Why does a person get sick? Why do people get sick? The true causes of illness: Why a person gets sick all the time, what’s wrong with him.

You probably know this feeling: 10 am, you are already on edge from the third cup of coffee, and instead of any sensible thoughts in your head, you are a complete mess. You are exhausted - physically, mentally and emotionally - and completely indifferent to the things that used to make you happy. Motivation? Forget it. Irritability? Oh yes. Concerned about health and wellness? Into the furnace.

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford's famous quote comes in handy here.

The usual methods of bringing yourself back to life, be it a double dose of espresso or another layer of concealer under the eyes, take literally a few minutes, but how much real benefit do they have? Yes, it takes much more time to radically change your life, but in the end all the efforts are worth it. This is an investment in your health and well-being and should be taken with all due seriousness.

1. Get plenty of sleep

Our body is a mechanism. Beautiful and incredible complex system who needs care and rest. When you leave work, you turn off your computer every day, and that’s about what your body and mind need. Research says that good sleep helps the brain flush out toxins that accumulate during the day, which is why seven to eight hours of rest is incredibly important for mental and physical health. Your goal is to gradually increase your daily sleep duration to this level. 30 minutes more rest every day - it's that simple, right?

2. Think about what and how you eat

Making your eating meaningful takes practice. This especially applies to those who are used to having a snack on the run, while simultaneously typing a response to the next letter and constantly being distracted by phone calls. Practicing mindful eating helps you understand What what you eat and how it benefits your body. Simply satisfying hunger is replaced by a healthy relationship with food. Research shows that this approach to nutrition significantly improves mood, reduces stress levels, helps develop healthy eating habits and even lose excess weight.

3. Stop caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that irritates your already stressed nervous system. When you are worried, tense, or even on the verge of hysteria, another cup of coffee will cheer you up, but not for long. Instead, try other, gentler ways to cheer yourself up and recharge your batteries: physical exercise or . If you don’t enjoy a morning without coffee, take your relationship with this drink to a slightly different level and make it as conscious as possible. Savor the aroma and enjoy the taste of the drink while sipping it from your favorite mug. After some time, it may turn out that this ritual is much more important than the coffee itself.

4. Start moving and don't stop

Movement is not only a powerful tool for improving mood and reducing stress, but also maintaining excellent memory and general thinking skills.

You can counteract growing stress through physical activity: every minute spent doing yoga, jogging or cycling becomes an investment in the fight against stress.

Simple morning exercise sets the necessary pace for the whole day and helps you focus on important tasks. Needless to say, successful people They prefer to train in the morning. Start with at least 10 minutes of moderate physical activity a day and gradually increase its duration to the recommended half hour.

5. Remember: the best rest is silence

Yes, yes, yes, not a single article about changing life is complete without mentioning meditation. Well, what can you do if it is . Approximately 80% of visits to doctors are in one way or another related to the consequences of stress, can you imagine what a monstrous waste of time and money? Even more amazing is that we can reduce all these expenses with the help of... that's right, meditation. These practices help cope with stress, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep and feel truly happy. Just five minutes of this relaxation will make your day much more joyful. Another bonus: people who meditate regularly think rationally and experience less anxiety when life throws up new surprises.

6. Take care of your skin

It's simple: happy skin - happy you. Of course, consolidating this habit is no different from others; it also takes time. What’s known isn’t even that important here rule of three weeks - consistency, regularity and understanding why you are doing this are much more useful than crossing out days on the calendar. The notorious concealer will hide signs of fatigue in no time, but real changes in the condition of the skin always come from within, slowly but surely. Choose something that will not only improve your complexion, but also bring real benefits to the body, be it cosmetics or food. Just repeat all the necessary procedures in the morning and evening - after a while you will notice that your mood is no longer so gloomy. It’s banal, but humanity has not yet come up with anything better.

7. Feed the soul, not the ego.

It's simple: do what makes you happy. Not all our achievements fill our souls with joy. Regular processing can be useful, but ultimately it leads to depletion of the body's far from endless reserves. The benefits of this behavior are less than those of regular rest and relaxation. Finally, buy the shoes you've been wanting for a long time, treat yourself to ice cream during your lunch break, and watch old movies all weekend long. All - okay, most - of your actions should have one single reason: it brings joy. You don't do it because it's another item on your to-do list. Joy. To you. Dot.

