Project on the theme of rhyme. Project work on the theme "Rhyme"

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

1. Read the poem. What words rhyme in it?

- Now, -
The man told me,
It's time for us to play.
I will
Get the words out
You should rhyme.

He got the word hummock,
And I answered: barrel,
AND line, And shirt,
And two at once leaf,
And goodbye - dot

D. Ciardi

Play - rhyme
hummock - barrel - line - shirt - leaf - dot.

2. Research whether there are rhyming words in tongue twisters.

Little sheep clouds drink water from the river.
The river flows, the stove bakes.

Rhyming words: clouds-sheep - rivers,
flows - bakes, the river - stove.

  • Explain how to write tongue twisters the same way we write poetic text.

Little sheep clouds
drink water from the river.

The river flows
The stove is baking.

3. Choose a rhyming word and complete the sentence.

The beetle saw a dandelion
And he sat down as if on a sofa.

4. Write poems using the given rhymes. You can come up with funny, amusing couplets.
the chicken is a pipe, the girlfriend is a cheesecake, the bird is a match.

Clucks restlessly hen
Played nearby pipe.

My boasted girlfriend
She had cheesecake.

Dropped a twig -
It turned out to be this.

5. Read the beginnings of the poems. Try to continue 1 - 2 of them. Choose words to express your thoughts and maintain rhythm and rhyme.

The rain poured out of the cloud,
I wet the guys pants.

“This is a good place,”
The mice squealed in the stove.

6. Make a dictionary of your own rhymes for any of these words.

precise – durable – oriental – midnight
rattle – toy – village – ditty
night – daughter – dot – chain – line
squirrel – girl – plate – arrow
bird - titmouse - match - page
book - haircut - boy - brother

Bird - titmouse

Match – page

MKOU secondary school No. 13, Shturm village

2nd grade student

Ustinov Arseny

MKOU secondary school No. 13

Project Manager:

Shchekotikhina S.A.


1. Goals and objectives of the project….3

2. Rhyme is...4

3. Methods of rhyming...5,6

4. Independent task...7

5. Final part...8

Formation of the concept of rhyme;

Development of creative potential;

Forming interest in the work done;

Enriching parent-child relationships with the experience of joint activities.

Introduce your child to different types rhyme;

Teach children to use reference books, popular science literature, and modern sources of information;

Give parents and children the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their joint activities;

Improve children's level of cumulative practical skills.

Rhyme - this is the consonance of the endings of poetic lines.

Even in ancient times, people composed rhymes and composed poems. Songs were composed based on poems.

For example:

Shop – orange

Snowball - berehok

Showcase – ink0

Pie - curd

Pie - cottage cheese.

Here's what I got:


Mom bought cottage cheese

And baked a pie.


Mom asks for an orange

I had to run to the store.


I see a shop window

It has black ink.


I forgot about the pie

I bought myself a pie.

Rhyming - the order of alternation of rhymes in a verse, their relative position.

Rhyming methods:

1. Adjacent or paired rhyme(scheme: AABB),

the first line rhymes with the second, the third with the fourth.

There is a stupa with Baba YagOuch

She walks and wanders on her ownOuch ;

There is King Kashchei over the goldgasp ;

There's a Russian spirit... There's Russia theregasp !

(A.S. Pushkin)

2. Cross rhyme(scheme: ABAB),

the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth.

Green oak near Lukomoryeyoung ;
Golden chain on oak t
ohm :
And day and night the cat learns
Everything goes around in circles

(A.S. Pushkin)

3. Girdle (ring) rhyme(scheme: ABBA),

the first rhymes with the fourth, the second with the third.

And there I danced, and honey Isilt ;

I saw a green oak tree by the seayoung ;

The cat was sitting under him and learningyoung

Tell me your fairy talessilt .

(A.S. Pushkin)

4. Idle rhyme(diagram: ABCB),

the first and third lines do not rhyme, the second and fourth -


The grass is greener no ,
The sun shines
it ,
Swallow from the spring
In the shadow of us years
it .

(A. Pleshcheev)

You need to choose a rhyming word and complete the sentence.

1. Mikhail played football

And scored into the goal Goal ..

2. The kitten sewed slippers for himself,

So that you don't freeze in winter paws .

3. In our house on the window

The gray ones are sitting cats .

4. The bear cries and roars:

Thanks to the project: "RHYME" , I:

I was able to understand what rhyme is;

I was able to show with an example what types of rhyming there are;

I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

1. Read the poem. What words rhyme in it?

Now, -
The man told me, -
It's time for us to play.
I will
Get the words out
You should rhyme.

He got the word hummock,
And I answered: barrel,
AND line, And shirt,
And two at once leaf,
And goodbye - dot...

D. Ciardi

Play - rhyme
hummock - barrel - line - shirt - leaf - dot.

2. Research whether there are rhyming words in tongue twisters.

Little sheep clouds drink water from the river.
The river flows, the stove bakes.

Rhyming words: sheep clouds - rivers,
flows - bakes, the river - stove.

  • Explain how to write tongue twisters the same way we write poetic text.

Little sheep clouds
drink water from the river.

The river flows
The stove is baking.

3. Choose a rhyming word and complete the sentence.

The beetle saw a dandelion
And he sat down as if on a sofa.

4. Write poems using the given rhymes. You can come up with funny, amusing couplets.
the chicken is a pipe, the girlfriend is a cheesecake, the bird is a match.

Clucks restlessly hen -
Played nearby pipe.

My boasted girlfriend -
She had cheesecake.

Dropped a twig -
It turned out to be this.

5. Read the beginnings of the poems. Try to continue 1 - 2 of them. Choose words to express your thoughts and maintain rhythm and rhyme.

The rain poured out of the cloud,
I wet the guys pants.

"This is a good place," -
The mice squealed in the stove.

6. Make a dictionary of your own rhymes for any of these words.

precise - durable - oriental - midnight
rattle - toy - village - ditty
night - daughter - dot - chain - line
squirrel - girl - plate - arrow
bird - titmouse - match - page
book - haircut - boy - brother

Bird - titmouse

Lesson topic: Lesson project “Rhyme”.

Target: formulate an idea of ​​rhyme.

Introduce the concept of rhyme

Learn to choose rhymes for words

Develop students' speech; enrich students' speech; enrich vocabulary

Cultivate respect for friends and collectivism.

Planned results:

Regulatory: aim at successful activities, supplement the opinions expressed on the merits of the task received, accept and maintain the educational goal and task, supplement the opinions expressed, be able to listen in accordance with the target setting, accept and retain learning task and goal, to establish compliance of the obtained result with the set goal.

Communicative: argue your position, be active in solving a cognitive problem, argue your position, be active in collective activities and pay attention to the judgments of your comrades, negotiate and come to a common opinion in joint activities.

Cognitive: search and highlight the necessary information, discuss problematic issues, analyze the research results, justify the choice.

Personal: express a positive attitude towards the learning process, show attention, apply the rules of business cooperation, evaluate one’s own and collective activities, develop motivation for creative work, work for results.

    Organizational moment

P. Speech warm-up

Imagine a sunny day. You are walking in the garden. And suddenly!.. A beautiful carnation flower, like a beautiful light, burns in the flower garden. How did you feel? Did you want to show it to someone? Call your friends with the right intonation.

Read this poem about it:

Look, look!

What is this red light?

This is a thin clove

Hot day is celebrating.

(E. Serova)

Let's read this poem expressively.

Sh. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Acquaintance with the features of poetic speech.

Read the text:

Hot summer day. Red terry carnations, like lights, burn among other flowers.

Compare the two texts. What do they have in common? (Both are about cloves)

Right. They have general theme: description of cloves. These texts are similar in content.

How are the texts different? (One is poetry, the second is prose)

How does poetic speech differ from prosaic speech? (Consonance of lines).

What is this consonance called, who guessed? (Rhyme)

What words rhymed in the poem? (look at the carnation; light - day)

What do you think we will talk about in class today, what is the topic of the lesson, what will we do?

So, poetry differs from prose in rhyme. And what else?

Conclude what else is in the poem? (Rhythm)

Which description of the carnation is more expressive, brighter, which more clearly expresses feelings, mood, and attitude towards the flower? (In a poem)

How else does poetic speech differ from prosaic speech?

And finally, the last thing. Which description speaks in more detail about summer day and about the carnation flower? (In prose text)

How else does a poetic text differ from a prose text? (Briefness, accuracy).

Let's summarize what has been said. List distinctive features poetic speech.

IV. Work from Kanakina's textbook, grade 2 p. 8-9

Read the project name. (Rhyme)

Since ancient times, people, writing proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, have tried to decorate these works of oral folk art, rhyming the ends of lines.

To write poetry, you need to be a very attentive person, be able to observe, notice the brightest and most unusual things around, and be able to choose expressive words. But the most important thing is to be able to rhyme.

What is rhyme?

What are rhymes for?

Let's read the definition in the textbook.


- Let's do exercise 1.

Let's read a poem.

How did you understand the meaning of the word rhyme?

In groups, work and write down the rhyming words from this exercise.

- Let's do exercise 2, 3

Research these tongue twisters and try to use the results of the research in Exercise 3.

Let's check the results of your research

(One person from each group comes to the board and reads their versions of rhymes)

VI. Physical education minute

Toads lived in the swamp

And they were so friendly with each other!

They jumped over the bumps,

We slept together in the dark night.

And waking up in the morning,

Start the game again:

Sit down and stand up

And two jumps...

It's always fun together.

(E. Gaiterova)

VII. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Exercise 1

Game “Say the Word”

An elephant walks along the road

What a trunk!

That's how the legs are!

The bridge caved in under the elephant.

The elephant has a huge... (height)

How beautiful the peacock is!

He has one vice:

All peacock beauty

Starts with... (tail)

On the daisy at the gate

The helicopter descended -

Golden eyes.

Who is this?... (dragonfly)

Exercise 2

Game “Compose the last line and compare with the author’s”

Cards are dealt out where the last line is missing.

Card 1


A bullfinch sat on a branch.

The rain splashed - he got wet,

The breeze, blow lightly,

(Discuss it for us, bullfinch)

- Discuss the ending with your groups. Read the beginning of the poem. What does the last line say?

Which word should you choose a rhyme for? Finish the poem. Compare with how the author ended.

Card 2

boring rain

Tired, tired -

You look at the sky, wait for the sun,

And on the ground every now and then

(Dull gray rain falls)

VIII . Preparation for the project

What project should you and I do today?

Read the tasks in the textbook 4, 5, 6 page 9.

Distribute the work in groups. Determine who will create the rhyming lines, who will be the text editor, who will do the illustrations.

Set a deadline by which all work will be ready.

1X. Summing up

Highlight the values ​​of today's lesson. Do we need such a lesson? What did you like? What have you learned? What new did you learn? What discoveries did you make?

How does poetic speech differ from prosaic speech?

X. Homework

We will meet with you in 10 days.

Prepare presentations of compiled dictionaries and poetic lines. Illustrate your work. Individual works are also accepted.



2nd grade student

Akhmedova Khalimat
Project Manager:

Magomedova H.A.


1. Goals and objectives of the project...3 tbsp.

2. Rhyme is... 4th century.

3. Methods of rhyming...5-6 art.

What surprised me...7st.

4. Independent task...7-8 tbsp.

5. Final part...9th century.

6. Literature used...9 tbsp.

- improve children's level of cumulative practical skills.

Rhyme – sound repetition in two or more verses, mainly at the end. Unlike other sound repetitions, rhyme always emphasizes rhythm.
For example:
Handle - cloud

The door is a beast

Night - nightgown

Toilet – no

Girlfriend is a pillow.
Here's what I got:
I took the pen

And I drew a cloud.
The door opened

The beast made its way to us.
Night has come

I put on a shirt.
I'm going to the toilet

There's no one there yet.
Good friend

Better than a soft pillow.

Rhyming - the order of alternation of rhymes in a verse, their relative position.

Rhyming methods:

1. Adjacent or paired rhyme(scheme: AABB),
the first line rhymes with the second, the third with the fourth (the same letters indicate the endings of verses that rhyme with each other). This method can be used even by children in kindergarten.

Such stanzas have greater dynamics and a faster reading pace.
The sieve gallops across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel

She walked along the street.
(“Fedorino grief” by K.I. Chukovsky)

2. Cross rhyme rhyme of the first line with the third, the second with the fourth (abab)
Behind the forest the guns roar Ali,

Gunpowder smoke billowed howl.

But we suck at the capital Yali,

Saved a birch tree near Moscow howl.
(“White Birch” by S. Vasiliev)

3. Encircling (circular, enveloping) rhyme
The first line rhymes with the fourth, and the second with the third. (abba)

Has less representation in the total mass of poems.

This scheme may be somewhat more complicated.

And there I danced, and honey Isilt ;

I saw a green oak tree by the sea young ;

The cat sat under him and learned young

Tell me your fairy tales silt.

(A.S. Pushkin)

4. Idle rhyme(diagram: ABCB),
the first and third lines do not rhyme, the second and fourth -

The grass is greenerno ,
The sun shines
it ,
Swallow from the spring
In the shadow of us years
it .

(A. Pleshcheev)

Woven rhyme has many patterns. This is a common name complex types rhymes, for example : abvbv, abvvba etc.
Far from the sun and nature,

Far from life and love

Your younger years will flash by.

Living feelings die

Your dreams will be shattered.

I was very surprised when I found out that there are different types of rhymemaleAndfemale:

Masculine - rhyme with stress on the last syllable in a line

Feminine - rhyme with stress on the penultimate syllable in the line.

Games - Rhymes

You need to choose a rhyming word and complete the sentence.

You can give a few words so that the student can choose the appropriate words herself. You can let the children choose their own words.

1. If you want to sleep

Waiting for you in the bedroom ..(bed)
2. To rest your legs

Just sit on . (chair)
3. Sweater, jacket, warm scarf

Carefully fold into . (closet)
4. Let's drink tea with pies

At lunch (table)
5. Frosts are not scary if

You are sitting in a cozy (chair)
6. Choose any one for yourself -

Red, yellow, (blue)

7. Where are you in a hurry, Marina?

To the forest where ripe ________ (raspberries)

Game "Give me a word"
Alyoshka is standing at the table

He lays out…..(spoons0

Darling helps

Everyone puts .... (fork)

Little Ellochka


And bets with Natasha

To these saucers...(cups), etc.

Thanks to the project: "RHYME" I:
- was able to understand what rhyme is;
- learned what types of rhyming there are;
- was able to show with an example what types of rhyming there are;
- found out which poets loved and used which rhyme more;
- learned a lot of new and interesting things.

1. Dictionary of literary terms

2. Russian language textbook. 2nd grade
