Working hours of a teacher psychologist. Approximate distribution of working time of an educational psychologist (per month)

Advice from lawyers:

1. I work at school as a teacher-psychologist at a rate of 0.75 and 0.75 as a teacher-sociologist, do I have to be at school for all 9 hours every day?

1.1. Yes, they should, since the duration of working hours is established for these positions (clauses 2.1–2.2 of Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1601, letter of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 15, 2015 No. 08-PG-MON-37849).

On days when there are no classes or other work, teachers who have a standard teaching load may not be present (clause 2.4 of the specifics approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated May 11, 2016 No. 536). For example, teachers and educators additional education.

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2. How many hours per day is 0.25 of the salary of an educational psychologist at school?

2.1. Per day is 2 hours.

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3. How does the salary of a teacher-psychologist at a school depend on the number of students.

3.1. Unknown. The procedure and conditions of remuneration, including its parts, are determined not by law, but by the employer or owner of the institution.

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4. How many children are there for 1 teacher-psychologist position at school?

4.1. There are no mandatory standards for the staffing level of a teacher-psychologist, therefore in each specific case the decision is made individually by the appropriate head of the educational institution.
It is possible that there are some standards in your region, but they can only be advisory in nature and this question should be addressed either to the Ministry of Education of your region or to the education department of your administration.

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5. Please tell me, how many hours does a teacher-psychologist pay at school?

5.1. Maybe you should contact your nearest school and ask its principal about this? Well, in Samara there is the Department of Education of the Samara Urban District, its head is Galuzina Liliya. You can probably make an appointment with her, she definitely knows the answer to this question.

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6. What is the workload for 1 position of teacher-psychologist at school (number of children)?

6.1. The workload of a teacher-psychologist does not depend on the number of children in an educational institution and in any case is 36 hours a week, of which at least 18 are work directly at school.

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7. I work at school as a teacher-psychologist. Passed professional retraining, qualification defectology. Can I work at 0.5 rate as a defectologist? Thank you.

7.1. in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 60.1. Part-time work:
An employee has the right to enter into employment contracts to perform other regular paid work in his free time from his main job with the same employer (internal part-time job) and (or) with another employer (external part-time job).
The specifics of regulating the labor of persons working part-time are determined by Chapter 44 of this Code.

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8. I work as an educational psychologist at a school, my workload is 1 full time (36 hours), plus 10 hours of teaching music and 10 hours of working with a disabled child. Can additional workload hours be included in my basic workload? working hours, that is, combine. And do I have the right, given such a workload, to have a five-day work week? "Legal information was used social network"

8.1. Additional hours may be included in your main time in accordance with Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for combining
As for the right to a five-day working week, the issue is resolved with your employer. However, the employer’s obligation to transfer you to a five-day work week does not exist.

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9. A teacher is applying for the vacancy of a teacher-psychologist at a school. fine arts with secondary specialized education, currently a 2nd year part-time student pedagogical university majoring in "Pedagogy. Psychology". Do we have the right now to hire such an employee full-time, or maybe at least for some part of the salary? (We really need a specialist, the vacancy has been open for 10 months) Thank you.

9.1. It is not clear for what position, art or psychologist.

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10. What document regulates the number of students per teacher-psychologist in a school?

10.1. None. The Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 1995 N 7/1 “On the state and prospects for the development of the service of practical psychology of education in Russian Federation" .
It is established there that positions practical psychologists are established on the basis of the UTS (from 9 to 16 categories) in each educational institution - at least one psychologist per institution. At the same time, in educational institutions with more than 500 pupils, the number of psychologist positions is increasing.
But according to Part 1 of Art. 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation” An educational organization has autonomy, which means independence in the implementation of educational, scientific, administrative, financial and economic activities.

Currently, the standard for the number of children per teacher-psychologist is established only for children with disabilities. There is one psychologist for 20 children.
The Ministry of Education promised to develop standards this year.

