Deadlines for admission to universities. Acceptance of documents: schedule for accepting documents, how to submit documents, sending documents by mail

Step one - prepare a list of documents

List of documents, which you will need to enroll in a small university. The first thing the employee will ask for is admissions committee- this is yours passport, Instead, you can provide copies certified by a notary or, if you have the original, have it certified by a commission employee. You'll definitely need it document on education(school certificate and Unified State Examination certificate). The next document will be
application for admission to university, and also you will be asked to do 4 photos, size 3 by 4 centimeters(for registration of a grade book and student ID). We recommend signing photos with reverse side pencil to avoid loss and confusion.

If you intend to stay in a hostel while studying, you will be asked vaccination certificate and medical examination results. If you are applying for benefits from the state, be sure to prepare certificates of benefits.

Step two - submit documents to the university

In order for you to be definitely admitted to a certain university, you must provide there original document of education, can be provided to other universities scans and copies of documents. If you are unable to come to the admissions office in person, you can send documents by mail(to another city) or provide in electronic form(if the university allows it).

In 2016, applicants can submit documents:

At once to 5 universities maximum;
- for a maximum of 3 specialties at one university (in total, one applicant can enroll in 15 specialties simultaneously).

The applicant can choose the forms of study and the basis (contractual or budgetary) at his own discretion within the framework of the procedures established by the university.

Acceptance of documents to universities starts no later than June 20, 2016, but can end at different times:

For applicants to specialties for which an additional test is creative competition - July 5;

For applicants to specialties that require additional tests in the form of specialized exams or examinations conducted by the university - July 10;

For applicants whose admission results only in Unified State Exam scores - July 25.

Step three - enrollment results

Until July 27, educational institutions undertake to publish lists of names of applicants with exam results.
If you are in a good position and understand that you pass based on points, then feel free to bring the original documents to the university for your chosen specialty. Remember that August 1 - deadline for submitting originals for the first thread. If you do not provide the originals by the end of this day, you are automatically considered to have refused enrollment.

You will need


First, take your passport and several photocopies with you, just in case. If an identification document is lost, it is allowed to provide a certificate of loss from the passport office.

You will also need a certificate of completion from your previous educational institution: high school, with an insert about the grades received and a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam. If you are submitting documents to several universities at the same time, you may present copies certified by a notary or the admissions office. Just remember that you will still have to give the original right before the start of your studies.

Many higher education institutions ask you to bring 4-6 passport size photographs with you. They should be in color or black and white; it is better to find out in advance from the admissions office or on the university website.

Take with you all certificates, gratitude, certificates of won Olympiads, certificates of completion of additional and preparatory courses, positive characteristics from the place of study, written praise for participation in school quizzes, performances, KVN and sports competitions. Anything that shows you with the best side.

Medical certificate in form 086-u. It is required by almost all applicants entering the day department. Be prepared for the fact that to obtain it you will have to go through a number of specialists, so it is advisable to prepare it in advance. Some universities, especially medical and military ones, require an additional certificate from a venereal, tuberculosis and psychiatric dispensary.

Also have your identification code from the tax office ready. If you have any benefits provided by law, then present documents confirming these benefits. In case you have target direction from a company or enterprise, provide the relevant agreement.


  • what documents are submitted

Summer is unusual for school and technical college graduates. Instead of a long-awaited rest, they are expected important exams- admission to a Higher Educational Institution. In this turmoil, the main thing is not to get confused and take everything necessary documents.

