Speech by parents at the last bell at 11. Scenario of speech by class teachers of graduates at the last bell

Here we go school years behind you
AND last call like a song.
There are many good roads ahead of you,
May your life be interesting.
May everyone's fate go smoothly,
You will bravely overcome all obstacles.
We, parents, only wish you well,
May you successfully plunge into life!

Thank you for teaching
You are our children's literacy and numeracy,
Dedicated to the history of depth,
Quote the best poets on the fly!
Thank you, teachers, director!
For tact and wisdom, sensitivity and patience!
For a positive direction vector,
What instruction have we given to our children?

It's so sad to realize how the children have grown up,
That they will no longer sit at their desks.
And you won’t be able to put them to bed,
And, even more so, read them bedtime stories.
The world opened its arms to them,
They are ready for righteous achievements.
- Forward, eagles! Be brave, dashing guard!
And we will help you choose the direction.

You learned an invaluable lesson here in life,
Let the last call become a Rubicon.
He will now send you solemnly on your way.
Good luck to you on your journey, and you won’t turn back!
This is also such an important point for parents:
Children deserve more than one compliment,
May your memory forever preserve these years,
And your every teacher will not be forgotten.

And, after all, other people’s children grow up so quickly,
But ours matured faster.
Here's the last call, and then college.
When did you manage to do this?
You stand so beautiful here
It was as if the gods had descended from the sky to us.
May your merits in life be countless,
And nothing will be a problem for you!

A couple of years have passed, or maybe a week,
Only a moment has passed, not eleven years.
When did you all manage to grow up like that?
You became adults, well, just in a moment.
When, kids, did you all become so mature? -
The last call is a shock for parents.-
After all, you yourself have all become like that,
That you can teach us all a lesson.

To this school, many years ago,
We brought some funny children.
And today, it’s worth taking a look,
We will see smart, grown-up people.
Now we want “Thank you!” tell you
Teachers, for your wise words.
We would like to wish the graduates:
May the memory of school live on!

Guys, congratulations! You are all Graduates!
Let everyone have bright and easy paths!
You are our dear children, always loved,
They became adults so quickly. Oh, how the years fly!
This last call calls you on a good journey,
For many it evokes memories and sadness.
But don’t be discouraged, just fly forward!
Well, today, on holiday, let your soul sing!

Our children have grown up so imperceptibly,
And they soon leave school, their father’s house.
Now it seems to us that we have not had enough time,
After all, we often talked to them about the wrong things.
"Thank you!" we will tell our dear school today
For our kind and talented children!
Their honesty, courage, and great willpower -
The credit goes to us, as well as to you, the teachers!

The bell is ringing, the bell is ringing last time.
And this is the day that the holiday inspires,
I congratulate everyone who is celebrating graduation
Today is the day, and life, and everything for you!
Let success “pursue” you often,
And let your career only take off,
And let everyone find their love,
And the greatest happiness in life!

You came to school when you were still little,
Your relatives brought you all by the hand.
Of course, you were still naughty
Now, having matured, they came to their holiday.
You are all different standing here today,
A smile shines on everyone's lips.
We wish you happiness, just keep moving forward!
We congratulate you! Good luck in your business!

Thank you for raising the children,
AND necessary knowledge they were given it on time,
For being able to force them to study,
They knew how not to get angry at their pranks.
For eleven years they trusted your children,
And you gave your souls to them all.
They helped them through this difficult path.
Thank you! And a low bow to the ground!

