INEC Analyst software package. Report: Purpose, scope and composition of Analyst series software products

The most famous software products of the INEC company include the software package “ INEC-Analyst».

« INEC-Analyst» differs significantly from software products of a similar class in that the result of working with it is comprehensive financial economic analysis current state of the enterprise, and qualitatively prepared, meeting the requirements of leading Russian and international financial organizations business plan.

Using the proposed version of the software package " INEC-Analyst" allows:

I. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise over a number of periods:

II. Develop a business plan for the enterprise.

During the development of a business plan, the following are automatically generated: result tables:

q Financial results;

q Inflow and outflow cash(Cash Flow) in three ways: direct method, indirect method and by type of activity;

q Analytical forecast balance;

q Calculation of production costs;

q Movement of products, goods and material resources in the warehouse;

q Schedule for attracting and repaying borrowed funds, leasing agreements;

III. Analyze and evaluate the prepared business plan from the point of view of:

¨ commercial risk of implementing the prepared business plan;

¨ efficiency of capital investments;

¨ dynamics of the structure of the enterprise’s property and sources of its formation;

¨ financial stability, solvency, liquidity, efficiency of planned activities;

¨ efficiency of production and sales of each type of product, product, service;

¨ analysis of the structure of the cost per unit of production;

¨ analysis of costs per unit of production.

IV. Conduct an investment efficiency analysis

Analysis commercial efficiency investment project in general and for the enterprise;

Realize efficiency calculations investment for new and existing enterprises;

Define investment efficiency from the point of view of budgets of various levels;

Produce financial feasibility assessment investment projects;

The use of this functional block allows for calculations of project performance indicators generally accepted in Russian and international investment analysis practice: net present value; internal rate of return; investment return index; simple payback period; investment payback period taking into account discounting.

Based on the calculation results, it is formed text analytical investment report.

V. Analyze planned work with contractors of the enterprise

VI. Get a real assessment of the value of the company (business)

VII. Determine the sensitivity of the business plan to fluctuations in market conditions and changes in macroeconomic operating conditions.

Based on the results of the prepared business plan, the following are calculated:

  • planned cash flows to budgets of different levels(federal, regional, municipal) broken down by specific types of taxes;
  • risk-free rate of return, net present value and the ratio of inflows and outflows;

IX. Conduct an analysis of deviations between actual and plan.

X. Consolidate enterprise data and conduct a detailed financial and economic analysis of the combined option.

XI. Compare the results of enterprises in tabular and graphical form:

11.1 Comparison of any number of enterprises according to their current financial and economic condition

11.2. Comparison of any number of enterprises by planning forms and indicators

11.3. Monitoring(sorting) of enterprises according to comprehensive assessment financial condition with distribution into groups of investment attractiveness.

11.4. Monitoring (sorting) of enterprises by integral indicators (indicators of investment efficiency, business value assessment, budget efficiency).

11.5. Monitoring of enterprises for presence of signs of deliberate bankruptcy (p on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 855)

11.6. Selection of enterprises by indicators in any configuration (the first 10 with the highest profits, wages, enterprises with the largest debt to the budget, etc.)

11.7. Database monitoring, namely auditing information about availability of information in the database by enterprise (data for analysis, information about management, chief accountant, directories, address, etc.).

Based on the results of international competitions software in the field of finance and business, the INEC-Analyst software package has been repeatedly recognized as the winner.


1. Purpose and scope of application of software products of the “Analyst” series………………………………………………………………………………….3

2. Software package "INEK-AFSP"………………………………………………………6

3. Software package "INEK-ADP"……………………………………...9

4. Software package "INEK-Analyst"……………………………….11

5. Software package "Banking analyst"………………………….14

6. Software package "INEK-Holding"………………………………..17





INEC Group is one of the largest IT and consulting companies in Russia. The history of the company began in 1990 with the creation of the first computer program in Russia for financial analysis of enterprises. A small consulting firm, INEC, developed it for its own use. Since then, the creation of information and analytical software products has become a key area of ​​business. INEC group software products are multiple winners international competitions software in the field of finance and business. Among INEC group clients are commercial enterprises and organizations, financial institutions, organs state power and management. The main development of the INEC group is the “Analyst” series.