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11. Before maternity leave, I worked at school for 2 positions: a psychologist and a social teacher. In the work book it is written like this: “hired as a psychologist, social teacher.” The director at our school did not issue an employment contract; she gives it only to those who are currently getting a job, and then selectively. At the moment I need to return from maternity leave, they offer me to return only to the position of a psychologist. Is this legal? On the social bet. the teacher hired the person for a permanent job (they even issued an employment contract)

11.1. In fact, you had a part-time job (Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An incorrect entry was made in your work book. In a written application, request a certified copy of the employment contract for the past period of work; you must have it initially. You need to decide what your main position was. And only then decide whether your right has been violated and whether it needs to be defended.

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12. I work as a full-time teacher-psychologist at a school. About 1 thousand people study at the school, among them 6 children with disabilities. What is the average person for 1 psychologist position? Should I pay extra for working with children with disabilities?

12.1. Additional payments for working with children with disabilities are currently provided only if we're talking about about a specialized educational institution, and you regular school. Since 2016, so-called inclusive education has been in effect and children with disabilities are placed in regular schools.
As for the norm of a person to bet, such norms do not exist. There is a “Regulation on the Service of Practical Educational Psychology in the Russian Federation.” But this document is advisory and not mandatory. This document recommends 1 rate per 500 children.

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13. I work as a teacher-psychologist at a school. Our MBOU has a correctional class (children of the 7th type). There are more than 20 students with disabilities throughout the school. How many bets are we entitled to?

13.1. Unfortunately, the law does not establish staffing standards; these standards are developed and approved directly by education departments.

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. I work at a school as a teacher and another 0.5 as an educational psychologist. Am I entitled to the minimum wage for an educational psychologist?

14.1. ---Hello, dear visitor, you are not entitled to any minimum wage, only 0.5 rates. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

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15. Hello! Is 0.8 of the rate included in the northern experience for assigning a pension? She worked as a teacher psychologist at school. The PF said no. Is this legal?

15.1. Article 327. Other guarantees and compensation Guarantees and compensation in the field of social insurance, pensions, housing legal relations and others are established for persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local government bodies.

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16. According to the work book, it is written as “psychologist, biology teacher” at a rural school. The tariff includes "biology lessons 5-6 hours and the rate of a teacher-psychologist." Am I entitled to a preferential pension? Do I need to confirm it with a personal account statement?

16.1. According to the text - no. Your main place of work is as a teacher-psychologist.

calculation of periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out teaching activities in institutions for children, in accordance with subparagraph 19 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation"
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781)11. Work as a social teacher, educational psychologist and a labor instructor is counted towards work experience in educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care, specified in paragraph 1.3 of the section “Name of institutions” of the list, in special (correctional) educational institutions for students (pupils) with developmental disabilities , specified in paragraph 1.5 of the section "Name of institutions" of the list, in special educational institutions of open and closed type, specified in paragraph 1.6 of the section "Name of institutions" of the list, in educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance specified in paragraph 1.11 of the section “Name of institutions” of the list, and in social service institutions specified in paragraph 1.13 of the section “Name of institutions” of the list.

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17. I work as a teacher-psychologist at a school, and I also teach elective course"me and mine future profession(36 hours) Tell me, what are my responsibilities? I have 1 wage rate, i.e. 36 hours Tell me, how many working hours should I spend at my workplace, taking into account the fact that I am teaching this elective course? Maybe I'm not getting paid extra? What does labor compensation consist of? I have a 7 hour work day. day.
Five days.

17.1. Everything that is included in the job responsibilities must be specified in the employment contract. Additional work must be carried out on the basis of an additional agreement to the Employment Contract.

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17.2. You can see your responsibilities in your employment contract and/or job description. You have the right not to perform other duties not specified in them.

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18. I work full-time as a pedagogical psychologist in a secondary school. I submitted documents to the pension fund to calculate the length of service for a preferential long-service pension. Today at the pension I was told that the position of a teacher psychologist in a general education institution is not included in the list of preferential positions. And I can only apply for a preferential pension if I worked as a teacher and had a workload of at least 18 hours. Is that so?

