when working individually with children; establish traffic rules.

Quiz questions

  • Which part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk.)
  • Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on? (On the right.)
  • Why should you stick to the right? (So ​​as not to interfere with pedestrian traffic.)
  • Why should you only walk on the sidewalk on the street? (Vehicle traffic begins behind the sidewalk. A pedestrian entering the highway is in danger.)
  • Why can’t you suddenly appear in front of nearby traffic? (A bus or trolleybus cannot stop immediately, especially on a slippery road, in snow or rain.)
  • Where should I wait for a trolleybus or bus? (At the bus stop.)
  • How should a passenger behave in transport? (Enter and exit when stopping completely, talk quietly, be sure to hold on to the handrails, give way to elders.)
  • How should you avoid cars parked on the sidewalk? (Only from behind, so that they can see the transport coming behind them.)
  • Where are pedestrians required to cross the street and how? (Along the transition, at a calm pace.)
  • What is a signalized intersection? (This is an intersection at which traffic is regulated by a police officer or a traffic light.)
  • How should you cross the street if there is no traffic controller? (Make sure it’s safe, look to the left, when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right.)
  • When can you cross the street at signalized intersections? (When the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission.)
  • What traffic lights do you know? What does each signal mean?
  • What signals do you know from a traffic policeman? What is their significance for pedestrians?
  • Why can't you play on the road? (This is life-threatening.)


1. Elzhova N.E. Traffic rules in kindergarten. – Rostov n/a. Phoenix 2011.

2. Elzhova N.E. Forms of work in a preschool educational institution. – Rostov n/a. Phoenix 2010.

3. Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to solve riddles - M.: Education, 1985.

4.Volkov S.Yu. Traffic rules Omega 1996.

Natalya Hello
Traffic circle program “Young Inspector”

Explanatory note

The sphere of additional education plays a big role in the development of a child. Mastering the rules of safe behavior on the road helps children develop an active life position at an early age. The problem of road safety in general and child road traffic injuries in particular arose with the advent of the first motor vehicle. Every year the number of cars on the roads, especially in major cities, is growing, the movement is becoming more intense, little man It’s becoming increasingly difficult to understand and navigate the moving stream of cars and pedestrians. In Russia, about thirty thousand people die annually as a result of road traffic accidents and more than 250 thousand are injured, including about 27 thousand children and adolescents under 16 years of age. This tragedy is caused by ignorance or irresponsible non-compliance with the basic rules of the road, the lack of basic culture of behavior on the road, and the lack of respectful attitude of road users towards each other. Even if a child involved in an accident did not receive serious physical injuries, he had to endure such a moral and psychological shock that its negative consequences will remain in the soul of the victim for life. In order for a child to feel comfortable, confident, and safe in the world of rushing people and cars, it is necessary to teach him the rules of behavior in this world from early childhood. After all, it is always easier to eliminate the cause than to then spend the rest of your life overcoming its consequences. The system of activities for the study and promotion of traffic rules, agitation, prevention and prevention of children's road traffic injuries needs to be developed and improved. The sooner the process of learning the correct actions on the street and road begins, the greater the opportunity to educate competent pedestrians and significantly reduce road traffic injuries among children and adolescents.

Program additional education « Young Inspector» will contribute to the education of a full-fledged road user, the formation of a transport culture and the development of the correct skills and habits of behavior on the roadway. Teaching pupils a culture of behavior on the street is closely related to the development of children's spatial orientation. Program will allow you to cultivate in children such qualities as discipline, attention, composure, responsibility, caution, confidence. After all, it is often the lack of them that causes road accidents.

Traffic rules written complex language and are addressed to adult road users. Concept "children" used in traffic regulations only at points where we're talking about about the movement organized groups children and their transportation. Therefore, in relation to pupils, the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers should be stated in an accessible and understandable manner. Children cannot act independently in dangerous road situations, relying only on personal experience, because this, as a rule, leads to accidents. The psychophysiological and age characteristics of children largely determine their behavior on the roads. Children are a special category of passengers and pedestrians. They cannot be treated with the same standards as adults. A child's reaction to danger is very different from an adult's reaction to the same danger. Consequently, pupils need to be purposefully educated and taught safe behavior on the streets and roads, based on a psychological and pedagogical approach.

Target: teach basic rules of behavior on the road, develop skills of correct behavior on the street, be able to use the rules of the road in real life.


1. Educational:

Provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, thereby ensuring your own safety;

Develop knowledge of traffic rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists;

To promote the acquisition of skills in socially significant activities to prevent child road traffic injuries.

2. Developmental:

To develop students’ ability to navigate traffic situations;

To form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets;

Develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street and in transport;

To promote the development in children and adolescents of speed of reaction, attentiveness, observation, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, self-control, resourcefulness, etc. personal qualities, contributing to improved behavior on the streets and roads.

3. Educational:

Foster a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

Instill discipline and responsibility for your behavior on the road;

Develop a culture of behavior in transport and road etiquette;

Develop awareness and responsible attitude towards own life and health, to personal safety and security those around.

Solving these problems not only contributes to achieving the goal program goals, but also creates conditions for the formation of key competencies: communicative; informational; problem solving competence.

Methodology and technology implementation:

This program additional education on teaching basic rules of behavior on the road promotes: mental development– students consolidate their knowledge of road safety, learn to logically organize their thoughts and express them competently, summarize the information received, and build a dialogue;

moral education - through classes, students develop a culture of behavior among peers and in the family, the skills of safe behavior on the road are reinforced, and general system values ​​- respectful attitude towards people, development of personal qualities (independence, accuracy, personal responsibility for behavior on the road, for preserving their own life and health, their discipline as road users; aesthetic education - by participating in artistic, literary, and other creative competitions, students improve their general cultural level.

In this program the assigned tasks are effectively implemented at the next stages of pedagogical work:

1. Organizational stage 2. Diagnostic stage 3. Implementation stage 4. Analytical stage

At the first, organizational stage, implementation programs provided by a spatial development environment. Its elements are:

Classroom, blackboard, computer, screen, multimedia projector, music player for creating an emotional mood for exercises and organizing a break, copying equipment for reproduction handouts, questionnaires and other things, stationery (paper, Whatman paper, thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, markers, pens, pencils, paints for drawing, scissors, glue, tape, buttons, paper clips, a set of teaching aids "Road signs";

Assembly hall, where family holidays, entertainment, joint events with specialists, parents, creative groups, etc. are held.

The organization of subject development is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the creation of a subject development environment, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and regime of raising and training children in the rehabilitation center.

To implement this programs developed long-term plan with activities appropriate to the age of the students, taking into account goals and objectives programs« Young Inspector» (Annex 1).

The peculiarity of this programs is the variety of forms, methods and techniques for organizing minors.

Forms of implementation programs:

Observation; - individual consultations for students; - conversations, dialogues, discussions; - testing; - role-playing games and didactic exercises; - survey; - diagnostics; - informing; - competitions; - film club (viewing and discussion of thematic films and videos, presentations.

Basic implementation methods programs:

Verbal – conversations, stories, discussions; - visual – use of photographs, video materials; - practical – role-playing games, open events.

At the second, diagnostic stage, diagnostics are carried out in order to in-depth study the pupil and his individual characteristics. Primary diagnostics allows us to outline further directions for correctional work and set narrower rehabilitation tasks that are most relevant for each individual pupil. The work is carried out using tests, questionnaires, surveys (Appendix 2).

The third stage, the implementation stage, aims to implement

corrective work on the following blocks:

1. History of the appearance of traffic rules (4 hours);

(4 hours);

(4 hours).

The implementation stage includes the following forms work: - specially organized classes in which children receive theoretical and practical knowledge;

Thematic hours, conversations;

Role-playing games;

Game exercises; - quizzes;

Watching, followed by discussion, films, educational programs; - artistic creativity.

At the fourth, analytical stage of implementation programs A final diagnostic is carried out aimed at checking the quality of assimilation of theoretical material and the development of practical skills.

Target group: adolescents aged 7 to 13 years in

social rehabilitation center for minors.

Form of study: role-playing games and didactic exercises, questioning, diagnostics, information, competitions, quizzes, film club (viewing and discussion of thematic films and videos, observation, individual consultations, conversations, dialogues, discussions, testing.

The use of a wide range of methods allows you to optimize the load and create a positive psychological climate in the group during classes.

Lesson mode: group classes(4 – 8 people, duration 30 minutes, 2 times a week.

Proposed program« Young Inspector» is variable, that is, if the need arises, adjustments to the content and forms of classes are allowed.

Criteria for the effectiveness of general developmental programs:

Classes are adapted to a specific cultural environment;

Designed for long-term and continuous training;

Various working methods are used;

All participants are informed about the goals, objectives and forms of work;

Diagnostics are carried out monthly/quarterly to determine the level of development of students’ knowledge.

At the end of the lesson cycle, teenagers must:

Have an idea of ​​safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Be able to freely apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thereby ensuring your own safety;

Have traffic rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists;

Have a desire to develop skills in socially significant activities to prevent child road traffic injuries;

Be prepared for self-assessment, self-analysis of your behavior on the street and in transport;

Possess the skills of reaction speed, attentiveness, observation, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, self-control, resourcefulness, and other personal qualities that help improve behavior on the streets and roads.

Develop a culture of behavior in transport and road etiquette;

Be capable of a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own life and health, personal safety and security those around.

Material support for the lesson cycle, technical means training: classroom, blackboard, computer, screen, multimedia projector, music player for creating an emotional mood for exercises and organizing a break, copying equipment for reproducing handouts, questionnaires and other things, stationery (paper, Whatman paper, thick sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, markers , pens, pencils, paints for drawing, scissors, glue, tape, buttons, paper clips, a set of teaching aids "Road signs".