“Analyst” is a multidisciplinary series of software products for a comprehensive solution to today’s most pressing financial problems facing enterprises and organizations of any type of activity and of any size. The programs included in the "Analyst" series help solve problems of varying levels of complexity. Over 17 years on the market of specialized systems for the financial sector, the “Analyst” series has won the trust of more than 6,000 users. The products of the series are constantly being improved in accordance with the requirements of time and the wishes of customers.

The series of software products is designed in such a way that each client can choose the appropriate tool for solving financial and economic problems, depending on the tasks facing the enterprise and its financial capabilities.

1. Purpose and scope of application of software products of the “Analyst” series

Software products of the “Analyst” series are designed for a comprehensive solution to the most pressing financial problems facing organizations and commercial banks today: analysis of accounting and management reporting; plan-actual control and deviation analysis; development and analysis of a business plan for an enterprise, a plan for the financial recovery of an enterprise; business valuation; calculation of budget efficiency; analysis of the financial condition of borrowers; loan feasibility study assessment; calculation of reserves taking into account the financial situation of the borrower, quality of debt servicing and loan collateral; obtaining information on the loan portfolio by quality category.

Features and advantages of the "Analyst" series: versatility; ease of implementation and use; a flexible structure that allows clients to create analysis methods that reflect exactly those indicators that interest their enterprises; efficient work at enterprises of large, medium and small businesses, as well as in government agencies and public organizations; a wide range of built-in analysis techniques; simple and convenient interface; designed for users of any level of computer knowledge.

INEC-Analyst software products are used for the following purposes:

· Internal analysis of the enterprise’s activities and development of a plan for its development. Financial directors, enterprise managers, as well as external managers identify the production and financial problems of the enterprise, evaluate its operating efficiency structural divisions, develop a business plan, select the most promising areas of activity, prepare representative documents to attract additional funds, evaluate the feasibility of restructuring the enterprise.

· External analysis and control of enterprise activities. Organizations that use software products of the “Analyst” series to carry out external analysis and control the activities of enterprises primarily include:

1. Organs public administration monitoring the financial condition of enterprises in the city, region and decisive issues providing financial assistance to enterprises that exercise control over the activities of SUEs (state unitary enterprises) and joint-stock companies with a share of state ownership;

2. Credit departments of commercial banks, making decisions on providing loans to enterprises and organizations;

3. Holdings that evaluate the efficiency of branches and the prospects for their development;

4. Suppliers assessing the enterprise’s ability to pay for goods and services;

5. Auditing and consulting firms assessing the financial and economic condition of enterprises and developing long-term plans their development;

6. Investors assessing the investment attractiveness of Russian objects;

7. Insurance organizations that analyze the financial and economic condition of policyholders.

This dual focus of the programs allows enterprises in need of financial investments to submit high-quality documents to organizations providing financial support and “speak” the same language with them. At the same time, the use of programs in this series by specialists from government agencies makes it possible to create a unified information space for the region and constantly monitor the financial condition of business entities in cities, regions, and republics. In other words, the “Analyst” series programs solve the problem of “transparency” of enterprises and represent full information about their financial potential.

The result of working with the software package is a comprehensive financial and economic analysis of the current state of the enterprise and a well-prepared business plan that meets the requirements of leading Russian and international financial organizations, which distinguishes INEC-Analyst from software products of a similar class.

The Analyst series of software products includes:

PC "INEK-AFSP" – analysis of the financial condition of enterprises and organizations of any type of activity;

PC "INEK-ADP" – analysis of the financial and economic state of enterprises and organizations of any type of activity;

PC "INEK-Analyst" – analysis and planning of enterprises’ activities;

PC "INEK-Holding" – analysis, accounting and planning of activities of subsidiaries;

PC "Banking Analyst" - financial analysis, calculation of loan reserves, business valuation, analysis of loan feasibility study, plan-factual control.

2. Software package "INEK-AFSP"

The INEC-AFSP program is designed to analyze the financial condition of enterprises of all types of activities based on data from external accounting reports: forms No. 1, 2, 4 (Appendix 1).