8. Trust your intuition

The dubious beauty of the expression “I feel it in my gut” is not a metaphor at all. Before making important decisions, listen to your feelings: the body often tells us what we need even before we realize it. Take a break if you are tired. Go somewhere if your soul asks for change. In a word, when something goes wrong, first of all ask yourself about the reasons. If you are not an intuitive person, it will take some time to learn to listen to your inner voice. Just take a break from all your worries, take a break and honestly answer how you feel now. Chances are good that you know perfectly well what you really want. You just need to stop for a while and listen to yourself.

9. Break the routine

Challenge yourself to try something completely new at least once a week. Well, or, if there is too much enthusiasm, once a day. You don’t have to take on something big right away - just take a different route to work. Even such a seemingly trifle is an unusual experience. It helps open your mind to new ways of thinking and perceiving, which in turn will make you at least a little happier.

10. Create a comfortable environment for yourself

The first stage of creating relationships that are healthy in every sense is a responsible approach to what and with whom you fill your life. Yes, the prospect of becoming joyful and comfortable can be daunting at first, especially when it comes to friendships, family, food, work, or yourself. Nevertheless, it is important.

Analyze all your connections and notice how they contribute to your life and well-being.

Those who are responsible in choosing their environment are often more confident in making decisions.

11. Learn new things

The process of acquiring new knowledge makes us happy, that's a fact. It also helps to prolong our lives and make it more interesting and rich, and also eliminates unnecessary prejudices. If you want to start small, learn to knit, for example. The Internet is full of training videos, so you can master this simple task without even getting out of bed. If you are attracted to big goals, take a three-month web design course. Whatever you decide to do, your brain will be deeply grateful to you.

12. Start journaling

Relieving tension, development creativity, increasing self-confidence and a boost of inspiration to achieve your goals is a simple activity, a. If this is difficult, don’t immediately commit to writing something every day. The process of creating text is important, and not how many times you do it, so for starters, you can limit yourself to a couple of classes a week. Set a timer, give yourself simple topic, for example, “What do I expect from this day,” and write everything you think. Trust me, you will end up looking forward to these sessions.

Have you tried these methods or does something else help you? Share your tips in the comments.


    “There are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge and energy. And aging is a disease that can be treated.” (V.I. Vernadsky)

    As the Chinese sages say, “Whoever has a lot of Qi (energy) has a lot of everything.
    If we want great success in life, good health, wonderful relationships, prosperity in business, we need to start with ourselves.

    I - and only I - am the source of everything that happens to me. Good and bad.

    It is our invisible aura, the winds of karma, chakras that are the cause of our successes and failures in life.

    If there are energy disturbances in your biofield, as a result, you can observe this in your life as constant failures and depression.

    Success, good health, joy and love, developed psyche and consciousness - this is your pure, powerful, creative energy.

    Every person has only two directions in life: either improvement or degradation.

    Of course, there is also “stagnation,” but it is still replaced by movement along one of the paths.

    Any relatively mentally healthy person strives to evolve, and this is one of the laws of the world order.

    If you do not follow the law, spiritual crises occur, accompanied by such signals as boredom, dissatisfaction with the world around you, work, relationships, there is a lack of knowledge even at physical level, expressed by symptoms resembling depression.

    Unpleasant events and situations arise that “scream”: “You’re doing the wrong thing..., the wrong way..., follow the laws of the Universe...”.

    A person’s desire for improvement can be called one of the main needs, the dissatisfaction of which immediately affects the quality of life.

    When people, circumstances and the outside world stop hurting you, you will stop getting sick.
    The more you are affected by negative images from your life, the faster your body disintegrates.
    Try right now to enter into such a state of soul and mind when NOTHING AND NO ONE HURTS YOU, neither in the present nor in the past. If you succeed, then all the pain in the body will go away immediately. Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it, we are not affected by external circumstances! Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances!

    If even someone offends you, this is a sign that you don’t know yourself, you haven’t found yourself yet. Find yourself and then nothing external can hurt you, but for now you are not you, i.e. until you find yourself inside yourself - you are a puppet in your hands various forces and energies.

    Why does a person get sick?

    A person gets sick himself, violating cosmic laws.