For admission to a university, the necessary documents or copies thereof are provided to the admissions committee of the selected faculty. When choosing a full-time course of study, this should be done on the 20th of June, since testing is already carried out at the beginning of July, and enrollment in the specialty is carried out at the beginning of August. For correspondence courses, the acceptance of documents also begins from the end of June, but lasts until mid-August. The sooner you submit your documents, the less time you will have later, and you will be able to fully concentrate on the entrance examinations. The list of required documents may vary slightly depending on the requirements of the university, which will be discussed with the admissions committee. However, the basis is the same. To enter a university, you need to provide a certificate of Unified State Examination for all subjects passed, an original or a copy. You must fill out an application for areas of training for specialists, bachelors or. You will receive a sample and application form from the faculty admissions committee. You must also personally present your passport and bring a photocopy of 2, 3 and 5 pages. Provide an original or copy of a document about secondary or: certificate, diploma. If you are applying to several universities, then you should keep the original with you and submit it after receiving the exam results directly to the one you will be applying to. If you have rights to benefits, you must provide a certificate. It will not be superfluous to bring originals and copies with you to submit certificates of appreciation , letters of commendation, results from competitions, a certificate of completion of a music school. Members of the commission have the right to include them in the list of submitted documents, which can subsequently contribute to your . Admission to the university is carried out according to Unified State Exam results, if they are high enough. For those who did not pass the Unified State Exam. exam in the subjects required for admission or did not have such an opportunity at all, entrance tests are conducted directly at the university. The date and place of testing should be clarified with the admissions committee when submitting documents. Before enrolling in the faculty, you will need to provide the originals of the Unified State Examination certificate and a certificate or diploma of previous education. To fill out documents and issue a student card, 6 3x4 photographs are submitted. For admission to full-time department also provides: a medical certificate in form No. 086-U, a copy of the medical insurance policy. Military ID or pick up documents from other faculties and universities if you applied to several places.

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The process of entering a higher education institution is most often a huge stress for applicants who until recently were ordinary schoolchildren. Since many of them come from other cities or provinces, a list of required documents can help the applicant prepare everything in advance and save effort, time and nerves when submitting documents to the university.

List of documents for admission

First of all, the applicant must present a document proving his identity and citizenship, after which he must provide the original document on education (state), a certificate of secondary, full or general education, diploma of primary, secondary or higher vocational education. It is also necessary to attach to the list six photographs of 3x4 cm format, a certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination, which was conducted in the year of admission, and documents confirming the applicant’s right to preferential education.

If the applicant has previously changed his first name, patronymic or last name, he must provide the appropriate document that officially confirms the change of full name.

The applicant is also required to present after the date of the order for admission to full-time training (no later than ten days) medical certificate 086U, certificate of conscription for military service or military ID, as well as documents that meet the interests of the applicant.

Secrets of filing documents

To avoid any problems during the admission process, try to have all the necessary documents on hand (originals and copies of the Unified State Examination, medical certificates, certificate and its copies, matte and glossy photographs). Sort them into folders, making the work easier for yourself and the secretaries from the admissions committee.

Just in case, make a supply of copies and photographs, since the admissions office may accidentally lose the submitted documents.

Some universities today have their own websites where you can download an application form for admission and fill it out according to the sample (usually provided on the university website). This will save you a lot of time, and you will be able to go ahead of the rest of the applicants with your already completed application.

To avoid standing in kilometer-long queues of applicants, wait a couple of weeks - the queues will thin out noticeably, and you will submit your documents quickly and calmly. You can also send your documents by mail without fear that they will be lost or delivered to the admissions committee on time. After the results are announced, it is advisable to create a rating of specialties for yourself, which will allow you to quickly respond to the admission results and accurately determine your final choice of university.

The 25th is the last day for submitting documents to universities. The most nervous period lies ahead: enrollment as a student. In order for it to pass without much harm to health, applicants must clearly understand both the enrollment procedure itself and the intermediate stages of this process.

So, July 25th is the last day for admissions committees of Russian universities to accept documents from late applicants. The entire next day they will process the received data, and already on July 27, on the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the university, in accordance with the established procedure, it will appear full list applicants applying for admission. In this case, the lists will be grouped into several conditional groups. At the very beginning there should be the names of applicants eligible for admission without entrance examinations(winners and runners-up All-Russian Olympiads, as well as winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the established one). They should be followed by the names of applicants entering without competition. Next, the names of those who are going to target set, and the list is completed by applicants entering on a general basis (based on the results of the Unified State Exam). At the same time, universities are required to form lists in each conditional group in descending order of points scored by applicants.

The next stage begins on July 30. On this day, the stand of the admissions committee should be replenished with new information - an order for the admission to the first year of those who have the right to admission without competition, admission without entrance tests and target places. Also (if there are vacancies), a list of persons recommended for enrollment on a general basis should appear at the stand. Similar information should be duplicated on the official website of the university. From now until August 4, inclusive, applicants recommended for enrollment can bring original educational documents to the educational institution. This stage ends on August 5, when an order is issued to enroll those who provided the originals into the first year. Applicants who do not do this are automatically eliminated from the competition and are considered to have refused enrollment.