The undoubted advantage of the program is not only the thoroughly developed INEC methodology, but also a mechanism that provides users with the opportunity to create their own analysis methods, describing algorithms for calculating the indicators used in them. When creating your own analysis methods, the user is given the opportunity to use both initial and analytical data, and is also offered an extremely accessible mechanism for selecting formulas for calculating indicators with the ability to view them in words and form their own comments on the created indicators.

The INEC-AFSP program allows you to use the following formats of presented data in the analysis: initial (absolute) values; base growth rates; base growth rates; chain growth rates; chain growth rates; basic absolute deviations; chain absolute deviations; annual averages; averaged values ​​according to form N 2; values ​​on an accrual basis in form N 2 within a year; values ​​over time, for any selected period; values ​​compared for 2 periods; values ​​for one date (including the formation of a Financial Report for one date); converting monthly data into quarterly and annual and quarterly into annual data, respectively; values ​​in any currency entered into the “Economic Environment” directory and on any scale.

When working with the program, it is possible not only to conduct financial analysis based on calculated analytical tables and graphs, but also to receive automatically prepared text form a detailed report on the financial condition of the enterprise (15-16 pages of text). The INEC-AFSP program also prepares a short summary of the financial condition of enterprises. This summary consists of text and graphics (3 pages) and is often used to provide information about the enterprise to the managers of this enterprise, city, and specialists from ministries and departments.

The INEC-AFSP program additionally calculates:

· Indicators of economic efficiency of the activities of FSUE (State Unitary Enterprises), financial indicators of the audit of FSUE;

· Indicators of economic efficiency of joint-stock companies with a share of federal ownership;

· Estimation of net asset value for joint stock companies;

· Financial and economic condition of business entities with the city’s share;

· Presence of signs of fictitious, deliberate bankruptcy;

  1. 2.6. Computer technologies for analytical support of financial management information base
    Carrying out analysis based on the financial statements of an enterprise requires daily structuring of a large volume of source data and constant use statistical methods processing of financial information, which is ensured by the ability to obtain and analyze basic financial reporting indicators using computer technology. Usage computer programs for analysis purposes
  2. 6.1.3. Alt-Finance
    The Alt-Finance software product is designed to perform a comprehensive assessment of an enterprise’s activities, identify the main trends in its development, calculate basic standards for planning and forecasting, and assess the enterprise’s creditworthiness. Carrying out a detailed financial analysis and managerial interpretation of the results obtained will allow you to find the optimal development path,
  3. 6.1.5. Program Financial Analysis + Business Valuation
    linek- Analyst Audit Expert lAlt- Finance Excel Financial Analysis lFinancial analysis + Business assessment Possibility of export from 1C + + - + + Possibility of creating graphs and diagrams + + - + + Calculation of financial ratios + + + + + Possibility of using integral methods + + + - Requirement to have Microsoft Office on your computer - - + + - Possibility of creating your own
  4. Conclusions
    Today there are many computer programs that allow you to conduct financial analysis and even perform de-forecasts; gentle flows of company. Among them are the INEC-Analyst program and Audit Expert. These programs, in addition to calculating coefficients and plotting graphs, make it possible to choose or develop your own methodology for analyzing and assessing phi-| financial status of the company with
  5. Tests
    Please indicate the correct answer. Among the software products there is a business assessment block: a) lAlt-Finance b) Audit Expert c) Linek-Analyst d) all answers are correct The calculation of financial ratios is performed in the software products: a) lAlt-Finance b) Excel Financial Analysis c) Linek-Analyst d) all answers are correct The following do not have the ability to export data from 1C accounting programs:
  6. External environment analysis
    carried out according to the following parameters: study of penalties for goods and services, real estate, securities; tax rates and interest rates on bank loans and deposits; assessment of competitors’ activities, etc. Based on the results of the analysis, alternative options are identified, assessed and final decisions are made management decisions. Key positions in the financial structure
    Working capital management is an integral part of enterprise management as a whole. The main goal of enterprise management is to improve the financial condition of the enterprise (achieve maximum profit and increase the value of the company). The same goal is pursued when managing working capital. To manage working capital at the enterprise, a special group must be created,
  8. 18.3.2. Comparative approach to business valuation
    This method is based on the principle of substitution: the buyer will not buy a property if its cost exceeds the cost of purchasing a similar property on the market that has the same utility. The comparative approach is mainly used where there is a sufficient database of sales transactions. Key Benefits comparative approach The appraiser focuses on actual prices
  9. 4.5. Organizational and managerial innovations
    In countries with developed market economy It is customary to consider entrepreneurship from the position of belonging to a classical or innovative model. The classical model describes traditional, conservative entrepreneurship, which involves production management on the basis of economical and effective use production resources. The innovation model considers the types
  10. 5.1. Economic security
    The nineties of the last century showed that forceful methods V Russian economy have become a permanent and necessary element of economic life. Over the past fifteen years, professional security forces, both state and non-state, have been formed and continue to actively develop. They are actively looking for their niches in business, which eloquently demonstrates the action in this