After a long winter, the first rays of the spring sun playing on the roofs of houses and transparent window panes are especially pleasing. Clear skies are filled with ringing bird voices, and the first leaves bloom on the trees, filling the air with the unique aroma of fresh greenery. In addition, for schoolchildren, the onset of spring means the end academic year and long-awaited summer holidays is “just around the corner.” However, before this, in all domestic schools will be held The last bell is a traditional holiday with a solemn assembly, speeches by representatives of the city administration, graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents. As a rule, for this important event, students of different classes learn songs and poems as gifts to their favorite teachers, and graduates prepare to dance their farewell school waltz at the Last Bell. A touching speech at the Last Bell from the school principal and class teacher evokes a whole storm of emotions in the souls of “yesterday’s” schoolchildren who are now entering adulthood. So, we have prepared the best versions of the speech at the Last Bell in poetry and prose (texts and videos), which can be included in the script of the “main” school holiday or add your own notes.

Thank you speech for the Last Call from parents of 11th grade students to teachers - options in poetry and prose

For parents of 11th grade graduates, the Last Bell is an important and exciting event. Indeed, during the ceremonial assembly, many mothers and fathers feel proud of their adult children, who will very soon leave the walls of their native school and become students of different educational institutions. In a solemn and heartfelt speech at the Last Bell, parents express words of gratitude to the first teacher, class teacher and other teachers who invested knowledge and a piece of their soul into the students. Here you will find options for a thank you speech in poetry and prose from parents of 11th grade students for teachers. Use our texts when composing a solemn speech that will touch everyone present at the Last Bell.

Options for a thank you speech in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers from parents of 11th grade graduates, poetry and prose:

You taught our children

Many long, long years

The last call has come,

And there are no more lessons,

We, parents, wish

Happiness to all teachers,

Let it not be in your life

Grief, pain and problems,

We say thank you

For care and for work,

They gave knowledge to our children,

Let them find their way!

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We, parents, are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is a joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this means sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for this. Happy Last Bell!

The last bell rang,

Who rejoiced, who roared,

The teachers will wipe away the tears,

That's how the paths diverged.

We express our gratitude

We appreciate, love, adore you,

After all, we taught our children,

Let's bow, say thank you,

For knowledge, skills,

Our respect to you!

Touching speech in prose from 9th grade parents at Last Bell

School years fly by unnoticed, and now yesterday’s first-graders have “turned” into 9th grade students. So, for some ninth graders this year school bell really will ring for the last time, because ahead is admission to college, technical school or college. For those who decide to continue their studies at school, the ceremonial line in honor of the Last Bell only means the end of the next school year. Be that as it may, parents congratulate their children on graduating from 9th grade, wishing them success in their studies and further achievements in life. In addition, in their solemn speech at the Last Call, moms and dads do not forget to express gratitude school teachers for their everyday and such important work. How to prepare a beautiful speech for the Last Call? We bring to your attention the best examples of speech for an event in honor of the Last Bell - the best touching texts from parents to teachers and graduates.

Examples of a touching speech in your own words in honor of the Last Bell - for teachers and students of grade 9:

9 wonderful years have flown by, which will forever remain in our memories just like the guys. Anything could happen, not everything turned out smoothly. But we knew for sure that they would listen to us here, help us, and support us. Dear teachers, administration, all specialists of the friendly school team, thank you for our children. Gratitude for your work is difficult to express in words and just as difficult to appreciate. We wish your and our school only good luck, success and prosperity. Thanks again!

You have already come a long way in your school life. For some of you, today is really the last school bell, and adult worries lie ahead. We wish them to achieve their goal and get the desired profession. And for some, there are only a couple of school years left before the coveted certificate. We wish you a good rest during the holidays - and forward to battle, gaining new knowledge. After all, you shouldn’t relax, a large number of formulas, tasks, works of art. We express special gratitude to the teachers. Thank you for investing your knowledge and soul into our children. Your work is invaluable! Heartfelt thanks!

The last bell has rung! The results of the next academic year have been summed up. Our children spent nine years shoulder to shoulder with each other. Now someone will leave to conquer new horizons, and someone will sit at their home desk for a couple of years. We wish you to find yourself, find your purpose and decide on the place you want to occupy in this world. I wish you success, good luck, ease and great achievements!