No expensive equipment is required to conduct classes.

The training room meets all the requirements for training premises with different working methods. It is quite spacious, cozy, bright and ventilated; not passable and not visible to outsiders. The door is closed during classes. Chairs and tables in the room are easy to move, depending on the form of the lesson.

1. History of the appearance of traffic rules

1.1. Pedestrian, driver, passenger.

Basic Concepts "passenger", "a pedestrian", "driver".

1.2. Traffic laws movement: history and modernity

The history of the appearance of the car and the Rules of the Road. Information about the first traffic light.

1.3. Elements of streets and roads.

The road and its components. The street is a high-risk zone movement: the difference between the road environment and the other, elements of the street. Introduction to Concepts "road", "roadway", "crossroads", "unregulated intersections".

1.4. Pedestrian movement along streets and roads.

Basic concepts about pedestrian traffic rules. Pedestrian movement in populated areas and outside, rules for crossing the road. Questions for consolidation.

1.5. Traffic light. History of appearance.

New information about traffic lights. Types of traffic lights. Regulated and unregulated road crossings

1.6. Crosswalk.

Rules for crossing unregulated and controlled intersections. Concept "Crosswalk", "Unregulated pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing". Signs indicating a pedestrian crossing. A game. Questions to consolidate knowledge.

1.7. Road signs and their groups

Road signs and their groups. The meaning of individual road signs.

1.8. Road signs and their purpose

Installation of road signs. Display of visual aids. Puzzles “Guess what sign?”

2. Basics of traffic rules

2.1. Traffic regulations: responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians.

Traffic safety problems, causes of road accidents. Traffic rules for pedestrians. Pedestrian traffic in populated areas and beyond, rules for pedestrians on the road, crossing points and the roadway.

2.2. Traffic rules for cyclists.

Traffic rules for cyclists - technical condition of the bicycle, road signs, movement of groups of cyclists. Safe driving of mopeds and cyclists. Unobvious moments. Requirements for the technical condition and equipment of the bicycle.

2.3. Rules of conduct on roads and streets.

Rules of conduct on the streets. Main dangers on the street. Rules for safe behavior in crowded places. Pedestrian safety on the road. Pedestrian movement along the street in heavy ice. Crossing the roadway, passenger safety.

2.4. Rules of behavior and safety in public transport.

Mutually polite relations between passengers, conductor and driver.

2.5. Road accident: causes and consequences.

Statistics. Causes of accidents and accidents on streets and roads. Crossroads and dangerous turns of transport. Pedestrian movement on country roads.

2.6. Preventing road accidents.

Basic rules for preventing road accidents. Flicker and its purpose. Quiz.

2.7. Traffic regulations: the law for all road users

Activating students' knowledge about the rules of the road, forming in children a clear knowledge that traffic rules are the law for all road users. The main rules of safety on the street. Quiz. A game "Say a word"

2.8. First aid health care in case of an accident.

The extent of burns, the degree of frostbite and assistance. Distinctive features sun and heat stroke and assistance. Types of poisoning (food, toxic, carbon dioxide, their signs and medical care. The concept of wounds, classification of wounds and their complications.

3. Development of practical skills and their application in real life

3.2. The street is full of surprises.

Game situation. Puzzles. Quiz.

3.3. Discipline on the road.

Repetition of covered material. Quiz. Do you know? Basic rules for a cyclist.

3.4. Know the rules of movement like the multiplication table.

Quiz. A game "Say a word". A game - competition: "Crossroads of Mysteries", "Automulti", "Understand me", "Pedestrian ABC", "Quiz", "Keyword", boulevard "Attention", "Waiting for the Tram", "Collect a proverb".

3.5. Safety rules in various situations.

Safety rules on the street, on the road during a fire, in the forest, on the water, during

terrorist acts.

3.6. Traffic rules experts.

Consolidation of knowledge. Quiz. Practical exercises with visual material.

3.7. Children - the road - life.


3.8. Reminders for young people inspectors.

Main literature

1. Traffic rules Russian Federation with illustrations. M.:, LLC "Atberg 98", 2009

2. "Fundamentals of Life Safety", V. Bubnov, N. Bubnova, (magazine No. 3, M.: "Genesis", 2005

3. “Prevention of child road traffic injuries in primary and high school", M.:, "Teacher" 2006

4. "ABC of the road" Kozlovskaya E. M., M.:, "Teacher" 2007

5. At your leisure. Games at school, at home, in the yard. A popular guide for parents and teachers. Zaitseva O. V., Karpova E. V., Yaroslavl, 2007.

additional literature

1. E. A. Voronova. Red. Yellow. Green! Traffic rules in extracurricular activities. - Rostov n/d, 2009 2. Study of traffic rules. - Vologda, 2004 3. M. R. Maksinyaeva. Life safety classes with younger schoolchildren. – M, 2004 4. Guidelines on organizing work among school students on traffic rules. - Maykop, 2002 5. Methodological recommendations for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries. - Vologda, 2006 6. Everyone should know the rules of the road. Educational games for preschoolers and schoolchildren. - Novosibirsk - 2008 7. S. V. Petrov. Actions in case of road accidents. – M., 2004 8. The traffic light does not have holidays/recommendations/. - Vologda, 2005 9. To the teacher about the rules of the road. / Recommendations for organization extracurricular activities with children according to traffic rules. – M., Education, 2002

Program for introducing older children to school age with traffic rules

I. Abstract.
The density of traffic flows and the speed of cars on city streets is rapidly increasing and will progress in the future. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming more and more important task. Of particular importance in solving this problem is early and proper preparation our youngest pedestrians - children, who face serious difficulties and dangers outside the gates of their homes.
Children themselves are most often the culprits in road accidents. This is caused by ignorance of the basic principles of the Road Traffic Rules and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. Children left to their own devices, especially younger age, pay little attention to the real dangers on the road. This can only be avoided through appropriate upbringing and education of the child from a very early age.
P. Leach and P. Statman in their research note that the advantage of preschoolers in learning personal safety is that they love the rules and fully adhere to them. If the rules are forgotten or deviated by someone, then the baby instantly reacts to this. A child of this age’s desire for logic will help adults teach him safety rules.
K.D. Ushinsky wrote that “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear and, by making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the intensity of fear due to these dangers.”
For several years now, the team of teachers at our preschool educational institution has been systematically and organizedly working towards familiarizing children with the Rules of the Road. This is especially relevant, because it is in preschool age that the foundation of life’s orientations in the environment is laid, and everything that the child learns at this time will firmly remain with him forever. Therefore, it is very important in kindergarten from a young age to begin preparing the child for the lifelong “profession” of a road user - a pedestrian.
By the age of 4-5, children accumulate certain motor experience and enrich lexicon, spatial orientation skills are developed. At an older age (6-7 years), individual information about traffic rules is built into a consistent and harmonious system of ideas. Children not only become familiar with road signs, learn the rules and norms of behavior on the street and in transport, but also acquire the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Children are given tasks that require them to demonstrate independence, active thinking, and the ability to apply knowledge in practice.
Much attention is paid to working with parents, because... A positive example in the behavior of adults on the street and in transport is very important for a child. Thematic exhibitions are organized creative works children and parents, poster competitions. Underway close cooperation with traffic police inspectors. It is in the context of targeted work with families to prepare preschoolers for the role of independent pedestrians that the level of children’s acquisition of traffic rules knowledge and skills increases.
Target. Formation of conscious behavior in preschoolers in road transport situations.
1. Introducing children to the Rules of the Road
2. Training in the rules of behavior on the street and in transport.
3. Development in children of the ability to consciously perform the duties of a private road user.
For the successful implementation of the program to teach children safe behavior on the streets and roads, traffic corners have been organized in preschool educational institutions, which present: visually illustrated material; printed board games; magnetic board depicting an intersection; attributes for role-playing games with a road theme; children's fiction on traffic topics; designers; manuals and games for teaching children traffic rules; safe “Home – Kindergarten” routes designed for each child; ongoing exhibitions of drawings and crafts on road transport topics; albums with photographs: “My Street”, “My Yard” (with children’s stories, with marks of dangerous places where they need to be attentive and careful - this will help the children learn to analyze their actions); audio and video equipment. To simulate situations according to traffic rules, a playground “Auto Playground” has been installed in the courtyard of the preschool educational institution, where the roadway, sidewalk and pedestrian crossing are marked with markings. Attributes for its equipment were purchased: a mobile working traffic light, road signs on tripods, bicycles, scooters. Developmental environment for children's development preschool age created in accordance with temporary requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution and in accordance with modern sanitary and epidemiological standards.
II. Syllabus programs.
Category of students: kindergarten students aged 5-7 years.
Duration of training: 1 year.
No. name of topics total hours including control form
theoretical practical
1 "We're getting to know the street." 1 hour 40 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 5 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
2 "ABC of the road." 2 hours 5 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
3 “Who is the most important person on the street?” 1 hour 40 minutes 20 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
4 "Skillful pedestrian." 1 hour 40 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection, analysis
5 “This should be clear to everyone!” 2 hours 5 minutes 25 minutes 1 hour 40 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
6 "Red, yellow, green!" 1 hour 40 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 5 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
7 “How to avoid trouble?” 1 hour 40 minutes 25 minutes 1 hour 15 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
8 “The rules are our helpers.” 2 hours 5 minutes 35 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection
9 “School of Road Sciences”. 2 hours 5 minutes 20 minutes 1 hour 45 minutes Conversation, observation, reflection, analysis
III. Educational and thematic plan.
Program goal: To increase the activity of parents and children in ensuring road safety; to form in children a stable skill of switching to self-control (the ability to use knowledge and monitor their behavior) in the surrounding road transport environment.
Category of students: kindergarten students aged 5-7 years.
Duration of training: 1 year.
Class hours: Thursday 15.00-15.25
No. name of topics
total hours including control form
theoretical practical
1 "We're getting to know the street." 1 hour 40 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 5 minutes
1.1 Lesson “Our village and its transport.” 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
1.2 Lesson “How the donkey went to school.” 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
1.3 Didactic game “Street”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
1.4 Target walk. "Crosswalk". 25 min. 25 min. Conversation, reflection
2 “ABC of the road.” 2 hours 5 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 30 minutes
2.1 Lesson “Influential wand”. 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
2.2 Lesson “Why are road signs needed?” 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
2.3 Sports leisure “Visiting a traffic light.” 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
2.4 Didactic game “Guess by description.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
2.5 Project activities. Creation of the “Our Street” layout. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
3 “Who is the most important person on the street?” 1 hour 40 minutes 20 minutes. 1 hour 20 minutes
3.1 Lesson “The road to school.” 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
3.2 Didactic game “Car”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
3.3 Role-playing game “Drivers and pedestrians.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
3.4 Organization of the traffic rules corner. 25 min. 25 min. Conversation, observation
4 "Skillful pedestrian." 1 hour 40 minutes 30 min. 1 hour 10 minutes
4.1 Lesson “Road safety”. 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
4.2 Didactic game “Quiz”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
4.3 Outdoor game “Visiting Aibolit.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
4.4 Excursion to the crossroads. 25 min. 25 min. Conversation, observation
5 “This should be clear to everyone!” 2 hours 5 minutes 25 min. 1 hour 40 minutes
5.1 Lesson “Little driver”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
5.2 Didactic game " Road ABC" 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
5.3 Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
5.4 Entertainment “Journey to the land of road signs.” 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
5.5 Project activities. "Safety wheel". 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection, analysis
6 "Red, yellow, green!" 1 hour 40 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 5 minutes
6.1 Lesson “In city transport”. 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.2 Conversation “We travel in the subway.” 25 min. 20 minutes. 5 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.3 Role-playing game “Crossroads”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
6.4 Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
7 “How to avoid trouble?” 1 hour 40 minutes 25 min. 1 hour 15 minutes
7.1 Lesson “Traffic traffic and driver’s work.” 25 min. 15 minutes. 10 min. Conversation, observation
7.2 Didactic game “Road signs”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
7.3 KVN “Green Light”. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
7.4 Target walk “Road signs”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8 “The rules are our helpers.” 2 hours 5 minutes 35 min. 1 hour 30 minutes
8.1 Conversation “Where you can and cannot play.” 25 min. 20 minutes. 5 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.2 Didactic game “Logical paths”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.3 Outdoor game “Colored Cars”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
8.4 Theatrical production “The Road to the Teremka”. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
8.5 Project activities. Creation of albums “This is dad, this is me, this is my street.” 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes.
9 “School of Road Sciences”. 2 hours 5 minutes 20 minutes. 1 hour 45 minutes
9.1 Lesson “Rules of riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).” 25 min. 10 min. 15 minutes. Conversation, observation
9.2 Didactic game “Modeled signs”. 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Conversation, observation
9.3 Promotion “Driver! Save my life! 25 min. 5 minutes. 20 minutes. Observation, reflection
9.4 Musical and playful leisure time “Remember the rules of the road.” 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
9.5 Competition of drawings on asphalt on the topic of traffic rules. 25 min. 25 min. Observation, reflection
Total 16 hours 40 minutes 4 hours 20 minutes 12 hours 20 minutes

