Enterprises with targeted training in technical universities. What is a “target direction” at a university?

On January 1, 2019, in accordance with the Federal Law of August 3, 2018 No. 337-FZ, changes to the regulations came into force Federal Law"On education in Russian Federation", regulating the order of targeted training. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2019 No. 302 “On targeted training in educational programs secondary professional and higher education and the recognition of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076 as no longer in force”, the by-laws and regulatory legal acts were approved regulating the procedure for admission to targeted training (including standard form agreement on targeted training).

Branches of the Academy

From January 1, 2019, citizens who, in accordance with Article 56 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, have entered into an agreement on targeted training, have the right to be admitted to targeted training in educational programs of higher education at the expense of federal budget allocations within the established quota. With:

  1. federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government;
  2. government and municipal institutions, unitary enterprises;
  3. state corporations;
  4. state companies;
  5. organizations included in the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex, formed in accordance with Part 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation”;
  6. business companies in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity;
  7. joint stock companies whose shares are owned or in trust by a state corporation;
  8. subsidiaries of the organizations specified in paragraphs 4, 6 and 7;
  9. organizations that are created by state corporations or transferred state corporations in accordance with the provisions of federal laws on these corporations.
  • application for admission to study in the form provided on the Academy website;
  • identification document, citizenship of the applicant (photocopy of the 1st page and page with registration);
  • document on the previous level of education in accordance with the Admission Rules (original or photocopy);
  • a copy of the contract on targeted training, certified by the customer of the targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with presentation of its original;
  • documents confirming individual achievements in accordance with the Admission Rules (original, photocopy) (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);
  • 2 photographs 3x4 cm (for applicants based on the results entrance examinations conducted by the Academy independently).

Materials on targeted admission 2018

Number of places for admission within the target quota for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs in accordance with the Rules for admission to the Academy


You must submit to the Admissions Committee

  • application in the form provided on the Academy website;
  • identification document, citizenship (photocopy of the 1st page and page with registration);
  • document on education (ORIGINAL):
    – about average general education;
    – about average vocational education;
    – about primary vocational education (if it contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education);
  • direction (letter) from a state authority and local government indicating the full name. candidate for targeted admission with reference to the agreement concluded between the Academy and state authorities and local government and (or) a copy of the agreement concluded between the candidate for targeted admission and state authorities and local government.
  • documents confirming special rights upon admission, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, if available.

The Academy conducts targeted admission within the framework of the targeted admission quota, which is established annually by the Academy by the Government of the Russian Federation* (in April of the current year based on received applications). In this regard, the Academy is considering applications for organizing targeted admissions in 2018/19, received no later than April 10, 2018 (inclusive).

* Clauses 125, 127 of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 N 1147)

Bodies with which the Academy has the right to enter into agreements on targeted reception within the established quota:

  • federal government agency;
  • government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • local government body;
  • state (municipal) institution;
  • unitary enterprise;
  • government corporation;
  • state company;
  • a business company in whose authorized capital there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity.

(in accordance with Section 3 of Article 56 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”)

The Academy does not provide a list of organizations that send citizens to targeted training, nor does it select them. Applicants and (or) their legal representatives deal with this issue independently.

At the core target set(admission) to educational institutions there is a need for certain specialists to solve the socio-economic problems of individual regions in training personnel for enterprises located on their territory.

It is useful for future applicants wishing to obtain a specialty in a higher educational institution to know that there is a form of budget training called “targeted training”.

The main feature of entering a university for targeted training is that the applicant submits a admissions committee university, together with a standard package of documents, an agreement on targeted training from a specific enterprise or department. In this case, the applicant does not participate in the general competition, but is selected in a separate competition for “target students”, which, according to the rules, should not be less than 2 people per place. The order for enrollment as students for targeted training appears before the order for enrollment of the remaining participants in the competition for budget-funded places.