A beautiful speech on the Last Call from graduates in prose - to parents and teachers

The last bell is a touching and slightly sad holiday, long remembered by graduates, their parents and teachers. So, for boys in formal suits and girls in touching brown dresses with white aprons, all this is the last time - the ceremonial ceremony, the parting words of teachers, and the ringing trill of the school bell. In turn, graduates prepare beautiful solemn speeches for the Last Bell addressed to their beloved teachers, who over the years have become truly family and friends. As a rule, for such a speech they choose a “speaker” - a graduate with good diction, who, on behalf of all “yesterday’s” schoolchildren, delivers a speech of gratitude in prose or poetry. In our selection you will find several original texts speeches for the Last Call - they can be used as a template when composing a speech for teachers and parents.

Template texts for ceremonial speeches in prose for the Last Bell from graduates for parents and teachers:

Today we are graduates, all doors and all paths are open to us. And we have to make a difficult choice in favor of one profession or another. But no matter how our future life turns out, we will never forget our native school and our beloved teachers. After all, everything we achieve in life will be only thanks to you and the knowledge you gave us. Today the last bell will ring for us, and its ringing will remain in our hearts forever, just like you and your lessons. Even if our relationship was not always smooth, even if we sometimes misunderstood each other. But we always found a compromise and a way out of difficult situations. We learned a lot from you, and understood a lot about life thanks to you. Thank you for this, because school is the first serious exam in life.

Dear our teachers! We, graduates, want to thank you for your work. To say thank you for giving us knowledge, and with it a “start” to adulthood. Today we will become “free” people, because we will become more mature. But this will give us responsibilities, because we have to become more responsible and independent. Now we have no one to rely on, nowhere to wait for clues. Now all responsibility for the correctness of the decision rests only with us. But we believe that we can withstand all this and pass the exam of life with flying colors. And all because we had the best teachers in the world, our favorite teachers!

Our beloved parents! Dear mothers and fathers, irreplaceable grandparents, dear aunts and uncles! Today is the important day for us to say goodbye to school and enter a new stage of life. We are grateful to you not only for being there at such an important moment, but also for leading us through life all these years. We know that at times it was not easy for you, but you steadfastly and courageously overcame all obstacles, hiding your children behind a safe back.

Parting speech of the class teacher at the Last Bell in grades 9 and 11 - in poetry and prose

Many adults often remember their class teacher with warmth. And it’s not surprising, because it is this person who occupies a special place in the life of every schoolchild - sometimes on a par with mothers and fathers. When graduating their students from their home school, each class teacher feels a sense of pride and concern for their future fate. According to tradition, in the parting speech at the Last Bell from the “cool mom”, students of grades 9 and 11 receive a lot of good wishes - achieving their goals, success in their career and happiness in life. personal life. To prepare for a speech at the assembly dedicated to the Last Bell, we recommend using our examples of speech in poetry and prose on behalf of the class teacher.

The best examples of a parting speech for the Last Bell from the class teacher - poetry and prose for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

I am finishing 11th grade for the second time in my life. I remember how I stood and listened to the parting words of my class teacher, and did not even suspect that many years would pass and I would finish 11th grade again, only not as a graduate, but as a class teacher. My role has changed, but my feelings haven’t changed at all! I have a feeling that there is no you and me... there is WE! There is one big soul. I really want you to keep the warmest memories of school!

Don't be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,

Live for success and bright successes!

Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare

And learn everything that is useful for life!

Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,

Look for your soul mate on earth!

Dream, be surprised and please your friends,

Remain a light and happiness for your loved ones!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you set for yourself!