A program to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the Green Light traffic rules.
Going out into the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly, attention!

Explanatory note
A culture of personal safety implies knowledge and strict adherence to safety rules, the ability to apply them in practice and in extreme situations, a set of moral and moral qualities.
Ensuring traffic safety is becoming an important national task, and training young pedestrians, passengers and cyclists is of particular importance. Studying the Rules of the Road should be considered as an integral part of the general educational work kindergartens. Only with a systematic study of the rules, the use of new forms of propaganda of the Rules of the Road, the interaction of educational authorities, health care and the State Road Safety Inspectorate can the problem be solved child injury.
The author’s program “Green Light” is aimed at preventing road traffic injuries and teaching preschoolers the rules of the road alphabet, which are considered as an integral part of educating the child’s general culture. Work is carried out systematically both with a group of children and with subgroups, taking into account individual characteristics children of a specific group.
This work is being carried out in accordance with the plan drawn up at academic year. It is important to note that not only teachers and students are involved in this process, but also parents.
A significant place is devoted to practical forms of learning: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe road traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge.
The movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street and roads is too complex a phenomenon for children to navigate on their own. Therefore, special attention is paid to organizing observations and excursions.
Work on familiarization with traffic rules is based on an integrated approach. Are carried out with children thematic classes in groups, consolidating the acquired knowledge in different types activities.
The work uses the author's practical guide “Road ABC in Riddles”, which introduces children to the rules of behavior on the road, traffic lights, vehicles and some road signs. I have been using this manual in working with children for several years now. Briefly about how this manual was created: for each letter of the alphabet I selected a suitable word related to the road theme, then I found a riddle about this subject, if I didn’t find it, then I came up with it myself and selected an illustration depicting the riddle. Practical guide“Road ABC in Riddles” is a collection of thematic pictures, in alphabetical order, with poems and riddles selected on the topic “Teaching preschoolers the rules of the road.” "Road ABC" can be used both in classes and in individual work with children of preschool and primary school age. This manual is aimed at developing safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers.

Relevance(justification for the development of the Green Light program).
A child has disproportionately less experience of moving on the street than an adult; the sense of danger, fear, and orientation in space is not fully formed; children are mobile and impatient.
It is impossible to raise a disciplined pedestrian if you do not instill such habits from childhood. important qualities as attention, composure, responsibility and caution. Indeed, often the absence of these qualities becomes the cause of road accidents.
It is quite obvious: the sooner children receive information about how a person should behave on the street and in the yard, the fewer accidents there will be. Both parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions are called upon to solve this problem.
Today, no one needs to be convinced that the sooner we introduce a child to the rules of the road and teach him the skills to behave on the streets and roads, the fewer accidents there will be on the roadway. That is why it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions.
The program is aimed at two age levels:
1. older age – from 5-6 years;
2. school preparatory group from 6-7 years old.
The program is built on the basis of the main methodological principles: accounting age characteristics children, availability of material, gradual complication.
Legislative and regulatory support for the program
- Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.
- About the concept of modernization Russian education for the period until 2012.
- Charter educational institution.
Program objects
- Children.
- Families of children attending preschool educational institutions.
- Teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.
Purpose of the program
Increase the activity of parents and children in ensuring road safety; to form in children a stable skill of switching to self-control (the ability to use knowledge and monitor their behavior) in the surrounding road transport environment.
Program objectives
1. Teach children safe behavior on the road.
2. Introduce children to the meaning of road signs, teach them to understand their schematic representation for correct orientation on the streets and roads.
3. Form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.
4. To develop in children the skills and abilities to monitor the road situation and anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to avoid them, and if they find themselves in such situations, get out of them with less harm to themselves and others.
5. Expand children's vocabulary in road vocabulary.
6. Foster discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules and a culture of behavior.
7. Intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.
Much attention is paid to interaction with parents. Assemblies and conversations highlight the moral responsibility of adults through visual propaganda. By unconditionally submitting to the requirements of road discipline, parents should set an example for their children, since preschoolers learn to break the rules of behavior, first of all, from adults. Only in the close collaboration of kindergarten and family can children develop solid skills of cultural behavior on the street, that discipline that encourages them to obey order. Then the habit of walking correctly on the street will become the norm for children.
The program presents a variety of forms and methods of educational work, including entertainment, holidays, practical classes, business and role-playing games, workshops, trainings, meetings with traffic inspectors, promotions, excursions, competitions, projects, exhibitions, etc.
The main stages of work reflected by the program:
- clarifying children’s ideas about traffic rules, that is, their personal experience, which the teacher can rely on.
- expansion of children’s initial ideas, accumulation of new knowledge about safety rules through classes, conversations, memorization of rhyming rules.
- consolidation of acquired knowledge and the formation of a conscious attitude towards compliance with safety rules through reading and discussion of works fiction, dramatization games, observations during excursions and from personal experience.
- developing in children a sense of responsibility and the prerequisites for readiness to be responsible for their actions. Children of preschool age accept and assimilate the demands placed on them, and the readiness to be fully responsible for their actions will come later.
- development in children of a sense of control and self-control, because When teaching the rules of safe behavior, these qualities largely help the child to navigate the current environment in a timely manner and correctly.
The program includes planning work for the year for older age groups, working with children, teachers and parents.
Expected Result
Upon completion of the program, the child must:
- know the algorithm for crossing the road “stop - look - cross”;
- have an idea of ​​the types of transport (air, water, land);
- distinguish vehicles on the road (passenger, cargo, special, operational);
- be able to choose a way to cross the roadway, distinguish between pedestrian crossings (ground, overground, underground, regulated, unregulated) and traffic control devices (traffic lights, traffic controllers), as well as road signs;
- know the rules for crossing the roadway (three fixations of turning the head - towards moving transport, in the opposite direction and again towards transport) at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.

A step-by-step long-term plan for familiarizing children of senior preschool age with the rules of the road.

Working with children Working with teachers Working with parents
"We're getting to know the street." 1.Lesson “Our village and its transport.” 2. Lesson “How the donkey went to school.” 3. Didactic game “Street”. 4. Target walk. "Crosswalk".
Workshop “Life Safety for Preschoolers”. Parent meeting with the invitation of the traffic police inspector “The impact of parental behavior on the safety of children.”