Software package " Financial Analyst" designed for analysis of the financial condition of enterprises all types of activities based on data from external accounting reports: forms No. 1, 2, 4 (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), own original forms.

Financial analysis can be carried out for enterprises that are on both the generally accepted taxation system and the simplified one.

In addition to standard forms, it is possible to create universal arbitrary source tables. These forms can be generated in accordance with reporting forms officially approved by various departments of the Russian Federation or with internal corporate standards governing the provision of information necessary for making management decisions.

The advantage of the program is that it allows:

  • Take into account the industry and economic specifics of enterprises’ activities;
  • Use the INEC methodology;
  • Implement your own financial analysis methods;
  • Receive almost all legally regulated financial analysis methods for financial recovery, assessments of unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies with a share of state ownership;
  • Calculate economic value added (EVA);
  • Consolidate and analyze the financial statements of enterprises included in holdings and financial and industrial groups;
  • Compare and rank companies based on various indicators.

The undoubted advantage of the program is not only the thoroughly developed INEC methodology, but also a mechanism that provides users the ability to create your own analysis methods.

To assess the financial condition of an enterprise it is used horizontal and vertical analysis:

  • Analysis of assets and liabilities of the analytical balance sheet(relative and absolute changes in the structure of property and sources of its formation)
  • Profit and loss(financial results)
  • Inflow and outflow cash
  • Efficiency characterizing the profitability of activities and return on investments (profitability of activities and capital, turnover of assets and working capital elements)
  • Solvency, which reveals the ability of an enterprise to pay off current debts and the likelihood of its bankruptcy in the near future (coverage ratio, intermediate coverage ratio, immediate and absolute liquidity, self-financing interval, Beaver ratio, Altman index, etc.)
  • Financial stability, characterizing the degree of independence of enterprises from external sources of financing (level of equity capital, ratio of borrowed and equity capital, ratio of coverage of non-current assets with own and long-term borrowed capital)

Software package " Financial Analyst" allows you to use the following formats of presented data when analyzing:

  • Original (absolute) values
  • Baseline growth rates
  • Basic growth rates
  • Chain growth rates
  • Chain growth rates
  • Basic absolute deviations
  • Chain absolute deviations
  • Average annual values
  • Average values ​​according to form N 2
  • Cumulative values ​​according to form N 2 within a year
  • Dynamic values ​​for any selected period
  • Values ​​compared for 2 periods
  • Values ​​for one date (including the formation of a Financial Report for one date)
  • Convert monthly data to quarterly and annual and quarterly to annual respectively
  • Values ​​in any currency entered into the Economic Environment directory and on any scale

When working with the program, it is possible not only to conduct financial analysis based on calculated analytical tables and graphs, but also to receive automatically prepared text form detailed Conclusion on the financial condition of the enterprise (15-16 pages of text).

Software package " Financial Analyst" also cooks Brief Summary about the financial condition of enterprises. This summary consists of text and graphics (3 pages) and is often used to provide information about the enterprise to the managers of this enterprise, city, and specialists from ministries and departments.

In addition, the program has introduced a mechanism that allows the User to interpret the calculations themselves and customize and subsequently use any number of their own text reports.