18.1. The FIU is wrong. According to the RF PP dated October 29, 2002 No. 781 (as amended on May 26, 2009) “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned early in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions” in the Russian Federation", and on the approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" full-time work as a teacher-psychologist" in those named in Decrees of institutions.

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19. I worked for two years in a secondary school as a teacher-psychologist for 0.5 pay and as a teacher-psychologist for 0.5 pay. GPD teacher. Will these two years be included in my preferential period?

19.1. Hello, Zhanna
For this job to be included in the preferential length of service, you must have worked as a full-time teacher
I wish you good luck and all the best!

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20. What is the working week of a social teacher at school (rate) provided that the rate of a teacher psychologist is combined?

Thank you.

20.1. For a social worker, the salary is not divided between teaching and other pedagogical work. The rate of a social teacher is measured not in the standard teaching hours, but in the duration of working hours per week.
Duration working week for a social educator - 36 hours.
Good luck and good luck!

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20.2. If we are talking about the full rate, then teaching staff it is 36 hours a week, this is exactly what you need to start from.

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21. I work as a teacher-psychologist in one of the schools in the Moscow region. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for OVZ, in addition to my main workload of (36) hours, I have a workload of 13 hours per extracurricular activities. What should my weekly workload be in hours, i.e. directly my presence at school. I have been working in this institution for over 22 years. How to properly combine time, which is paid separately in addition to the rate. Thank you for your attention!

21.1. And the time will depend on how exactly the additional load is designed. If it is a combination, it can be performed during working hours. If it is a part-time job, this requires separate working hours.

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22. I have been working in a rural school for 12 years as a teacher-psychologist for 1 pay, but this year the director is transferring me to 0.65 pay, there was no notification, what should I do in this situation?

22.1. Appeal his order to the Education Department. The director had no right to issue such an order without your consent and notification. This is a violation of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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22.2. The director cannot change the essential terms of the employment contract, there must be an order for layoffs, and notice at least 2 months in advance, just to transfer this is already a violation, write a complaint to the Department of Education.

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22.3. If the terms of your employment contract indicate a rate, then the employer is obliged to provide you with work at this rate, and if there is no workload, then he is obliged to notify about this no later than two months before the changes are introduced.
Therefore, in this situation, there is a violation of labor legislation on the part of the director and you have the right to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate.

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23. I work as a full-time teacher-psychologist in a rural school, with an additional 11 hours of teaching (art, art, physical education, physical education), is the 25% rural bonus paid only for the basic salary or also for teaching hours?

23.1. The procedure and conditions of remuneration, including its parts, are determined not by law, but by the employer or owner of the institution.

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24. I work as a teacher primary classes and a teacher-psychologist. I have 14 hours and 0.5 psychologist rate. Can I ask the administration for a methodological day? The school has a 6-day work week.

Work schedule for the 2019-2020 academic year (weekly)

Day of the week

Number of hours


Planning and analysis of work: filling out analytical and reporting documentation. Preparation for group and individual lessons,consultations with students

Visit and psychological analysis lessons; conducting psychological monitoring and one-time psychology lessons; group developmental classes for students.

Self-education; preparation and processing of psychological monitoring results, drawing up conclusions, analytical reports based on the results of diagnostics and monitoring, advanced training courses.

Participation in RMO, meetings, workshops, author’s workshops for educational psychologists.

Primary diagnostic appointment and consultation of students.

Preparation for group and individual lessons, consultations with students

Group developmental classes for students, individual consultations for teachers, students, participation in teacher councils, consultations and work meetings.

Filling out analytical and reporting documentation

Consulting parents, participating in parent meetings

Work schedule for the 2019-2020 academic year (weekly)

Malakhova Olga Vladimirovna, educational psychologist (1st position)

Day of the week

Number of hours



Working with participants educational process:


Working with educational participants process

Personal enhancement professional qualifications, self-education, supervision, participation in methodological associations practical psychologists.