"ABC of the road." 1. Lesson “Influential wand”. 2. Lesson “Why are road signs needed?” 3. Sports activities “Visiting a traffic light.” 4. Didactic game “Guess by the description.”
Participation of teachers in sports leisure “Visiting the traffic light”. Publishing a booklet for parents “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street?”
Project activities. Creation of the “Our Street” layout.

“Who is the most important person on the street?” 1. Lesson “The road to school.” 2. Didactic game “Car”. 3. Role-playing game “Drivers and pedestrians.” 4.Organization of the traffic rules corner. Presentation of traffic rules corners in groups. Participation in organizing the traffic rules corner.

"Skillful pedestrian." 1. Lesson “Road Safety”. 2. Didactic game “Quiz”. 3. Outdoor game “Visiting Aibolit.” 4. Excursion to the crossroads. Consultation for teachers “Development and use of the route “Home - kindergarten”. Participation in the development and use of the “Home - Kindergarten” route.

“This should be clear to everyone.” 1. Lesson “Little driver”. 2. Didactic game “Road ABC”. 3. Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”. 4. Entertainment “Journey to the land of road signs.” Participation of teachers in the entertainment “Journey to the Land of Road Signs.” Questionnaire on the topic “Me and my child on the street.”
Project activities. "Safe Wheel"

"Red, yellow, green." 1. Lesson “In city transport”. 2. Conversation “We travel in the subway.” 3. Role-playing game “Crossroads”. 4. Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules. Development of a synopsis for the role-playing game “Crossroads”. Making a stand “Beware of the street!”

“How to avoid trouble?” 1.Lesson “Traffic traffic and driver’s work.” 2. Didactic game “Road signs”. 3.KVN “Green Light”. 4. Target walk “Road signs”. View open event– KVN “Green Light”. 1. Participation in KVN. 2. Targeted excursion “Observation of the driver’s work.”

“The rules are our helpers.” 1. Conversation “Where you can and cannot play.” 2. Didactic game “Logical paths”. 3. Outdoor game “Colored Cars”. 4. Theatrical production “The Road to the Teremka”. Testing teachers to determine the level of their knowledge on road topics. Consultation “Parent is a role model.”
Project activities. Creation of albums “This is dad, this is me, this is my street!”

"School of Road Sciences". 1. Lesson “Rules of riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).” 2. Didactic game “Simulated signs”. 3. Promotion “Driver! Save my life! 4. Musical and gaming leisure “Remember the rules of the road.” 5. Competition of drawings on asphalt on the topic of traffic rules. 1. Participation of teachers in the “Driver! Save my life!
2. Participation in musical and gaming leisure “Remember the Rules of the Road.” 1.Participation in the promotion.

2. Entering information on teaching children traffic rules in the parent’s corner.

Thus, the implementation of activities within the framework of this program makes it possible to carry out work to prevent child road traffic injuries most effectively. The program is aimed at being able to convey information not only to children, but also to their parents in such a way that they develop the vital habit of following traffic rules and teach their children to do the same.
Thanks to the program, children will receive and assimilate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road, learn to apply the acquired knowledge about the rules of the road in games, dramatizations, and in everyday life.
Developed together with parents visual materials, which have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on older children, developing in children knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, learning the ability to use a model to simulate a situation in the play space, and instilling responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.


Summaries of events for the Green Light program.
Lesson “Our village and its transport.”
Goals and objectives. Form love for native village, to give an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and drive around the village correctly.
Preparation. Conversation about the village. Excursion to the local history museum.

Progress of the lesson.
- The teacher's story about the history of the village. Looking at illustrations depicting the sights of our village.
- Riddles about transport with pictures shown.
- Children compose stories from pictures.

Lesson “How did the donkey go to school?”
Goals and objectives. Clarify your understanding of traffic lights. Educate general culture behavior on the street.
Preparation. Excursion to the traffic light. Memorizing the poem "Traffic Light". Reading the poems of S. Mikhalkov “This should be clear to everyone.” "My street".
Progress of the lesson.
- Organizing time.
- Introductory conversation.
- Group outdoor game “Traffic Light”.

Didactic game "Street".
Goals and objectives. To clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of transport.
Equipment. Street layout. Trees (layout). Cars (toys). Pedestrian dolls. Traffic lights. Road signs.

Target walk “Pedestrian crossing”.
Goals and objectives. Learn to find a pedestrian crossing. Introduce the rules for crossing the roadway at a pedestrian crossing. Cultivate a careful attitude towards crossing the street.

Seminar-workshop “Life Safety for Preschoolers”.
Goals and objectives. To systematize the knowledge of teachers about the Rules of the Road, to develop practical skills in implementing these rules, to create conditions for interaction with society on the prevention of child road traffic injuries among pupils of preschool educational institutions.

Parent meeting with the invitation of the traffic police inspector “The impact of parental behavior on the safety of children.”
Goals and objectives. To promote increased parental competence in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Lesson “Influential Wand”.
Goals and objectives. Give an initial idea of ​​the work of a police officer. Reinforce the correct use of spatial terminology (left - right, top - bottom, front - back, etc.). Cultivate respect for others.
Equipment. Rod. Image of streets, intersections. Images of a traffic controller in different positions. Traffic light layout. Visual material"Road ABC in riddles."
Progress of the lesson.
- The riddle is a joke. Conversation.
- Looking at pictures of traffic controllers in different positions.
- Physical education lesson “Gestures of a traffic controller.”
- The story of a traffic police officer.
- Children reading poems by S. Mikhalkov.

Lesson “Why are road signs needed?”
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Remember the famous road signs - transition. Introduce new signs: zebra, attention, caution, children.
Equipment. Road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, warning signs, prohibition signs, directional signs), workbook.
Progress of the lesson.
- Organizing time. Showing signs and reading a poem by Y. Pishumov.
- Children drawing signs in a workbook.

Sports leisure “Visiting a traffic light”.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in games and everyday life. Involve parents in joint activities with children. Improve motor skills. Help create a positive emotional mood.
Leisure progress.
- Presentation of commands.
- 1 competition “Walk through the passage”.
- 2nd competition “Assemble a car”.
- 3rd competition “Road Signs”.
- Guess a riddle.
- 4th competition “Twisting Road”.
- 5th competition “Fun Races”.
- Inspector's speech. Presentation of prizes.

Didactic game “Guess by description”.
Goals and objectives. Learn to recognize road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Develop visual attention.
Equipment. Road signs, tripods for them.

Project activities. Creation of the “Our Street” layout.
Goals and objectives. Nurturing creativity. Consolidating ideas about the street, its main parts (sidewalk, roadway, intersection, etc.).

Publishing a booklet for parents“How to teach a child to behave safely on the street?”
Goals and objectives. Contribute to increasing parental competence in matters of teaching children traffic rules in a family setting.

Lesson “Road to school”.
Goals and objectives. Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior in public transport. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, as well as the concepts of “pedestrian” and “passenger”.
Equipment. Paintings depicting streets, schools, passenger transport, Pinocchio, Malvina. Route diagram from home to school on flannelgraph. Road signs, markers and sheets of paper for drawing.
Progress of the lesson.
- Demonstration of a painting depicting a school. Conversation.
- Help Malvina and Pinocchio get to school. Work on flannelgraph depicting a route diagram.
- Physical education lesson “Bus”. (Children are passengers).
- Drawing a diagram of your route from home to kindergarten.

Didactic game "Car".
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about appearance car.
Equipment. Disassembled car model (puzzles).
Progress of the game.
- Children, at the teacher’s command, begin to assemble the model. The child or team that assembles the car first wins.

Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians."
Goals and objectives. Expand knowledge about the rules of behavior for children on the street. To cultivate in children attention, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others.
Equipment. Traffic light layout, road signs, zebra crossing designation, bicycles, scooters.

Organizing a traffic rules corner.
Goals and objectives. Formation effective learning children to behave safely on the streets and roads. To contribute to increasing parental competence in introducing children to traffic rules in the context of family education.

Presentation of corners on traffic rules in groups.
Goals and objectives. Analyze the compliance of safety corners according to the following criteria:
- age appropriate;
- variety of didactic and gaming material;
- design aesthetics.

Lesson "Road Safety".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await children on the street. To consolidate knowledge of traffic light signals and their meaning. Review the rules of behavior on the street. Cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity.
Equipment. Flannelograph. Pinocchio doll. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles.” Hats with windows in traffic light colors. Unfinished street map.
Preparation. Excursions. Learning poems.
Progress of the lesson.
- Creation of a game situation, appearance fairy tale character Pinocchio.
- Physical education lesson “Red, yellow, green.”
- Reading thematic poems.
- Game - dramatization (children in hats pretend to be a traffic light).
- Didactic game “What sign is this?”

Didactic game "Quiz".
Progress of the game.
- The teacher asks thematic questions. Children answer “Yes” or “No”.

Outdoor game “Visiting Aibolit.”
Purpose of the game. Formation of street behavior skills.
Equipment. A variety of animal hats, bicycles, traffic controller's batons, markings for pedestrian crossings.
Progress of the game.
- Children start moving in twos on bicycles or on foot.
- Regulators note who violated the rules.
- Violators go to Aibolit for treatment.
- Whoever has walked the whole path correctly receives a gift from Aibolit.

Excursion to the crossroads.
Goals and objectives. Refine your knowledge of the intersection. Introduce the rules for crossing the roadway where there is an intersection. Strengthen your knowledge of the rules of behavior on the roadway.

Consultation for teachers“Development and use of the route “Home - kindergarten”.
Goals and objectives. Increase the safety of a child’s movement to and from kindergarten. Teach your child to navigate traffic situations on the way to kindergarten and back. Teach parents who take part in planning the route how to navigate the road and avoid possible dangers.