From the variety of indicators and coefficients, the program selects key ones that characterize all aspects economic activity enterprises - operational efficiency, business riskiness and financial stability of the enterprise, long-term and short-term prospects for solvency, quality of enterprise management. Based on the selected indicators, it is calculated comprehensive assessment of financial condition enterprises with its assignment to one of four groups ( first- highly profitable enterprises with excellent chances for further development; second enterprises with a satisfactory level of profitability, third- enterprises on the verge of financial stability, fourth- enterprises in deep crisis). The use of this complex indicator allows not only to track changes in the financial position of the enterprise over time, but also to determine it rating in relation to other enterprises and organizations.

When assessing the efficiency of enterprises, it is possible to compare the financial indicators achieved by the enterprise with industry standard (recommended) values, i.e. carrying out constant benchmarking. To achieve this goal in the software package " Financial Analyst" For various types activities, the recommended values ​​of indicators are configured.

The program is able to consolidate data from several options and analyze integrated reporting.

Software package " Financial Analyst" additionally calculates indicators in accordance with current legislation:

State unitary enterprises

  • Indicators of economic efficiency of activities Federal State Unitary Enterprise(Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade N 320, Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation N 208 MNS N BG-3-21/355-a)
  • Financial indicators for Report of the head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise(RF Government Decree N1116)
  • Financial indicators for the report of the head of a federal state unitary enterprise are not only calculated in the program, but also automatically fill out the Report supplied with the program
  • Financial indicators audit of FSUE

Joint stock companies

  • Financial indicators of the issuer’s activities (Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 11-46/pz-n)
  • Indicators of economic efficiency of activities of joint-stock companies with a share of federal ownership (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade N 320, Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation N 208 MNS N BG-3-21/355-a)
  • Determination of the value of net assets (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N 84n)

Financial recovery

  • Rules for conducting financial analysis by an arbitration manager (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 367 of June 25, 2003)
  • Presence of signs of fictitious, deliberate bankruptcy (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 855 “On approval of the Temporary Rules for checking by an arbitration manager for the presence of signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy”)
  • Financial condition of agricultural producers (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2003 N 52)
  • Debtor's financial stability group (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2003 N 52)
  • Financial analysis and control of enterprises of strategic importance for the national security of the state or socio-economic significance (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade N 211, FSFR N 295)
  • Analysis and examination of the financial condition of organizations (Order of the FSFO of Russia N 16)
  • Assessment of the balance sheet structure (Order of the Federal Fund for Financial Affairs dated August 12, 1994 N 31-r)

Credit organizations

  • Indicators for assessing the satisfaction of the financial position of legal entities (Bank of Russia Regulation N 415-P)

Used in the program " Financial Analyst""graphics package" makes it possible to: build graphs for any indicators, show (hide) indicator value labels, display (hide) the range of recommended values, present graphs for printing on a black-and-white or color printer, set upper and lower headings for graphs, rotate the labels, save them in the database and then constantly use the selected graphs. In addition, the program provides the ability to transfer. graphs in MS Word.

When assessing the financial condition of the borrower, Users can use both financial indicators and ratios calculated in the program, as well as qualitative indicators. When working with the program, you can use the proposed INEC methods or create your own.

Software package " Financial Analyst"is intended not only for analyzing the activities of a particular enterprise, but is also indispensable for government agencies when conducting monitoring financial and economic condition of economic entities of cities, regions, republics, since it:

  • Allows you to create and maintain an up-to-date database of business entities (full and short name; actual and legal addresses; Taxpayer Identification Number, all-Russian classifiers of enterprises and organizations, forms of ownership, types of activities, legal form; full name, telephone, fax and email of the management of the enterprise )
  • Makes it possible to analyze not only private enterprises, but also state unitary enterprises and joint-stock companies with a share of state ownership
  • Evaluates the performance of enterprises in filling the budgets of different levels (federal, regional, municipal)
  • Calculates budget efficiency
  • Allows you to compare in tabular and graphical form the results of activities of different enterprises according to financial and economic indicators and ratios, as well as according to financial statements;
  • Distribute (sort) business entities into groups of financial condition, investment attractiveness and creditworthiness.