To prepare applicants for admission to the university for targeted training, the Center (at the request of local authorities and enterprises) organizes meetings of representatives of the customer (employer) of universities with students and their parents, conducts career guidance work among high school students in order to identify talented, motivated students who are inclined to work in the enterprise. Under agreements with enterprises and universities, we organize targeted pre-university training applicants and support of target students throughout their studies at the university.

How to become a target enrollment student?

It is far from easy for the applicant himself to get into training according to the target enrollment. Either the enterprise itself or the local administration can send for targeted training.

We have been working in the field of education and training at the request of enterprises for more than 10 years, promoting the development of cooperation educational institutions with potential employers in different regions.

Therefore, we offer the applicant to take part in the Targeted Training Program with the opportunity to enter a university, successfully graduate and find employment in an enterprise.

To do this you need:

  • go select and
  • take part in a targeted recruitment competition

What a targeted applicant needs to know:

  • The selection of applicants recommended for admission to the university for targeted enrollment is carried out according to a separate (preferential) competition for Unified State Exam results received at school.
  • The competition for targeted admission is held earlier - before the start of the first wave of the main competition for admission to the university. If it is not passed, the applicant may participate in the main competitive selection on a general basis.
  • Applicants who do not score enough points for admission to the target enrollment can enter the selected university for a contract form of study or another university for a budget department.
  • An agreement on targeted training is drawn up after approval of the lists of applicants recommended for enrollment in a specific university for a targeted enrollment.
  • An agreement on targeted training can be concluded with graduates of previous years and graduates of professional educational organizations.
  • ATTENTION! In the target area, you can enroll only in one specialty of your chosen educational institution.
  • Students of the target intake are provided with a hostel.

How can you use it? In our material we will describe the features of this type of training, and also tell you where and how you can get target direction to the university

Features of targeted training: advantages and disadvantages

Targeted admission is admission to a university on a budget through a referral from a government department or an enterprise. If your training is paid for by an enterprise, then you undertake to work for it for the period specified in the contract. If you receive a referral from a government agency, you will work according to government distribution.

The main advantages of the target direction:

  • free training;
  • guaranteed employment after graduation;
  • a separate competition “for target audiences”;
  • enrollment occurs before the start of the first wave; if you do not pass, you will be able to participate in the main competition;
  • some enterprises provide the opportunity to work while studying on a flexible schedule;
  • social support from the future employer: scholarship, dormitory, travel allowance, etc. (stipulated in the contract);
  • employer assistance in educational process(for example, collecting the necessary information for coursework, essays, scientific articles and dissertations).

The most important and significant disadvantage of such training- the obligation you have to your employer. Even if during your studies you decide that you do not want to connect your fate with your chosen profession, you will still have to work for the period specified in the target contract. Otherwise, you will have to reimburse the funds spent on your education, sometimes in two or three times the amount.

Target recruitment 2018: what changes are possible

In 2018, the government plans to adopt a new law that will tighten the conditions for targeted admission. It is expected that the minimum period of compulsory work at the enterprise after training will be at least 3 years.

A new participant will appear in the agreement between the applicant and the employer - the university. He will be responsible for ensuring that the document contains all obligations for both parties. It is also planned to tighten liability for failure to fulfill these obligations.

Where to get a targeted referral to a university

How to find an organization that will act as a customer for your university studies? There are several options here:

  • If you want to enroll in a specific university, contact its admissions committee and find out with which organizations it has entered into targeted admission agreements. Some universities provide such information on their websites.
  • You can get a referral from government agencies. For example, if you want to enroll in, contact the Department of Health in your region.
  • From local government bodies (for example, the city administration) you can obtain information about which employers submitted applications for concluding a targeted contract. There you can also write an application for a targeted direction, indicating the desired specialty.
  • You can find an organization yourself. Decide on a direction, choose large organizations in this industry. Then visit them in person or go to their websites to find out if it is possible to get a referral to a university from them.