Lesson "Little driver".
Goals and objectives. Introduce children to the rules of cycling. Teach children the rules of behavior in various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle. Reinforce your knowledge of the main parts of a bicycle. Cultivate respect for the people around you.
Equipment. Pictures depicting Gena and Cheburashka. Handout cards for each child with a picture of a ship, train, bicycle. Road signs “Bicycle path”, “Cycling prohibited”. Children bicycle. Story pictures depicting various situations.
Progress of the lesson.
- The teacher reads V. Kozhevnikov’s poem “My Car.”
- Conversation on the plot on flannelgraph.
- Looking at a real children's bike.
- The teacher introduces children to the rules of cycling.
- Listening to the story “Bunny Cyclist”.

Didactic game "Road ABC".
Purpose of the game. Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic rules.
Equipment. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles” (black and white version - coloring), colored pencils, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game.
- Guessing riddles for children.
- Coloring pictures with answers.

Outdoor game “Red, yellow, green”.
Purpose of the game. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic lights.
Equipment. Current traffic light model.
Progress of the game.
- The teacher turns on the traffic light.
- Children: stand still when the traffic light is red, clap when it turns yellow, and walk when it turns green.

Entertainment "Journey to the land of road signs."
Goals and objectives. To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road and traffic rules.
Characters. Absent-minded. Traffic police officer. Road signs. Interference is incompetence. Dunno. Traffic lights - Yellow, Green, Red.
Progress of entertainment.
- The Absent-Minded Man appears. Talks with children and a traffic police officer.
- Road signs come in crying.
- The traffic police officer offers to help the children cope with the hindrance - the incompetent one.
- Interference - the clumsy one asks riddles for the children.
- The traffic lights are coming out.
- Game “Red, Yellow, Green”.
- Dunno is moving in. Children introduce him to the rules of behavior on the road.
- Word game for attention “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Project activities. "Safe Wheel"
Goals and objectives. Nurturing creativity. Together with children, develop rules for riding a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates. Arrange these rules in the form of a folder with children's drawings and illustrations.

Questioning. “Me and my child are on the street.”
Goals and objectives. To identify the level of parents' knowledge about traffic rules. Continue to organize work on interaction between kindergarten and family to teach children the basics of safe behavior on the street. Increase parents' responsibility for instilling life safety skills in their children.

Lesson “In city transport”.
Goals and objectives. Familiarize children with the rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport.
Equipment. Visual aids: plot pictures in the album depicting various situations in a subway car, on a bus, trolleybus, tram. Glue, brushes, scissors.
Progress of the lesson.
- Organizing time. Introductory conversation.
- A teacher’s story about why you need to give up your seat to an elderly passenger; why you can’t push and start a game, etc.
- Analysis of situations.
- Work in the album. Invite the children to correct the situation.

Conversation “We travel in the subway.”
Goals and objectives. To consolidate knowledge about urban transport - the metro. Continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior and the culture of communication in the subway. Give children basic knowledge about safety when traveling on the subway.
Equipment. Illustrations or photographs of metro stations (3-4).
Progress of the conversation.
- Invite children to list types of passenger transport.
- Riddles about the subway and escalator. The teacher's story about the principle of operation of the escalator, about the rules of conduct in a train carriage.

Role-playing game "Crossroads".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrian behavior. Develop skills in role-playing behavior, teach how to take a role and lead it until the end of the game action. Develop hand-eye coordination through games.
Equipment. Traffic lights, capes for children, boundary strips, “Pedestrian crossing” sign.
Progress of the game.
- Children act out various traffic situations.

Drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to depict objects and phenomena, selecting content in accordance with the topic. Strengthen knowledge about the rules of movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Equipment. Whatman paper, A3 format, paints, brushes, colored pencils.
Progress of the competition.
- Opening speech by the traffic police inspector.
- Organization of the exhibition.

Lesson "Traffic traffic and driver's work."
Goals and objectives. Introduce children to the rules of traffic on the road. Strengthen knowledge about the driver's profession. Form coordinated actions.
Equipment. Illustrations depicting roads, streets. Set: visual aid “Street”, cars and signs on magnets.
Progress of the lesson.
- Examination of illustrations. Conversation.
- Road construction. Acting out situations with explanation from the teacher.
- A teacher’s story about the driver’s profession.

Didactic game "Road signs".
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's understanding of the meaning of road signs. Develop visual attention.
Equipment. Subject picture puzzles.

KVN "Green Light".
Goals and objectives. To consolidate children's knowledge about road elements, traffic control devices, groups of road signs, and rules for crossing the roadway. To consolidate practical skills of behavior on the street as a pedestrian and driver in a playful way. Foster a desire to help your team, attentiveness, and collectivism.
Equipment. Team emblems. Envelopes with questions. Tape recording of parents' questions. Elements of the road on flannelgraph. Road signs. Street photographs. Truck applique elements. Gong. Red, yellow, green tokens.
KVN progress.
- Introductory speech by the teacher.
- Thematic questions.
- Reading poems about traffic rules to children.
- Puzzles.
- Game “Singing traffic light”.
- A task for experts to make an applique of a truck in a minute.
- Summarizing. Presentation of prizes.
Target walk “Road signs”.
Goals and objectives. Fix the names and purpose of road signs. Determine which road signs are for drivers and which are for pedestrians. Convince of the need to comply with traffic rules.

Conversation “Where you can and cannot play.”
Goals and objectives. Teach children the rules of behavior on the street, where they can and cannot play.
Equipment. Scene pictures that depict the topic being discussed. Albums, colored pencils, markers. Bibabo Pinocchio toy.
Progress of the conversation.
- The appearance of Pinocchio and his story about how he played near the roadway.
- Ask the children to comment on Pinocchio’s story.
- Analyze the situations in the pictures with the children. Discussion.
- Reading by the teacher of V. Semernin’s poem “Forbidden - Permitted.”

Didactic game "Logical paths".
Goals and objectives. Development of visual-figurative thinking based on tasks on the use of conditionally schematic images for orientation in space. Consolidation of knowledge of traffic rules. Development of cognitive thinking.
Equipment. A playing field depicting a “map” with branching paths and houses at the ends. On separate cards there are letters that conventionally indicate the path to one of the houses (the number of cards corresponds to the number of players).
Progress of the game.
- The child walks along the path, following the instructions in the letter.
- The teacher, if necessary, explains and corrects mistakes.

Outdoor game "Colored Cars".
Goals and objectives. Develop spatial orientation in three-dimensional space. Apply knowledge of traffic rules in a game environment that is close to the real one.
Equipment. Colored flags according to the number of players. There are road markings on the floor.
Progress of the game.
- Children with flags are placed along the wall. They are cars.
- The teacher stands in the center with three colored flags. Raises a flag of some color.
- Children with a flag of this color run along the designated path.
- The teacher lowers the flag. The children stop.

Theatrical production “The Road to the Teremka”.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in dramatization. Improve your knowledge of road signs. Develop creative abilities.
Equipment. In the hall there are road markings, a tower, road signs: “Food station”, “Danger”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Parking area”.
Progress of the production.
- Introduction. Traffic light.
- A mouse, a frog, a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, and a bear run in one by one. Dialogues with the Traffic Light.
- Song of animals.

Project activities. Creation of albums “This is dad, this is me, this is my street.”
Goals and objectives. Nurturing creativity. Formation in children of the ability and desire to display the world most vividly and truthfully. Cultivate love for your family. Reinforce knowledge of traffic rules.

Lesson “Rules of riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).”
Goals and objectives. Consider various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates. Teach children the correct behavior in such situations.
Equipment. Scene pictures depicting various situations, an album with tasks, pencils, markers, paints. Visual aid “Road alphabet in riddles.”
Progress of the lesson.
- Introductory speech by the teacher. Conversation.
- Discussion of possible dangerous situations.
- Invite children to complete tasks in the album.
- Formulation of rules.
- Learning the poem “Ball” by S. Marshak.

Didactic game “Simulated signs”.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic signs. Develop visual memory and attention.
Equipment. Sign elements: circles (red, blue), triangles (red), rectangles (blue), silhouette of a person, silhouette of children, bicycle, etc.
Progress of the game.
- The teacher invites the child to assemble a sign from a set of signs.

Promotion “Driver! Save my life!
Goals and objectives. Organize work on interaction and development of mutual understanding between all road users.
Preparation for the action. Invite children to draw pictures that depict life- and health-threatening road traffic situations involving children.
Progress of the action.
- Excursion to the crossroads. Presentation of drawings to drivers.

Musical and gaming leisure “Remember the Rules of the Road”.
Goals and objectives. To consolidate knowledge about safe behavior on the streets and roads. Improve your understanding of traffic rules and road signs. Foster conscious compliance with traffic rules. Help create a positive emotional mood.
Characters. Adults: presenter, cat Basilio, fox Alice. Children (with badges): Traffic lights, road signs.
Leisure progress.
- Introductory speech by the presenter.
- Alice and Basilio enter.
- Traffic Light Song.
- Game "Traffic Light".
- Song of road signs.
- Dance “Funny Ball”.
- Drawing competition “Road ABC”.
Asphalt drawing competition on the topic of traffic rules.
Goals and objectives. Strengthen the ability to convey the features of the road situation in a drawing. Evoke an emotional response to the drawings in children.
Test for teachers.
1.Form of a road sign allowing pedestrians to enter the roadway:
a) square;
b) circle;
c) triangle.

2.You got off the bus, you need to cross the roadway. You will go:
a) from the front:
b) behind;
c) your option.

3.Is a standing car dangerous for a pedestrian:
a) not dangerous;
b) dangerous;
c) is it dangerous if the engine is running?

4.You are crossing a road where there is no pedestrian crossing. Your actions:
a) I’ll look to the left and go;
b) I’ll look to the right and go;
c) your option.