If there are free places, further enrollment should be carried out from the remaining number of persons included in the complete list by name. At the same time, the scheme will look like this: on August 5, a list of people recommended for admission to vacant positions is published on the university website and on the information stand of the admissions committee. budget places. These applicants are given 5 days to provide original documents, until August 9 inclusive. The stage ends with the fact that on August 10, the following order for the enrollment of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination and submitted the original document of education should appear on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee.

As for paying students, on August 5, a list of applicants by name should also be announced, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting the lists recommended for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty) for commercial places. In this case, the actual enrollment of paid students will occur only after all budget places are filled, but will be completed, however, no later than 10 days before the start training sessions. At the same time, the enrollment of applicants entering the correspondence form training.

For admission to budget places, you can choose five universities and each university has 3 specialties. Total 15 directions. You can also apply for paid places in the same specialties at the same time.

Deadlines for accepting documents: June 20 – July 25.
Entrance exams may be held during this period (from July 11), so you should hurry if you are considering such a university as a possible option for admission.

Advice: do not despair if your university requires you to take an additional exam. This is a great opportunity to earn extra points if you are unhappy with your Unified State Exam scores. Moreover, many do not want to take the entrance exam, so competition in this university is reduced. You only need to pass one exam (not three), and at the same time they don’t give you anything hyper-complicated. So the entrance exam even gives you an advantage.

Reception of documents ends:
July 5 – if the university provides entrance examinations of a creative/professional orientation;
July 10 – if the university conducts additional specialized entrance exams;
July 25 – for applicants only based on Unified State Exam results.

You must bring the following documents to the university for each direction:
1. Copy of the certificate;
2. Copy of passport (2 spreads: with photo and with registration);
3. Completed application (you can fill it out at the university itself, or download it from the official website of the university).

It is not necessary to bring a certificate with Unified State Examination scores, because all admissions committees have access to a database with your scores. You can play it safe and take a copy with you just in case.

After enrollment, the following documents will be required:
1. 4-6 matte photographs without corners measuring 3x4 cm;
2. Medical certificate 086-U (preferably);
3. Certificate of registration (for young men).

Documents can be sent by mail (with a receipt receipt and a list of attachments), but they do not need to be notarized. You can apply to some universities through the official website.

First wave: July 27 – August 5.
On July 27, lists are published with a list of applicants recommended for admission and the points they scored. You can find them on official websites and information stands of admissions committees.

As a rule, the scores in the first wave are very high (sometimes 20-30 or more points), so you shouldn’t be surprised. If you were included in the recommended list in the first wave, then bring the original documents to this university. Otherwise, you will be excluded from the ranking and you will not have the opportunity to participate in the competition in the second wave in this specialty. On August 5, the order for your admission will be published, but this does not mean that you will not be able to apply to another university in the second wave.

Second wave: August 5 – August 9.
On August 5, orders for the enrollment of applicants in the first wave are published and lists of those recommended for enrollment in the second wave are posted. The busiest period begins, when you need to monitor the situation every day. Every day the passing score decreases.

Enrollment in the second wave occurs if all budget places were not occupied in the first wave. However, during the second wave, many applicants will withdraw their documents, and budget places may become available.

Option 1. You brought original documents to one university in the first wave, but were included in the list of recommended ones at another university in the second wave.
In this case, if you wish, you can pick up the original documents from the first university (they must be provided within 24 hours) and submit them to the second university.

Option 2. You did not submit original documents anywhere in the first wave.
In this case, we hope for a decrease passing score(it decreases every day) and on August 7-9 we submit documents.

If you were unable to enroll in a budget-funded place, you can submit documents for a paid place at any university until August 19.

End of August: meeting for admitted freshmen. At the meeting you will be told about training, you will receive student cards and grade books, get acquainted with the class schedule, and choose a prefect.