Working with educational participants process


Working with educational participants process


Working with educational participants process

Work with participants in the educational process: Individual and group preventive, diagnostic, advisory, correctional, developmental, educational, educational work with students; expert, consulting work with teaching staff and parents (legal representatives on issues of development, training and education in an educational institution;

Methodical work: Preparation for individual and group work with students; processing, analysis and generalization of the results obtained; preparation for expert and consulting work with teaching staff and parents of students; filling out analytical and reporting documentation.

A teacher-psychologist is a staff unit necessary in the organization of education. In accordance with the requests of the educational institution, the working hours of the educational psychologist and the combination of types of work are approved.

From this article you will learn:

Areas of work of an educational psychologist

Education– , forming a request for psychological services and providing information on psychological problems. These are lectures, thematic exhibitions of psychological literature, conversations, seminars, .

Prevention– purposeful, systematic collaboration psychologist, teacher and educators

  • to prevent possible socio-psychological and psychological problems for students of different classes;
  • to create a favorable emotional psychological climate in the teaching and student teams, the rules of the school, which are based on respect for the honor and dignity of all its citizens;
  • to identify children at risk (for various reasons).

Psychoprophylactic diagnostics – in order to identify children at risk on socio-psychological and intellectual grounds and conclude on the need for further psychocorrectional work with them.

Systematic work to prevent possible problems in the development of students’ personality in the form of psychological trainings, differentiated by problems and age of students, or psychology lessons, the content of which includes knowledge, skills and abilities to work with typical psychological problems of students of a certain age. The psychologist also methodically ensures the inclusion of this topic in the content of other school psychologists.

Psychological diagnostics – psychological and pedagogical study individual characteristics students' identities for the purpose of:

Identifying the causes of problems in learning and development;

Definition strengths personality, its reserve capabilities, which can be relied upon during correctional work;

Early identification of professional and educational interests;

Determination of individual style of cognitive activity.

Carried out in the form of a planned diagnosis or diagnosis at the request of students, teachers, parents and school administration and is considered as important preparatory stage individual and group counseling, psychological and pedagogical consultation, school teachers' council. Psychological diagnostics of a teacher’s professional behavior is carried out by a psychologist or within the framework of his own strategy developed by him. professional activity, or upon request from the administration or the teacher himself.

Attention: correction– systematic, targeted work by a psychologist with children classified as “at risk” for one reason or another, aimed at providing specific assistance to these children.

In the context of organizing education, a psychologist independently has the right to work only with children whose behavior deviations are not a consequence of the use of central nervous system damage or mental illness. A psychologist is not obliged to perform administrative and educational functions in relation to children who violate school rules or commit illegal actions. At the same time, it can methodically provide a procedure for establishing fair rules and sanctions for their violations in an educational institution.

Corrective work is carried out in the form of individual and group classes, as well as in the form of thematic psychological trainings developed for children with similar behavioral problems.

Consulting – providing specific assistance applied adults and children in understanding the nature of their difficulties, in analyzing and solving psychological problems associated with their own characteristics, current life circumstances, relationships in the family, among friends, at school, assistance in the formation of new attitudes and making their own decisions. Provided in the form of individual and group consultations.


Art therapy in the work of an educational psychologist

L. V. Khanina

educational psychologist, KSU “KShDS No. 2”, Priozersk

Form of conduct: master class.

Target: increase professional excellence educational psychologists – participants of the master class – through pedagogical communication with a demonstration of the use of art therapeutic technologies to create emotional stability and restore psychological health among participants in the educational process.


  • introduce master class participants to art therapeutic technologies and their application in practice;
  • create a positive emotional climate among participants, using types of art therapy (isotherapy, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, etc.) as one of the forms of organizing a master class;
  • promote the development of professional and creative activity, revealing the internal potential of each teacher by creating conditions for individual and collective work.