5. There is no sidewalk along the road, and the pedestrian walks along the left side of the road towards traffic. Does he violate the traffic rules:
a) yes;
b) no?

6.Draw a “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

7.What forms of teaching traffic rules to preschoolers do you know?
Answers: 1 – a; 2 – in; 3 – in; 4 – in; 5 – a.

Questionnaire for parents “Me and my child on the street.”

1.Your child knows:
- name of the city in which he lives; your home address; street name, house and apartment number, telephone number;
- street name, house, apartment, telephone number;
- your home address is not complete.

2.You and your child get home from kindergarten:
- on foot;
- on transport.

3.If you have to walk, then you and your child:
- always cross the road only on the pedestrian path, focusing on the green traffic light;
- cross the road on a pedestrian path if there are no cars. And don't look at the traffic lights;
- cross the road where it seems convenient to you.

4.Who taught the child to follow the Rules?
- kindergarten;
- the parents themselves;
- grandmother grandfather.

5.How often do you tell your child about the need to follow traffic rules?
- daily;
- Sometimes;
- very rarely;
- we don’t talk about this topic;
- other answers.

6.Does your child know traffic signs and can he tell you what they mean?
- Yes;
- No;
- I find it difficult to answer.

7.How does your child behave in city transport?
- my child stands calmly at the bus stop; boards the bus with an adult; does not make noise; if possible, sit in an empty seat; does not lean out of the window; does not litter in the cabin;
- my child runs and jumps at the bus stop; sits at any door without being guided by an adult; makes his way quickly to an empty seat, pushing aside other passengers; talking loudly in the vehicle.

8. Do you yourself follow the traffic rules?
- I always comply;
- not always;
- I don’t comply.

9.Are you breaking the Rules? When do you go with your child?
- No;
- sometimes it happens when we are in a hurry;
- We don’t pay attention to the traffic lights and cars.

10. Do you think that the efforts of preschool teachers to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior on the street:
- will be effective only with your support;
- will be effective without any support from you;
- are ineffective, since only parents can teach safe behavior on the street.

1. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.V. Tutorial on life safety of children of senior preschool age “Safety”, M., 1998.
2. Baryaeva L. B., Zhevnerova V. L. “The ABC of Road Traffic”, Bustard, M., 2008.
3. Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina N.V. Toolkit“How to ensure the safety of preschoolers”, Education, 2000.
4. Vdovichenko L. A. “Child on the street”, Detstvo-Press, 2008.
5. Volkov S. Yu. “About traffic rules”, M., 2006.
6. Gavrilushkina O. P., “Development of communicative behavior of preschool children in a kindergarten,” Child in kindergarten. 2003 No. 2.P.12.
7. The good road of childhood: Scientific method. magazine, 2005; No. 1 – 12. 2006; Nos. 1 – 12.
8. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 5-6 years old. M., 2005.
9. Kartushina M.Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children 6-7 years old. M., 2007.
10. Klimenko V. R. “Teach preschoolers the rules of movement”, M., “Education”, 1978. Entertainment according to traffic rules in the older group. Scenario

Additional educational program

mug " Good road to childhood»

Compiled by:

Tyabokina S.V.



Explanatory note

Let it burn green

light on your road!

Club program “Good Road to Childhood” for grades 1-4 developed within Federal Law“On Road Safety”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Safety”, “Rules for the Safe Behavior of Students on the Streets and Roads”.

The program has been modified based on the Road Safety program: Program and thematic planning. 1-4 grades / auto-comp. R.P. Babina – M.: Mnemosyne, 2009 and the author’s program by N.F. Vinogradova / Program and lesson-thematic planning for the course “Road Safety” for children younger. school age - M.: ENAS-CLASS, 2007.

Focus educational program socio-pedagogical: conditions are created for the child’s social practice in his real life, the accumulation of moral and practical experience.

Relevance: when switching to federal state standards second generation modern requirements Education includes the need to focus on compliance with traffic rules and a culture of personal safety.

The main conceptual position of this program is, first of all, the understanding that we consider the study of traffic rules and the prevention of DDTT as one of the aspects of the personal safety of the child.

Novelty of this program is that at the center of the educational process are students studying the Rules of the Road, which are written in complex language and addressed to adult road users. This program allows you to systematically introduce the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers in an accessible and understandable way, teaching the child the rules of safe and law-abiding behavior on the streets, roads and in transport. The number of hours has been increased by 3 times, which allows you to study the Traffic Rules more thoroughly.

When becoming schoolchildren, most first-graders find themselves on the busy streets of the city for the first time. That is why the conversation about behavior generally begins with the rules of behavior on the street. These classes will help students systematize, expand and deepen their knowledge of traffic safety, and develop their respect for general law roads and streets, will educate disciplined pedestrians, passengers, and possibly future drivers.

From an early age, children need to develop a conscious attitude towards the Rules of the Road (TRAF), which should become the norm of behavior for everyone cultured person. Traffic rules are important means labor regulation in the field of road traffic, education of its participants in the spirit of discipline, responsibility, mutual forethought, and attentiveness. Compliance with all the requirements of the Traffic Rules creates the prerequisites for the clear and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians along the streets and roads.

Purpose of the program: training in basic rules of behavior on the road, developing skills for correct behavior on the street, the ability to use traffic rules in real life.


1. Educational:

    Teach basic traffic rules;

    Provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

    Teach correct behavior on the streets, using the knowledge gained on this issue;

    Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, thereby ensuring your own safety.

2. Educational:

    Foster a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

    To develop a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

3. Developmental:

  • Develop motivation for safe behavior;

    To develop students’ ability to navigate traffic situations;

    To form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets

    Develop skills of self-esteem and self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street

and in transport.

    Develop personal qualities - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy;

Basic ideas, principles, features of the program

The “Good Road to Childhood” program has the goal not of rote memorization of traffic rules, but of the formation and development cognitive activity oriented towards understanding danger and safety.

Focusing on solving problems, the program of extracurricular activities implements the following in its content: principles:

    the principle of variability, which underlies planning educational material in accordance with the material and technical equipment of extracurricular activities.

    the principle of sufficiency and conformity, features of the formation of universal educational activities(more involved in extracurricular activities);

compliance with didactic rules from the known to the unknown and from simple to complex, which underlie planning (subject, meta-subject, personal), including in independent activities;

    expansion of interdisciplinary connections (formation of a holistic worldview of the child);

    consistency and gradualness of training (in certain doses based on an increasing amount of information);

    the principle of developmental education (organization of learning influences on the child’s personality and behavior allows one to control the pace and content of his development). The success of learning is determined by the child’s ability to independently explain why he should act this way and not otherwise. And as a result, behave consciously in real traffic situations.

    the principle of unity of education and training.

The implementation of this program is designed for the 4th year of study in primary school and will allow students to gain a systematic understanding of dangers on the road and predicting dangerous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior taking into account their capabilities. The program includes both group and individual lessons, as well as public events.

The educational process consists of various types of activities:

    teaching theoretical knowledge (verbal information presented by the teacher);

    independent work (studying illustrations and completing tasks in textbooks);

    practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using a set of games for this (story, role-playing, games according to the rules, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

Classes are conducted in an accessible and interest-stimulating manner. Every lesson has an element of play.

Gaming technologies, used in the program, provide the opportunity for the child to engage in practical activities, in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

Methods, methods of teacher activity aimed at deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by students:

    in training - practical (various exercises with models, with game
    material for vehicles, making mock-ups, training at the transport site);

    visual (studying the rules on models, monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, demonstrating road signs, technical means);

    verbal (as a presenter - instructions, conversations, explanations); working with a book (mainly reading, studying);

    video method (viewing, training).

    in education - (according to G. I. Shchukina) - methods of forming consciousness
    individuals aimed at forming stable beliefs (story, discussion, ethical conversation, example);

    methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior (educational situation, training, exercises);

    methods of stimulating behavior and activity (competition, encouragement).

Forms of control: testing, competitions, quizzes, games.

Organization of the educational process

    The duration of the program is 4 years.

    Direction of the program: social and pedagogical.

    The program is designed for children aged 6.5 - 9 years.

    Type of children's group: specialized.

    Composition: permanent.

    Set: free.

Lesson mode.

    • The total number of hours per year is 33 hours.

      Number of hours per week – 1 hour.

      Frequency of classes: once a week for 25 minutes in 1st grade, once a week for 30 minutes in grades 2-4.

The work of the circle is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical classes. The training program is built on the principle of “simple to complex” and deepening theoretical knowledge and practical skills at each subsequent stage of training. Each lesson organically combines learning new things and repeating the material covered. Classes take place in a classroom using a multimedia installation, board games, visual handout and demonstration material, watching films on traffic rules, inviting a traffic police inspector. To consolidate the material covered, it is effective to use board, didactic and outdoor games. The program is designed for classes in an equipped classroom, where there are thematic stands for the study of traffic rules and the prevention of DDTT.

One of the important areas of work should be considered the formation among parents of students of a sustainable interest in the safety and health of children as road users.

Course content values

The program promotes:

    mental development - students receive and consolidate knowledge on the Rules of the Road, life safety, learn to think logically, generalize, compose stories on topics, share life experiences, competently express their thoughts, answer questions;

    moral education - in classes, students develop a culture of behavior among peers and in the family, skills in observing traffic rules are reinforced, and a desire to provide assistance to older people as needed. Students learn life safety in environment, respect for people;

    aesthetic education - students participate in drawing competitions, posters, literary quizzes, photo competitions. During classes, students work with colorful visual materials;

    labor education - students produce the necessary manuals, models, didactic games for classes according to the program, decorations and costumes for performances (with the help of parents);

    physical education - at each lesson with children and adolescents outdoor games and various motor activities are held game tasks by topic.