    He is responsible for his own health and recovers on his own. A doctor, healer, priest only helps. And they can help exactly as much as a person can change himself, restoring inner harmony and changing your consciousness. It is not right to rely on a doctor or healer. Health cannot be bought. A system of true values ​​cannot be bought. Human illnesses are a consequence, but not a cause. People often confuse cause with effect, and as a result, people's entire lives are connected with eternal problems, illnesses, and misfortunes. Do you want to be healthy? Work on yourself. Starting from the spine. Body like a tree. The one who fights recovers, and the one who gives up remains sick. Energy is the soul. And when it becomes deformed, this is transmitted to the body, and it begins to hurt. Without restoring harmony in the soul, it is impossible to be healthy and harmonious. I. Christ said: I came to heal not the body, but the soul.

    A person develops spiritually and the soul becomes harmonious and stable.

    The person becomes healthy. Become masters of yourself.

    A person's karma lives in his character. To understand karma you need to know a person. All his + and - . And if they tell you that they see your karma, this is a lie. To work off karma, you need to work on yourself, and first of all, on your negative character traits. For example: pride, selfishness, greed, resentment, short temper, irritability, jealousy, anger, fear, thirst for money, for power, for fame and others. And you need to start by admitting that I have it.

    Confession is the first step to deliverance. Admitting your weakness is the first step to gaining strength, self-control... Forgiving and asking for forgiveness is also strength. The weak justify themselves, and they will not forgive or ask for forgiveness because they are weak. And a strong person, asking for forgiveness, rises above his weakness. At this moment, his spirit performs his inner work and glows. And according to the correspondence, a stream comes from the Divine world and dissolves the severity of sins and the severity of karma. This is how we work off karma and sins. If a person avoids the lesson, then the situation will repeat itself, perhaps on a different level.
    Remember one of the main Laws Spiritual world: Like attracts like. Good thoughts and actions attract good thoughts and situations, and negative thoughts and actions attract negative thoughts and situations. Every person is not your friend, not your enemy, but your Teacher!

    We ourselves create the world around us. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we be offended by the life we ​​have created for ourselves? Who to blame, who to thank, except ourselves! Who, besides us, can change it as soon as he wishes?
    In our lives we can find justification, or we can find health, love, understanding, adventure, wealth and happiness. We create our lives through the power of our choices. We feel completely helpless when we shy away from the opportunity to make a choice, when we don’t want to build our own lives.

    Gray boredom, and fear, and anger - these are the reasons that life is so short.
    We attract into our lives everything we think about.
    The important thing is not whether we lose in the game, what matters is how we lose and how we will change because of it, what new things we will learn for ourselves, how we can apply it in other games. In a strange way, defeat turns into victory. Trouble is not the worst thing that can happen to us. The worst thing is when N-I-C-E-G-O doesn’t happen to us!

    There will never be a perfect time. You are always either too young, or too old, or too busy, or too tired, or something else. If you constantly worry about choosing the perfect moment, it will never come.

    If you decide to change, then simply turn to the Lord and the Mother of God: Forgive me, I want to improve, I love you, I strive with all my being for you, every breath, every thought, desire, every minute of my existence.

    That's it. It's very simple. And from this moment, start working on yourself, improve yourself in everything, give love, joy, kindness to the world around you, and love, joy and kindness will return to you according to the law of attraction.
    It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues.

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, and actions from our past.
    In this world there are no guarantees, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.

    “If a person wants to become healthy, then first you need to ask him if he is ready to get rid of the causes of the disease. Only after this will he be able to be helped.” Hippocrates

    What does each of us want?.. What do we always wish when congratulating friends, acquaintances, loved ones?.. What toast is not a single feast complete without? Right! This is Health!..

    A person wants to be healthy..., and at the same time he chooses his own illness... This is absurd, you say, and yet it is so. We choose our own diseases. And then we cherish them as if they were the most valuable asset...

    And, indeed, this is so - the exclusive property of a person, which even the heirs do not claim, are his illnesses.

    How do we manage to acquire not one, but even several ailments? This is what we will talk about...

    “Anyone living on earth has dual citizenship - the kingdom of the healthy and the kingdom of the sick.”
    Susan Sontang

    Modern medical science excellently treats injuries and diseased organs, and helps with acute conditions. Medicines are successfully prescribed for diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Perhaps the greatest achievement is the prevention of childhood diseases and the prevention of infectious diseases.
    However, when it comes to chronic diseases caused by stress: migraines, indigestion, stomach and duodenal ulcers, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety and many, many others - conventional medicine treats only their symptoms, not
    going deeply into the true causes of these conditions.