For future students of Moscow universities: come to the university on August 10-19 to apply for a student social card. It takes 2 weeks to prepare, so you need to submit your application in advance so as not to overpay for travel in September. This card will allow you to ride the metro for 350 rubles per month and commuter trains with a 50% discount.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually develops new rules for admission to universities and 2017 was no exception. In turn, each university adopts its own admission rules. Future applicants need to take into account the small but important changes that have been made to the Admission Procedure and rules for admission to universities in 2017-2018. At the request of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, universities published not only new order admission to universities, but also important information on benefits. As a rule, already in October of the year preceding admission, each university must publish all the necessary information about the admissions campaign, in accordance with changes in the admission procedure.

Rules for admission to universities in 2016-2017. — Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 24, 2016 No. AK-2068/05 “On changes in the legal regulation of admission to undergraduate programs, specialty programs, and master’s programs” ().

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads, as well as holders of intellectual and sports achievements, retain special rights when entering universities. This category of children will receive additional points for their success. Just like in previous years, any applicant will have the opportunity to submit documents for admission, choosing up to five universities and up to three areas of study in each of them. Also, the Admission Rules clearly state the conditions for applicants with disabilities health. The ten percent quota for disabled children and orphans will also remain.

So, let’s consider in order - what are the new conditions for admission to universities, what documents applicants must submit, what are the deadlines for admission and are there any benefits for applicants in 2017.

New rules for admission to Russian universities

The Ministry of Education and Science has provided for two stages of admission to universities:

  • the first stage - until 80% of the university’s budget places are filled,
  • the second stage is until the remaining places are filled.

First of all, the changes affected:

  • Admission procedures for all forms of study programs:
  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty;
  • master's degrees.
  • List of entrance tests for educational programs:
  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty.

The following changes were made to the Procedure for Admission to Universities in 2017:

  • The following persons are included in the list of persons who have priority in enrollment (for undergraduate and specialist programs) within the framework of the Federal Law No. 227 dated July 3, 2016:
  • military personnel and employees of the FSV National Guard Russian Federation(including participants in the liquidation of radiation accidents at nuclear installations, etc.).
  • children of employees of the Federal Troop Service (FSV) of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.
  • Special conditions for admission to training have been changed educational programs higher education for 2017, residents of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Previously, special conditions were provided for Crimean residents when entering universities; since 2017, Crimean residents have been enrolling in a single stream and general conditions. Quotas (allocation) of budget places for receiving Crimeans and Sevastopol residents have also been cancelled.
  • Changes have been made aimed at expanding the needs of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities.

In the list of entrance tests, changes affected entrance tests (exams) in the direction of “ Intelligent systems in the humanitarian sphere." Since this direction is focused on the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), a mandatory entrance exam in mathematics has been introduced.

As for the number of budget places, there will be more of them in 2017 due to the abolition of the quota for preferential admission for Crimeans and Sevastopol residents.

Who can enter a Russian university?

The following have the right to enroll in Russian universities:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus,
  • compatriots from the CIS,
  • foreign citizens living in Russia;
  • citizens without citizenship living in the Russian Federation.

The number of budget places is determined by the ministry to which the educational institution is subordinate. This figure is then agreed upon with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The number of places in the master's program is determined by the university itself. A university can accept a larger number of applicants who are admitted under a contract. The maximum number of seats is determined by the license.

What documents are needed for admission?

Each university can independently expand the main list of documents and request additional certificates, therefore, before submitting documents, applicants need to clarify their list.

The main list of documents for submission to the university is as follows:

  • civil passport (sometimes a birth certificate is required);
  • school certificate and several copies of it;
  • Unified State Examination certificate;
  • application (without errors or corrections);
  • 6 photographs in 3x4 format (either color or black and white);
  • certificate of completion of medical examination (usually in form 026-U or 086-U, or other (depending on the requirements of a particular university));
  • military ID or registration certificate (for young men);
  • statement of consent to enrollment (when submitting original documents to the selected university).

Since most applicants apply not to one university, but to several at once, you must bring copies to the admissions committees of these educational institutions, and when the choice has already been made in favor of a specific university, then bring the originals of all the necessary documents.