Georgiy Lipartiani, good afternoon! You will enter into an agreement with the employer. If this government agency, then you need to go to the health department.

Hello, can I get in with a target score of 65 in Russian and 77 in chemistry, if the threshold for admission to the university is 50 (I’m afraid I passed Russian too poorly)

Anna Konkina, good afternoon! If your scores are higher than the minimum, this means that the university will accept your documents. Further chances of admission will depend on the competitive situation of the current year. If there is only 1 place, the applicant with the most points will be selected.

Hello, at the target we were told to fill out the autobiography manually, what exactly should we write about?! And another personal note.

Hello, is it possible to apply for the target with 44 points? in chemistry (threshold 45). Can a university turn a blind eye to 1 point?

Practice has shown that few students understand what constitutes targeted admission at universities. Hence the problem: people do not fully understand who, how and where can use it?

Let's figure out together what a target referral to a university is, what the admission rules are and where you can use this service.

There are targeted places in almost every university. And in the largest universities the competition for these places is enormous

What is targeted training: advantages and disadvantages

Before looking for how and where to study the target direction (in Moscow or other major cities), you need to figure out whether you have the right to do this.

Targeted admission is admission to a university on a budgetary basis with a referral from a state enterprise or department.

If you are planning to go to university with a referral from a company, you should think twice. After all, this imposes an obligation on the future student to work at this enterprise for the period specified in the contract.

If you receive a targeted referral to universities in Moscow or other cities from government bodies, then you will have to work through the state distribution system.

Despite such complex and seemingly burdensome conditions, the target direction also has its advantages:

  • free education;
  • guaranteed employment after receiving a diploma;
  • lower competition for those who enter the target area;
  • The enrollment period for “targeted” students runs before the main competition. This means that if you are not accepted, you can participate in the competition along with others under the same conditions;
  • an expanded social package (scholarship, provision of a dormitory, payment for a travel card and further by agreement), because, as a rule, the future employer provides it to the “target” student;
  • often - all possible assistance in collecting required material(for example, when writing a coursework, diploma) from the employer.

But there is only one lack of targeted directions to the university in 2018 and 2019, but what is it: compulsory service for a certain period with a future employer . And there is almost no escape from this, even if during your studies you suddenly realized that you were in the wrong direction and did not want to continue studying in your chosen course.

If you decide to go against the system, you will have to reimburse those who gave you the targeted direction for the funds spent on your training. It often happens that you have to reimburse not only the cost of training, but also that additional social package, and sometimes even moral damage. So the total amount can be increased by 2-3 times.

There are organizations that provide their employees with a more convenient work schedule during their studies.

Where can I get a targeted referral to a university/institute?

How to find such a “sweet” organization that will be ready to bear all the expenses, and then it would not be so difficult for you to undergo probation? You will be interested to know that in 2018, not only organizations, but also universities (often in Moscow) provide targeted directions. All that remains is to find out which ones.

So, here are a few nuances that will be useful for you to know:

  • Find out with which organizations/enterprises the university where you are going to enroll has an agreement on targeted admission. Typically, such information is contained on the university website. For example, MAI, MSTU im. N.E Bauman, MIPT;
  • find out whether the relevant government agency in your area can provide a referral to the university of interest (for example, if you are going to a medical school, ask for a referral from the Department of Health in your region);
  • If you don’t know how to find a future employer, seek advice from your local government (city administration). They often have freely available information about which organizations have submitted applications to the selected university in order to conclude a target agreement;
  • Consider whether it is possible to receive a targeted referral directly from an organization that interests you as a future employer. It is enough to “scan” leading companies and find out during a personal visit whether they would like to get an excellent young specialist, providing now the target direction;
MIIT has an agreement on targeted cooperation with the Moscow Metro and Russian Railways; after RUDN, the target students go to Gidrospetsproekt and Mosenergo. And, by the way, Gazprom also cooperates with many top universities.