A heartfelt speech at the Last Bell from the school principal

The principal’s speech with a solemn speech has long become a good tradition at the school-wide assembly dedicated to the Last Bell. Every year, the school principal congratulates graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the beginning of their new adult life, expressing in his speech the most good wishes and words of encouragement. In order for the Last Bell to be remembered by all those present as an amazing and vibrant event, it is important to deviate from “standard” phrases and fill your speech with soulful warmth and sincerity. Thus, the words of the director that each of the graduates, be it an “A” student or a “C” student, is an amazing and worthy person worthy of respect will certainly arouse the listeners’ attention and “live” interest. We are confident that the speech options we have proposed for the Last Bell will find a sincere response from graduates, parents and the entire teaching staff of the school.

Options for the school principal’s speech at the Last Bell for graduates of grades 9 and 11:

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you.

Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for some, it will sound for the first time in the fall... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Please accept our congratulations and wishes - to successfully pass your exams, go to the prom as if it were a fairy tale, have an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

Congratulations on your graduation from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, so that the carriage of life easily and happily carries you along the path of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties. Let everyone you need be nearby. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Solemn speech at the Last Bell - from the city administration, video

It is customary to invite representatives of the city, district or village administration as guests of honor to the ceremony dedicated to the Last Bell. Addressing the audience, officials express gratitude teaching staff schools for the work done to educate the new generation, and congratulations to the graduates on this important life event. The ceremonial speech of the head of the city administration, presented in the video, can be included in the script of the upcoming Last Call for any secondary school. Happy holiday, dear graduates!

How to prepare a solemn speech for the Last Call? On our pages you will find different text options and video speeches at the Last Bell - from graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents, class teacher and school principal, and a representative of the city administration. Wishing you touching speeches and grateful listeners!

Our whole life consists of conditional stages that gradually replace each other, bringing new experience and knowledge. In this regard, graduating from school can be called one of the most significant and important moments. Judge for yourself, children spend almost their entire adult life within the framework of school, and the first and most touching moments of growing up and becoming individuals are associated with its walls. The first call, the first “five”, the first friendship, the first love... And then in the series of these “firsts” and the most vivid childhood memories, a moment appears that ends them - the last call. Of course, this is a sad holiday not only for graduates, but also for their parents and teachers. It is at the farewell ceremony that they come to the understanding that this is indeed the last call and the beginning of a new important stage in life lies ahead. Therefore, there is simply no better moment for a farewell speech from parents and teachers. In addition, the heroes of the occasion themselves - graduates of grades 9-11 - are preparing a touching speech for the last bell with words of gratitude. In this article, we tried to collect for you different options for a last bell speech in poetry and prose, which would be perfect not only for graduates and parents, but also for teachers (including the class teacher), principal and school administration.

Last call speech from parents for graduates of grades 9-11

Our dear beloved children! The last bell has rung. It's time for you to enter adulthood. Even though it won't be easy, we want to choose the right path in life. The path to a happy life, full of bright events and colorful moments. A life where there will be no bitter losses, misfortunes, wrong, cruel actions. Always, dear ones, do as we taught you, as school taught you. A school certificate is your ticket to life. Try to make sure you don't miss the chance to make your life happy. And today we all say in unison: “Thank you, school! We will never forget you. You made our children adults and independent. Prosperity and well-being for you, and patience for us!”

Our dear children, 11 wonderful years of carefree school life are behind us. Today you have received your certificates and are ready to enter adulthood. We sincerely wish each of you to enter the university you want to go to and get the profession you dream of. May everything go smoothly in your life. Be happy. Dear teachers, thank you for giving our children a “ticket to life”, putting up with their antics, and putting a piece of your soul into each one. Low bow to you!

The last bell has rung! A long-awaited and touching moment. You are moving to a new stage in your life. Let your school years be remembered with a smile and warmth. May your future life please you with achievements, accomplishments, personal development, and new knowledge. We wish you happy life. Strive, achieve, conquer new horizons. Confidence to you, good luck and only the best!

Farewell speech on the last call from parents of graduates to teachers

The last call is a farewell line not only for graduates, but also for their parents. Therefore, there is simply no better time to thank teachers on behalf of all parents. You will find ideas for a farewell speech for the last bell from parents of graduates of grades 9-11 for teachers below.