Educational and thematic plan

1 class



total hours




Road users




Types of pedestrian crossings




Traffic light and its signals




Road signs




Types of transport




We are passengers




On a country road




Safe places for children to play






City Tour






Calendar and thematic planning

educational material on additional education

“Good road of childhood” for 1st grade

1 time per week (33 lessons per year)

on 2015– 2016 academic year


Section and topic

total hours


Date as planned

Actual date



Section 1: Road Users




  1. (1)

Introduction. Why you need to know the Rules Road Traffic?


Our city, the microdistrict where we live.


How dangerous situations arise on the roads




We're going to school



Movement of pedestrians and cars (roadway and sidewalk)





Pedestrian Initiation





Pedestrian crossings.

Designation of transitions, the concept of "Zebra".



Rules for crossing the road.

The safest crossing.


Hidden dangers on the road. "Road Traps"

Section 3: Traffic lights and their signals





The traffic light is our faithful friend.

Purpose of a traffic light and its signals.


Types of traffic lights (vehicle and pedestrian).


The traffic controller is our assistant.




At unregulated intersections.



Section 4: Road Signs





Our friends are road signs


Warning signs.




Prohibition signs.




Special instructions and service marks

Section 5: Modes of Transport





Types of ground transport.



Special machines.


Helper machines.

Section 6: We are passengers





Being a passenger is science.



Rules for boarding and exiting transport.

Section 7: On a country road





Movement of pedestrians along the road, side of the road, footpath.




Crossing a railway crossing.



Section 8: Safe places for children to play





Where you can and cannot play.

The pavement is not for play.




Where can you ride and not be afraid of cars?





"We know the rules of the road."



City Tour

(consolidation of the material covered)






Program content

33 hours(1 hour per week)

The program consists of several thematic sections that are interconnected.

Section 1: Road users (8 hours)

Introduction. Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road? A first grader as an independent pedestrian.

A story about a city, a microdistrict where children live and go to school.

How dangerous situations arise on the roads.

We are going to school. Consideration and study of the safest route for children to travel to school and home.

Road users (pedestrian, passenger, driver).

Movement of pedestrians and cars (roadway and sidewalk).

Rules for the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Holiday: “Initiation into pedestrians.”

Section 2: Types of pedestrian crossings (4 hours)

Pedestrian crossings. Designation of transitions, the concept of “Zebra”.

Road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground crossing”, “Overground crossing”.

Rules for crossing the road. The safest crossing.

Hidden dangers on the road. The danger when crossing the street is road traps. Road traps are situations of deceptive safety.

Section 3: Traffic lights and their signals (4 hours)

The traffic light is our faithful friend. Traffic lights and their signals. Purpose of traffic lights. Pedestrian traffic light and its signals. Types of traffic lights (vehicle and pedestrian).

Analysis of traffic situations using traffic lights, road signs, road markings.

The traffic controller is our assistant. Its role in organizing traffic. The meaning of traffic controller signals for vehicles and pedestrians. Analysis of traffic situations using traffic controller signals, traffic lights, signs, and markings.

At unregulated intersections. Uncontrolled intersections are dangerous places for road users. Why? Rules for crossing uncontrolled intersections. Unregulated pedestrian crossing lines. Center line.

Section 4: Road signs (4 hours)

Our friends are road signs. Purpose of road signs, their classification.

Warnings: “Pedestrian crossing” (1.22), “Children” (1.23).

Prohibiting: “Bicycle traffic is prohibited,” “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.”

Information and signposts: public transport stops. Pedestrian crossings.

Service signs: “First aid station”, “Telephone”.

Analysis of traffic situations using road signs and road markings.

Section 5: Types of transport (4 hours)

The concept of "vehicles". Types of ground transport.

Vehicles for public and personal use.

Special machines. Their purpose. Helper machines.

Section 6: We are passengers (3 hours)

Being a passenger is science. The concept of "passengers". Public transport: bus, trolleybus, tram. Rules for using public transport and behavior in it. Public transport stop is a high-risk area danger.

Road signs: “Bus and trolleybus stops”, “Tram stops”.

Rules of conduct at bus stops and inside transport.

Rules for boarding and exiting transport. The danger of suddenly entering the roadway due to a vehicle standing at the sidewalk (curb). Crossing the street when getting off a tram or bus.

Section 7: On a country road (2 hours)

Road. Roadway. Roadside. A pedestrian path is a place for pedestrians to move.

Road crossing points. Crossing a railway crossing. The place where a pedestrian crosses the railway tracks. Road signs. Prohibition of walking on rails, embankments, prohibition of games near railway tracks.

Unit 8: Safe places for children to play (2 hours)

The road is not a place for games. Dangers that arise when playing football or hockey on or near the roadway (a ball or puck rolls out towards a moving car, a child running after them does not see it).

The danger of skiing or sledding from slides facing the road (the child and the driver do not expect each other to appear; it is difficult to change the direction of movement due to the slippery surface). The danger of a “deserted street”.

Cars in the yard of your house.

Signals that can be used to determine the direction of movement of the vehicle (turn signals, reversing signals). Exit from the entrance to the courtyard. Playgrounds and parking lots.

Holiday:"We know the rules of the road." (1 hour)

City tour (consolidation of the material covered) (1 hour)

Practical familiarization with traffic rules for pedestrians on streets and roads, at intersections.

Monitoring traffic control devices at intersections, the movement of vehicles at intersections, and the movement of pedestrians at intersections. Identification of violators of transition rules.

Practical exercises: crossing streets at controlled and unregulated intersections. Analysis of errors. Summarizing.

Levels of educational results

Social knowledge

Formation of a value attitude towards social reality

Gaining experience of independent social action

    traffic rules, the importance of their implementation;

    information about roads, intersections and roadway markings;

    traffic lights and traffic controller signals;

    rules for pedestrians on the road, rules for avoiding stopped vehicles, rules for crossing streets and roads;

    types of transport, rules of movement on bicycles;

    rules of safe behavior when traveling by rail, passenger responsibilities;

    road signs, understand their schematic representation (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, indicative);

    about traffic police officers, their responsibilities;

    culture of behavior of citizens on the street, in in public places;

daily routine of elementary school students, the necessary conditions ensuring the preservation and strengthening of his health.

    value your life, those of loved ones and those around you;

    take care of the physical and spiritual health of yourself, loved ones and people around you through social activities and events;

    be psychologically prepared for unforeseen situations in life;

    value friendship, be able to find contact with peers;

    take care of property in school, public places and at home;

    cross the road or intersection correctly;

    choose the safest route from home to school and other destinations;

    distinguish between traffic lights and traffic controller signals and act in accordance with them;

    ride a bicycle in accordance with traffic rules on the roadway; anticipate dangerous situations on the road and be able to react to them;

    apply the acquired knowledge in practice on traffic rules and life safety;

Formation of universal educational activities


    adopting the image of “good pedestrian, good passenger”;

    independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions, attitude towards healthy image life;

    respectful attitude towards other road users;

    awareness of human responsibility for general well-being;

    ethical feelings, primarily goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness;

    positive motivation and cognitive interest to classes under the “Young Traffic Inspectors” program;

    ability to self-esteem;

    initial skills of cooperation in different situations.


    skills of control and self-assessment of the process and result of activities;

    ability to pose and formulate problems;

    skills of conscious and arbitrary construction of a message orally, including a creative one;

    establishing cause-and-effect relationships;


    using speech to regulate one's actions;

    adequate perception of suggestions from teachers, comrades, parents and other people to correct mistakes;

    the ability to highlight and formulate what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned;

    the ability to correlate the correctness of choice, planning, execution and result of an action with the requirements of a specific task;


During the learning process, children learn:

    work in a group, take into account partners’ opinions that differ from your own;

    ask questions;

    ask for help;

    formulate your difficulties;

    offer assistance and cooperation;

    listen to your interlocutor;

    negotiate and come to a common decision;

    formulate your own opinion and position;

    exercise mutual control;

    adequately assess your own behavior and the behavior of others.

Results of studying the program

Students 1st class By the end of the training you should:


    A diagram of the microdistrict in which the school is located, the safest route to school and back, where and how to cross the street and road.

    The main parts of the street and road are the carriageway, pavement, sidewalk, shoulder, ditch, dividing strip.

    Where should pedestrians be or move along the street, and where should vehicles be located?

    Peculiarities of pedestrian movement in complex weather conditions(wind, rain, fog, ice)

    Possible consequences from games and pranks on the road and near it.

    The main causes of road accidents in the neighborhood.

    General rules for orientation on the street and road for safe stay on it and safe crossing:

Do not stand close to the corners of the intersection and at the edge of the roadway (including at public transport stops);

Do not stand close to the edge of the sidewalk, turning your back to the roadway;

Before starting to cross the road, you need to look first to the left, then to the right and again to the left, only after making sure that the crossing is safe, start crossing, looking to the left, cross the road to the middle, without stopping, and, looking to the right, after the middle of the road;

Be especially careful on the road in rain, fog, snowfall, ice, in poor lighting and in the evening;

You need to cross the road, but not run across it.

    Name, purpose and possible installation locations of the studied road signs.

    Transport and pedestrian traffic lights, the meaning of light signals (red - stop, yellow - wait, green - go).

    Rules for crossing streets and roads at pedestrian crossings, controlled traffic lights outside intersections and at intersections (where vehicles not only move in a straight direction, but also make turns).

    Variety of modes of transport.

be able to:

    Distinguish between types of transport and vehicles;

    Walk independently along the safest route to and from school.