Deadlines for admission and enrollment in Russian universities

In accordance with the new rules established by the Ministry of Education and Science, the deadlines for enrollment in 2017 will be as follows:

Main deadlines for submitting documents and enrolling in a university:

  • June 20 – start of accepting documents for admission,
  • July 26 is the last day for accepting documents for admission (for applicants without entrance exams University),
  • July 27 – lists of applicants are published directly on the university notice board and on the official website of the educational institution.

Priority admission for persons entering without entrance exams, within the established quota of the educational institution:

  • July 28 – completion of acceptance of applications for “Consent to Enrollment”*;
  • July 29 - priority enrollment order.

The first stage of admission to places in the main competition (80% of the available budget places).

  • before August 1 – completion of acceptance of applications for “Consent to Enrollment”,
  • August 3 – release of the order for enrollment in budget-funded competitive places.

The second stage of admission to budget places (the remaining 20% ​​of places).

  • August 6 – completion of acceptance of applications “Consent for enrollment”,
  • August 8 is the last day for the release of the enrollment order (100% filling of the quota of budget places).

What is “Consent to Enrollment”?

Since 2016, Russian universities have required each applicant to confirm the seriousness of his intentions. Now, in order to enroll in the selected university, in addition to the traditional list of original documents, you must attach. Enrollment based on the results of a competitive selection is possible only for the priority specialty that was indicated in the application for consent to enrollment within the time limits established by the Admission Rules. It is possible to make changes to a previously sold application (change the direction or add another specialty) during a personal visit to the admissions office with a passport and receipt. You can change your decision and choose another specialty only once. When submitting a second application for consent to enrollment, the first is automatically canceled. It is better to check the deadlines for submitting an application and the possibility of making corrections with the university that was chosen for admission.

If at the first stage of enrollment the applicant did not pass the competition for the specialty that he indicated in the application for consent, then until August 6 he will have the opportunity to write a second consent for another specialty and participate in the competition in the second stage for the places remaining after the first admission.

at the first stage(80%) – August 1.

Deadline for submitting an application for consent to enrollment at the second stage(100%) – August 6.

A sample application can be downloaded from the website of the university chosen for admission.

Benefits for applicants in 2018

According to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1147 of October 14, 2015, the following categories of citizens have the right to preferential admission to Russian universities:

  • Olympic winners,
  • disabled people and orphans,
  • contract military personnel,
  • disabled people injured in military service,
  • military personnel in reserve,
  • children of military personnel, duration military service who are over 20 years old (benefits are valid for admission only to military educational organizations),
  • children of deceased participants in counter-terrorism operations,
  • children whose parents took part (or died) in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Benefits for admission to universities for Crimeans and Sevastopol residents

For residents of the Crimean peninsula and the city of Sevastopol, when entering Russian universities, the following benefit is provided:

In 2018, applicants from the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol can enter any of the universities of their choice (undergraduate and specialty programs) under the same conditions as other citizens of the Russian Federation. Previously (in 2014-2016), Crimean graduates had the right to enroll only in allocated places, but at the same time had some advantage in enrollment. From this year, admission to budget places will take place based on the results of the Unified State Examination (on a general basis) in subjects relevant to a particular university and/or based on the results of additional tests (exams) established educational organization(University).

Additional points for the Unified State Exam - how to get

Starting from 2016, additional points are awarded to the Unified State Examination results for individual achievements. The sum of additional points and Unified State Examination points is often called competitive points. Each Russian university independently sets the rules for awarding additional points. You can earn a maximum of 10 additional points. Even if according to all criteria the applicant has more than 10 points, only 10 will be counted.

What can you get extra points for?

Additional points for the Unified State Exam can be obtained for:

  • final essay,
  • certificate with honors (gold medal),
  • sporting achievements;
  • victory in the Olympics,
  • victory in intellectual and creative competitions,
  • GTO badge,
  • volunteer activities.

However, it should be noted that in all universities accounting individual achievements is conducted in its own way, therefore, how many points are awarded for certain achievements must be found out in a specific educational institution. On the university website, look for information: “The procedure for recording individual achievements.”

All admission rules and other information, at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, must be posted on the official website of the organization on the Internet, as well as on the information stand of the admissions committee and (or) in the electronic information system no later than October 1 of the previous year, i.e. 2016.