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We are parents, we are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for this. Happy last call!

Dear teachers, mentors of our children! Please accept my sincere parental gratitude for the work, care, and love that you invested in each of our children. You opened the way to the future for them, gave them the necessary and important knowledge. We would like to wish respect from students and parents so that your deeds are valued as they deserve. Kindness, inspiration, patience and prosperity! Bow to you!

Dear teachers, I bow to you for your work, understanding and dedication. Thank you for taking care of our children, for giving them knowledge and teaching them not to be afraid of difficulties. Today the last bell will ring for many of them. But this is not a reason for sadness, because they will be replaced by new students for whom you will become an example. On behalf of all parents, we would like to wish you health, patience, vitality and, of course, inspiration, because without it it is impossible to teach lessons.

Touching speech from graduates of grades 9-11 on the last bell

Becoming adults and entering new life, graduates of grades 9-11 are almost for the first time faced with the need to prepare a touching speech for parents and teachers at the last bell. Of course, you don’t have to worry too much and write a fairly standard speech like “thank you for the wonderful school years.” Or you can try to remember all the most important school moments, analyze their significance in your life and express gratitude to those who deserve it - parents and teachers. Without their patience, experience, knowledge, endurance and hard work, not a single graduate would have become what they are at the moment. Therefore, do not skimp on kind words, good examples from school life and the warmest emotions. We hope that our examples of touching speeches from graduates of grades 9-11 at the last bell for teachers and parents will help you with this.

Touching words for a speech on the last call to parents from school graduates

On the day of the last bell, we say goodbye to school. Our dear parents, we are grateful and grateful to you for your work, patience, support, understanding and help. Thank you for your care and love. Our beloved ones, be healthy and happy. May you always be inspired by our love.

Only our parents know how difficult it was for us to gain knowledge. Thank you, mom, for the beautifully written essays, and thank you, father, for all the solved math problems. If it weren’t for you, our closest and dearest, we would not have seen such excellent results on the Unified State Exam.

Our parents are worried about us

After all, they were the ones who brought us together

Just recently in the first grade in my life,

We worried, we nursed, we dreamed!

And now my soul aches for us:

Graduates, we are new roads.

And again they won’t sleep a wink for long

And survive worries and worries.

Thank you, dear ones, for your love,

For endurance, patience and wisdom.

We promise to delight you again

And we will not allow you to be upset by sadness.

The last bell has rung

And sadness comes again,

That your children have grown up

They will never get their childhood back.

Don't cry, moms, dads,

After all, they have space ahead.

The school gave them everything to start:

Skills, knowledge, attitude.

Good luck and achievements await them,

There is only one thing left for you:

When they stumble on the road -

Lend a strong shoulder.

Words of gratitude to teachers for last bell speeches from graduates of grades 9-11

Dear, beloved teachers, the last bell rings! Thank you for your dedicated work, kindness, important experience, angelic patience, inexhaustible energy, warmth, and instilled thirst for knowledge. Your participation in life is invaluable: the foundation for a successful future has been laid, a wealth of skills has been provided, and the seeds of outstanding personalities have been sown. Congratulations! We wish you to continue to delight your students with your smiles, sincerity, and soulfulness!

On the day of the last bell, we want to thank our wonderful and kind teachers. Thank you, dear ones, for your sensitivity and understanding, for your warmth and smiles, for your strong knowledge and joy. We want to wish you great success in all your endeavors, always good health, great enthusiasm, patience and respect. Goodbye, our beloved teachers!

And the farewell bell rings again,

Solemn and a little sad.

Congratulations to you today,

And my heart is filled with excitement again.

Thank you for the educational year -

Rich and slightly magical,

For knowledge and wisdom of words

From all your students.

Thank you. Even if it's a simple word

Will not express all the feelings of these years.

Thank you for putting up with us so much

And we have endured so many troubles.