    In fact, when our body begins to speak to us in the language of diseases, ailments and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware of and change the way we think or act.

    By suffering, it tells us that we have reached our physical, emotional or mental limit, that we need to get rid of destructive internal attitudes and beliefs.

    Diktat of society: " Don't be yourself! And be who you are prescribed to be within the existing hierarchical structure. Do what you're told!"

    Sometimes you will be allowed to do what you want. But only if you obey your elders.
    Don't show off your feelings!
    You have no right to be openly angry or afraid. Be upset, love... Don't laugh when you're not asked to! Control yourself when you're annoyed! Don't cry until you hide somewhere!
    Don't think!
    Others will think about everything for you. Those who are smarter than you.! This commandment is hammered into the child’s head from an early age by parents, and by all other members of society to parents.

    Don't jump over your head!
    Don't get intimate with anyone!
    Don't remind yourself!
    Don't sit idly by!
    Don't show off!

    And one more thing infinite set these are NOT... True, these demands cause an unconscious internal protest in the form negative emotionsbad mood, resentment, disappointment, anger, hostility towards someone or something...
    Freud himself said that there is a certain connection between the body and the psyche. Carl Jung, his student, believed that “body and spirit constantly interact, just as the conscious and unconscious interact.” These statements are more than half a century old.

    Significant work on studying this relationship was done by such famous scientists as Wilhelm Reich, Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and many others.

    “You cannot heal the body without healing the soul.” Socrates

    Typically, most people struggle with the symptoms of illnesses. But eliminating a symptom without finding out the deep (that is, metaphysical) cause of the disease is the same as removing some small red light bulb from the signal board in the cockpit of an airplane.

    Yes, alarm signal will disappear, but it will certainly result in much more serious consequences. Remember that the doctor usually deals only with your physical body, while the health of your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies depends solely on you.

    In fact, any illness is a gift and an opportunity to restore the balance of the soul.

    The causes of illness should not be sought in the physical body. The physical body simply reflects what is happening in the human soul. Any illness indicates that the body is trying to restore balance, since its natural state is health.

    Most common reasons diseases are negative thoughts and emotions, feelings of guilt, the need for attention and the desire to avoid an unpleasant situation.
    Easily suggestible people often fall prey to various popular beliefs -
    for example, what “a draft causes a runny nose”, and they easily catch any infectious disease.
    The disease begins the moment a person reaches his physical limit. Each person has their own limits of physical, emotional and mental energy.

    These limits vary from person to person. The time it takes to reach these limits depends on
    what kind of energy a person has and how many times he has experienced the same internal pain.

    How more stock energy, the later a person will reach the limit of his physical capabilities. Sometimes it happens that a person reaches this limit last, after the limits have been reached.
    emotional and mental capabilities.

    In general, those who hide their emotional suffering are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses. The main psychological traumas that are often repressed into the subconscious are the feeling of rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

    Instead of giving yourself the right to be imperfect and suffer from mental wounds, most people continue to blame others, considering them the causes of their fear, anger and sadness. This is why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, in turn, cause all kinds of illnesses.

    But these emotions can be used for good:

    Fear helps you understand that you need protection and are looking for it. He also reminds us that true protection should be sought within ourselves.

    Anger is useful because it helps you discover your need for self-affirmation, clearly formulate your demands and listen more carefully to your needs.
    Sadness helps you understand that you are suffering from a sense of loss or fear of losing. Sadness teaches a person not to become attached.
    Any illness is a reminder that you must love yourself. Why?

    Yes, because when a person loves himself, he is led by his heart, not by his ego.
    If we allow our ego to control our lives and it prevents us from being who we really want to be, then part of our desires is blocked, and this leads to the fact that the part of our physical body that is necessary for the realization of those desires is blocked.

    Let yourself live life to the fullest. This means, give yourself the right to be a person, that is, to experience experiences, to have fears, beliefs, misconceptions, shortcomings, desires and hopes, to be,
    finally, AS YOU ARE.