In accordance with paragraphs. 47) clause 1 art. 1 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code), working time is the time during which the employee, in accordance with the acts of the employer and the terms of the employment contract, performs labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with the Labor Code, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, collective by agreement or act of the employer referred to working time.

Working hours and rest times for teaching staff are established by internal labor regulations, educational schedules, as well as the terms of the employment contract.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 68 Labor Code, normal working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week.

According to paragraphs. 1) clause 7 of Art. 52 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” the standard teaching load per week for calculating the monthly salary of teaching staff directly carrying out the educational process in government organizations education is established:

1) 18 hours:

for secondary education organizations and educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education;

for organizations of additional education of students and pupils;

for specialized and special educational organizations.

The working hours of employees of educational organizations for which a standard teaching load is not established is established in accordance with the Labor Code.

Doing the other part pedagogical work carried out during working hours, which are not specified in terms of the number of hours.

Additional features of the working hours of teaching staff may be regulated by a regional (regional) industry agreement, the text of which can be found in the territorial department of education or in the structural organization of the regional industry trade union.

According to paragraphs. 6) clause 1 art. 28 of the Labor Code, the working and rest time regime must be specified in the employment contract. We believe that the employee must be at the workplace in accordance with the working hours specified in the employment contract and internal labor regulations.

Standard teaching load for calculating wages in accordance with clause 7 of Art. 52 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” is established for teaching staff who directly carry out educational process. The educational psychologist of the educational organization is not busy with the implementation curricula. Therefore, we cannot talk about the teaching load here. It would be correct to talk about the duration of working hours. According to Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code), the normal working time should not exceed 40 hours per week, unless labor and collective agreements provide for a shorter working time with payment as for the normal working time.

Salary of a teacher-psychologist

Official salary of a teacher-psychologist top level qualifications of the first qualification category with work experience in the specialty over 20 years is calculated as follows: 17697 tenge * 3.86 = 68310 tenge. Additional payment for special working conditions: 68310 tenge * 10% = 6831 tenge. Total: 68310 + 6831 = 75141 tenge. If work activity is carried out in rural areas, then in accordance with the current wage system, the calculated tariff rate increases by 25%: 75,141 tenge * 125% = 93,926 tenge. 17,697 tenge is the basic salary, 3.86 is the coefficient for calculating the rate depending on the registry group (VZ-2) and work experience in the specialty.

The tariff rate of a teacher-psychologist with the same personal parameters under the old remuneration model, valid until January 1, 2016, would be 17,697 tenge * 2.59 = 45,835 tenge.

In this case, the increase was 23%.

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2015 No. 1193 “On the system of remuneration of civil servants, employees of organizations supported by funds state budget, employees of state-owned enterprises" a new remuneration model has been introduced, which provides for an increase in average wages in the field of education and science by 29%. However, first of all, the increase affected methodologists, teachers, instructors, educators and other workers directly involved in the implementation of educational programs.

Education authorities are required to provide information about your salary and its components upon your request.

Planning the work of a teacher - psychologist preschool educational institution (Used working materials of the All-Russian meeting “Service of Practical Psychology in the Russian Education System. Results and Prospects” dated June 6-7, 2002 (Moscow).
The amount of total working time of a preschool educational psychologist per year with a 36-hour work week is approximately 1800 hours, 150 hours per month, according to Resolution No. 65 of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated December 29, 1992.
Initially, regarding the distribution of working time of a teacher-psychologist, there was a special Instruction Letter from the Ministry of General and vocational education.