    Determine the most dangerous sections of streets and roads for pedestrians;

    Follow the rules for boarding and disembarking passengers and crossing the roadway;

    find (distinguish) the studied road signs (on the way to school), use them in a specific situation;

    Determine where schoolchildren should not cross the street and road (near sharp turns and bends in the road, in the presence of large-sized equipment and other objects that limit the view of the road, at unregulated intersections with heavy traffic and a large number of adjacent roads, driveways, exits, etc. ).

    If necessary, seek help from adult pedestrians when crossing the carriageway of streets and roads in areas of heavy traffic.

Materially technical support

Material and technical support includes a minimum acceptable list of library collections (printed materials), printed manuals, technical computer and other information teaching aids, educational and laboratory equipment and natural objects, as well as classroom equipment taking into account the characteristics of educational process in primary school and the specifics of the course being studied. of the year, No. 196-FZ.

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation. Council Resolution approved
Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation from 7.05. 2003 No. 265.
Entered into force on July 1, 2003.

Explanatory note

Club work is devoted to current problem - training preschool children traffic rules.

Recently, there has been a growing trend in the number of children and adolescents who cause road traffic accidents. Therefore, the problem of child road traffic injuries is still active.

To prevent the growth of children's road traffic injuries, it is necessary to teach preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the street and develop special skills in them. If an adult can control his behavior on the street, then for a child this is very problematic. Preschool children are characterized by syncretism of perception, i.e. it is not the child who controls the situation, but the situation captures the child so much that he does not notice the surrounding reality and is often exposed to danger. This is confirmed by statistics. The main cause of accidents over the years has been crossing the road in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic. Road accidents have increased due to children's failure to comply with traffic light requirements. Road injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. The fee is very expensive and not justified in any way. A child getting into a traffic accident is a tragedy: even if the child survived and did not receive a road injury; after all, the moral and psychological shock that he experienced at the same time traumatizes him for life.

Target- systematize children’s knowledge of traffic rules, instill skills of correct behavior on city streets, in the yard and public transport, observe and comply with traffic rules.


  1. Teaching preschool children the rules of behavior on the streets, familiarizing themselves with various types of transport - trucks and cars, trams, trolleybuses, buses - with regulating traffic on the streets of the city and populated areas;
  2. Mastering norms and rules of behavior, showing tolerance for antisocial behavior;
  3. Formation in children of skills and abilities to monitor the road situation and anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to avoid them;
  4. Instilling discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior, and restraint in the road transport process.

Children's age: 5-6 years.


Verbal explanations: conversations, stories, reading fiction;

Practical forms of training: observations, excursions, targeted walks (including to a specially equipped area) during which children learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe road traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge;

Examination of illustrations;

Organization of didactic and role-playing games;

Productive activities: drawing, appliqué (for consolidation).

Forms of organization: collective, group.

Volume: 36 hours, once a week, duration 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment:

  • Pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, glue, scissors, brush, album sheets;
  • Attributes of the road patrol service: batons, helmets, signs;
  • Transport for various functional purposes (trucks and cars, buses, trains, fire engines and postal vehicles, ambulances, etc.);
  • Traffic lights, figures of people (pedestrians, drivers);
  • Posters;
  • Scene pictures reflecting traffic situations;
  • Attributes for role-playing games, games of traffic controllers, drivers and pedestrians (rod, whistle, cap, etc.);
  • Road signs.

Software and methodological support:

Didactic games:

  1. "Our street"
  2. "Put up a road sign"
  3. "Teremok"
  4. "Guess what sign"
  5. "Types of intersections"
  6. "City Street"
  7. "Forbidden - allowed"
  8. "Assemble a traffic light"
  9. “What do the signs say?”
  10. “Where is the sign hidden?”

Expected results:

1. Level of formation of ideas

  • about vehicles;
  • about the street (types of intersections);
  • about the rules for crossing the roadway.

2. Knowledge of road signs:

  • warning;
  • prohibiting;
  • information and guidance;
  • service marks.

3. Level of cultural behavior of children

  • on the street;
  • in transport.

4. Knowledge of the rules of conduct on the railway.

Calendar and thematic planning mug

Lesson topic



Program content Material
1. Conversation on the painting “City Street”. Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “My Street” Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, types of transport, and traffic rules; learn to conduct a conversation, answering the teacher’s questions, and ask questions about the content of the picture; develop active speech of preschoolers.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, painting “City Street”

2. « What is transport? Application “What kinds of cars are there?” 2

Expand children's knowledge about types of transport, compare by appearance

Illustrations depicting transport; for applique

3. Walk « Transport monitoring." 1

Strengthen children's knowledge about transport and traffic rules; develop observation skills; broaden children's horizons.

1. “In public transport” Introduce children to the rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport

Scene pictures with rules of behavior in urban transport, pictures depicting transport.

2. “What dangers await us on the streets and roads.” Drawing “Be careful on the road!” Reading a story

N. Nosova “Car”.

Form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment; carry out analysis typical mistakes in the behavior of children on the streets and roads; establish rules of behavior on the street.

Scene pictures of dangerous situations, N. Nosov’s story “Car”; for drawing: landscape sheet, brush, water jar, watercolor

3. Walk « I am a pedestrian"

1 Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules. Teach how to walk on the sidewalk and cross the street correctly and safely.

1. Road signs." Reading V. Kozhevnikov “Song about the rules”

Give children knowledge about road signs; teach to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; develop logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment around children.

Poem by V. Kozhevnikov “Song about the rules”, set of posters “Road ABC”, envelopes with cut signs.

2. "Traffic light". Application “Three eyes of a traffic light”.

Give children a new concept - “traffic light”, explain its light signals and teach them how to safely cross the street when the traffic light is green; develop observation and logical thinking.

Set of posters “Road to the green light”; circles cut out for the game in red, yellow, green; for applique: blanks of colored thick paper, glue, scissors, napkin.

3. Walk “Observing the operation of traffic lights” (on a specially equipped site). 2

Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights; to form the concept that you can only cross the street when the traffic light is green; raise an attentive pedestrian.


1. “Rules of behavior on the sidewalk, pedestrian path.” Reading “The ABC of Safety” by O. Bedarev

To form in children an idea of ​​the meaning of new words: “sidewalk”, “pedestrian path”, “sidewalk”; teach the rules of disciplined behavior, the ability to anticipate danger; cultivate observation and caution.

Illustrations on the topic, O. Bedarev’s poem “The ABC of Security.”

2. “Fencing of dangerous areas on the pedestrian part of the street”

Introduce children to dangerous situations that may arise in certain sections of the pedestrian part of the street and with the appropriate precautions; to tell about in various ways fencing dangerous areas of the sidewalk.

A set of posters “The ABCs of a young pedestrian”, pictures of dangerous zones on the pedestrian part of the street.

3. Walk “Pedestrian walk in the winter season.”

Systematize children’s ideas about the methods and features of movement of people and vehicles in winter on slippery roads; develop observation and attention; expand your horizons.
1. “Features of driving on a slippery road.” Drawing “Caution, ice!” Experience “rolling an eraser on a dry and wet board.”

To consolidate children's knowledge about the peculiarities of human and vehicle movement on slippery roads in the winter season; introduce the properties of a slippery road and the impossibility of braking in time; clarify children's ideas about the behavior of rubber on a slippery road.

Illustrations about the rules of behavior on the street in the winter season; for experience: eraser, board, piece of ice; for drawing: album sheet, brush, water jar, gouache.

2. “Where you can and cannot play.” Reading S. Mikhalkov “Ice”

Give children an idea of ​​dangerous and safe places to play in the yard; teach them the necessary precautions.

Illustrations on the topic.

3. Walk. Topic: “The dangers of our yard”

Discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard; develop attention and caution.


1. “What is a pedestrian crossing.” Application “Pedestrian crossing”

2. “How to cross the street correctly.” Reading O. Bedarev “If”.

3. Walk “Our Street”

Repeat and consolidate knowledge about the roadway and the rules for driving on the sidewalk, pedestrian path and shoulder; form an idea of ​​pedestrian crossings; cultivate discipline in observing the rules for crossing streets and roads.

Continue to introduce children to the street and its features; expand your horizons; raise a disciplined pedestrian.

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street; develop observation and caution; cultivate discipline on the road.

Pedestrian crossing illustrations; for applique: blanks of colored thick paper, glue, scissors, napkin.

A set of posters “The ABCs of a young pedestrian”.


1. “Riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).” Reading M. Druzhinin “Our friend is the traffic light. Rules for riding a bicycle"

2. "Influential wand." Reading S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”

Consider various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates; teach children the correct behavior in such situations.

Give an initial idea of ​​the work of a police officer; explain under what conditions his work is needed, what his gestures mean; learn some traffic controller movements; cultivate respect for others, the ability to be polite and attentive.

Illustrations on the topic, a set of posters “Road to green light”, road signs “Bicycle path”, “Cycling prohibited”,

Rod; image of streets, crossroads of the city; image of a traffic controller in different positions, road signs; traffic light layout.


1. “Who can you turn to for help if you are lost on the street?”

2. “Do you know your address, phone number, can you explain where you live?”

3. Entertainment “Journey to the land of road signs.”

The child must learn that if he is lost on the street, then he cannot turn to any adult for help, but only to a policeman, military man, or seller; develop attention, memory, caution.

The child must remember and firmly know his address or at least be able to identify landmarks that will help him find his place of residence; expand your horizons; develop attention, caution, memory.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road, traffic rules; expand your horizons; raise a disciplined pedestrian.

Subject pictures depicting various situations.

Subject pictures depicting various situations.

Total: 36


1. T.F. Saulina Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road

2. N.V. Elzhova Traffic rules in kindergarten: developmental environment and methodology for introducing children to traffic rules, long-term planning, lesson notes.

3. T.A. Shorygina Conversations about traffic rules with children 5-8 years old.

4. A. Bochko Traffic rules.