How to take a target direction to a university: step-by-step instructions

When should you do this? The sooner the better. Try to start collecting the necessary information at least six months before graduation.

And here is an approximate algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a direction that interests you.
  2. Start looking for an organization that will pay for your training (unless, of course, you are not). This can be either a company or a government agency.
  3. Collect a package of necessary documents.
  4. Conclude a targeted agreement with your future employer (don’t forget to discuss additional “goodies” in the form of a travel card, health insurance, hostel, etc.).
  5. Take the documents for submission to the university, attach a copy of the target agreement to them.
One student can receive only one targeted placement at the university. It is not surprising that many employers operate a competitive system for those who approach them with such a request. Therefore, they will look at both the certificate and personal achievements, and will also conduct an interview.
If you have won prizes at the Olympics, this will be a big plus for the company.

Track the date of submission of documents for receiving a targeted referral. It is important to submit your application on time.

Documents for obtaining a target referral

To conclude a contract, have time to collect the following documents:

  • if you are a schoolchild, you will need a transcript of your academic performance for the first 6 months of your graduating class with the seal of the school principal;
  • If you graduated from school last year or earlier, please attach your education certificate;
  • if you are applying for a place at a university after college/technical school, attach a diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • photocopies of passport;
  • characteristics from the place of study (on request);
  • evidence of personal achievements (medals, certificates, diplomas, etc.).

In general, the essence of targeted training is clear: free education with subsequent work in an organization under a contract.

Many people are afraid of distribution. But we urge you not to panic. Firstly, approach the choice of such an organization wisely. If the company is reputable and directly related to your chosen industry, then you will not only get the opportunity to study for free, but also will not waste energy (like many of your fellow students) on finding a job immediately after receiving your diploma.

Secondly, you need to understand that the first couple of years after graduation, a graduate works for experience and image. A priori, he cannot receive much from the start. And working on the target area will be an excellent basis for your future work experience.

In the meantime, others are frantically looking for a way to avoid this very distribution, feel free to work it out. Any difficulty on your way will make you stronger. And if you prove yourself well, you can move up the career ladder.

However, the main thing is to graduate from a university so that later you can at least get a job. But don’t worry about it, because there will always be a reliable one nearby who will not give offense to tests, tests and exams!

It is advisable to obtain it in advance. To do this, you must contact the director or to the class teacher. They will be the ones who will tell you where you can go. However, you can act independently.

To begin with, the student needs to finally decide on his future specialty and, accordingly, choose a suitable university.

Next, the future student must find a company that needs young specialists in the chosen field. Find out from the administration of this organization whether they are ready to pay for the studies and issue the student with an application. However, do not forget that after graduating from a university you are required to work in this organization for several years, in accordance with a previously drawn up contract.

Attention. If by that time the graduate changes his mind about working for this enterprise, he will have to compensate the entire amount that was paid during his studies at the university.

Such education is called preferential, since the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results may be several units lower, and the requirements for students are more flexible.

One target direction is issued to only one student and it cannot be transferred to another person or used simultaneously for several universities.

After the applicant has received the target direction, it is necessary to contact the selected university and provide the following documents:

  • original school certificate along with an insert;
  • document on the results of the Unified State Exam;
  • birth certificate or passport;
  • application for admission to university;
  • agreement on targeted training.

However, this is not the entire list of documents. Each university has its own requirements and therefore you need to go to the university in advance and consult what documents you need to provide for admission, in addition to the target direction.

After submitting the documents, the applicant must wait for the competition, which is held on the basis of the Unified State Exam.

How to find an employer (company) to receive a targeted referral

Unfortunately, not all applicants are able to easily and quickly find an enterprise that is ready to hire a young specialist. To do this, you need to contact directly the university you decided to enroll in. As a rule, universities have lists of enterprises with which the university has an agreement for the target direction of students.

For reference. If the university does not have such agreements with enterprises, then you can contact the Ministry of Education, where you will find out from which enterprises applications were received to enroll students in the target area.