The Ministry of Education of Russia, as a result of the exchange of information both with educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and with the heads of state and municipal educational institutions of the general vocational education system, has established:

· ineffective use of the working time of a teacher-psychologist under existing regulatory documents regulating activities;

lack of opportunity to improve your professional competence, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in educational institutions of various types and types;

· with the current organization of the activities of a teacher-psychologist, there is a rapid professional disqualification of him as a specialist, as a result of which in certain regions of the Russian Federation there is a noticeable turnover of psychological

Based on the foregoing, heads of state and municipal educational institutions should be guided by the fact that the workload of a teacher-psychologist in educational institutions is 36 hours per week, like all categories of teaching staff in educational institutions (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 55, paragraph 5 ), of which:

· individual group work with students
we, advisory work with teachers, educators and parents of students is 24 hours a week;

· preparation for individual and group work, processing, analysis, summarizing the results of activities, interpreting the data obtained and filling out reporting documentation (see Appendix), the time spent on improving the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist is 12 hours a week, which
does not require the mandatory presence of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution.

When carrying out inspections, heads of educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to use the established distribution of working time of a teacher-psychologist as a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of his activities.
Deputy Minister E. E. Chepurnykh.
Today, this letter of instruction has been canceled, although in some preschool educational institutions they are trying to adhere to exactly this ratio of mandatory (attendance) and optional hours of work for a psychologist in a preschool educational institution. However, in the internal regulations today it is advisable to take into account the recommendations presented in the instruction letter No. 29/1886-6 dated December 24. 2001.
According to this document, the total working time of a psychologist is 36 hours per week, of which:

· 18 o'clock intended to be used for direct individual, group, preventive, diagnostic, correctional and developmental work with children, expert consulting and preventive work
with parents and teachers (I);

18 o'clock- to prepare for individual and group
work with students, processing, analysis, summarizing the results obtained, preparing for export consulting and preventive work with teachers and parents, filling out analytical and reporting documentation, etc. (II)

Planning the entire scope of work by a psychologist is determined by the goals and objectives of the practical psychology service in the education system of the Russian Federation, the type and requests of the administration of a given educational institution.
Approximate indicative indicators of the activity of a teacher-psychologist for the main types of activities during the academic year are:

1. individual examination (100-150 people);

2. group examination (10-20 groups);

3. individual consultation (100-150 consultations);

4. individual lesson (100-150 lessons);

5. group lesson(200 lessons);

6. educational work with adults (40 lessons);

7. participation in consultations, commissions, administrative
broadcasts (10 meetings).

Approximate distribution of working time of an educational psychologist (per month)

Group psychological (screening) examination 1-1.5 hours 3 hours 3-3.5 hours 7 o'clock
Individual consultation 1-1.5 hours 15 hours 0.3 hours 3 hours
Individual development and correctional lesson 0.5-1.5 hours 15 hours 0.3 hours 3 hours
Group developmental and correctional lesson 1-1.5 hours 20 hours 1 hour 20 hours
Educational work 0.5-1.5 hours 4 hours 0.5 hours 2 hours
Expert work 2.5-3 hours 3 hours 0.5 hours 2 hours
Organizational methodological work 7 hours a week 28 hours
Total 75 hours 75 hours

The time spent on performing a particular type of work may also vary depending on the reasons for contacting a psychologist, the primary or repeated application, age, condition and other characteristics of those applying.
In addition, in accordance with the requests of the administration of the educational institution, the combination of types of work and the amount of working time for their implementation may change. If there is no request for some of the above types of work in the educational institution, then the time allotted for their implementation is distributed to other types of work and agreed with the administration of the educational institution.
Let us now dwell on the features of drawing up an annual work plan for an educational psychologist.

Requirements for the work plan of a teacher-psychologist at an educational institution

Requirements (Appendix to the instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 1999 No. 3 “Forms for recording the activities and reporting of educational psychologists.”) to the work plan of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution
1. When drawing up a plan, you must take into account:

· goals and objectives educational activities his educational institution;

· priority of the rights and interests of the child in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law
Russian Federation “On Education”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia, orders and directives of the subjects
Russian Federation;

norms of time spent on each type of activity (see.
materials of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 1995 “On the state and prospects for the development of the service of practical psychology of education in Russia”).

2. The work plan must include the following columns:

Point 2 may contain both the name of a one-time event (meeting, consultation, conversation, lesson...) and the name of a program of activities in a certain area (for example, conducting a diagnostic examination or accompanying a correction class, etc.). In the second case, there must be subparagraphs of paragraph 2, each of which has its own deadline and result.
Clause 6 should be stated in the form of specific results, allowing for monitoring of implementation. In paragraph 4, if responsibility for execution is distributed among several performers, the content of responsibility must be indicated (for example, decorating the premises, selecting participants, conducting training, etc.). A long-term work plan, including the goals and directions of work of the psychological blog in a given institution, should be drawn up for a year.
In any case, the annual work plan must be approved by the administration of the educational institution. Exemplary long-term plan The work of a teacher-psychologist for the academic year may look like this (compiled by senior teacher of the Moscow School of Art Gladkikh L. P. see p. 60-61).
In educational institutions where the educational psychologist is the only representative of the psychological service, design schemes for both annual and monthly plans can be presented with the distribution of main activities by type of activity:

Month Working with children Work with teachers Working with parents Working with documents
September Adaptation period in I and II ml. gr. Providing assistance in diagnostics for educational program, participation in the teachers' council: “Collective planning” Conversations with parents, formulating a request for psychological diagnostics of children Selection didactic games to diagnose the level of adaptation of children; preparation of questionnaires for diagnosing psychological climate
October Adaptation period in I and II ml. gr.; diagnostics of psychological difficulties of children, selection of children for subgroup correctional work Completion of diagnostics of children according to the program, conducting diagnostics on the topic: “Identification of creative potential and professionalism” Organization of "Mom's School" for parents of pupils Analysis of diagnostic results, selection of material for diagnosing teachers’ abilities
November Individual consultations, assessment of the psychological climate in the team Individual counseling, organization of work in “problem groups” Preparation of material for “Mom’s School”, for a workshop
December Working with correctional groups, identifying children requiring individual lessons Workshop “The influence of movement on mental development child" Mom’s school: “The relationship between family and kindergarten in the development of children's abilities" Report to the teachers' council - discussions, recommendations for teachers with different levels of development of abilities
January Working with correction Teachers' council-discussion: Individual The program carried out
ny groups; for- "Children with disabilities consulting group classes
classes in the senior group mi in behavior" nie; classes in in the senior group
not for correction "Mom's school" ne
management of children le"; training for children
February Subgroup classes Open classes With Open front Script for "Psycho"
age in middle and old age children for correction tal classes logical living room"
neck group; participation behavior; their psi- with children
in PMPC chological ana-
March Diagnostics ready- Psychological Individual Conclusion on the
get children ready for school, living room" on the topic: consulting diagnostics
participation in PMPC “The situation may be due to nie; seminar for teachers
change for the better- parents for you
mu" out of stress
new states
April Diagnostics ready- Training for children Individual Preparation for scientific
getting children ready for school parental relations consulting for practical purposes
(continuation); participation ny minara
ties in PMPC
Month Working with children Work with teachers Working with parents Working with documents
May." Diagnostics of mastering the program for the year, control sections; working with the school preparatory group to adapt children to school; participation in PMPC Scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “The child and the world around him (knowledge, feelings, relationships)” Frontal exercises Processing the results of control tests, preparing recommendations, making a conclusion about children’s readiness for school
June Working with “Development Maps” of pupils Participation in the teachers' council: “Results of work for the year” Consulting on the results of control sections Prepare a report for the teachers' council on the work done for the year
July-August Providing assistance in the formation of united groups of different ages Recommendations for equipment pedagogical process in the new academic year Consultation; “Creating optimal conditions for maintaining mental health during the summer holidays” Preparing for the new school year

The work plan for the week is drawn up according to a simpler scheme. The schedule (schedule) for the upcoming work week is drawn up at the end of the work week as follows:

Work planning is carried out based on the following standards for the time spent on performing certain types of work.