    There is no need to judge yourself, to think about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong.
    Just live in the moment and know that any decision you make will have consequences, pleasant or not.
    And this is just experience... that you gain throughout life. Remember that the physical body is just a reflection of our soul.

    PRACTICUM: In order to clarify the cause of a physical problem, ask yourself the following questions if you have:

    Allergy– What situation in my life that attracts and repels at the same time, regularly repeats itself, or which person do I dislike, but at the same time seek approval from him?..

    Arthritis– Why do I suppress my anger? Why am I so hard on myself and find it difficult to express my wants and needs?

    Hypertension– What am I dramatizing in my life? How important is it for me to do
    everyone happy, forgetting about themselves? Why do I need to control everything?

    Diabetes– How many expectations do I have? Are they real? Am I living in the present?

    Stomach diseases– Who or what can’t I stomach? What am I resisting in my life? How easily do I accept something new?

    Constipation– What do I continue to cling to in my life day after day? What am I afraid to free myself from? What can I lose if I allow myself to say and do what I want?

    Sciatica– Am I confident in my future? Why am I punishing myself? Am I afraid of losing what I have accumulated? Am I attached to material goods?

    Skin (problems)– How much importance do I attach to what others think of me? Do I love and value myself?

    Bones (problems)– Am I afraid of being without support in life or leaving
    someone without your support? Do I believe in myself and my uniqueness?

    Migraine– Do I give myself the right to be myself? If I had ideal circumstances in my life, who would I want to be?

    Baldness– Do I feel protected? Is it easy for me to ask others for protection? What am I afraid of?

    Liver (Diseases) – Who am I angry at and what am I worried about? How do I release my anger? Do I always strive to be right?..

    LOVE YOURSELF- means being responsible for your life and giving yourself the right to show this responsibility. If you love yourself, you will have a healthy and energetic body that will allow you to achieve all your dreams.


    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, and actions from our past.
    In this world there are no guarantees, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.

    All diseases do not originate primarily in the physical body.

    Therefore, it is also very important to cleanse yourself of mental and emotional problems.

    Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical illnesses arise due to negative thoughts and emotions. If a person is pessimistic or thinks about someone with anger, this reflects on him.
    For emotional cleansing:

    ● Try to get rid of negative emotions. The emotion of anger is especially destructive; it instantly triggers dangerous biochemical processes in the body. We need to take care of ourselves and avoid negative thoughts, because they complicate our lives in the first place.

    Even if you are very attentive to your emotions, you can become influenced by someone else's energy. Just as you can dirty your physical body, you can dirty your emotional body. And even if you just talked with a negative person or, as they say in modern psychology, a non-resourceful person who is riddled with fear, you can become infected with this mood. It seems that before this you lived calmly, but here you also begin to have similar fears. All this deforms the subtle body, and over time, problems begin on the physical level, and life difficulties: a person attracts a certain reality into his life and, as a result, cannot achieve anything in his career, in personal life and so on.

    ● Don't become dependent on memories. We need memories as the realization of a certain experience. If we tried to walk along the road twice and fell twice because there was a hole in the middle, this means that there is no need to go there a third time. At the same time ordinary person most often regrets the past and dreams of the future. But our strength is to live in the present. Negative memories and grievances take away the most energy from us. It happens that a person was offended at school, and he remembers it all his adult life. Some studies even show that resentment causes serious illnesses such as cancer. There is no need to suppress memories or ignore them. But, if memories come, you need to observe them without emotional coloring; yes, it happened and passed. It’s even worth drawing such a diagram: draw a straight line and mark on it all the periods when something unpleasant happened to you. And in this place, draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine how the energy of love fills these periods. And if you do this sincerely once or twice, then usually the negative thoughts will go away.

    ● For an emotional state, it is also advisable to take a shower– cool in the morning and warm in the evening. You can even say: “Where there is water, there is trouble” (sleep, illness, etc.). At the same time, you need to imagine that everything unpleasant leaves you with water.

    ● Chat with interesting people wise people that can teach you something.
    Light forms of meditation are very helpful. Nowadays many people think that in order to meditate, you need to be a yogi or live in the Himalayas. But that's not true. If you come home from work upset in the evening, try meditating. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breathing, watch your mind. Yogis have a “pranayama” system, when a person breathes in a certain way, and all negative things go away.