As a rule, this issue is not dealt with on the last day of school. It is best to contact the company immediately after the New Year holidays.

You can also independently contact a large organization where management is constantly in need of personnel.

Employer found: next steps

So, an employer has been found and the question regarding the target area has been resolved positively, then you need to go to the chosen university and give an agreement that contains the details of the organization where you will be hired. The contract should also indicate how many years after graduation you need to work at the company.

The contract must be read very carefully, since quite often it does not indicate the terms of payment or labor that the student expects. Sometimes there are agreements on the target direction, which indicate 10 years of mandatory work.

Agreement on the target direction to a university with an enterprise

Before you receive a targeted direction, check how much the training is paid for, as some employers offer to pay for the training partially.

Also, pay attention to individual clauses of the agreement on students’ rights:

  • whether social support is indicated in the form of a scholarship or health insurance;
  • whether housing is provided (room, dorm, etc.);
  • what is the date of first return to work?

The contract must contain the following clauses: good reasons failure by the student to fulfill obligations under the contract. For example, the disability of the applicant or his loved ones (mother, father, spouse, child). This also applies to special circumstances of the organization, such as bankruptcy or liquidation.

There are also significant advantages of training in the target area:

  • opportunity to get education for free;
  • enroll in a university on more favorable terms;
  • permanent job.

When training in a target area, there is one caveat - you need to work in this organization for at least 3 years, and sometimes more, depending on what is stated in the contract. Therefore, before taking a direction, think everything over carefully.

Who can apply for the target direction

Those schoolchildren who already have a certificate of secondary education can apply for the target direction. Applicants who are entering a university for the first time and want to study for free can also apply for this direction.

Graduates who:

  • did not pass the Unified State Exam;
  • provided documents with false information;
  • provided documents that were completed incorrectly;
  • came to submit documents after the admission period had ended.

You should have your target direction in hand already in the month of May. However, the exact date for submitting documents must be clarified at the specific university.

How to get targeted directionto a medical or pedagogical university

To get the target direction in medical university, you need to score the required number of points on the Unified State Exam, and also bring it to municipal body school leaving certificate. In addition, applicants who are entering the university for the first time can study in the target area.

IMPORTANT! Find out in advance when you need to apply for a targeted referral. If you miss the deadline, then the second opportunity will appear only next year. So, in 2015-2016. Applications could be submitted from early March to mid-June.

At the university you can find out what documents are needed to obtain the target direction. Typically this is:

  • application for the issuance of a targeted direction (the form can be obtained from the Ministry of Education, university or municipal authority);
  • photocopy of passport (possibly birth certificate);
  • document confirming education.

After submitting your application, you just have to wait until they create a list and choose best student who has enough good results according to the Unified State Exam.

Before receiving the target direction in pedagogical university, you need to find out at the selected university those schools, kindergartens and lyceums with which contracts were concluded. Then you need to go to this institution and meet with the head or director for an interview. If your candidacy is approved, then a referral will be issued without any problems.

As a rule, pedagogical universities they accept almost every student and even issue a targeted direction for training, since in this way the shortage of personnel with pedagogical education is solved in the future.

How to write an application for a target referral

At first glance, it seems that there are no companies that are willing to pay for a student’s education. However, this is a mistaken opinion, since almost every serious organization needs young specialists.

The application must indicate:

  • form of education (correspondence, full-time, evening);
  • direction (specialty) code;
  • information about parents, full name, place of work (if there is such a column);
  • applicant data.

The application is accompanied by a copy of the future student’s passport and a reference from the school, which is certified by the director of the institution (signature and seal).

Sample application for a targeted referral to a university from the city administration

The most important thing in this matter is the contract. Before concluding a contract, carefully read it inside and out, study each clause, because your future depends on it.

How to get a targeted referral to study at any university (instructions) updated: March 3, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru