Why do people swing while sitting? Stereotypical movement disorders (bad habits)

20-07-2011, 09:42


This article will talk about the second technique for relieving mental and physical stress according to Bates. I would like to immediately note that the book will describe only four basic relaxation techniques left to us by Bates. All of them are based on the classic description given by the author of the techniques himself, using the interpretations left by his followers, as well as the developments gained during my ten years of practice.

By the way, the numbering and sequence of techniques are so different in different sources that I have been using mine for a long time. And it seems to me that it is the most logical, convenient and easy to understand, because one naturally follows from the other. And just like palming, there are many ways to use and modify this technique. The following outlines various options for the second Batesian stress relief technique.

1. Bear wiggles

I usually do not describe this technique in my methodological manuals, but I simply ask one of the listeners to stand up and imitate how a bear behaves in a cage. That's right, feet shoulder-width apart, body slightly tilted forward, arms hanging freely along the body. In this state, we smoothly transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other, the head and body sway monotonously from right to left. After some time, you will enter a certain state of prostration, relaxation and detachment, if, of course, the exercise is performed correctly.

By the way, why do bears behave this way in a cage, and not only them? Many people must have observed at the zoo how predators, especially small ones, rush back and forth with endless monotony, how elephants shake their trunks and heads evenly, and how monkeys sway on branches.

Animals in this way, I think, protect themselves from powerful stress, which is for any living creature lack of freedom, limited space and lack of movement. By creating the illusion of movement, animals both calm down and fight physical inactivity. It is surprising that children in the orphanage also often sway, sitting and standing, right and left, and back and forth... And the Moscow doctor X. Aliev specifically uses this technique as best way putting a person into a trance.

Sometimes people start swinging unconsciously
- for example, in a state of intense grief, at a moment of deep emotional experiences. Remember how women behave at the tomb? loved one: they wail, wail and sway monotonously. Why? Again, apparently, there is a subconscious protection of the body from excessive experiences. Without knowing it, people in this state take actions that involve the mechanism of self-regulation and self-balancing.

How is this mechanism activated? Oddly enough, through the eyes and brain. The same pictures, floating many times before our eyes, send a signal to the brain - there is no need to look at anything, we see the same thing all the time, the same thing. Through visual analyzers, the excitation of the retinal nerves is removed, they become ground, dulled and relaxed. Through peripheral nervous system relaxation is carried out in the central nervous system. Thus, tension is relieved from the eyes, the body, and the entire psycho-emotional sphere.

By the way, hanging a cradle from the ceiling to rock a child was, as we see, a rather wise decision. Now parents are forced to rock their child in a stroller or in their arms. And often many people don’t even think about why the child falls asleep better after this.

2. Finger turns

Place your finger in front of your nose at eye level and gently turn your head from side to side, looking past the finger rather than at it, until the illusion of movement appears. You can achieve the illusion of finger movement even faster by placing the base of your finger on the tip of your nose and making three turns of your head with your eyes closed and three with your eyes open.

Place your palm with your fingers spread out like a picket fence in front of your eyes and turn your head, now closing and now opening your eyes, while looking through your fingers, like through holes in a fence.

Exercises are performed 20-30, or better even 40-50 times in the morning and evening, and also as the eyes become tired.

You can perform any of the finger turns you like; instead of fingers, you can use a pen, a candle, or another object placed in front of your nose at eye level. The main thing is to achieve the feeling that the finger is moving, and you maintain a comfortable, relaxed state.

What is this for? Remember, we already talked about unconscious movements of the eyes at the level nerve cells retina. They are so fast that it is impossible to consciously achieve the required speed of their mobility. So, when you achieve the illusion of a finger or hand moving in the opposite direction from turning your head, know: the speed of movement of the retinal nerves is now 70-120 times per second. The same thing happens with the imaginary rocking of the “picket fence” and any other vertical surface.

Do this technique as often as possible, because it ideally relieves tension and stagnation not only from the eyes, face, neck, but literally from every cell of our body. This technique is an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis and an excellent remedy for headaches. True, to relieve headaches you need to perform turns for 10-20 minutes. Just don’t forget about the correct posture, breathing freely, and remember that as soon as you feel slightly nauseous or dizzy, it means that your eyes have started to stick to your finger. The best remedy To relieve such discomfort, alternately close and open your eyes every 3-4 turns and repeat to yourself the phrase “The finger went to the left, the finger went to the right,” etc. The finger immediately moves in the opposite direction, and the nausea will pass.

3. Big turns

Stand facing the window, feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your head and body to the right and left, transferring your body weight from one leg to the other in a slow waltz rhythm. You can hum a waltz melody or count the number of turns. To achieve the right feeling For comfort and relaxation, it is recommended to make 60-100 turns in the morning and evening. You can achieve the illusion of window movement faster by repeating to yourself: windows go to the right, now to the left...

It is important to look not at the window, but at the world passing outside the window, so as not to fix your gaze on one thing.

Why do you need to make so many turns?
The fact is that before the 60th turn, only the desired level of relaxation is achieved, and in the range from the 60th to the 100th turn you already enjoy a state of comfort and relaxation. And, despite the fact that the exercise takes only 2-3 minutes, the results of its use are amazing. Such movements develop flexibility of the spine, normalize function internal organs(heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract). But the main thing is that they contribute to the excitation of that very peculiar fixation of the eyes with a frequency of 70 or more times per second. And even if you do not feel it, a guarantee that these movements are being carried out will be the apparent movement of windows or other objects while turning.

"All these variations of rocking are intended primarily so that a person becomes aware of the visible movements of external objects and with their help stimulates a state of free mobility in his sensory apparatus and controlling mind. Thanks to rocking and turning, the mind becomes aware of the movement and is imbued with sympathy for it, which allows , in turn, destroys the attachment to gaze and automatically leads to a shift in attention and visual center.

At the same time, the mind in this technique is absolutely passive and indifferent to the world outside the window floating past us. He does not participate in the action, does not select and does not perceive. There is only a pure sensation - the organism “takes a vacation” from its collective “I,” writes the writer Aldous Huxley on this occasion.

"Such a vacation from oneself, the author continues, is very calming. Moreover, since it is the conscious self that is primarily responsible for poor vision, this temporary suppression of the self is extremely useful in breaking old habits of misuse of the eyes and laying the foundation for the creation of new and better ones. When turning, the sensory apparatus temporarily loses its dependence on the mind, which misuses it, and relearns to function in conditions of free and relaxed mobility.".

Now use any methods to realize the constant mobility, the “buoyancy” of the world. Pay attention to approaching and receding trees, houses, lamps, poles, traffic lights, etc. Turning your head indoors, notice how near objects move relative to distant ones. By being aware of the apparent movements of the world around you, you increase the mobility of your eyes and mind, thus creating the conditions for better vision.

Remember that rocking is of paramount importance not only in recovery visual function, but also to normalize our mental state. This best welcome relieving any type of tension, so do it as often as possible, and in the morning and evening - be sure.

Moreover, it is characteristic that if in the morning it wakes up the whole body, turns on protective resources and gives a charge of calm for the whole day, then in the evening rocking, on the contrary, relieves tension, relaxes and makes it easy to fall asleep. I know many people from among my associates and acquaintances who, with the help of this simple technique, got rid of insomnia, stopped waking up at night, began to sleep better and could even sleep through getting up.

4. Fingers - fanned out

More than one way of great relaxation is to monotonously swing your palms in front of you on the back-and-forth principle. To do this, you need to cover one eye with a bandage or palm, as in palming, so that there are no gaps and nothing puts pressure on the face and eyelids. And the second palm should be placed in front of you at the level of the bridge of the nose so that its center is directly opposite the open eye. In this case, the hand is parallel to the floor, and the fingers are in front of the closed eye. Now gently and easily wave (either bringing it closer or moving away) the flat of your palm in front of your open eye, holding it as casually as if you were making rhythmic movements with a fan.

Repeat the exercise 20-30 times, and then cover the other eye with your hand or bandage and do the same with the other hand.

Due to the fact that looking at the palm familiar to us from childhood does not require any physical tension from us, we are not afraid of it, involuntary muscular and mental relaxation occurs: the four tense rectus muscles of the eyes come out of the spasmodic state, and the eyes will easily lengthen. And this state, as is known, is ideal for working on close range, which is why this exercise is often recommended for farsighted people.

You can find and use many other ways of moving, turning and swinging described in books and invented by you. All of them cannot do any harm. Only benefit.

Article from the book: .

photo RT

World and European champion Andrei Drachev was killed in Khabarovsk. “Why do people lift and do powerlifting if they can’t even give back in life? I always knew that a rocking chair is not needed,” they ask on the forum. It’s clear that you can’t pump up your jaw, but today’s jock is a healthy, clumsy guy with great self-confidence and strength, like an ordinary miner. Plus - in parallel with the hall, all sorts of protein shakes are accepted, which give only beautiful shapes. As a rule, such guys go to cafes/restaurants with a classic TP, which in most cases itself provokes a conflict.

Here is a video that shows that the man was ready for a fight - he took off his T-shirt. The problem is that the attacker knocked out the athlete from the turntable, and then began to finish him off. Of course, adrenaline, maybe alcohol, youth, audacity, stupidity, and the result is a stupid death.

I know what a fight with Caucasians (or Chechens) is like. When I was young, I went to a bar late at night. There were people who were drunk, but they sat quietly, didn’t disturb anyone, didn’t make a fuss. There were locals sitting opposite who looked at us angrily for half an hour. At the same time, it was clear that they were good friends not only of the owner of the cafe, but also of all the service staff. We ended up paying and going outside when five of us attacked. It was on Nevsky - bodies were scattered, people calmly walked by, the owners of the cafe watched what was happening from the open door. At some point, I realized that in this situation it was useless to compete and simply dragged everyone away from trouble, although, of course, there were attempts to respond, which incited the attackers even more.

Regarding the death of Andrei Drachev, you can develop the main and only rule, which, however, does not always work - do not show off. In most cases, it is applicable, but in some cases, protecting your own or someone else’s girlfriend can end fatally.

Of course it's idiocy. You worked out for ten years, developed, pumped up your body, became strong, and you are killed in 15 seconds in a fight. By stupid accident. Or a coincidence.

Being strong and having experience in a fight are opposite things, but when you are offered to go out one-on-one and figure it out, you can always use your head and refuse. Become a coward, endure it, but stay alive. Not a single girl (unless she’s completely finished) will like how her man will then walk around with knocked out teeth and a flattened face. Honor is a word whose meaning does not really work in our time. Those who hone their shots not in the gym, but on the street, are playing against the rules. Therefore, for you, as a defender, there are no rules as such. Hence the meaninglessness of the fight as such.

Do you think Andrey had a chance or was it just a coincidence? Is there any point in these fights at all? Do you think the culprit will be punished or scot-free?

And yes, let's try without incitement...

In the article, I will tell you why to pump up muscles, what they are needed for, what they give (benefits), etc. etc.

The answer to the question - why build muscles - is extremely individual, because... Everyone has their own goals... below, I will list the most common ones (at least in my opinion):

Firstly, for beauty, because the beauty of bodily forms consists of muscles, not bones and skin.

For men, the situation is somewhat different, but in general, muscles make a man more masculine and, again, more attractive, only for the female sex)) due to the fact that MUSCLES = are nothing more than STATUS MARKER (superiority to us by other men). The same status marker as an expensive car, watch, clothing, etc. etc.

This, in my opinion, is the most common reason why the vast majority of people train their muscles, go to the gym, etc. etc. due to the acquisition of beauty, slimness, fit, sexuality, etc., as a result, strengthening confidence in oneself and one’s strengths, increasing self-esteem and getting rid of various kinds of shortcomings (and complexes).

Secondly, fitness and bodybuilding = sport (competition)! And sport is money. In other words, Many people just spend crazy money on their muscles...

I’m also talking about YouTube, my own websites on the Internet, advertising, seminars, photo sessions, video filming, personal consultations on the Internet and in life, personal training on the Internet and in life, and much, much more. Those. get the point, there are specific benefits to having big muscles and being in good physical shape. Do you understand? After all, muscles (cool physical fitness) indicates that the person understands his business, knows how to build muscles, knows how to lose weight, etc. because his uniform clearly demonstrates him as a specialist in his field... hence his earnings...

P.s. It is worth clarifying that these two reasons are interconnected for many people. If you know other reasons why people work out muscles, try to build them, etc. etc. then write in the comments.

Best regards, administrator.

I found an article on this matter that is largely right.

In Turkey, and in general and not only in it, sometimes you can see this phenomenon. Especially on public transport.

This phenomenon is more common in men, although recently it has been observed in women and even children. This is not just dangling your legs while sitting on a chair with nothing to do, but rather rhythmic sporadic movements with a clearly defined amplitude of vertical or horizontal direction. They can be intermittent or long-term. Shaking occurs when a person is at rest, in a sitting position, although this kind can occasionally be observed in standing and lying positions, then such movements are more reminiscent of stamping while standing or turning the feet in different directions in a lying position.

If you observe this in yourself, your child or a loved one, then I can congratulate you on the fact that now you know what astheno-neurotic syndrome or simply neurasthenia looks like. Just as I am typing this article, representatives of the shaking legs are sitting on both sides of me in the subway car, and if you analyze their behavior, the shaking reaches its peak at the moment when a new portion of passengers enters the subway car and practically disappears after about a minute after the start train movement through the tunnel.

Confirming this diagnosis at home is quite simple based on external manifestations, although to make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to undergo diagnostic testing by a specialist. A person begins to shake his leg or legs under two conditions:

1) being at rest;

2) in uncomfortable conditions. Uncomfortable conditions for such a person can be: loneliness, serious conversation, waiting for something to start, be it a conversation with you or new series series.

Those whose loved ones make such movements with their legs were able to understand what was going on without additional observations.

So, what is astheno-neurotic syndrome?! This is a kind of attempt by the human psyche to compensate for the very strong stress caused by increased level anxiety. That is, under other conditions a person behaved extremely aggressively, but for certain reasons the inability to show aggression in response to increased anxiety leads to this type of behavior. As a rule, people suffering from this disease are often impulsive; conversations, especially in private, can be accompanied by outbursts of anger and even rage. This is due to the fact that a person feels driven into a corner, at a dead end, is afraid of seeming stupid or ignorant of the issue, and so on, but in fact these are the skins under which the main cause of anxiety is hidden - the reason to be rejected or rejected.

This problem leads to partial, rarely complete, social maladjustment of a person, namely, the inability to interact normally with the outside world, leads to a decrease in social contacts, and a person’s isolation from outside world and immersion in states of artificial relaxation, which include frequent sex or masturbation, disappearing into games computer games, immersion in religious and other communities with a clear leader-mentor and clear rules of behavior.

In addition to shaking your legs, you can observe other variations, namely, fiddling with keys in your hands, nervously fingering your rosary in your hands or something that can replace them, irregular but frequent stamping of your feet, active movement around the room during telephone conversation or communicating from corner to corner like a prisoner, accompanying the conversation with active gestures.

Along with outbursts of anger and aggression, a person also experiences a decrease in mood, apathy, manifestations of depression, procrastination, problems with concentration, memory, general weakness and pain, and fatigue. And this is not surprising, because it takes a lot of strength and energy to suppress feelings of anxiety and contain the aggression caused by this, so there is no strength left for the rest of life.

If you notice similar symptoms in a loved one, contact a specialist for advice. This syndrome does not go away on its own and at home, like a cold, you will not get rid of it, and there are no books that you need to read in order to be cured. Timely treatment, as well as psychological prevention, help to get rid of the problem or prevent it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Your health is in your hands!

The body tells about you and others. Posture, gestures and postures always mean something, because with the help of these signals the body tries to give vent to the feelings that you are trying to suppress. Research has shown that every time a person tries to hide their emotions, their blood pressure increases.

As we learned in the previous chapter, every gesture and movement conveys precise information about how you feel, whether you want it to or not. Body language can enhance or weaken the meaning of a verbal message because a person's body reveals their true feelings.

Former President Nixon once unwittingly revealed his feelings by demonstrating to others that he felt awkward when asked difficult questions. He turned his whole body away from those who asked such questions, that is, he tried to distance himself, and as a result he lost confidence in himself. Watching Nixon, people realized that he had something to hide.

Several years ago I treated Marissa, a fifteen-year-old girl who made a very good impression on me. While interacting with her during class, I admired not only her intelligence, but also her excellent posture and leisurely hand movements, which clearly indicated that she had a developed sense of self-esteem.

However, everything changed as soon as her mother showed up to class with Marissa. It was as if the girl had been replaced. Her demeanor underwent a dramatic metamorphosis. She sat without raising her head and avoided meeting my or her mother's gaze. She kept her hands humbly folded in her lap.

I really sympathized with Marissa, immediately understanding what was happening. She was clearly under the influence of her formidable mother, in whose presence she wanted more than anything to become as inconspicuous as possible. She was clearly afraid of her mother and, yielding to her pressure, temporarily sacrificed her self-esteem.

When I told them about my observations, Marissa admitted that she always felt awkward in her mother’s presence. She had never been able to live up to her expectations, let alone earn her praise. Once she realized this, the relationship between mother and daughter improved and they finally learned to treat each other with respect.


When you like a person, you usually lean towards him. This is a sign that you are interested in both him and what he has to say. If the interest is extremely great, then you move your whole body forward while your legs remain in place. If a person sits leaning on his side, this means that he is showing you his friendly disposition. If a person is unpleasant, boring, or you feel awkward around them, you tend to lean back.

One day I had lunch with a friend who liked a man from our group. When he apologized and left the table, she began to pour out her feelings to me and finally asked if, in my opinion, she had any chance. I didn't want to disappoint her, so I told her how she could find out. I advised her to see how close he would sit to her and whether he would lean towards her.

The man soon returned, and my friend quickly received an answer to her question. Her chances were close to zero. He sat down and leaned back in his chair. When she reached out to touch his hand, he pulled back with obvious displeasure. He paid little attention to her, and when he spoke to her, he behaved stiffly and very formally. His behavior spoke for itself. He was in a serious relationship with another woman - he wasn't interested in my girlfriend, and he let her know that through his body language.


Just like animals, people have their own rules regarding their living space and their own territory. When one animal takes over the living space of another, it becomes frightened and may attack it. The same thing happens with people. Every culture has rules dictating how close one person can sit or stand from another. People from Latin America and those from the Middle East stand closer to each other than residents of Western countries, who are not used to being constrained. But if a European or American visits another country, then getting to know the local customs and adhering to them will not be superfluous for him.

People who violate the boundaries of someone else's territory, no matter what their nationality, either love to show off and show strength, or they do not understand at all what they are doing. When someone comes very close to you and starts talking, you may not like it and you may not want to communicate. You will begin to back away and retreat until you simply apologize and run away. You may notice that you unconsciously crossed your arms in protest, tried to turn away, or pulled your head into your shoulders. You begin to shift from foot to foot, fidget, or try to change your position. There may also be a harsh note in your voice and you will ask the person to take a step back.

In some studies, experimenters deliberately approached people so close that they felt discomfort. In an effort to show that they were disturbed, these people usually quickly moved away.

Sometimes a person gets too close to you on purpose to make you feel insecure. Invading someone else's territory frightens those who own it, and they retreat, trying to figure out your intentions. If you stand too close, most people will be offended, and no matter what they say, they will never get rid of those negative emotions that you called.

If you get too close to a person, it will make him worry about whether his personal hygiene is in order, whether his breath is fresh, and whether he smells good. Or the person may not like the way you smell. However, your reaction to an invasion of your space may not be negative if you are glad to see the person so close.

It is important to note that a person who feels strong and confident usually takes up more space because he is not embarrassed to stretch his legs freely or place his arms comfortably. Well, a less confident person, as a rule, tucks his legs and presses his arms to his body, trying to assume a fetal position.

If a person is standing too far away

People who stand too far away appear arrogant, arrogant, or consider themselves superior to others. They are literally afraid to get too close to you. Perhaps they are sitting or standing so far away because they don't like you. They are irritated by your conversation, smell or appearance. Often people who strive to physically distance themselves from others experience fear in their souls.

Copying movements

If you want to make sure that you seem attractive to someone, check to see if the person is following your movements. If one of you is copying elements of the other's body language (crossing your legs at the same time, resting your head on your hand, clasping your hands, etc.), chances are that one or both of you are in a lyrical mood. When a person imitates another, it indicates that he wants to be like him.

Rocking from heel to toe

These body movements signal that the person is feeling impatient or restless. Adults rock from heel to toe in moments of excitement, when they are embarrassed and want to calm down.

This behavior is not uncommon in children, especially those suffering from autism: it is their way of cheering themselves up and restoring peace of mind.

If adults behave this way, people around them don't like it because it distracts them. They cannot gather themselves and concentrate on what the person who is swaying is trying to tell them.


When people don't find a place for themselves, they thereby tell you a lot of information about themselves. They get nervous and then that's a sign that they don't want to be here anymore. They wring their hands or shift from foot to foot, which indicates agitation or irritation. When a person is uncomfortable, he constantly makes some kind of movement to feel better.

When people feel awkward, their temperature rises, they literally feel heat in their chest and they fiddle with their tie, trying to loosen the knot.

So when you see someone fidgeting, know that they are sending you a message that they are uncomfortable or that something is bothering them. Perhaps the person lied or wants to leave the people in whose company he is currently located.

Head tilt

A head tilted to the side signals that the person is interested and ready to listen to what you have to say. He's focused on your words and you've managed to capture his full attention.

Have you noticed that small children who have not yet learned to speak often keep their heads to the side when spoken to? This shows that they are listening carefully.

Sudden head movement

Having heard something they did not like, people often make a sharp movement of their head away from the speaker. Most likely, this is an unconscious reaction designed to create a barrier between a person and the source of discomfort.


People who constantly nod when you talk like to please everyone. They usually have a burning desire to be liked. Their manner seems to say: “I agree with everything you say, but you should love me for it.” As a rule, these are insecure people who are afraid of being rejected.

When a person shakes or turns their head, it means they are expressing doubt or disagreement with what has been said. He may shake his head, trying to analyze what was said and decide what position he should take in this case.

Head hanging low

Unless you are participating in a religious ceremony or were born in a country where it is customary to bow your head as a sign of respect, hanging your head low during a conversation indicates that the person is insecure, suffers from low self-esteem, is unhappy, or is experiencing depression.

The late Princess Diana had a habit of speaking with her head hung low. Initially, this could have been a sign of compliance, but since Diana did not change this manner later, it seems to me that this was a reflection of her difficult mental state and proof that Diana did not feel very confident in her role as Princess.

Sharply tossed head

A sharply raised head signals an impending threat in the same way as a forward chin. This is a sign of aggressiveness and hostility, indicating that a person is ready to go to extremes to solve the problem facing him.

When a person shakes their head or throws it back, these movements usually convey contempt or arrogance.

Scratching your head

Unless a person has lice or some kind of skin disease, scratching the head means that he is embarrassed or unsure about something.

One day I was working with my music producer on a song I had written when I noticed that he was furiously scratching the back of his head. I asked if he had any doubts about the ending of the song. The producer answered in the affirmative and added that he wanted the song to have a different, more dramatic ending. Noticing that he was scratching his head, I guessed that the producer really didn’t like what we were doing. He decided that we should change the ending of the song, but he was afraid of offending me.

Or one more example. Let's say you ask someone a question, and the person starts scratching their head. He tells you that he did not understand your question or does not know how to answer it. It will be useful to repeat your question in a different form so that the person understands exactly what you are asking of him. By changing the wording of the question, you will also give the other person additional time to prepare an answer.


When people shrug their shoulders, it means they are lying, insincere, or don't care. This can also be interpreted as “I don’t know,” “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t believe something.”

A person who lies usually shrugs his shoulders very quickly. In this case, it is done completely involuntarily and means something completely different than indifference or lack of interest. The person seems to be saying that he is not telling the truth. This quick shrug of the shoulders is an unconscious attempt to appear cool, calm and collected.

If a person raises his shoulders, but does not shrug them, but leaves them in this position, then he is demonstrating his defenselessness.

This movement was often made by Marilyn Monroe to emphasize her sexuality and willingness to communicate.