    It is also very important to say: “I wish everyone divine love” or “I wish everyone happiness” - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates every cell of yours and goes from you to other people. First of all, to your offenders. It clears the mind.

    All human diseases arise due to bad character traits, incorrect attitudes towards life and negative conditions associated with this. In other words, any disease begins at the level of the mind (manifesting itself in the form of one or another character trait or condition), and then, as it develops, it is reflected in the physical body accordingly. This happens because the body and mind have a close relationship, and everything that happens at the level of the mind and psyche is necessarily reflected at the level of the body.

    If a person’s character deteriorates sufficiently, the body cannot withstand such a negative load, so diseases begin to develop.

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, and actions from our past.
    In this world there are no guarantees, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.

    When people, circumstances and the outside world stop hurting you, you will stop getting sick.

    The more you are affected by negative images from your life, the faster your body disintegrates.

    Try right now to enter into such a state of soul and mind when NOTHING AND NO ONE HURTS YOU, neither in the present nor in the past. If you succeed, then all the pain in the body will go away immediately. Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances! Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances circumstances!

    Are your pains and illnesses of the body worth it for you to be bothered by something? outside world? Yes or No?

    If even someone offends you, this is a sign that you don’t know yourself, you haven’t found yourself yet. Find yourself and then nothing external can hurt you, but for now you are not you, i.e. until you find yourself within yourself - you are a puppet in the hands of various forces and energies.
    From now on, let no negative image of the outside world be able to hurt you. Always be in soul, peace and complete calm of spirit. (Nikolai Peychev)

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, and actions from our past.
    In this world there are no guarantees, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.


    Hands- a storehouse of all kinds of information: from them, like from a book, you can learn not only about a person’s past and future, his inclinations and character, but also about the state of his health - you just have to look closely at them.

    Red palms indicate toxic damage to the liver: hepatitis or hepatosis is possible.

    A marble pattern on the palms indicates problems in the autonomic nervous system.

    If the skin of the palms acquires a yellowish tint, then there are probably changes in the liver or gallbladder(hepatitis, cholelithiasis, biliary tract disorders, cholangitis, cholecystitis).

    Brown spots on the back of the hand indicate not only age (disturbances in the pigmentation of the skin, characteristic mainly of older people), but also mean that you have problems with the gallbladder.

    If the skin on the hand, and especially on the palm, peels off in small plates, this may be a sure indication of a lack of vitamins A and D. If the palms peel off in large plates, you need to consult a dermatologist: a fungus has settled on your hands.

    Hand temperature - condition barometer

    — Cold hands- a sign of impaired peripheral circulation, the body lacks nicotinic acid. Therefore, you need to take care to replenish its supply with the help of vitamin preparations or add to your diet foods that contain this acid in abundance: dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, cabbage.

    - If your palms, on the contrary, are burning, which means that the liver cannot cope with intoxication caused by drug poisoning, alcohol, chemicals. Doctors call them hepatic.

    — The syndrome of “crawling goosebumps” on the palm indicates that a person has problems with the endocrine system. - Wet hands also indicate endocrine problems - possibly an overactive thyroid gland. And dry and pale skin on the palms is a sign of hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism).

    Spots on the fingertips may indicate health problems. If a person often experiences numbness in his little fingers, he should consult a cardiologist - these problems are related to the cardiovascular system. Numbness of the thumbs indicates weakness of the respiratory system.

    If deep longitudinal folds similar to wrinkles appear on the skin of the terminal phalanges of the fingers, you should pay attention to the endocrine system - you may have hypothyroidism or diabetes.

    If your fingertips turn purple, you need to take care digestive system. Dark red or even purple - you should pay attention to the kidneys and liver. Spots on the mounds of Venus (as palmists call the elevated bases of the thumbs) are a possible sign that not everything is in order with the genitals.

    Itching on the side of the index finger right hand indicates problems in the functioning of the colon. Roughness of the skin on the back of the index finger often indicates problems with the gallbladder.

    Crunching in the joints is a sign of calcium deficiency

    Many interesting conclusions can be drawn by paying attention to the condition of the joints. Excessively flexible joints (as well as, conversely, those that do not bend at all) with a general decreased tone of the muscles of the fingers mean problems in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

    Crunching in the joints of the hands indicates a lack of calcium in the body. Irregular shape Painful finger joints are a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes occur in people suffering from gout.