Today we are leaving - a relief.

But we see tears in your eyes.

For so many years, following our lives,

You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,

You raised, bringing knowledge.

They gave eternal, reasonable, and also

They gave each of us themselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.

Those who showed the path of life.

Today we must say goodbye to you,

But we promise: we will visit.

Speech by the class teacher at the last bell - options in verse and prose

The class teacher experiences special sadness from parting with graduates at the last bell, which can be heard in any form of speech, be it poetry or prose. It’s not for nothing that they say that the class teacher is a second mother for his students. Therefore, when they grow up and leave the school walls, the cool mother experiences feelings similar to the emotions of real parents of graduates. Below you will find several options for a touching speech by the class teacher on the last bell in verse and prose, which we hope will inspire you to write your farewell speech for graduates.

Dear guys! On this day a new stage of your life begins, it’s time to make informed choices and largely rely on your own strengths. The last call is not a reason to be sad about the past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, great changes are ahead, the result of which depends on you. I, your mentor and class teacher, am always ready to support you and help you as soon as you need it.

On the day of the last call, I want to wish you, with great expectations and anticipation of something unforgettable and wonderful, to travel on a summer tour through hot and cheerful days, through spacious flower fields, through high fabulous waves, through bright and burning fires, through wonderful and interesting adventures .

The exciting and touching moment of farewell to school has arrived, the last bell is ringing! Before my eyes are first grade, flowers, a line, a holiday, lessons, breaks, grades, vacations, friends, graduation, trepidation, sadness. Now the inevitability has repeated itself in children. Our relatives: graduates, teachers, the director, all those who for many years diligently walked side by side together, making discoveries, learning, delighting. Happy holiday! May the world be friendly, all roads open, and the future exceed expectations. Be happy and remember the bright times of your school years.

Option for a touching last bell speech in verse from the class teacher

Don't be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,

Live for success and bright successes!

Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare

And learn everything that is useful for life!

Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,

Look for your soul mate on earth!

Dream, be surprised and please your friends,

Remain a light and happiness for your loved ones!

How quickly time has flown by

Just recently your mothers

With flowers timidly and timidly

They led me by the hand to fifth grade.

Today I am not a stranger to you.

And giving you part of my soul,

I see you off with pain in my heart.

To the big life, to the adult world.

And you send me telegrams

About and just like that.

I became your second mother,

And this, children, is not a trifle.

I'll worry about you

And worry from the heart,

Now promise me:

Call and write me more often.

Year after year has passed little by little,

The time has come to part.

And today on the big road

You will leave your home yard.

The path will not be easy, you understand?

The path you will take in life...

And you will break a lot of wood,

And you will hit a lot of bumps.

Everything will pass. Without making detours,

And having broken the edge of adversity,

Establish yourself in this life with dignity

And believe in your meaning.

A beautiful speech on the last call from the director and administration of the school for graduates

According to a long-established tradition, a beautiful speech for the last bell for graduates is also prepared by the director or someone from the school administration, for example, his deputy. His speech, in contrast to similar parting words from the class teacher, is less emotional and rather more pragmatic in nature. This is especially noticeable if the school director is a male teacher. But this does not mean that his speech is devoid of feelings - it is simply more practical and restrained, and his words contain more advice and wishes. Certainly, beautiful speech to the last call from the director/administration of the school for graduates, can also be written in verse, which is much more touching than the prose options. However, no matter what format the director’s speech at the last bell will take, it will always contain words of pride for the graduates of his school!

The heart worries when it rings,

The very last one within the walls of this school,

No more rushing to class...

It's your holiday, although it's not very fun.

You close the door behind you

The door behind which is a carefree childhood,

And if suddenly you feel sad sometimes,

Know that it is somewhere in the neighborhood.

It's a little sad that it's all behind us

And it can never happen again,

But still whole life ahead,

Many different events await you.

I wish you victories and good luck,

In order to achieve success,

To solve any problems,

To find yourself in this life!