    If the joints begin to painfully swell and swell, or redness appears, you should urgently consult a doctor - this is a clear manifestation of polyarthritis. And pain between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warns of the imminent manifestation of a serious illness in the knee joints.

    Future ailments can be predicted by the shape of your hand

    It has long been noted: the wider the palm, the better the health. However, people with wide palms and short fingers are prone to disorders in the circulatory system, especially increased blood pressure.

    Narrow palms with thin long fingers and pale skin usually occur in people with a delicate nervous system, sensitive to sudden changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure, time zone changes, sharp sounds, and emotional overload.

    Those with small hands have overly sensitive vegetative nervous system: their “signature” diseases are bronchial asthma, inflammation of the rectum, hypotension.

    People with fleshy palms most often have problems with blood circulation: their metabolism is reduced, and hypofunction of the thyroid gland is possible.

    The point of pain indicates a problem in a specific organ

    According to Chinese medicine, the point in the very center of the palm is considered the energy center of the entire body. If, when sharply pressing on it with the thumb of the other hand, a piercing pain is felt, this means the presence of serious problems with health and indicates the need to seriously take care of your well-being.

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, and actions from our past.
    In this world there are no guarantees, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.


close person seriously ill: 17 important points on what to do">

If a loved one is seriously ill: 17 important points on what to do

Illness is something that can suddenly happen to anyone. Mom/dad/sister/brother/husband/friend/child is sick - what to do? What to do? How to find a clinic? Run to the fund? Varvara Turova has collected 8 vital recommendations.

Trust but verify

Once you receive your diagnosis, double-check it with two other doctors. Contact specific doctors about whom you have heard good reviews from friends.

Don't read horror stories

Do not read medical forums or ask questions on them. Do not waste time on all sorts of unverified information. It is better to immediately turn to real professionals.

Take action

Get absolutely all medical tests that are relevant to your disease. The 3 doctors with whom you will double-check your diagnosis will tell you if any of the tests are missing. Do everything. Most likely in Israel or Germany, etc. You will be required to take tests there too. Depends on the clinic and doctor. Some doctors have no confidence in Russian tests.

Get ready

Translate all tests to English language– you need to do this with the help of a professional medical translator. IN different countries tests may be called completely differently, and a technically accurate (literal) translation may not give you anything.

Don't waste time

Scan all medical documents you have. You can simply take a photo of them with your phone (if you manage to make this photo large and really clear - so that doctors who, for example, will consult you online, can easily and without wading through the shortcomings of the photo, read what is written on it ).


Do your research to see which clinic in the world is considered to specialize in your particular disease. Keep in mind that in America most clinics will be much more expensive than in Germany, and in Germany they will most likely be more expensive than in Israel.

Find out everything about treatment in Russia

It is possible that they can cope well with your disease in Russia too. Such cases, as practice shows, are few (I hope all Russian doctors, among whom there are real geniuses and wonderful honest people etc.). But such cases still exist.

Contact trusted clinics

It is known that cancer is treated well in Israel. Here are just a few of the definitely good, world-famous (and this is not always the same thing) clinics:

  • Sheba Medical Center – neurosurgery (Dr. Feldman), radiology, cardiac surgery,
  • Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center - people often come here for hemato-oncology, but of course, the clinic also deals with other things,
  • Assuta is not a state clinic, but a private one, and it is easier for foreigners (not Israeli citizens) to get into it. True, it may be more expensive there. But the hospital has one of the best reputations,
  • Edith Wolfson Medical Center treats breast cancer well,
  • At the Saint-Luc clinic (Belgium), to which I have heard a huge number of complaints from various friends and acquaintances, they nevertheless treat young children with liver diseases - and this is perhaps the only place in the world like this.
  • The clinic “Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Cars” is highly praised. Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe” in Dresden,
  • HMC (Herzliya, private),
  • Asaf HaRofeh (near Rishon LeZion),
  • Rabin Medical Center (Petah Tikva),
  • Schneider (Petah Tikva, children's hospital),
  • Meir (Kfar Saba),
  • Rambam (Haifa),
  • Adasa (Jerusalem)
  • Soroka (Beer Sheva),
  • Kaplan (Rehovot),
  • Clalit is a health insurance fund that unites several hospitals: Rabin, Soroka, Meir, Carmel, HaEmek, Kaplan, Yoseftal, Levinstein, Schneider,
  • The most popular hospitals among medical tourists are: Shiva, Ikhilov, Adasa, Asuta (according to the Ministry of Health).