The last call is a holiday with a little sadness -

There's a little ache in my chest from loss,

And everyone now remembers something different,

But he believes that the best is yet to come.

Cherish hopes: from home, from school,

Fly to the sun, strengthened, and up,

I wish you a successful, rich, cheerful life,

Strive, surpass yourself, ascend!

Last farewell call...

He sums up school life.

It rings, sending you all on a good journey,

You can't get back to school childhood anymore.

The school walls have become your family,

What fun it was during recess.

In memory of the crazy school years

Let them remain for life, forever.

How long have you waited for such a high point!

... but school and class will remain in the past.

That moment is filled with joy, optimism,

Walk through life with confidence and dignity.

Option for a speech for graduates on the last call from the director in your own words

Dear guys! I would like that when, when you look at a worn-out school photograph that you accidentally came across in an album or a certificate of merit received many years ago, your heart suddenly ache, when memories come flooding back and you become cramped with feelings overwhelming your soul, you remember today and all the words of congratulations, which will be addressed to you today.

Dear graduates

So the school years, the unforgettable days of childhood, adolescence, and early youth are left behind. And today, bright pages of fulfillment of desires, accomplishments of events will be written in the book of your life: summing up 10 years of study, 10 years of personal development, personal improvement, obtaining state document about education - a certificate of complete secondary education and the long-awaited finale to everything - a graduation party for the whole night.

With all our hearts we congratulate you one and all on a wonderful holiday. (Applause). How beautiful and elegant you are today, how your soul sings, everything around you blossoms under the magic of your charm. Your parents and teachers admire you, we are all happy for you and wish you happiness, a lot of happiness. (Applause). Your youth is passing through a diverse, difficult time for our country; it is not so easy to find yourself in this time, and therefore we wish you to take the right, independent path, choose a university or job that meets your needs, capabilities and interests.

We all dream of a worthy future for our Motherland, it is personally connected with each of you; Dedicate your work to the Motherland, make your contribution to its prosperity. You all dream about beautiful life, now this is very fashionable, but know that a beautiful life requires a lot of money, which is very difficult to earn honestly. For the sake of such a beautiful life, be afraid of losing your soul, as they say, selling it to the devil, be merciful to the poor, old, and disabled.

Know how to bring joy to people with your existence, do not upset your parents, love them, strengthen family traditions and your family; know how to find that one, the only one, without whom life is impossible, and it is only that one person you have chosen that should be the father or mother of your children. Know how to create good family, raise happy children. Remember your teachers, school, that reliable step from which you stepped into a great adult life. And may all our wishes come true!

What should be the last call speech? In many ways, its character is determined by who pronounces it and to whom it is addressed - graduates of grades 9-11, teachers, parents, class teacher... It influences the nature of the speech and the status of its reader. For example, a speech by the director or school administration at the line in honor of the last bell will most likely be more restrained than the words of parents of graduates. But no matter who and in what format (poetry or prose) will give a speech at the school holiday, these words will be remembered by everyone present for many years. Therefore, try to choose exactly those phrases and expressions for your farewell speech at the last call that can convey all your feelings and experiences at such a touching moment. And we hope that our selections of various options will help you with this!

We brought you to these walls years ago - for the first school bell in your life on the first day of autumn. And although you have grown, matured and gained knowledge, your shining eyes and clear smiles have remained exactly the same, as if deja vu.

We have experienced many different bright emotions together over the years. New stage your life - exciting and responsible - is already on the way. In the meantime, let's celebrate the Last Call carefree, without remembering all the things to do. It's not every day that our children become adults overnight.

Dear graduates, our dear grown-up children! The last bell, the school bell - these are ours, the bright holiday of parents, and the teachers who gave you knowledge and taught you to be citizens. We, parents, sent you to school, experienced failures together, but were proud of our successes. And the teachers did everything necessary to introduce you to the vast world of knowledge and helped you grow up. This minute is warm, solemn, although a little sad for everyone. Remember with gratitude the school and those who shared their souls with you here for so many years!

I remember as if yesterday we, with a bouquet and smartly dressed children, were rushing to get acquainted with the school teacher. The children transformed from surprised, knowledge-hungry boys and girls into worthy and intelligent graduates. Parents in the family, and teachers in the classroom raised and taught life lessons. Together, we overcame the school path as sailors, with storms, calms and new lands, moving only forward. We wish our graduates to continue their journey in the vast living space, learning new things. And parents will be able to provide good advice, parting words and your love.

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We are parents, we are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for this. Happy last call!

Our dear beloved children! The last bell has rung. It's time for you to enter adulthood. Even though it won't be easy, we want to choose the right path in life. The path to a happy life, full of bright events and colorful moments. A life where there will be no bitter losses, misfortunes, wrong, cruel actions. Always, dear ones, do as we taught you, as school taught you. A school certificate is your ticket to life. Try to make sure you don't miss the chance to make your life happy. And today we all say in unison: “Thank you, school! We will never forget you. You made our children adults and independent. Prosperity and well-being for you, and patience for us!”

Dear friends, in a moment the long-awaited bell will ring - a symbol of the end of the school year, a new step, on the threshold of adulthood. For some, this call will be the last, because today many of our students, like birds, will fly out of the school nest, to new heights, to new knowledge and new victories. As a class teacher, I would like to wish: strive for the best, new and bright, let the obstacles recede on the way. Let your wings grow stronger. Let school life will be a strong foundation for a happy future. Happy holiday, dear students!

Svetlana Kolesnikova
Parents' last call speech

Parents' last call speech.

Our dear friends, our teachers and pedagogues, fathers and mothers, as well as our dear graduates!

Somehow imperceptibly, this most solemn day in our lives and the most exciting day for all of us has approached us, when it sounds last call in all our schools.

Today, on this joyful and at the same time sad day, I would like to say many important and the right words ours graduates: first of all, congratulate our high school students on graduating from 9th grade; for some this day will become last day of school, and some will continue their studies until the 11th grade;

For those who continue their studies at school, these two years provide time to choose life path and professions. Those who have decided now to get a specialty at a school, college or technical school should make the choice of their path now. But I think they made the right choice. Without skillful hands, without real craftsmen for whom our people have always been famous, the country has no future.

Whatever choice you make, wherever you are - at a school desk or in a training workshop, you have many interesting discoveries ahead of you.

I also want to say kind words to moms and dads, grandparents, for their difficult parental labor. And, of course, to express our deep gratitude to our teachers, who throughout these 9 years have helped us raise our children, taught them, praised and scolded them, tolerated their pranks and rejoiced at their successes. We know that our children spend most of the day at school, next to their teachers. And teachers see them as they are without embellishment. Therefore, you can safely call teachers second parents of our children.

I would like to separately, on my own behalf and on behalf of everyone parents thank the entire leadership of our school in the person of director Anna Egorovna Polyakova. Everything depends on the director educational process at school.

It was she who created such a friendly and cozy atmosphere in our school. She solves emerging problems with the pedagogical tolerance that the head of a large educational institution should have.

Thank you, our dear teachers and educators, for our children, and low bow to you from everyone parents, whose children you opened the way to a big and mature life.

Andrey Dementiev has wonderful poems dedicated to teachers, listen to them, Please:

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

They worry about us and remember us.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

They are waiting for our returns and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And, no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher happiness happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to him:

Under New Year We don’t send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t we're calling.

They are waiting for us. They're watching us

And they rejoice every time for those

Who passed the exam somewhere again

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget your teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget your teachers!

Dream, dare, try, create, under no circumstances allow your soul to become lazy and your consciousness to ossify.

After all, very soon it will depend on you what our country will be like in the near future.

Good luck to you guys!