Find out prices immediately

The vast majority of good clinics usually do not issue any bills until your personal consultation with a specialist. In the sense that you don’t have to wait, as soon as you send your tests to the clinic, they will immediately tell you how much the treatment will cost.

Take advantage of the situation

As for visas, they are “medical”. They say that it is easier and faster to get them than a tourist one.

Get ready to spend

Even when the clinic issues you an invoice, do not expect that the amount indicated will not change. In rare cases, treatment costs less than expected. In most cases it is more. Much depends on how your body responds to treatment, of course.

Medical tourism can help you

Every large clinic has a “medical tourism” department, and this department has its own section on the website. In many cases (if we are talking about Israel) this page is in Russian - here is just one example.

Contact trusted intermediaries

In medical tourism, it is very common to turn to “intermediaries”. That is, people who will professionally help you in all negotiations with clinics and doctors. It happens that these people truly save lives and fight for their client. It happens that they are dishonest and will extract a lot of money from you. Contact only a trusted intermediary. Such a person can really make the whole process easier for you.

Don't forget about additional costs

Don’t forget to add to the amount of treatment the cost of housing (in most cases, people who are treated in Israel rent apartments there. Unfortunately, this is not cheap at all) and food (not cheap in any country that has good medicine).

Contact specialized funds

If you can't choose a clinic and decide how best to proceed, you can consult with charity workers - even if they cannot help you with money (or if you do not need financial help) - they may be able to tell you how best to proceed. For example, you can write to the “Give Life” fund - [email protected]

Ask for help

Instructions on how best to act if you need to raise money are located

What I will write about now is not known to me in theory, but experienced in practice...

Over the previous 8 years, I periodically became quite seriously ill (these were serious illnesses, operations), and this made me think that I was doing something wrong, that I didn’t understand something, that I was going through life in the wrong way... How It was absolutely not clear which way to go, but I firmly decided to deal with this issue.

One day I slowed down my “work-home” circle and at that moment I realized that I felt deep subconscious dissatisfaction due to my lack of fulfillment in my profession.

At that time, I worked in a large federal company in the field of wholesale sales, and outwardly my life was quite successful and comfortable: a friendly family, a stable job, an apartment, a car.

However, I began to realize that I had not been interested in myself for a long time. That life has lost its colors.

I came to understand that, in fact, I live the same day many times, and my life resembles a cozy swamp.

It was absolutely clear to me that there was a direct relationship between my diseases and my condition.

But how can I change my life, how and in what ways can I realize myself? My mind didn’t offer me anything new, except for the terrible fear of changing anything at 40 years old, especially learning a new activity. The prospect of changes before retirement age depressed me, but leaving everything as it was and continuing to go with the flow was even worse...

After thinking about it, I decided to make a change... I didn’t put up with dissatisfaction, I didn’t hold on to prosperity and stability, I quit and went to look for “my way”... From the time I took a step towards the new and unknown, all the diagnoses that I had were delivered, remained only on paper...

Today I'm dealing with human life and I observe situations where people live for years in a state of dissatisfaction and yet do not dare to leave the old, cling to it and hold on with all their might...

I urge: do not put up with dissatisfaction! Don't be afraid to take a step from the outdated old to the new!

Quit the job you hate that exhausts you and keeps you stressed! Break up with those you don't love if the relationship has long outlived its usefulness, even if you are connected by children! Children subtly sense the mood of their parents and grow up unhappy in families where their parents are not happy!

Many are stopped by fear for their material well-being... Fear of being left alone or with a child and not being able to cope with material problems alone.

But the truth is that as soon as you make a firm decision within yourself to act, the whole world will turn its face to you and support you! Suddenly there will be people who will lend a helping hand... Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will go in the most interesting and comfortable way from the joyless old to the happy new! New opportunities will appear that you didn’t even know about before! The whole world will begin to move around you and simply carry you in your arms!

You just need to make a decision and take a step! Even if this is a step to nowhere... Perhaps this step will prolong your life... After all, the vibration of illness is much lower than the vibration of joy...

If you see yourself in this article, make up your mind!

Before it's too late, start living!